From ea0953aeb70e7871e0e043749d3d8d951d091e5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Matej=20=C4=8Cief?= Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 11:42:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add indentation to json language files --- scripts/language-to-json.ipynb | 2 +- src/assets/data/i18n/de.json | 5632 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/es.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/fr.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/nl.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/pl.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/pt.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/tr.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/assets/data/i18n/uk.json | 5624 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 9 files changed, 44993 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/language-to-json.ipynb b/scripts/language-to-json.ipynb index 0bbba4c..32f5e73 100644 --- a/scripts/language-to-json.ipynb +++ b/scripts/language-to-json.ipynb @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ " os.makedirs(result_folder)\n", "\n", " with open(os.path.join(result_folder, json_file), 'w') as fp:\n", - " simplejson.dump(result, fp, ignore_nan=True)" + " simplejson.dump(result, fp, ignore_nan=True, indent=2)" ] } ], diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/de.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/de.json index 88ca1ed..83f5f2a 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/de.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/de.json @@ -1 +1,5631 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": "Eichelspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": "Braunhals-S\u00e4belschn\u00e4bler", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [ground] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": "Nordamerik. Rohrdommel", "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten V\u00f6geln im [wetland] Lebensraum: Ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": "Amerik. Bl\u00e4sshuhn", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": "Amerikanerkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": "Goldzeisig", "Power text": "Erhalte 3 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": "Buntfalke", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": "Braunmantel-Austernfischer", "Power text": "Ziehe Spieleranzahl +1 [card]. Beginnend bei dir, sucht sich im Uhrzeigersinn jeder Spieler 1 Karte aus und nimmt sie auf die Hand, Du erh\u00e4ltst die zus\u00e4tzliche letzte Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": "Schn\u00e4pperwalds\u00e4nger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": "Wanderdrossel", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": "Nashornpelikan", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [fish] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": "Kanadaschnepfe", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": "Amerik. Schlangenhalsvogel", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": "Annakolibri", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten reihum 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, beginnend mit dem Spieler deiner Wahl.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": "Kalifornien-Schopftyrann", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [cavity] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": "Papageitaucher", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": "Korallenm\u00f6we", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Schiebe 1 davon unter diese Karte und behalte die andere.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": "Bairdammer", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": "Weisskopf-Seeadler", "Power text": "Erhalte alle [fish] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": "Baltimoretrupial", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": "Schleiereule", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": "Rauchschwalbe", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": "Streifenkauz", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": "Spatelente", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": "Braunaugenvireo", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": "G\u00fcrtelfischer", "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen [wetland] Vogel, dann erhalte 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": "Buschzaunk\u00f6nig", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": "Hausrotschwanz", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Lebensraum ohne [egg]. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": "Amerik. Scherenschnabel", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": "Trauerseeschwalbe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": "Rabengeier", "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": "Schwarzspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte alle [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": "Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": "Schwarzschnabelelster", "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": "Schwarzkinnkolibri", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": "Nachtreiher", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": "Lachm\u00f6we", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lege ihn in deinen eigenen Vorrat. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": "Schwarznacken-Stelzenl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": "Uferschnepfe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 3 [card] und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": "Prachttaucher", "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": "Azurfink", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": "Blauh\u00e4her", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": "Blaum\u00fcckenf\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": "Blaufl\u00fcgel-Walds\u00e4nger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": "Blaukehlchen", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Futtertyp. Alle Spieler erhalten 1 Futtermarker dieses Typs aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": "Reisst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": "Habichtsadler", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": "Ringelgans", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": "Purpurst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": "Breitfl\u00fcgelbussard", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": "Rotaugen-Kuhst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": "Braunpelikan", "Power text": "Erhalte 3 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": "Braunkopf-Kuhst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": "Gimpel", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [seed] oder 1 [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": "Kaninchenkauz", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": "Buschmeise", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": "Kalifornischer Kondor", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": "Schopfwachtel", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": "Kanadagans", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": "Riesentafelente", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": "Carolinameise", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Carolinazaunk\u00f6nig", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": "Rabenkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen beliebigen Spieler (auch dich). Lagere f\u00fcr jedes [predator] des Spielers 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": "Cassingimpel", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": "Cassinammer", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": "Zedernseidenschwanz", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": "Pappelwalds\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": "Seidens\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": "Gelbkehl-Spornammer", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": "Weisshalsrabe", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": "Schornsteinsegler", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": "Schwirrammer", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": "Clarktaucher", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": "Kiefernh\u00e4her", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": "Tannenmeise", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Du darfst auf dieser Karte gelagerte [seed] jederzeit ausgeben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": "Amsel", "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [forest]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": "M\u00e4usebussard", "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier und Futtermarker auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": "Buchfink", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in diesem Lebensraum. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": "Zilpzalp", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in diesem Lebensraum. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": "Kuckuck", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] oder [ground] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": "Schellente", "Power text": "Lege f\u00fcr jeden anderen deiner V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": "Purpurgrackel", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": "Eisvogel", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": "Zwergdommel", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offen liegende [card] mit einem Vogel, der im [grassland] leben kann.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": "Eistaucher", "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten [wetland] V\u00f6geln: Ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": "G\u00e4nses\u00e4ger", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": "Teichhuhn", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [wetland]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": "Falkennachtschwalbe", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": "Nachtigall", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Futtertyp. Alle Spieler erhalten 1 Futtermarker dieses Typs aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": "Kolkrabe", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": "Star", "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": "Mauersegler", "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [invertebrate] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": "Weidengelbkehlchen", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte aus deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": "Rundschwanzsperber", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": "Korsenkleiber", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": "Winterammer", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": "Dickzissel", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": "Ohrenscharbe", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [fish] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": "Dunenspecht", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": "Heckenbraunelle", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland], 1 [egg] auf diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": "Rotkehl-H\u00fcttens\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": "Kaiseradler", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": "Schieferr\u00fccken-K\u00f6nigstyrann", "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen [forest] Vogel, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": "Weissbauch-Phoebetyrann", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": "Ostkreischeule", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": "Eleonorenfalke", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": "T\u00fcrkentaube", "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": "Pirol", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnspecht", "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": "Baumfalke", "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier und Futtermarker auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": "Eichelh\u00e4her", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": "Elster", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. F\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland] lagere 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat auf beliebigen deiner V\u00f6gel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": "Tannenh\u00e4her", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in deinem [forest]. Lagere auf jedem 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": "Kleiber", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Du darfst auf dieser Karte gelagerte [seed] jederzeit ausgeben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": "Sperber", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": "Feldsperling", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": "Bienenfresser", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": "Stieglitz", "Power text": "Schiebt ein Mitspieler 1 [card] unter einen Vogel, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": "Wespenbussard", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach alle [invertebrate] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": "Rotkehlchen", "Power text": "Erhalte aus dem Vorrat 1 Futtermarker eines Futtertyps, den du in diesem Zug bereits erhalten hast.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": "Blauracke", "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [grassland]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": "Turteltaube", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel oder ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsbussard", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": "Fischkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": "Forsterseeschwalbe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riem\u00f6we", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] ab, um 2 [card] zu ziehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": "Wintergoldh\u00e4hnchen", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [card] von deiner Hand ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [forest]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": "Steinadler", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": "Heuschreckenammer", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": "Katzenvogel", "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": "Kanadareiher", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": "Gelbbauch-Schopftyrann", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": "Haubentaucher", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden freien Kartenplatz in dieser Reihe. Am Ende deines Zuges behalte 1 davon und wirf die anderen ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": "Silberreiher", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": "Virginiauhu", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": "Kohlmeise", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": "Rosaflamingo", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [wetland], schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte, dann ziehe genauso viele [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riehuhn", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": "Wegekuckuck", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 50 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnreiher", "Power text": "Tausche 1 [wild] gegen 1 beliebigen anderen [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": "Graureiher", "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [wetland]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": "Graugans", "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": "G\u00e4nsegeier", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen beliebigen Spieler (auch dich). Lagere f\u00fcr jedes [predator] des Spielers 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": "Kernbei\u00dfer", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": "Einsiedlerdrossel", "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten [forest] V\u00f6geln erhalten 1 [die] aus dem Vogel\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": "Nebelkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland], schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte, dann ziehe genauso viele [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": "Kappens\u00e4ger", "Power text": "Kopiere die [predator] F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": "Kapuzenwalds\u00e4nger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": "Ohrenlerche", "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum, schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": "Hausgimpel", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": "Haussperling", "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": "N\u00f6rdlicher Hauszaunk\u00f6nig", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] oder [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": "Inkat\u00e4ubchen", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [platform] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": "Indigofink", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": "Wacholdermeise", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": "Keilschwanz-Regenpfeifer", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] ab, um 2 [card] zu ziehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsralle", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": "Lazulifink", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": "Klappergrasm\u00fccke", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Lebensraum ohne [egg]. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": "Lincolnammer", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": "Zwergtrappe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 1 [card] oder lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": "Steinkauz", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": "Louisianaw\u00fcrger", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c und erh\u00e4lt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte ebenfalls 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": "Schwanzmeise", "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [forest]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": "Stockente", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": "Mississippiweih", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": "Ligurien-Bartgrasm\u00fccke", "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": "Wiesenweihe", "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": "Bergh\u00fcttens\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": "Gambelmeise", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": "Carolinataube", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": "H\u00f6ckerschwan", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-3 V\u00f6gel in deinem [wetland]. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten. Tust du das, dann ziehe danach genau 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": "Virginiawachtel", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": "Rotkardinal", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": "Ostgoldspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte alle [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": "Basst\u00f6lpel", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Erhalte f\u00fcr jeden [fish] 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": "Habicht", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": "Kornweihe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": "Spottdrossel", "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": "L\u00f6ffelente", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": "Fischadler", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": "Papstfink", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": "Rotbrust-Walds\u00e4nger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": "Kiefernkreuzschnabel", "Power text": "Entferne 1 beliebigen [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, dann erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": "Wanderfalke", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": "Bindentaucher", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte von deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": "Helmspecht", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": "Fichtenzeisig", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": "Zitronenwalds\u00e4nger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": "Zwergsultanshuhn", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": "Purpurschwalbe", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": "Zwergkleiber", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": "Fichtenkreuzschnabel", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": "Rotmilan", "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": "Knutt", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 3 [card] und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": "Neunt\u00f6ter", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": "Carolinaspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": "Mittels\u00e4ger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": "Kanadakleiber", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": "Kokardenspecht", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": "Rotaugenvireo", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": "Rotkopfspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": "Rothuhn", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte, diesen eingeschlossen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": "Rotschulterbussard", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": "Rotschwanzbussard", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": "Rotfl\u00fcgelst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": "Ringschnabelm\u00f6we", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Rosenbrust-Kernknacker", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": "Rosal\u00f6ffler", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": "Rubingoldh\u00e4hnchen", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": "Rubinkehlkolibri", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten reihum 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, beginnend mit dem Spieler deiner Wahl.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": "Schwarzkopf-Ruderente", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte aus deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": "Kampfl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jede dieser Karten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": "Kanadakranich", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": "Grasammer", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": "Rohrschwirl", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": "Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [bowl] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": "Schuppenwachtel", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": "Scherenschwanz-K\u00f6nigstyrann", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": "Gartenbauml\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [forest]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": "Schneeammer", "Power text": "Schiebt ein Mitspieler 1 [card] unter einen Vogel, schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diesen Vogel, dann ziehe am Ende des Zuges 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": "Schmuckreiher", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": "Schneeeule", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 1 [card] oder lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": "Singammer", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": "Fleckenkauz", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": "Drosseluferl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": "Fleckengrundammer", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riepieper", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": "Rallenreiher", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offen liegende [card] mit einem Vogel, der im [wetland] leben kann.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": "Diademh\u00e4her", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riebussard", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": "Theklalerche", "Power text": "Gib 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": "Sumpfschwalbe", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": "Trompeterschwan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": "Indianermeise", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": "Truthahngeier", "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": "Graubauchsegler", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": "Veilchenschwalbe", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": "Wiesenst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [ground] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [ground] Nest legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": "Kieferntangare", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfstorch", "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": "Bachstelze", "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfr\u00fcckenspecht", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": "Carolinakleiber", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": "Dachsammer", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": "Brillensichler", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": "Wasseramsel", "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": "Weissbrustsegler", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": "Schreikranich", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": "Truthuhn", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": "Schlammtreter", "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": "Wilsonbekassine", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": "Buntfu\u00df-Sturmschwalbe", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden freien Kartenplatz in dieser Reihe. Am Ende deines Zuges behalte 1 davon und wirf die anderen ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": "Brautente", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte von deiner Hand ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": "Waldstorch", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": "Gelbbauch-Saftlecker", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": "Gelbschnabelkuckuck", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": "Gelbbrust-Walds\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": "Brillenst\u00e4rling", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": "Kronwalds\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": "Goldammer", "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": "Abbott-T\u00f6lpel", "Power text": "Ziehe 3 Bonuskarten, dann wirf 2 Bonuskarten ab. Das d\u00fcrfen auch Bonuskarten sein, die du bereits hattest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Australspornpieper", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter jede Karte in deinem [grassland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": "Halbmond-L\u00f6ffelente", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Zieht beide 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": "Australischer Ibis", "Power text": "Mische den Ablagestapel und ziehe 2 [card] davon. W\u00e4hle 1 und wirf die andere ab. Du darfst die gew\u00e4hlte [card] unter diese Karte schieben oder auf die Hand nehmen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": "Fl\u00f6tenvogel", "Power text": "Wirf von jedem anderen Vogel in dieser Reihe und Spalte 1 [egg] ab, sofern vorhanden. Lagere f\u00fcr jedes abgeworfene [egg] 2 [seed] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": "Baumschwalm", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": "Neuhollandkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Lagere bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": "Australrohrs\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": "Halsbandkasarka", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [cavity] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "272": {"English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", "Common name": "Australzebraamadine", "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [seed] in seinem Vorrat, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "273": {"English name": "Black Noddy", "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkopfnoddi", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen und erhalte dann alle [fish] daraus. Wirf X davon ab, um X [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diesen Vogel zu schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "274": {"English name": "Black Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", "Common name": "Schwarzschwan", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel > 100 cm.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "275": {"English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", "Common name": "Australischer Gleitaar", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [rodent] daraus. Du darfst ihn einem Mitspieler geben. Tust du das, lege bis zu 3 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "276": {"English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", "Common name": "Papuahornvogel", "Power text": "Wirf alle [egg] von einem deiner V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest ab. Schiebe doppelt so viele [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte wie du [egg] abgeworfen hast.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "277": {"English name": "Brolga", "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", "Common name": "Brolgakranich", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Er legt 1 [egg] auf einen seiner V\u00f6gel. Ziehe 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "278": {"English name": "Brown Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", "Common name": "Habichtfalke", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Zeigt sie als Futterkosten (auch) [invertebrate] oder [rodent], schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "279": {"English name": "Budgerigar", "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", "Common name": "Wellensittich", "Power text": "Schiebe den kleinsten Vogel aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "280": {"English name": "Cockatiel", "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", "Common name": "Nymphensittich", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, schiebe 1 [card] aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "281": {"English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", "Common name": "Raggiparadiesvogel", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "282": {"English name": "Crested Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", "Common name": "Spitzschopftaube", "Power text": "Lagere bis zu 8 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "283": {"English name": "Crimson Chat", "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", "Common name": "Scharlachtrugschm\u00e4tzer", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "284": {"English name": "Eastern Rosella", "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", "Common name": "Rosella", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat. Du erh\u00e4ltst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "285": {"English name": "Eastern Whipbird", "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", "Common name": "Schwarzkopf-Wippfl\u00f6ter", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "286": {"English name": "Emu", "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Emu", "Power text": "Erhalte alle [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Behalte die H\u00e4lfte (aufgerundet) und verteile den Rest beliebig an Mitspieler.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "287": {"English name": "Galah", "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", "Common name": "Rosakakadu", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Er wirft alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen und erh\u00e4lt dann 1 [seed] daraus. Schiebe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "288": {"English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", "Common name": "Goldkopf-Zistens\u00e4nger", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "289": {"English name": "Gould's Finch", "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", "Common name": "Gouldpapageiamadine", "Power text": "Spiele 1 Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "290": {"English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", "Common name": "Australzwergente", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 davon und gib die andere einem Mitspieler.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "291": {"English name": "Grey Butcherbird", "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", "Common name": "Graur\u00fccken-Metzgervogel", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 40 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte und lagere 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "292": {"English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", "Common name": "Graubrustpitohui", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann alle [rodent] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Du darfst sie teilweise oder komplett auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "293": {"English name": "Grey Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkehlente", "Power text": "Ziehe 3 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 [wetland] Vogel, sofern vorhanden. Nimm ihn auf die Hand oder schiebe ihn unter diese Karte. Wirf die anderen ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "294": {"English name": "Grey Warbler", "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", "Common name": "Maorigerygone", "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "295": {"English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", "Common name": "Graukopfnonne", "Power text": "Spiele 1 Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "296": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", "Common name": "Rotschwanzkuckuck", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann lege 1 [egg] auf einen Vogel < 30 cm.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "297": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", "Common name": "Horsfieldlerche", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, lege bis zu 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "298": {"English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", "Common name": "Kakapo", "Power text": "Ziehe 4 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon. Wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "299": {"English name": "Kea", "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", "Common name": "Kea", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 Bonuskarte. Du darfst X [wild] abwerfen, um X weitere Bonuskarten zu ziehen. Behalte 1 der gezogenen Bonuskarten und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "300": {"English name": "Kelp Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", "Common name": "Dominikanerm\u00f6we", "Power text": "Wirf X [wild] ab, um X [card] zu ziehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "301": {"English name": "Kerer\u016b", "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Maorifruchttaube", "Power text": "Hat dein linker Mitspieler min. 1 [nectar] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "302": {"English name": "Korimako", "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", "Common name": "Maori-Glockenhonigfresser", "Power text": "Wirf X [rodent] ab, um X [nectar] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "303": {"English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", "Common name": "J\u00e4gerliest", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann daraus 1 [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "304": {"English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", "Common name": "Arielfregattvogel", "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [egg] von einem [wetland] Vogel entfernen. Jeder, der dies tut, erh\u00e4lt 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "305": {"English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", "Common name": "Goldohr-Honigfresser", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "306": {"English name": "Little Penguin", "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", "Common name": "Zwergpinguin", "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. F\u00fcr jeden [fish] in deren Futterkosten, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Wirf die Karten danach ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "307": {"English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", "Common name": "Kr\u00e4uselscharbe", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [platform] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "308": {"English name": "Magpie-Lark", "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", "Common name": "Drosselstelze", "Power text": "Wirf 2 [egg] aus dem [forest] ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [grassland] mit normalen Futter- aber ohne Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "309": {"English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", "Common name": "Inkakakadu", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalten alle Spieler 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "310": {"English name": "Malleefowl", "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", "Common name": "Thermometerhuhn", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "311": {"English name": "Maned Duck", "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", "Common name": "M\u00e4hnenente", "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das mit min. 1 [card], erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "312": {"English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", "Common name": "Perousefruchttaube", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat. Du erh\u00e4ltst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "313": {"English name": "Masked Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", "Common name": "Maskenkiebitz", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Nimm dir f\u00fcr jede Futterart im Vogelh\u00e4uschen 1 Futter dieser Art aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "314": {"English name": "Mistletoebird", "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", "Common name": "Rotstei\u00df-Mistelfresser", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat ODER wirf 1 [fruit] ab, um 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "315": {"English name": "Musk Duck", "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", "Common name": "Lappenente", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [ground] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "316": {"English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfaugen-Honigfresser", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "317": {"English name": "Noisy Miner", "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfstirn-Schwatzvogel", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel. Deine Mitspieler legen 1 [egg] auf einen ihrer V\u00f6gel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "318": {"English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", "Common name": "Nordstreifenkiwi", "Power text": "Wirf eine deiner Bonuskarten ab. Ziehe dann 4 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 2 davon. Wirf die anderen 2 ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "319": {"English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", "Common name": "Reinwardt-Gro\u00dffu\u00dfhuhn", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "320": {"English name": "Pacific Black Duck", "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", "Common name": "Augenbrauenente", "Power text": "Lege f\u00fcr je 2 [egg] in deinem [wetland] Lebensraum 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "321": {"English name": "Peaceful Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", "Common name": "Friedenst\u00e4ubchen", "Power text": "Wirf X [seed] ab, um X [egg] auf diesen Vogel zu legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "322": {"English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", "Common name": "Borstenkopf", "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [nectar] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "323": {"English name": "Pheasant Coucal", "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", "Common name": "Fasankuckuck", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "324": {"English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", "Common name": "Rosenohrente", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 davon und gib die andere einem Mitspieler.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "325": {"English name": "Plains-Wanderer", "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", "Common name": "Steppenl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 Bonuskarte f\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [grassland] Lebensraum. Behalte 1 davon und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "326": {"English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", "Common name": "Stephanieparadieselster", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr legt beide 1 [egg] auf einen eurer V\u00f6gel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "327": {"English name": "P\u016bkeko", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", "Common name": "Pukeko", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen benachbarten Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "328": {"English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", "Common name": "Regenbogenlori", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [nectar] aus dem \u201ebezahlt\u201c-Bereich deines [forest] Lebensraums ab. Tust du das, dann erhalte 2 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "329": {"English name": "Red Wattlebird", "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", "Common name": "Rotlappen-Honigfresser", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [nectar] f\u00fcr jeden Vogel < 49 cm in deinem [forest] Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "330": {"English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", "Common name": "Rotr\u00fccken-Staffelschwanz", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [star] Nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "331": {"English name": "Red-Capped Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", "Common name": "Rotstirnschn\u00e4pper", "Power text": "Hat dein linker Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "332": {"English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Rotkopf-S\u00e4belschn\u00e4bler", "Power text": "Hat dein linker oder rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "333": {"English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", "Common name": "Rotfl\u00fcgelsittich", "Power text": "Gib 1 [nectar] aus deinem Vorrat an einen Mitspieler. Tust du das, lege entweder 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel ODER erhalte 2 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "334": {"English name": "Regent Bowerbird", "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", "Common name": "Gelbnacken-Laubenvogel", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "335": {"English name": "Royal Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsl\u00f6ffler", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [platform] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "336": {"English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", "Common name": "Rotr\u00fcckenreiher", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Zeigt sie als Lebensraum (auch) [wetland], schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "337": {"English name": "Rufous Owl", "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", "Common name": "Rostkauz", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] < 75 cm aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke und schiebe sie unter diese Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "338": {"English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", "Common name": "Rostband-Honigfresser", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [invertebrate] ab. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "339": {"English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", "Common name": "G\u00f6tzenliest", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "340": {"English name": "Silvereye", "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", "Common name": "Graumantel-Brillenvogel", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "341": {"English name": "South Island Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", "Common name": "Langbeinschn\u00e4pper", "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "342": {"English name": "Southern Cassowary", "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", "Common name": "Helmkasuar", "Power text": "Wirf einen Vogel aus deinem [forest] ab und spiele diese Karte an seine Stelle. Zahle die Futter-, aber keine Ei-Kosten. Lege dann 4 [egg] auf diesen Vogel und erhalte 2 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "343": {"English name": "Spangled Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", "Common name": "Glanzfleckdrongo", "Power text": "Erh\u00e4lt ein Mitspieler [nectar], erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "344": {"English name": "Splendid Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", "Common name": "T\u00fcrkisstaffelschwanz", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel < 30 cm.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "345": {"English name": "Spotless Crake", "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", "Common name": "S\u00fcdsee-Sumpfhuhn", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel im [wetland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "346": {"English name": "Stubble Quail", "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", "Common name": "Schwarzbrustwachtel", "Power text": "Wirf bis zu 6 [wild] ab. Lege f\u00fcr jedes abgeworfene Futter 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "347": {"English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", "Common name": "Gelbhaubenkakadu", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalten alle Spieler 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "348": {"English name": "Superb Lyrebird", "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Graur\u00fccken-Leierschwanz", "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [forest] deines rechten Mitspielers.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "349": {"English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", "Common name": "Eulenschwalm", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "350": {"English name": "T\u016b\u012b", "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Tui", "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [forest] deines linken Mitspielers.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "351": {"English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", "Common name": "Keilschwanzadler", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie > 65 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte und lagere 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "352": {"English name": "Welcome Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", "Common name": "Gl\u00fccksschwalbe", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter jede Karte in diesem Lebensraum.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "353": {"English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfbauch-Seeadler", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [fish] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "354": {"English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfbauch-Schwalbenstar", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel im [grassland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "355": {"English name": "White-Faced Heron", "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfwangenreiher", "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann alle [fish] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Du darfst sie teilweise oder komplett auf dieser Karte lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "356": {"English name": "Willie-Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", "Common name": "Gartenf\u00e4cherschwanz", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [bowl] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "357": {"English name": "Wrybill", "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", "Common name": "Schiefschnabel", "Power text": "Durchsuche den Ablagestapel der Bonuskarten und behalte davon 1 deiner Wahl.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "358": {"English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnfl\u00fcgeltaube", "Power text": "Lege 2 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "359": {"English name": "Asian Koel", "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", "Common name": "Indischer Koel", "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \"Eier legen\", dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [platform] Nest. Du darfst 3 Eier \u00fcber das Limit gehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "360": {"English name": "Azure Tit", "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", "Common name": "Lasurmeise", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "361": {"English name": "Baya Weaver", "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", "Common name": "Bayaweber", "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [card] schiebst, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "362": {"English name": "Bearded Reedling", "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", "Common name": "Bartmeise", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden anderen Vogel in dieser Spalte mit einem Ei darauf, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "363": {"English name": "Black Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsdrongo", "Power text": "Wirf beliebig viele [card] aus der Tr\u00e4nke ab und f\u00fclle sie wieder auf. Wenn mindestens einer der abgeworfenen V\u00f6gel ein [grassland] Vogel ist, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "364": {"English name": "Black Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", "Common name": "Schwarzstorch", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel direkt links und rechts von diesem Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "365": {"English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", "Common name": "Schwarznackenpirol", "Power text": "Wenn du in dieser Runde alle 4 Aktionen genutzt hast, erhalte 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat, lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel und ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "366": {"English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", "Common name": "Blaumerle", "Power text": "Wenn dieser Vogel keine V\u00f6gel rechts von sich hat, kannst du ihn (nur die Karte) auf die Spielermatte des Spielers zu deiner Linken bewegen (du w\u00e4hlst sein Habitat). Falls du das tust, ziehe 3 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "367": {"English name": "Brahminy Kite", "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", "Common name": "Brahminenweih", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 3 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3-mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und gib alle in diesem Zug gelagerten Nahrungsmittel zur\u00fcck.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "368": {"English name": "Brambling", "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", "Common name": "Bergfink", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Schiebe dann bis zu 2 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "369": {"English name": "Brown Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", "Common name": "Braunw\u00fcrger", "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [invertebrate] aus ihrem pers\u00f6nlichen Vorrat auf einen Vogel in ihrem [grassland] lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "370": {"English name": "Common Green Magpie", "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", "Common name": "Jagdelster", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden. Du kannst es auf diesen Vogel lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "371": {"English name": "Common Iora", "Scientific name": "Aegithina tiphia", "Common name": "GartenIora", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel in dieser Spalte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "372": {"English name": "Common Myna", "Scientific name": "Acridotheres tristis", "Common name": "Hirtenmaina", "Power text": "Kopiere die \"Bei Aktivierung\" (braun) F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [grassland] des Spielers zu deiner Linken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "373": {"English name": "Common Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis hypoleucos", "Common name": "Flussuferl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [wetland] mit einem [egg] darauf. Behalte 1 und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "374": {"English name": "Common Tailorbird", "Scientific name": "Orthotomus sutorius", "Common name": "Rotstirn-Schneidervogel", "Power text": "Finde eine zusammenh\u00e4ngende Gruppe von V\u00f6geln in deinem Reservat, die alle denselben Nesttyp haben. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden von ihnen. [star] Nester z\u00e4hlen als jeder Nesttyp.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "375": {"English name": "Common Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", "Common name": "Krickente", "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [wetland] ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Du kannst bis zu 2 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "376": {"English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", "Common name": "Kupferschmied-Bartvogel", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "377": {"English name": "Crested Ibis", "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", "Common name": "Nipponibis", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Alle Mitspieler d\u00fcrfen beliebig 2 Ressourcen ([wild], [egg] oder [card]) ablegen, um dasselbe zu tun.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "378": {"English name": "Crested Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", "Common name": "Haubenlerche", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab. Wenn du das tust, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "379": {"English name": "Desert Finch", "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", "Common name": "Wei\u00dffl\u00fcgelgimpel", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel f\u00fcr jeden anderen Vogel in deinem [grassland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "380": {"English name": "Desert Wheatear", "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", "Common name": "W\u00fcstensteinschm\u00e4tzer", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [grassland] mit einem [egg] darauf, w\u00fcrfle mit einem [die]. W\u00e4hle 1 Art von Nahrung, die du gew\u00fcrfelt hast, und erhalte 1 davon aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "381": {"English name": "Eurasian Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", "Common name": "Bl\u00e4sshuhn", "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "382": {"English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", "Common name": "Uhu", "Power text": "Bis zu 3-mal, ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Wenn du stoppst und die Gesamtspannweite der V\u00f6gel < 110 cm betr\u00e4gt, schiebe sie hinter diesen Vogel. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "383": {"English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", "Common name": "Wiedehopf", "Power text": "Stiehl 1 [invertebrate] von jedem deiner Nachbarn. Jeder Nachbar, dem ein [invertebrate] gestohlen wurde, darf 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat nehmen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "384": {"English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", "Common name": "Turmfalke", "Power text": "Wirf 3 [die]. Wenn du mindestens 1 [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [rodent] auf diesem Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "385": {"English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", "Common name": "Rohrweihe", "Power text": "Bis zu 3-mal, ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Wenn du stoppst und die Gesamtspannweite der V\u00f6gel < 110 cm betr\u00e4gt, schiebe sie hinter diesen Vogel. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "386": {"English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", "Common name": "Waldbauml\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [forest], erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst bis zu 2 davon auf diesem Vogel lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "387": {"English name": "Fire-Fronted Serin", "Scientific name": "Serinus pusillus", "Common name": "Rotstirngirlitz", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel f\u00fcr jeden Vogel links von ihm in dieser Reihe.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "388": {"English name": "Forest Owlet", "Scientific name": "Athene blewitti", "Common name": "Blewittkauz", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 2 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3-mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und gib alle in diesem Zug gelagerte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "389": {"English name": "Golden Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Chrysolophus pictus", "Common name": "Goldfasan", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 2 [egg]. Du legst zus\u00e4tzlich 2 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "390": {"English name": "Graceful Prinia", "Scientific name": "Prinia gracilis", "Common name": "Streifenprinie", "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] ab. Wenn du das tust, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "391": {"English name": "Grandala", "Scientific name": "Grandala coelicolor", "Common name": "Grandala", "Power text": "Wenn du in diesem Zug ein [egg] auf diesen Vogel gelegt hast, schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "392": {"English name": "Gray Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla cinerea", "Common name": "Gebirgsstelze", "Power text": "Wenn du in dieser Runde alle 4 Aktionstypen verwendet hast, nimm 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "393": {"English name": "Great Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax carbo", "Common name": "Kormoran", "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [fish] von diesem Vogel in deinen Vorrat bewegen. Dann wirf beliebig 2 [die]. Falls einer [fish] ist, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "394": {"English name": "Great Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Buceros bicornis", "Common name": "Doppelhornvogel", "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [card] von ihrer Hand unter einen Vogel in ihrem [forest] schieben und/oder 1 [fruit] aus ihrem Vorrat auf einen Vogel in ihrem [forest] lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "395": {"English name": "Great Indian Bustard", "Scientific name": "Ardeotis nigriceps", "Common name": "Indische Trappe", "Power text": "L\u00f6se 1 deiner Bonuskarten jetzt ein, indem du f\u00fcr jeden Punkt 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel lagerst. L\u00f6se sie noch einmal am Ende des Spiels ein.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "396": {"English name": "Great Spotted Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos major", "Common name": "Buntspecht", "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "397": {"English name": "Greater Adjutant", "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", "Common name": "Gro\u00dfer Adjutant", "Power text": "Kopiere eine Bonuskarte des Spielers zu deiner Linken, als w\u00e4re sie deine eigene (bewerte sie basierend auf deinen eigenen V\u00f6geln).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "398": {"English name": "Green Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", "Common name": "Smaragdspint", "Power text": "Wenn mindestens 1 Vogel in der Tr\u00e4nke [invertebrate] in seinen Nahrungskosten hat, schiebe 1 von ihnen hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "399": {"English name": "Green Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", "Common name": "Buntfasan", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "400": {"English name": "Himalayan Monal", "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", "Common name": "Himalaya-Glanzfasan", "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du legst au\u00dferdem 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "401": {"English name": "House Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", "Common name": "Glanzkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [wild] von deinem Vorrat auf jedem Vogel in dieser Reihe lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "402": {"English name": "Ibisbill", "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", "Common name": "Ibisschnabel", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und nehmen 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat. Du ziehst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [card] vom Stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "403": {"English name": "Indian Peafowl", "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", "Common name": "Blauer Pfau", "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 2 [card] vom Stapel. Du ziehst 1 zus\u00e4tzliche [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "404": {"English name": "Indian Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", "Common name": "Indiengeier", "Power text": "Kopiere eine Bonuskarte des Spielers rechts von dir, als ob es deine eigene w\u00e4re (bewerte sie basierend auf deinen eigenen V\u00f6geln).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "405": {"English name": "Large-Billed Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", "Common name": "Dickschnabelkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Lege 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf einen Vogel. Wenn du dies tust, kannst du 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel schieben.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "406": {"English name": "Little Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", "Common name": "Seidenreiher", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und behalten sie, wenn sie in [wetland] leben k\u00f6nnen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "407": {"English name": "Little Grebe", "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", "Common name": "Zwergtaucher", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte mit einem [egg] darauf, ziehe 1 [card]. Behalte 1 und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "408": {"English name": "Little Ringed Plover", "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", "Common name": "Flussregenpfeifer", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [card] von deiner Hand ab. Wenn du das tust, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "409": {"English name": "Mandarin Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", "Common name": "Mandarinente", "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Stapel. F\u00fcge 1 zu deiner Hand hinzu, schiebe 1 hinter diesen Vogel, gib 1 einem anderen Spieler und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "410": {"English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnr\u00fccken-Nektarvogel", "Power text": "Jeder Spieler kann einen [die] werfen und diese Nahrung aus dem Vorrat erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "411": {"English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", "Common name": "Maskeneule", "Power text": "Aktiviere die \"Bei Aktivierung\" (braun) F\u00e4higkeiten aller deiner anderen [predator].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "412": {"English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", "Common name": "Dajaldrossel", "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [grassland] erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst bis zu 2 davon auf diesen Vogel lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "413": {"English name": "Philippine Eagle", "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", "Common name": "Affenadler", "Power text": "Wirf alle 5 [die]. Du darfst beliebig viele [die] bis zu 2 Mal neu werfen. Wenn mindestens 3 [rodent] gezeigt werden, ziehe 2 Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Erneuere das Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "414": {"English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", "Common name": "Wasserrotschwanz", "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcgen sie ihrer Hand hinzu, wenn der Vogel eine [invertebrate] oder [seed] in seinen Nahrungskosten hat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "415": {"English name": "Purple Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", "Common name": "Purpurreiher", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 2 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3 Mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [invertebrate] oder [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, lege 1 hier ab. Andernfalls stoppe und lege alle in diesem Zug gelagerte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "416": {"English name": "Red Avadavat", "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", "Common name": "Tigerfink", "Power text": "Gib 1 [card] aus deiner Hand an einen anderen Spieler. Wenn du das tust, ziehe 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "417": {"English name": "Red Junglefowl", "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", "Common name": "Bankivahuhn", "Power text": "Z\u00e4hle die [egg] auf allen deinen V\u00f6geln. Wenn die Gesamtanzahl weniger als 6 [egg] betr\u00e4gt, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "418": {"English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", "Common name": "Mandschurenkranich", "Power text": "L\u00f6se 1 deiner Bonuskarten jetzt ein, indem du f\u00fcr jeden Punkt 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel lagerst. Wirf die Bonuskarte ab und ziehe eine Neue.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "419": {"English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", "Common name": "Rotstei\u00dfb\u00fclb\u00fcl", "Power text": "Wenn du mindestens 1 [fruit] in deinem Vorrat hast, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "420": {"English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", "Common name": "Rotlappenkiebitz", "Power text": "Werfe beliebig viele [card] aus der Tr\u00e4nke ab und f\u00fclle sie dann wieder auf. Wenn mindestens 1 der abgeworfenen V\u00f6gel ein [predator] ist, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "421": {"English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", "Common name": "Nashornalk", "Power text": "Wirf 2 [die]. Wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf diesen Vogel. Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [card] aus ihrer Hand abwerfen, um 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "422": {"English name": "Rock Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Columba livia", "Common name": "Felsentaube", "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg]. Du legst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "423": {"English name": "Rook", "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", "Common name": "Saatkr\u00e4he", "Power text": "Lagere 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel oder schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du eines davon tust, schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "424": {"English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", "Common name": "Halsbandsittich", "Power text": "Kopiere eine \"Beim Ausspielen\" (wei\u00df) F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels deines Nachbarns.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "425": {"English name": "Rosy Starling", "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", "Common name": "Rosenstar", "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [card] schiebst, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "426": {"English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", "Common name": "Rostgans", "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Stapel. F\u00fcge 1 zu deiner Hand hinzu, schiebe 1 hinter diesen Vogel und wirf den Rest ab.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "427": {"English name": "Sarus Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", "Common name": "Saruskranich", "Power text": "Jeder Spieler kann 1 [egg] wegwerfen, um 1 [card] vom Stapel zu ziehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "428": {"English name": "Satyr Tragopan", "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", "Common name": "Satyrtragopan", "Power text": "Gib 1 [card] aus deiner Hand an einen anderen Spieler. Wenn du das tust, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "429": {"English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", "Common name": "Muskatfink", "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat oder schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "430": {"English name": "Small Minivet", "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", "Common name": "Zwergmennigvogel", "Power text": "Spiele 1 zus\u00e4tzlichen Vogel in deinem [forest]. Du kannst 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [egg] aus den Kosten ignorieren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "431": {"English name": "Smew", "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", "Common name": "Zwergs\u00e4ger", "Power text": "Ziehe 4 [card]. Schiebe 2 [card] hinter diesen Vogel und f\u00fcge die anderen 2 [card] zu deiner Hand hinzu.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "432": {"English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", "Common name": "L\u00f6ffelstrandl\u00e4ufer", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Andere Spieler k\u00f6nnen 2 beliebige Ressourcen ([wild], [egg] oder [card]) abwerfen, um dasselbe zu tun.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "433": {"English name": "Spotted Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", "Common name": "Perlhalstaube", "Power text": "Wenn dieser Vogel keine V\u00f6gel rechts von sich hat, kannst du ihn (nur die Karte) zum Spielertablett des Spielers rechts von dir verschieben (du w\u00e4hlst sein Habitat). Wenn du das tust, ziehe 3 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "434": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", "Common name": "Schmuckkitta", "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf jeden deiner anderen V\u00f6gel legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "435": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", "Common name": "Ceylonschwalm", "Power text": "Wirf 1 [die]. Wenn du [invertebrate] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel. Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [card] aus ihrer Hand abwerfen, um 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "436": {"English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", "Common name": "Storchschnabelliest", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 [die]. W\u00fcrfle ihn einmal f\u00fcr jeden deiner [wetland] V\u00f6gel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, erhalte 1 aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst ihn auf diesem Vogel lagern.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "437": {"English name": "Trumpeter Finch", "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", "Common name": "W\u00fcstengimpel", "Power text": "Spiele 1 zus\u00e4tzlichen Vogel in deinem [grassland]. Du kannst 1 [seed] oder 1 [egg] der Kosten ignorieren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "438": {"English name": "Twite", "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", "Common name": "Bergh\u00e4nfling", "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Schiebe dann 2 beliebige [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "439": {"English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", "Common name": "Lazulischn\u00e4pper", "Power text": "Wenn du in diesem Zug ein [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen erhalten hast, erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "440": {"English name": "Violet Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", "Common name": "Amethystkuckuck", "Power text": "Wenn ein anderer Spieler die \"lege Eier\" Aktion durchf\u00fchrt, lege 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit einer Spannweite <30 cm. Du kannst bis zu 2 \u00fcber sein Limit gehen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "441": {"English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", "Common name": "Purpurh\u00e4hnchen", "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [forest] mit einem Ei darauf, wirf 1 [die]. W\u00e4hle 1 Art von Nahrung, die du geworfen hast, und erhalte 1 davon aus dem Vorrat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "442": {"English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfhaubenh\u00e4herling", "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du das tust, erhalte 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "443": {"English name": "White-Headed Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkopf-Ruderente", "Power text": "Ziehe 3 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "444": {"English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", "Common name": "Braunliest", "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 [die]. Wirf ihn bis zu 3 Mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und lege alle in diesem Zug abgelegte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "445": {"English name": "Willow Tit", "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", "Common name": "Weidenmeise", "Power text": "Falls vorhanden, lege 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen auf diesen Vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "446": {"English name": "Yellow Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", "Common name": "Chinadommel", "Power text": "Ziehe die [card] im mittleren Fach der Tr\u00e4nke.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "447": {"English name": "Zebra Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", "Common name": "Sperbert\u00e4ubchen", "Power text": "Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [seed] aus ihrem Vorrat abwerfen, um 1 [egg] zu legen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}}, "bonuses": {"1000": {"English name": "Anatomist", "Name": "Morphologe", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit K\u00f6rperteilen im Namen", "Explanatory text": "K\u00f6rperteile beinhalten Augen, Bauch, Bein, Brust, Fl\u00fcgel, Fu\u00df, Hals, H\u00f6cker, Horn, Kehle, Kopf, Nacken, Ohren, R\u00fccken, Schnabel, Schulter, Schwanz, Stei\u00df, Stirn, Wange", "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
"}, "1001": {"English name": "Backyard Birder", "Name": "Laienornithologe", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit weniger als 4 Siegpunkten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5 - 6 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 7+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1002": {"English name": "Behaviorist", "Name": "Verhaltensforscher", "Condition": "Spalten mit 3 V\u00f6geln mit jeweils unterschiedlicher F\u00e4higkeitenart (z.B. braun, wei\u00df, rosa, petrol, gelb)", "Explanatory text": "V\u00f6gel ohne F\u00e4higkeit z\u00e4hlen als wei\u00df.", "VP": "3[point] pro Spalte", "Note": null}, "1003": {"English name": "Bird Bander", "Name": "Lebensk\u00fcnstler", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die in mehreren Lebensr\u00e4umen leben k\u00f6nnen", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1004": {"English name": "Bird Counter", "Name": "Vogelz\u00e4hler ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [flocking] F\u00e4higkeit", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1005": {"English name": "Bird Feeder", "Name": "Vogelf\u00fctterer", "Condition": "[seed] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [seed] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", "VP": "5 - 7 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 8+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1006": {"English name": "Breeding Manager", "Name": "Brutverwalter", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit min. 4 Eiern auf ihrer Karte", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "1[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1007": {"English name": "Cartographer", "Name": "Geograf", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Geografiebegriffen im Namen", "Explanatory text": "Begriffe beinhalten Amerika, Australien, Baltimore, Berg, Carolina, Ceylon, China, Fluss, Himalaya, Holland, Indien, Inka, Kalifornien, Kanada, Korsika, Ligurien, Louisiana, Mandschurei, Mississippi, Neuholland, Nippon, Nordamerika, Norden, Osten, Papua, Pr\u00e4rie, Steppe, Strand, S\u00fcdsee, Sumpf, T\u00fcrkei, Virginia, Wald, W\u00fcste", "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
"}, "1008": {"English name": "Citizen Scientist", "Name": "Schwarmforscher", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Karten unter ihrer Karte", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 6 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 7+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1009": {"English name": "Diet Specialist", "Name": "Nahrungsexperte", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 3 Futter als Futterkosten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1010": {"English name": "Ecologist", "Name": "\u00d6kologe", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel in deinem kleinsten Lebensraum", "Explanatory text": "Bei Gleichstand: Hast du 3 V\u00f6gel pro Lebensraum, dann hat dein kleinster Lebensraum 3 V\u00f6gel.", "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1011": {"English name": "Enclosure Builder", "Name": "Gehegebauer", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [ground] Nest", "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [ground] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1012": {"English name": "Ethologist", "Name": "Gebietsforscher", "Condition": "In einem beliebigen Lebensraum", "Explanatory text": "(z.B. braun, wei\u00df, rosa, petrol, gelb)
V\u00f6gel ohne F\u00e4higkeit z\u00e4hlen als wei\u00df.", "VP": "2[point] pro F\u00e4higkeitenart", "Note": null}, "1013": {"English name": "Falconer", "Name": "Falkner ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [predator] F\u00e4higkeit", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1014": {"English name": "Fishery Manager", "Name": "Fischer ", "Condition": "[fish] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [fish] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1015": {"English name": "Food Web Expert", "Name": "Schneckenfreund ", "Condition": "Nur [invertebrate] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel, der nur [invertebrate] und keine anderen Futtersymbole hat.", "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1016": {"English name": "Forester", "Name": "F\u00f6rster ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [forest] leben k\u00f6nnen", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 - 4 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 5 V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1017": {"English name": "Historian", "Name": "Biologe", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Pflanzen- oder Tiernamen", "Explanatory text": "Pflanzen: Buche, Eiche, Fichte, Gras, Kiefer, Kohl, Koralle, Mistel, Pappel, Reis, Rose, Tanne, Veilchen, Wacholder, Weide, Zeder
Tiere (keine V\u00f6gel): Affe, Biene, Dachs, Fisch, Heuschrecke, Kaninchen, Katze, Kuh, Maus, M\u00fccke, Nashorn, Schlange, Tiger, Wespe, Zebra", "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
"}, "1018": {"English name": "Large Bird Specialist", "Name": "Grossvogelkundler ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einer Spannweite > 65 cm", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1019": {"English name": "Nest Box Builder", "Name": "Nistkastenbauer", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest", "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [cavity] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1020": {"English name": "Omnivore Specialist", "Name": "Gourmand ", "Condition": "[wild] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [wild] Symbol als Teil seiner Futterkosten.", "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1021": {"English name": "Oologist", "Name": "Oologe ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit min. 1 Ei auf ihrer Karte", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "7 - 8 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 9+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1022": {"English name": "Passerine Specialist", "Name": "Sperlingskundler ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einer Spannweite \u2264 30 cm", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1023": {"English name": "Photographer", "Name": "Fotograf ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Farben / Mustern im Namen", "Explanatory text": "Farben: Amethyst, Azur, Blau, Braun, Gelb, Gold, Grau, Gr\u00fcn, Indigo, Koralle, Kupfer, Lazuli, Mandarin, Purpur, Rosa, Rose, Rost, Rot, Rubin, Scharlach, Schiefer, Schwarz, Silber, Smaragd, T\u00fcrkis, Veilchen, Wei\u00df, Zimt, Zitrone
Muster: Brille, Bunt, Flecken, Maske, Regenbogen, Streifen", "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
"}, "1024": {"English name": "Platform Builder", "Name": "Plattformbauer ", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [platform] Nest", "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [platform] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1025": {"English name": "Prairie Manager", "Name": "Bauer", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [grassland] leben k\u00f6nnen", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1026": {"English name": "Rodentologist", "Name": "Nagetierexperte", "Condition": "[rodent] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [rodent] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", "Note": null}, "1027": {"English name": "Visionary Leader", "Name": "Vogelbeobachter ", "Condition": "Vogelkarten auf der Hand am Spielende", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5 - 7 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 8+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1028": {"English name": "Viticulturalist", "Name": "Winzer", "Condition": "[fruit] fressende V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [fruit] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1029": {"English name": "Wetland Scientist", "Name": "Kapit\u00e4n", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [wetland] leben k\u00f6nnen", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 - 4 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 5 V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1030": {"English name": "Wildlife Gardener", "Name": "Reservatspfleger", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [bowl] Nest", "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [bowl] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1031": {"English name": "[Fan Made] Caprimulgiform Specialist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1032": {"English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", "Name": "[automa] Vogelfreund", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 3 oder 4 Siegpunkten", "Explanatory text": "(h\u00f6herer Wert geht vor).", "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt davon bis zu 2", "Note": null}, "1033": {"English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", "Name": "[automa] Vogelkenner", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 5, 6 oder 7 Siegpunkten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt den Vogel mit dem h\u00f6chsten Wert.", "Note": null}, "1034": {"English name": "Forest Data Analyst", "Name": "Walddatenanalytiker", "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [forest] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1035": {"English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", "Name": "Graslanddatenanalytiker", "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [grassland] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1036": {"English name": "Mechanical Engineer", "Name": "Maschinenbauer", "Condition": "Sets aus allen 4 Nesttypen", "Explanatory text": "[star] z\u00e4hlen als 1 Nest eines beliebigen Nesttyps. Keine Karte kann Teil von mehr als 1 Set sein.", "VP": "1 Set = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 Set: 3[point]; 2+ Sets: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1037": {"English name": "Site Selection Expert", "Name": "Nistplatzexperte", "Condition": "Spalten mit 2 oder 3 Nestern des gleichen Typs", "Explanatory text": "Unterschiedliche Spalten k\u00f6nnen unterschiedliche Nesttypen werten. [star] z\u00e4hlen als jeder Nesttyp, aber jeweils nur einmal.", "VP": "2 gleiche Nester in einer Spalte: 1[point]; 3 gleiche Nester in einer Spalte: 3[point]", "Note": null}, "1038": {"English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", "Name": "Wasserdatenanalytiker", "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [wetland] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1039": {"English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", "Name": "Vogelz\u00fcchter", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit vollen Nestern", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner V\u00f6gel, auf denen die maximal m\u00f6gliche Anzahl an Eiern liegt (deren Ei-Limit voll ausgereizt ist).
V\u00f6gel, auf deren Karte keine Eier abgebildet sind (deren Ei-Limit 0 ist), z\u00e4hlen nicht f\u00fcr diese Bonuskarte. Sie haben kein volles Nest.", "Note": null}, "1040": {"English name": "Endangered Species Protector", "Name": "Bewahrer gef\u00e4hrdeter Arten", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, mit denen du Bonuskarten ziehen oder werten kannst.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel das links gezeigte Symbol haben. Dies sind immer V\u00f6gel, die dir erlauben neue Bonuskarten zu ziehen oder Bonuskarten zu werten. In der Asienerweiterung sind dies:
Gro\u00dfer Adjutant
Indische Trappe
Wei\u00dfkopf-Ruderente", "Note": null}, "1041": {"English name": "Forest Population Monitor", "Name": "Waldbestandsw\u00e4chter", "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [forest]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", "Note": null}, "1042": {"English name": "Forest Ranger", "Name": "Waldh\u00fcter", "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [forest] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", "Note": null}, "1043": {"English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", "Name": "Graslandbestandsw\u00e4chter", "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [grassland]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", "Note": null}, "1044": {"English name": "Grassland Ranger", "Name": "Graslandh\u00fcter", "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [grassland] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", "Note": null}, "1045": {"English name": "Pellet Dissector", "Name": "Gew\u00f6lleanalytiker", "Condition": "Auf V\u00f6geln gelagerte Fisch- und Nager-Futtermarker", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele Fisch- und Nager-Futtermarker du am Ende des Spiels auf V\u00f6geln gelagert hast.", "Note": null}, "1046": {"English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", "Name": "Spezialist f\u00fcr kleine Gelege", "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einem Ei-Limit von 2 oder weniger", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Pr\u00fcfe das Ei-Limit jeder deiner gespielten Vogelkarten und z\u00e4hle die V\u00f6gel, deren Ei-Limit 0 (keine Eier abgebildet), 1 oder 2 betr\u00e4gt.
F\u00fcr diese Karte spielt es keine Rolle, ob Eier auf den V\u00f6geln liegen.", "Note": null}, "1047": {"English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", "Name": "Wasserbestandsw\u00e4chter", "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [wetland]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", "Note": null}, "1048": {"English name": "Wetland Ranger", "Name": "Gew\u00e4sserh\u00fcter", "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [wetland] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", "Note": null}, "1049": {"English name": "Winter Feeder", "Name": "Winterf\u00fctterer", "Condition": "Futtermarker in deinem Vorrat am Spielende", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele Futtermarker du am Ende des Spiels noch in deinem Vorrat hast. Auf V\u00f6geln gelagertes Futter gilt nicht als in deinem Vorrat.", "Note": null}, "1050": {"English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", "Name": "[automa] Bewunderer Asiatischer V\u00f6gel", "Condition": "
SchwierigkeitV\u00f6gel mit Wert
Adlerk\u00fcken2 oder 3 Punkte
Adler3 oder 4 Punkte
Scharf\u00e4ugiger Adler4 oder 5 Punkte
", "Explanatory text": "(niedrigerer Wert zuerst).", "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt bis zu 2 davon", "Note": null}, "1051": {"English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}}, "goals": {"2000": {"English name": "Bird in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2001": {"English name": "Bird in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2002": {"English name": "Bird in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2013": {"English name": "Egg in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2014": {"English name": "Egg in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2017": {"English name": "Egg in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2010": {"English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2008": {"English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2021": {"English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2022": {"English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2012": {"English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2011": {"English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2015": {"English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2016": {"English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2023": {"English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2024": {"English name": "Total Bird", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2020": {"English name": "Food in Supply", "Name": "Futter im eigenen Vorrat", "Condition": "[wild] im eigenen Vorrat", "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Futtermarker in deinem Vorrat."}, "2003": {"English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", "Name": "Vogelkarten auf der Hand", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Vogelkarten auf deiner Hand."}, "2004": {"English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", "Name": "V\u00f6gel mit Wert gr\u00f6\u00dfer 4SP", "Condition": "[bird] mit Wert >4[point]", "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einem Wert gr\u00f6\u00dfer 4 Siegpunkten."}, "2006": {"English name": "Birds with No Eggs", "Name": "V\u00f6gel ohne Eier", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel, auf denen keine Eier liegen."}, "2005": {"English name": "Birds in 1 Row", "Name": "V\u00f6gel in einer Reihe", "Condition": "[bird] in einer Reihe", "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der gespielten V\u00f6gel in deinem Lebensraum mit den meisten V\u00f6geln."}, "2018": {"English name": "Filled Columns", "Name": "komplett gef\u00fcllte Spalten", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Spalten auf deinem Tableau, in denen alle 3 Kartenpl\u00e4tze mit V\u00f6geln belegt sind."}, "2009": {"English name": "Brown Powers", "Name": "Braune F\u00e4higkeiten", "Condition": "braune F\u00e4higkeiten", "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einer braunen F\u00e4higkeit (\u201eBei Aktivierung\u201c)."}, "2025": {"English name": "White & No Powers", "Name": "wei\u00dfe & keine F\u00e4higkeiten", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einer wei\u00dfen (\u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c) oder ohne F\u00e4higkeit."}, "2007": {"English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", "Name": "V\u00f6gel mit Karten darunter", "Condition": "[flocking] V\u00f6gel mit Karten darunter", "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner V\u00f6gel unter denen mindestens 1 Karte liegt."}, "2019": {"English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", "Name": "Futterkosten gespielter V\u00f6gel", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel. Kannst du zwischen Futterarten w\u00e4hlen, z\u00e4hle die Kosten nur einmal."}, "2031": {"English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Wirbellose in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", "Condition": "[invertebrate] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht."}, "2030": {"English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Fr\u00fcchte + Samen in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", "Condition": "[fruit] + [seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht."}, "2033": {"English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Nager + Fische in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", "Condition": "[rodent] + [fish] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht."}, "2032": {"English name": "No Goal", "Name": "Kein Ziel", "Condition": "Kein Ziel", "Explanatory Text": "Am Ende dieser Runde wird kein Rundenziel gewertet. Ihr behaltet euren Aktionsw\u00fcrfel. In den folgenden Runden k\u00f6nnt ihr also eine Aktion mehr machen als \u00fcblich."}, "2026": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Left", "Name": "Schnabel zeigt nach links", "Condition": "[beak-left] Schnabel zeigt nach links", "Explanatory Text": "F\u00fcr diese Rundenziele z\u00e4hlen eure gespielten V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel in die angegebene Richtung zeigt. V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel nach vorn oder senkrecht nach oben zeigt, z\u00e4hlen f\u00fcr keines der beiden Rundenziele.
Diese Rundenziele sollen euch ermutigen, euch die Illustrationen noch genauer anzusehen. Falls ihr euch h\u00e4ufig nicht einigen k\u00f6nnt, in welche Richtung der Schnabel zeigt, entfernt dieses Zielpl\u00e4ttchen aus dem Spiel. Auch wenn wir finden, dass man die Schnabelrichtung meist gut zuordnen kann, m\u00f6chten wir folgendes klarstellen:

Die Schn\u00e4bel der folgenden V\u00f6gel zeigen weder nach rechts noch nach links.
GrundspielEuropa-ErweiterungOzeanien-ErweiterungAsien-Erweiterung"}, "2027": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Right", "Name": "Schnabel zeigt nach rechts", "Condition": "[beak-left] Schnabel zeigt nach rechts", "Explanatory Text": "F\u00fcr diese Rundenziele z\u00e4hlen eure gespielten V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel in die angegebene Richtung zeigt. V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel nach vorn oder senkrecht nach oben zeigt, z\u00e4hlen f\u00fcr keines der beiden Rundenziele.
Diese Rundenziele sollen euch ermutigen, euch die Illustrationen noch genauer anzusehen. Falls ihr euch h\u00e4ufig nicht einigen k\u00f6nnt, in welche Richtung der Schnabel zeigt, entfernt dieses Zielpl\u00e4ttchen aus dem Spiel. Auch wenn wir finden, dass man die Schnabelrichtung meist gut zuordnen kann, m\u00f6chten wir folgendes klarstellen:

Die Schn\u00e4bel der folgenden V\u00f6gel zeigen weder nach rechts noch nach links.
GrundspielEuropa-ErweiterungOzeanien-ErweiterungAsien-Erweiterung"}, "2029": {"English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", "Name": "Aktionsw\u00fcrfel auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c", "Condition": "[cube] Aktionsw\u00fcrfel auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Aktionsw\u00fcrfel, die ihr in dieser Runde auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c gelegt habt. Beachtet: F\u00fcr die Wertung dieses Rundenziels ist es wichtig, dass ihr die Aktionsw\u00fcrfel bis nach der Wertung in der gespielten Reihe liegen lasst!"}, "2028": {"English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bird] mit Wert \u22643[point]", "Explanatory Text": null}, "2043": {"English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", "Name": "auf Paaren mit gleichen Symbolen", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele deiner Duellmarker Teil eines Paares (= 2 Marker deiner Farbe) mit dem gleichen Symbol auf einem Feld sind. Jeder Duellmarker z\u00e4hlt nur einmal. Die Symbole m\u00fcssen genau \u00fcbereinstimmen wie z. B. 2 Nager oder 2x 50+ cm Spannweite. Boni auf den Feldern m\u00fcssen nicht \u00fcbereinstimmen."}, "2040": {"English name": "Nest Symbols", "Name": "auf Nestsymbolen", "Condition": "[duet-token] auf [bowl][cavity][ground][platform]", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle alle deine Duellmarker auf Feldern mit einem beliebigen Nestsymbol ([bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]). Auch mehrere Symbole der gleichen Art z\u00e4hlen (z. B. z\u00e4hlen bei 2 Markern auf unterschiedlichen [platform]-Feldern beide)."}, "2035": {"English name": "Food Symbols", "Name": "auf Futtersymbolen", "Condition": "[duet-token] auf [fish][fruit][rodent][seed][invertebrate]", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle alle deine Duellmarker auf Feldern mit einem beliebigen Futtersymbol ([fruit] [seed] [invertebrate] [rodent] [fish]). Auch mehrere Symbole der gleichen Art z\u00e4hlen (z. B. z\u00e4hlen bei 2 Markern auf unterschiedlichen [fish]-Feldern beide)."}, "2041": {"English name": "Not on Edge of Map", "Name": "nicht am Rand der Karte", "Condition": "[duet-token] nicht am Rand der Karte", "Explanatory Text": "Jeder Rand der Karte hat 6 Felder: Die Seiten haben je 3 einger\u00fcckte Felder, die auch als am Rand der Karte z\u00e4hlen. Es gibt also 20 Randfelder und 16 innere Felder. F\u00fcr diese Ziele z\u00e4hlst du, wie viele deiner Duellmarker am Rand der Karte auf inneren Feldern bzw. Randfeldern liegen. (Beachte: Die Symbole der Lebensr\u00e4ume z\u00e4hlen nicht als Felder.)"}, "2042": {"English name": "On Edge of Map", "Name": "am Rand der Karte", "Condition": "[duet-token] am Rand der Karte", "Explanatory Text": "Jeder Rand der Karte hat 6 Felder: Die Seiten haben je 3 einger\u00fcckte Felder, die auch als am Rand der Karte z\u00e4hlen. Es gibt also 20 Randfelder und 16 innere Felder. F\u00fcr diese Ziele z\u00e4hlst du, wie viele deiner Duellmarker am Rand der Karte auf inneren Feldern bzw. Randfeldern liegen. (Beachte: Die Symbole der Lebensr\u00e4ume z\u00e4hlen nicht als Felder.)"}, "2044": {"English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", "Name": "in 1 beliebigen horizontalen Reihe", "Condition": "[duet-token] in 1 beliebigen horizontalen Reihe", "Explanatory Text": "Bestimme die horizontale Reihe der Karte, die f\u00fcr dich am besten ist und z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker in dieser Reihe. Die Duellmarker m\u00fcssen keine zusammenh\u00e4ngende Gruppe bilden."}, "2036": {"English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", "Name": "Horizontale Reihen mit mind. 1 deiner Duellmarker", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle, in wie vielen der 6 horizontalen Reihen mindestens 1 deiner Duellmarker liegt."}, "2034": {"English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", "Name": "Wenigste Duellmarker auf Bonusfeldern", "Condition": "wenigste [duet-token] auf Bonusfeldern", "Explanatory Text": "Bonusfelder sind Felder, durch die ihr [dice]/[egg]/[card] erhaltet, wenn ihr einen Duellmarker darauf legt. Z\u00e4hle wie viele deiner Duellmarker auf diesen 9 Feldern liegen. Die Punkte f\u00fcr dieses Rundenziel erh\u00e4lt, wer weniger Duellmarker auf Bonusfeldern hat."}, "2037": {"English name": "In Forest", "Name": "im Wald", "Condition": "[duet-token] im [forest]", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)."}, "2038": {"English name": "In Grassland", "Name": "im Grasland", "Condition": "[duet-token] im [grassland]", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)."}, "2039": {"English name": "In Wetland", "Name": "im Wasser", "Condition": "[duet-token] im [wetland]", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)."}, "2045": {"English name": "Total Duet Tokens", "Name": "auf der Karte", "Condition": "[duet-token] auf der Karte", "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker auf der Karte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)."}}, "other": {"WHEN ACTIVATED": {"Translated": "Bei Aktivierung"}, "WHEN PLAYED": {"Translated": "Beim Ausspielen"}, "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": {"Translated": "1x zwischen deinen Z\u00fcgen"}, "ROUND END": {"Translated": "Am Rundenende"}, "GAME END": {"Translated": "Am Spielende"}, "of cards": {"Translated": "der Karten"}}, "parameters": {"Show bonus cards match symbols": {"Value": false}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "birds": { + "2": { + "English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", + "Common name": "Eichelspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "3": { + "English name": "American Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", + "Common name": "Braunhals-S\u00e4belschn\u00e4bler", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [ground] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "4": { + "English name": "American Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", + "Common name": "Nordamerik. Rohrdommel", + "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten V\u00f6geln im [wetland] Lebensraum: Ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "5": { + "English name": "American Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", + "Common name": "Amerik. Bl\u00e4sshuhn", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "6": { + "English name": "American Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Amerikanerkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "7": { + "English name": "American Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", + "Common name": "Goldzeisig", + "Power text": "Erhalte 3 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "8": { + "English name": "American Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", + "Common name": "Buntfalke", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "9": { + "English name": "American Oystercatcher", + "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", + "Common name": "Braunmantel-Austernfischer", + "Power text": "Ziehe Spieleranzahl +1 [card]. Beginnend bei dir, sucht sich im Uhrzeigersinn jeder Spieler 1 Karte aus und nimmt sie auf die Hand, Du erh\u00e4ltst die zus\u00e4tzliche letzte Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "10": { + "English name": "American Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", + "Common name": "Schn\u00e4pperwalds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "11": { + "English name": "American Robin", + "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", + "Common name": "Wanderdrossel", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "12": { + "English name": "American White Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Nashornpelikan", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [fish] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "13": { + "English name": "American Woodcock", + "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", + "Common name": "Kanadaschnepfe", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "14": { + "English name": "Anhinga", + "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", + "Common name": "Amerik. Schlangenhalsvogel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "15": { + "English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", + "Common name": "Annakolibri", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten reihum 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, beginnend mit dem Spieler deiner Wahl.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "16": { + "English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", + "Common name": "Kalifornien-Schopftyrann", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [cavity] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "17": { + "English name": "Atlantic Puffin", + "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", + "Common name": "Papageitaucher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "18": { + "English name": "Audouin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", + "Common name": "Korallenm\u00f6we", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Schiebe 1 davon unter diese Karte und behalte die andere.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "19": { + "English name": "Baird's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", + "Common name": "Bairdammer", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "20": { + "English name": "Bald Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", + "Common name": "Weisskopf-Seeadler", + "Power text": "Erhalte alle [fish] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "21": { + "English name": "Baltimore Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", + "Common name": "Baltimoretrupial", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "22": { + "English name": "Barn Owl", + "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", + "Common name": "Schleiereule", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "23": { + "English name": "Barn Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", + "Common name": "Rauchschwalbe", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "24": { + "English name": "Barred Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix varia", + "Common name": "Streifenkauz", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "25": { + "English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", + "Common name": "Spatelente", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "26": { + "English name": "Bell's Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", + "Common name": "Braunaugenvireo", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "27": { + "English name": "Belted Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", + "Common name": "G\u00fcrtelfischer", + "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen [wetland] Vogel, dann erhalte 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "28": { + "English name": "Bewick's Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", + "Common name": "Buschzaunk\u00f6nig", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "29": { + "English name": "Black Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", + "Common name": "Hausrotschwanz", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Lebensraum ohne [egg]. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "30": { + "English name": "Black Skimmer", + "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", + "Common name": "Amerik. Scherenschnabel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "31": { + "English name": "Black Tern", + "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", + "Common name": "Trauerseeschwalbe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "32": { + "English name": "Black Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", + "Common name": "Rabengeier", + "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "33": { + "English name": "Black Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", + "Common name": "Schwarzspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte alle [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "34": { + "English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", + "Common name": "Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "35": { + "English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", + "Common name": "Schwarzschnabelelster", + "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "36": { + "English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", + "Common name": "Schwarzkinnkolibri", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "37": { + "English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", + "Common name": "Nachtreiher", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "38": { + "English name": "Black-Headed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", + "Common name": "Lachm\u00f6we", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lege ihn in deinen eigenen Vorrat. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "39": { + "English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", + "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", + "Common name": "Schwarznacken-Stelzenl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "40": { + "English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", + "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", + "Common name": "Uferschnepfe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 3 [card] und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "41": { + "English name": "Black-Throated Diver", + "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", + "Common name": "Prachttaucher", + "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "42": { + "English name": "Blue Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", + "Common name": "Azurfink", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "43": { + "English name": "Blue Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", + "Common name": "Blauh\u00e4her", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "44": { + "English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", + "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", + "Common name": "Blaum\u00fcckenf\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "45": { + "English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", + "Common name": "Blaufl\u00fcgel-Walds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "46": { + "English name": "Bluethroat", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", + "Common name": "Blaukehlchen", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Futtertyp. Alle Spieler erhalten 1 Futtermarker dieses Typs aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "47": { + "English name": "Bobolink", + "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", + "Common name": "Reisst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "48": { + "English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", + "Common name": "Habichtsadler", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "49": { + "English name": "Brant", + "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", + "Common name": "Ringelgans", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "50": { + "English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", + "Common name": "Purpurst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "51": { + "English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", + "Common name": "Breitfl\u00fcgelbussard", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "52": { + "English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", + "Common name": "Rotaugen-Kuhst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "53": { + "English name": "Brown Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", + "Common name": "Braunpelikan", + "Power text": "Erhalte 3 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "54": { + "English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", + "Common name": "Braunkopf-Kuhst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "55": { + "English name": "Bullfinch", + "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", + "Common name": "Gimpel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [seed] oder 1 [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "56": { + "English name": "Burrowing Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", + "Common name": "Kaninchenkauz", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "57": { + "English name": "Bushtit", + "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", + "Common name": "Buschmeise", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "58": { + "English name": "California Condor", + "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", + "Common name": "Kalifornischer Kondor", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "59": { + "English name": "California Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", + "Common name": "Schopfwachtel", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "60": { + "English name": "Canada Goose", + "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", + "Common name": "Kanadagans", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "61": { + "English name": "Canvasback", + "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", + "Common name": "Riesentafelente", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "62": { + "English name": "Carolina Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", + "Common name": "Carolinameise", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "63": { + "English name": "Carolina Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Carolinazaunk\u00f6nig", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "64": { + "English name": "Carrion Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", + "Common name": "Rabenkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen beliebigen Spieler (auch dich). Lagere f\u00fcr jedes [predator] des Spielers 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "65": { + "English name": "Cassin's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", + "Common name": "Cassingimpel", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "66": { + "English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", + "Common name": "Cassinammer", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "67": { + "English name": "Cedar Waxwing", + "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", + "Common name": "Zedernseidenschwanz", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "68": { + "English name": "Cerulean Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", + "Common name": "Pappelwalds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "69": { + "English name": "Cetti's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", + "Common name": "Seidens\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "70": { + "English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", + "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", + "Common name": "Gelbkehl-Spornammer", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "71": { + "English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", + "Common name": "Weisshalsrabe", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "72": { + "English name": "Chimney Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", + "Common name": "Schornsteinsegler", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "73": { + "English name": "Chipping Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", + "Common name": "Schwirrammer", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "74": { + "English name": "Clark's Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", + "Common name": "Clarktaucher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "75": { + "English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", + "Common name": "Kiefernh\u00e4her", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "76": { + "English name": "Coal Tit", + "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", + "Common name": "Tannenmeise", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Du darfst auf dieser Karte gelagerte [seed] jederzeit ausgeben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "77": { + "English name": "Common Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", + "Common name": "Amsel", + "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [forest]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "78": { + "English name": "Common Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", + "Common name": "M\u00e4usebussard", + "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier und Futtermarker auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "79": { + "English name": "Common Chaffinch", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", + "Common name": "Buchfink", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in diesem Lebensraum. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "80": { + "English name": "Common Chiffchaff", + "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", + "Common name": "Zilpzalp", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in diesem Lebensraum. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "81": { + "English name": "Common Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", + "Common name": "Kuckuck", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] oder [ground] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "82": { + "English name": "Common Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", + "Common name": "Schellente", + "Power text": "Lege f\u00fcr jeden anderen deiner V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "83": { + "English name": "Common Grackle", + "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", + "Common name": "Purpurgrackel", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "84": { + "English name": "Common Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", + "Common name": "Eisvogel", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "85": { + "English name": "Common Little Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", + "Common name": "Zwergdommel", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offen liegende [card] mit einem Vogel, der im [grassland] leben kann.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "86": { + "English name": "Common Loon", + "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", + "Common name": "Eistaucher", + "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten [wetland] V\u00f6geln: Ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "87": { + "English name": "Common Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", + "Common name": "G\u00e4nses\u00e4ger", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "88": { + "English name": "Common Moorhen", + "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", + "Common name": "Teichhuhn", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [wetland]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "89": { + "English name": "Common Nighthawk", + "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", + "Common name": "Falkennachtschwalbe", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "90": { + "English name": "Common Nightingale", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", + "Common name": "Nachtigall", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Futtertyp. Alle Spieler erhalten 1 Futtermarker dieses Typs aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "91": { + "English name": "Common Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", + "Common name": "Kolkrabe", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "92": { + "English name": "Common Starling", + "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", + "Common name": "Star", + "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "93": { + "English name": "Common Swift", + "Scientific name": "Apus apus", + "Common name": "Mauersegler", + "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [invertebrate] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "94": { + "English name": "Common Yellowthroat", + "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", + "Common name": "Weidengelbkehlchen", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte aus deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "95": { + "English name": "Cooper's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", + "Common name": "Rundschwanzsperber", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "96": { + "English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", + "Common name": "Korsenkleiber", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "97": { + "English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", + "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", + "Common name": "Winterammer", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "98": { + "English name": "Dickcissel", + "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", + "Common name": "Dickzissel", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "99": { + "English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", + "Common name": "Ohrenscharbe", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [fish] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "100": { + "English name": "Downy Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", + "Common name": "Dunenspecht", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "101": { + "English name": "Dunnock", + "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", + "Common name": "Heckenbraunelle", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland], 1 [egg] auf diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "102": { + "English name": "Eastern Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", + "Common name": "Rotkehl-H\u00fcttens\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "103": { + "English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", + "Common name": "Kaiseradler", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "104": { + "English name": "Eastern Kingbird", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", + "Common name": "Schieferr\u00fccken-K\u00f6nigstyrann", + "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen [forest] Vogel, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "105": { + "English name": "Eastern Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", + "Common name": "Weissbauch-Phoebetyrann", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "106": { + "English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", + "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", + "Common name": "Ostkreischeule", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "107": { + "English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", + "Common name": "Eleonorenfalke", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "108": { + "English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", + "Common name": "T\u00fcrkentaube", + "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "109": { + "English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", + "Common name": "Pirol", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "110": { + "English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", + "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnspecht", + "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "111": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hobby", + "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", + "Common name": "Baumfalke", + "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier und Futtermarker auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "112": { + "English name": "Eurasian Jay", + "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", + "Common name": "Eichelh\u00e4her", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "113": { + "English name": "Eurasian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica pica", + "Common name": "Elster", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. F\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland] lagere 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat auf beliebigen deiner V\u00f6gel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "114": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", + "Common name": "Tannenh\u00e4her", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-5 V\u00f6gel in deinem [forest]. Lagere auf jedem 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "115": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", + "Common name": "Kleiber", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Du darfst auf dieser Karte gelagerte [seed] jederzeit ausgeben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "116": { + "English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", + "Common name": "Sperber", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) [card] unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "117": { + "English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", + "Common name": "Feldsperling", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "118": { + "English name": "European Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", + "Common name": "Bienenfresser", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "119": { + "English name": "European Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", + "Common name": "Stieglitz", + "Power text": "Schiebt ein Mitspieler 1 [card] unter einen Vogel, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "120": { + "English name": "European Honey Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", + "Common name": "Wespenbussard", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach alle [invertebrate] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "121": { + "English name": "European Robin", + "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", + "Common name": "Rotkehlchen", + "Power text": "Erhalte aus dem Vorrat 1 Futtermarker eines Futtertyps, den du in diesem Zug bereits erhalten hast.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "122": { + "English name": "European Roller", + "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", + "Common name": "Blauracke", + "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [grassland]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "123": { + "English name": "European Turtle Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", + "Common name": "Turteltaube", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel oder ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "124": { + "English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", + "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsbussard", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "125": { + "English name": "Fish Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", + "Common name": "Fischkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] von einem deiner anderen V\u00f6gel ab, um 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "126": { + "English name": "Forster's Tern", + "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", + "Common name": "Forsterseeschwalbe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] aus deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "127": { + "English name": "Franklin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", + "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riem\u00f6we", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] ab, um 2 [card] zu ziehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "128": { + "English name": "Goldcrest", + "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", + "Common name": "Wintergoldh\u00e4hnchen", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [card] von deiner Hand ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [forest]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "129": { + "English name": "Golden Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", + "Common name": "Steinadler", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "130": { + "English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", + "Common name": "Heuschreckenammer", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "131": { + "English name": "Gray Catbird", + "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", + "Common name": "Katzenvogel", + "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "132": { + "English name": "Great Blue Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", + "Common name": "Kanadareiher", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "133": { + "English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", + "Common name": "Gelbbauch-Schopftyrann", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "134": { + "English name": "Great Crested Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", + "Common name": "Haubentaucher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden freien Kartenplatz in dieser Reihe. Am Ende deines Zuges behalte 1 davon und wirf die anderen ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "135": { + "English name": "Great Egret", + "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", + "Common name": "Silberreiher", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "136": { + "English name": "Great Horned Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", + "Common name": "Virginiauhu", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "137": { + "English name": "Great Tit", + "Scientific name": "Parus major", + "Common name": "Kohlmeise", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "138": { + "English name": "Greater Flamingo", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", + "Common name": "Rosaflamingo", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [wetland], schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte, dann ziehe genauso viele [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "139": { + "English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", + "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", + "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riehuhn", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "140": { + "English name": "Greater Roadrunner", + "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", + "Common name": "Wegekuckuck", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 50 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "141": { + "English name": "Green Heron", + "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", + "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnreiher", + "Power text": "Tausche 1 [wild] gegen 1 beliebigen anderen [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "142": { + "English name": "Grey Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", + "Common name": "Graureiher", + "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [wetland]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "143": { + "English name": "Greylag Goose", + "Scientific name": "Anser anser", + "Common name": "Graugans", + "Power text": "Dieser Vogel z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr das Rundenziel doppelt (sofern er die Bedingungen des Ziels erf\u00fcllt).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "144": { + "English name": "Griffon Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", + "Common name": "G\u00e4nsegeier", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen beliebigen Spieler (auch dich). Lagere f\u00fcr jedes [predator] des Spielers 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "145": { + "English name": "Hawfinch", + "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", + "Common name": "Kernbei\u00dfer", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Tust du das, erhalte danach 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "146": { + "English name": "Hermit Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", + "Common name": "Einsiedlerdrossel", + "Power text": "Der/die Spieler mit den wenigsten [forest] V\u00f6geln erhalten 1 [die] aus dem Vogel\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "147": { + "English name": "Hooded Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", + "Common name": "Nebelkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Lege f\u00fcr jeden seiner Aktionsw\u00fcrfel im [grassland], schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte, dann ziehe genauso viele [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "148": { + "English name": "Hooded Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", + "Common name": "Kappens\u00e4ger", + "Power text": "Kopiere die [predator] F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "149": { + "English name": "Hooded Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", + "Common name": "Kapuzenwalds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "150": { + "English name": "Horned Lark", + "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", + "Common name": "Ohrenlerche", + "Power text": "Spielt ein Mitspieler einen Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum, schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "151": { + "English name": "House Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", + "Common name": "Hausgimpel", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "152": { + "English name": "House Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", + "Common name": "Haussperling", + "Power text": "Zahle bis zu 5 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat. Schiebe f\u00fcr jeden 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "153": { + "English name": "House Wren", + "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", + "Common name": "N\u00f6rdlicher Hauszaunk\u00f6nig", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] oder [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "154": { + "English name": "Inca Dove", + "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", + "Common name": "Inkat\u00e4ubchen", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [platform] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "155": { + "English name": "Indigo Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", + "Common name": "Indigofink", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "156": { + "English name": "Juniper Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", + "Common name": "Wacholdermeise", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "157": { + "English name": "Killdeer", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", + "Common name": "Keilschwanz-Regenpfeifer", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] ab, um 2 [card] zu ziehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "158": { + "English name": "King Rail", + "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", + "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsralle", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "159": { + "English name": "Lazuli Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", + "Common name": "Lazulifink", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "160": { + "English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", + "Common name": "Klappergrasm\u00fccke", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle einen Lebensraum ohne [egg]. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "161": { + "English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", + "Common name": "Lincolnammer", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "162": { + "English name": "Little Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", + "Common name": "Zwergtrappe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 1 [card] oder lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "163": { + "English name": "Little Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", + "Common name": "Steinkauz", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "164": { + "English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Louisianaw\u00fcrger", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c und erh\u00e4lt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte ebenfalls 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "165": { + "English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", + "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", + "Common name": "Schwanzmeise", + "Power text": "Lege diesen Vogel seitw\u00e4rts, so dass er 2 [forest]-Felder bedeckt. Zahle die geringeren Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "166": { + "English name": "Mallard", + "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Stockente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "167": { + "English name": "Mississippi Kite", + "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", + "Common name": "Mississippiweih", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [rodent], erhalte 1 [rodent] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "168": { + "English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", + "Common name": "Ligurien-Bartgrasm\u00fccke", + "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "169": { + "English name": "Montagu's Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", + "Common name": "Wiesenweihe", + "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "170": { + "English name": "Mountain Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", + "Common name": "Bergh\u00fcttens\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "171": { + "English name": "Mountain Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", + "Common name": "Gambelmeise", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "172": { + "English name": "Mourning Dove", + "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", + "Common name": "Carolinataube", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "173": { + "English name": "Mute Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", + "Common name": "H\u00f6ckerschwan", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1-3 V\u00f6gel in deinem [wetland]. Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter jede dieser Karten. Tust du das, dann ziehe danach genau 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "174": { + "English name": "Northern Bobwhite", + "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", + "Common name": "Virginiawachtel", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "175": { + "English name": "Northern Cardinal", + "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", + "Common name": "Rotkardinal", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "176": { + "English name": "Northern Flicker", + "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", + "Common name": "Ostgoldspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte alle [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "177": { + "English name": "Northern Gannet", + "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", + "Common name": "Basst\u00f6lpel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Erhalte f\u00fcr jeden [fish] 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "178": { + "English name": "Northern Goshawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", + "Common name": "Habicht", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden [rodent] in den Futterkosten dieses Vogels darfst du stattdessen 1 [card] aus deiner Hand abgeben. Schiebe die gezahlte(n) unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "179": { + "English name": "Northern Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", + "Common name": "Kornweihe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "180": { + "English name": "Northern Mockingbird", + "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", + "Common name": "Spottdrossel", + "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines anderen Vogels in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "181": { + "English name": "Northern Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", + "Common name": "L\u00f6ffelente", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "182": { + "English name": "Osprey", + "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", + "Common name": "Fischadler", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "183": { + "English name": "Painted Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", + "Common name": "Papstfink", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "184": { + "English name": "Painted Whitestart", + "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", + "Common name": "Rotbrust-Walds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "185": { + "English name": "Parrot Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", + "Common name": "Kiefernkreuzschnabel", + "Power text": "Entferne 1 beliebigen [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, dann erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "186": { + "English name": "Peregrine Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", + "Common name": "Wanderfalke", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 100 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "187": { + "English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", + "Common name": "Bindentaucher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte von deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "188": { + "English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", + "Common name": "Helmspecht", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [cavity] Nest legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "189": { + "English name": "Pine Siskin", + "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", + "Common name": "Fichtenzeisig", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "190": { + "English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", + "Common name": "Zitronenwalds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "191": { + "English name": "Purple Gallinule", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", + "Common name": "Zwergsultanshuhn", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "192": { + "English name": "Purple Martin", + "Scientific name": "Progne subis", + "Common name": "Purpurschwalbe", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "193": { + "English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", + "Common name": "Zwergkleiber", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "194": { + "English name": "Red Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", + "Common name": "Fichtenkreuzschnabel", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "195": { + "English name": "Red Kite", + "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", + "Common name": "Rotmilan", + "Power text": "Statt die Kosten dieses Vogels zu zahlen, darfst du ihn auf einen deiner anderen V\u00f6gel spielen. Wirf alle Eier auf dem Vogel ab. Er gilt nun als Karte unter dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "196": { + "English name": "Red Knot", + "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", + "Common name": "Knutt", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 3 [card] und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "197": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", + "Common name": "Neunt\u00f6ter", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat eines Mitspielers und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte. Der betroffene Mitspieler erh\u00e4lt 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "198": { + "English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", + "Common name": "Carolinaspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "199": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", + "Common name": "Mittels\u00e4ger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "200": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", + "Common name": "Kanadakleiber", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "201": { + "English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", + "Common name": "Kokardenspecht", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "202": { + "English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", + "Common name": "Rotaugenvireo", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "203": { + "English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", + "Common name": "Rotkopfspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "204": { + "English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", + "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", + "Common name": "Rothuhn", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte, diesen eingeschlossen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "205": { + "English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", + "Common name": "Rotschulterbussard", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "206": { + "English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Rotschwanzbussard", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "207": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", + "Common name": "Rotfl\u00fcgelst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "208": { + "English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", + "Common name": "Ringschnabelm\u00f6we", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "209": { + "English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Rosenbrust-Kernknacker", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "210": { + "English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", + "Common name": "Rosal\u00f6ffler", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "211": { + "English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", + "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", + "Common name": "Rubingoldh\u00e4hnchen", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "212": { + "English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", + "Common name": "Rubinkehlkolibri", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten reihum 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, beginnend mit dem Spieler deiner Wahl.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "213": { + "English name": "Ruddy Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Schwarzkopf-Ruderente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte aus deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "214": { + "English name": "Ruff", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", + "Common name": "Kampfl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jede dieser Karten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "215": { + "English name": "Sandhill Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", + "Common name": "Kanadakranich", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab, um 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "216": { + "English name": "Savannah Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", + "Common name": "Grasammer", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "217": { + "English name": "Savi's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", + "Common name": "Rohrschwirl", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "218": { + "English name": "Say's Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", + "Common name": "Zimtbauch-Phoebetyrann", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [bowl] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "219": { + "English name": "Scaled Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", + "Common name": "Schuppenwachtel", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "220": { + "English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", + "Common name": "Scherenschwanz-K\u00f6nigstyrann", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "221": { + "English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", + "Common name": "Gartenbauml\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [egg] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [forest]. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "222": { + "English name": "Snow Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", + "Common name": "Schneeammer", + "Power text": "Schiebt ein Mitspieler 1 [card] unter einen Vogel, schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diesen Vogel, dann ziehe am Ende des Zuges 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "223": { + "English name": "Snowy Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", + "Common name": "Schmuckreiher", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "224": { + "English name": "Snowy Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", + "Common name": "Schneeeule", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 neue Bonuskarte. Dann ziehe 1 [card] oder lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "225": { + "English name": "Song Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", + "Common name": "Singammer", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "226": { + "English name": "Spotted Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", + "Common name": "Fleckenkauz", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "227": { + "English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", + "Common name": "Drosseluferl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "228": { + "English name": "Spotted Towhee", + "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", + "Common name": "Fleckengrundammer", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "229": { + "English name": "Sprague's Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", + "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riepieper", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "230": { + "English name": "Squacco Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", + "Common name": "Rallenreiher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offen liegende [card] mit einem Vogel, der im [wetland] leben kann.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "231": { + "English name": "Steller's Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", + "Common name": "Diademh\u00e4her", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen (falls vorhanden). Du darfst ihn auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "232": { + "English name": "Swainson's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", + "Common name": "Pr\u00e4riebussard", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 75 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "233": { + "English name": "Thekla's Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", + "Common name": "Theklalerche", + "Power text": "Gib 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "234": { + "English name": "Tree Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", + "Common name": "Sumpfschwalbe", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "235": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", + "Common name": "Trompeterschwan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "236": { + "English name": "Tufted Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", + "Common name": "Indianermeise", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Bezahle seine normalen Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "237": { + "English name": "Turkey Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", + "Common name": "Truthahngeier", + "Power text": "Ist der Vogel eines Mitspielers beim [predator] erfolgreich, erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "238": { + "English name": "Vaux's Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", + "Common name": "Graubauchsegler", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "239": { + "English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", + "Common name": "Veilchenschwalbe", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "240": { + "English name": "Western Meadowlark", + "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", + "Common name": "Wiesenst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg] auf 1 beliebigen Vogel mit [ground] Nest. Du darfst 1 weiteres [egg] auf 1 anderen Vogel mit [ground] Nest legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "241": { + "English name": "Western Tanager", + "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", + "Common name": "Kieferntangare", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "242": { + "English name": "White Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfstorch", + "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "243": { + "English name": "White Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", + "Common name": "Bachstelze", + "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "244": { + "English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfr\u00fcckenspecht", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "245": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", + "Common name": "Carolinakleiber", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "246": { + "English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", + "Common name": "Dachsammer", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "247": { + "English name": "White-Faced Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", + "Common name": "Brillensichler", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "248": { + "English name": "White-Throated Dipper", + "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", + "Common name": "Wasseramsel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle \u00fcbrigen, offen liegenden [card] ab und f\u00fclle die Vogeltr\u00e4nke neu auf. Ziehe dann 1 der neuen offen liegenden [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "249": { + "English name": "White-Throated Swift", + "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", + "Common name": "Weissbrustsegler", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "250": { + "English name": "Whooping Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus americana", + "Common name": "Schreikranich", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "251": { + "English name": "Wild Turkey", + "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", + "Common name": "Truthuhn", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "252": { + "English name": "Willet", + "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", + "Common name": "Schlammtreter", + "Power text": "Wirf alle W\u00fcrfel, die nicht im Vogelh\u00e4uschen sind. Zeigt min. 1 [fish], erhalte 1 [fish] und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "253": { + "English name": "Wilson's Snipe", + "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", + "Common name": "Wilsonbekassine", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "254": { + "English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", + "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", + "Common name": "Buntfu\u00df-Sturmschwalbe", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden freien Kartenplatz in dieser Reihe. Am Ende deines Zuges behalte 1 davon und wirf die anderen ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "255": { + "English name": "Wood Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", + "Common name": "Brautente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card]. Tust du das, wirf am Ende deines Zuges 1 [card] Karte von deiner Hand ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "256": { + "English name": "Wood Stork", + "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", + "Common name": "Waldstorch", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "257": { + "English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", + "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", + "Common name": "Gelbbauch-Saftlecker", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "258": { + "English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", + "Common name": "Gelbschnabelkuckuck", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [bowl] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "259": { + "English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", + "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", + "Common name": "Gelbbrust-Walds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Liegt dieser Vogel weiter rechts als alle anderen seines Lebensraums, darfst du ihn in einen anderen Lebensraum bewegen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "260": { + "English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", + "Common name": "Brillenst\u00e4rling", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "261": { + "English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", + "Common name": "Kronwalds\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, ziehe 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "262": { + "English name": "Yellowhammer", + "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", + "Common name": "Goldammer", + "Power text": "Hast du alle 4 Aktionsarten in dieser Runde genutzt, spiele einen weiteren Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "263": { + "English name": "Abbott's Booby", + "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", + "Common name": "Abbott-T\u00f6lpel", + "Power text": "Ziehe 3 Bonuskarten, dann wirf 2 Bonuskarten ab. Das d\u00fcrfen auch Bonuskarten sein, die du bereits hattest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "264": { + "English name": "Australasian Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Australspornpieper", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter jede Karte in deinem [grassland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "265": { + "English name": "Australasian Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", + "Common name": "Halbmond-L\u00f6ffelente", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Zieht beide 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "266": { + "English name": "Australian Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", + "Common name": "Australischer Ibis", + "Power text": "Mische den Ablagestapel und ziehe 2 [card] davon. W\u00e4hle 1 und wirf die andere ab. Du darfst die gew\u00e4hlte [card] unter diese Karte schieben oder auf die Hand nehmen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "267": { + "English name": "Australian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", + "Common name": "Fl\u00f6tenvogel", + "Power text": "Wirf von jedem anderen Vogel in dieser Reihe und Spalte 1 [egg] ab, sofern vorhanden. Lagere f\u00fcr jedes abgeworfene [egg] 2 [seed] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "268": { + "English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", + "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", + "Common name": "Baumschwalm", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "269": { + "English name": "Australian Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", + "Common name": "Neuhollandkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Lagere bis zu 5 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "270": { + "English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", + "Common name": "Australrohrs\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [wetland] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "271": { + "English name": "Australian Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", + "Common name": "Halsbandkasarka", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [cavity] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "272": { + "English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", + "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", + "Common name": "Australzebraamadine", + "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [seed] in seinem Vorrat, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "273": { + "English name": "Black Noddy", + "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkopfnoddi", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen und erhalte dann alle [fish] daraus. Wirf X davon ab, um X [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diesen Vogel zu schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "274": { + "English name": "Black Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", + "Common name": "Schwarzschwan", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel > 100 cm.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "275": { + "English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", + "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", + "Common name": "Australischer Gleitaar", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [rodent] daraus. Du darfst ihn einem Mitspieler geben. Tust du das, lege bis zu 3 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "276": { + "English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", + "Common name": "Papuahornvogel", + "Power text": "Wirf alle [egg] von einem deiner V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest ab. Schiebe doppelt so viele [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte wie du [egg] abgeworfen hast.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "277": { + "English name": "Brolga", + "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", + "Common name": "Brolgakranich", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Er legt 1 [egg] auf einen seiner V\u00f6gel. Ziehe 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "278": { + "English name": "Brown Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", + "Common name": "Habichtfalke", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Zeigt sie als Futterkosten (auch) [invertebrate] oder [rodent], schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "279": { + "English name": "Budgerigar", + "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", + "Common name": "Wellensittich", + "Power text": "Schiebe den kleinsten Vogel aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "280": { + "English name": "Cockatiel", + "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", + "Common name": "Nymphensittich", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, schiebe 1 [card] aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "281": { + "English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", + "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", + "Common name": "Raggiparadiesvogel", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "282": { + "English name": "Crested Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", + "Common name": "Spitzschopftaube", + "Power text": "Lagere bis zu 8 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "283": { + "English name": "Crimson Chat", + "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", + "Common name": "Scharlachtrugschm\u00e4tzer", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "284": { + "English name": "Eastern Rosella", + "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", + "Common name": "Rosella", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat. Du erh\u00e4ltst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "285": { + "English name": "Eastern Whipbird", + "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", + "Common name": "Schwarzkopf-Wippfl\u00f6ter", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "286": { + "English name": "Emu", + "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Emu", + "Power text": "Erhalte alle [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Behalte die H\u00e4lfte (aufgerundet) und verteile den Rest beliebig an Mitspieler.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "287": { + "English name": "Galah", + "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", + "Common name": "Rosakakadu", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Er wirft alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen und erh\u00e4lt dann 1 [seed] daraus. Schiebe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "288": { + "English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", + "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", + "Common name": "Goldkopf-Zistens\u00e4nger", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [grassland] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "289": { + "English name": "Gould's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", + "Common name": "Gouldpapageiamadine", + "Power text": "Spiele 1 Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futter- und Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "290": { + "English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", + "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", + "Common name": "Australzwergente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 davon und gib die andere einem Mitspieler.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "291": { + "English name": "Grey Butcherbird", + "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", + "Common name": "Graur\u00fccken-Metzgervogel", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie < 40 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte und lagere 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "292": { + "English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", + "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", + "Common name": "Graubrustpitohui", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann alle [rodent] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Du darfst sie teilweise oder komplett auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "293": { + "English name": "Grey Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkehlente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 3 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 [wetland] Vogel, sofern vorhanden. Nimm ihn auf die Hand oder schiebe ihn unter diese Karte. Wirf die anderen ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "294": { + "English name": "Grey Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", + "Common name": "Maorigerygone", + "Power text": "Spiele einen zweiten Vogel in den [forest] Lebensraum. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "295": { + "English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", + "Common name": "Graukopfnonne", + "Power text": "Spiele 1 Vogel. Zahle seine normalen Futterkosten. Zahle 1 [egg] weniger bei den Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "296": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", + "Common name": "Rotschwanzkuckuck", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann lege 1 [egg] auf einen Vogel < 30 cm.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "297": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", + "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", + "Common name": "Horsfieldlerche", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] aus deinem Vorrat ab. Tust du das, lege bis zu 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "298": { + "English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", + "Common name": "Kakapo", + "Power text": "Ziehe 4 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1 davon. Wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "299": { + "English name": "Kea", + "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", + "Common name": "Kea", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 Bonuskarte. Du darfst X [wild] abwerfen, um X weitere Bonuskarten zu ziehen. Behalte 1 der gezogenen Bonuskarten und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "300": { + "English name": "Kelp Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", + "Common name": "Dominikanerm\u00f6we", + "Power text": "Wirf X [wild] ab, um X [card] zu ziehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "301": { + "English name": "Kerer\u016b", + "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Maorifruchttaube", + "Power text": "Hat dein linker Mitspieler min. 1 [nectar] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "302": { + "English name": "Korimako", + "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", + "Common name": "Maori-Glockenhonigfresser", + "Power text": "Wirf X [rodent] ab, um X [nectar] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "303": { + "English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", + "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", + "Common name": "J\u00e4gerliest", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann daraus 1 [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "304": { + "English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", + "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", + "Common name": "Arielfregattvogel", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [egg] von einem [wetland] Vogel entfernen. Jeder, der dies tut, erh\u00e4lt 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "305": { + "English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", + "Common name": "Goldohr-Honigfresser", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "306": { + "English name": "Little Penguin", + "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", + "Common name": "Zwergpinguin", + "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. F\u00fcr jeden [fish] in deren Futterkosten, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Wirf die Karten danach ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "307": { + "English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", + "Common name": "Kr\u00e4uselscharbe", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [platform] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "308": { + "English name": "Magpie-Lark", + "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", + "Common name": "Drosselstelze", + "Power text": "Wirf 2 [egg] aus dem [forest] ab. Tust du das, spiele 1 Vogel im [grassland] mit normalen Futter- aber ohne Ei-Kosten. Hat er eine F\u00e4higkeit \u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c oder \u201eAm Spielende\u201c, darfst du sie nutzen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "309": { + "English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", + "Common name": "Inkakakadu", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalten alle Spieler 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "310": { + "English name": "Malleefowl", + "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", + "Common name": "Thermometerhuhn", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "311": { + "English name": "Maned Duck", + "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", + "Common name": "M\u00e4hnenente", + "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das mit min. 1 [card], erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "312": { + "English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", + "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", + "Common name": "Perousefruchttaube", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat. Du erh\u00e4ltst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "313": { + "English name": "Masked Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", + "Common name": "Maskenkiebitz", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Nimm dir f\u00fcr jede Futterart im Vogelh\u00e4uschen 1 Futter dieser Art aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "314": { + "English name": "Mistletoebird", + "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", + "Common name": "Rotstei\u00df-Mistelfresser", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat ODER wirf 1 [fruit] ab, um 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "315": { + "English name": "Musk Duck", + "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", + "Common name": "Lappenente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [ground] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "316": { + "English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfaugen-Honigfresser", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "317": { + "English name": "Noisy Miner", + "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfstirn-Schwatzvogel", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel. Deine Mitspieler legen 1 [egg] auf einen ihrer V\u00f6gel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "318": { + "English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", + "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", + "Common name": "Nordstreifenkiwi", + "Power text": "Wirf eine deiner Bonuskarten ab. Ziehe dann 4 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 2 davon. Wirf die anderen 2 ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "319": { + "English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", + "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", + "Common name": "Reinwardt-Gro\u00dffu\u00dfhuhn", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [ground] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "320": { + "English name": "Pacific Black Duck", + "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", + "Common name": "Augenbrauenente", + "Power text": "Lege f\u00fcr je 2 [egg] in deinem [wetland] Lebensraum 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "321": { + "English name": "Peaceful Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", + "Common name": "Friedenst\u00e4ubchen", + "Power text": "Wirf X [seed] ab, um X [egg] auf diesen Vogel zu legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "322": { + "English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", + "Common name": "Borstenkopf", + "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [nectar] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "323": { + "English name": "Pheasant Coucal", + "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", + "Common name": "Fasankuckuck", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eEier legen\u201c, dann lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "324": { + "English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", + "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", + "Common name": "Rosenohrente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Behalte 1 davon und gib die andere einem Mitspieler.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "325": { + "English name": "Plains-Wanderer", + "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", + "Common name": "Steppenl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 Bonuskarte f\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [grassland] Lebensraum. Behalte 1 davon und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "326": { + "English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", + "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", + "Common name": "Stephanieparadieselster", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr legt beide 1 [egg] auf einen eurer V\u00f6gel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "327": { + "English name": "P\u016bkeko", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", + "Common name": "Pukeko", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen benachbarten Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "328": { + "English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", + "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", + "Common name": "Regenbogenlori", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [nectar] aus dem \u201ebezahlt\u201c-Bereich deines [forest] Lebensraums ab. Tust du das, dann erhalte 2 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "329": { + "English name": "Red Wattlebird", + "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", + "Common name": "Rotlappen-Honigfresser", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [nectar] f\u00fcr jeden Vogel < 49 cm in deinem [forest] Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "330": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", + "Common name": "Rotr\u00fccken-Staffelschwanz", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel mit einem [star] Nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "331": { + "English name": "Red-Capped Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", + "Common name": "Rotstirnschn\u00e4pper", + "Power text": "Hat dein linker Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "332": { + "English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Rotkopf-S\u00e4belschn\u00e4bler", + "Power text": "Hat dein linker oder rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "333": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", + "Common name": "Rotfl\u00fcgelsittich", + "Power text": "Gib 1 [nectar] aus deinem Vorrat an einen Mitspieler. Tust du das, lege entweder 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel ODER erhalte 2 [die] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "334": { + "English name": "Regent Bowerbird", + "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", + "Common name": "Gelbnacken-Laubenvogel", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 Mitspieler. Ihr erhaltet beide 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "335": { + "English name": "Royal Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", + "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsl\u00f6ffler", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [platform] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "336": { + "English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", + "Common name": "Rotr\u00fcckenreiher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Zeigt sie als Lebensraum (auch) [wetland], schiebe sie unter diese Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "337": { + "English name": "Rufous Owl", + "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", + "Common name": "Rostkauz", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] < 75 cm aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke und schiebe sie unter diese Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "338": { + "English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", + "Common name": "Rostband-Honigfresser", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [invertebrate] ab. Tust du das, erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "339": { + "English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", + "Common name": "G\u00f6tzenliest", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \u201eFutter erhalten\u201c, erhalte am Ende seines Zuges 1 [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "340": { + "English name": "Silvereye", + "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", + "Common name": "Graumantel-Brillenvogel", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "341": { + "English name": "South Island Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", + "Common name": "Langbeinschn\u00e4pper", + "Power text": "Hat dein rechter Mitspieler min. 1 [invertebrate] in seinem Vorrat, dann erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "342": { + "English name": "Southern Cassowary", + "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", + "Common name": "Helmkasuar", + "Power text": "Wirf einen Vogel aus deinem [forest] ab und spiele diese Karte an seine Stelle. Zahle die Futter-, aber keine Ei-Kosten. Lege dann 4 [egg] auf diesen Vogel und erhalte 2 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "343": { + "English name": "Spangled Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", + "Common name": "Glanzfleckdrongo", + "Power text": "Erh\u00e4lt ein Mitspieler [nectar], erhalte 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "344": { + "English name": "Splendid Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", + "Common name": "T\u00fcrkisstaffelschwanz", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel < 30 cm.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "345": { + "English name": "Spotless Crake", + "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", + "Common name": "S\u00fcdsee-Sumpfhuhn", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel im [wetland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "346": { + "English name": "Stubble Quail", + "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", + "Common name": "Schwarzbrustwachtel", + "Power text": "Wirf bis zu 6 [wild] ab. Lege f\u00fcr jedes abgeworfene Futter 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "347": { + "English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", + "Common name": "Gelbhaubenkakadu", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand unter diese Karte. Tust du das, erhalten alle Spieler 1 [nectar] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "348": { + "English name": "Superb Lyrebird", + "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Graur\u00fccken-Leierschwanz", + "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [forest] deines rechten Mitspielers.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "349": { + "English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", + "Common name": "Eulenschwalm", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "350": { + "English name": "T\u016b\u012b", + "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Tui", + "Power text": "Kopiere die braune F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [forest] deines linken Mitspielers.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "351": { + "English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", + "Common name": "Keilschwanzadler", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel. Ist sie > 65 cm, schiebe sie unter diese Karte und lagere 1 [rodent] aus dem Vorrat auf dieser Karte. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "352": { + "English name": "Welcome Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", + "Common name": "Gl\u00fccksschwalbe", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] vom Nachziehstapel unter jede Karte in diesem Lebensraum.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "353": { + "English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfbauch-Seeadler", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann 1 [fish] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen und lagere ihn auf dieser Karte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "354": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", + "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfbauch-Schwalbenstar", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden deiner V\u00f6gel im [grassland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "355": { + "English name": "White-Faced Heron", + "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfwangenreiher", + "Power text": "Wirf alle Futterw\u00fcrfel erneut ins Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Erhalte dann alle [fish] im Vogelh\u00e4uschen. Du darfst sie teilweise oder komplett auf dieser Karte lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "356": { + "English name": "Willie-Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", + "Common name": "Gartenf\u00e4cherschwanz", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 offene [card] mit [bowl] oder [star] Nest aus der Vogeltr\u00e4nke. Du darfst die Tr\u00e4nke vorher auff\u00fcllen oder austauschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "357": { + "English name": "Wrybill", + "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", + "Common name": "Schiefschnabel", + "Power text": "Durchsuche den Ablagestapel der Bonuskarten und behalte davon 1 deiner Wahl.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "358": { + "English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", + "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", + "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnfl\u00fcgeltaube", + "Power text": "Lege 2 [egg] auf jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "359": { + "English name": "Asian Koel", + "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", + "Common name": "Indischer Koel", + "Power text": "Nutzt ein Mitspieler die Aktion \"Eier legen\", dann legt dieser Vogel 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit [platform] Nest. Du darfst 3 Eier \u00fcber das Limit gehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "360": { + "English name": "Azure Tit", + "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", + "Common name": "Lasurmeise", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "361": { + "English name": "Baya Weaver", + "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", + "Common name": "Bayaweber", + "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [card] schiebst, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "362": { + "English name": "Bearded Reedling", + "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", + "Common name": "Bartmeise", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden anderen Vogel in dieser Spalte mit einem Ei darauf, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "363": { + "English name": "Black Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", + "Common name": "K\u00f6nigsdrongo", + "Power text": "Wirf beliebig viele [card] aus der Tr\u00e4nke ab und f\u00fclle sie wieder auf. Wenn mindestens einer der abgeworfenen V\u00f6gel ein [grassland] Vogel ist, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "364": { + "English name": "Black Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", + "Common name": "Schwarzstorch", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden Vogel direkt links und rechts von diesem Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "365": { + "English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", + "Common name": "Schwarznackenpirol", + "Power text": "Wenn du in dieser Runde alle 4 Aktionen genutzt hast, erhalte 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat, lege 1 [egg] auf einen beliebigen Vogel und ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "366": { + "English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", + "Common name": "Blaumerle", + "Power text": "Wenn dieser Vogel keine V\u00f6gel rechts von sich hat, kannst du ihn (nur die Karte) auf die Spielermatte des Spielers zu deiner Linken bewegen (du w\u00e4hlst sein Habitat). Falls du das tust, ziehe 3 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "367": { + "English name": "Brahminy Kite", + "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", + "Common name": "Brahminenweih", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 3 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3-mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und gib alle in diesem Zug gelagerten Nahrungsmittel zur\u00fcck.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "368": { + "English name": "Brambling", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", + "Common name": "Bergfink", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Schiebe dann bis zu 2 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "369": { + "English name": "Brown Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", + "Common name": "Braunw\u00fcrger", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [invertebrate] aus ihrem pers\u00f6nlichen Vorrat auf einen Vogel in ihrem [grassland] lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "370": { + "English name": "Common Green Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", + "Common name": "Jagdelster", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden. Du kannst es auf diesen Vogel lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "371": { + "English name": "Common Iora", + "Scientific name": "Aegithina tiphia", + "Common name": "GartenIora", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel in dieser Spalte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "372": { + "English name": "Common Myna", + "Scientific name": "Acridotheres tristis", + "Common name": "Hirtenmaina", + "Power text": "Kopiere die \"Bei Aktivierung\" (braun) F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels im [grassland] des Spielers zu deiner Linken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "373": { + "English name": "Common Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis hypoleucos", + "Common name": "Flussuferl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] f\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [wetland] mit einem [egg] darauf. Behalte 1 und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "374": { + "English name": "Common Tailorbird", + "Scientific name": "Orthotomus sutorius", + "Common name": "Rotstirn-Schneidervogel", + "Power text": "Finde eine zusammenh\u00e4ngende Gruppe von V\u00f6geln in deinem Reservat, die alle denselben Nesttyp haben. Lege 1 [egg] auf jeden von ihnen. [star] Nester z\u00e4hlen als jeder Nesttyp.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "375": { + "English name": "Common Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", + "Common name": "Krickente", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [wetland] ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Du kannst bis zu 2 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "376": { + "English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", + "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", + "Common name": "Kupferschmied-Bartvogel", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "377": { + "English name": "Crested Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", + "Common name": "Nipponibis", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Alle Mitspieler d\u00fcrfen beliebig 2 Ressourcen ([wild], [egg] oder [card]) ablegen, um dasselbe zu tun.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "378": { + "English name": "Crested Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", + "Common name": "Haubenlerche", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [seed] ab. Wenn du das tust, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "379": { + "English name": "Desert Finch", + "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dffl\u00fcgelgimpel", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel f\u00fcr jeden anderen Vogel in deinem [grassland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "380": { + "English name": "Desert Wheatear", + "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", + "Common name": "W\u00fcstensteinschm\u00e4tzer", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [grassland] mit einem [egg] darauf, w\u00fcrfle mit einem [die]. W\u00e4hle 1 Art von Nahrung, die du gew\u00fcrfelt hast, und erhalte 1 davon aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "381": { + "English name": "Eurasian Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", + "Common name": "Bl\u00e4sshuhn", + "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] von deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "382": { + "English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", + "Common name": "Uhu", + "Power text": "Bis zu 3-mal, ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Wenn du stoppst und die Gesamtspannweite der V\u00f6gel < 110 cm betr\u00e4gt, schiebe sie hinter diesen Vogel. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "383": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", + "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", + "Common name": "Wiedehopf", + "Power text": "Stiehl 1 [invertebrate] von jedem deiner Nachbarn. Jeder Nachbar, dem ein [invertebrate] gestohlen wurde, darf 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat nehmen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "384": { + "English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", + "Common name": "Turmfalke", + "Power text": "Wirf 3 [die]. Wenn du mindestens 1 [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [rodent] auf diesem Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "385": { + "English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", + "Common name": "Rohrweihe", + "Power text": "Bis zu 3-mal, ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel. Wenn du stoppst und die Gesamtspannweite der V\u00f6gel < 110 cm betr\u00e4gt, schiebe sie hinter diesen Vogel. Andernfalls wirf sie ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "386": { + "English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", + "Common name": "Waldbauml\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [forest], erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst bis zu 2 davon auf diesem Vogel lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "387": { + "English name": "Fire-Fronted Serin", + "Scientific name": "Serinus pusillus", + "Common name": "Rotstirngirlitz", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel f\u00fcr jeden Vogel links von ihm in dieser Reihe.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "388": { + "English name": "Forest Owlet", + "Scientific name": "Athene blewitti", + "Common name": "Blewittkauz", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 2 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3-mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [invertebrate] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und gib alle in diesem Zug gelagerte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "389": { + "English name": "Golden Pheasant", + "Scientific name": "Chrysolophus pictus", + "Common name": "Goldfasan", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 2 [egg]. Du legst zus\u00e4tzlich 2 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "390": { + "English name": "Graceful Prinia", + "Scientific name": "Prinia gracilis", + "Common name": "Streifenprinie", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [egg] ab. Wenn du das tust, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "391": { + "English name": "Grandala", + "Scientific name": "Grandala coelicolor", + "Common name": "Grandala", + "Power text": "Wenn du in diesem Zug ein [egg] auf diesen Vogel gelegt hast, schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "392": { + "English name": "Gray Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla cinerea", + "Common name": "Gebirgsstelze", + "Power text": "Wenn du in dieser Runde alle 4 Aktionstypen verwendet hast, nimm 2 [wild] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "393": { + "English name": "Great Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax carbo", + "Common name": "Kormoran", + "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [fish] von diesem Vogel in deinen Vorrat bewegen. Dann wirf beliebig 2 [die]. Falls einer [fish] ist, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "394": { + "English name": "Great Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Buceros bicornis", + "Common name": "Doppelhornvogel", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler d\u00fcrfen 1 [card] von ihrer Hand unter einen Vogel in ihrem [forest] schieben und/oder 1 [fruit] aus ihrem Vorrat auf einen Vogel in ihrem [forest] lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "395": { + "English name": "Great Indian Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Ardeotis nigriceps", + "Common name": "Indische Trappe", + "Power text": "L\u00f6se 1 deiner Bonuskarten jetzt ein, indem du f\u00fcr jeden Punkt 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel lagerst. L\u00f6se sie noch einmal am Ende des Spiels ein.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "396": { + "English name": "Great Spotted Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos major", + "Common name": "Buntspecht", + "Power text": "Nimm 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen, falls vorhanden.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "397": { + "English name": "Greater Adjutant", + "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", + "Common name": "Gro\u00dfer Adjutant", + "Power text": "Kopiere eine Bonuskarte des Spielers zu deiner Linken, als w\u00e4re sie deine eigene (bewerte sie basierend auf deinen eigenen V\u00f6geln).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "398": { + "English name": "Green Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", + "Common name": "Smaragdspint", + "Power text": "Wenn mindestens 1 Vogel in der Tr\u00e4nke [invertebrate] in seinen Nahrungskosten hat, schiebe 1 von ihnen hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "399": { + "English name": "Green Pheasant", + "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", + "Common name": "Buntfasan", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "400": { + "English name": "Himalayan Monal", + "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", + "Common name": "Himalaya-Glanzfasan", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler erhalten 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du legst au\u00dferdem 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "401": { + "English name": "House Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", + "Common name": "Glanzkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [wild] von deinem Vorrat auf jedem Vogel in dieser Reihe lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "402": { + "English name": "Ibisbill", + "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", + "Common name": "Ibisschnabel", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und nehmen 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat. Du ziehst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [card] vom Stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "403": { + "English name": "Indian Peafowl", + "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", + "Common name": "Blauer Pfau", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler ziehen 2 [card] vom Stapel. Du ziehst 1 zus\u00e4tzliche [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "404": { + "English name": "Indian Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", + "Common name": "Indiengeier", + "Power text": "Kopiere eine Bonuskarte des Spielers rechts von dir, als ob es deine eigene w\u00e4re (bewerte sie basierend auf deinen eigenen V\u00f6geln).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "405": { + "English name": "Large-Billed Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Dickschnabelkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Lege 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf einen Vogel. Wenn du dies tust, kannst du 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel schieben.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "406": { + "English name": "Little Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", + "Common name": "Seidenreiher", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und behalten sie, wenn sie in [wetland] leben k\u00f6nnen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "407": { + "English name": "Little Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", + "Common name": "Zwergtaucher", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in dieser Spalte mit einem [egg] darauf, ziehe 1 [card]. Behalte 1 und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "408": { + "English name": "Little Ringed Plover", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", + "Common name": "Flussregenpfeifer", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [card] von deiner Hand ab. Wenn du das tust, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "409": { + "English name": "Mandarin Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", + "Common name": "Mandarinente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Stapel. F\u00fcge 1 zu deiner Hand hinzu, schiebe 1 hinter diesen Vogel, gib 1 einem anderen Spieler und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "410": { + "English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", + "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", + "Common name": "Gr\u00fcnr\u00fccken-Nektarvogel", + "Power text": "Jeder Spieler kann einen [die] werfen und diese Nahrung aus dem Vorrat erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "411": { + "English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", + "Common name": "Maskeneule", + "Power text": "Aktiviere die \"Bei Aktivierung\" (braun) F\u00e4higkeiten aller deiner anderen [predator].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "412": { + "English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", + "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", + "Common name": "Dajaldrossel", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr je 3 [egg] in deinem [grassland] erhalte 1 [invertebrate] oder [seed] aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst bis zu 2 davon auf diesen Vogel lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "413": { + "English name": "Philippine Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", + "Common name": "Affenadler", + "Power text": "Wirf alle 5 [die]. Du darfst beliebig viele [die] bis zu 2 Mal neu werfen. Wenn mindestens 3 [rodent] gezeigt werden, ziehe 2 Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Erneuere das Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "414": { + "English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", + "Common name": "Wasserrotschwanz", + "Power text": "Ziehe 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Alle anderen Spieler ziehen 1 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcgen sie ihrer Hand hinzu, wenn der Vogel eine [invertebrate] oder [seed] in seinen Nahrungskosten hat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "415": { + "English name": "Purple Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", + "Common name": "Purpurreiher", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 2 [die]. Wirf sie bis zu 3 Mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du mindestens 1 [invertebrate] oder [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, lege 1 hier ab. Andernfalls stoppe und lege alle in diesem Zug gelagerte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "416": { + "English name": "Red Avadavat", + "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", + "Common name": "Tigerfink", + "Power text": "Gib 1 [card] aus deiner Hand an einen anderen Spieler. Wenn du das tust, ziehe 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "417": { + "English name": "Red Junglefowl", + "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", + "Common name": "Bankivahuhn", + "Power text": "Z\u00e4hle die [egg] auf allen deinen V\u00f6geln. Wenn die Gesamtanzahl weniger als 6 [egg] betr\u00e4gt, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "418": { + "English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", + "Common name": "Mandschurenkranich", + "Power text": "L\u00f6se 1 deiner Bonuskarten jetzt ein, indem du f\u00fcr jeden Punkt 1 [wild] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel lagerst. Wirf die Bonuskarte ab und ziehe eine Neue.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "419": { + "English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", + "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", + "Common name": "Rotstei\u00dfb\u00fclb\u00fcl", + "Power text": "Wenn du mindestens 1 [fruit] in deinem Vorrat hast, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "420": { + "English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", + "Common name": "Rotlappenkiebitz", + "Power text": "Werfe beliebig viele [card] aus der Tr\u00e4nke ab und f\u00fclle sie dann wieder auf. Wenn mindestens 1 der abgeworfenen V\u00f6gel ein [predator] ist, lege 1 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "421": { + "English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", + "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", + "Common name": "Nashornalk", + "Power text": "Wirf 2 [die]. Wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat auf diesen Vogel. Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [card] aus ihrer Hand abwerfen, um 1 [fish] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "422": { + "English name": "Rock Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Columba livia", + "Common name": "Felsentaube", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler legen 1 [egg]. Du legst zus\u00e4tzlich 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "423": { + "English name": "Rook", + "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", + "Common name": "Saatkr\u00e4he", + "Power text": "Lagere 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel oder schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du eines davon tust, schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "424": { + "English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", + "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", + "Common name": "Halsbandsittich", + "Power text": "Kopiere eine \"Beim Ausspielen\" (wei\u00df) F\u00e4higkeit eines Vogels deines Nachbarns.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "425": { + "English name": "Rosy Starling", + "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", + "Common name": "Rosenstar", + "Power text": "Schiebe bis zu 3 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [card] schiebst, erhalte 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "426": { + "English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", + "Common name": "Rostgans", + "Power text": "Ziehe 5 [card] vom Stapel. F\u00fcge 1 zu deiner Hand hinzu, schiebe 1 hinter diesen Vogel und wirf den Rest ab.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "427": { + "English name": "Sarus Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", + "Common name": "Saruskranich", + "Power text": "Jeder Spieler kann 1 [egg] wegwerfen, um 1 [card] vom Stapel zu ziehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "428": { + "English name": "Satyr Tragopan", + "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", + "Common name": "Satyrtragopan", + "Power text": "Gib 1 [card] aus deiner Hand an einen anderen Spieler. Wenn du das tust, lege 2 [egg] auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "429": { + "English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", + "Common name": "Muskatfink", + "Power text": "Erhalte 1 [seed] aus dem Vorrat oder schiebe 1 [card] vom Stapel hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "430": { + "English name": "Small Minivet", + "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", + "Common name": "Zwergmennigvogel", + "Power text": "Spiele 1 zus\u00e4tzlichen Vogel in deinem [forest]. Du kannst 1 [invertebrate] oder 1 [egg] aus den Kosten ignorieren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "431": { + "English name": "Smew", + "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", + "Common name": "Zwergs\u00e4ger", + "Power text": "Ziehe 4 [card]. Schiebe 2 [card] hinter diesen Vogel und f\u00fcge die anderen 2 [card] zu deiner Hand hinzu.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "432": { + "English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", + "Common name": "L\u00f6ffelstrandl\u00e4ufer", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1. Andere Spieler k\u00f6nnen 2 beliebige Ressourcen ([wild], [egg] oder [card]) abwerfen, um dasselbe zu tun.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "433": { + "English name": "Spotted Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", + "Common name": "Perlhalstaube", + "Power text": "Wenn dieser Vogel keine V\u00f6gel rechts von sich hat, kannst du ihn (nur die Karte) zum Spielertablett des Spielers rechts von dir verschieben (du w\u00e4hlst sein Habitat). Wenn du das tust, ziehe 3 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "434": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", + "Common name": "Schmuckkitta", + "Power text": "Du kannst 1 [wild] aus deinem Vorrat auf jeden deiner anderen V\u00f6gel legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "435": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", + "Common name": "Ceylonschwalm", + "Power text": "Wirf 1 [die]. Wenn du [invertebrate] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat auf diesem Vogel. Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [card] aus ihrer Hand abwerfen, um 1 [invertebrate] aus dem Vorrat zu erhalten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "436": { + "English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", + "Common name": "Storchschnabelliest", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 [die]. W\u00fcrfle ihn einmal f\u00fcr jeden deiner [wetland] V\u00f6gel. Wenn du mindestens 1 [fish] w\u00fcrfelst, erhalte 1 aus dem Vorrat. Du kannst ihn auf diesem Vogel lagern.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "437": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Finch", + "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", + "Common name": "W\u00fcstengimpel", + "Power text": "Spiele 1 zus\u00e4tzlichen Vogel in deinem [grassland]. Du kannst 1 [seed] oder 1 [egg] der Kosten ignorieren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "438": { + "English name": "Twite", + "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", + "Common name": "Bergh\u00e4nfling", + "Power text": "Ziehe 2 [card] vom Stapel und f\u00fcge sie zu deiner Hand hinzu. Schiebe dann 2 beliebige [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "439": { + "English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", + "Common name": "Lazulischn\u00e4pper", + "Power text": "Wenn du in diesem Zug ein [invertebrate] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen erhalten hast, erhalte 1 [fruit] aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "440": { + "English name": "Violet Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", + "Common name": "Amethystkuckuck", + "Power text": "Wenn ein anderer Spieler die \"lege Eier\" Aktion durchf\u00fchrt, lege 1 [egg] auf einen anderen Vogel mit einer Spannweite <30 cm. Du kannst bis zu 2 \u00fcber sein Limit gehen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "441": { + "English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", + "Common name": "Purpurh\u00e4hnchen", + "Power text": "F\u00fcr jeden Vogel in deinem [forest] mit einem Ei darauf, wirf 1 [die]. W\u00e4hle 1 Art von Nahrung, die du geworfen hast, und erhalte 1 davon aus dem Vorrat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "442": { + "English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", + "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfhaubenh\u00e4herling", + "Power text": "Schiebe 1 [card] aus deiner Hand hinter diesen Vogel. Wenn du das tust, erhalte 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "443": { + "English name": "White-Headed Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", + "Common name": "Wei\u00dfkopf-Ruderente", + "Power text": "Ziehe 3 neue Bonuskarten und behalte 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "444": { + "English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", + "Common name": "Braunliest", + "Power text": "W\u00e4hle 1 [die]. Wirf ihn bis zu 3 Mal. Jedes Mal, wenn du [invertebrate], [fish] oder [rodent] w\u00fcrfelst, lagere 1 hier. Andernfalls stoppe und lege alle in diesem Zug abgelegte Nahrung zur\u00fcck.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "445": { + "English name": "Willow Tit", + "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", + "Common name": "Weidenmeise", + "Power text": "Falls vorhanden, lege 1 [invertebrate], [seed] oder [fruit] aus dem Vogelh\u00e4uschen auf diesen Vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "446": { + "English name": "Yellow Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", + "Common name": "Chinadommel", + "Power text": "Ziehe die [card] im mittleren Fach der Tr\u00e4nke.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "447": { + "English name": "Zebra Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", + "Common name": "Sperbert\u00e4ubchen", + "Power text": "Alle Spieler k\u00f6nnen 1 [seed] aus ihrem Vorrat abwerfen, um 1 [egg] zu legen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + } + }, + "bonuses": { + "1000": { + "English name": "Anatomist", + "Name": "Morphologe", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit K\u00f6rperteilen im Namen", + "Explanatory text": "K\u00f6rperteile beinhalten Augen, Bauch, Bein, Brust, Fl\u00fcgel, Fu\u00df, Hals, H\u00f6cker, Horn, Kehle, Kopf, Nacken, Ohren, R\u00fccken, Schnabel, Schulter, Schwanz, Stei\u00df, Stirn, Wange", + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
" + }, + "1001": { + "English name": "Backyard Birder", + "Name": "Laienornithologe", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit weniger als 4 Siegpunkten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5 - 6 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 7+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1002": { + "English name": "Behaviorist", + "Name": "Verhaltensforscher", + "Condition": "Spalten mit 3 V\u00f6geln mit jeweils unterschiedlicher F\u00e4higkeitenart (z.B. braun, wei\u00df, rosa, petrol, gelb)", + "Explanatory text": "V\u00f6gel ohne F\u00e4higkeit z\u00e4hlen als wei\u00df.", + "VP": "3[point] pro Spalte", + "Note": null + }, + "1003": { + "English name": "Bird Bander", + "Name": "Lebensk\u00fcnstler", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die in mehreren Lebensr\u00e4umen leben k\u00f6nnen", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1004": { + "English name": "Bird Counter", + "Name": "Vogelz\u00e4hler ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [flocking] F\u00e4higkeit", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1005": { + "English name": "Bird Feeder", + "Name": "Vogelf\u00fctterer", + "Condition": "[seed] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [seed] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", + "VP": "5 - 7 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 8+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1006": { + "English name": "Breeding Manager", + "Name": "Brutverwalter", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit min. 4 Eiern auf ihrer Karte", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "1[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1007": { + "English name": "Cartographer", + "Name": "Geograf", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Geografiebegriffen im Namen", + "Explanatory text": "Begriffe beinhalten Amerika, Australien, Baltimore, Berg, Carolina, Ceylon, China, Fluss, Himalaya, Holland, Indien, Inka, Kalifornien, Kanada, Korsika, Ligurien, Louisiana, Mandschurei, Mississippi, Neuholland, Nippon, Nordamerika, Norden, Osten, Papua, Pr\u00e4rie, Steppe, Strand, S\u00fcdsee, Sumpf, T\u00fcrkei, Virginia, Wald, W\u00fcste", + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
" + }, + "1008": { + "English name": "Citizen Scientist", + "Name": "Schwarmforscher", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Karten unter ihrer Karte", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 6 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 7+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1009": { + "English name": "Diet Specialist", + "Name": "Nahrungsexperte", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 3 Futter als Futterkosten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1010": { + "English name": "Ecologist", + "Name": "\u00d6kologe", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel in deinem kleinsten Lebensraum", + "Explanatory text": "Bei Gleichstand: Hast du 3 V\u00f6gel pro Lebensraum, dann hat dein kleinster Lebensraum 3 V\u00f6gel.", + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1011": { + "English name": "Enclosure Builder", + "Name": "Gehegebauer", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [ground] Nest", + "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [ground] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1012": { + "English name": "Ethologist", + "Name": "Gebietsforscher", + "Condition": "In einem beliebigen Lebensraum", + "Explanatory text": "(z.B. braun, wei\u00df, rosa, petrol, gelb)
V\u00f6gel ohne F\u00e4higkeit z\u00e4hlen als wei\u00df.", + "VP": "2[point] pro F\u00e4higkeitenart", + "Note": null + }, + "1013": { + "English name": "Falconer", + "Name": "Falkner ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [predator] F\u00e4higkeit", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1014": { + "English name": "Fishery Manager", + "Name": "Fischer ", + "Condition": "[fish] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [fish] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1015": { + "English name": "Food Web Expert", + "Name": "Schneckenfreund ", + "Condition": "Nur [invertebrate] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel, der nur [invertebrate] und keine anderen Futtersymbole hat.", + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1016": { + "English name": "Forester", + "Name": "F\u00f6rster ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [forest] leben k\u00f6nnen", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 - 4 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 5 V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1017": { + "English name": "Historian", + "Name": "Biologe", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Pflanzen- oder Tiernamen", + "Explanatory text": "Pflanzen: Buche, Eiche, Fichte, Gras, Kiefer, Kohl, Koralle, Mistel, Pappel, Reis, Rose, Tanne, Veilchen, Wacholder, Weide, Zeder
Tiere (keine V\u00f6gel): Affe, Biene, Dachs, Fisch, Heuschrecke, Kaninchen, Katze, Kuh, Maus, M\u00fccke, Nashorn, Schlange, Tiger, Wespe, Zebra", + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
" + }, + "1018": { + "English name": "Large Bird Specialist", + "Name": "Grossvogelkundler ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einer Spannweite > 65 cm", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1019": { + "English name": "Nest Box Builder", + "Name": "Nistkastenbauer", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [cavity] Nest", + "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [cavity] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1020": { + "English name": "Omnivore Specialist", + "Name": "Gourmand ", + "Condition": "[wild] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [wild] Symbol als Teil seiner Futterkosten.", + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1021": { + "English name": "Oologist", + "Name": "Oologe ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit min. 1 Ei auf ihrer Karte", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "7 - 8 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 9+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1022": { + "English name": "Passerine Specialist", + "Name": "Sperlingskundler ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einer Spannweite \u2264 30 cm", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1023": { + "English name": "Photographer", + "Name": "Fotograf ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit Farben / Mustern im Namen", + "Explanatory text": "Farben: Amethyst, Azur, Blau, Braun, Gelb, Gold, Grau, Gr\u00fcn, Indigo, Koralle, Kupfer, Lazuli, Mandarin, Purpur, Rosa, Rose, Rost, Rot, Rubin, Scharlach, Schiefer, Schwarz, Silber, Smaragd, T\u00fcrkis, Veilchen, Wei\u00df, Zimt, Zitrone
Muster: Brille, Bunt, Flecken, Maske, Regenbogen, Streifen", + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": "Durch sprachliche Unterschiede bei den Trivialnamen \u00e4ndert sich die Prozentzahl und damit auch die Punktewertung einzelner Bonuskarten deutlich, sodass wir empfehlen, bei bestimmten ogelkartenKombinationen aus Grundspiel und/oder Erweiterungen, einzelne Bonuskarten zu entfernen. Ansonsten bleibt die unktewertung der Bonuskarten gleich. Eine \u00dcbersicht findet ihr in der Tabelle.
Vogelkarten-KombinationZu entfernende Bonuskarten
Grundspiel, OzeanienBiologe, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Europa, OzeanienGeograf
Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, EuropaGeograf, Morphologe
Grundspiel, Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Grundspiel, Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
Asien, EuropaBiologe, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, OzeanienBiologe, Fotograf, Geograf, Morphologe
Asien, Europa, OzeanienBiologe, Geograf
" + }, + "1024": { + "English name": "Platform Builder", + "Name": "Plattformbauer ", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [platform] Nest", + "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [platform] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1025": { + "English name": "Prairie Manager", + "Name": "Bauer", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [grassland] leben k\u00f6nnen", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1026": { + "English name": "Rodentologist", + "Name": "Nagetierexperte", + "Condition": "[rodent] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [rodent] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", + "VP": "2[point] pro Vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1027": { + "English name": "Visionary Leader", + "Name": "Vogelbeobachter ", + "Condition": "Vogelkarten auf der Hand am Spielende", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5 - 7 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 8+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1028": { + "English name": "Viticulturalist", + "Name": "Winzer", + "Condition": "[fruit] fressende V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory text": "Jeder Vogel mit [fruit] Symbol. Der Vogel darf auch andere Futterarten fressen.", + "VP": "2 - 3 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1029": { + "English name": "Wetland Scientist", + "Name": "Kapit\u00e4n", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, die nur im [wetland] leben k\u00f6nnen", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 - 4 V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 5 V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1030": { + "English name": "Wildlife Gardener", + "Name": "Reservatspfleger", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit [bowl] Nest", + "Explanatory text": "Die V\u00f6gel m\u00fcssen ein [bowl] oder [star] Nestsymbol haben.", + "VP": "4 - 5 V\u00f6gel: 4[point]; 6+ V\u00f6gel: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1031": { + "English name": "[Fan Made] Caprimulgiform Specialist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1032": { + "English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", + "Name": "[automa] Vogelfreund", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 3 oder 4 Siegpunkten", + "Explanatory text": "(h\u00f6herer Wert geht vor).", + "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt davon bis zu 2", + "Note": null + }, + "1033": { + "English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", + "Name": "[automa] Vogelkenner", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit 5, 6 oder 7 Siegpunkten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt den Vogel mit dem h\u00f6chsten Wert.", + "Note": null + }, + "1034": { + "English name": "Forest Data Analyst", + "Name": "Walddatenanalytiker", + "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [forest] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1035": { + "English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Graslanddatenanalytiker", + "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [grassland] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1036": { + "English name": "Mechanical Engineer", + "Name": "Maschinenbauer", + "Condition": "Sets aus allen 4 Nesttypen", + "Explanatory text": "[star] z\u00e4hlen als 1 Nest eines beliebigen Nesttyps. Keine Karte kann Teil von mehr als 1 Set sein.", + "VP": "1 Set = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 Set: 3[point]; 2+ Sets: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1037": { + "English name": "Site Selection Expert", + "Name": "Nistplatzexperte", + "Condition": "Spalten mit 2 oder 3 Nestern des gleichen Typs", + "Explanatory text": "Unterschiedliche Spalten k\u00f6nnen unterschiedliche Nesttypen werten. [star] z\u00e4hlen als jeder Nesttyp, aber jeweils nur einmal.", + "VP": "2 gleiche Nester in einer Spalte: 1[point]; 3 gleiche Nester in einer Spalte: 3[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1038": { + "English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Wasserdatenanalytiker", + "Condition": "Aufeinanderfolgende V\u00f6gel im [wetland] mit auf- oder absteigender Spannweite", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 3[point]; 4 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 5[point]; 5 fortlaufende V\u00f6gel: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1039": { + "English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", + "Name": "Vogelz\u00fcchter", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit vollen Nestern", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner V\u00f6gel, auf denen die maximal m\u00f6gliche Anzahl an Eiern liegt (deren Ei-Limit voll ausgereizt ist).
V\u00f6gel, auf deren Karte keine Eier abgebildet sind (deren Ei-Limit 0 ist), z\u00e4hlen nicht f\u00fcr diese Bonuskarte. Sie haben kein volles Nest.", + "Note": null + }, + "1040": { + "English name": "Endangered Species Protector", + "Name": "Bewahrer gef\u00e4hrdeter Arten", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel, mit denen du Bonuskarten ziehen oder werten kannst.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel das links gezeigte Symbol haben. Dies sind immer V\u00f6gel, die dir erlauben neue Bonuskarten zu ziehen oder Bonuskarten zu werten. In der Asienerweiterung sind dies:
Gro\u00dfer Adjutant
Indische Trappe
Wei\u00dfkopf-Ruderente", + "Note": null + }, + "1041": { + "English name": "Forest Population Monitor", + "Name": "Waldbestandsw\u00e4chter", + "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [forest]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", + "Note": null + }, + "1042": { + "English name": "Forest Ranger", + "Name": "Waldh\u00fcter", + "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [forest] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", + "Note": null + }, + "1043": { + "English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", + "Name": "Graslandbestandsw\u00e4chter", + "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [grassland]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", + "Note": null + }, + "1044": { + "English name": "Grassland Ranger", + "Name": "Graslandh\u00fcter", + "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [grassland] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", + "Note": null + }, + "1045": { + "English name": "Pellet Dissector", + "Name": "Gew\u00f6lleanalytiker", + "Condition": "Auf V\u00f6geln gelagerte Fisch- und Nager-Futtermarker", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele Fisch- und Nager-Futtermarker du am Ende des Spiels auf V\u00f6geln gelagert hast.", + "Note": null + }, + "1046": { + "English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", + "Name": "Spezialist f\u00fcr kleine Gelege", + "Condition": "V\u00f6gel mit einem Ei-Limit von 2 oder weniger", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Pr\u00fcfe das Ei-Limit jeder deiner gespielten Vogelkarten und z\u00e4hle die V\u00f6gel, deren Ei-Limit 0 (keine Eier abgebildet), 1 oder 2 betr\u00e4gt.
F\u00fcr diese Karte spielt es keine Rolle, ob Eier auf den V\u00f6geln liegen.", + "Note": null + }, + "1047": { + "English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", + "Name": "Wasserbestandsw\u00e4chter", + "Condition": "Unterschiedliche Nestarten im [wetland]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele V\u00f6gel mit unterschiedlichen Nestarten du in den entsprechenden Lebensraum gespielt hast.
Du darfst jedes Sternnest als einen der anderen Nesttypen z\u00e4hlen oder als eigenen 5. Nesttyp. Beispiel: Ein Schalennest, ein Plattformnest und 4 Sternnester z\u00e4hlen als 5 unterschiedliche Nesttypen.
V\u00f6gel ohne Nest z\u00e4hlen nicht als eigener Nesttyp.", + "Note": null + }, + "1048": { + "English name": "Wetland Ranger", + "Name": "Gew\u00e4sserh\u00fcter", + "Condition": "Benachbarte V\u00f6gel im [wetland] mit auf- oder absteigenden Punkten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Innerhalb des entsprechenden Lebensraums geben dir diese Bonuskarten Punkte, wenn du eine Folge von V\u00f6geln hast, deren Punktewerte aufsteigend oder absteigend geordnet sind.
", + "Note": null + }, + "1049": { + "English name": "Winter Feeder", + "Name": "Winterf\u00fctterer", + "Condition": "Futtermarker in deinem Vorrat am Spielende", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele Futtermarker du am Ende des Spiels noch in deinem Vorrat hast. Auf V\u00f6geln gelagertes Futter gilt nicht als in deinem Vorrat.", + "Note": null + }, + "1050": { + "English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", + "Name": "[automa] Bewunderer Asiatischer V\u00f6gel", + "Condition": "
SchwierigkeitV\u00f6gel mit Wert
Adlerk\u00fcken2 oder 3 Punkte
Adler3 oder 4 Punkte
Scharf\u00e4ugiger Adler4 oder 5 Punkte
", + "Explanatory text": "(niedrigerer Wert zuerst).", + "VP": "Der Automa beh\u00e4lt bis zu 2 davon", + "Note": null + }, + "1051": { + "English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + } + }, + "goals": { + "2000": { + "English name": "Bird in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2001": { + "English name": "Bird in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2002": { + "English name": "Bird in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2013": { + "English name": "Egg in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2014": { + "English name": "Egg in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2017": { + "English name": "Egg in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2010": { + "English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2008": { + "English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2021": { + "English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2022": { + "English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2012": { + "English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2011": { + "English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2015": { + "English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2016": { + "English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2023": { + "English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2024": { + "English name": "Total Bird", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2020": { + "English name": "Food in Supply", + "Name": "Futter im eigenen Vorrat", + "Condition": "[wild] im eigenen Vorrat", + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Futtermarker in deinem Vorrat." + }, + "2003": { + "English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", + "Name": "Vogelkarten auf der Hand", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Vogelkarten auf deiner Hand." + }, + "2004": { + "English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", + "Name": "V\u00f6gel mit Wert gr\u00f6\u00dfer 4SP", + "Condition": "[bird] mit Wert >4[point]", + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einem Wert gr\u00f6\u00dfer 4 Siegpunkten." + }, + "2006": { + "English name": "Birds with No Eggs", + "Name": "V\u00f6gel ohne Eier", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel, auf denen keine Eier liegen." + }, + "2005": { + "English name": "Birds in 1 Row", + "Name": "V\u00f6gel in einer Reihe", + "Condition": "[bird] in einer Reihe", + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der gespielten V\u00f6gel in deinem Lebensraum mit den meisten V\u00f6geln." + }, + "2018": { + "English name": "Filled Columns", + "Name": "komplett gef\u00fcllte Spalten", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl der Spalten auf deinem Tableau, in denen alle 3 Kartenpl\u00e4tze mit V\u00f6geln belegt sind." + }, + "2009": { + "English name": "Brown Powers", + "Name": "Braune F\u00e4higkeiten", + "Condition": "braune F\u00e4higkeiten", + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einer braunen F\u00e4higkeit (\u201eBei Aktivierung\u201c)." + }, + "2025": { + "English name": "White & No Powers", + "Name": "wei\u00dfe & keine F\u00e4higkeiten", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner gespielten V\u00f6gel mit einer wei\u00dfen (\u201eBeim Ausspielen\u201c) oder ohne F\u00e4higkeit." + }, + "2007": { + "English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", + "Name": "V\u00f6gel mit Karten darunter", + "Condition": "[flocking] V\u00f6gel mit Karten darunter", + "Explanatory Text": "Die Anzahl deiner V\u00f6gel unter denen mindestens 1 Karte liegt." + }, + "2019": { + "English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", + "Name": "Futterkosten gespielter V\u00f6gel", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel. Kannst du zwischen Futterarten w\u00e4hlen, z\u00e4hle die Kosten nur einmal." + }, + "2031": { + "English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Wirbellose in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", + "Condition": "[invertebrate] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht." + }, + "2030": { + "English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Fr\u00fcchte + Samen in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", + "Condition": "[fruit] + [seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht." + }, + "2033": { + "English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Nager + Fische in den Futterkosten eurer V\u00f6gel", + "Condition": "[rodent] + [fish] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Futtersymbole auf euren gespielten V\u00f6geln, die dem Futtersymbol auf dem Rundenziel entsprechen. Z\u00e4hle zum Beispiel f\u00fcr das Rundenziel \u201e[fruit]+[seed] in den Futterkosten deiner V\u00f6gel\u201c die Anzahl aller [fruit] plus der Anzahl aller [seed] in den Futterkosten der V\u00f6gel auf eurem Spielertableau. Hat ein Vogel \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201c Futterkosten (du hast also 1 [fruit] ODER 1 [seed] bezahlt, um den Vogel zu spielen), z\u00e4hlt dies nur als 1 f\u00fcr das Rundenziel (nicht als 2). [wild] und [nectar] z\u00e4hlen nicht." + }, + "2032": { + "English name": "No Goal", + "Name": "Kein Ziel", + "Condition": "Kein Ziel", + "Explanatory Text": "Am Ende dieser Runde wird kein Rundenziel gewertet. Ihr behaltet euren Aktionsw\u00fcrfel. In den folgenden Runden k\u00f6nnt ihr also eine Aktion mehr machen als \u00fcblich." + }, + "2026": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Left", + "Name": "Schnabel zeigt nach links", + "Condition": "[beak-left] Schnabel zeigt nach links", + "Explanatory Text": "F\u00fcr diese Rundenziele z\u00e4hlen eure gespielten V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel in die angegebene Richtung zeigt. V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel nach vorn oder senkrecht nach oben zeigt, z\u00e4hlen f\u00fcr keines der beiden Rundenziele.
Diese Rundenziele sollen euch ermutigen, euch die Illustrationen noch genauer anzusehen. Falls ihr euch h\u00e4ufig nicht einigen k\u00f6nnt, in welche Richtung der Schnabel zeigt, entfernt dieses Zielpl\u00e4ttchen aus dem Spiel. Auch wenn wir finden, dass man die Schnabelrichtung meist gut zuordnen kann, m\u00f6chten wir folgendes klarstellen:

Die Schn\u00e4bel der folgenden V\u00f6gel zeigen weder nach rechts noch nach links.
GrundspielEuropa-ErweiterungOzeanien-ErweiterungAsien-Erweiterung" + }, + "2027": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Right", + "Name": "Schnabel zeigt nach rechts", + "Condition": "[beak-left] Schnabel zeigt nach rechts", + "Explanatory Text": "F\u00fcr diese Rundenziele z\u00e4hlen eure gespielten V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel in die angegebene Richtung zeigt. V\u00f6gel, deren Schnabel nach vorn oder senkrecht nach oben zeigt, z\u00e4hlen f\u00fcr keines der beiden Rundenziele.
Diese Rundenziele sollen euch ermutigen, euch die Illustrationen noch genauer anzusehen. Falls ihr euch h\u00e4ufig nicht einigen k\u00f6nnt, in welche Richtung der Schnabel zeigt, entfernt dieses Zielpl\u00e4ttchen aus dem Spiel. Auch wenn wir finden, dass man die Schnabelrichtung meist gut zuordnen kann, m\u00f6chten wir folgendes klarstellen:

Die Schn\u00e4bel der folgenden V\u00f6gel zeigen weder nach rechts noch nach links.
GrundspielEuropa-ErweiterungOzeanien-ErweiterungAsien-Erweiterung" + }, + "2029": { + "English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", + "Name": "Aktionsw\u00fcrfel auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c", + "Condition": "[cube] Aktionsw\u00fcrfel auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hlt die Anzahl der Aktionsw\u00fcrfel, die ihr in dieser Runde auf \u201eVogel spielen\u201c gelegt habt. Beachtet: F\u00fcr die Wertung dieses Rundenziels ist es wichtig, dass ihr die Aktionsw\u00fcrfel bis nach der Wertung in der gespielten Reihe liegen lasst!" + }, + "2028": { + "English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bird] mit Wert \u22643[point]", + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2043": { + "English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", + "Name": "auf Paaren mit gleichen Symbolen", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle, wie viele deiner Duellmarker Teil eines Paares (= 2 Marker deiner Farbe) mit dem gleichen Symbol auf einem Feld sind. Jeder Duellmarker z\u00e4hlt nur einmal. Die Symbole m\u00fcssen genau \u00fcbereinstimmen wie z. B. 2 Nager oder 2x 50+ cm Spannweite. Boni auf den Feldern m\u00fcssen nicht \u00fcbereinstimmen." + }, + "2040": { + "English name": "Nest Symbols", + "Name": "auf Nestsymbolen", + "Condition": "[duet-token] auf [bowl][cavity][ground][platform]", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle alle deine Duellmarker auf Feldern mit einem beliebigen Nestsymbol ([bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]). Auch mehrere Symbole der gleichen Art z\u00e4hlen (z. B. z\u00e4hlen bei 2 Markern auf unterschiedlichen [platform]-Feldern beide)." + }, + "2035": { + "English name": "Food Symbols", + "Name": "auf Futtersymbolen", + "Condition": "[duet-token] auf [fish][fruit][rodent][seed][invertebrate]", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle alle deine Duellmarker auf Feldern mit einem beliebigen Futtersymbol ([fruit] [seed] [invertebrate] [rodent] [fish]). Auch mehrere Symbole der gleichen Art z\u00e4hlen (z. B. z\u00e4hlen bei 2 Markern auf unterschiedlichen [fish]-Feldern beide)." + }, + "2041": { + "English name": "Not on Edge of Map", + "Name": "nicht am Rand der Karte", + "Condition": "[duet-token] nicht am Rand der Karte", + "Explanatory Text": "Jeder Rand der Karte hat 6 Felder: Die Seiten haben je 3 einger\u00fcckte Felder, die auch als am Rand der Karte z\u00e4hlen. Es gibt also 20 Randfelder und 16 innere Felder. F\u00fcr diese Ziele z\u00e4hlst du, wie viele deiner Duellmarker am Rand der Karte auf inneren Feldern bzw. Randfeldern liegen. (Beachte: Die Symbole der Lebensr\u00e4ume z\u00e4hlen nicht als Felder.)" + }, + "2042": { + "English name": "On Edge of Map", + "Name": "am Rand der Karte", + "Condition": "[duet-token] am Rand der Karte", + "Explanatory Text": "Jeder Rand der Karte hat 6 Felder: Die Seiten haben je 3 einger\u00fcckte Felder, die auch als am Rand der Karte z\u00e4hlen. Es gibt also 20 Randfelder und 16 innere Felder. F\u00fcr diese Ziele z\u00e4hlst du, wie viele deiner Duellmarker am Rand der Karte auf inneren Feldern bzw. Randfeldern liegen. (Beachte: Die Symbole der Lebensr\u00e4ume z\u00e4hlen nicht als Felder.)" + }, + "2044": { + "English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", + "Name": "in 1 beliebigen horizontalen Reihe", + "Condition": "[duet-token] in 1 beliebigen horizontalen Reihe", + "Explanatory Text": "Bestimme die horizontale Reihe der Karte, die f\u00fcr dich am besten ist und z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker in dieser Reihe. Die Duellmarker m\u00fcssen keine zusammenh\u00e4ngende Gruppe bilden." + }, + "2036": { + "English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", + "Name": "Horizontale Reihen mit mind. 1 deiner Duellmarker", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle, in wie vielen der 6 horizontalen Reihen mindestens 1 deiner Duellmarker liegt." + }, + "2034": { + "English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", + "Name": "Wenigste Duellmarker auf Bonusfeldern", + "Condition": "wenigste [duet-token] auf Bonusfeldern", + "Explanatory Text": "Bonusfelder sind Felder, durch die ihr [dice]/[egg]/[card] erhaltet, wenn ihr einen Duellmarker darauf legt. Z\u00e4hle wie viele deiner Duellmarker auf diesen 9 Feldern liegen. Die Punkte f\u00fcr dieses Rundenziel erh\u00e4lt, wer weniger Duellmarker auf Bonusfeldern hat." + }, + "2037": { + "English name": "In Forest", + "Name": "im Wald", + "Condition": "[duet-token] im [forest]", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)." + }, + "2038": { + "English name": "In Grassland", + "Name": "im Grasland", + "Condition": "[duet-token] im [grassland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)." + }, + "2039": { + "English name": "In Wetland", + "Name": "im Wasser", + "Condition": "[duet-token] im [wetland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker im Bereich des entsprechenden Lebensraums auf der Duellkarte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)." + }, + "2045": { + "English name": "Total Duet Tokens", + "Name": "auf der Karte", + "Condition": "[duet-token] auf der Karte", + "Explanatory Text": "Z\u00e4hle die Anzahl deiner Duellmarker auf der Karte. Diese Zahl kann von der Zahl der V\u00f6gel auf deinem Tableau abweichen, falls sich V\u00f6gel w\u00e4hrend des Spiels bewegt haben (durch eine F\u00e4higkeit)." + } + }, + "other": { + "WHEN ACTIVATED": { + "Translated": "Bei Aktivierung" + }, + "WHEN PLAYED": { + "Translated": "Beim Ausspielen" + }, + "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": { + "Translated": "1x zwischen deinen Z\u00fcgen" + }, + "ROUND END": { + "Translated": "Am Rundenende" + }, + "GAME END": { + "Translated": "Am Spielende" + }, + "of cards": { + "Translated": "der Karten" + } + }, + "parameters": { + "Show bonus cards match symbols": { + "Value": false + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/es.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/es.json index ceb8c35..690e410 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/es.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/es.json @@ -1 +1,5623 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": "Carpintero bellotero", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": "Avoceta americana", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [ground].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": "Avetoro lentiginoso", "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [wetland] roban 1 [card]", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": "Focha americana", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": "Cuervo americano", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": "Jilguero norteamericano", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 3 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": "Cern\u00edcalo americano", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": "Ostrero p\u00edo americano", "Power text": "Roba tantas [card] como el n\u00famero de jugadores +1. Empezando por ti y en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, cada jugador elige 1 de ellas y la pone en su mano. T\u00fa te quedas la carta extra.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": "Candelita norte\u00f1a", "Power text": "Obten 1 [wild] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": "Zorzal rob\u00edn", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": "Pel\u00edcano norteamericano", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [fish] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": "Agachadiza americana", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": "Aninga americana", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed de Ana", "Power text": "Cada jugador obtiene 1 [die] del comedero, empezando por el jugador que elijas.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": "Copet\u00f3n cenizo", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [cavity].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": "Frailecillo atl\u00e1ntico", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": "Gaviota de Audouin", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": "Chingolo de Baird", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": "\u00c1guila calva", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n todos los [fish] que haya en el comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": "Turpial de Baltimore", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fruit] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": "Lechuza com\u00fan", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": "Golondrina com\u00fan", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": "C\u00e1rabo norteamericano", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n isl\u00e1ndico", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [cavity].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": "Vireo de Bell", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": "Mart\u00edn gigante norteamericano", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [wetland], obtienes 1 [fish] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": "Cucarachero colinegro", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": "Colirrojo tiz\u00f3n", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": "Rayador americano", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": "Fumarel com\u00fan", "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": "Zopilote negro", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": "Picamaderos negro", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": "Suirir\u00ed piquirrojo", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": "Urraca de Hudson", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed gorjinegro", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fruit] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": "Martinete com\u00fan", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": "Gaviota reidora", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": "Cig\u00fce\u00f1uela cuellinegra", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": "Aguja colinegra", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": "Colimbo \u00e1rtico", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": "Azulillo grande", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": "Chara azul", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": "Perlita grisilla", "Power text": "Obten 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": "Reinita aliazul", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": "Ruise\u00f1or pechiazul", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": "Tordo charlat\u00e1n", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [ground].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": "\u00c1guila perdicera", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": "Barnacla carinegra", "Power text": "Roba las 3 [card] bocarriba de la bandeja de aves.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": "Zanate de Brewer", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": "Busardo aliancho", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": "Tordo ojirrojo", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": "Pel\u00edcano alcatraz", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 3 [fish] del suministo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": "Tordo cabecipardo", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": "Camachuelo com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": "Mochuelo de madriguera", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": "Mito sastrecillo", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": "C\u00f3ndor californiano", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": "Codorniz californiana", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": "Barnacla canadiense", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n coacoxtle", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": "Carbonero de Carolina", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Cucarachero de Carolina", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": "Corneja negra", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": "Camachuelo de Cassin", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": "Chingolo de Cassin", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": "Ampelis americano", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [fruit] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": "Reinita cer\u00falea", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": "Cetia ruise\u00f1or", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": "Escribano collarejo", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": "Cuervo llanero", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 2 [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": "Vencejo de chimenea", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": "Chingolo cejiblanco", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": "Achichilique de Clark", "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": "Cascanueces americano", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": "Carbonero garrapinos", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": "Mirlo com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": "Busardo ratonero", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": "Pinz\u00f3n vulgar", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": "Mosquitero com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": "Cuco com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n osculado", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": "Zanate com\u00fan", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": "Mart\u00edn pescador com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": "Avetorillo com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": "Colimbo grande", "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [wetland] obtienen 1 [card] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": "Serreta grande", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": "Gallineta com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": "A\u00f1apero yanqui", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": "Ruise\u00f1or com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": "Cuervo grande", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 2 [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": "Estornino pinto", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": "Vencejo com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": "Mascarita com\u00fan", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": "Gavil\u00e1n de Cooper", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": "Trepador corso", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": "Junco pizarroso", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": "Arrocero", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": "Cormor\u00e1n orejudo", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [fish] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": "Pico pubescente", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": "Acentor com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": "Azulejo oriental", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": "\u00c1guila imperial oriental", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": "Tirano oriental", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [forest], obtienes 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": "Mosquero fib\u00ed", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": "Autillo yanqui", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": "Halc\u00f3n de Eleonora", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": "T\u00f3rtola turca", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": "Orop\u00e9ndola europea", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": "Carpintero verde europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": "Alcot\u00e1n europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": "Arrendajo euroasi\u00e1tico", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": "Urraca com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": "Cascanueces com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": "Trepador azul", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": "Gavil\u00e1n com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": "Gorri\u00f3n molinero", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": "Abejaruco europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": "Jilguero europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": "Abejero europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": "Petirrojo europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": "Carraca europea", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": "T\u00f3rtola europea", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": "Busardo herrumbroso", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": "Cuervo pescador", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": "Charr\u00e1n de Forster", "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": "Gaviota de Franklin", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] para robar 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": "Reyezuelo sencillo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": "\u00c1guila real", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": "Chingolo saltamontes", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": "P\u00e1jaro-gato gris", "Power text": "Repite un poder marr\u00f3n de otra ave de este h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": "Garza azulada", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [wetland]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": "Copet\u00f3n viajero", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del comedero, si lo hay.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": "Somormujo lavanco", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": "Garceta grande", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [wetland]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": "B\u00faho americano", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": "Carbonero com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": "Flamenco com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": "Gallo de las praderas grande", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": "Correcaminos grande", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 50 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": "Garcita verdosa", "Power text": "Cambia 1 [wild] por cualquier otro [wild] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": "Garza real", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": "\u00c1nsar com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": "Buitre leonado", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": "Picogordo com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": "Zorzalito colirrufo", "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [forest] obtienen 1 [die] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": "Corneja cenicienta", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": "Serreta capuchona", "Power text": "Repite un poder [predator] en este h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": "Reinita encapuchada", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": "Alondra cornuda", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [grassland], solapa 1 [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": "Camachuelo mejicano", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": "Gorri\u00f3n com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": "Choch\u00edn criollo", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland] o en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": "Tortolita mexicana", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [platform].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": "Azulillo \u00edndigo", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o [fruit] del comedero, si lo hay.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": "Herrerillo de Ridgway", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": "Chorlitejo culirrojo", "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] para robar 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": "Rasc\u00f3n elegante", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": "Azulillo lapisl\u00e1zuli", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [bowl] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [bowl] adicional.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": "Curruca zarcerilla", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": "Chingolo de Lincoln", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": "Sis\u00f3n com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": "Mochuelo europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": "Alcaud\u00f3n americano", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de obtener alimento, si obtiene cualquier n\u00famero de [rodent], obtienes 1 [rodent] del suministro y lo almacenas en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": "Mito com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": "\u00c1nade azul\u00f3n", "Power text": "Roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": "Elanio del Mississippi", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": "Curruca subalpina", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": "Aguilucho cenizo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": "Azulejo claro", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": "Carbonero monta\u00f1\u00e9s", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": "Zenaida huilota", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": "Cisne blanco", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": "Col\u00edn de Virginia", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": "Cardenal norte\u00f1o", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [fruit] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": "Carpintero escapulario", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n todos los [invertebrate] que haya en el comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": "Alcatraz com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": "Azor com\u00fan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": "Aguilucho p\u00e1lido", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": "Sinsonte norte\u00f1o", "Power text": "Repite un poder marr\u00f3n de otra ave de este h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": "Cuchara com\u00fan", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": "\u00c1guila pescadora", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fish] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": "Azulillo sietecolores", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": "Candelita aliblanca", "Power text": "Obten 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": "Piquituerto lorito", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": "Halc\u00f3n peregrino", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": "Zampull\u00edn picogrueso", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": "Picamaderos norteamericano", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [cavity] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [cavity] adicional.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": "Jilguero de los pinos", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": "Reinita protonotaria", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": "Calamoncillo americano", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": "Golondrina purp\u00farea", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": "Trepador enano", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o 1 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": "Piquituerto com\u00fan", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": "Milano real", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": "Correlimos gordo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": "Alcaud\u00f3n dorsirrojo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": "Carpintero de Carolina", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": "Serreta mediana", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": "Trepador canadiense", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": "Pico de Florida", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": "Vireo chiv\u00ed", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": "Carpintero cabecirrojo", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": "Perdiz roja", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": "Busardo hombrorrojo", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": "Busardo colirrojo", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": "Sargento alirrojo", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": "Gaviota de Delaware", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Picogrueso pechirrosado", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] o 1 [fruit] del comedero si lo hay.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": "Esp\u00e1tula rosada", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": "Reyezuelo rub\u00ed", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed gorgirrub\u00ed", "Power text": "Cada jugador obtiene 1 [die] del comedero, empezando por el jugador que elijas.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": "Malvas\u00eda canela", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": "Combatiente", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": "Grulla canadiense", "Power text": "Decarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": "Chingolo sabanero", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": "Buscarla unicolor", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": "Mosquero llanero", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [bowl]", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": "Col\u00edn escamado", "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": "Tijereta rosada", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": "Agateador europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": "Escribano nival", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": "Garceta n\u00edvea", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": "B\u00faho nival", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": "Chingolo cantor", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": "C\u00e1rabo californiano", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": "Andarr\u00edos maculado", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": "Toqu\u00ed moteado", "Power text": "Obten 1 [seed] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": "Bisbita llanero", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": "Garcilla cangrejera", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": "Chara de Steller", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": "Busardo chapulinero", "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": "Cogujada montesina", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": "Golondrina bicolor", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": "Cisne trompetero", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": "Herrerillo bicolor", "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": "Aura gallipavo", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": "Vencejo de Vaux", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": "Golondrina verdemar", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": "Pradero occidental", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [ground] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [ground] adicional.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": "Piranga carirroja", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o 1 [fruit] del comedero si lo hay.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": "Cig\u00fce\u00f1a blanca", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": "Lavandera blanca", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": "Pico dorsiblanco", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": "Trepador pechiblanco", "Power text": "Obten 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": "Chingolo coroniblanco", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": "Morito cariblanco", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": "Mirlo acu\u00e1tico europeo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": "Vencejo gorjiblanco", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": "Grulla trompetera", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": "Pavo salvaje", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": "Playero aliblanco", "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": "Agachadiza de Wilson", "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": "Pa\u00ed\u00f1o de Wilson", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": "Pato joyuyo", "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": "T\u00e1ntalo americano", "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": "Chupasavia norte\u00f1o", "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": "Cuclillo piquigualdo", "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": "Reinita grande", "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": "Tordo cabeciamarillo", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": "Reinita coronada", "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": "Escribano cerillo", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "272": {"English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "273": {"English name": "Black Noddy", "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "274": {"English name": "Black Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "275": {"English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "276": {"English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "277": {"English name": "Brolga", "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "278": {"English name": "Brown Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "279": {"English name": "Budgerigar", "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "280": {"English name": "Cockatiel", "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "281": {"English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "282": {"English name": "Crested Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "283": {"English name": "Crimson Chat", "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "284": {"English name": "Eastern Rosella", "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "285": {"English name": "Eastern Whipbird", "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "286": {"English name": "Emu", "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "287": {"English name": "Galah", "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "288": {"English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "289": {"English name": "Gould's Finch", "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "290": {"English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "291": {"English name": "Grey Butcherbird", "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "292": {"English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, 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"Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "298": {"English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "299": {"English name": "Kea", "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "300": {"English name": "Kelp Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "301": {"English name": "Kerer\u016b", "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, 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"Photographer": null}, "405": {"English name": "Large-Billed Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "406": {"English name": "Little Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "407": {"English name": "Little Grebe", "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "408": {"English name": "Little Ringed Plover", "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "409": {"English name": "Mandarin Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "410": {"English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "411": {"English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "412": {"English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "413": {"English name": "Philippine Eagle", "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "414": {"English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "415": {"English name": "Purple Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "416": {"English name": "Red Avadavat", "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "417": {"English name": "Red Junglefowl", "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "418": {"English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "419": {"English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "420": {"English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "421": {"English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "422": {"English name": "Rock Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Columba livia", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "423": {"English name": "Rook", "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "424": {"English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "425": {"English name": "Rosy Starling", "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "426": {"English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "427": {"English name": "Sarus Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", "Common name": null, "Power 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{"English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "433": {"English name": "Spotted Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "434": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "435": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "436": {"English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "437": {"English name": "Trumpeter Finch", "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "438": {"English name": "Twite", "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "439": {"English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "440": {"English name": "Violet Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "441": {"English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "442": {"English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "443": {"English name": "White-Headed Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "444": {"English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "445": {"English name": "Willow Tit", "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "446": {"English name": "Yellow Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "447": {"English name": "Zebra Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}}, "bonuses": {"1000": {"English name": "Anatomist", "Name": "Anatomista", "Condition": "Aves con el icono [anatomist]", "Explanatory text": "\u200e", "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1001": {"English name": "Backyard Birder", "Name": "Aficionado de jard\u00edn", "Condition": "Aves que valen al menos 4 puntos", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5 o 6 aves: 3[point]; 7 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1002": {"English name": "Behaviorist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1003": {"English name": "Bird Bander", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1004": {"English name": "Bird Counter", "Name": "Contador de aves", "Condition": "Aves con poder de tipo [flocking]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1005": {"English name": "Bird Feeder", "Name": "Aves que comen [seed]", "Condition": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [seed]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "De 5 a 7 aves: 3[point]; 8 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1006": {"English name": "Breeding Manager", "Name": "Criador de aves", "Condition": "Aves que tienen 4 huevos o m\u00e1s sobre ellas", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "1[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1007": {"English name": "Cartographer", "Name": "Cart\u00f3grafo", "Condition": "Aves con el icono [cartographer]", "Explanatory text": "\u200e", "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1008": {"English name": "Citizen Scientist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1009": {"English name": "Diet Specialist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1010": {"English name": "Ecologist", "Name": "Ecologista", "Condition": "Aves en tu h\u00e1bitat con menos aves.", "Explanatory text": "Los empates cuentan: si tienes 3 aves en cada h\u00e1bitat, t\u00fa habitat con menos aves ser\u00e1 de 3 aves.", "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1011": {"English name": "Enclosure Builder", "Name": "Constructor de cercados", "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [ground]", "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [ground] o [star].", "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1012": {"English name": "Ethologist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1013": {"English name": "Falconer", "Name": "Halconero", "Condition": "Aves con poder de tipo [predator]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1014": {"English name": "Fishery Manager", "Name": "Piscicultor", "Condition": "Aves que comen [fish]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [fish]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1015": {"English name": "Food Web Expert", "Name": "Experto en red tr\u00f3fica", "Condition": "Aves que solo comen [invertebrate]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [invertebrate] y ning\u00fan otro icono de alimento.", "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1016": {"English name": "Forester", "Name": "Silvicultor", "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [forest]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [forest] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", "VP": "3 o 4 aves: 4[point]; 5 aves: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1017": {"English name": "Historian", "Name": "Historiador", "Condition": "Aves con el icono [historian]", "Explanatory text": "\u200e", "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1018": {"English name": "Large Bird Specialist", "Name": "Especialista en grandes aves", "Condition": "Aves con envergadura de m\u00e1s de 65 cm", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1019": {"English name": "Nest Box Builder", "Name": "Constructor de cajas nido", "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [cavity]", "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [cavity] o [star].", "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1020": {"English name": "Omnivore Specialist", "Name": "Experto en omn\u00edvoros", "Condition": "Aves que comen [wild]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que tenga espec\u00edficamente el icono de [wild] como parte de su coste en alimento.", "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1021": {"English name": "Oologist", "Name": "O\u00f3logo", "Condition": "Aves que tienen 1 huevo o m\u00e1s sobre ellas", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "7 o 8 aves: 3[point]; 9 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1022": {"English name": "Passerine Specialist", "Name": "Especialista en paseriformes", "Condition": "Aves con envergadura de 30 cm o menos", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1023": {"English name": "Photographer", "Name": "Fot\u00f3grafo", "Condition": "Aves con el icono [photographer]", "Explanatory text": "\u200e", "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1024": {"English name": "Platform Builder", "Name": "Constructor de plataformas", "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [platform]", "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [platform] o [star].", "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1025": {"English name": "Prairie Manager", "Name": "Pascicultor", "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [grassland]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [grassland] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1026": {"English name": "Rodentologist", "Name": "Rodent\u00f3logo", "Condition": "Aves que comen [rodent]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [rodent]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", "VP": "2[point] por ave", "Note": null}, "1027": {"English name": "Visionary Leader", "Name": "L\u00edder visionario", "Condition": "Cartas de ave en la mano al final de la partida", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "De 5 a 7 aves: 4[point]; 8 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1028": {"English name": "Viticulturalist", "Name": "Viticultor", "Condition": "Aves que comen [fruit]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [fruit]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1029": {"English name": "Wetland Scientist", "Name": "Experto en humedales", "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [wetland]", "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [wetland] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", "VP": "3 o 4 aves: 3[point]; 5 aves: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1030": {"English name": "Wildlife Gardener", "Name": "Jardinero silvestre", "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [bowl]", "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [bowl] o [star].", "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1032": {"English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", "Name": "[automa] AUTornit\u00f3logo", "Condition": "Aves que valen 3 o 4 puntos", "Explanatory text": "(primero la de m\u00e1s valor)", "VP": "El Automa se queda hasta 2 de ellas", "Note": null}, "1033": {"English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", "Name": "[automa] colaborAUTDOr de la SEO", "Condition": "Aves que valen 5, 6 o 7 puntos", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "El Automa se queda la de m\u00e1s valor", "Note": null}, "1034": {"English name": "Forest Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1035": {"English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1036": {"English name": "Mechanical Engineer", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1037": {"English name": "Site Selection Expert", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1038": {"English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1039": {"English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1040": {"English name": "Endangered Species Protector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1041": {"English name": "Forest Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1042": {"English name": "Forest Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1043": {"English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1044": {"English name": "Grassland Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1045": {"English name": "Pellet Dissector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1046": {"English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1047": {"English 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"2013": {"English name": "Egg in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2014": {"English name": "Egg in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2017": {"English name": "Egg in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2010": {"English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2008": {"English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2021": {"English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2022": {"English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2012": {"English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2011": {"English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2015": {"English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2016": {"English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2023": {"English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2024": {"English name": "Total Bird", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2020": {"English name": "Food in Supply", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2003": {"English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2004": {"English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2006": {"English name": "Birds with No Eggs", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2005": {"English name": "Birds in 1 Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2018": {"English name": "Filled Columns", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2009": {"English name": "Brown Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2025": {"English name": "White & No Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2007": {"English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2019": {"English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2031": {"English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2030": {"English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2033": {"English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2032": {"English name": "No Goal", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2026": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Left", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2027": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Right", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2029": {"English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2028": {"English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2043": {"English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2040": {"English name": "Nest Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2035": {"English name": "Food Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2041": {"English name": "Not on Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2042": {"English name": "On Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2044": {"English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2036": {"English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2034": {"English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2037": {"English name": "In Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2038": {"English name": "In Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2039": {"English name": "In Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2045": {"English name": "Total Duet Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}}, "other": {"WHEN ACTIVATED": {"Translated": "AL ACTIVARLA"}, "WHEN PLAYED": {"Translated": "AL JUGARLA"}, "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": {"Translated": "UNA VEZ ENTRE TURNOS"}, "ROUND END": {"Translated": "FIN DE LA RONDA"}, "GAME END": {"Translated": "FIN DE LA PARTIDA"}, "of cards": {"Translated": "de las cartas"}}, "parameters": {"Show bonus cards match symbols": {"Value": true}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "birds": { + "2": { + "English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", + "Common name": "Carpintero bellotero", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "3": { + "English name": "American Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", + "Common name": "Avoceta americana", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [ground].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "4": { + "English name": "American Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", + "Common name": "Avetoro lentiginoso", + "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [wetland] roban 1 [card]", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "5": { + "English name": "American Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", + "Common name": "Focha americana", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "6": { + "English name": "American Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Cuervo americano", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "7": { + "English name": "American Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", + "Common name": "Jilguero norteamericano", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 3 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "8": { + "English name": "American Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", + "Common name": "Cern\u00edcalo americano", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "9": { + "English name": "American Oystercatcher", + "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", + "Common name": "Ostrero p\u00edo americano", + "Power text": "Roba tantas [card] como el n\u00famero de jugadores +1. Empezando por ti y en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, cada jugador elige 1 de ellas y la pone en su mano. T\u00fa te quedas la carta extra.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "10": { + "English name": "American Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", + "Common name": "Candelita norte\u00f1a", + "Power text": "Obten 1 [wild] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "11": { + "English name": "American Robin", + "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", + "Common name": "Zorzal rob\u00edn", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "12": { + "English name": "American White Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Pel\u00edcano norteamericano", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [fish] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "13": { + "English name": "American Woodcock", + "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", + "Common name": "Agachadiza americana", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "14": { + "English name": "Anhinga", + "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", + "Common name": "Aninga americana", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "15": { + "English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", + "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed de Ana", + "Power text": "Cada jugador obtiene 1 [die] del comedero, empezando por el jugador que elijas.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "16": { + "English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", + "Common name": "Copet\u00f3n cenizo", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [cavity].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "17": { + "English name": "Atlantic Puffin", + "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", + "Common name": "Frailecillo atl\u00e1ntico", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "18": { + "English name": "Audouin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", + "Common name": "Gaviota de Audouin", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "19": { + "English name": "Baird's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", + "Common name": "Chingolo de Baird", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "20": { + "English name": "Bald Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", + "Common name": "\u00c1guila calva", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n todos los [fish] que haya en el comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "21": { + "English name": "Baltimore Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", + "Common name": "Turpial de Baltimore", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fruit] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "22": { + "English name": "Barn Owl", + "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", + "Common name": "Lechuza com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "23": { + "English name": "Barn Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", + "Common name": "Golondrina com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "24": { + "English name": "Barred Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix varia", + "Common name": "C\u00e1rabo norteamericano", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "25": { + "English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", + "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n isl\u00e1ndico", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [cavity].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "26": { + "English name": "Bell's Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", + "Common name": "Vireo de Bell", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "27": { + "English name": "Belted Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", + "Common name": "Mart\u00edn gigante norteamericano", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [wetland], obtienes 1 [fish] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "28": { + "English name": "Bewick's Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", + "Common name": "Cucarachero colinegro", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "29": { + "English name": "Black Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", + "Common name": "Colirrojo tiz\u00f3n", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "30": { + "English name": "Black Skimmer", + "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", + "Common name": "Rayador americano", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "31": { + "English name": "Black Tern", + "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", + "Common name": "Fumarel com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "32": { + "English name": "Black Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", + "Common name": "Zopilote negro", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "33": { + "English name": "Black Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", + "Common name": "Picamaderos negro", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "34": { + "English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", + "Common name": "Suirir\u00ed piquirrojo", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "35": { + "English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", + "Common name": "Urraca de Hudson", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "36": { + "English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", + "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed gorjinegro", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fruit] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "37": { + "English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", + "Common name": "Martinete com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "38": { + "English name": "Black-Headed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", + "Common name": "Gaviota reidora", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "39": { + "English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", + "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", + "Common name": "Cig\u00fce\u00f1uela cuellinegra", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "40": { + "English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", + "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", + "Common name": "Aguja colinegra", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "41": { + "English name": "Black-Throated Diver", + "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", + "Common name": "Colimbo \u00e1rtico", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "42": { + "English name": "Blue Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", + "Common name": "Azulillo grande", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "43": { + "English name": "Blue Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", + "Common name": "Chara azul", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "44": { + "English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", + "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", + "Common name": "Perlita grisilla", + "Power text": "Obten 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "45": { + "English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", + "Common name": "Reinita aliazul", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "46": { + "English name": "Bluethroat", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", + "Common name": "Ruise\u00f1or pechiazul", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "47": { + "English name": "Bobolink", + "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", + "Common name": "Tordo charlat\u00e1n", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [ground].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "48": { + "English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", + "Common name": "\u00c1guila perdicera", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "49": { + "English name": "Brant", + "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", + "Common name": "Barnacla carinegra", + "Power text": "Roba las 3 [card] bocarriba de la bandeja de aves.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "50": { + "English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", + "Common name": "Zanate de Brewer", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "51": { + "English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", + "Common name": "Busardo aliancho", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "52": { + "English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", + "Common name": "Tordo ojirrojo", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "53": { + "English name": "Brown Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", + "Common name": "Pel\u00edcano alcatraz", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 3 [fish] del suministo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "54": { + "English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", + "Common name": "Tordo cabecipardo", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "55": { + "English name": "Bullfinch", + "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", + "Common name": "Camachuelo com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "56": { + "English name": "Burrowing Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", + "Common name": "Mochuelo de madriguera", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "57": { + "English name": "Bushtit", + "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", + "Common name": "Mito sastrecillo", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "58": { + "English name": "California Condor", + "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", + "Common name": "C\u00f3ndor californiano", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "59": { + "English name": "California Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", + "Common name": "Codorniz californiana", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "60": { + "English name": "Canada Goose", + "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", + "Common name": "Barnacla canadiense", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "61": { + "English name": "Canvasback", + "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", + "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n coacoxtle", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "62": { + "English name": "Carolina Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", + "Common name": "Carbonero de Carolina", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "63": { + "English name": "Carolina Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Cucarachero de Carolina", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "64": { + "English name": "Carrion Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", + "Common name": "Corneja negra", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "65": { + "English name": "Cassin's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", + "Common name": "Camachuelo de Cassin", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "66": { + "English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", + "Common name": "Chingolo de Cassin", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "67": { + "English name": "Cedar Waxwing", + "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", + "Common name": "Ampelis americano", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [fruit] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "68": { + "English name": "Cerulean Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", + "Common name": "Reinita cer\u00falea", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "69": { + "English name": "Cetti's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", + "Common name": "Cetia ruise\u00f1or", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "70": { + "English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", + "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", + "Common name": "Escribano collarejo", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "71": { + "English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", + "Common name": "Cuervo llanero", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 2 [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "72": { + "English name": "Chimney Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", + "Common name": "Vencejo de chimenea", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "73": { + "English name": "Chipping Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", + "Common name": "Chingolo cejiblanco", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "74": { + "English name": "Clark's Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", + "Common name": "Achichilique de Clark", + "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "75": { + "English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", + "Common name": "Cascanueces americano", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "76": { + "English name": "Coal Tit", + "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", + "Common name": "Carbonero garrapinos", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "77": { + "English name": "Common Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", + "Common name": "Mirlo com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "78": { + "English name": "Common Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", + "Common name": "Busardo ratonero", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "79": { + "English name": "Common Chaffinch", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", + "Common name": "Pinz\u00f3n vulgar", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "80": { + "English name": "Common Chiffchaff", + "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", + "Common name": "Mosquitero com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "81": { + "English name": "Common Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", + "Common name": "Cuco com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "82": { + "English name": "Common Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", + "Common name": "Porr\u00f3n osculado", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "83": { + "English name": "Common Grackle", + "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", + "Common name": "Zanate com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "84": { + "English name": "Common Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", + "Common name": "Mart\u00edn pescador com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "85": { + "English name": "Common Little Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", + "Common name": "Avetorillo com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "86": { + "English name": "Common Loon", + "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", + "Common name": "Colimbo grande", + "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [wetland] obtienen 1 [card] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "87": { + "English name": "Common Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", + "Common name": "Serreta grande", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "88": { + "English name": "Common Moorhen", + "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", + "Common name": "Gallineta com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "89": { + "English name": "Common Nighthawk", + "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", + "Common name": "A\u00f1apero yanqui", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "90": { + "English name": "Common Nightingale", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", + "Common name": "Ruise\u00f1or com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "91": { + "English name": "Common Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", + "Common name": "Cuervo grande", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 2 [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "92": { + "English name": "Common Starling", + "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", + "Common name": "Estornino pinto", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "93": { + "English name": "Common Swift", + "Scientific name": "Apus apus", + "Common name": "Vencejo com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "94": { + "English name": "Common Yellowthroat", + "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", + "Common name": "Mascarita com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "95": { + "English name": "Cooper's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", + "Common name": "Gavil\u00e1n de Cooper", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "96": { + "English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", + "Common name": "Trepador corso", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "97": { + "English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", + "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", + "Common name": "Junco pizarroso", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "98": { + "English name": "Dickcissel", + "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", + "Common name": "Arrocero", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "99": { + "English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", + "Common name": "Cormor\u00e1n orejudo", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [fish] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "100": { + "English name": "Downy Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", + "Common name": "Pico pubescente", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "101": { + "English name": "Dunnock", + "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", + "Common name": "Acentor com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "102": { + "English name": "Eastern Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", + "Common name": "Azulejo oriental", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "103": { + "English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", + "Common name": "\u00c1guila imperial oriental", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "104": { + "English name": "Eastern Kingbird", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", + "Common name": "Tirano oriental", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [forest], obtienes 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "105": { + "English name": "Eastern Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", + "Common name": "Mosquero fib\u00ed", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "106": { + "English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", + "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", + "Common name": "Autillo yanqui", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "107": { + "English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", + "Common name": "Halc\u00f3n de Eleonora", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "108": { + "English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", + "Common name": "T\u00f3rtola turca", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "109": { + "English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", + "Common name": "Orop\u00e9ndola europea", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "110": { + "English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", + "Common name": "Carpintero verde europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "111": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hobby", + "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", + "Common name": "Alcot\u00e1n europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "112": { + "English name": "Eurasian Jay", + "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", + "Common name": "Arrendajo euroasi\u00e1tico", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "113": { + "English name": "Eurasian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica pica", + "Common name": "Urraca com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "114": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", + "Common name": "Cascanueces com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "115": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", + "Common name": "Trepador azul", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "116": { + "English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", + "Common name": "Gavil\u00e1n com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "117": { + "English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", + "Common name": "Gorri\u00f3n molinero", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "118": { + "English name": "European Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", + "Common name": "Abejaruco europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "119": { + "English name": "European Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", + "Common name": "Jilguero europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "120": { + "English name": "European Honey Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", + "Common name": "Abejero europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "121": { + "English name": "European Robin", + "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", + "Common name": "Petirrojo europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "122": { + "English name": "European Roller", + "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", + "Common name": "Carraca europea", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "123": { + "English name": "European Turtle Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", + "Common name": "T\u00f3rtola europea", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "124": { + "English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", + "Common name": "Busardo herrumbroso", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "125": { + "English name": "Fish Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", + "Common name": "Cuervo pescador", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] de cualquiera de tus otras aves para obtener 1 [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "126": { + "English name": "Forster's Tern", + "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", + "Common name": "Charr\u00e1n de Forster", + "Power text": "Roba 1 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final del turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "127": { + "English name": "Franklin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", + "Common name": "Gaviota de Franklin", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] para robar 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "128": { + "English name": "Goldcrest", + "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", + "Common name": "Reyezuelo sencillo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "129": { + "English name": "Golden Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", + "Common name": "\u00c1guila real", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "130": { + "English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", + "Common name": "Chingolo saltamontes", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "131": { + "English name": "Gray Catbird", + "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", + "Common name": "P\u00e1jaro-gato gris", + "Power text": "Repite un poder marr\u00f3n de otra ave de este h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "132": { + "English name": "Great Blue Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", + "Common name": "Garza azulada", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [wetland]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "133": { + "English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", + "Common name": "Copet\u00f3n viajero", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del comedero, si lo hay.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "134": { + "English name": "Great Crested Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", + "Common name": "Somormujo lavanco", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "135": { + "English name": "Great Egret", + "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", + "Common name": "Garceta grande", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [wetland]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "136": { + "English name": "Great Horned Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", + "Common name": "B\u00faho americano", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "137": { + "English name": "Great Tit", + "Scientific name": "Parus major", + "Common name": "Carbonero com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "138": { + "English name": "Greater Flamingo", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", + "Common name": "Flamenco com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "139": { + "English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", + "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", + "Common name": "Gallo de las praderas grande", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "140": { + "English name": "Greater Roadrunner", + "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", + "Common name": "Correcaminos grande", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 50 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "141": { + "English name": "Green Heron", + "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", + "Common name": "Garcita verdosa", + "Power text": "Cambia 1 [wild] por cualquier otro [wild] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "142": { + "English name": "Grey Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", + "Common name": "Garza real", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "143": { + "English name": "Greylag Goose", + "Scientific name": "Anser anser", + "Common name": "\u00c1nsar com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "144": { + "English name": "Griffon Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", + "Common name": "Buitre leonado", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "145": { + "English name": "Hawfinch", + "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", + "Common name": "Picogordo com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "146": { + "English name": "Hermit Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", + "Common name": "Zorzalito colirrufo", + "Power text": "Los jugadores con menos aves en su h\u00e1bitat [forest] obtienen 1 [die] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "147": { + "English name": "Hooded Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", + "Common name": "Corneja cenicienta", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "148": { + "English name": "Hooded Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", + "Common name": "Serreta capuchona", + "Power text": "Repite un poder [predator] en este h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "149": { + "English name": "Hooded Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", + "Common name": "Reinita encapuchada", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "150": { + "English name": "Horned Lark", + "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", + "Common name": "Alondra cornuda", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador juegue un ave en [grassland], solapa 1 [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "151": { + "English name": "House Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", + "Common name": "Camachuelo mejicano", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "152": { + "English name": "House Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", + "Common name": "Gorri\u00f3n com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "153": { + "English name": "House Wren", + "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", + "Common name": "Choch\u00edn criollo", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland] o en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "154": { + "English name": "Inca Dove", + "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", + "Common name": "Tortolita mexicana", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [platform].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "155": { + "English name": "Indigo Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", + "Common name": "Azulillo \u00edndigo", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o [fruit] del comedero, si lo hay.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "156": { + "English name": "Juniper Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", + "Common name": "Herrerillo de Ridgway", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "157": { + "English name": "Killdeer", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", + "Common name": "Chorlitejo culirrojo", + "Power text": "Descarta 1 [egg] para robar 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "158": { + "English name": "King Rail", + "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", + "Common name": "Rasc\u00f3n elegante", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "159": { + "English name": "Lazuli Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", + "Common name": "Azulillo lapisl\u00e1zuli", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [bowl] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [bowl] adicional.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "160": { + "English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", + "Common name": "Curruca zarcerilla", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "161": { + "English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", + "Common name": "Chingolo de Lincoln", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "162": { + "English name": "Little Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", + "Common name": "Sis\u00f3n com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "163": { + "English name": "Little Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", + "Common name": "Mochuelo europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "164": { + "English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Alcaud\u00f3n americano", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de obtener alimento, si obtiene cualquier n\u00famero de [rodent], obtienes 1 [rodent] del suministro y lo almacenas en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "165": { + "English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", + "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", + "Common name": "Mito com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "166": { + "English name": "Mallard", + "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", + "Common name": "\u00c1nade azul\u00f3n", + "Power text": "Roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "167": { + "English name": "Mississippi Kite", + "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", + "Common name": "Elanio del Mississippi", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [rodent], obt\u00e9n 1 [rodent] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "168": { + "English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", + "Common name": "Curruca subalpina", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "169": { + "English name": "Montagu's Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", + "Common name": "Aguilucho cenizo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "170": { + "English name": "Mountain Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", + "Common name": "Azulejo claro", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "171": { + "English name": "Mountain Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", + "Common name": "Carbonero monta\u00f1\u00e9s", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "172": { + "English name": "Mourning Dove", + "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", + "Common name": "Zenaida huilota", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "173": { + "English name": "Mute Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", + "Common name": "Cisne blanco", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "174": { + "English name": "Northern Bobwhite", + "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", + "Common name": "Col\u00edn de Virginia", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "175": { + "English name": "Northern Cardinal", + "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", + "Common name": "Cardenal norte\u00f1o", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [fruit] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "176": { + "English name": "Northern Flicker", + "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", + "Common name": "Carpintero escapulario", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n todos los [invertebrate] que haya en el comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "177": { + "English name": "Northern Gannet", + "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", + "Common name": "Alcatraz com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "178": { + "English name": "Northern Goshawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", + "Common name": "Azor com\u00fan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "179": { + "English name": "Northern Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", + "Common name": "Aguilucho p\u00e1lido", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "180": { + "English name": "Northern Mockingbird", + "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", + "Common name": "Sinsonte norte\u00f1o", + "Power text": "Repite un poder marr\u00f3n de otra ave de este h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "181": { + "English name": "Northern Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", + "Common name": "Cuchara com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "182": { + "English name": "Osprey", + "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", + "Common name": "\u00c1guila pescadora", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [fish] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "183": { + "English name": "Painted Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", + "Common name": "Azulillo sietecolores", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "184": { + "English name": "Painted Whitestart", + "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", + "Common name": "Candelita aliblanca", + "Power text": "Obten 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "185": { + "English name": "Parrot Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", + "Common name": "Piquituerto lorito", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "186": { + "English name": "Peregrine Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", + "Common name": "Halc\u00f3n peregrino", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 100 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "187": { + "English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", + "Common name": "Zampull\u00edn picogrueso", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "188": { + "English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", + "Common name": "Picamaderos norteamericano", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [cavity] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [cavity] adicional.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "189": { + "English name": "Pine Siskin", + "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", + "Common name": "Jilguero de los pinos", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "190": { + "English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", + "Common name": "Reinita protonotaria", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "191": { + "English name": "Purple Gallinule", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", + "Common name": "Calamoncillo americano", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "192": { + "English name": "Purple Martin", + "Scientific name": "Progne subis", + "Common name": "Golondrina purp\u00farea", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "193": { + "English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", + "Common name": "Trepador enano", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o 1 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "194": { + "English name": "Red Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", + "Common name": "Piquituerto com\u00fan", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "195": { + "English name": "Red Kite", + "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", + "Common name": "Milano real", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "196": { + "English name": "Red Knot", + "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", + "Common name": "Correlimos gordo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "197": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", + "Common name": "Alcaud\u00f3n dorsirrojo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "198": { + "English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", + "Common name": "Carpintero de Carolina", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "199": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", + "Common name": "Serreta mediana", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "200": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", + "Common name": "Trepador canadiense", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "201": { + "English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", + "Common name": "Pico de Florida", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "202": { + "English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", + "Common name": "Vireo chiv\u00ed", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "203": { + "English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", + "Common name": "Carpintero cabecirrojo", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "204": { + "English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", + "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", + "Common name": "Perdiz roja", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "205": { + "English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", + "Common name": "Busardo hombrorrojo", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "206": { + "English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Busardo colirrojo", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "207": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", + "Common name": "Sargento alirrojo", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "208": { + "English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", + "Common name": "Gaviota de Delaware", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "209": { + "English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Picogrueso pechirrosado", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] o 1 [fruit] del comedero si lo hay.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "210": { + "English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", + "Common name": "Esp\u00e1tula rosada", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "211": { + "English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", + "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", + "Common name": "Reyezuelo rub\u00ed", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "212": { + "English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", + "Common name": "Colibr\u00ed gorgirrub\u00ed", + "Power text": "Cada jugador obtiene 1 [die] del comedero, empezando por el jugador que elijas.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "213": { + "English name": "Ruddy Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Malvas\u00eda canela", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "214": { + "English name": "Ruff", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", + "Common name": "Combatiente", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "215": { + "English name": "Sandhill Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", + "Common name": "Grulla canadiense", + "Power text": "Decarta 1 [seed] para solapar 2 [card] del mazo bajo esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "216": { + "English name": "Savannah Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", + "Common name": "Chingolo sabanero", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [grassland]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "217": { + "English name": "Savi's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", + "Common name": "Buscarla unicolor", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "218": { + "English name": "Say's Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", + "Common name": "Mosquero llanero", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en cada una de tus aves con un nido [bowl]", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "219": { + "English name": "Scaled Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", + "Common name": "Col\u00edn escamado", + "Power text": "Pon 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "220": { + "English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", + "Common name": "Tijereta rosada", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores obtienen 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "221": { + "English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", + "Common name": "Agateador europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "222": { + "English name": "Snow Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", + "Common name": "Escribano nival", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "223": { + "English name": "Snowy Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", + "Common name": "Garceta n\u00edvea", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "224": { + "English name": "Snowy Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", + "Common name": "B\u00faho nival", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "225": { + "English name": "Song Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", + "Common name": "Chingolo cantor", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "226": { + "English name": "Spotted Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", + "Common name": "C\u00e1rabo californiano", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "227": { + "English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", + "Common name": "Andarr\u00edos maculado", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "228": { + "English name": "Spotted Towhee", + "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", + "Common name": "Toqu\u00ed moteado", + "Power text": "Obten 1 [seed] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "229": { + "English name": "Sprague's Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", + "Common name": "Bisbita llanero", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "230": { + "English name": "Squacco Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", + "Common name": "Garcilla cangrejera", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "231": { + "English name": "Steller's Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", + "Common name": "Chara de Steller", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [seed] (si lo hay) del comedero. Puedes almacenarlo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "232": { + "English name": "Swainson's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", + "Common name": "Busardo chapulinero", + "Power text": "Mira una [card] del mazo. Si su envergadura es inferior a 75 cm, sol\u00e1pala bajo esta carta. De lo contrario, desc\u00e1rtala.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "233": { + "English name": "Thekla's Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", + "Common name": "Cogujada montesina", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "234": { + "English name": "Tree Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", + "Common name": "Golondrina bicolor", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "235": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", + "Common name": "Cisne trompetero", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "236": { + "English name": "Tufted Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", + "Common name": "Herrerillo bicolor", + "Power text": "Juega una segunda ave en tu [forest]. Paga su coste normal.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "237": { + "English name": "Turkey Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", + "Common name": "Aura gallipavo", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador tenga \u00e9xito en su [predator], obtienes 1 [die] del comedero.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "238": { + "English name": "Vaux's Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", + "Common name": "Vencejo de Vaux", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "239": { + "English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", + "Common name": "Golondrina verdemar", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "240": { + "English name": "Western Meadowlark", + "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", + "Common name": "Pradero occidental", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores ponen 1 [egg] en 1 ave [ground] cualquiera. Puedes poner 1 [egg] en 1 ave [ground] adicional.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "241": { + "English name": "Western Tanager", + "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", + "Common name": "Piranga carirroja", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] o 1 [fruit] del comedero si lo hay.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "242": { + "English name": "White Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", + "Common name": "Cig\u00fce\u00f1a blanca", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "243": { + "English name": "White Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", + "Common name": "Lavandera blanca", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "244": { + "English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", + "Common name": "Pico dorsiblanco", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "245": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", + "Common name": "Trepador pechiblanco", + "Power text": "Obten 1 [seed] del suministro y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "246": { + "English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", + "Common name": "Chingolo coroniblanco", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "247": { + "English name": "White-Faced Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", + "Common name": "Morito cariblanco", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "248": { + "English name": "White-Throated Dipper", + "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", + "Common name": "Mirlo acu\u00e1tico europeo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "249": { + "English name": "White-Throated Swift", + "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", + "Common name": "Vencejo gorjiblanco", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon 1 [egg] en cualquier ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "250": { + "English name": "Whooping Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus americana", + "Common name": "Grulla trompetera", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "251": { + "English name": "Wild Turkey", + "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", + "Common name": "Pavo salvaje", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "252": { + "English name": "Willet", + "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", + "Common name": "Playero aliblanco", + "Power text": "Tira todos los datos que no est\u00e9n en el comedero. Si en alguno sale [fish], obt\u00e9n 1 [fish] y almac\u00e9nalo en esta carta.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "253": { + "English name": "Wilson's Snipe", + "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", + "Common name": "Agachadiza de Wilson", + "Power text": "Todos los jugadores roban 1 [card] del mazo.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "254": { + "English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", + "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", + "Common name": "Pa\u00ed\u00f1o de Wilson", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "255": { + "English name": "Wood Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", + "Common name": "Pato joyuyo", + "Power text": "Roba 2 [card]. Si lo haces, descarta 1 [card] de tu mano al final de tu turno.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "256": { + "English name": "Wood Stork", + "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", + "Common name": "T\u00e1ntalo americano", + "Power text": "Roba 2 nuevas cartas de bonificaci\u00f3n y qu\u00e9date 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "257": { + "English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", + "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", + "Common name": "Chupasavia norte\u00f1o", + "Power text": "Obt\u00e9n 1 [invertebrate] del suministro.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "258": { + "English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", + "Common name": "Cuclillo piquigualdo", + "Power text": "Cuando otro jugador realice la acci\u00f3n de poner huevos, esta ave pone 1 [egg] en otra ave con un nido [bowl].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "259": { + "English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", + "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", + "Common name": "Reinita grande", + "Power text": "Si esta ave est\u00e1 a la derecha del resto de aves de su h\u00e1bitat, mu\u00e9vela a otro h\u00e1bitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "260": { + "English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", + "Common name": "Tordo cabeciamarillo", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, pon tambi\u00e9n 1 [egg] en esta ave.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "261": { + "English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", + "Common name": "Reinita coronada", + "Power text": "Solapa una [card] de tu mano bajo esta ave. Si lo haces, roba 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "262": { + "English name": "Yellowhammer", + "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", + "Common name": "Escribano cerillo", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "263": { + "English name": "Abbott's Booby", + "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "264": { + "English name": "Australasian Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "265": { + "English name": "Australasian Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "266": { + "English name": "Australian Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "267": { + "English name": "Australian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "268": { + "English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", + "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "269": { + "English name": "Australian Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "270": { + "English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "271": { + "English name": "Australian Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "272": { + "English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", + "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "273": { + "English name": "Black Noddy", + "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "274": { + "English name": "Black Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "275": { + "English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", + "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "276": { + "English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "277": { + "English name": "Brolga", + "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "278": { + "English name": "Brown Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "279": { + "English name": "Budgerigar", + "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "280": { + "English name": "Cockatiel", + "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "281": { + "English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", + "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "282": { + "English name": "Crested Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "283": { + "English name": "Crimson Chat", + "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "284": { + "English name": "Eastern Rosella", + "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "285": { + "English name": "Eastern Whipbird", + "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "286": { + "English name": "Emu", + "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "287": { + "English name": "Galah", + "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "288": { + "English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", + "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "289": { + "English name": "Gould's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "290": { + "English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", + "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "291": { + "English name": "Grey Butcherbird", + "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "292": { + "English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", + "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "293": { + "English name": "Grey Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "294": { + "English name": "Grey Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "295": { + "English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "296": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "297": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", + "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "298": { + "English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "299": { + "English name": "Kea", + "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "300": { + "English name": "Kelp Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "301": { + "English name": "Kerer\u016b", + "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "302": { + "English name": "Korimako", + "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "303": { + "English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", + "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "304": { + "English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", + "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "305": { + "English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "306": { + "English name": "Little Penguin", + "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "307": { + "English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "308": { + "English name": "Magpie-Lark", + "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "309": { + "English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "310": { + "English name": "Malleefowl", + "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "311": { + "English name": "Maned Duck", + "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "312": { + "English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", + "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "313": { + "English name": "Masked Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "314": { + 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"Tachybaptus ruficollis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "408": { + "English name": "Little Ringed Plover", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "409": { + "English name": "Mandarin Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "410": { + "English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", + "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "411": { + "English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "412": { + "English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", + "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "413": { + "English name": "Philippine Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "414": { + "English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "415": { + "English name": "Purple Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "416": { + "English name": "Red Avadavat", + "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "417": { + "English name": "Red Junglefowl", + "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "418": { + "English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "419": { + "English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", + "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "420": { + "English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "421": { + "English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", + "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "422": { + "English name": "Rock Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Columba livia", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "423": { + "English name": "Rook", + "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "424": { + "English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", + "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "425": { + "English name": "Rosy Starling", + "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "426": { + "English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "427": { + "English name": "Sarus Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "428": { + "English name": "Satyr Tragopan", + "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "429": { + "English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "430": { + "English name": "Small Minivet", + "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "431": { + "English name": "Smew", + "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "432": { + "English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "433": { + "English name": "Spotted Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "434": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "435": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "436": { + "English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "437": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Finch", + "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "438": { + "English name": "Twite", + "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "439": { + "English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "440": { + "English name": "Violet Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "441": { + "English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "442": { + "English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", + "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "443": { + "English name": "White-Headed Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "444": { + "English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "445": { + "English name": "Willow Tit", + "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "446": { + "English name": "Yellow Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "447": { + "English name": "Zebra Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + } + }, + "bonuses": { + "1000": { + "English name": "Anatomist", + "Name": "Anatomista", + "Condition": "Aves con el icono [anatomist]", + "Explanatory text": "\u200e", + "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1001": { + "English name": "Backyard Birder", + "Name": "Aficionado de jard\u00edn", + "Condition": "Aves que valen al menos 4 puntos", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5 o 6 aves: 3[point]; 7 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1002": { + "English name": "Behaviorist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1003": { + "English name": "Bird Bander", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1004": { + "English name": "Bird Counter", + "Name": "Contador de aves", + "Condition": "Aves con poder de tipo [flocking]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1005": { + "English name": "Bird Feeder", + "Name": "Aves que comen [seed]", + "Condition": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [seed]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "De 5 a 7 aves: 3[point]; 8 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1006": { + "English name": "Breeding Manager", + "Name": "Criador de aves", + "Condition": "Aves que tienen 4 huevos o m\u00e1s sobre ellas", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "1[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1007": { + "English name": "Cartographer", + "Name": "Cart\u00f3grafo", + "Condition": "Aves con el icono [cartographer]", + "Explanatory text": "\u200e", + "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1008": { + "English name": "Citizen Scientist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1009": { + "English name": "Diet Specialist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1010": { + "English name": "Ecologist", + "Name": "Ecologista", + "Condition": "Aves en tu h\u00e1bitat con menos aves.", + "Explanatory text": "Los empates cuentan: si tienes 3 aves en cada h\u00e1bitat, t\u00fa habitat con menos aves ser\u00e1 de 3 aves.", + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1011": { + "English name": "Enclosure Builder", + "Name": "Constructor de cercados", + "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [ground]", + "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [ground] o [star].", + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1012": { + "English name": "Ethologist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1013": { + "English name": "Falconer", + "Name": "Halconero", + "Condition": "Aves con poder de tipo [predator]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1014": { + "English name": "Fishery Manager", + "Name": "Piscicultor", + "Condition": "Aves que comen [fish]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [fish]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", + "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1015": { + "English name": "Food Web Expert", + "Name": "Experto en red tr\u00f3fica", + "Condition": "Aves que solo comen [invertebrate]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [invertebrate] y ning\u00fan otro icono de alimento.", + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1016": { + "English name": "Forester", + "Name": "Silvicultor", + "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [forest]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [forest] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", + "VP": "3 o 4 aves: 4[point]; 5 aves: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1017": { + "English name": "Historian", + "Name": "Historiador", + "Condition": "Aves con el icono [historian]", + "Explanatory text": "\u200e", + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1018": { + "English name": "Large Bird Specialist", + "Name": "Especialista en grandes aves", + "Condition": "Aves con envergadura de m\u00e1s de 65 cm", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1019": { + "English name": "Nest Box Builder", + "Name": "Constructor de cajas nido", + "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [cavity]", + "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [cavity] o [star].", + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1020": { + "English name": "Omnivore Specialist", + "Name": "Experto en omn\u00edvoros", + "Condition": "Aves que comen [wild]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que tenga espec\u00edficamente el icono de [wild] como parte de su coste en alimento.", + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1021": { + "English name": "Oologist", + "Name": "O\u00f3logo", + "Condition": "Aves que tienen 1 huevo o m\u00e1s sobre ellas", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "7 o 8 aves: 3[point]; 9 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1022": { + "English name": "Passerine Specialist", + "Name": "Especialista en paseriformes", + "Condition": "Aves con envergadura de 30 cm o menos", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1023": { + "English name": "Photographer", + "Name": "Fot\u00f3grafo", + "Condition": "Aves con el icono [photographer]", + "Explanatory text": "\u200e", + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 3[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1024": { + "English name": "Platform Builder", + "Name": "Constructor de plataformas", + "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [platform]", + "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [platform] o [star].", + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1025": { + "English name": "Prairie Manager", + "Name": "Pascicultor", + "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [grassland]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [grassland] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", + "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1026": { + "English name": "Rodentologist", + "Name": "Rodent\u00f3logo", + "Condition": "Aves que comen [rodent]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [rodent]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", + "VP": "2[point] por ave", + "Note": null + }, + "1027": { + "English name": "Visionary Leader", + "Name": "L\u00edder visionario", + "Condition": "Cartas de ave en la mano al final de la partida", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "De 5 a 7 aves: 4[point]; 8 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1028": { + "English name": "Viticulturalist", + "Name": "Viticultor", + "Condition": "Aves que comen [fruit]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave con un icono de [fruit]. El ave puede comer tambi\u00e9n otros tipos de alimento.", + "VP": "2 o 3 aves: 3[point]; 4 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1029": { + "English name": "Wetland Scientist", + "Name": "Experto en humedales", + "Condition": "Aves que solo pueden vivir en [wetland]", + "Explanatory text": "Cualquier ave que solo tenga el icono de [wetland] y ning\u00fan otro icono de h\u00e1bitat.", + "VP": "3 o 4 aves: 3[point]; 5 aves: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1030": { + "English name": "Wildlife Gardener", + "Name": "Jardinero silvestre", + "Condition": "Aves con nidos de tipo [bowl]", + "Explanatory text": "Las aves deben tener un icono de nido de tipo [bowl] o [star].", + "VP": "4 o 5 aves: 4[point]; 6 aves o m\u00e1s: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1032": { + "English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", + "Name": "[automa] AUTornit\u00f3logo", + "Condition": "Aves que valen 3 o 4 puntos", + "Explanatory text": "(primero la de m\u00e1s valor)", + "VP": "El Automa se queda hasta 2 de ellas", + "Note": null + }, + "1033": { + "English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", + "Name": "[automa] colaborAUTDOr de la SEO", + "Condition": "Aves que valen 5, 6 o 7 puntos", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "El Automa se queda la de m\u00e1s valor", + "Note": null + }, + "1034": { + "English name": "Forest Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1035": { + "English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1036": { + "English name": "Mechanical Engineer", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1037": { + "English name": "Site Selection Expert", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1038": { + "English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1039": { + "English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1040": { + "English name": "Endangered Species Protector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1041": { + "English name": "Forest Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1042": { + "English name": "Forest Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1043": { + "English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1044": { + "English name": "Grassland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1045": { + "English name": "Pellet Dissector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1046": { + "English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1047": { + "English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1048": { + "English name": "Wetland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1049": { + "English name": "Winter Feeder", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1050": { + "English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1051": { + "English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + } + }, + "goals": { + "2000": { + "English name": "Bird in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2001": { + "English name": "Bird in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2002": { + "English name": "Bird in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2013": { + "English name": "Egg in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2014": { + "English name": "Egg in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2017": { + "English name": "Egg in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2010": { + "English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2008": { + "English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2021": { + "English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2022": { + "English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2012": { + "English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2011": { + "English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2015": { + "English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2016": { + "English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2023": { + "English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2024": { + "English name": "Total Bird", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2020": { + "English name": "Food in Supply", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2003": { + "English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2004": { + "English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2006": { + "English name": "Birds with No Eggs", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2005": { + "English name": "Birds in 1 Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2018": { + "English name": "Filled Columns", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2009": { + "English name": "Brown Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2025": { + "English name": "White & No Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2007": { + "English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2019": { + "English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2031": { + "English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2030": { + "English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2033": { + "English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2032": { + "English name": "No Goal", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2026": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Left", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2027": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Right", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2029": { + "English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2028": { + "English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2043": { + "English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2040": { + "English name": "Nest Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2035": { + "English name": "Food Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2041": { + "English name": "Not on Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2042": { + "English name": "On Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2044": { + "English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2036": { + "English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2034": { + "English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2037": { + "English name": "In Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2038": { + "English name": "In Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2039": { + "English name": "In Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2045": { + "English name": "Total Duet Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + } + }, + "other": { + "WHEN ACTIVATED": { + "Translated": "AL ACTIVARLA" + }, + "WHEN PLAYED": { + "Translated": "AL JUGARLA" + }, + "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": { + "Translated": "UNA VEZ ENTRE TURNOS" + }, + "ROUND END": { + "Translated": "FIN DE LA RONDA" + }, + "GAME END": { + "Translated": "FIN DE LA PARTIDA" + }, + "of cards": { + "Translated": "de las cartas" + } + }, + "parameters": { + "Show bonus cards match symbols": { + "Value": true + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/fr.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/fr.json index 036f841..effa7ad 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/fr.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/fr.json @@ -1 +1,5623 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": "Pic glandivore", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": "Avocette d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [ground]. ", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": "Butor d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Le ou les joueurs avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [wetland] piochent 1 [card].", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont a\u0300 e\u0301galite\u0301 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux de marais, tous piochent une carte, en commenc\u0327ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Les joueurs peuvent piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": "Foulque d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": "Corneille d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": "Chardonneret jaune", "Power text": "Gagnez 3 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": "Cr\u00e9cerelle d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": "Hu\u00eetrier d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Piochez autant de que le nombre de joueurs +1. En commen\u00e7ant par vous, puis dans le sens horaire, chaque joueur choisit 1 de ces cartes et la prend en main. Gardez la carte restante.", "Note": "Piochez les cartes au sommet du paquet jusqu\u2019\u00e0 en avoir 1 par joueur +1. Chaque joueur en choisit une, en commen\u00e7ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Lorsque tout le monde a choisi une carte, prenez celle qui reste.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": "Paruline flamboyante", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer tous les d\u00e9s avant de prendre le [wild].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": "Merle d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": "P\u00e9lican d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [fish] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": "B\u00e9casse d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": "Anhinga d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": "Colibri d'Anna", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur de votre choix.", "Note": "Le propri\u00e9taire du colibri d\u00e9cide du premier joueur qui gagne une Nourriture, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour. Les joueurs peuvent remplir la mangeoire si elle est vide ou si tous les d\u00e9s montrent la m\u00eame face.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": "Tyran \u00e0 gorge cendr\u00e9e", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [cavity].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": "Macareux moine", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": "Go\u00e9land d'Audouin", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card] de la pioche. Glissez-en 1 sous cet oiseau et gardez l\u2019autre.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": "Bruant de Baird", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": "Pygargue \u00e0 t\u00eate blanche", "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [fish] de la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": "Oriole de Baltimore", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": "Chouette effraie", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": "Hirondelle rustique", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": "Chouette ray\u00e9e", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": "Garrot d'Islande", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [cavity]. ", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": "Vir\u00e9o de Bell", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": "Martin-p\u00eacheur d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [wetland], gagnez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Activez ce pouvoir lorsqu\u2019un joueur utilise l\u2019action \u00ab Jouer un oiseau \u00bb pour poser un oiseau dans le type d\u2019habitat requis. Un oiseau utilisant son pouvoir pour se d\u00e9placer dans l\u2019habitat ne d\u00e9clenche pas ce pouvoir.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": "Troglodyte de Bewick", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": "Rougequeue noir", "Power text": "Choisissez un habitat sans [egg]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cet habitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": "Bec-en-ciseaux noir", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": "Guifette noire", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": "Urubu noir", "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": "Pic noir", "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [invertebrate] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s puis gagner tous les [invertebrate].\nCette action prend fin lorsque vous avez gagn\u00e9 toutes les nourritures du type indiqu\u00e9.\nSi la mangeoire est vid\u00e9e et tous les d\u00e9s relanc\u00e9s suite \u00e0 cette action, vous ne gagnez pas de nourriture additionnelle apr\u00e8s le lancer. Si tous les d\u00e9s affichent la m\u00eame face apr\u00e8s avoir pris tous les [invertebrate], vous ne pouvez pas relancer les d\u00e9s.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": "Dendrocygne \u00e0 ventre noir", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": "Pie d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": "Colibri \u00e0 gorge noire", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": "Bihoreau gris", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": "Mouette rieuse", "Power text": "Volez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et mettez-le dans votre r\u00e9serve. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": "\u00c9chasse d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": "Barge \u00e0 queue noire", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis piochez 3 [card] et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": "Plongeon arctique", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": "Gros-bec bleu", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": "Geai bleu", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": "Gobemoucheron gris-bleu", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 ailes bleues", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": "Gorgebleue \u00e0 miroir", "Power text": "Choisissez un type de nourriture. Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [wild] de ce type de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": "Goglu des pr\u00e9s", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [ground].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": "Aigle de Bonelli", "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": "Bernache cravant", "Power text": "Piochez les 3 [card] du plateaux", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": "Quiscale de Brewer", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": "Petite buse", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": "Vacher bronz\u00e9", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": "P\u00e9lican brun", "Power text": "Gagnez 3 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": "Vacher \u00e0 t\u00eate brune", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": "Bouvreuil Pivoine", "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] ou 1 [fruit] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": "Chev\u00eache des terriers", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange buissonni\u00e8re", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": "Condor de Californie", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": "Colin de Californie", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": "Bernache du Canada", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": "Fuligule \u00e0 dos blanc", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange de Caroline", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Troglodyte de Caroline", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": "Corneille noire", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 joueur (vous inclus). Stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau pour chaque [predator] poss\u00e9d\u00e9 par ce joueur.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": "Roselin de Cassin", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": "Bruant de Cassin", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": "Jaseur d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": "Paruline azur\u00e9e", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": "Bouscarle de Cetti", "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objec- tifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": "Plectrophane \u00e0 ventre noir", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": "Corbeau \u00e0 cou blanc", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 2 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": "Martinet ramoneur", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": "Bruant familier", "Power text": "Pondez 1 sur un oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be de Clark", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": "Cassenoix d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange noire", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. Vous pouvez \u00e0 tout moment d\u00e9penser les stock\u00e9s sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les [seed] stock\u00e9s sur ces oiseaux ne comptent pas comme \u00e9tant dans votre r\u00e9serve pour ce qui concerne les objectifs de fin de manche, m\u00eame s\u2019ils peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pour poser des oiseaux.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": "Merle noir", "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [forest]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": "Buse variable", "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": "Pinson des arbres", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans cet habitat. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": "Pouillot v\u00e9loce", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans cet habitat. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": "Coucou gris", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant un nid [bowl] ou [ground].", "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des [bowl] ou [ground] pour cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": "Garrot \u00e0 \u0153il d'or", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau pour chaque autre oiseau avec un nid [cavity] que vous poss\u00e9dez.", "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des [cavity] pour cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": "Quiscale bronz\u00e9", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": "Martin-p\u00eacheur d'Europe", "Power text": "Volez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": "Blongios nain", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] face visible qui puisse \u00eatre jou\u00e9e dans [grassland].", "Note": "Si aucune [card] avec cet habitat n\u2019est visible, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": "Plongeon imbrin", "Power text": "Le ou les joueurs avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [wetland] piochent 1 [card].", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont a\u0300 e\u0301galite\u0301 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux de marais, tous piochent une carte, en commenc\u0327ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Les joueurs peuvent piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": "Grand Harle", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": "Gallinule poule-d'eau", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [wild]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": "Engoulevent d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": "Rossignol philom\u00e8le", "Power text": "Choisissez un type de nourriture. Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [wild] de ce type de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": "Grand corbeau", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 2 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": "\u00c9tourneau sansonnet", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": "Martinet noir", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [invertebrate] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": "Paruline masqu\u00e9e", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": "\u00c9pervier de Cooper", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si <75cm, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": "Sittelle corse", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": "Junco ardois\u00e9", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": "Dickcissel d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": "Cormoran \u00e0 aigrettes", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [fish] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": "Pic mineur", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": "Accenteur mouchet", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": "Merlebleu de l'est", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": "Aigle imp\u00e9rial", "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": "Tyran tritri", "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [forest], gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Activez ce pouvoir lorsqu\u2019un joueur utilise l\u2019action \u00ab Jouer un oiseau \u00bb pour poser un oiseau dans le type d\u2019habitat requis. Un oiseau utilisant son pouvoir pour se d\u00e9placer dans l\u2019habitat ne d\u00e9clenche pas ce pouvoir.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": "Moucherolle ph\u00e9bi", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": "Petit duc macul\u00e9", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": "Faucon d'\u00c9l\u00e9onore", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": "Tourterelle turque", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": "Loriot d'Europe", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour.", "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s avant de gagner la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e. Si la mangeoire ne contient pas la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": "Pic vert", "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objectifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": "Faucon hobereau", "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": "Geai des ch\u00eanes", "Power text": "Volez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": "Pie bavarde", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], stockez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve sur 1 de vos oiseaux.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs permettent de stocker de la nourriture sur des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas en stocker.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": "Cassenoix mouchet\u00e9", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans votre [forest]. Stockez 1 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve sur chacun d\u2019eux.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs permettent de stocker de la nourriture sur des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas en stocker.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": "Sittelle torchepot", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. Vous pouvez \u00e0 tout moment d\u00e9penser les stock\u00e9s sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les [seed] stock\u00e9s sur ces oiseaux ne comptent pas comme \u00e9tant dans votre r\u00e9serve pour ce qui concerne les objectifs de fin de manche, m\u00eame s\u2019ils peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pour poser des oiseaux.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": "\u00c9pervier d'Europe", "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": "Moineau friquet", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour.", "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s avant de gagner la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e. Si la mangeoire ne contient pas la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": "Gu\u00eapier d'Europe", "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": "Chardonneret \u00e9l\u00e9gant", "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur glisse une [card] sous un oiseau, quelle qu\u2019en soit la raison, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": "Bondr\u00e9e apivore", "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez tous les [invertebrate] obtenus.", "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": "Rouge-gorge familier", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve d\u2019un type que vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 gagn\u00e9 ce tour-ci.", "Note": "Il peut s\u2019agir d\u20191 nourriture gagn\u00e9e de la mangeoire avec l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, ou bien 1 nourriture gagn\u00e9e suite \u00e0 l\u2019activation d\u2019un autre oiseau dans la ligne du Rouge-gorge.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": "Rollier d'Europe", "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [grassland]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": "Tourterelle des bois", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire, ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau, ou piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": "Buse rouilleuse", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": "Corneille de rivage", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": "Sterne de Forster", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": "Mouette de Franklin", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] pour piocher 2 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt. Remettez un de vos \u0153ufs dans la r\u00e9serve. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce pouvoir si vous n\u2019avez pas d\u2019\u0153uf d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": "Roitelet Hupp\u00e9", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": "Aigle royal", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": "Bruant sauterelle", "Power text": "Pondez 1 sur un oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": "Moqueur chat", "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un autre oiseau dans cet habitat.", "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": "Grand h\u00e9ron", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": "Tyran hupp\u00e9", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be hupp\u00e9", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque case vide dans cet habitat. \u00c0 la fin de votre tour, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les autres.", "Note": "Gardez ces cartes s\u00e9par\u00e9es des autres cartes que vous piochez et de vos cartes en main. Elles ne peuvent pas\n\u00eatre d\u00e9pens\u00e9es. Pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer le jeu, vous pouvez choisir laquelle garder \u00e0 la fin de votre tour pendant que le joueur suivant commence son tour.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": "Grande aigrette", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": "Grand duc d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange charbonni\u00e8re", "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [die] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": "Flamant rose", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [wetland], glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau, puis piochez autant de [card].", "Note": "Vous pouvez glisser des cartes \u00e0 concurrence du nombre de cubes Action.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": "T\u00e9tras des prairies", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": "Grand g\u00e9ocoucou", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 50, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": "H\u00e9ron vert", "Power text": "\u00c9changez 1 [wild] contre 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": "H\u00e9ron cendr\u00e9", "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [wetland]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": "Oie cendr\u00e9e", "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objectifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": "Vautour fauve", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 joueur (vous inclus). Stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau pour chaque [predator] poss\u00e9d\u00e9 par ce joueur.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": "Gros-bec casse-noyaux", "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": "Grive solitaire", "Power text": "Le ou les joueur(s) avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [forest] gagnent 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont \u00e0 \u00e9galit\u00e9 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux en for\u00eat, ils b\u00e9n\u00e9ficient tous de ce pouvoir. Vous choisissez qui commence, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": "Corneille mantel\u00e9e", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau, puis piochez autant de [card].", "Note": "Vous pouvez glisser des cartes \u00e0 concurrence du nombre de cubes Action.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": "Harle couronn\u00e9", "Power text": "Copiez un pouvoir [predator] dans cet habitat.", "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 capuchon", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": "Alouette hausse-col", "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [grassland], glissez une [card] de votre main sous cette carte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": "Roselin familier", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": "Moineau domestique", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": "Troglodyte familier", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest] ou [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": "Colombe inca", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [platform].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": "Passerin indigo", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange des gen\u00e9vriers", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": "Pluvier kildir", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] pour piocher 2 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt. Remettez un de vos \u0153ufs dans la r\u00e9serve. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce pouvoir si vous n\u2019avez pas d\u2019\u0153uf d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": "R\u00e2le \u00e9l\u00e9gant", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": "Passerin azur\u00e9", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [bowl]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [bowl] additionnel.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": "Fauvette babillarde", "Power text": "Choisissez un habitat sans [egg]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cet habitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": "Bruant de Lincoln", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": "Outarde canepeti\u00e8re", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [card] ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": "Chev\u00eache d'Ath\u00e9na", "Power text": "Volez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": "Pie-gri\u00e8che migratrice", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, s\u2019il gagne au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange \u00e0 longue queue", "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [forest]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": "Canard colvert", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": "Milan du Mississippi", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": "Fauvette de Moltoni", "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": "Busard cendr\u00e9", "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": "Merlebleu azur\u00e9", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange de Gambel", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": "Tourterelle triste", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": "Cygne tubercul\u00e9", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 3 oiseaux dans votre [wetland]. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire. Vous piochez 1 [card] quel que soit le nombre de cartes que vous glissez.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": "Colin de virginie", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": "Cardinal rouge", "Power text": " Gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": "Pic flamboyant", "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [invertebrate] de la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": "Fou de Bassan", "Power text": "Lancez les [die] qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Gagnez tous les [fish] obtenus de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-les sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": "Vautour des palombes", "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": "Busard saint-martin", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": "Moqueur polyglotte", "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un autre oiseau dans cet habitat.", "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": "Canard souchet", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": "Balbuzard p\u00eacheur", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": "Passerin Nonpareil", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 ailes blanches", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": "bec-crois\u00e9 perroquet", "Power text": "Retirez 1 [die] au choix de la mangeoire, puis gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Vous gagnez 1 [seed] quel que soit le d\u00e9 de nourriture que vous retirez de la mangeoire.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": "Faucon p\u00e8lerin", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be \u00e0 bec bigarr\u00e9", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": "Grand pic", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [cavity]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [cavity] additionnel.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": "Tarin des pins", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": "Paruline orang\u00e9e", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": "Tal\u00e8ve violac\u00e9e", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": "Hirondelle noire", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": "Sittelle pygm\u00e9e", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": "Bec-crois\u00e9 rouge", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": "Milan royal", "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": "B\u00e9casseau maub\u00e8che", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis piochez 3 [card] et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": "Pie-gri\u00e8che \u00e9corcheur", "Power text": "Volez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 ventre roux", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": "Harle hupp\u00e9", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": "Sittelle \u00e0 poitrine rousse", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 face blanche", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": "Vir\u00e9o aux yeux rouges", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": "Perdrix rouge", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cette colonne, celui-ci inclus.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": "Buse \u00e0 \u00e9paulettes", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": "Buse \u00e0 queue rousse", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": "Carouge \u00e0 \u00e9paulettes", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": "Go\u00e9land \u00e0 bec cercl\u00e9", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Cardinal \u00e0 poitrine rose", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": "Spatule ros\u00e9e", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": "Roitelet \u00e0 couronne rubis", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": "Colibri \u00e0 gorge rubis", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur de votre choix.", "Note": "Le propri\u00e9taire du colibri d\u00e9cide du premier joueur qui gagne une Nourriture, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour. Les joueurs peuvent remplir la mangeoire si elle est vide ou si tous les d\u00e9s montrent la m\u00eame face.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": "\u00c9rismature rousse", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": "Combattant vari\u00e9", "Power text": "Glissez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 3 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": "Grue du Canada", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": "Bruant des pr\u00e9s", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": "Locustelle luscinio\u00efde", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Les autres joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Vous pouvez choisir de piocher des cartes face visible ou au sommet de la pioche. Les autres joueurs doivent prendre leur carte au sommet de la pioche.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": "Moucherolle de say", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [bowl].", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": "Colin \u00e9caill\u00e9", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": "Tyran \u00e0 longue queue", "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": "Grimpereau des jardins", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": "Plectrophane des neiges", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": "Aigrette neigeuse", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": "Harfang des neiges", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [card] ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": "Bruant chanteur", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": "Chouette tachet\u00e9e", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": "Chevalier grivel\u00e9", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": "Tohi tachet\u00e9", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": "Pipit de Sprague", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": "Crabier chevelu", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] face visible qui puisse \u00eatre jou\u00e9e dans [wetland].", "Note": "Si aucune [card] avec cet habitat n\u2019est visible, vous ne gagnez rien.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": "Geai de Steller", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": "Buse de Swainson", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": "Cochevis de Th\u00e9kla", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve. Si vous le faites, pondez 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": "Hirondelle bicolore", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": "Cygne trompette", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": "M\u00e9sange bicolore", "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": "Urubu \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": "Martinet de vaux", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": "Hirondelle \u00e0 face blanche", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": "Sturnelle de l'Ouest", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [ground]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [ground] additionnel.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": "Piranga \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": "Cigogne blanche", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": "Bergeronnette grise", "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 dos blanc", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": "Sittelle \u00e0 poitrine blanche", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": "Bruant \u00e0 couronne blanche", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": "Ibis \u00e0 face blanche", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": "Cincle plongeur", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": "Martinet \u00e0 gorge blanche", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": "Grue blanche", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": "Dindon sauvage", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": "Chevalier semipalm\u00e9", "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": "B\u00e9cassine de Wilson", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": "Oc\u00e9anite de Wilson", "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque case vide dans cet habitat. \u00c0 la fin de votre tour, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les autres.", "Note": "Gardez ces cartes s\u00e9par\u00e9es des autres cartes que vous piochez et de vos cartes en main. Elles ne peuvent pas\n\u00eatre d\u00e9pens\u00e9es. Pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer le jeu, vous pouvez choisir laquelle garder \u00e0 la fin de votre tour pendant que le joueur suivant commence son tour.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": "Canard carolin", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": "Tantale d'Am\u00e9rique", "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": "Pic macul\u00e9", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": "Coulicou \u00e0 bec jaune", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": "Paruline polyglotte", "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": "Carouge \u00e0 t\u00eate jaune", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 croupion jaune", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": "Bruant jaune", "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": "Fou d'Abbott ", "Power text": "Piochez 3 cartes Bonus, puis d\u00e9faussez-en 2. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser des cartes que vous aviez d\u00e9j\u00e0 au lieu de celles pioch\u00e9es.", "Note": "En piochant les cartes Bonus vous en avez temporairement 3 de plus en main. Vous pouvez alors choisir librement dans cette main quelles 2 cartes Bonus vous souhaitez d\u00e9fausser.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Pipit de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous chaque oiseau dans votre [grassland] dont celui-ci.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": "Souchet d'Australie ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Piochez tous les deux 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": "Ibis Blanc d'Australie ", "Power text": "M\u00e9langez la d\u00e9fausse puis piochez-y 2 [card]. Choisissez-en une et glissez-la sous cet oiseau, ou ajoutez-la \u00e0 votre main, puis d\u00e9faussez l'autre.", "Note": "Ne m\u00e9langez pas la d\u00e9fausse \u00e0 la pioche apr\u00e8s avoir effectu\u00e9 cette action.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": "Cassican Flu\u0302teur d'Australie ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] de chaque oiseau (sauf celui-ci) dans cette ligne et dans cette colonne avec au moins un [egg] dessus. Pour chaque [egg] ainsi d\u00e9fauss\u00e9, stockez 2 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": "E\u0301gothe\u0300le d'Australie ", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Gagner de la nourriture \u00bb, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour, si disponible.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": "Corbeau d'Australie ", "Power text": "Stockez jusqu'\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": "Rousserolle d'Australie ", "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [wetland]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": "Tadorne d'Australie ", "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [bowl] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "272": {"English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", "Common name": "Diamant Mandarin d'Australie ", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [seed] dans sa r\u00e9serve, glissez une [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "273": {"English name": "Black Noddy", "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", "Common name": "Noddi Noir ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [fish], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser les [fish] ainsi gagn\u00e9s (tous ou en partie) pour glisser autant de [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "274": {"English name": "Black Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", "Common name": "Cygne noir", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux >100cm dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Les oiseaux inaptes au vol sont des jokers, vous pouvez pondre des \u0153ufs dessus pour chaque oiseau avec cette comp\u00e9tence, m\u00eame si les indications sont contradictoires.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "275": {"English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", "Common name": "\u00c9lanion d'Australie", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez 1 [rodent], si disponible. Vous pouvez le donner \u00e0 un autre joueur. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 3 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "276": {"English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", "Common name": "Calao Papou ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez tous les [egg] d'un de vos oiseaux \u00e0 nid [cavity]. Glissez deux fois plus de [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau que d'\u0153ufs d\u00e9fauss\u00e9s.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "277": {"English name": "Brolga", "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", "Common name": "Grue Brolga ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Il pond 1 [egg] et vous piochez 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "278": {"English name": "Brown Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", "Common name": "Faucon Brun", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si le co\u00fbt en nourriture inclut [invertebrate] ou [rodent], glissez-la sous cet oiseau, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "279": {"English name": "Budgerigar", "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", "Common name": "Perruche Ondule\u0301e", "Power text": "Glissez le plus petit oiseau du plateau Oiseaux sous cet oiseau. ", "Note": "La taille d\u2019un oiseau est son envergure. En cas d\u2019e\u0301galite\u0301 de plus petite envergure, choisissez l\u2019oiseau a\u0300 glisser sous la Perruche Ondule\u0301e. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "280": {"English name": "Cockatiel", "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", "Common name": "Calopsitte E\u0301le\u0301gante ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour choisir une [card] du plateau et la glisser sous cet oiseau.", "Note": "Vous devez glisser la carte que vous avez choisie. Vous ne pouvez pas piocher de carte gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action, ni glisser une carte de votre main sous l'oiseau.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "281": {"English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", "Common name": "Paradisier de Raggi ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "282": {"English name": "Crested Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", "Common name": "Colombine Longup ", "Power text": "Stockez jusqu'\u00e0 8 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "283": {"English name": "Crimson Chat", "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", "Common name": "Epthianura Tricolore ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [wild] pour glisser 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "284": {"English name": "Eastern Rosella", "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", "Common name": "Perruche Omnicolore ", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve. Vous gagnez aussi 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "285": {"English name": "Eastern Whipbird", "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", "Common name": "Psophode a\u0300 Te\u0302te Noire ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "286": {"English name": "Emu", "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", "Common name": "E\u0301meu d'Australie ", "Power text": "Prenez tous les [seed] de la mangeoire. Gardez-en la moiti\u00e9 (arrondi au chiffre sup\u00e9rieur) et distribuez le reste aux autres joueurs comme vous le souhaitez.", "Note": "Ne d\u00e9faussez pas de jetons, ils doivent tous \u00eatre distribu\u00e9s \u00e0 d\u2019autres joueurs.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "287": {"English name": "Galah", "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s Rosalbin ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Il relance les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagne 1 [seed], si disponible. Glissez 2 [card] de la pioche\nsous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "288": {"English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", "Common name": "Cisticole a\u0300 Couronne Dore\u0301e ", "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [grassland]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "289": {"English name": "Gould's Finch", "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", "Common name": "Diamant de Gould ", "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs et en nourriture normalement. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", "Note": "Le co\u00fbt de l'oiseau inclut le co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs de la colonne dans laquelle vous jouez cet oiseau.\nComme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "290": {"English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", "Common name": "Anserelle E\u0301le\u0301gante ", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Gardez-en 1 et donnez l'autre \u00e0 un autre joueur.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "291": {"English name": "Grey Butcherbird", "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", "Common name": "Cassican a\u0300 Collier ", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si <40 cm, glissez-la sous cet oiseau et stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve dessus, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "292": {"English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", "Common name": "Pitohui Gris ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [rodent], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez les stocker (tous ou en partie) sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "293": {"English name": "Grey Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", "Common name": "Sarcelle grise", "Power text": "Regardez 3 [card] de la pioche. Gardez 1 oiseau [wetland], si disponible. Vous pouvez l'ajouter \u00e0 votre main ou le glisser sous cet oiseau. D\u00e9faussez les autres cartes.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "294": {"English name": "Grey Warbler", "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", "Common name": "Ge\u0301rygone de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [forest]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "295": {"English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", "Common name": "Capucin Gris ", "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement, mais payez 1 [egg] de moins que n\u00e9cessaire. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", "Note": "Comme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.\nVous aurez d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fauss\u00e9 votre nectar lors de l\u2019activation du Capucin Gris. Si vous voulez utiliser son pouvoir pour jouer un oiseau avec un co\u00fbt en nectar, vous devrez convertir vos jetons nourriture en jetons nectar (2 jetons nourriture pour 1 jeton nectar).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "296": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", "Common name": "Coucou de Horsfield ", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Pondre des \u0153ufs \u00bb, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un oiseau <30 cm.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "297": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", "Common name": "Alouette de Java ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed]. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 2 sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "298": {"English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", "Common name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", "Power text": "Piochez 4 nouvelles cartes Bonus, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les 3 autres.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "299": {"English name": "Kea", "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", "Common name": "Ke\u0301a de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser des [wild] pour piocher autant de cartes suppl\u00e9mentaires. Gardez 1 des cartes pioch\u00e9es et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", "Note": "Piochez d\u2019abord 1 carte Bonus, puis choisissez combien de cartes suppl\u00e9mentaires vous voulez piocher et d\u00e9faussez de la nourriture en cons\u00e9quence. Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre d\u00e9cision.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "300": {"English name": "Kelp Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", "Common name": "Goe\u0301land Dominicain ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [wild] que vous le souhaitez pour piocher le m\u00eame nombre de [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "301": {"English name": "Kerer\u016b", "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Carpophage de Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre gauche poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [nectar] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "302": {"English name": "Korimako", "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Carillonneur ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [rodent] que vous le souhaitez pour gagner le m\u00eame nombre de [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "303": {"English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", "Common name": "Kookaburra ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate], [fish] ou [rodent], si disponible.", "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "304": {"English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", "Common name": "Fr\u00e9gate Ariel", "Power text": " Tous les joueurs peuvent d\u00e9fausser 1 [egg] d'un de leurs oiseaux [wetland]. Tous les joueurs qui le font peuvent gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "305": {"English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage de Lewin ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "306": {"English name": "Little Penguin", "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", "Common name": "Manchot Pygme\u0301e ", "Power text": "Regardez 5 [card] de la pioche, puis d\u00e9faussez-les. Pour chaque [fish] dans leur co\u00fbt en nourriture, stockez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "307": {"English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", "Common name": "Cormoran Pie", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [platform] dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "308": {"English name": "Magpie-Lark", "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", "Common name": "Gralline Pie ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 2 \u0153ufs de votre [forest]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 oiseau dans votre [grassland] en ignorant le co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", "Note": "Comme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.\nVous aurez d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fauss\u00e9 votre nectar lors de l\u2019activation du Capucin Gris. Si vous voulez utiliser son pouvoir pour jouer un oiseau avec un co\u00fbt en nectar, vous devrez convertir vos jetons nourriture en jetons nectar (2 jetons nourriture pour 1 jeton nectar).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "309": {"English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s de Leadbeater ", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, tous les joueurs (vous aussi) gagnent 1 [seed] de la reserve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "310": {"English name": "Malleefowl", "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", "Common name": "Le\u0301ipoa Ocelle\u0301 ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [ground] dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "311": {"English name": "Maned Duck", "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Crinie\u0300re", "Power text": "Glissez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 3 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous glissez au moins 1 [card], gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Cet oiseau ne peut pas gagner plus de 1 jeton Graines par tour, m\u00eame si vous glissez plusieurs carte dessous.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "312": {"English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", "Common name": "Ptilope de La Pe\u0301rouse ", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve. Gagnez 1 [fruit] suppl\u00e9mentaire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "313": {"English name": "Masked Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", "Common name": "Vanneau Soldat ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Pour chaque type de nourriture dans la mangeoire, gagnez 1 jeton du m\u00eame type.", "Note": "Si vous avez un d\u00e9 avec deux types de nourriture, vous pouvez gagner les deux types. Cependant, ce pouvoir ne vous permet de gagner qu\u2019un jeton maximum par type de nourriture. Retirez de la mangeoire les d\u00e9s qui vous ont fait gagner un jeton.\nNe lancez les d\u00e9s qu\u2019une seule fois, avant de prendre les jetons. Si apr\u00e8s avoir gagn\u00e9 des jetons nourriture gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ce pouvoir, tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire ont le m\u00eame symbole, vous ne pouvez pas les relancer lors de l\u2019action du Vanneau Soldat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "314": {"English name": "Mistletoebird", "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", "Common name": "Dice\u0301e Hirondelle ", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve, ou d\u00e9faussez 1 [fruit] pour gagner 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "315": {"English name": "Musk Duck", "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", "Common name": "E\u0301rismature a\u0300 Barbillons ", "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [ground] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "316": {"English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage de Nouvelle-Hollande ", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [nectar] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", "Note": "Si tous les de\u0301s de la mangeoire ont le me\u0302me symbole, vous pouvez les relancer avant de gagner la nourriture. ", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "317": {"English name": "Noisy Miner", "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Bruyant ", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau. Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "318": {"English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", "Common name": "Kiwi Brun de Mantell", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez une carte Bonus. Si vous le faites, piochez 4 nouvelles cartes Bonus, gardez-en 2 et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "319": {"English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", "Common name": "Me\u0301gapode de Reinwardt ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [ground] dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "320": {"English name": "Pacific Black Duck", "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Sourcils ", "Power text": "Pour chaque 2 [egg] dans votre [wetland], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Vous ne pouvez pas d\u00e9passer la limite d'\u0153ufs\nde cet oiseau. Par exemple, si vous avez 6 \u0153ufs dans votre marais, mais qu\u2019il ne reste qu\u2019un emplacement d'\u0153uf disponible sur cet oiseau, ne pondez qu\u2019un \u0153uf.\nArrondissez au chiffre inf\u00e9rieur (ex : si vous avez 5 \u0153ufs dans votre marais, pondez 2 \u0153ufs).\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "321": {"English name": "Peaceful Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", "Common name": "Ge\u0301ope\u0301lie Placide ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [seed] que vous le souhaitez. Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau par jeton d\u00e9fauss\u00e9.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "322": {"English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", "Common name": "Perroquet de Pesquet ", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [nectar] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "323": {"English name": "Pheasant Coucal", "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", "Common name": "Coucal Faisan ", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Pondre des \u0153ufs \u00bb, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur cette carte.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "324": {"English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Oreilles Roses ", "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Gardez-en 1 et donnez l'autre \u00e0 un autre joueur.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "325": {"English name": "Plains-Wanderer", "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", "Common name": "Pe\u0301dionome Errant", "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus par oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Gardez-en-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "326": {"English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", "Common name": "Paradisier de Ste\u0301phanie ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pondez tous les deux 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "327": {"English name": "P\u016bkeko", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", "Common name": "Pukeko", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau adjacent. ", "Note": "Les oiseaux adjacents sont ceux directement \u00e0 droite, \u00e0 gauche, au-dessus ou en-dessous de celui-ci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "328": {"English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", "Common name": "Loriquet Arc-en-ciel", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [nectar] sur la case \"nectar d\u00e9pens\u00e9\" pour votre [forest]. Si vous le faites, gagnez 2 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "329": {"English name": "Red Wattlebird", "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Barbe-rouge ", "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [nectar] par oiseau <49 cm dans votre [forest].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "330": {"English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", "Common name": "Me\u0301rion a\u0300 Dos Rouge ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [star] dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Cet oiseau ne pond des \u0153ufs que sur les oiseaux dont le symbole de nid est [star].\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "331": {"English name": "Red-Capped Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", "Common name": "Miro a\u0300 Front Rouge ", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [invertebrate] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "332": {"English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Avocette d'Australie ", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre gauche poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [invertebrate] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "333": {"English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", "Common name": "Perruche E\u0301rythropte\u0300re ", "Power text": "Donnez 1 [nectar] de votre r\u00e9serve \u00e0 un autre joueur. Si vous le faites, pondez 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau ou gagnez 2 [die] de la mangeoire.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "334": {"English name": "Regent Bowerbird", "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", "Common name": "Jardinier Prince-Re\u0301gent ", "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "335": {"English name": "Royal Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", "Common name": "Spatule Royale ", "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [platform] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "336": {"English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", "Common name": "Bihoreau Cannelle ", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si l'oiseau peut vivre dans [wetland], glissez-la sous cet oiseau, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "337": {"English name": "Rufous Owl", "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", "Common name": "Ninoxe Rousse ", "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau <75 cm et glissez-la sous cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "338": {"English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage a\u0300 Gorge Blanche ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [invertebrate]. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "339": {"English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", "Common name": "Martin-Chasseur Sacre\u0301 ", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Gagner de la nourriture \u00bb, gagnez 1 [invertebrate], [fish] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour, si disponible.", "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire ont le m\u00eame symbole, vous pouvez les relancer avant de gagner la nourriture.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "340": {"English name": "Silvereye", "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", "Common name": "Zoste\u0301rops a\u0300 Dos Gris ", "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "341": {"English name": "South Island Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", "Common name": "Miro Rubisole ", "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins1 dans sa r\u00e9serve, stockez 1 de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale sur cet oiseau.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "342": {"English name": "Southern Cassowary", "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", "Common name": "Casoar a\u0300 Casque ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez un oiseau de votre [forest] et placez cet oiseau \u00e0 la place (ne payez pas d'\u0153ufs). Si vous le faites, pondez 4 [egg] sur cet oiseau et gagnez 2 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", "Note": "Vous devez payer le prix en nourriture du Casoar \u00e0 Casque, mais pas son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau sur une case vide, mais vous devez alors payer son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs et son pouvoir ne s\u2019active pas (vous ne gagnez pas de nourriture et vous ne pondez pas d'\u0153ufs).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "343": {"English name": "Spangled Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", "Common name": "Drongo Paillete\u0301 ", "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur gagne [nectar], gagnez 1 [nectar] de la re\u0301serve. ", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "344": {"English name": "Splendid Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", "Common name": "Me\u0301rion Splendide ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux <30cm dont celui-ci.", "Note": "Les oiseaux inaptes au vol sont des jokers, vous pouvez pondre des \u0153ufs dessus pour chaque oiseau avec cette comp\u00e9tence, m\u00eame si les indications sont contradictoires.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "345": {"English name": "Spotless Crake", "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", "Common name": "Marouette Fuligineuse ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans votre [wetland] don\u2019t celui-ci.", "Note": "Pondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "346": {"English name": "Stubble Quail", "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", "Common name": "Caille des Chaumes ", "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 6 [wild]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau par jeton nourriture d\u00e9fauss\u00e9.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "347": {"English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s a\u0300 Huppe Jaune ", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, tous les joueurs (vous aussi) gagnent 1 [nectar] de la reserve.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "348": {"English name": "Superb Lyrebird", "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Me\u0301nure Superbe ", "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un oiseau de la [forest] du joueur \u00e0 votre droite.", "Note": "Le pouvoir ainsi copi\u00e9 doit \u00eatre un pouvoir marron \u00ab Activation \u00bb.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "349": {"English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", "Common name": "Podarge Gris", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Stockez 1[invertebrate] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "350": {"English name": "T\u016b\u012b", "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage T\u016b\u012b", "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un oiseau de la [forest] du joueur \u00e0 votre gauche.", "Note": "Le pouvoir ainsi copi\u00e9 doit \u00eatre un pouvoir marron \u00ab Activation \u00bb.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "351": {"English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", "Common name": "Aigle d'Australie ", "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si >65 cm, glissez-la sous cet oiseau et stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve dessus, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", "Note": "Contrairement \u00e0 la majorit\u00e9 des pr\u00e9dateurs, l\u2019aigle d'Australie cherche des oiseaux de PLUS de 65cm.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "352": {"English name": "Welcome Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", "Common name": "Hirondelle Message\u0300re ", "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous chaque oiseau dans cet habitat dont celui-ci.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "353": {"English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", "Common name": "Pygargue a\u0300 Ventre Blanc ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Stockez 1 [fish] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "354": {"English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", "Common name": "Langrayen a\u0300 Ventre Blanc ", "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] par oiseau dans votre [grassland] dont celui-ci.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "355": {"English name": "White-Faced Heron", "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Aigrette a\u0300 face blanche ", "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [fish], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez les stocker (tous ou en partie) sur cet oiseau.", "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude. Vous pouvez stocker le poisson sur cet oiseau ou le prendre dans votre r\u00e9serve.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "356": {"English name": "Willie-Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", "Common name": "Rhipidure Hochequeue ", "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [bowl] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "357": {"English name": "Wrybill", "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", "Common name": "Pluvier a\u0300 Bec De\u0301vie\u0301 ", "Power text": "Regardez les cartes Bonus d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et gardez-en 1.", "Note": "Ne m\u00e9langez pas la d\u00e9fausse \u00e0 la pioche apr\u00e8s avoir pris la carte.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "358": {"English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "359": {"English name": "Asian Koel", "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "360": {"English name": "Azure Tit", "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "361": {"English name": "Baya Weaver", "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "362": {"English name": "Bearded Reedling", "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "363": {"English name": "Black Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "364": {"English name": "Black Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "365": {"English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "366": {"English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "367": {"English name": "Brahminy Kite", "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "368": {"English name": "Brambling", "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "369": {"English name": "Brown Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "370": {"English name": "Common Green Magpie", "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "371": {"English name": "Common Iora", "Scientific name": "Aegithina tiphia", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "372": {"English name": "Common Myna", "Scientific name": "Acridotheres tristis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "373": {"English name": "Common Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis hypoleucos", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "374": {"English name": "Common Tailorbird", "Scientific name": "Orthotomus sutorius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "375": {"English name": "Common Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "376": {"English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "377": {"English name": "Crested Ibis", "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "378": {"English name": "Crested Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "379": {"English name": "Desert Finch", "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "380": {"English name": "Desert Wheatear", "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "381": {"English name": "Eurasian Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "382": {"English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "383": {"English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "384": {"English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "385": {"English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "386": {"English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "387": {"English name": "Fire-Fronted Serin", "Scientific name": "Serinus pusillus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "388": {"English name": "Forest Owlet", "Scientific name": "Athene blewitti", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "389": {"English name": "Golden Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Chrysolophus pictus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "390": {"English name": "Graceful Prinia", "Scientific name": "Prinia gracilis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "391": {"English name": "Grandala", "Scientific name": "Grandala coelicolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "392": {"English name": "Gray Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla cinerea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "393": {"English name": "Great Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax carbo", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "394": {"English name": "Great Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Buceros bicornis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "395": {"English name": "Great Indian Bustard", "Scientific name": "Ardeotis nigriceps", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "396": {"English name": "Great Spotted Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos major", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "397": {"English name": "Greater Adjutant", "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "398": {"English name": "Green Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "399": {"English name": "Green Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "400": {"English name": "Himalayan Monal", "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "401": {"English name": "House Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "402": {"English name": "Ibisbill", "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "403": {"English name": "Indian Peafowl", "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "404": {"English name": "Indian Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "405": {"English name": "Large-Billed Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "406": {"English name": "Little Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "407": {"English name": "Little Grebe", "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "408": {"English name": "Little Ringed Plover", "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "409": {"English name": "Mandarin Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "410": {"English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "411": {"English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "412": {"English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "413": {"English name": "Philippine Eagle", "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "414": {"English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "415": {"English name": "Purple Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "416": {"English name": "Red Avadavat", "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "417": {"English name": "Red Junglefowl", "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "418": {"English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "419": {"English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "420": {"English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "421": {"English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "422": {"English name": "Rock Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Columba livia", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "423": {"English name": "Rook", "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "424": {"English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "425": {"English name": "Rosy Starling", "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "426": {"English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "427": {"English name": "Sarus Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "428": {"English name": "Satyr Tragopan", "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "429": {"English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "430": {"English name": "Small Minivet", "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "431": {"English name": "Smew", "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "432": {"English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "433": {"English name": "Spotted Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "434": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "435": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "436": {"English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "437": {"English name": "Trumpeter Finch", "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "438": {"English name": "Twite", "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "439": {"English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "440": {"English name": "Violet Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "441": {"English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "442": {"English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "443": {"English name": "White-Headed Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "444": {"English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "445": {"English name": "Willow Tit", "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "446": {"English name": "Yellow Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "447": {"English name": "Zebra Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}}, "bonuses": {"1000": {"English name": "Anatomist", "Name": "Anatomiste", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une partie du corps dans leur nom", "Explanatory text": "Les termes incluent: aigrette, aile, bec, col, croupion, \u00e9paule, face, gorge, huppe, poitrine, queue, t\u00eate, ventre, yeux.", "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1001": {"English name": "Backyard Birder", "Name": "Ornithologue De Basse-Cour", "Condition": "Oiseaux valant moins de 4 points", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5-6 oiseaux: 3[point]; 7+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1002": {"English name": "Behaviorist", "Name": "Comportementaliste", "Condition": "Pour chaque colonne avec des oiseaux ayant 3 couleurs de pouvoirs diff\u00e9rentes (marron, blanc, rose, bleu):", "Explanatory text": "Les oiseaux sans pouvoir comptent comme blanc.", "VP": "3[point] par colonne", "Note": null}, "1003": {"English name": "Bird Bander", "Name": "Bagueur D'Oiseaux", "Condition": "Oiseaux pouvant vivre dans plusieurs habitats", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1004": {"English name": "Bird Counter", "Name": "Compteur D'Oiseaux", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un pouvoir [flocking]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1005": {"English name": "Bird Feeder", "Name": "Mangeoire", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [seed]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [seed]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", "VP": "5-7 oiseaux: 3[point]; 8+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1006": {"English name": "Breeding Manager", "Name": "Directeur D'\u00c9levage", "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant au moins 4 \u0153ufs sur eux", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "1[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1007": {"English name": "Cartographer", "Name": "Cartographe", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec des termes g\u00e9ographiques dans leur nom", "Explanatory text": "Ces termes incluent: Am\u00e9rique, Baltimore, Californie, Canada, Caroline, Est, Inca, Islande, Mississippi, Ouest, Prairies, Pr\u00e9s, Rivage, Virginie.", "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1008": {"English name": "Citizen Scientist", "Name": "Scientifique Citoyen", "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant des cartes gliss\u00e9es sous eux", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4-6 oiseaux: 3[point]; 7+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1009": {"English name": "Diet Specialist", "Name": "Di\u00e9t\u00e9ticien", "Condition": "Oiseaux co\u00fbtant 2 nourritures", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1010": {"English name": "Ecologist", "Name": "\u00c9cologiste", "Condition": "Oiseaux dans votre habitat le moins peupl\u00e9", "Explanatory text": "Les \u00e9galit\u00e9s comptent: si vous avez 3 oiseaux dans chaque habitat, votre habitat le moins peupl\u00e9 en compte 3.", "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1011": {"English name": "Enclosure Builder", "Name": "Constructeur D'Enclos", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [ground]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [ground] ou [star]", "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1012": {"English name": "Ethologist", "Name": "\u00c9thologue", "Condition": "Dans un de vos habitats:", "Explanatory text": "(marron, blanc, rose, bleu) Les oiseaux sans pouvoir comptent comme blanc.", "VP": "2[point] par couleur de pouvoir", "Note": null}, "1013": {"English name": "Falconer", "Name": "Fauconnier", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un pouvoir [predator]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1014": {"English name": "Fishery Manager", "Name": "G\u00e9rant De P\u00eacherie", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [fish]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [fish]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1015": {"English name": "Food Web Expert", "Name": "Expert En Cha\u00eene Alimentaire", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [invertebrate] uniquement", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [invertebrate] et aucune autre ic\u00f4ne de nourriture.", "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1016": {"English name": "Forester", "Name": "Forestier", "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [forest]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3-4 oiseaux: 4[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1017": {"English name": "Historian", "Name": "Historien", "Condition": "Oiseaux portant le nom d'une personne", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux portant le nom d'une personne. Ces noms sont soulign\u00e9s sur les cartes Oiseau.", "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1018": {"English name": "Large Bird Specialist", "Name": "Sp\u00e9cialiste Des Grands Oiseaux", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une envergure de plus de 65 cm", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1019": {"English name": "Nest Box Builder", "Name": "Constructeur De Nichoir", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [cavity]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [cavity] ou [star]", "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1020": {"English name": "Omnivore Specialist", "Name": "Expert En Omnivores", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [wild]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant sp\u00e9cifiquement 1 ic\u00f4ne [wild] dans leur co\u00fbt en nourriture.", "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1021": {"English name": "Oologist", "Name": "Oologiste", "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant au moins 1 \u0153uf sur eux", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "7-8 oiseaux: 3[point]; 9+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1022": {"English name": "Passerine Specialist", "Name": "Sp\u00e9cialiste Des Passereaux", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une envergure de 30 cm ou moins", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1023": {"English name": "Photographer", "Name": "Photographe", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une couleur dans leur nom", "Explanatory text": "Les couleurs incluent: ardois\u00e9, azur\u00e9, blanc, bleu, bronz\u00e9, brun, cendr\u00e9, gris, indigo, jaune, neigeuse, noir, orang\u00e9, rose, ros\u00e9e, rouge, rouilleux, roux/rousse, rubis, vert, violac\u00e9.", "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1024": {"English name": "Platform Builder", "Name": "Constructeur De Plateforme", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [platform]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [platform] ou [star]", "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1025": {"English name": "Prairie Manager", "Name": "Gardien De Prairie", "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [grassland]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1026": {"English name": "Rodentologist", "Name": "Expert En Rongeurs", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [rodent]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [rodent]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", "Note": null}, "1027": {"English name": "Visionary Leader", "Name": "Planificateur", "Condition": "Cartes Oiseau en main en fin de partie", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5-7 oiseaux: 4[point]; 8+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1028": {"English name": "Viticulturalist", "Name": "Viticulteur", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [fruit]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [fruit]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1029": {"English name": "Wetland Scientist", "Name": "Scientifique En Zone Humide", "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [wetland]", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3-4 oiseaux: 3[point]; 5 oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1030": {"English name": "Wildlife Gardener", "Name": "Jardinier Animalier", "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [bowl]", "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [bowl] ou [star]", "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1032": {"English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", "Name": "[automa] Auto Percheur", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui valent 3 ou 4 points", "Explanatory text": "(plus haute valeur en priorit\u00e9).", "VP": "L'Automate en garde jusqu'\u00e0 2", "Note": null}, "1033": {"English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", "Name": "[automa] Membre De La Lpo", "Condition": "Oiseaux qui valent 5, 6 ou 7 points", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "L'Automate garde celui de plus haute valeur.", "Note": null}, "1034": {"English name": "Forest Data Analyst", "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Foresti\u00e8res", "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [forest] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1035": {"English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Sur Les Prairiales", "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [grassland] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1036": {"English name": "Mechanical Engineer", "Name": "Ing\u00e9nieur M\u00e9canique", "Condition": "S\u00e9ries de nids de 4 types diff\u00e9rents", "Explanatory text": "[star] sont des jokers, ils comptent comme des nids du type de votre choix. Chaque carte ne compte que pour une s\u00e9rie.", "VP": "1 s\u00e9rie = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 s\u00e9rie: 3[point]; 2+ s\u00e9rie: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1037": {"English name": "Site Selection Expert", "Name": "Expert En Choix D\u2019Emplacement", "Condition": "Colonnes avec deux ou trois nids du m\u00eame type", "Explanatory text": "Le type de nid peut \u00eatre diff\u00e9rent d\u2019une colonne \u00e0 l\u2019autre. [star] sont des jokers, mais chacun ne compte qu'une fois.", "VP": "2 nids identiques dans une colonne: 1[point]; 3 nids identiques dans une colonne: 3[point]", "Note": null}, "1038": {"English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Mar\u00e9cageuses", "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [wetland] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1039": {"English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1040": {"English name": "Endangered Species Protector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1041": {"English name": "Forest Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1042": {"English name": "Forest Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1043": {"English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1044": {"English name": "Grassland Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1045": {"English name": "Pellet Dissector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1046": {"English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1047": {"English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1048": {"English name": "Wetland Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1049": {"English name": "Winter Feeder", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1050": {"English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1051": {"English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}}, "goals": {"2000": {"English name": "Bird in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2001": {"English name": "Bird in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2002": {"English name": "Bird in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2013": {"English name": "Egg in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2014": {"English name": "Egg in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2017": {"English name": "Egg in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2010": {"English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2008": {"English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2021": {"English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2022": {"English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2012": {"English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2011": {"English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2015": {"English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2016": {"English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2023": {"English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2024": {"English name": "Total Bird", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2020": {"English name": "Food in Supply", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2003": {"English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2004": {"English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2006": {"English name": "Birds with No Eggs", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2005": {"English name": "Birds in 1 Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2018": {"English name": "Filled Columns", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2009": {"English name": "Brown Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2025": {"English name": "White & No Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2007": {"English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2019": {"English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2031": {"English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2030": {"English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2033": {"English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2032": {"English name": "No Goal", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2026": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Left", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2027": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Right", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2029": {"English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2028": {"English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2043": {"English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2040": {"English name": "Nest Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2035": {"English name": "Food Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2041": {"English name": "Not on Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2042": {"English name": "On Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2044": {"English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2036": {"English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2034": {"English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2037": {"English name": "In Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2038": {"English name": "In Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2039": {"English name": "In Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2045": {"English name": "Total Duet Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}}, "other": {"WHEN ACTIVATED": {"Translated": "ACTIVATION"}, "WHEN PLAYED": {"Translated": "POSE"}, "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": {"Translated": "1 FOIS ENTRE 2 TOURS"}, "ROUND END": {"Translated": "FIN DE MANCHE"}, "GAME END": {"Translated": "FIN DE PARTIE"}, "of cards": {"Translated": "des cartes"}}, "parameters": {"Show bonus cards match symbols": {"Value": false}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "birds": { + "2": { + "English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", + "Common name": "Pic glandivore", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "3": { + "English name": "American Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", + "Common name": "Avocette d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [ground]. ", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "4": { + "English name": "American Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", + "Common name": "Butor d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Le ou les joueurs avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [wetland] piochent 1 [card].", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont a\u0300 e\u0301galite\u0301 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux de marais, tous piochent une carte, en commenc\u0327ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Les joueurs peuvent piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "5": { + "English name": "American Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", + "Common name": "Foulque d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "6": { + "English name": "American Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Corneille d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "7": { + "English name": "American Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", + "Common name": "Chardonneret jaune", + "Power text": "Gagnez 3 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "8": { + "English name": "American Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", + "Common name": "Cr\u00e9cerelle d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "9": { + "English name": "American Oystercatcher", + "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", + "Common name": "Hu\u00eetrier d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Piochez autant de que le nombre de joueurs +1. En commen\u00e7ant par vous, puis dans le sens horaire, chaque joueur choisit 1 de ces cartes et la prend en main. Gardez la carte restante.", + "Note": "Piochez les cartes au sommet du paquet jusqu\u2019\u00e0 en avoir 1 par joueur +1. Chaque joueur en choisit une, en commen\u00e7ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Lorsque tout le monde a choisi une carte, prenez celle qui reste.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "10": { + "English name": "American Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", + "Common name": "Paruline flamboyante", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer tous les d\u00e9s avant de prendre le [wild].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "11": { + "English name": "American Robin", + "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", + "Common name": "Merle d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "12": { + "English name": "American White Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", + "Common name": "P\u00e9lican d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [fish] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "13": { + "English name": "American Woodcock", + "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", + "Common name": "B\u00e9casse d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "14": { + "English name": "Anhinga", + "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", + "Common name": "Anhinga d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "15": { + "English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", + "Common name": "Colibri d'Anna", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur de votre choix.", + "Note": "Le propri\u00e9taire du colibri d\u00e9cide du premier joueur qui gagne une Nourriture, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour. Les joueurs peuvent remplir la mangeoire si elle est vide ou si tous les d\u00e9s montrent la m\u00eame face.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "16": { + "English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", + "Common name": "Tyran \u00e0 gorge cendr\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [cavity].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "17": { + "English name": "Atlantic Puffin", + "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", + "Common name": "Macareux moine", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "18": { + "English name": "Audouin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", + "Common name": "Go\u00e9land d'Audouin", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card] de la pioche. Glissez-en 1 sous cet oiseau et gardez l\u2019autre.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "19": { + "English name": "Baird's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", + "Common name": "Bruant de Baird", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "20": { + "English name": "Bald Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", + "Common name": "Pygargue \u00e0 t\u00eate blanche", + "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [fish] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "21": { + "English name": "Baltimore Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", + "Common name": "Oriole de Baltimore", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "22": { + "English name": "Barn Owl", + "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", + "Common name": "Chouette effraie", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "23": { + "English name": "Barn Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", + "Common name": "Hirondelle rustique", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "24": { + "English name": "Barred Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix varia", + "Common name": "Chouette ray\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "25": { + "English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", + "Common name": "Garrot d'Islande", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [cavity]. ", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "26": { + "English name": "Bell's Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", + "Common name": "Vir\u00e9o de Bell", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "27": { + "English name": "Belted Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", + "Common name": "Martin-p\u00eacheur d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [wetland], gagnez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Activez ce pouvoir lorsqu\u2019un joueur utilise l\u2019action \u00ab Jouer un oiseau \u00bb pour poser un oiseau dans le type d\u2019habitat requis. Un oiseau utilisant son pouvoir pour se d\u00e9placer dans l\u2019habitat ne d\u00e9clenche pas ce pouvoir.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "28": { + "English name": "Bewick's Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", + "Common name": "Troglodyte de Bewick", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "29": { + "English name": "Black Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", + "Common name": "Rougequeue noir", + "Power text": "Choisissez un habitat sans [egg]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cet habitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "30": { + "English name": "Black Skimmer", + "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", + "Common name": "Bec-en-ciseaux noir", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "31": { + "English name": "Black Tern", + "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", + "Common name": "Guifette noire", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "32": { + "English name": "Black Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", + "Common name": "Urubu noir", + "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "33": { + "English name": "Black Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", + "Common name": "Pic noir", + "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [invertebrate] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s puis gagner tous les [invertebrate].\nCette action prend fin lorsque vous avez gagn\u00e9 toutes les nourritures du type indiqu\u00e9.\nSi la mangeoire est vid\u00e9e et tous les d\u00e9s relanc\u00e9s suite \u00e0 cette action, vous ne gagnez pas de nourriture additionnelle apr\u00e8s le lancer. Si tous les d\u00e9s affichent la m\u00eame face apr\u00e8s avoir pris tous les [invertebrate], vous ne pouvez pas relancer les d\u00e9s.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "34": { + "English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", + "Common name": "Dendrocygne \u00e0 ventre noir", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "35": { + "English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", + "Common name": "Pie d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "36": { + "English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", + "Common name": "Colibri \u00e0 gorge noire", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "37": { + "English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", + "Common name": "Bihoreau gris", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "38": { + "English name": "Black-Headed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", + "Common name": "Mouette rieuse", + "Power text": "Volez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et mettez-le dans votre r\u00e9serve. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "39": { + "English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", + "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", + "Common name": "\u00c9chasse d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "40": { + "English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", + "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", + "Common name": "Barge \u00e0 queue noire", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis piochez 3 [card] et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "41": { + "English name": "Black-Throated Diver", + "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", + "Common name": "Plongeon arctique", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "42": { + "English name": "Blue Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", + "Common name": "Gros-bec bleu", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "43": { + "English name": "Blue Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", + "Common name": "Geai bleu", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "44": { + "English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", + "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", + "Common name": "Gobemoucheron gris-bleu", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "45": { + "English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", + "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 ailes bleues", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "46": { + "English name": "Bluethroat", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", + "Common name": "Gorgebleue \u00e0 miroir", + "Power text": "Choisissez un type de nourriture. Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [wild] de ce type de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "47": { + "English name": "Bobolink", + "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", + "Common name": "Goglu des pr\u00e9s", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [ground].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "48": { + "English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", + "Common name": "Aigle de Bonelli", + "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "49": { + "English name": "Brant", + "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", + "Common name": "Bernache cravant", + "Power text": "Piochez les 3 [card] du plateaux", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "50": { + "English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", + "Common name": "Quiscale de Brewer", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "51": { + "English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", + "Common name": "Petite buse", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "52": { + "English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", + "Common name": "Vacher bronz\u00e9", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "53": { + "English name": "Brown Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", + "Common name": "P\u00e9lican brun", + "Power text": "Gagnez 3 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "54": { + "English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", + "Common name": "Vacher \u00e0 t\u00eate brune", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "55": { + "English name": "Bullfinch", + "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", + "Common name": "Bouvreuil Pivoine", + "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] ou 1 [fruit] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "56": { + "English name": "Burrowing Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", + "Common name": "Chev\u00eache des terriers", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "57": { + "English name": "Bushtit", + "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange buissonni\u00e8re", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "58": { + "English name": "California Condor", + "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", + "Common name": "Condor de Californie", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "59": { + "English name": "California Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", + "Common name": "Colin de Californie", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "60": { + "English name": "Canada Goose", + "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", + "Common name": "Bernache du Canada", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "61": { + "English name": "Canvasback", + "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", + "Common name": "Fuligule \u00e0 dos blanc", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "62": { + "English name": "Carolina Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange de Caroline", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "63": { + "English name": "Carolina Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Troglodyte de Caroline", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "64": { + "English name": "Carrion Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", + "Common name": "Corneille noire", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 joueur (vous inclus). Stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau pour chaque [predator] poss\u00e9d\u00e9 par ce joueur.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "65": { + "English name": "Cassin's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", + "Common name": "Roselin de Cassin", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "66": { + "English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", + "Common name": "Bruant de Cassin", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "67": { + "English name": "Cedar Waxwing", + "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", + "Common name": "Jaseur d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "68": { + "English name": "Cerulean Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", + "Common name": "Paruline azur\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "69": { + "English name": "Cetti's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", + "Common name": "Bouscarle de Cetti", + "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", + "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objec- tifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "70": { + "English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", + "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", + "Common name": "Plectrophane \u00e0 ventre noir", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "71": { + "English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", + "Common name": "Corbeau \u00e0 cou blanc", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 2 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "72": { + "English name": "Chimney Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", + "Common name": "Martinet ramoneur", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "73": { + "English name": "Chipping Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", + "Common name": "Bruant familier", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 sur un oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "74": { + "English name": "Clark's Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", + "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be de Clark", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "75": { + "English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", + "Common name": "Cassenoix d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "76": { + "English name": "Coal Tit", + "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange noire", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. Vous pouvez \u00e0 tout moment d\u00e9penser les stock\u00e9s sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les [seed] stock\u00e9s sur ces oiseaux ne comptent pas comme \u00e9tant dans votre r\u00e9serve pour ce qui concerne les objectifs de fin de manche, m\u00eame s\u2019ils peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pour poser des oiseaux.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "77": { + "English name": "Common Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", + "Common name": "Merle noir", + "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [forest]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "78": { + "English name": "Common Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", + "Common name": "Buse variable", + "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "79": { + "English name": "Common Chaffinch", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", + "Common name": "Pinson des arbres", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans cet habitat. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "80": { + "English name": "Common Chiffchaff", + "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", + "Common name": "Pouillot v\u00e9loce", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans cet habitat. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "81": { + "English name": "Common Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", + "Common name": "Coucou gris", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant un nid [bowl] ou [ground].", + "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des [bowl] ou [ground] pour cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "82": { + "English name": "Common Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", + "Common name": "Garrot \u00e0 \u0153il d'or", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau pour chaque autre oiseau avec un nid [cavity] que vous poss\u00e9dez.", + "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des [cavity] pour cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "83": { + "English name": "Common Grackle", + "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", + "Common name": "Quiscale bronz\u00e9", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "84": { + "English name": "Common Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", + "Common name": "Martin-p\u00eacheur d'Europe", + "Power text": "Volez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "85": { + "English name": "Common Little Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", + "Common name": "Blongios nain", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] face visible qui puisse \u00eatre jou\u00e9e dans [grassland].", + "Note": "Si aucune [card] avec cet habitat n\u2019est visible, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "86": { + "English name": "Common Loon", + "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", + "Common name": "Plongeon imbrin", + "Power text": "Le ou les joueurs avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [wetland] piochent 1 [card].", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont a\u0300 e\u0301galite\u0301 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux de marais, tous piochent une carte, en commenc\u0327ant par vous puis dans le sens horaire. Les joueurs peuvent piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "87": { + "English name": "Common Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", + "Common name": "Grand Harle", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "88": { + "English name": "Common Moorhen", + "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", + "Common name": "Gallinule poule-d'eau", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [wild]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "89": { + "English name": "Common Nighthawk", + "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", + "Common name": "Engoulevent d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "90": { + "English name": "Common Nightingale", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", + "Common name": "Rossignol philom\u00e8le", + "Power text": "Choisissez un type de nourriture. Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [wild] de ce type de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "91": { + "English name": "Common Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", + "Common name": "Grand corbeau", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 2 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "92": { + "English name": "Common Starling", + "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", + "Common name": "\u00c9tourneau sansonnet", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "93": { + "English name": "Common Swift", + "Scientific name": "Apus apus", + "Common name": "Martinet noir", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [invertebrate] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "94": { + "English name": "Common Yellowthroat", + "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", + "Common name": "Paruline masqu\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "95": { + "English name": "Cooper's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", + "Common name": "\u00c9pervier de Cooper", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si <75cm, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "96": { + "English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", + "Common name": "Sittelle corse", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "97": { + "English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", + "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", + "Common name": "Junco ardois\u00e9", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "98": { + "English name": "Dickcissel", + "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", + "Common name": "Dickcissel d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "99": { + "English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", + "Common name": "Cormoran \u00e0 aigrettes", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [fish] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "100": { + "English name": "Downy Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", + "Common name": "Pic mineur", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "101": { + "English name": "Dunnock", + "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", + "Common name": "Accenteur mouchet", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "102": { + "English name": "Eastern Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", + "Common name": "Merlebleu de l'est", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "103": { + "English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", + "Common name": "Aigle imp\u00e9rial", + "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "104": { + "English name": "Eastern Kingbird", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", + "Common name": "Tyran tritri", + "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [forest], gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Activez ce pouvoir lorsqu\u2019un joueur utilise l\u2019action \u00ab Jouer un oiseau \u00bb pour poser un oiseau dans le type d\u2019habitat requis. Un oiseau utilisant son pouvoir pour se d\u00e9placer dans l\u2019habitat ne d\u00e9clenche pas ce pouvoir.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "105": { + "English name": "Eastern Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", + "Common name": "Moucherolle ph\u00e9bi", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "106": { + "English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", + "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", + "Common name": "Petit duc macul\u00e9", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "107": { + "English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", + "Common name": "Faucon d'\u00c9l\u00e9onore", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "108": { + "English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", + "Common name": "Tourterelle turque", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "109": { + "English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", + "Common name": "Loriot d'Europe", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour.", + "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s avant de gagner la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e. Si la mangeoire ne contient pas la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "110": { + "English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", + "Common name": "Pic vert", + "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", + "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objectifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "111": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hobby", + "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", + "Common name": "Faucon hobereau", + "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "112": { + "English name": "Eurasian Jay", + "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", + "Common name": "Geai des ch\u00eanes", + "Power text": "Volez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "113": { + "English name": "Eurasian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica pica", + "Common name": "Pie bavarde", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], stockez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve sur 1 de vos oiseaux.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs permettent de stocker de la nourriture sur des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas en stocker.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "114": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", + "Common name": "Cassenoix mouchet\u00e9", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 5 oiseaux dans votre [forest]. Stockez 1 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve sur chacun d\u2019eux.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs permettent de stocker de la nourriture sur des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas en stocker.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "115": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", + "Common name": "Sittelle torchepot", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. Vous pouvez \u00e0 tout moment d\u00e9penser les stock\u00e9s sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les [seed] stock\u00e9s sur ces oiseaux ne comptent pas comme \u00e9tant dans votre r\u00e9serve pour ce qui concerne les objectifs de fin de manche, m\u00eame s\u2019ils peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pour poser des oiseaux.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "116": { + "English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", + "Common name": "\u00c9pervier d'Europe", + "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "117": { + "English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", + "Common name": "Moineau friquet", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour.", + "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire affichent la m\u00eame face, vous pouvez relancer les 5 d\u00e9s avant de gagner la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e. Si la mangeoire ne contient pas la nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "118": { + "English name": "European Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", + "Common name": "Gu\u00eapier d'Europe", + "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "119": { + "English name": "European Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", + "Common name": "Chardonneret \u00e9l\u00e9gant", + "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur glisse une [card] sous un oiseau, quelle qu\u2019en soit la raison, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "120": { + "English name": "European Honey Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", + "Common name": "Bondr\u00e9e apivore", + "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez tous les [invertebrate] obtenus.", + "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "121": { + "English name": "European Robin", + "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", + "Common name": "Rouge-gorge familier", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve d\u2019un type que vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 gagn\u00e9 ce tour-ci.", + "Note": "Il peut s\u2019agir d\u20191 nourriture gagn\u00e9e de la mangeoire avec l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, ou bien 1 nourriture gagn\u00e9e suite \u00e0 l\u2019activation d\u2019un autre oiseau dans la ligne du Rouge-gorge.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "122": { + "English name": "European Roller", + "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", + "Common name": "Rollier d'Europe", + "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [grassland]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "123": { + "English name": "European Turtle Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", + "Common name": "Tourterelle des bois", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire, ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau, ou piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "124": { + "English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", + "Common name": "Buse rouilleuse", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "125": { + "English name": "Fish Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", + "Common name": "Corneille de rivage", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] d\u2019un de vos autres oiseaux pour gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont connus pour manger les \u0153ufs des nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Vous devez avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu un \u0153uf sur un autre oiseau pour \u00eatre en mesure d\u2019utiliser ce pouvoir. Remettez l\u2019\u0153uf dans la r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "126": { + "English name": "Forster's Tern", + "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", + "Common name": "Sterne de Forster", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "127": { + "English name": "Franklin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", + "Common name": "Mouette de Franklin", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] pour piocher 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt. Remettez un de vos \u0153ufs dans la r\u00e9serve. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce pouvoir si vous n\u2019avez pas d\u2019\u0153uf d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "128": { + "English name": "Goldcrest", + "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", + "Common name": "Roitelet Hupp\u00e9", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [card]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "129": { + "English name": "Golden Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", + "Common name": "Aigle royal", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "130": { + "English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", + "Common name": "Bruant sauterelle", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 sur un oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "131": { + "English name": "Gray Catbird", + "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", + "Common name": "Moqueur chat", + "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un autre oiseau dans cet habitat.", + "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "132": { + "English name": "Great Blue Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", + "Common name": "Grand h\u00e9ron", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "133": { + "English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", + "Common name": "Tyran hupp\u00e9", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "134": { + "English name": "Great Crested Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", + "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be hupp\u00e9", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque case vide dans cet habitat. \u00c0 la fin de votre tour, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les autres.", + "Note": "Gardez ces cartes s\u00e9par\u00e9es des autres cartes que vous piochez et de vos cartes en main. Elles ne peuvent pas\n\u00eatre d\u00e9pens\u00e9es. Pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer le jeu, vous pouvez choisir laquelle garder \u00e0 la fin de votre tour pendant que le joueur suivant commence son tour.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "135": { + "English name": "Great Egret", + "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", + "Common name": "Grande aigrette", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [wetland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "136": { + "English name": "Great Horned Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", + "Common name": "Grand duc d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "137": { + "English name": "Great Tit", + "Scientific name": "Parus major", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange charbonni\u00e8re", + "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [die] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "138": { + "English name": "Greater Flamingo", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", + "Common name": "Flamant rose", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [wetland], glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau, puis piochez autant de [card].", + "Note": "Vous pouvez glisser des cartes \u00e0 concurrence du nombre de cubes Action.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "139": { + "English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", + "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", + "Common name": "T\u00e9tras des prairies", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "140": { + "English name": "Greater Roadrunner", + "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", + "Common name": "Grand g\u00e9ocoucou", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 50, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "141": { + "English name": "Green Heron", + "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", + "Common name": "H\u00e9ron vert", + "Power text": "\u00c9changez 1 [wild] contre 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "142": { + "English name": "Grey Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", + "Common name": "H\u00e9ron cendr\u00e9", + "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [wetland]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "143": { + "English name": "Greylag Goose", + "Scientific name": "Anser anser", + "Common name": "Oie cendr\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Cet oiseau compte double pour les objectifs de fin de manche, s\u2019il se qualifie pour l\u2019objectif.", + "Note": "Ils sont doubl\u00e9s pour les objectifs de fin de manche, pas pour les cartes Bonus ou les points de fin de partie. Leurs \u0153ufs ne sont pas doubl\u00e9s si l\u2019objectif est le nombre d\u2019\u0153ufs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "144": { + "English name": "Griffon Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", + "Common name": "Vautour fauve", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 joueur (vous inclus). Stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau pour chaque [predator] poss\u00e9d\u00e9 par ce joueur.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "145": { + "English name": "Hawfinch", + "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", + "Common name": "Gros-bec casse-noyaux", + "Power text": "Relancez les 5 d\u00e9s de nourriture dans la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [seed] obtenu dans la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si le type de nourriture sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 n\u2019est pas disponible dans la mangeoire apr\u00e8s avoir relanc\u00e9 les d\u00e9s, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "146": { + "English name": "Hermit Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", + "Common name": "Grive solitaire", + "Power text": "Le ou les joueur(s) avec le moins d\u2019oiseaux [forest] gagnent 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs sont \u00e0 \u00e9galit\u00e9 pour le moins d\u2019oiseaux en for\u00eat, ils b\u00e9n\u00e9ficient tous de ce pouvoir. Vous choisissez qui commence, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "147": { + "English name": "Hooded Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", + "Common name": "Corneille mantel\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pour chaque cube Action sur sa ligne [grassland], glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau, puis piochez autant de [card].", + "Note": "Vous pouvez glisser des cartes \u00e0 concurrence du nombre de cubes Action.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "148": { + "English name": "Hooded Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", + "Common name": "Harle couronn\u00e9", + "Power text": "Copiez un pouvoir [predator] dans cet habitat.", + "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "149": { + "English name": "Hooded Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", + "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 capuchon", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "150": { + "English name": "Horned Lark", + "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", + "Common name": "Alouette hausse-col", + "Power text": "Lorsqu\u2019un autre joueur joue un oiseau [grassland], glissez une [card] de votre main sous cette carte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "151": { + "English name": "House Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", + "Common name": "Roselin familier", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "152": { + "English name": "House Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", + "Common name": "Moineau domestique", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 5 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve. Pour chacun, glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "153": { + "English name": "House Wren", + "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", + "Common name": "Troglodyte familier", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest] ou [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "154": { + "English name": "Inca Dove", + "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", + "Common name": "Colombe inca", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [platform].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "155": { + "English name": "Indigo Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", + "Common name": "Passerin indigo", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "156": { + "English name": "Juniper Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange des gen\u00e9vriers", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "157": { + "English name": "Killdeer", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", + "Common name": "Pluvier kildir", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] pour piocher 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt. Remettez un de vos \u0153ufs dans la r\u00e9serve. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce pouvoir si vous n\u2019avez pas d\u2019\u0153uf d\u00e9j\u00e0 pondu.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "158": { + "English name": "King Rail", + "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", + "Common name": "R\u00e2le \u00e9l\u00e9gant", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "159": { + "English name": "Lazuli Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", + "Common name": "Passerin azur\u00e9", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [bowl]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [bowl] additionnel.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "160": { + "English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", + "Common name": "Fauvette babillarde", + "Power text": "Choisissez un habitat sans [egg]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cet habitat.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "161": { + "English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", + "Common name": "Bruant de Lincoln", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "162": { + "English name": "Little Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", + "Common name": "Outarde canepeti\u00e8re", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [card] ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "163": { + "English name": "Little Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", + "Common name": "Chev\u00eache d'Ath\u00e9na", + "Power text": "Volez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "164": { + "English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Pie-gri\u00e8che migratrice", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action Gagner de la nourriture, s\u2019il gagne au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "165": { + "English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", + "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange \u00e0 longue queue", + "Power text": "Placez cet oiseau horizontalement afin de couvrir 2 cases [forest]. Payez le plus petit co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux comptent pour 1 seul oiseau pour les objectifs de fin de manche. Mais les 2 cases sont remplies, ils peuvent donc compter 2 fois pour l\u2019ob- jectif \u00abColonnes remplies\u00bb.\nCes oiseaux peuvent \u00eatre jou\u00e9s sur la 5e colonne, leur pouvoir n\u2019est alors pas pris en compte.\nL\u2019oiseau suivant dans cet habitat est plac\u00e9 \u00e0 la droite de cet oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "166": { + "English name": "Mallard", + "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Canard colvert", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais. Vous pouvez piocher au sommet de la pioche ou parmi les cartes visibles. Le plateau Oiseaux n\u2019est rempli qu\u2019\u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "167": { + "English name": "Mississippi Kite", + "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", + "Common name": "Milan du Mississippi", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [rodent], gagnez 1 [rodent] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "168": { + "English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", + "Common name": "Fauvette de Moltoni", + "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "169": { + "English name": "Montagu's Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", + "Common name": "Busard cendr\u00e9", + "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "170": { + "English name": "Mountain Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", + "Common name": "Merlebleu azur\u00e9", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "171": { + "English name": "Mountain Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange de Gambel", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "172": { + "English name": "Mourning Dove", + "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", + "Common name": "Tourterelle triste", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "173": { + "English name": "Mute Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", + "Common name": "Cygne tubercul\u00e9", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 \u00e0 3 oiseaux dans votre [wetland]. Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous chacun d\u2019eux. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de glisser des cartes sous des oiseaux qui ne peuvent normalement pas le faire. Vous piochez 1 [card] quel que soit le nombre de cartes que vous glissez.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "174": { + "English name": "Northern Bobwhite", + "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", + "Common name": "Colin de virginie", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "175": { + "English name": "Northern Cardinal", + "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", + "Common name": "Cardinal rouge", + "Power text": " Gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "176": { + "English name": "Northern Flicker", + "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", + "Common name": "Pic flamboyant", + "Power text": "Gagnez tous les [invertebrate] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "177": { + "English name": "Northern Gannet", + "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", + "Common name": "Fou de Bassan", + "Power text": "Lancez les [die] qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Gagnez tous les [fish] obtenus de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-les sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "178": { + "English name": "Northern Goshawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", + "Common name": "Vautour des palombes", + "Power text": "Pour chaque [rodent] qu\u2019il co\u00fbte, vous pouvez payer 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la place. Si vous le faites, glissez la ou les [card] d\u00e9pens\u00e9es sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Si ces oiseaux utilisent leur pouvoir pour glisser des cartes pour remplacer tout ou partie de leur co\u00fbt, ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "179": { + "English name": "Northern Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", + "Common name": "Busard saint-martin", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "180": { + "English name": "Northern Mockingbird", + "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", + "Common name": "Moqueur polyglotte", + "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un autre oiseau dans cet habitat.", + "Note": "Quelques oiseaux ont le pouvoir de copier les pouvoirs d\u2019autres oiseaux. L\u2019oiseau ainsi copi\u00e9 doit se trouver dans le m\u00eame habitat.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "181": { + "English name": "Northern Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", + "Common name": "Canard souchet", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "182": { + "English name": "Osprey", + "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", + "Common name": "Balbuzard p\u00eacheur", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "183": { + "English name": "Painted Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", + "Common name": "Passerin Nonpareil", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "184": { + "English name": "Painted Whitestart", + "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", + "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 ailes blanches", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "185": { + "English name": "Parrot Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", + "Common name": "bec-crois\u00e9 perroquet", + "Power text": "Retirez 1 [die] au choix de la mangeoire, puis gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Vous gagnez 1 [seed] quel que soit le d\u00e9 de nourriture que vous retirez de la mangeoire.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "186": { + "English name": "Peregrine Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", + "Common name": "Faucon p\u00e8lerin", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "187": { + "English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", + "Common name": "Gr\u00e8be \u00e0 bec bigarr\u00e9", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "188": { + "English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", + "Common name": "Grand pic", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [cavity]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [cavity] additionnel.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "189": { + "English name": "Pine Siskin", + "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", + "Common name": "Tarin des pins", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "190": { + "English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", + "Common name": "Paruline orang\u00e9e", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "191": { + "English name": "Purple Gallinule", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", + "Common name": "Tal\u00e8ve violac\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "192": { + "English name": "Purple Martin", + "Scientific name": "Progne subis", + "Common name": "Hirondelle noire", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "193": { + "English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", + "Common name": "Sittelle pygm\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "194": { + "English name": "Red Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", + "Common name": "Bec-crois\u00e9 rouge", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "195": { + "English name": "Red Kite", + "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", + "Common name": "Milan royal", + "Power text": "Au lieu de payer son co\u00fbt, vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau par- dessus un oiseau sur votre plateau. D\u00e9faussez les \u0153ufs et la nourriture sur l\u2019oiseau, et laissez-le gliss\u00e9 sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Si vous activez ce pouvoir, vous ne payez ni le co\u00fbt en nourriture ni les \u0153ufs. Ceci compte \u00e0 la fois comme a) glisser une carte et b) un pouvoir r\u00e9ussi de pr\u00e9dateur et d\u00e9clenche les pouvoirs roses en cons\u00e9quence.\nLes cartes gliss\u00e9es sous l\u2019oiseau original restent, mais les \u0153ufs et les jetons Nourriture sont retir\u00e9s.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "196": { + "English name": "Red Knot", + "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", + "Common name": "B\u00e9casseau maub\u00e8che", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis piochez 3 [card] et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "197": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", + "Common name": "Pie-gri\u00e8che \u00e9corcheur", + "Power text": "Volez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve d\u20191 autre joueur et stockez-le sur cette carte. Ce joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "La nourriture gagn\u00e9e par l\u2019autre joueur n\u2019est pas n\u00e9cessairement du m\u00eame type que celle qui lui a \u00e9t\u00e9 vol\u00e9e.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "198": { + "English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", + "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 ventre roux", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "199": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", + "Common name": "Harle hupp\u00e9", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "200": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", + "Common name": "Sittelle \u00e0 poitrine rousse", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "201": { + "English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", + "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 face blanche", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "202": { + "English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", + "Common name": "Vir\u00e9o aux yeux rouges", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "203": { + "English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", + "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "204": { + "English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", + "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", + "Common name": "Perdrix rouge", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans cette colonne, celui-ci inclus.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "205": { + "English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", + "Common name": "Buse \u00e0 \u00e9paulettes", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "206": { + "English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Buse \u00e0 queue rousse", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 75, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "207": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", + "Common name": "Carouge \u00e0 \u00e9paulettes", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "208": { + "English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", + "Common name": "Go\u00e9land \u00e0 bec cercl\u00e9", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "209": { + "English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Cardinal \u00e0 poitrine rose", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "210": { + "English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", + "Common name": "Spatule ros\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "211": { + "English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", + "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", + "Common name": "Roitelet \u00e0 couronne rubis", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "212": { + "English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", + "Common name": "Colibri \u00e0 gorge rubis", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [die] de la mangeoire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur de votre choix.", + "Note": "Le propri\u00e9taire du colibri d\u00e9cide du premier joueur qui gagne une Nourriture, puis les joueurs continuent dans l\u2019ordre du tour. Les joueurs peuvent remplir la mangeoire si elle est vide ou si tous les d\u00e9s montrent la m\u00eame face.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "213": { + "English name": "Ruddy Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", + "Common name": "\u00c9rismature rousse", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "214": { + "English name": "Ruff", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", + "Common name": "Combattant vari\u00e9", + "Power text": "Glissez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 3 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "215": { + "English name": "Sandhill Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", + "Common name": "Grue du Canada", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour glisser 2 [card] de la pioche sous cette carte.", + "Note": "Ces pouvoirs vous permettent de d\u00e9fausser un jeton Nourriture sp\u00e9cifique pour piocher 2 cartes du sommet du paquet et les glisser sous l\u2019oiseau. Vous devez poss\u00e9der la Nourriture dans votre r\u00e9serve personnelle, vous ne pouvez pas la prendre sur une de vos cartes Oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "216": { + "English name": "Savannah Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", + "Common name": "Bruant des pr\u00e9s", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "217": { + "English name": "Savi's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", + "Common name": "Locustelle luscinio\u00efde", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Les autres joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez choisir de piocher des cartes face visible ou au sommet de la pioche. Les autres joueurs doivent prendre leur carte au sommet de la pioche.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "218": { + "English name": "Say's Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", + "Common name": "Moucherolle de say", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un nid [bowl].", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre des \u0153ufs sur tous vos oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne sp\u00e9cifique de nid (et tous les oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile), y compris sur l\u2019oiseau qui vient d\u2019\u00eatre pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "219": { + "English name": "Scaled Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", + "Common name": "Colin \u00e9caill\u00e9", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "220": { + "English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", + "Common name": "Tyran \u00e0 longue queue", + "Power text": "Chaque joueur gagne 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "221": { + "English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", + "Common name": "Grimpereau des jardins", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 autre oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir\n\u00ab Pose \u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "222": { + "English name": "Snow Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", + "Common name": "Plectrophane des neiges", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "223": { + "English name": "Snowy Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", + "Common name": "Aigrette neigeuse", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "224": { + "English name": "Snowy Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", + "Common name": "Harfang des neiges", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Puis gagnez 1 [card] ou pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte Bonus que vous avez pioch\u00e9e avant d\u2019appliquer la 2e partie de ces actions.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "225": { + "English name": "Song Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", + "Common name": "Bruant chanteur", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "226": { + "English name": "Spotted Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", + "Common name": "Chouette tachet\u00e9e", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "227": { + "English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", + "Common name": "Chevalier grivel\u00e9", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "228": { + "English name": "Spotted Towhee", + "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", + "Common name": "Tohi tachet\u00e9", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "229": { + "English name": "Sprague's Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", + "Common name": "Pipit de Sprague", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "230": { + "English name": "Squacco Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", + "Common name": "Crabier chevelu", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] face visible qui puisse \u00eatre jou\u00e9e dans [wetland].", + "Note": "Si aucune [card] avec cet habitat n\u2019est visible, vous ne gagnez rien.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "231": { + "English name": "Steller's Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", + "Common name": "Geai de Steller", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la mangeoire (si disponible). Vous pouvez le stocker sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "232": { + "English name": "Swainson's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", + "Common name": "Buse de Swainson", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si < 100, glissez-la sous cette carte. Sinon d\u00e9faussez- la.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux chassent d\u2019autres oiseaux. Regardez l\u2019envergure de la carte au sommet de la pioche et comparez-la \u00e0 l\u2019envergure de leur pouvoir de chasse.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur du pouvoir de chasse de l\u2019oiseau, glissez la carte sous l\u2019oiseau pour signifier que le pr\u00e9dateur a r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 chasser. Chaque carte ainsi gliss\u00e9e rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.\nSi l\u2019envergure de la carte de la pioche est \u00e9gale ou sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 la valeur de chasse du pr\u00e9dateur, d\u00e9faussez la carte.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "233": { + "English name": "Thekla's Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", + "Common name": "Cochevis de Th\u00e9kla", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve. Si vous le faites, pondez 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "234": { + "English name": "Tree Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", + "Common name": "Hirondelle bicolore", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "235": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", + "Common name": "Cygne trompette", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "236": { + "English name": "Tufted Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", + "Common name": "M\u00e9sange bicolore", + "Power text": "Jouez un second oiseau dans votre [forest]. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement.", + "Note": "Jouez un autre oiseau dans le m\u00eame habitat. Vous devez suivre les r\u00e8gles habituelles pour jouer une carte Oiseau : il doit vivre dans cet habitat, et vous devez d\u00e9fausser son co\u00fbt en nourriture et en \u0153ufs normalement.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont connus pour passer du temps dans des nu\u00e9es mixtes avec de multiples esp\u00e8ces d\u2019oiseaux. Les recherches ont montr\u00e9 que cela comporte de nombreux avantages tels que de l\u2019aide pour trouver de la nourriture, ou des alertes en cas de pr\u00e9sence de pr\u00e9dateurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "237": { + "English name": "Turkey Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", + "Common name": "Urubu \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", + "Power text": "Lorsque le pouvoir [predator] d\u2019un autre joueur r\u00e9ussit, gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": "Si plusieurs joueurs d\u00e9clenchent ce pouvoir en m\u00eame temps, ils gagnent une Nourriture dans l\u2019ordre du tour, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur \u00e0 gauche du joueur actif (celui dont le pouvoir de pr\u00e9dateur r\u00e9ussit).", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "238": { + "English name": "Vaux's Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", + "Common name": "Martinet de vaux", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "239": { + "English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", + "Common name": "Hirondelle \u00e0 face blanche", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "240": { + "English name": "Western Meadowlark", + "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", + "Common name": "Sturnelle de l'Ouest", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs pondent 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [ground]. Vous pouvez pondre 1 [egg] sur 1 oiseau [ground] additionnel.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir vous permet de pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 ou 2 oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid sp\u00e9cifique (ou une \u00e9toile). Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre un \u0153uf sur 1 oiseau avec cette ic\u00f4ne de nid (ou une \u00e9toile), s\u2019ils en ont un.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "241": { + "English name": "Western Tanager", + "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", + "Common name": "Piranga \u00e0 t\u00eate rouge", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "242": { + "English name": "White Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", + "Common name": "Cigogne blanche", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "243": { + "English name": "White Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", + "Common name": "Bergeronnette grise", + "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "244": { + "English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", + "Common name": "Pic \u00e0 dos blanc", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "245": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", + "Common name": "Sittelle \u00e0 poitrine blanche", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur cette carte. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux avec ces pouvoirs sont connus pour stocker de la nourriture et la conserver pour plus tard. Comme note\u0301 sur ces cartes, vous pouvez stocker exactement 1 jeton Nourriture lorsque leur pouvoir est active\u0301, en le plac\u0327ant sur une carte Oiseau. Quand un jeton Nouriture est stocke\u0301 sur une carte, vous ne pouvez pas le de\u0301penser. Chaque jeton ainsi stocke\u0301 vous rapportera 1 point en fin de partie. S\u2019il n\u2019y a plus de jetons nourriture disponibles, vous pouvez glisser des cartes sous votre oiseau a\u0300 la place. ", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "246": { + "English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", + "Common name": "Bruant \u00e0 couronne blanche", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "247": { + "English name": "White-Faced Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", + "Common name": "Ibis \u00e0 face blanche", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "248": { + "English name": "White-Throated Dipper", + "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", + "Common name": "Cincle plongeur", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez les [card] face visible restantes et remplacez-les. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 des nouvelles [card] face visible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "249": { + "English name": "White-Throated Swift", + "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", + "Common name": "Martinet \u00e0 gorge blanche", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur un oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "250": { + "English name": "Whooping Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus americana", + "Common name": "Grue blanche", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "251": { + "English name": "Wild Turkey", + "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", + "Common name": "Dindon sauvage", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "252": { + "English name": "Willet", + "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", + "Common name": "Chevalier semipalm\u00e9", + "Power text": "Lancez les d\u00e9s qui sont hors de la mangeoire. Si vous obtenez au moins 1 [fish], gagnez 1 [fish] et stockez-le sur cette carte.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux qui mangent des poissons ou des rongeurs lancent tous les d\u00e9s qui ne sont pas\ndans la mangeoire. (Notez que vous ne pourrez jamais lancer plus de 4 d\u00e9s, car lorsque les 5\nd\u00e9s sont sortis de la mangeoire, il faut les relancer imm\u00e9diatement.) Lancez ces d\u00e9s sur la table, ils ne retournent pas dans la mangeoire.\nSi un d\u00e9 ou plus donne la face requise, prenez un seul jeton Nourriture correspondant dans la r\u00e9serve et stockez-le sur votre carte. Chaque jeton ainsi stock\u00e9 rapporte 1 point en fin de partie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "253": { + "English name": "Wilson's Snipe", + "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", + "Common name": "B\u00e9cassine de Wilson", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs piochent 1 [card] au sommet de la pioche.", + "Note": "Piochez dans le sens horaire, en commen\u00e7ant par le joueur actif.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "254": { + "English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", + "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", + "Common name": "Oc\u00e9anite de Wilson", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 [card] pour chaque case vide dans cet habitat. \u00c0 la fin de votre tour, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les autres.", + "Note": "Gardez ces cartes s\u00e9par\u00e9es des autres cartes que vous piochez et de vos cartes en main. Elles ne peuvent pas\n\u00eatre d\u00e9pens\u00e9es. Pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer le jeu, vous pouvez choisir laquelle garder \u00e0 la fin de votre tour pendant que le joueur suivant commence son tour.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "255": { + "English name": "Wood Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", + "Common name": "Canard carolin", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Si vous le faites, d\u00e9faussez 1 [card] de votre main \u00e0 la fin de votre tour.", + "Note": "Ce pouvoir permet de piocher plus de cartes lors de l\u2019action Piocher des cartes des Marais, mais elle a un co\u00fbt.\nLe joueur suivant peut commencer \u00e0 jouer pendant que vous d\u00e9cidez quelle(s) carte(s) d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "256": { + "English name": "Wood Stork", + "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", + "Common name": "Tantale d'Am\u00e9rique", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Piochez 2 cartes Bonus, choisissez-en une que vous gardez et d\u00e9faussez l\u2019autre. Si jamais la pioche de cartes Objectif est vide, m\u00e9langez les cartes Objectif d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et formez une nouvelle pioche face cach\u00e9e.\nLes oiseaux dot\u00e9s de ce pouvoir sont tous menac\u00e9s ou en danger, ou bien les environnementalistes s\u2019inqui\u00e8tent qu\u2019ils le deviennent bient\u00f4t, \u00e0 cause du d\u00e9clin r\u00e9gulier de leur population.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "257": { + "English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", + "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", + "Common name": "Pic macul\u00e9", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "258": { + "English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", + "Common name": "Coulicou \u00e0 bec jaune", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action pondre des \u0153ufs, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un autre oiseau ayant 1 nid [bowl]. ", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont tous des parasites de nids dans la\nnature : ils pondent dans les nids d\u2019autres oiseaux. Les vachers ne construisent m\u00eame pas de nids.\nLorsqu\u2019un autre joueur utilise l\u2019action pour pondre des \u0153ufs, vous pouvez pondre 1 \u0153uf. Vous ne pouvez le faire qu\u2019une seule fois entre vos tours, quel que soit le nombre de joueurs pondant des \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez pondre sur des oiseaux ayant une ic\u00f4ne de nid \u00c9toile.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "259": { + "English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", + "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", + "Common name": "Paruline polyglotte", + "Power text": "Si cet oiseau est le plus \u00e0 droite dans son habitat, d\u00e9placez-le dans un autre habitat.", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux sont capable de vivre dans des habitats vari\u00e9s, et leur pouvoir leur permet de se d\u00e9placer d\u2019un habitat \u00e0 un autre, mais seulement s\u2019ils sont le dernier oiseau dans cette ligne. (Ils peuvent se trouver dans n\u2019importe quelle colonne.) Ceci peut \u00eatre tr\u00e8s utile pour augmenter vos capacit\u00e9s dans plusieurs habitats et pour les Objectifs de fin de manche. Veillez \u00e0 ne pas jouer d\u2019autres oiseaux \u00e0 la droite de ceux-ci, sinon vous ne pourrez plus utiliser leur pouvoir !", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "260": { + "English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", + "Common name": "Carouge \u00e0 t\u00eate jaune", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, pondez \u00e9galement 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "261": { + "English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", + "Common name": "Paruline \u00e0 croupion jaune", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cette carte. Si vous le faites, piochez 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ces oiseaux vous permettent de glisser une carte de votre main pour obtenir 1 point en fin de partie, tout en vous octroyant un b\u00e9n\u00e9fice suppl\u00e9mentaire (pondre un \u0153uf, piocher une carte ou gagner de la nourriture). Vous ne pouvez profiter du b\u00e9n\u00e9fice que si vous glissez d\u2019abord une carte de votre main sous l\u2019oiseau.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "262": { + "English name": "Yellowhammer", + "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", + "Common name": "Bruant jaune", + "Power text": "Si vous avez utilis\u00e9 les 4 actions diff\u00e9rentes lors de cette manche, jouez un autre oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt normalement (\u0153ufs et nourriture).", + "Note": "Si l\u2019oiseau additionnel poss\u00e8de un pouvoir \u00abPose\u00bb ou \u00abFin de manche\u00bb, il est d\u00e9clench\u00e9 quand il est pos\u00e9.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "263": { + "English name": "Abbott's Booby", + "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", + "Common name": "Fou d'Abbott ", + "Power text": "Piochez 3 cartes Bonus, puis d\u00e9faussez-en 2. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser des cartes que vous aviez d\u00e9j\u00e0 au lieu de celles pioch\u00e9es.", + "Note": "En piochant les cartes Bonus vous en avez temporairement 3 de plus en main. Vous pouvez alors choisir librement dans cette main quelles 2 cartes Bonus vous souhaitez d\u00e9fausser.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "264": { + "English name": "Australasian Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Pipit de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous chaque oiseau dans votre [grassland] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "265": { + "English name": "Australasian Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", + "Common name": "Souchet d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Piochez tous les deux 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "266": { + "English name": "Australian Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", + "Common name": "Ibis Blanc d'Australie ", + "Power text": "M\u00e9langez la d\u00e9fausse puis piochez-y 2 [card]. Choisissez-en une et glissez-la sous cet oiseau, ou ajoutez-la \u00e0 votre main, puis d\u00e9faussez l'autre.", + "Note": "Ne m\u00e9langez pas la d\u00e9fausse \u00e0 la pioche apr\u00e8s avoir effectu\u00e9 cette action.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "267": { + "English name": "Australian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", + "Common name": "Cassican Flu\u0302teur d'Australie ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [egg] de chaque oiseau (sauf celui-ci) dans cette ligne et dans cette colonne avec au moins un [egg] dessus. Pour chaque [egg] ainsi d\u00e9fauss\u00e9, stockez 2 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "268": { + "English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", + "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", + "Common name": "E\u0301gothe\u0300le d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Gagner de la nourriture \u00bb, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour, si disponible.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "269": { + "English name": "Australian Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", + "Common name": "Corbeau d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Stockez jusqu'\u00e0 5 [wild] de votre r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "270": { + "English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", + "Common name": "Rousserolle d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [wetland]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "271": { + "English name": "Australian Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", + "Common name": "Tadorne d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [bowl] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", + "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "272": { + "English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", + "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", + "Common name": "Diamant Mandarin d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [seed] dans sa r\u00e9serve, glissez une [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "273": { + "English name": "Black Noddy", + "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", + "Common name": "Noddi Noir ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [fish], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser les [fish] ainsi gagn\u00e9s (tous ou en partie) pour glisser autant de [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "274": { + "English name": "Black Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", + "Common name": "Cygne noir", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux >100cm dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux inaptes au vol sont des jokers, vous pouvez pondre des \u0153ufs dessus pour chaque oiseau avec cette comp\u00e9tence, m\u00eame si les indications sont contradictoires.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "275": { + "English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", + "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", + "Common name": "\u00c9lanion d'Australie", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez 1 [rodent], si disponible. Vous pouvez le donner \u00e0 un autre joueur. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 3 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "276": { + "English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", + "Common name": "Calao Papou ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez tous les [egg] d'un de vos oiseaux \u00e0 nid [cavity]. Glissez deux fois plus de [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau que d'\u0153ufs d\u00e9fauss\u00e9s.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "277": { + "English name": "Brolga", + "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", + "Common name": "Grue Brolga ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Il pond 1 [egg] et vous piochez 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "278": { + "English name": "Brown Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", + "Common name": "Faucon Brun", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si le co\u00fbt en nourriture inclut [invertebrate] ou [rodent], glissez-la sous cet oiseau, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "279": { + "English name": "Budgerigar", + "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", + "Common name": "Perruche Ondule\u0301e", + "Power text": "Glissez le plus petit oiseau du plateau Oiseaux sous cet oiseau. ", + "Note": "La taille d\u2019un oiseau est son envergure. En cas d\u2019e\u0301galite\u0301 de plus petite envergure, choisissez l\u2019oiseau a\u0300 glisser sous la Perruche Ondule\u0301e. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "280": { + "English name": "Cockatiel", + "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", + "Common name": "Calopsitte E\u0301le\u0301gante ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed] pour choisir une [card] du plateau et la glisser sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous devez glisser la carte que vous avez choisie. Vous ne pouvez pas piocher de carte gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action, ni glisser une carte de votre main sous l'oiseau.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "281": { + "English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", + "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", + "Common name": "Paradisier de Raggi ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "282": { + "English name": "Crested Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", + "Common name": "Colombine Longup ", + "Power text": "Stockez jusqu'\u00e0 8 [seed] de votre r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "283": { + "English name": "Crimson Chat", + "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", + "Common name": "Epthianura Tricolore ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [wild] pour glisser 1 [card] de la pioche sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "284": { + "English name": "Eastern Rosella", + "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", + "Common name": "Perruche Omnicolore ", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve. Vous gagnez aussi 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "285": { + "English name": "Eastern Whipbird", + "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", + "Common name": "Psophode a\u0300 Te\u0302te Noire ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "286": { + "English name": "Emu", + "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "E\u0301meu d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Prenez tous les [seed] de la mangeoire. Gardez-en la moiti\u00e9 (arrondi au chiffre sup\u00e9rieur) et distribuez le reste aux autres joueurs comme vous le souhaitez.", + "Note": "Ne d\u00e9faussez pas de jetons, ils doivent tous \u00eatre distribu\u00e9s \u00e0 d\u2019autres joueurs.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "287": { + "English name": "Galah", + "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", + "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s Rosalbin ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Il relance les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagne 1 [seed], si disponible. Glissez 2 [card] de la pioche\nsous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "288": { + "English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", + "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", + "Common name": "Cisticole a\u0300 Couronne Dore\u0301e ", + "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [grassland]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "289": { + "English name": "Gould's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", + "Common name": "Diamant de Gould ", + "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs et en nourriture normalement. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", + "Note": "Le co\u00fbt de l'oiseau inclut le co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs de la colonne dans laquelle vous jouez cet oiseau.\nComme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "290": { + "English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", + "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", + "Common name": "Anserelle E\u0301le\u0301gante ", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Gardez-en 1 et donnez l'autre \u00e0 un autre joueur.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "291": { + "English name": "Grey Butcherbird", + "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", + "Common name": "Cassican a\u0300 Collier ", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si <40 cm, glissez-la sous cet oiseau et stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve dessus, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "292": { + "English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", + "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", + "Common name": "Pitohui Gris ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [rodent], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez les stocker (tous ou en partie) sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "293": { + "English name": "Grey Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", + "Common name": "Sarcelle grise", + "Power text": "Regardez 3 [card] de la pioche. Gardez 1 oiseau [wetland], si disponible. Vous pouvez l'ajouter \u00e0 votre main ou le glisser sous cet oiseau. D\u00e9faussez les autres cartes.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "294": { + "English name": "Grey Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", + "Common name": "Ge\u0301rygone de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", + "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau suppl\u00e9mentaire dans votre [forest]. Vous pouvez payer 1 [egg] de moins que le co\u00fbt indiqu\u00e9. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "295": { + "English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", + "Common name": "Capucin Gris ", + "Power text": "Jouez un oiseau. Payez son co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement, mais payez 1 [egg] de moins que n\u00e9cessaire. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", + "Note": "Comme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.\nVous aurez d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fauss\u00e9 votre nectar lors de l\u2019activation du Capucin Gris. Si vous voulez utiliser son pouvoir pour jouer un oiseau avec un co\u00fbt en nectar, vous devrez convertir vos jetons nourriture en jetons nectar (2 jetons nourriture pour 1 jeton nectar).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "296": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", + "Common name": "Coucou de Horsfield ", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Pondre des \u0153ufs \u00bb, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur un oiseau <30 cm.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "297": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", + "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", + "Common name": "Alouette de Java ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [seed]. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 2 sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "298": { + "English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", + "Common name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Power text": "Piochez 4 nouvelles cartes Bonus, gardez-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez les 3 autres.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "299": { + "English name": "Kea", + "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", + "Common name": "Ke\u0301a de Nouvelle-Ze\u0301lande ", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus. Vous pouvez d\u00e9fausser des [wild] pour piocher autant de cartes suppl\u00e9mentaires. Gardez 1 des cartes pioch\u00e9es et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", + "Note": "Piochez d\u2019abord 1 carte Bonus, puis choisissez combien de cartes suppl\u00e9mentaires vous voulez piocher et d\u00e9faussez de la nourriture en cons\u00e9quence. Vous ne pouvez pas modifier votre d\u00e9cision.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "300": { + "English name": "Kelp Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", + "Common name": "Goe\u0301land Dominicain ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [wild] que vous le souhaitez pour piocher le m\u00eame nombre de [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "301": { + "English name": "Kerer\u016b", + "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Carpophage de Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre gauche poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [nectar] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "302": { + "English name": "Korimako", + "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Carillonneur ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [rodent] que vous le souhaitez pour gagner le m\u00eame nombre de [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "303": { + "English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", + "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", + "Common name": "Kookaburra ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [invertebrate], [fish] ou [rodent], si disponible.", + "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "304": { + "English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", + "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", + "Common name": "Fr\u00e9gate Ariel", + "Power text": " Tous les joueurs peuvent d\u00e9fausser 1 [egg] d'un de leurs oiseaux [wetland]. Tous les joueurs qui le font peuvent gagner 1 [wild] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "305": { + "English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage de Lewin ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "306": { + "English name": "Little Penguin", + "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", + "Common name": "Manchot Pygme\u0301e ", + "Power text": "Regardez 5 [card] de la pioche, puis d\u00e9faussez-les. Pour chaque [fish] dans leur co\u00fbt en nourriture, stockez 1 [fish] de la r\u00e9serve sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "307": { + "English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", + "Common name": "Cormoran Pie", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [platform] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "308": { + "English name": "Magpie-Lark", + "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", + "Common name": "Gralline Pie ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 2 \u0153ufs de votre [forest]. Si vous le faites, jouez 1 oiseau dans votre [grassland] en ignorant le co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs. Payez le co\u00fbt en nourriture normalement. S'il a un pouvoir \u00ab pose \u00bb ou \u00ab fin de partie \u00bb, vous pouvez l'utiliser.", + "Note": "Comme d\u2019habitude, vous ne pouvez pas activer d\u2019autres types de pouvoirs (comme les pouvoirs \u00ab fin de manche \u00bb) lorsque vous jouez un oiseau gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 cette action.\nVous aurez d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fauss\u00e9 votre nectar lors de l\u2019activation du Capucin Gris. Si vous voulez utiliser son pouvoir pour jouer un oiseau avec un co\u00fbt en nectar, vous devrez convertir vos jetons nourriture en jetons nectar (2 jetons nourriture pour 1 jeton nectar).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "309": { + "English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", + "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s de Leadbeater ", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, tous les joueurs (vous aussi) gagnent 1 [seed] de la reserve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "310": { + "English name": "Malleefowl", + "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", + "Common name": "Le\u0301ipoa Ocelle\u0301 ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [ground] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "311": { + "English name": "Maned Duck", + "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", + "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Crinie\u0300re", + "Power text": "Glissez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 3 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous glissez au moins 1 [card], gagnez 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Cet oiseau ne peut pas gagner plus de 1 jeton Graines par tour, m\u00eame si vous glissez plusieurs carte dessous.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "312": { + "English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", + "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", + "Common name": "Ptilope de La Pe\u0301rouse ", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve. Gagnez 1 [fruit] suppl\u00e9mentaire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "313": { + "English name": "Masked Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", + "Common name": "Vanneau Soldat ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Pour chaque type de nourriture dans la mangeoire, gagnez 1 jeton du m\u00eame type.", + "Note": "Si vous avez un d\u00e9 avec deux types de nourriture, vous pouvez gagner les deux types. Cependant, ce pouvoir ne vous permet de gagner qu\u2019un jeton maximum par type de nourriture. Retirez de la mangeoire les d\u00e9s qui vous ont fait gagner un jeton.\nNe lancez les d\u00e9s qu\u2019une seule fois, avant de prendre les jetons. Si apr\u00e8s avoir gagn\u00e9 des jetons nourriture gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 ce pouvoir, tous les d\u00e9s dans la mangeoire ont le m\u00eame symbole, vous ne pouvez pas les relancer lors de l\u2019action du Vanneau Soldat.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "314": { + "English name": "Mistletoebird", + "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", + "Common name": "Dice\u0301e Hirondelle ", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve, ou d\u00e9faussez 1 [fruit] pour gagner 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "315": { + "English name": "Musk Duck", + "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", + "Common name": "E\u0301rismature a\u0300 Barbillons ", + "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [ground] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", + "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "316": { + "English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage de Nouvelle-Hollande ", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [nectar] de la mangeoire, si disponible.", + "Note": "Si tous les de\u0301s de la mangeoire ont le me\u0302me symbole, vous pouvez les relancer avant de gagner la nourriture. ", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "317": { + "English name": "Noisy Miner", + "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Bruyant ", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, pondez jusqu'\u00e0 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau. Tous les autres joueurs peuvent pondre 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "318": { + "English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", + "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", + "Common name": "Kiwi Brun de Mantell", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez une carte Bonus. Si vous le faites, piochez 4 nouvelles cartes Bonus, gardez-en 2 et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "319": { + "English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", + "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", + "Common name": "Me\u0301gapode de Reinwardt ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [ground] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Les nids [star] comptent comme des jokers, vous pouvez donc y pondre des \u0153ufs aussi.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "320": { + "English name": "Pacific Black Duck", + "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", + "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Sourcils ", + "Power text": "Pour chaque 2 [egg] dans votre [wetland], pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous ne pouvez pas d\u00e9passer la limite d'\u0153ufs\nde cet oiseau. Par exemple, si vous avez 6 \u0153ufs dans votre marais, mais qu\u2019il ne reste qu\u2019un emplacement d'\u0153uf disponible sur cet oiseau, ne pondez qu\u2019un \u0153uf.\nArrondissez au chiffre inf\u00e9rieur (ex : si vous avez 5 \u0153ufs dans votre marais, pondez 2 \u0153ufs).\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "321": { + "English name": "Peaceful Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", + "Common name": "Ge\u0301ope\u0301lie Placide ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez autant de [seed] que vous le souhaitez. Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau par jeton d\u00e9fauss\u00e9.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "322": { + "English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", + "Common name": "Perroquet de Pesquet ", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [nectar] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "323": { + "English name": "Pheasant Coucal", + "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", + "Common name": "Coucal Faisan ", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Pondre des \u0153ufs \u00bb, cet oiseau pond 1 [egg] sur cette carte.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "324": { + "English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", + "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", + "Common name": "Canard a\u0300 Oreilles Roses ", + "Power text": "Piochez 2 [card]. Gardez-en 1 et donnez l'autre \u00e0 un autre joueur.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "325": { + "English name": "Plains-Wanderer", + "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", + "Common name": "Pe\u0301dionome Errant", + "Power text": "Piochez 1 carte Bonus par oiseau dans votre [grassland]. Gardez-en-en 1 et d\u00e9faussez le reste.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "326": { + "English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", + "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", + "Common name": "Paradisier de Ste\u0301phanie ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Pondez tous les deux 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "327": { + "English name": "P\u016bkeko", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", + "Common name": "Pukeko", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur un oiseau adjacent. ", + "Note": "Les oiseaux adjacents sont ceux directement \u00e0 droite, \u00e0 gauche, au-dessus ou en-dessous de celui-ci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "328": { + "English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", + "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", + "Common name": "Loriquet Arc-en-ciel", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [nectar] sur la case \"nectar d\u00e9pens\u00e9\" pour votre [forest]. Si vous le faites, gagnez 2 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "329": { + "English name": "Red Wattlebird", + "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage Barbe-rouge ", + "Power text": "Gagnez 1 [nectar] par oiseau <49 cm dans votre [forest].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "330": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", + "Common name": "Me\u0301rion a\u0300 Dos Rouge ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux ayant un [star] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Cet oiseau ne pond des \u0153ufs que sur les oiseaux dont le symbole de nid est [star].\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "331": { + "English name": "Red-Capped Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", + "Common name": "Miro a\u0300 Front Rouge ", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [invertebrate] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "332": { + "English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Avocette d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre gauche poss\u00e8de au moins 1 [invertebrate] dans sa r\u00e9serve, gagnez 1 [invertebrate] de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "333": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", + "Common name": "Perruche E\u0301rythropte\u0300re ", + "Power text": "Donnez 1 [nectar] de votre r\u00e9serve \u00e0 un autre joueur. Si vous le faites, pondez 2 [egg] sur cet oiseau ou gagnez 2 [die] de la mangeoire.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "334": { + "English name": "Regent Bowerbird", + "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", + "Common name": "Jardinier Prince-Re\u0301gent ", + "Power text": "Choisissez 1 autre joueur. Gagnez tous les deux 1 [seed] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "335": { + "English name": "Royal Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", + "Common name": "Spatule Royale ", + "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [platform] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", + "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "336": { + "English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", + "Common name": "Bihoreau Cannelle ", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si l'oiseau peut vivre dans [wetland], glissez-la sous cet oiseau, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "337": { + "English name": "Rufous Owl", + "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", + "Common name": "Ninoxe Rousse ", + "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau <75 cm et glissez-la sous cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "338": { + "English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage a\u0300 Gorge Blanche ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez 1 [invertebrate]. Si vous le faites, gagnez 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "339": { + "English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", + "Common name": "Martin-Chasseur Sacre\u0301 ", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur effectue l\u2019action \u00ab Gagner de la nourriture \u00bb, gagnez 1 [invertebrate], [fish] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire \u00e0 la fin de son tour, si disponible.", + "Note": "Si tous les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire ont le m\u00eame symbole, vous pouvez les relancer avant de gagner la nourriture.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "340": { + "English name": "Silvereye", + "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", + "Common name": "Zoste\u0301rops a\u0300 Dos Gris ", + "Power text": "Tous les joueurs gagnent 1 [nectar] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "341": { + "English name": "South Island Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", + "Common name": "Miro Rubisole ", + "Power text": "Si le joueur \u00e0 votre droite poss\u00e8de au moins1 dans sa r\u00e9serve, stockez 1 de la r\u00e9serve g\u00e9n\u00e9rale sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "342": { + "English name": "Southern Cassowary", + "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", + "Common name": "Casoar a\u0300 Casque ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez un oiseau de votre [forest] et placez cet oiseau \u00e0 la place (ne payez pas d'\u0153ufs). Si vous le faites, pondez 4 [egg] sur cet oiseau et gagnez 2 [fruit] de la r\u00e9serve.", + "Note": "Vous devez payer le prix en nourriture du Casoar \u00e0 Casque, mais pas son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs. Vous pouvez jouer cet oiseau sur une case vide, mais vous devez alors payer son co\u00fbt en \u0153ufs et son pouvoir ne s\u2019active pas (vous ne gagnez pas de nourriture et vous ne pondez pas d'\u0153ufs).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "343": { + "English name": "Spangled Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", + "Common name": "Drongo Paillete\u0301 ", + "Power text": "Quand un autre joueur gagne [nectar], gagnez 1 [nectar] de la re\u0301serve. ", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "344": { + "English name": "Splendid Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", + "Common name": "Me\u0301rion Splendide ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chacun de vos oiseaux <30cm dont celui-ci.", + "Note": "Les oiseaux inaptes au vol sont des jokers, vous pouvez pondre des \u0153ufs dessus pour chaque oiseau avec cette comp\u00e9tence, m\u00eame si les indications sont contradictoires.\nPondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "345": { + "English name": "Spotless Crake", + "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", + "Common name": "Marouette Fuligineuse ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] sur chaque oiseau dans votre [wetland] don\u2019t celui-ci.", + "Note": "Pondez les \u0153ufs apr\u00e8s avoir calcul\u00e9 les points des objectifs de fin de manche de la manche 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "346": { + "English name": "Stubble Quail", + "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", + "Common name": "Caille des Chaumes ", + "Power text": "D\u00e9faussez jusqu\u2019\u00e0 6 [wild]. Pondez 1 [egg] sur cet oiseau par jeton nourriture d\u00e9fauss\u00e9.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "347": { + "English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", + "Common name": "Cacatoe\u0300s a\u0300 Huppe Jaune ", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de votre main sous cet oiseau. Si vous le faites, tous les joueurs (vous aussi) gagnent 1 [nectar] de la reserve.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "348": { + "English name": "Superb Lyrebird", + "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Me\u0301nure Superbe ", + "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un oiseau de la [forest] du joueur \u00e0 votre droite.", + "Note": "Le pouvoir ainsi copi\u00e9 doit \u00eatre un pouvoir marron \u00ab Activation \u00bb.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "349": { + "English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", + "Common name": "Podarge Gris", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Stockez 1[invertebrate] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "350": { + "English name": "T\u016b\u012b", + "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Me\u0301liphage T\u016b\u012b", + "Power text": "Copiez le pouvoir marron d\u2019un oiseau de la [forest] du joueur \u00e0 votre gauche.", + "Note": "Le pouvoir ainsi copi\u00e9 doit \u00eatre un pouvoir marron \u00ab Activation \u00bb.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "351": { + "English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", + "Common name": "Aigle d'Australie ", + "Power text": "Regardez une [card] de la pioche. Si >65 cm, glissez-la sous cet oiseau et stockez 1 [rodent] de la r\u00e9serve dessus, sinon d\u00e9faussez-la.", + "Note": "Contrairement \u00e0 la majorit\u00e9 des pr\u00e9dateurs, l\u2019aigle d'Australie cherche des oiseaux de PLUS de 65cm.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "352": { + "English name": "Welcome Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", + "Common name": "Hirondelle Message\u0300re ", + "Power text": "Glissez 1 [card] de la pioche sous chaque oiseau dans cet habitat dont celui-ci.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "353": { + "English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", + "Common name": "Pygargue a\u0300 Ventre Blanc ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire. Stockez 1 [fish] ou [rodent] de la mangeoire sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Vous ne gagnez qu\u2019un seul jeton de nourriture. Retirez le d\u00e9 de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous fait gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "354": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", + "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", + "Common name": "Langrayen a\u0300 Ventre Blanc ", + "Power text": "Pondez 1 [egg] par oiseau dans votre [grassland] dont celui-ci.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "355": { + "English name": "White-Faced Heron", + "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Aigrette a\u0300 face blanche ", + "Power text": "Relancez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire et gagnez tous les [fish], s\u2019il y en a. Vous pouvez les stocker (tous ou en partie) sur cet oiseau.", + "Note": "Retirez les d\u00e9s de la mangeoire lorsqu\u2019il vous font gagner de la nourriture, comme d\u2019habitude. Vous pouvez stocker le poisson sur cet oiseau ou le prendre dans votre r\u00e9serve.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "356": { + "English name": "Willie-Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", + "Common name": "Rhipidure Hochequeue ", + "Power text": "Prenez 1 [card] du plateau avec [bowl] ou un nid [star]. Vous pouvez remplir le plateau ou d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes du plateau et les remplacer avant de le faire.", + "Note": "Avant de prendre une carte visible avec le type de nid indiqu\u00e9, vous pouvez :\n\u2022 r\u00e9initialiser le plateau (d\u00e9fausser toutes les cartes visibles et en piocher 3 nouvelles) ou\n\u2022 compl\u00e9ter le plateau (piocher de nouvelles cartes pour remplir les emplacements vides) ou\n\u2022 laisser le plateau tel quel.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "357": { + "English name": "Wrybill", + "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", + "Common name": "Pluvier a\u0300 Bec De\u0301vie\u0301 ", + "Power text": "Regardez les cartes Bonus d\u00e9fauss\u00e9es et gardez-en 1.", + "Note": "Ne m\u00e9langez pas la d\u00e9fausse \u00e0 la pioche apr\u00e8s avoir pris la carte.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "358": { + "English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", + "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "359": { + "English name": "Asian Koel", + "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "360": { + "English name": "Azure Tit", + "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "361": { + "English name": "Baya Weaver", + "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "362": { + "English name": "Bearded Reedling", + "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "363": { + "English name": "Black Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "364": { + "English name": "Black Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "365": { + "English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "366": { + "English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "367": { + "English name": "Brahminy Kite", + "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "368": { + "English name": "Brambling", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "369": { + "English name": "Brown Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "370": { + "English name": "Common Green Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", + 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+ "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "375": { + "English name": "Common Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "376": { + "English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", + "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "377": { + "English name": "Crested Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "378": { + "English name": "Crested Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "379": { + "English name": "Desert Finch", + "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "380": { + "English name": "Desert Wheatear", + "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "381": { + "English name": "Eurasian Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "382": { + "English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "383": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", + "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "384": { + "English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "385": { + "English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "386": { + "English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + 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"Photographer": null + }, + "399": { + "English name": "Green Pheasant", + "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "400": { + "English name": "Himalayan Monal", + "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "401": { + "English name": "House Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "402": { + "English name": "Ibisbill", + "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null 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+ "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "436": { + "English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "437": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Finch", + "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "438": { + "English name": "Twite", + "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "439": { + "English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + 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"Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "444": { + "English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "445": { + "English name": "Willow Tit", + "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "446": { + "English name": "Yellow Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "447": { + "English name": "Zebra Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + } + }, + "bonuses": { + "1000": { + "English name": "Anatomist", + "Name": "Anatomiste", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une partie du corps dans leur nom", + "Explanatory text": "Les termes incluent: aigrette, aile, bec, col, croupion, \u00e9paule, face, gorge, huppe, poitrine, queue, t\u00eate, ventre, yeux.", + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1001": { + "English name": "Backyard Birder", + "Name": "Ornithologue De Basse-Cour", + "Condition": "Oiseaux valant moins de 4 points", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5-6 oiseaux: 3[point]; 7+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1002": { + "English name": "Behaviorist", + "Name": "Comportementaliste", + "Condition": "Pour chaque colonne avec des oiseaux ayant 3 couleurs de pouvoirs diff\u00e9rentes (marron, blanc, rose, bleu):", + "Explanatory text": "Les oiseaux sans pouvoir comptent comme blanc.", + "VP": "3[point] par colonne", + "Note": null + }, + "1003": { + "English name": "Bird Bander", + "Name": "Bagueur D'Oiseaux", + "Condition": "Oiseaux pouvant vivre dans plusieurs habitats", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1004": { + "English name": "Bird Counter", + "Name": "Compteur D'Oiseaux", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un pouvoir [flocking]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1005": { + "English name": "Bird Feeder", + "Name": "Mangeoire", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [seed]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [seed]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", + "VP": "5-7 oiseaux: 3[point]; 8+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1006": { + "English name": "Breeding Manager", + "Name": "Directeur D'\u00c9levage", + "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant au moins 4 \u0153ufs sur eux", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "1[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1007": { + "English name": "Cartographer", + "Name": "Cartographe", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec des termes g\u00e9ographiques dans leur nom", + "Explanatory text": "Ces termes incluent: Am\u00e9rique, Baltimore, Californie, Canada, Caroline, Est, Inca, Islande, Mississippi, Ouest, Prairies, Pr\u00e9s, Rivage, Virginie.", + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1008": { + "English name": "Citizen Scientist", + "Name": "Scientifique Citoyen", + "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant des cartes gliss\u00e9es sous eux", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4-6 oiseaux: 3[point]; 7+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1009": { + "English name": "Diet Specialist", + "Name": "Di\u00e9t\u00e9ticien", + "Condition": "Oiseaux co\u00fbtant 2 nourritures", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1010": { + "English name": "Ecologist", + "Name": "\u00c9cologiste", + "Condition": "Oiseaux dans votre habitat le moins peupl\u00e9", + "Explanatory text": "Les \u00e9galit\u00e9s comptent: si vous avez 3 oiseaux dans chaque habitat, votre habitat le moins peupl\u00e9 en compte 3.", + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1011": { + "English name": "Enclosure Builder", + "Name": "Constructeur D'Enclos", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [ground]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [ground] ou [star]", + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1012": { + "English name": "Ethologist", + "Name": "\u00c9thologue", + "Condition": "Dans un de vos habitats:", + "Explanatory text": "(marron, blanc, rose, bleu) Les oiseaux sans pouvoir comptent comme blanc.", + "VP": "2[point] par couleur de pouvoir", + "Note": null + }, + "1013": { + "English name": "Falconer", + "Name": "Fauconnier", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un pouvoir [predator]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1014": { + "English name": "Fishery Manager", + "Name": "G\u00e9rant De P\u00eacherie", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [fish]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [fish]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1015": { + "English name": "Food Web Expert", + "Name": "Expert En Cha\u00eene Alimentaire", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [invertebrate] uniquement", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [invertebrate] et aucune autre ic\u00f4ne de nourriture.", + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1016": { + "English name": "Forester", + "Name": "Forestier", + "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [forest]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3-4 oiseaux: 4[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1017": { + "English name": "Historian", + "Name": "Historien", + "Condition": "Oiseaux portant le nom d'une personne", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux portant le nom d'une personne. Ces noms sont soulign\u00e9s sur les cartes Oiseau.", + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1018": { + "English name": "Large Bird Specialist", + "Name": "Sp\u00e9cialiste Des Grands Oiseaux", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une envergure de plus de 65 cm", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1019": { + "English name": "Nest Box Builder", + "Name": "Constructeur De Nichoir", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [cavity]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [cavity] ou [star]", + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1020": { + "English name": "Omnivore Specialist", + "Name": "Expert En Omnivores", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [wild]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant sp\u00e9cifiquement 1 ic\u00f4ne [wild] dans leur co\u00fbt en nourriture.", + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1021": { + "English name": "Oologist", + "Name": "Oologiste", + "Condition": "Oiseaux ayant au moins 1 \u0153uf sur eux", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "7-8 oiseaux: 3[point]; 9+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1022": { + "English name": "Passerine Specialist", + "Name": "Sp\u00e9cialiste Des Passereaux", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une envergure de 30 cm ou moins", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1023": { + "English name": "Photographer", + "Name": "Photographe", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec une couleur dans leur nom", + "Explanatory text": "Les couleurs incluent: ardois\u00e9, azur\u00e9, blanc, bleu, bronz\u00e9, brun, cendr\u00e9, gris, indigo, jaune, neigeuse, noir, orang\u00e9, rose, ros\u00e9e, rouge, rouilleux, roux/rousse, rubis, vert, violac\u00e9.", + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 3[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1024": { + "English name": "Platform Builder", + "Name": "Constructeur De Plateforme", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [platform]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [platform] ou [star]", + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1025": { + "English name": "Prairie Manager", + "Name": "Gardien De Prairie", + "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [grassland]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1026": { + "English name": "Rodentologist", + "Name": "Expert En Rongeurs", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [rodent]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [rodent]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", + "VP": "2[point] par oiseau", + "Note": null + }, + "1027": { + "English name": "Visionary Leader", + "Name": "Planificateur", + "Condition": "Cartes Oiseau en main en fin de partie", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5-7 oiseaux: 4[point]; 8+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1028": { + "English name": "Viticulturalist", + "Name": "Viticulteur", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui mangent [fruit]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux avec 1 ic\u00f4ne [fruit]. Ils peuvent aussi avoir d'autres ic\u00f4nes.", + "VP": "2-3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1029": { + "English name": "Wetland Scientist", + "Name": "Scientifique En Zone Humide", + "Condition": "Oiseaux vivant uniquement dans [wetland]", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3-4 oiseaux: 3[point]; 5 oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1030": { + "English name": "Wildlife Gardener", + "Name": "Jardinier Animalier", + "Condition": "Oiseaux avec un nid [bowl]", + "Explanatory text": "Oiseaux ayant un nid de type [bowl] ou [star]", + "VP": "4-5 oiseaux: 4[point]; 6+ oiseaux: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1032": { + "English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", + "Name": "[automa] Auto Percheur", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui valent 3 ou 4 points", + "Explanatory text": "(plus haute valeur en priorit\u00e9).", + "VP": "L'Automate en garde jusqu'\u00e0 2", + "Note": null + }, + "1033": { + "English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", + "Name": "[automa] Membre De La Lpo", + "Condition": "Oiseaux qui valent 5, 6 ou 7 points", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "L'Automate garde celui de plus haute valeur.", + "Note": null + }, + "1034": { + "English name": "Forest Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Foresti\u00e8res", + "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [forest] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1035": { + "English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Sur Les Prairiales", + "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [grassland] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1036": { + "English name": "Mechanical Engineer", + "Name": "Ing\u00e9nieur M\u00e9canique", + "Condition": "S\u00e9ries de nids de 4 types diff\u00e9rents", + "Explanatory text": "[star] sont des jokers, ils comptent comme des nids du type de votre choix. Chaque carte ne compte que pour une s\u00e9rie.", + "VP": "1 s\u00e9rie = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 s\u00e9rie: 3[point]; 2+ s\u00e9rie: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1037": { + "English name": "Site Selection Expert", + "Name": "Expert En Choix D\u2019Emplacement", + "Condition": "Colonnes avec deux ou trois nids du m\u00eame type", + "Explanatory text": "Le type de nid peut \u00eatre diff\u00e9rent d\u2019une colonne \u00e0 l\u2019autre. [star] sont des jokers, mais chacun ne compte qu'une fois.", + "VP": "2 nids identiques dans une colonne: 1[point]; 3 nids identiques dans une colonne: 3[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1038": { + "English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analyste De Donn\u00e9es Mar\u00e9cageuses", + "Condition": "Suite d\u2019oiseaux dans [wetland] avec une envergure croissante ou d\u00e9croissante", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 oiseaux: 3[point]; 4 oiseaux: 5[point]; 5 oiseaux: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1039": { + "English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1040": { + "English name": "Endangered Species Protector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1041": { + "English name": "Forest Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1042": { + "English name": "Forest Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1043": { + "English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1044": { + "English name": "Grassland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1045": { + "English name": "Pellet Dissector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1046": { + "English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1047": { + "English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1048": { + "English name": "Wetland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1049": { + "English name": "Winter Feeder", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1050": { + "English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1051": { + "English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + } + }, + "goals": { + "2000": { + "English name": "Bird in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2001": { + "English name": "Bird in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2002": { + "English name": "Bird in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2013": { + "English name": "Egg in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2014": { + "English name": "Egg in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2017": { + "English name": "Egg in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2010": { + "English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2008": { + "English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2021": { + "English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2022": { + "English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2012": { + "English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2011": { + "English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2015": { + "English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2016": { + "English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2023": { + "English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2024": { + "English name": "Total Bird", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2020": { + "English name": "Food in Supply", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2003": { + "English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2004": { + "English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2006": { + "English name": "Birds with No Eggs", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2005": { + "English name": "Birds in 1 Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2018": { + "English name": "Filled Columns", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2009": { + "English name": "Brown Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2025": { + "English name": "White & No Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2007": { + "English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2019": { + "English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2031": { + "English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2030": { + "English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2033": { + "English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2032": { + "English name": "No Goal", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2026": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Left", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2027": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Right", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2029": { + "English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2028": { + "English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2043": { + "English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2040": { + "English name": "Nest Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2035": { + "English name": "Food Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2041": { + "English name": "Not on Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2042": { + "English name": "On Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2044": { + "English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2036": { + "English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2034": { + "English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2037": { + "English name": "In Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2038": { + "English name": "In Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2039": { + "English name": "In Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2045": { + "English name": "Total Duet Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + } + }, + "other": { + "WHEN ACTIVATED": { + "Translated": "ACTIVATION" + }, + "WHEN PLAYED": { + "Translated": "POSE" + }, + "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": { + "Translated": "1 FOIS ENTRE 2 TOURS" + }, + "ROUND END": { + "Translated": "FIN DE MANCHE" + }, + "GAME END": { + "Translated": "FIN DE PARTIE" + }, + "of cards": { + "Translated": "des cartes" + } + }, + "parameters": { + "Show bonus cards match symbols": { + "Value": false + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/nl.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/nl.json index 15b325a..75cd005 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/nl.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/nl.json @@ -1 +1,5623 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": "Eikelspecht", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": "Amerikaanse kluut", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [ground]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": "Noord-Amerikaanse roerdomp", "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [wetland]-vogels: trek 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": "Amerikaanse meerkoet", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": "Amerikaanse kraai", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": "Goudsijs", "Power text": "pak 3 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": "Amerikaanse torenvalk", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": "Amerikaanse bonte scholekster", "Power text": "trek zoveel [card] als het aantal spelers + 1. Te beginnen bij jou en daarna met de klok mee, kiest iedere speler 1 van deze kaarten en doet die in zijn hand. Jij houdt de overgebleven kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": "Amerikaanse roodstaart", "Power text": "pak 1 [wild] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": "Roodborstlijster", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": "Witte pelikaan", "Power text": "leg 1 [fish] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": "Amerikaanse houtsnip", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": "Amerikaanse slangenhalsvogel", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": "Anna's kolibrie", "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, te beginnen bij de speler naar jouw keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": "Grijskeeltiran", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [cavity]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": "Papegaaiduiker", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": "Audouins meeuw", "Power text": "trek 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel. Stop er 1 van onder deze vogel weg en hou de andere.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": "Bairds gors", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": "Amerikaanse zeearend", "Power text": "pak alle [fish] die in het vogelhuisje liggen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": "Baltimoretroepiaal", "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": "Kerkuil", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": "Boerenzwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": "Gestreepte bosuil", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": "IJslandse brilduiker", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [cavity]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": "Bells vireo", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": "Bandijsvogel", "Power text": "als een andere speler een [wetland]-vogel speelt, pak jij 1 [fish] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": "Bewicks winterkoning", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": "Zwarte roodstaart", "Power text": "kies een leefomgeving zonder [egg]. Leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in die leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": "Amerikaanse schaarbek", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": "Zwarte stern", "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": "Zwarte gier", "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": "Zwarte specht", "Power text": "pak alle [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": "Zwartbuikfluiteend", "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": "Amerikaanse ekster", "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": "Zwartkinkolibrie", "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": "Kwak", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": "Kokmeeuw", "Power text": "steel 1 [wild] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en doe het in je persoonlijke voorraad. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": "Amerikaanse steltkluut", "Power text": "trek 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": "Grutto", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 3 [card] en hou er 1 van.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": "Parelduiker", "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": "Blauwe bisschop", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": "Blauwe gaai", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": "Blauwgrijze muggenvanger", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": "Blauwvleugelzanger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": "Blauwborst", "Power text": "kies een voedselsoort. Iedere speler pakt 1 fiche van deze soort uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": "Bobolink", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [ground]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": "Havikarend", "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": "Rotgans", "Power text": "trek de 3 open [card] in de vogelhouder.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": "Brewers troepiaal", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": "Breedvleugelbuizerd", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": "Roodoogkoevogel", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": "Bruine pelikaan", "Power text": "pak 3 [fish] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": "Bruinkopkoevogel", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": "Goudvink", "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [seed] of 1 [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": "Holenuil", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": "Struikmees", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": "Californische condor", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": "Californische kuifkwartel", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": "Grote Canadese gans", "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": "Grote tafeleend", "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": "Carolinamees", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Carolinawinterkoning", "Power text": "trek 2 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": "Zwarte kraai", "Power text": "kies 1 speler (jezelf mag ook). Bewaar voor elke [predator] die hij heeft 1 [rodent] uit de vooraad op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": "Cassins roodmus", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": "Cassins gors", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": "Cederpestvogel", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": "Azuurzanger", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": "Cetti's zanger", "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": "Roodhalsgors", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": "Woestijnraaf", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 2 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": "Schoorsteengierzwaluw", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": "Musgors", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": "Clarks fuut", "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": "Grijze notenkraker", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": "Zwarte mees", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar het op deze kaart. Je mag [seed] dat op deze kaart ligt op elk moment gebruiken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": "Merel", "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [forest]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": "Buizerd", "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": "Vink", "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in deze leefomgeving. Stop 1 [card] uit je hand onder elk ervan weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": "Tjiftjaf", "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in deze leefomgeving. Stop 1 [card] uit je hand onder elk ervan weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": "Koekoek", "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"leg eieren\"-actie uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]- of [ground] nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": "Brilduiker", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel voor elke andere vogel met een [cavity]-nest die je hebt.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": "Glanstroepiaal", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": "IJsvogel", "Power text": "steel 1 [fish] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": "Woudaap", "Power text": "pak 1 open [card] die in [grassland] kan leven.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": "IJsduiker", "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [wetland]-vogels: trek 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": "Grote zaagbek", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": "Waterhoen", "Power text": "leg 1 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": "Amerikaanse nachtzwaluw", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": "Nachtegaal", "Power text": "kies een voedselsoort. Iedere speler pakt 1 fiche van deze soort uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": "Raaf", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 2 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": "Spreeuw", "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": "Gierzwaluw", "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [invertebrate] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": "Gewone maskerzanger", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": "Coopers sperwer", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": "Corsicaanse boomklever", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": "Grijze junco", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": "Dickcissel", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": "Geoorde aalscholver", "Power text": "leg 1 [fish] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": "Donsspecht", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": "Heggenmus", "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen op zijn [grassland], leg je 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": "Roodkeelsialia", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": "Keizerarend", "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": "Koningstiran", "Power text": "als een andere speler een [forest]-vogel speelt, pak jij 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": "Phoebe", "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": "Oostelijke schreeuwuil", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": "Eleonora's valk", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], leg dan 1 [egg] op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": "Turkse tortel", "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": "Wielewaal", "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"pak voedsel\"-actie uitvoert, pak dan aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": "Groene specht", "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": "Boomvalk", "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": "Gaai", "Power text": "steel 1 [seed] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": "Ekster", "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Bewaar voor elke actiesteen op zijn [grassland] 1 [wild] uit de voorraad op \u00e9\u00e9n van je vogels.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": "Notenkraker", "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in je [forest]. Bewaar op elk ervan 1 [seed] uit je voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": "Boomklever", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar het op deze kaart. Je mag [seed] dat op deze kaart ligt op elk moment gebruiken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": "Sperwer", "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": "Ringmus", "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"pak voedsel\"-actie uitvoert, pak dan aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": "Bijeneter", "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": "Putter", "Power text": "als een andere speler om welke reden dan ook een [card] wegstopt, stop dan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": "Wespendief", "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna alle [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": "Roodborst", "Power text": "neem 1 voedselfiche uit de voorraad van een soort die je deze beurt al hebt gepakt.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": "Scharrelaar", "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [grassland]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": "Zomertortel", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Pak dan 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze of trek 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": "Rosse ruigpootbuizerd", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": "Viskraai", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": "Forsters stern", "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": "Franklins meeuw", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] af om 2 [card] te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": "Goudhaan", "Power text": "leg 1 [card] uit je hand af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": "Steenarend", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": "Sprinkhaangors", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": "Katvogel", "Power text": "herhaal een bruine eigenschap van een andere vogel in deze leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": "Amerikaanse blauwe reiger", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": "Grote kuiftiran", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": "Fuut", "Power text": "trek 1 [card] voor elk leeg veld in deze rij. Hou er aan het einde van je beurt 1 en leg de rest af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": "Grote zilverreiger", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": "Amerikaanse oehoe", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": "Koolmees", "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": "Flamingo", "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen die hij op zijn [wetland] heeft, stop je 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek dan hetzelfde aantal [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": "Prairiehoen", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": "Grote renkoekoek", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 50 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": "Groene reiger", "Power text": "ruil 1 [wild] tegen 1 ander [wild] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": "Blauwe reiger", "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [wetland]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": "Grauwe gans", "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": "Vale gier", "Power text": "kies 1 speler (jezelf mag ook). Bewaar voor elke [predator] die hij heeft 1 [rodent] uit de vooraad op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": "Appelvink", "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": "Heremietlijster", "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [forest]-vogels pakt/pakken 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": "Bonte kraai", "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen die hij op zijn [grassland] heeft, stop je 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek dan hetzelfde aantal [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": "Kokardezaagbek", "Power text": "herhaal een [predator]-eigenschap in deze leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": "Monnikszanger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": "Strandleeuwerik", "Power text": "als een andere speler een [grassland]-vogel speelt, stop jij een [card] uit je hand weg onder deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": "Mexicaanse roodmus", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": "Huismus", "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [seed] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": "Noordelijke huiswinterkoning", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland] of [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": "Incaduif", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [platform]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": "Indigogors", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": "Ridgways mees", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": "Killdeerplevier", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] af om 2 [card] te pakken.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": "Koningsral", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": "Lazuligors", "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [bowl]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [bowl]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": "Braamsluiper", "Power text": "kies een leefomgeving zonder [egg]. Leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in die leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": "Lincolns gors", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": "Kleine trap", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [card] of leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": "Steenuil", "Power text": "steel 1 [rodent] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": "Amerikaanse klapekster", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Voedsel pakken\" uitvoert en ten minste 1 [rodent] pakt, dan pak jij ook 1 [rodent] en bewaar je die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": "Staartmees", "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [forest]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": "Wilde eend", "Power text": "trek 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": "Mississippiwouw", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": "Moltoni's baardgrasmus", "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": "Grauwe kiekendief", "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": "Bergsialia", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": "Gambels mees", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": "Treurduif", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": "Knobbelzwaan", "Power text": "kies 1\u20133 vogels in je [wetland]. Stop onder elk ervan 1 [card] weg. Stop je ten minste 1 kaart weg, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": "Boomkwartel", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": "Rode kardinaal", "Power text": "pak 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": "Gouden grondspecht", "Power text": "pak alle [invertebrate] die in het vogelhuisje liggen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": "Jan-van-gent", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Pak zoveel [fish] uit de voorraad als je hebt geworpen en bewaar die op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": "Havik", "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": "Blauwe kiekendief", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": "Spotlijster", "Power text": "herhaal een bruine eigenschap van een andere vogel in deze leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": "Slobeend", "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": "Visarend", "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [fish] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": "Purpergors", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": "Roodbuikzanger", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": "Grote kruisbek", "Power text": "verwijder 1 [die] naar keuze uit het vogelhuisje. Pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": "Slechtvalk", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": "Dikbekfuut", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": "Noord-Amerikaanse helmspecht", "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [cavity]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [cavity]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": "Dennensijs", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": "Citroenzanger", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": "Amerikaans purperhoen", "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": "Purperzwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": "Dwergboomklever", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [invertebrate] of [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": "Kruisbek", "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": "Rode wouw", "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": "Kanoet", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 3 [card] en hou er 1 van.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": "Grauwe klauwier", "Power text": "steel 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": "Roodbuikspecht", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": "Middelste zaagbek", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": "Canadese boomklever", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": "Kokardespecht", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": "Roodoogvireo", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": "Roodkopspecht", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": "Rode patrijs", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in deze kolom, met inbegrip van deze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": "Roodschouderbuizerd", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": "Roodstaartbuizerd", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": "Epauletspreeuw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": "Ringsnavelmeeuw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Roodborstkardinaal", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": "Rode lepelaar", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": "Roodkroonhaan", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": "Robijnkeelkolibrie", "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, te beginnen bij de speler naar jouw keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": "Rosse stekelstaart", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": "Kemphaan", "Power text": "stop ten hoogste 3 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek 1 [card] voor elke kaart die je hebt weggestopt.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": "Canadese kraanvogel", "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": "Savannahgors", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": "Snor", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Iedere andere speler trekt 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": "Says phoebe", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [bowl]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": "Geschubde kwartel", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": "Zwaluwstaartkoningstiran", "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": "Boomkruiper", "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van een vogel naar keuze af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": "Sneeuwgors", "Power text": "als een andere speler een [card] wegstopt, stop dan 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg en trek aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": "Amerikaanse kleine zilverreiger", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": "Sneeuwuil", "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [card] of leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": "Zanggors", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": "Gevlekte bosuil", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": "Amerikaanse oeverloper", "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": "Gevlekte towie", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": "Prairiepieper", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": "Ralreiger", "Power text": "pak 1 open [card] die in [wetland] kan leven.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": "Stellers gaai", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": "Prairiebuizerd", "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": "Thekla's leeuwerik", "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] uit je voorraad af. Doe je dat, leg dan 2 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": "Boomzwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": "Trompetzwaan", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": "Tweekleurige mees", "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": "Roodkopgier", "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": "Vaux' gierzwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": "Groene zwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": "Geelkaakweidespreeuw", "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [ground]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [ground]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": "Louisianatangare", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": "Ooievaar", "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": "Witte kwikstaart", "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": "Witrugspecht", "Power text": "pak 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": "Witborstboomklever", "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": "Witkruingors", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": "Witmaskeribis", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": "Waterspreeuw", "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": "Bonte gierzwaluw", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": "Trompetkraanvogel", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": "Kalkoen", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": "Willet", "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": "Amerikaanse watersnip", "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": "Wilsons stormvogeltje", "Power text": "trek 1 [card] voor elk leeg veld in deze rij. Hou er aan het einde van je beurt 1 en leg de rest af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": "Carolina-eend", "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": "Kaalkopooievaar", "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": "Geelbuiksapspecht", "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": "Geelsnavelkoekoek", "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": "Geelborstzanger", "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": "Geelkoptroepiaal", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": "Mirtezanger", "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": "Geelgors", "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "272": {"English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "273": {"English name": "Black Noddy", "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "274": {"English name": "Black Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "275": {"English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "276": {"English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "277": {"English name": "Brolga", "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "278": {"English name": "Brown Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "279": {"English name": "Budgerigar", "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "280": {"English name": "Cockatiel", "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "281": {"English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "282": {"English name": "Crested Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "283": {"English name": "Crimson Chat", "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "284": {"English name": "Eastern Rosella", "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "285": {"English name": "Eastern Whipbird", "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "286": {"English name": "Emu", "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "287": {"English name": "Galah", "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "288": {"English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "289": {"English name": "Gould's Finch", "Scientific 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"Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "294": {"English name": "Grey Warbler", "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "295": {"English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "296": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "297": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "298": {"English name": 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"Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "397": {"English name": "Greater Adjutant", "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "398": {"English name": "Green Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "399": {"English name": "Green Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "400": {"English name": "Himalayan Monal", "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "401": {"English name": "House Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "402": {"English name": "Ibisbill", "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "403": {"English name": "Indian Peafowl", "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "404": {"English name": "Indian Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "405": {"English name": "Large-Billed Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "406": {"English name": "Little Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "407": {"English name": "Little Grebe", "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "408": {"English name": "Little Ringed Plover", "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "409": {"English name": "Mandarin Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "410": {"English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "411": {"English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "412": {"English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "413": {"English name": "Philippine Eagle", "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "414": {"English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "415": {"English name": "Purple Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "416": {"English name": "Red Avadavat", "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "417": {"English name": "Red Junglefowl", "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "418": {"English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "419": {"English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "420": {"English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "421": {"English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "422": {"English name": "Rock Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Columba livia", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "423": {"English name": "Rook", "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "424": {"English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "425": {"English name": "Rosy Starling", "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "426": {"English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "427": {"English name": "Sarus Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "428": {"English name": "Satyr Tragopan", "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "429": {"English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "430": {"English name": "Small Minivet", "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "431": {"English name": "Smew", "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "432": {"English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "433": {"English name": "Spotted Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "434": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "435": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "436": {"English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "437": {"English name": "Trumpeter Finch", "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "438": {"English name": "Twite", "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "439": {"English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "440": {"English name": "Violet Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "441": {"English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "442": {"English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "443": {"English name": "White-Headed Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "444": {"English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "445": {"English name": "Willow Tit", "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "446": {"English name": "Yellow Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "447": {"English name": "Zebra Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}}, "bonuses": {"1000": {"English name": "Anatomist", "Name": "Ontleedkundige", "Condition": "Vogels met lichaamsdelen in hun naam", "Explanatory text": "Onder lichaamsdelen vallen been, bek, borst, buik, eikel, hals, kaak, keel, kop, oog, oor, schouder, snavel, staart, teen, vleugel.", "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1001": {"English name": "Backyard Birder", "Name": "Achtertuinvogelaar", "Condition": "Vogels die minder dan 4 punten waard zijn", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5 of 6 vogels: 3[point], 7+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1002": {"English name": "Behaviorist", "Name": "Gedragswetenschapper", "Condition": "Voor elke kolom waarin vogels met eigenschappen in 3 verschillende kleuren liggen (bijvoorbeeld bruin, wit, roze, blauwgroen):", "Explanatory text": "Vogels zonder eigenschap gelden als wit.", "VP": "3[point] per kolom", "Note": null}, "1003": {"English name": "Bird Bander", "Name": "Vogelringer", "Condition": "Vogels die in meerdere leefomgevingen kunnen leven", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1004": {"English name": "Bird Counter", "Name": "Vogelteller", "Condition": "Vogels met een [flocking]-eigenschap", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1005": {"English name": "Bird Feeder", "Name": "Vogelvoeder", "Condition": "Vogels die [seed] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [seed]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", "VP": "5, 6 of 7 vogels: 3[point]; 8+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1006": {"English name": "Breeding Manager", "Name": "Broedmanager", "Condition": "Vogels waarop ten minste 4 eieren liggen", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "1[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1007": {"English name": "Cartographer", "Name": "Kaartenmaker", "Condition": "Vogels met gebiedsgerelateerde termen in hun namen", "Explanatory text": "Onder gebiedsgerelateerde namen vallen Amerikaans, Baltimore, berg, Californisch, Canadees, Carolina, \u0132slandse, Inca, Louisiana, Mexicaans, Mississippi, prairie, savannah, woestijn.", "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 4[point]; 5+ vogels: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1008": {"English name": "Citizen Scientist", "Name": "Burgerwetenschapper", "Condition": "Vogels met weggestopte kaarten", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 - 6 vogels: 3[point]; 7+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1009": {"English name": "Diet Specialist", "Name": "Dieetspecialist", "Condition": "Vogels met voedselkosten van 3 voedsel", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2 - 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1010": {"English name": "Ecologist", "Name": "Ecoloog", "Condition": "Aantal vogels ini je leefomgeving met de minste vogels", "Explanatory text": "Bij een gellijke stand: heb je bijvoorbeeld in elke leefomgeving 3 vogels, dan bevat je leefomgeving met de minste vogels er 3.", "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1011": {"English name": "Enclosure Builder", "Name": "Gebiedsomheiner", "Condition": "Vogels met [ground]-nesten", "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [ground]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1012": {"English name": "Ethologist", "Name": "Etholoog", "Condition": "In \u00e9\u00e9n leefomgevinig naar keuze:", "Explanatory text": "(bijvoobeeld bruin, wit, roze, blauwgroen)\\nVogels zonder eigenschap gelden als wit.", "VP": "2[point] per eigenschapskleur", "Note": null}, "1013": {"English name": "Falconer", "Name": "Valkenier", "Condition": "Vogels met een [predator]-eigenschap", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1014": {"English name": "Fishery Manager", "Name": "Visserijbeheerder", "Condition": "Vogels die [fish] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [fish]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1015": {"English name": "Food Web Expert", "Name": "Voedselwebexpert", "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend [invertebrate] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [invertebrate]-symbool en geen andere voedselsymbolen.", "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1016": {"English name": "Forester", "Name": "Boswachter", "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [forest] kunnen leven", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 4[point]; 5 vogels: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1017": {"English name": "Historian", "Name": "Historicus", "Condition": "Vogels die naar een persoon zijn vernoemd", "Explanatory text": "Onder deze categorie vallen Anna's, Bairds, Bells, Bewicks, Brewers, Cassins, Clarks, Coopers, Forsters, Franklins, Gambels, Lincolns, Says, Stellers.", "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1018": {"English name": "Large Bird Specialist", "Name": "\"Grote Vogel\"-Specialist", "Condition": "Vogels met vleugelwijdten boven 65 cm", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1019": {"English name": "Nest Box Builder", "Name": "Nestkastenbouwer", "Condition": "Vogels met [cavity]-nesten", "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [cavity]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1020": {"English name": "Omnivore Specialist", "Name": "Allesetersdeskundige", "Condition": "Vogels die [wild] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel die een [wild]-symbool als onderdeel van zijn voedselkosten heeft.", "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1021": {"English name": "Oologist", "Name": "Broedkundige", "Condition": "Vogels waar ten minste 1 ei op ligt", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "7 of 8 vogels: 3[point]; 9+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1022": {"English name": "Passerine Specialist", "Name": "Zangvogelspecalist", "Condition": "Vogels met vleugelwijdten van 30 cm of minder", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1023": {"English name": "Photographer", "Name": "Fotograaf", "Condition": "Vogels met kleuren in hun namen", "Explanatory text": "Onder kleuren vallen azuur, blauw, bont, bruin, citroen, geel, goud, grijs, groen, indigo, lazuli, purper, robijn, rood, rosse, tweekleurig, wit, zilver, zwart.", "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1024": {"English name": "Platform Builder", "Name": "Platformbouwer", "Condition": "Vogels met [platform]-nesten", "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [platform]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1025": {"English name": "Prairie Manager", "Name": "Prairiebeheerder", "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [grassland] kunnen leven", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1026": {"English name": "Rodentologist", "Name": "Knaagdierenexpert", "Condition": "Vogels die [rodent] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [rodent]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", "VP": "2[point] per vogel", "Note": null}, "1027": {"English name": "Visionary Leader", "Name": "Visionair Leider", "Condition": "Vogelkaarten in de hand aan het einde van het spel", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5, 6 of 7 vogels: 4[point]; 8+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1028": {"English name": "Viticulturalist", "Name": "Wijnbouwer", "Condition": "Vogels die [fruit] eten", "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [fruit]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1029": {"English name": "Wetland Scientist", "Name": "Moeraswetenschapper", "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [wetland] kunnen leven", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 3[point]; 5 vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1030": {"English name": "Wildlife Gardener", "Name": "Heemtuinier", "Condition": "Vogels met [bowl]-nesten", "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [bowl]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1032": {"English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", "Name": "[automa] Auvogelaar", "Condition": "Vogels die 3 of 4 punten waard zijn.", "Explanatory text": "De Automa houdt er ten hoogste 2 (hogere waarde eerst).", "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1033": {"English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", "Name": "[automa] RASPB Erelid", "Condition": "Vogels die 5, 6 of 7 punten waard zijn.", "Explanatory text": "De Automa houdt er ten hoogste \u00e9\u00e9n (die met de hoogste waarde).", "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1034": {"English name": "Forest Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1035": {"English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1036": {"English name": "Mechanical Engineer", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1037": {"English name": "Site Selection Expert", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1038": {"English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1039": {"English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1040": {"English name": "Endangered Species Protector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1041": {"English name": "Forest Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1042": {"English name": "Forest Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1043": {"English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1044": {"English name": "Grassland Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1045": {"English name": "Pellet Dissector", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1046": {"English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1047": {"English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1048": {"English name": "Wetland Ranger", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1049": {"English name": "Winter Feeder", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1050": {"English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}, "1051": {"English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory text": null, "VP": null, "Note": null}}, "goals": {"2000": {"English name": "Bird in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2001": {"English name": "Bird in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2002": {"English name": "Bird in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2013": {"English name": "Egg in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2014": {"English name": "Egg in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2017": {"English name": "Egg in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2010": {"English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2008": {"English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2021": {"English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2022": {"English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2012": {"English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2011": {"English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2015": {"English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2016": {"English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2023": {"English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2024": {"English name": "Total Bird", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2020": {"English name": "Food in Supply", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2003": {"English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2004": {"English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2006": {"English name": "Birds with No Eggs", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2005": {"English name": "Birds in 1 Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2018": {"English name": "Filled Columns", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2009": {"English name": "Brown Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2025": {"English name": "White & No Powers", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2007": {"English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2019": {"English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2031": {"English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2030": {"English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2033": {"English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2032": {"English name": "No Goal", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2026": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Left", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2027": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Right", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2029": {"English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2028": {"English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2043": {"English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2040": {"English name": "Nest Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2035": {"English name": "Food Symbols", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2041": {"English name": "Not on Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2042": {"English name": "On Edge of Map", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2044": {"English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2036": {"English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2034": {"English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2037": {"English name": "In Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2038": {"English name": "In Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2039": {"English name": "In Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}, "2045": {"English name": "Total Duet Tokens", "Name": null, "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": null}}, "other": {"WHEN ACTIVATED": {"Translated": "ALS GEACTIVEERD"}, "WHEN PLAYED": {"Translated": "ALS GESPEELD"}, "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": {"Translated": "EENMALIG TUSSEN BEURTEN"}, "ROUND END": {"Translated": "EINDE RONDE"}, "GAME END": {"Translated": null}, "of cards": {"Translated": "van de kaarten"}}, "parameters": {"Show bonus cards match symbols": {"Value": false}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "birds": { + "2": { + "English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", + "Common name": "Eikelspecht", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "3": { + "English name": "American Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse kluut", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [ground]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "4": { + "English name": "American Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", + "Common name": "Noord-Amerikaanse roerdomp", + "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [wetland]-vogels: trek 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "5": { + "English name": "American Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse meerkoet", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "6": { + "English name": "American Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse kraai", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "7": { + "English name": "American Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", + "Common name": "Goudsijs", + "Power text": "pak 3 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "8": { + "English name": "American Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse torenvalk", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "9": { + "English name": "American Oystercatcher", + "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse bonte scholekster", + "Power text": "trek zoveel [card] als het aantal spelers + 1. Te beginnen bij jou en daarna met de klok mee, kiest iedere speler 1 van deze kaarten en doet die in zijn hand. Jij houdt de overgebleven kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "10": { + "English name": "American Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse roodstaart", + "Power text": "pak 1 [wild] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "11": { + "English name": "American Robin", + "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", + "Common name": "Roodborstlijster", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "12": { + "English name": "American White Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Witte pelikaan", + "Power text": "leg 1 [fish] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "13": { + "English name": "American Woodcock", + "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse houtsnip", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "14": { + "English name": "Anhinga", + "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse slangenhalsvogel", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "15": { + "English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", + "Common name": "Anna's kolibrie", + "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, te beginnen bij de speler naar jouw keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "16": { + "English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", + "Common name": "Grijskeeltiran", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [cavity]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "17": { + "English name": "Atlantic Puffin", + "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", + "Common name": "Papegaaiduiker", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "18": { + "English name": "Audouin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", + "Common name": "Audouins meeuw", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel. Stop er 1 van onder deze vogel weg en hou de andere.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "19": { + "English name": "Baird's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", + "Common name": "Bairds gors", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "20": { + "English name": "Bald Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse zeearend", + "Power text": "pak alle [fish] die in het vogelhuisje liggen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "21": { + "English name": "Baltimore Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", + "Common name": "Baltimoretroepiaal", + "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "22": { + "English name": "Barn Owl", + "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", + "Common name": "Kerkuil", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "23": { + "English name": "Barn Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", + "Common name": "Boerenzwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "24": { + "English name": "Barred Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix varia", + "Common name": "Gestreepte bosuil", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "25": { + "English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", + "Common name": "IJslandse brilduiker", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [cavity]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "26": { + "English name": "Bell's Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", + "Common name": "Bells vireo", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "27": { + "English name": "Belted Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", + "Common name": "Bandijsvogel", + "Power text": "als een andere speler een [wetland]-vogel speelt, pak jij 1 [fish] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "28": { + "English name": "Bewick's Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", + "Common name": "Bewicks winterkoning", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "29": { + "English name": "Black Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", + "Common name": "Zwarte roodstaart", + "Power text": "kies een leefomgeving zonder [egg]. Leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in die leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "30": { + "English name": "Black Skimmer", + "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse schaarbek", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "31": { + "English name": "Black Tern", + "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", + "Common name": "Zwarte stern", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "32": { + "English name": "Black Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", + "Common name": "Zwarte gier", + "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "33": { + "English name": "Black Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", + "Common name": "Zwarte specht", + "Power text": "pak alle [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "34": { + "English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", + "Common name": "Zwartbuikfluiteend", + "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "35": { + "English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse ekster", + "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "36": { + "English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", + "Common name": "Zwartkinkolibrie", + "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "37": { + "English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", + "Common name": "Kwak", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "38": { + "English name": "Black-Headed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", + "Common name": "Kokmeeuw", + "Power text": "steel 1 [wild] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en doe het in je persoonlijke voorraad. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "39": { + "English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", + "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse steltkluut", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "40": { + "English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", + "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", + "Common name": "Grutto", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 3 [card] en hou er 1 van.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "41": { + "English name": "Black-Throated Diver", + "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", + "Common name": "Parelduiker", + "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "42": { + "English name": "Blue Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", + "Common name": "Blauwe bisschop", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "43": { + "English name": "Blue Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", + "Common name": "Blauwe gaai", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "44": { + "English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", + "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", + "Common name": "Blauwgrijze muggenvanger", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "45": { + "English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", + "Common name": "Blauwvleugelzanger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "46": { + "English name": "Bluethroat", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", + "Common name": "Blauwborst", + "Power text": "kies een voedselsoort. Iedere speler pakt 1 fiche van deze soort uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "47": { + "English name": "Bobolink", + "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", + "Common name": "Bobolink", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [ground]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "48": { + "English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", + "Common name": "Havikarend", + "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "49": { + "English name": "Brant", + "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", + "Common name": "Rotgans", + "Power text": "trek de 3 open [card] in de vogelhouder.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "50": { + "English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", + "Common name": "Brewers troepiaal", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "51": { + "English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", + "Common name": "Breedvleugelbuizerd", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "52": { + "English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", + "Common name": "Roodoogkoevogel", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "53": { + "English name": "Brown Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", + "Common name": "Bruine pelikaan", + "Power text": "pak 3 [fish] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "54": { + "English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", + "Common name": "Bruinkopkoevogel", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "55": { + "English name": "Bullfinch", + "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", + "Common name": "Goudvink", + "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [seed] of 1 [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "56": { + "English name": "Burrowing Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", + "Common name": "Holenuil", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "57": { + "English name": "Bushtit", + "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", + "Common name": "Struikmees", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "58": { + "English name": "California Condor", + "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", + "Common name": "Californische condor", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "59": { + "English name": "California Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", + "Common name": "Californische kuifkwartel", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "60": { + "English name": "Canada Goose", + "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", + "Common name": "Grote Canadese gans", + "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "61": { + "English name": "Canvasback", + "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", + "Common name": "Grote tafeleend", + "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "62": { + "English name": "Carolina Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", + "Common name": "Carolinamees", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "63": { + "English name": "Carolina Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Carolinawinterkoning", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "64": { + "English name": "Carrion Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", + "Common name": "Zwarte kraai", + "Power text": "kies 1 speler (jezelf mag ook). Bewaar voor elke [predator] die hij heeft 1 [rodent] uit de vooraad op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "65": { + "English name": "Cassin's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", + "Common name": "Cassins roodmus", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "66": { + "English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", + "Common name": "Cassins gors", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "67": { + "English name": "Cedar Waxwing", + "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", + "Common name": "Cederpestvogel", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "68": { + "English name": "Cerulean Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", + "Common name": "Azuurzanger", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "69": { + "English name": "Cetti's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", + "Common name": "Cetti's zanger", + "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "70": { + "English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", + "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", + "Common name": "Roodhalsgors", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "71": { + "English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", + "Common name": "Woestijnraaf", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 2 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "72": { + "English name": "Chimney Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", + "Common name": "Schoorsteengierzwaluw", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "73": { + "English name": "Chipping Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", + "Common name": "Musgors", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "74": { + "English name": "Clark's Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", + "Common name": "Clarks fuut", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "75": { + "English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", + "Common name": "Grijze notenkraker", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "76": { + "English name": "Coal Tit", + "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", + "Common name": "Zwarte mees", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar het op deze kaart. Je mag [seed] dat op deze kaart ligt op elk moment gebruiken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "77": { + "English name": "Common Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", + "Common name": "Merel", + "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [forest]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "78": { + "English name": "Common Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", + "Common name": "Buizerd", + "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "79": { + "English name": "Common Chaffinch", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", + "Common name": "Vink", + "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in deze leefomgeving. Stop 1 [card] uit je hand onder elk ervan weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "80": { + "English name": "Common Chiffchaff", + "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", + "Common name": "Tjiftjaf", + "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in deze leefomgeving. Stop 1 [card] uit je hand onder elk ervan weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "81": { + "English name": "Common Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", + "Common name": "Koekoek", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"leg eieren\"-actie uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]- of [ground] nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "82": { + "English name": "Common Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", + "Common name": "Brilduiker", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel voor elke andere vogel met een [cavity]-nest die je hebt.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "83": { + "English name": "Common Grackle", + "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", + "Common name": "Glanstroepiaal", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "84": { + "English name": "Common Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", + "Common name": "IJsvogel", + "Power text": "steel 1 [fish] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "85": { + "English name": "Common Little Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", + "Common name": "Woudaap", + "Power text": "pak 1 open [card] die in [grassland] kan leven.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "86": { + "English name": "Common Loon", + "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", + "Common name": "IJsduiker", + "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [wetland]-vogels: trek 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "87": { + "English name": "Common Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", + "Common name": "Grote zaagbek", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "88": { + "English name": "Common Moorhen", + "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", + "Common name": "Waterhoen", + "Power text": "leg 1 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "89": { + "English name": "Common Nighthawk", + "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse nachtzwaluw", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "90": { + "English name": "Common Nightingale", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", + "Common name": "Nachtegaal", + "Power text": "kies een voedselsoort. Iedere speler pakt 1 fiche van deze soort uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "91": { + "English name": "Common Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", + "Common name": "Raaf", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 2 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "92": { + "English name": "Common Starling", + "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", + "Common name": "Spreeuw", + "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "93": { + "English name": "Common Swift", + "Scientific name": "Apus apus", + "Common name": "Gierzwaluw", + "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [invertebrate] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "94": { + "English name": "Common Yellowthroat", + "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", + "Common name": "Gewone maskerzanger", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "95": { + "English name": "Cooper's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", + "Common name": "Coopers sperwer", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "96": { + "English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", + "Common name": "Corsicaanse boomklever", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "97": { + "English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", + "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", + "Common name": "Grijze junco", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "98": { + "English name": "Dickcissel", + "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", + "Common name": "Dickcissel", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "99": { + "English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", + "Common name": "Geoorde aalscholver", + "Power text": "leg 1 [fish] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "100": { + "English name": "Downy Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", + "Common name": "Donsspecht", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "101": { + "English name": "Dunnock", + "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", + "Common name": "Heggenmus", + "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen op zijn [grassland], leg je 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "102": { + "English name": "Eastern Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", + "Common name": "Roodkeelsialia", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "103": { + "English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", + "Common name": "Keizerarend", + "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "104": { + "English name": "Eastern Kingbird", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", + "Common name": "Koningstiran", + "Power text": "als een andere speler een [forest]-vogel speelt, pak jij 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "105": { + "English name": "Eastern Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", + "Common name": "Phoebe", + "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "106": { + "English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", + "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", + "Common name": "Oostelijke schreeuwuil", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "107": { + "English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", + "Common name": "Eleonora's valk", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], leg dan 1 [egg] op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "108": { + "English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", + "Common name": "Turkse tortel", + "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [wild] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "109": { + "English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", + "Common name": "Wielewaal", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"pak voedsel\"-actie uitvoert, pak dan aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "110": { + "English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", + "Common name": "Groene specht", + "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "111": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hobby", + "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", + "Common name": "Boomvalk", + "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "112": { + "English name": "Eurasian Jay", + "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", + "Common name": "Gaai", + "Power text": "steel 1 [seed] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "113": { + "English name": "Eurasian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica pica", + "Common name": "Ekster", + "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Bewaar voor elke actiesteen op zijn [grassland] 1 [wild] uit de voorraad op \u00e9\u00e9n van je vogels.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "114": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", + "Common name": "Notenkraker", + "Power text": "kies 1\u20135 vogels in je [forest]. Bewaar op elk ervan 1 [seed] uit je voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "115": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", + "Common name": "Boomklever", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar het op deze kaart. Je mag [seed] dat op deze kaart ligt op elk moment gebruiken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "116": { + "English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", + "Common name": "Sperwer", + "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "117": { + "English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", + "Common name": "Ringmus", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de \"pak voedsel\"-actie uitvoert, pak dan aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "118": { + "English name": "European Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", + "Common name": "Bijeneter", + "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "119": { + "English name": "European Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", + "Common name": "Putter", + "Power text": "als een andere speler om welke reden dan ook een [card] wegstopt, stop dan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "120": { + "English name": "European Honey Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", + "Common name": "Wespendief", + "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna alle [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "121": { + "English name": "European Robin", + "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", + "Common name": "Roodborst", + "Power text": "neem 1 voedselfiche uit de voorraad van een soort die je deze beurt al hebt gepakt.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "122": { + "English name": "European Roller", + "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", + "Common name": "Scharrelaar", + "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [grassland]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "123": { + "English name": "European Turtle Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", + "Common name": "Zomertortel", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Pak dan 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze of trek 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "124": { + "English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", + "Common name": "Rosse ruigpootbuizerd", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "125": { + "English name": "Fish Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", + "Common name": "Viskraai", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van \u00e9\u00e9n van je andere vogels af om 1 [wild] uit de voorraad te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "126": { + "English name": "Forster's Tern", + "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", + "Common name": "Forsters stern", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "127": { + "English name": "Franklin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", + "Common name": "Franklins meeuw", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] af om 2 [card] te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "128": { + "English name": "Goldcrest", + "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", + "Common name": "Goudhaan", + "Power text": "leg 1 [card] uit je hand af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "129": { + "English name": "Golden Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", + "Common name": "Steenarend", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "130": { + "English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", + "Common name": "Sprinkhaangors", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "131": { + "English name": "Gray Catbird", + "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", + "Common name": "Katvogel", + "Power text": "herhaal een bruine eigenschap van een andere vogel in deze leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "132": { + "English name": "Great Blue Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse blauwe reiger", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "133": { + "English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", + "Common name": "Grote kuiftiran", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "134": { + "English name": "Great Crested Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", + "Common name": "Fuut", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card] voor elk leeg veld in deze rij. Hou er aan het einde van je beurt 1 en leg de rest af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "135": { + "English name": "Great Egret", + "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", + "Common name": "Grote zilverreiger", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [wetland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "136": { + "English name": "Great Horned Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse oehoe", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "137": { + "English name": "Great Tit", + "Scientific name": "Parus major", + "Common name": "Koolmees", + "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "138": { + "English name": "Greater Flamingo", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", + "Common name": "Flamingo", + "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen die hij op zijn [wetland] heeft, stop je 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek dan hetzelfde aantal [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "139": { + "English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", + "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", + "Common name": "Prairiehoen", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "140": { + "English name": "Greater Roadrunner", + "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", + "Common name": "Grote renkoekoek", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 50 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "141": { + "English name": "Green Heron", + "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", + "Common name": "Groene reiger", + "Power text": "ruil 1 [wild] tegen 1 ander [wild] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "142": { + "English name": "Grey Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", + "Common name": "Blauwe reiger", + "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [wetland]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "143": { + "English name": "Greylag Goose", + "Scientific name": "Anser anser", + "Common name": "Grauwe gans", + "Power text": "als deze vogel aan de voorwaarden van het \"Einde ronde\"-doel voldoet, telt hij dubbel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "144": { + "English name": "Griffon Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", + "Common name": "Vale gier", + "Power text": "kies 1 speler (jezelf mag ook). Bewaar voor elke [predator] die hij heeft 1 [rodent] uit de vooraad op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "145": { + "English name": "Hawfinch", + "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", + "Common name": "Appelvink", + "Power text": "gooi alle dobbelstenen opnieuw in het vogelhuisje. Doe je dat, dan pak je daarna 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "146": { + "English name": "Hermit Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", + "Common name": "Heremietlijster", + "Power text": "de speler(s) met de minste [forest]-vogels pakt/pakken 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "147": { + "English name": "Hooded Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", + "Common name": "Bonte kraai", + "Power text": "kies 1 andere speler. Voor elke actiesteen die hij op zijn [grassland] heeft, stop je 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek dan hetzelfde aantal [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "148": { + "English name": "Hooded Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", + "Common name": "Kokardezaagbek", + "Power text": "herhaal een [predator]-eigenschap in deze leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "149": { + "English name": "Hooded Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", + "Common name": "Monnikszanger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "150": { + "English name": "Horned Lark", + "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", + "Common name": "Strandleeuwerik", + "Power text": "als een andere speler een [grassland]-vogel speelt, stop jij een [card] uit je hand weg onder deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "151": { + "English name": "House Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", + "Common name": "Mexicaanse roodmus", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "152": { + "English name": "House Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", + "Common name": "Huismus", + "Power text": "leg ten hoogste 5 [seed] uit je voorraad af. Stop voor elk ervan 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "153": { + "English name": "House Wren", + "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", + "Common name": "Noordelijke huiswinterkoning", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland] of [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "154": { + "English name": "Inca Dove", + "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", + "Common name": "Incaduif", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [platform]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "155": { + "English name": "Indigo Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", + "Common name": "Indigogors", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "156": { + "English name": "Juniper Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", + "Common name": "Ridgways mees", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "157": { + "English name": "Killdeer", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", + "Common name": "Killdeerplevier", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] af om 2 [card] te pakken.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "158": { + "English name": "King Rail", + "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", + "Common name": "Koningsral", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "159": { + "English name": "Lazuli Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", + "Common name": "Lazuligors", + "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [bowl]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [bowl]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "160": { + "English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", + "Common name": "Braamsluiper", + "Power text": "kies een leefomgeving zonder [egg]. Leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in die leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "161": { + "English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", + "Common name": "Lincolns gors", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "162": { + "English name": "Little Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", + "Common name": "Kleine trap", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [card] of leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "163": { + "English name": "Little Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", + "Common name": "Steenuil", + "Power text": "steel 1 [rodent] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "164": { + "English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse klapekster", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Voedsel pakken\" uitvoert en ten minste 1 [rodent] pakt, dan pak jij ook 1 [rodent] en bewaar je die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "165": { + "English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", + "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", + "Common name": "Staartmees", + "Power text": "leg deze vogel horizontaal neer, zodat deze 2 [forest]-velden bedekt. Betaal de lagere eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "166": { + "English name": "Mallard", + "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Wilde eend", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "167": { + "English name": "Mississippi Kite", + "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", + "Common name": "Mississippiwouw", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [rodent], pak dan 1 [rodent] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "168": { + "English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", + "Common name": "Moltoni's baardgrasmus", + "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "169": { + "English name": "Montagu's Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", + "Common name": "Grauwe kiekendief", + "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "170": { + "English name": "Mountain Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", + "Common name": "Bergsialia", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "171": { + "English name": "Mountain Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", + "Common name": "Gambels mees", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "172": { + "English name": "Mourning Dove", + "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", + "Common name": "Treurduif", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "173": { + "English name": "Mute Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", + "Common name": "Knobbelzwaan", + "Power text": "kies 1\u20133 vogels in je [wetland]. Stop onder elk ervan 1 [card] weg. Stop je ten minste 1 kaart weg, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "174": { + "English name": "Northern Bobwhite", + "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", + "Common name": "Boomkwartel", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "175": { + "English name": "Northern Cardinal", + "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", + "Common name": "Rode kardinaal", + "Power text": "pak 1 [fruit] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "176": { + "English name": "Northern Flicker", + "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", + "Common name": "Gouden grondspecht", + "Power text": "pak alle [invertebrate] die in het vogelhuisje liggen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "177": { + "English name": "Northern Gannet", + "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", + "Common name": "Jan-van-gent", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Pak zoveel [fish] uit de voorraad als je hebt geworpen en bewaar die op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "178": { + "English name": "Northern Goshawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", + "Common name": "Havik", + "Power text": "voor elke [rodent] in de kosten van deze vogel mag je in plaats daarvan 1 [card] uit je hand betalen. Doe je dat, stop de betaalde [card] dan onder deze kaart weg.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "179": { + "English name": "Northern Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", + "Common name": "Blauwe kiekendief", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "180": { + "English name": "Northern Mockingbird", + "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", + "Common name": "Spotlijster", + "Power text": "herhaal een bruine eigenschap van een andere vogel in deze leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "181": { + "English name": "Northern Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", + "Common name": "Slobeend", + "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "182": { + "English name": "Osprey", + "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", + "Common name": "Visarend", + "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [fish] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "183": { + "English name": "Painted Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", + "Common name": "Purpergors", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "184": { + "English name": "Painted Whitestart", + "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", + "Common name": "Roodbuikzanger", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "185": { + "English name": "Parrot Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", + "Common name": "Grote kruisbek", + "Power text": "verwijder 1 [die] naar keuze uit het vogelhuisje. Pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "186": { + "English name": "Peregrine Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", + "Common name": "Slechtvalk", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 100 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "187": { + "English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", + "Common name": "Dikbekfuut", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "188": { + "English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", + "Common name": "Noord-Amerikaanse helmspecht", + "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [cavity]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [cavity]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "189": { + "English name": "Pine Siskin", + "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", + "Common name": "Dennensijs", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "190": { + "English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", + "Common name": "Citroenzanger", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "191": { + "English name": "Purple Gallinule", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", + "Common name": "Amerikaans purperhoen", + "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "192": { + "English name": "Purple Martin", + "Scientific name": "Progne subis", + "Common name": "Purperzwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "193": { + "English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", + "Common name": "Dwergboomklever", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [invertebrate] of [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "194": { + "English name": "Red Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", + "Common name": "Kruisbek", + "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "195": { + "English name": "Red Kite", + "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", + "Common name": "Rode wouw", + "Power text": "in plaats van kosten te betalen, mag je deze vogel op een andere vogel op je tableau leggen. Leg eventuele eieren en voedsel erop af. De onderste vogel wordt een weggestopte kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "196": { + "English name": "Red Knot", + "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", + "Common name": "Kanoet", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 3 [card] en hou er 1 van.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "197": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", + "Common name": "Grauwe klauwier", + "Power text": "steel 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad van een andere speler en bewaar het op deze kaart. Hij pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "198": { + "English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", + "Common name": "Roodbuikspecht", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "199": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", + "Common name": "Middelste zaagbek", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "200": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", + "Common name": "Canadese boomklever", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "201": { + "English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", + "Common name": "Kokardespecht", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "202": { + "English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", + "Common name": "Roodoogvireo", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "203": { + "English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", + "Common name": "Roodkopspecht", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "204": { + "English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", + "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", + "Common name": "Rode patrijs", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elke vogel in deze kolom, met inbegrip van deze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "205": { + "English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", + "Common name": "Roodschouderbuizerd", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "206": { + "English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Roodstaartbuizerd", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "207": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", + "Common name": "Epauletspreeuw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "208": { + "English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", + "Common name": "Ringsnavelmeeuw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "209": { + "English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Roodborstkardinaal", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "210": { + "English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", + "Common name": "Rode lepelaar", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "211": { + "English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", + "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", + "Common name": "Roodkroonhaan", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "212": { + "English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", + "Common name": "Robijnkeelkolibrie", + "Power text": "iedere speler pakt 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje, te beginnen bij de speler naar jouw keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "213": { + "English name": "Ruddy Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Rosse stekelstaart", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "214": { + "English name": "Ruff", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", + "Common name": "Kemphaan", + "Power text": "stop ten hoogste 3 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Trek 1 [card] voor elke kaart die je hebt weggestopt.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "215": { + "English name": "Sandhill Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", + "Common name": "Canadese kraanvogel", + "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] af om 2 [card] van de gedekte stapel onder deze vogel weg te stoppen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "216": { + "English name": "Savannah Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", + "Common name": "Savannahgors", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [grassland]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "217": { + "English name": "Savi's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", + "Common name": "Snor", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Iedere andere speler trekt 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "218": { + "English name": "Say's Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", + "Common name": "Says phoebe", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op elk van je vogels met een [bowl]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "219": { + "English name": "Scaled Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", + "Common name": "Geschubde kwartel", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "220": { + "English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", + "Common name": "Zwaluwstaartkoningstiran", + "Power text": "alle spelers pakken 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "221": { + "English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", + "Common name": "Boomkruiper", + "Power text": "leg 1 [egg] van een vogel naar keuze af. Doe je dat, speel dan nog een vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "222": { + "English name": "Snow Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", + "Common name": "Sneeuwgors", + "Power text": "als een andere speler een [card] wegstopt, stop dan 1 [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg en trek aan het einde van zijn beurt 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "223": { + "English name": "Snowy Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse kleine zilverreiger", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "224": { + "English name": "Snowy Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", + "Common name": "Sneeuwuil", + "Power text": "trek 1 nieuwe bonuskaart. Trek dan 1 [card] of leg 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "225": { + "English name": "Song Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", + "Common name": "Zanggors", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "226": { + "English name": "Spotted Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", + "Common name": "Gevlekte bosuil", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "227": { + "English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse oeverloper", + "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "228": { + "English name": "Spotted Towhee", + "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", + "Common name": "Gevlekte towie", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "229": { + "English name": "Sprague's Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", + "Common name": "Prairiepieper", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "230": { + "English name": "Squacco Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", + "Common name": "Ralreiger", + "Power text": "pak 1 open [card] die in [wetland] kan leven.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "231": { + "English name": "Steller's Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", + "Common name": "Stellers gaai", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit het vogelhuisje (indien beschikbaar). Je mag die op deze kaart bewaren.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "232": { + "English name": "Swainson's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", + "Common name": "Prairiebuizerd", + "Power text": "bekijk een [card] van de gedekte stapel. Is die < 75 cm, stop hem dan weg onder deze kaart. Zo niet, leg hem dan af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "233": { + "English name": "Thekla's Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", + "Common name": "Thekla's leeuwerik", + "Power text": "leg 1 [seed] uit je voorraad af. Doe je dat, leg dan 2 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "234": { + "English name": "Tree Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", + "Common name": "Boomzwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "235": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", + "Common name": "Trompetzwaan", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "236": { + "English name": "Tufted Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", + "Common name": "Tweekleurige mees", + "Power text": "speel een tweede vogel in je [forest]. Betaal de normale kosten ervan.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "237": { + "English name": "Turkey Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", + "Common name": "Roodkopgier", + "Power text": "als een [predator] van een andere speler lukt, pak jij 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "238": { + "English name": "Vaux's Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", + "Common name": "Vaux' gierzwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, pak dan 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "239": { + "English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", + "Common name": "Groene zwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "240": { + "English name": "Western Meadowlark", + "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", + "Common name": "Geelkaakweidespreeuw", + "Power text": "alle spelers leggen 1 [egg] op een [ground]-vogel naar keuze. Jij mag daarnaast nog 1 [egg] op 1 andere [ground]-vogel naar keuze leggen.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "241": { + "English name": "Western Tanager", + "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", + "Common name": "Louisianatangare", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] of [fruit] uit het vogelhuisje, indien beschikbaar.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "242": { + "English name": "White Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", + "Common name": "Ooievaar", + "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "243": { + "English name": "White Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", + "Common name": "Witte kwikstaart", + "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "244": { + "English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", + "Common name": "Witrugspecht", + "Power text": "pak 1 [die] uit het vogelhuisje.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "245": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", + "Common name": "Witborstboomklever", + "Power text": "pak 1 [seed] uit de voorraad en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "246": { + "English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", + "Common name": "Witkruingors", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "247": { + "English name": "White-Faced Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", + "Common name": "Witmaskeribis", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "248": { + "English name": "White-Throated Dipper", + "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", + "Common name": "Waterspreeuw", + "Power text": "leg alle resterende open [card] af en vul de vogelhouder aan. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 van de nieuwe open [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "249": { + "English name": "White-Throated Swift", + "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", + "Common name": "Bonte gierzwaluw", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan 1 [egg] op een vogel naar keuze.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "250": { + "English name": "Whooping Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus americana", + "Common name": "Trompetkraanvogel", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "251": { + "English name": "Wild Turkey", + "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", + "Common name": "Kalkoen", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "252": { + "English name": "Willet", + "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", + "Common name": "Willet", + "Power text": "werp alle dobbelstenen die niet in het vogelhuisje liggen. Gooi je ten minste 1 [fish], pak dan 1 [fish] en bewaar die op deze kaart.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "253": { + "English name": "Wilson's Snipe", + "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", + "Common name": "Amerikaanse watersnip", + "Power text": "alle spelers trekken 1 [card] van de gedekte stapel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "254": { + "English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", + "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", + "Common name": "Wilsons stormvogeltje", + "Power text": "trek 1 [card] voor elk leeg veld in deze rij. Hou er aan het einde van je beurt 1 en leg de rest af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "255": { + "English name": "Wood Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", + "Common name": "Carolina-eend", + "Power text": "trek 2 [card]. Doe je dat, leg dan aan het einde van je beurt 1 [card] uit je hand af.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "256": { + "English name": "Wood Stork", + "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", + "Common name": "Kaalkopooievaar", + "Power text": "trek 2 nieuwe bonuskaarten en houd er 1.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "257": { + "English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", + "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", + "Common name": "Geelbuiksapspecht", + "Power text": "pak 1 [invertebrate] uit de voorraad.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "258": { + "English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", + "Common name": "Geelsnavelkoekoek", + "Power text": "als een andere speler de actie \"Eieren leggen\" uitvoert, legt deze vogel 1 [egg] op een andere vogel met een [bowl]-nest.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "259": { + "English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", + "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", + "Common name": "Geelborstzanger", + "Power text": "als deze vogel zich rechts van alle andere vogels in zijn leefomgeving bevindt, verplaats deze dan naar een andere leefomgeving.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "260": { + "English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", + "Common name": "Geelkoptroepiaal", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, leg dan ook 1 [egg] op deze vogel.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "261": { + "English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", + "Common name": "Mirtezanger", + "Power text": "stop een [card] uit je hand onder deze vogel weg. Doe je dat, trek dan 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "262": { + "English name": "Yellowhammer", + "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", + "Common name": "Geelgors", + "Power text": "heb je deze ronde alle 4 soorten acties uitgevoerd, speel dan nog een vogel. Betaal de gebruikelijke voedsel- en eikosten.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "263": { + "English name": "Abbott's Booby", + "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "264": { + "English name": "Australasian Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "265": { + "English name": "Australasian Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "266": { + "English name": "Australian Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", + 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australis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "271": { + "English name": "Australian Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "272": { + "English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", + "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "273": { + "English name": "Black Noddy", + "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "274": { + "English name": "Black Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "275": { + "English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", + "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "276": { + "English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "277": { + "English name": "Brolga", + "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "278": { + "English name": "Brown Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "279": { + "English name": "Budgerigar", + "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "280": { + "English name": "Cockatiel", + "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "281": { + "English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", + "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "282": { + "English name": "Crested Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "283": { + "English name": "Crimson Chat", + "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "284": { + "English name": "Eastern Rosella", + "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "285": { + "English name": "Eastern Whipbird", + "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "286": { + "English name": "Emu", + "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "287": { + "English name": "Galah", + "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "288": { + "English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", + "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "289": { + "English name": "Gould's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "290": { + "English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", + "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "291": { + "English name": "Grey Butcherbird", + "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "292": { + "English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", + "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "293": { + "English name": "Grey Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "294": { + "English name": "Grey Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "295": { + "English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "296": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "297": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", + "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "298": { + "English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "299": { + "English name": "Kea", + "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "300": { + "English name": "Kelp Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "301": { + "English name": "Kerer\u016b", + "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "302": { + "English name": "Korimako", + "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "303": { + "English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", + "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "304": { + "English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", + "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "305": { + "English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "306": { + "English name": "Little Penguin", + "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "307": { + "English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "308": { + "English name": "Magpie-Lark", + "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "309": { + "English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "310": { + "English name": "Malleefowl", + "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "311": { + "English name": "Maned Duck", + "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "312": { + "English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", + "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "313": { + "English name": "Masked Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "314": { + "English name": "Mistletoebird", + "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "315": { + "English name": "Musk Duck", + "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "316": { + "English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "317": { + "English name": "Noisy Miner", + "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "318": { + "English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", + "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + 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name": "Amandava amandava", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "417": { + "English name": "Red Junglefowl", + "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "418": { + "English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "419": { + "English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", + "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "420": { + "English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "421": { + "English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", + "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "422": { + "English name": "Rock Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Columba livia", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "423": { + "English name": "Rook", + "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "424": { + "English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", + "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "425": { + "English name": "Rosy Starling", + "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "426": { + "English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "427": { + "English name": "Sarus Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "428": { + "English name": "Satyr Tragopan", + "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "429": { + "English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "430": { + "English name": "Small Minivet", + "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "431": { + "English name": "Smew", + "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "432": { + "English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "433": { + "English name": "Spotted Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "434": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "435": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "436": { + "English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "437": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Finch", + "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "438": { + "English name": "Twite", + "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "439": { + "English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "440": { + "English name": "Violet Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "441": { + "English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "442": { + "English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", + "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "443": { + "English name": "White-Headed Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "444": { + "English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "445": { + "English name": "Willow Tit", + "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "446": { + "English name": "Yellow Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "447": { + "English name": "Zebra Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", + "Common name": null, + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + } + }, + "bonuses": { + "1000": { + "English name": "Anatomist", + "Name": "Ontleedkundige", + "Condition": "Vogels met lichaamsdelen in hun naam", + "Explanatory text": "Onder lichaamsdelen vallen been, bek, borst, buik, eikel, hals, kaak, keel, kop, oog, oor, schouder, snavel, staart, teen, vleugel.", + "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1001": { + "English name": "Backyard Birder", + "Name": "Achtertuinvogelaar", + "Condition": "Vogels die minder dan 4 punten waard zijn", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5 of 6 vogels: 3[point], 7+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1002": { + "English name": "Behaviorist", + "Name": "Gedragswetenschapper", + "Condition": "Voor elke kolom waarin vogels met eigenschappen in 3 verschillende kleuren liggen (bijvoorbeeld bruin, wit, roze, blauwgroen):", + "Explanatory text": "Vogels zonder eigenschap gelden als wit.", + "VP": "3[point] per kolom", + "Note": null + }, + "1003": { + "English name": "Bird Bander", + "Name": "Vogelringer", + "Condition": "Vogels die in meerdere leefomgevingen kunnen leven", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1004": { + "English name": "Bird Counter", + "Name": "Vogelteller", + "Condition": "Vogels met een [flocking]-eigenschap", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1005": { + "English name": "Bird Feeder", + "Name": "Vogelvoeder", + "Condition": "Vogels die [seed] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [seed]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", + "VP": "5, 6 of 7 vogels: 3[point]; 8+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1006": { + "English name": "Breeding Manager", + "Name": "Broedmanager", + "Condition": "Vogels waarop ten minste 4 eieren liggen", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "1[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1007": { + "English name": "Cartographer", + "Name": "Kaartenmaker", + "Condition": "Vogels met gebiedsgerelateerde termen in hun namen", + "Explanatory text": "Onder gebiedsgerelateerde namen vallen Amerikaans, Baltimore, berg, Californisch, Canadees, Carolina, \u0132slandse, Inca, Louisiana, Mexicaans, Mississippi, prairie, savannah, woestijn.", + "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 4[point]; 5+ vogels: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1008": { + "English name": "Citizen Scientist", + "Name": "Burgerwetenschapper", + "Condition": "Vogels met weggestopte kaarten", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 - 6 vogels: 3[point]; 7+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1009": { + "English name": "Diet Specialist", + "Name": "Dieetspecialist", + "Condition": "Vogels met voedselkosten van 3 voedsel", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2 - 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1010": { + "English name": "Ecologist", + "Name": "Ecoloog", + "Condition": "Aantal vogels ini je leefomgeving met de minste vogels", + "Explanatory text": "Bij een gellijke stand: heb je bijvoorbeeld in elke leefomgeving 3 vogels, dan bevat je leefomgeving met de minste vogels er 3.", + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1011": { + "English name": "Enclosure Builder", + "Name": "Gebiedsomheiner", + "Condition": "Vogels met [ground]-nesten", + "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [ground]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1012": { + "English name": "Ethologist", + "Name": "Etholoog", + "Condition": "In \u00e9\u00e9n leefomgevinig naar keuze:", + "Explanatory text": "(bijvoobeeld bruin, wit, roze, blauwgroen)\\nVogels zonder eigenschap gelden als wit.", + "VP": "2[point] per eigenschapskleur", + "Note": null + }, + "1013": { + "English name": "Falconer", + "Name": "Valkenier", + "Condition": "Vogels met een [predator]-eigenschap", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1014": { + "English name": "Fishery Manager", + "Name": "Visserijbeheerder", + "Condition": "Vogels die [fish] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [fish]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", + "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1015": { + "English name": "Food Web Expert", + "Name": "Voedselwebexpert", + "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend [invertebrate] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [invertebrate]-symbool en geen andere voedselsymbolen.", + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1016": { + "English name": "Forester", + "Name": "Boswachter", + "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [forest] kunnen leven", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 4[point]; 5 vogels: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1017": { + "English name": "Historian", + "Name": "Historicus", + "Condition": "Vogels die naar een persoon zijn vernoemd", + "Explanatory text": "Onder deze categorie vallen Anna's, Bairds, Bells, Bewicks, Brewers, Cassins, Clarks, Coopers, Forsters, Franklins, Gambels, Lincolns, Says, Stellers.", + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1018": { + "English name": "Large Bird Specialist", + "Name": "\"Grote Vogel\"-Specialist", + "Condition": "Vogels met vleugelwijdten boven 65 cm", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1019": { + "English name": "Nest Box Builder", + "Name": "Nestkastenbouwer", + "Condition": "Vogels met [cavity]-nesten", + "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [cavity]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1020": { + "English name": "Omnivore Specialist", + "Name": "Allesetersdeskundige", + "Condition": "Vogels die [wild] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel die een [wild]-symbool als onderdeel van zijn voedselkosten heeft.", + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1021": { + "English name": "Oologist", + "Name": "Broedkundige", + "Condition": "Vogels waar ten minste 1 ei op ligt", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "7 of 8 vogels: 3[point]; 9+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1022": { + "English name": "Passerine Specialist", + "Name": "Zangvogelspecalist", + "Condition": "Vogels met vleugelwijdten van 30 cm of minder", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1023": { + "English name": "Photographer", + "Name": "Fotograaf", + "Condition": "Vogels met kleuren in hun namen", + "Explanatory text": "Onder kleuren vallen azuur, blauw, bont, bruin, citroen, geel, goud, grijs, groen, indigo, lazuli, purper, robijn, rood, rosse, tweekleurig, wit, zilver, zwart.", + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 3[point]; 6+ vogels: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1024": { + "English name": "Platform Builder", + "Name": "Platformbouwer", + "Condition": "Vogels met [platform]-nesten", + "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [platform]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1025": { + "English name": "Prairie Manager", + "Name": "Prairiebeheerder", + "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [grassland] kunnen leven", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1026": { + "English name": "Rodentologist", + "Name": "Knaagdierenexpert", + "Condition": "Vogels die [rodent] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [rodent]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", + "VP": "2[point] per vogel", + "Note": null + }, + "1027": { + "English name": "Visionary Leader", + "Name": "Visionair Leider", + "Condition": "Vogelkaarten in de hand aan het einde van het spel", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5, 6 of 7 vogels: 4[point]; 8+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1028": { + "English name": "Viticulturalist", + "Name": "Wijnbouwer", + "Condition": "Vogels die [fruit] eten", + "Explanatory text": "Elke vogel met een [fruit]-symbool. De vogel mag daarnaast andere soorten voedsel eten.", + "VP": "2 of 3 vogels: 3[point]; 4+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1029": { + "English name": "Wetland Scientist", + "Name": "Moeraswetenschapper", + "Condition": "Vogels die uitsluitend in [wetland] kunnen leven", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3 of 4 vogels: 3[point]; 5 vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1030": { + "English name": "Wildlife Gardener", + "Name": "Heemtuinier", + "Condition": "Vogels met [bowl]-nesten", + "Explanatory text": "De vogels moeten een [bowl]- of [star]-nestsymbool hebben.", + "VP": "4 of 5 vogels: 4[point]; 6+ vogels: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1032": { + "English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", + "Name": "[automa] Auvogelaar", + "Condition": "Vogels die 3 of 4 punten waard zijn.", + "Explanatory text": "De Automa houdt er ten hoogste 2 (hogere waarde eerst).", + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1033": { + "English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", + "Name": "[automa] RASPB Erelid", + "Condition": "Vogels die 5, 6 of 7 punten waard zijn.", + "Explanatory text": "De Automa houdt er ten hoogste \u00e9\u00e9n (die met de hoogste waarde).", + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1034": { + "English name": "Forest Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1035": { + "English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1036": { + "English name": "Mechanical Engineer", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1037": { + "English name": "Site Selection Expert", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1038": { + "English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1039": { + "English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1040": { + "English name": "Endangered Species Protector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1041": { + "English name": "Forest Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1042": { + "English name": "Forest Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1043": { + "English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1044": { + "English name": "Grassland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1045": { + "English name": "Pellet Dissector", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1046": { + "English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1047": { + "English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1048": { + "English name": "Wetland Ranger", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1049": { + "English name": "Winter Feeder", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1050": { + "English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + }, + "1051": { + "English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": null, + "Note": null + } + }, + "goals": { + "2000": { + "English name": "Bird in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2001": { + "English name": "Bird in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2002": { + "English name": "Bird in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2013": { + "English name": "Egg in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2014": { + "English name": "Egg in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2017": { + "English name": "Egg in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2010": { + "English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2008": { + "English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2021": { + "English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2022": { + "English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2012": { + "English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2011": { + "English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2015": { + "English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2016": { + "English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2023": { + "English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2024": { + "English name": "Total Bird", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2020": { + "English name": "Food in Supply", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2003": { + "English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2004": { + "English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2006": { + "English name": "Birds with No Eggs", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2005": { + "English name": "Birds in 1 Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2018": { + "English name": "Filled Columns", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2009": { + "English name": "Brown Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2025": { + "English name": "White & No Powers", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2007": { + "English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2019": { + "English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2031": { + "English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2030": { + "English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2033": { + "English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2032": { + "English name": "No Goal", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2026": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Left", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2027": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Right", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2029": { + "English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2028": { + "English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2043": { + "English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2040": { + "English name": "Nest Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2035": { + "English name": "Food Symbols", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2041": { + "English name": "Not on Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2042": { + "English name": "On Edge of Map", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2044": { + "English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2036": { + "English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2034": { + "English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2037": { + "English name": "In Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2038": { + "English name": "In Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2039": { + "English name": "In Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2045": { + "English name": "Total Duet Tokens", + "Name": null, + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": null + } + }, + "other": { + "WHEN ACTIVATED": { + "Translated": "ALS GEACTIVEERD" + }, + "WHEN PLAYED": { + "Translated": "ALS GESPEELD" + }, + "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": { + "Translated": "EENMALIG TUSSEN BEURTEN" + }, + "ROUND END": { + "Translated": "EINDE RONDE" + }, + "GAME END": { + "Translated": null + }, + "of cards": { + "Translated": "van de kaarten" + } + }, + "parameters": { + "Show bonus cards match symbols": { + "Value": false + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/pl.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/pl.json index 731d77e..4784727 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/pl.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/pl.json @@ -1 +1,5623 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur \u017bo\u0142\u0119dziowy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": "Szablodzi\u00f3b Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [ground] na karcie innego ptaka.", "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": "B\u0105k Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] dobiera(j\u0105) 1 [card].", "Note": "Je\u015bli gracze remisuj\u0105 w najmniejszej liczbie ptak\u00f3w mokrad\u0142owych, wszyscy oni dobieraj\u0105 kart\u0119, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 dobra\u0107 karty ze stosu lub odkryte z tacki (je\u015bli jakie\u015b s\u0105).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": "\u0141yska Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": "Wrona Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": "Czy\u017c Z\u0142otawy", "Power text": "We\u017a 3 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": "Pustu\u0142ka Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": "Ostrygojad Brunatny", "Power text": "Dobierz [card] w liczbie r\u00f3wnej liczbie graczy +1. Nast\u0119pnie, pocz\u0105wszy od siebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, ka\u017cdy gracz bierze na r\u0119k\u0119 1 z tych kart. Otrzymujesz te\u017c ostatni\u0105 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Dobierz karty ze stosu tak, aby\u015b mia\u0142 zestaw kart licz\u0105cy o 1 sztuk\u0119 wi\u0119cej, ni\u017c wynosi liczba graczy. Ka\u017cdy gracz wybiera jedn\u0105 kart\u0119 z tego zestawu, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i kieruj\u0105c si\u0119 w lewo. Ty bierzesz tak\u017ce ostatni\u0105 kart\u0119, kt\u00f3ra zosta\u0142a.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka szkar\u0142atna", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [wild] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": "Drozd W\u0119drowny", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": "Pelikan Dzioborogi", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [fish], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": "S\u0142onka Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": "W\u0119\u017c\u00f3wka Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": "Koliberek \u017barog\u0142owy", "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz otrzymuje 1 [die] z karmnika, zaczynaj\u0105c od gracza wybranego przez Ciebie.", "Note": "W\u0142a\u015bciciel kolibra decyduje, kto otrzymuje po\u017cywienie jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania. Gracze mog\u0105 nape\u0142nia\u0107 karmnik, gdy opustoszeje, a tak\u017ce gdy wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol (dotyczy tak\u017ce pojedynczej kostki).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": "Mucho\u0142ap Mysi", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [cavity].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": "Maskonur Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": "Mewa \u015ar\u00f3dziemnomorska", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Wsu\u0144 1 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 i zatrzymaj drug\u0105.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": "Bagiennik \u0141\u0105kowy", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": "Bielik Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": "Kacyk P\u00f3\u0142nocny", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": "P\u0142omyk\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": "Dym\u00f3wka", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": "Puszczyk Kreskowany", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": "Sierpiec", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [cavity] na karcie innego ptaka.", "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": "Wireonek Skromny", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": "Rybaczek Popielaty", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [wetland], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Aktywujesz te zdolno\u015bci, gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZagraj kart\u0119 ptaka\u201d i zagrywa kart\u0119 w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie jest aktywowana, gdy ptak innego gracza przenosi si\u0119 do innego siedliska dzi\u0119ki swojej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk Myszaty", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": "Kopciuszek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Wybierz siedlisko bez \u017cadnych [egg]. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie w tym siedlisku.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": "Brzytwodzi\u00f3b Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": "Rybitwa Czarna", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": "S\u0119pnik Czarny", "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Czarny", "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107, a nast\u0119pnie wzi\u0105\u0107 wszystkie bezkr\u0119gowce.
Po zdobyciu po\u017cywienia dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci przestaje ona dzia\u0142a\u0107 w tej turze. To oznacza, \u017ce je\u015bli w wyniku dzia\u0142ania tej zdolno\u015bci karmnik opustoszeje i nape\u0142nisz go ponownie, nie otrzymujesz dodatkowego po\u017cywienia po jego nape\u0142nieniu. Je\u015bli po wzi\u0119ciu wszystkich bezkr\u0119gowc\u00f3w z karmnika wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, nie mo\u017cesz opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 karmnika i ponownie go nape\u0142ni\u0107, aby dobra\u0107 wi\u0119cej po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": "Drzewica Czarnobrzucha", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": "Sroka Czarnodzioba", "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": "Koliberek czarnobrody", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": "\u015alepowron Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": "Mewa \u015amieszka", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i dodaj do swoich zasob\u00f3w. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": "Szczud\u0142ak Bia\u0142obrewy", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": "Rycyk", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 3 [card] i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": "Nur Czarnoszyi", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk B\u0142\u0119kitny", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": "Modros\u00f3jka B\u0142\u0119kitna", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": "Siwuszka Ciemnobrewa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Niebieskoskrzyd\u0142a", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": "Podr\u00f3\u017cniczek", "Power text": "Wybierz rodzaj po\u017cywienia. Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 \u017ceton tego po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": "Ry\u017cojad", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Po\u0142udniowy", "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": "Bernikla Obro\u017cna", "Power text": "Dobierz 3 odkryte [card] z tacki.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": "Kacykarzyk Purpurowy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Szerokoskrzyd\u0142y", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": "Starzyk Czarny", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": "Pelikan Brunatny", "Power text": "We\u017a 3 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": "Starzyk Brunatnog\u0142owy", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": "Gil", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [seed] albo 1 [fruit] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Ziemna", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": "Raniuszek Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": "Kondor Kalifornijski", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r Kalifornijski", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": "Bernikla Kanadyjska", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": "G\u0142owienka D\u0142ugodzioba", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": "Sikora Karoli\u0144ska", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk Karoli\u0144ski", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": "Czarnowron", "Power text": "Wybierz dowolnego gracza (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105). Za ka\u017cdego [predator], kt\u00f3rego ma ten gracz, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": "Dziwuszka Czerwonoczelna", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": "Polniczek Szary", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": "Jemio\u0142uszka Cedrowa", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Niebieska", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": "Wierzb\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": "Po\u015bwierka Czarnobrzucha", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": "Kruk Meksyka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": "Kominiarczyk Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": "Spizela Bia\u0142obrewa", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": "Perkoz \u017b\u00f3\u0142todzioby", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": "Orzech\u00f3wka Popielata", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": "Sosn\u00f3wka", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. W dowolnym momencie mo\u017cesz wyda\u0107 [seed] przechowywane na tej karcie.", "Note": "[seed] przechowywane na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 do Twoich zasob\u00f3w w kontek\u015bcie cel\u00f3w obowi\u0105zuj\u0105cych na koniec rundy, ale mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do zagrywania kolejnych ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": "Kos Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": "Zi\u0119ba Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": "Pierwiosnek", "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": "Kuku\u0142ka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] na karcie innego ptaka w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] albo [ground].", "Note": "W przypadku zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka symbol [star] liczy si\u0119 jako [bowl] i [ground].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": "G\u0105go\u0142", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cdego innego ptaka z gniazdem [cavity], kt\u00f3rego posiadasz.", "Note": "W przypadku zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka symbol [star] liczy si\u0119 jako [cavity].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": "Wilgowron Mniejszy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": "Zimorodek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": "B\u0105czek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [grassland].", "Note": "Je\u015bli nie jest dost\u0119pna \u017cadna [card] z tym rodzajem siedliska, nie bierzesz karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": "Nur Lodowiec", "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] dobiera(j\u0105) 1 [card].", "Note": "Je\u015bli gracze remisuj\u0105 w najmniejszej liczbie ptak\u00f3w mokrad\u0142owych, wszyscy oni dobieraj\u0105 kart\u0119, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 dobra\u0107 karty ze stosu lub odkryte z tacki (je\u015bli jakie\u015b s\u0105).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": "Nurog\u0119\u015b", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": "Kokoszka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": "Lelczyk Ma\u0142y", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": "S\u0142owik Rdzawy", "Power text": "Wybierz rodzaj po\u017cywienia. Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 \u017ceton tego po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": "Kruk Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": "Szpak Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": "Jerzyk Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": "Cytrynka Czarnolica", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": "Krogulec Czarno\u0142bisty", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": "Kowalik Korsyka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": "Junko Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Czarnogard\u0142y", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": "Kormoran Rogaty", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [fish], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Kosmaty", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": "P\u0142ochacz Pokrzywnica", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": "B\u0142\u0119kitnik Rudogard\u0142y", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Cesarski", "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": "Tyran P\u00f3\u0142nocny", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [forest], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Aktywujesz te zdolno\u015bci, gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZagraj kart\u0119 ptaka\u201d i zagrywa kart\u0119 w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie jest aktywowana, gdy ptak innego gracza przenosi si\u0119 do innego siedliska dzi\u0119ki swojej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": "Fibik Oliwkowy", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": "Syczo\u0144 Krzykliwy", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 Skalny", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": "Sierp\u00f3wka", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": "Wilga Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo 1 [fruit] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Zielony", "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": "Kobuz", "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": "S\u00f3jka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": "Sroka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] we\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do przechowywania po\u017cywienia na ptakach, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": "Orzech\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w swoim [forest]. We\u017a tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj po 1 [seed] na karcie ka\u017cdego z nich.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do przechowywania po\u017cywienia na ptakach, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": "Kowalik Zwyczajny", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. W dowolnym momencie mo\u017cesz wyda\u0107 [seed] przechowywane na tej karcie.", "Note": "[seed] przechowywane na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 do Twoich zasob\u00f3w w kontek\u015bcie cel\u00f3w obowi\u0105zuj\u0105cych na koniec rundy, ale mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do zagrywania kolejnych ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": "Krogulec Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Zamiast [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3r\u0105 zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": "Mazurek", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": "\u017bo\u0142na Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": "Szczygie\u0142", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz z jakiegokolwiek powodu wsuwa [card], wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": "Trzmielojad Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": "Rudzik", "Power text": "We\u017a z zasob\u00f3w 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia rodzaju, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c w tej rundzie otrzyma\u0142e\u015b.", "Note": "Mo\u017ce to by\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3ry pozyska\u0142e\u015b z karmnika w ramach akcji \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d albo aktywuj\u0105c zdolno\u015b\u0107 innego ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": "Kraska Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": "Turkawka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka albo dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Kr\u00f3lewski", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": "Wrona Rybo\u017cerna", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": "Rybitwa Czarnoucha", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": "Mewa Preriowa", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 2 [card].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (zwr\u00f3cenie jaja do zasob\u00f3w). Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, je\u015bli jeszcze nie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b \u017cadnych jaj.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": "Mysikr\u00f3lik Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Przedni", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": "Preri\u00f3wek Plamisty", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": "Przedrze\u017aniacz Ciemny", "Power text": "Aktywuj ponownie jedn\u0105 z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innego ptaka w tym siedlisku.", "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": "Czapla Modra", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": "Mucho\u0142ap Czubaty", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika, je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": "Perkoz Dwuczuby", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cde puste pole w tym rz\u0119dzie. Na koniec swojej tury zachowaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby trzyma\u0107 te karty oddzielnie i nie \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 ich z innymi dobieranymi kartami ani z kartami na r\u0119ce. Nie mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 tych kart w bie\u017c\u0105cej turze. Aby nie hamowa\u0107 gry, mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty podczas tur kolejnych graczy.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": "Czapla Bia\u0142a", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": "Puchacz Wirginijski", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": "Bogatka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": "Flaming R\u00f3\u017cowy", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [wetland] wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie tyle kart, ile wynosi liczba kostek akcji wybranego gracza w danym siedlisku.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": "Preriokur Dwuczuby", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": "Kukawka Kalifornijska", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <50 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": "Czapla Zielona", "Power text": "Wymie\u0144 1 [wild] na dowolny inny [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": "Czapla Siwa", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": "G\u0119gawa", "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": "S\u0119p P\u0142owy", "Power text": "Wybierz dowolnego gracza (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105). Za ka\u017cdego [predator], kt\u00f3rego ma ten gracz, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": "Grubodzi\u00f3b Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": "Drozdek Samotny", "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [forest] bierze/bior\u0105 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy remisuje w kategorii najmniejszej liczby le\u015bnych ptak\u00f3w, wszyscy u\u017cywaj\u0105 tej zdolno\u015bci. Ty wybierasz, kto u\u017cywa jej jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": "Wrona Siwa", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie tyle kart, ile wynosi liczba kostek akcji wybranego gracza w danym siedlisku.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": "Kapturnik", "Power text": "Skorzystaj ponownie z 1 zdolno\u015bci [predator] w tym siedlisku.", "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka \u017b\u00f3\u0142toczelna", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": "G\u00f3rniczek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [grassland], wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": "Dziwuszka Ogrodowa", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": "Wr\u00f3bel Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk \u015apiewny", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland] albo [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": "\u0141uskowiak Aztecki", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Indygowy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": "Sikora Mysia", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": "SIeweczka Krzykliwa", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 2 [card].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (zwr\u00f3cenie jaja do zasob\u00f3w). Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, je\u015bli jeszcze nie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b \u017cadnych jaj.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": "Wodnik Kr\u00f3lewski", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Lazurowy", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [bowl]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [bowl].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": "Pieg\u017ca", "Power text": "Wybierz siedlisko bez \u017cadnych [egg]. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie w tym siedlisku.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": "Pas\u00f3wka P\u0142owa", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": "Strepet", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] albo z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": "Dzierzba Siwa", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d i pobiera jak\u0105kolwiek liczb\u0119 [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": "Raniuszek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": "Krzy\u017c\u00f3wka", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": "Cykadojad Jasnog\u0142owy", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": "Gaj\u00f3wka Moltoniego", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": "B\u0142otniak \u0141\u0105kowy", "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": "B\u0142\u0119kitnik G\u00f3rski", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": "Sikora G\u00f3rska", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0119biak D\u0142ugosterny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Niemy", "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20133 kart ptak\u00f3w w swoim [wetland]. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci. Dobierasz tylko 1 [card] niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile kart wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r Wirginijski", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": "Kardyna\u0142 Szkar\u0142atny", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 R\u00f3\u017cowoszyi", "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": "G\u0142uptak Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. We\u017a z zasob\u00f3w tyle [fish], ile wyrzuci\u0142e\u015b [fish] na ko\u015bciach i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": "Jastrz\u0105b Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": "B\u0142otniak Zbo\u017cowy", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": "Przedrze\u017aniacz P\u00f3\u0142nocny", "Power text": "Aktywuj ponownie jedn\u0105 z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innego ptaka w tym siedlisku.", "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": "P\u0142askonos Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": "Rybo\u0142\u00f3w Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Wielobarwny", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": "Plesz\u00f3wka Bia\u0142oskrzyd\u0142a", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": "Krzy\u017codzi\u00f3b Sosnowy", "Power text": "Usu\u0144 1 dowoln\u0105 [die] z karmnika. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Otrzymujesz [seed] bez wzgl\u0119du na to, jak\u0105 ko\u015b\u0107 po\u017cywienia usun\u0105\u0142e\u015b z karmnika.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 W\u0119drowny", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": "Perkoz Grubodzioby", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Smugoszyi", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [cavity]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [cavity].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": "Czy\u017c Sosnowy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": "Bursztynka", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": "Su\u0142tanka Ameryka\u0144ska", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": "Jask\u00f3\u0142czak Modry", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": "Kowalik Ma\u0142y", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": "Krzy\u017codzi\u00f3b \u015awierkowy", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": "Kania Ruda", "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": "Biegus Rdzawy", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 3 [card] i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": "G\u0105siorek", "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur Czerwonobrzuchy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": "Szlachar", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": "Kowalik Czarnog\u0142owy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Skromny", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": "Wireonek Czerwonooki", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur Krasnog\u0142owy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": "Kuropatwa Czerwona", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w tej kolumnie, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Rdzawoskrzyd\u0142y", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Rdzawosterny", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": "Epoletnik Krasnoskrzyd\u0142y", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": "Mewa Delawarska", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": "\u0141uszcz Strojny", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": "Warz\u0119cha R\u00f3\u017cowa", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": "Ogniczek", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": "Koliberek Rubinobrody", "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz otrzymuje 1 [die] z karmnika, zaczynaj\u0105c od gracza wybranego przez Ciebie.", "Note": "W\u0142a\u015bciciel kolibra decyduje, kto otrzymuje po\u017cywienie jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania. Gracze mog\u0105 nape\u0142nia\u0107 karmnik, gdy opustoszeje, a tak\u017ce gdy wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol (dotyczy tak\u017ce pojedynczej kostki).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": "Sterniczka Jamajska", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": "Batalion", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": "\u017buraw Kanadyjski", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": "Bagiennik \u017b\u00f3\u0142tobrewy", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": "Brz\u0119czka", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 odkryte karty lub karty ze stosu. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 dobiera\u0107 karty tylko ze stosu.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": "Fibik P\u00f3\u0142nocny", "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [bowl].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r \u0141uskowany", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": "Tyran R\u00f3\u017cany", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": "Pe\u0142zacz Ogrodowy", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z dowolnego ptaka. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": "\u015aniegu\u0142a Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz z jakiegokolwiek powodu wsuwa [card], wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] na koniec jego tury.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": "Czapla \u015anie\u017cna", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": "Puchacz \u015anie\u017cny", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] albo z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": "Szarobrewka \u015apiewna", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": "Puszczyk Plamisty", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": "Brodziec Plamisty", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": "Pipil Czarnogrzbiety", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": "\u015awiergotek Preriowy", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": "Czapla Modronosa", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland].", "Note": "Je\u015bli nie jest dost\u0119pna \u017cadna [card] z tym rodzajem siedliska, nie bierzesz karty.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": "Modros\u00f3jka Czarnog\u0142owa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Preriowy", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": "Dzierlatka Iberyjska", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": "Nadobniczka Drzewna", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Tr\u0105bi\u0105cy", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": "Sikora Dwubarwna", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": "S\u0119pnik R\u00f3\u017cowog\u0142owy", "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": "Kominiarczyk Szarobrzuchy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": "Nadobniczka Bia\u0142oskrzyd\u0142a", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": "Wojak \u017b\u00f3\u0142togard\u0142y", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [ground]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [ground].", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": "Piranga \u017b\u00f3\u0142torzytna", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": "Bocian Bia\u0142y", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": "Pliszka Siwa", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Bia\u0142ogrzbiety", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem [die].", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": "Kowalik Karoli\u0144ski", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": "Pas\u00f3wka Bia\u0142obrewa", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": "Ibis Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": "Pluszcz Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": "Aeronauta Bia\u0142ogard\u0142y", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": "\u017buraw Krzykliwy", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": "Indyk Zwyczajny", "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": "B\u0142otowiec", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": "Bekas Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": "Oceannik \u017b\u00f3\u0142top\u0142etwy", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cde puste pole w tym rz\u0119dzie. Na koniec swojej tury zachowaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby trzyma\u0107 te karty oddzielnie i nie \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 ich z innymi dobieranymi kartami ani z kartami na r\u0119ce. Nie mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 tych kart w bie\u017c\u0105cej turze. Aby nie hamowa\u0107 gry, mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty podczas tur kolejnych graczy.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": "Karolinka", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": "D\u0142awigad Ameryka\u0144ski", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": "Oskomik Czerwonogard\u0142y", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": "Kukawik \u017b\u00f3\u0142todzioby", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": "S\u0142owik\u00f3wka", "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": "\u017b\u00f3\u0142tog\u0142owiec", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Pstra", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": "Trznadel Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": "G\u0142uptak Czarnoskrzyd\u0142y", "Power text": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe, a nast\u0119pnie odrzu\u0107 2. Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty bonusowe, kt\u00f3rych nie dobra\u0142e\u015b w tej turze.", "Note": "Przez chwil\u0119 masz na r\u0119ce 3 dodatkowe karty bonusowe. Odrzu\u0107 2 spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich swoich kart bonusowych.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "\u015awiergotek Nowozelandzki", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka na swoim [grassland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": "P\u0142askonos Czarnolicy", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje dobierzcie po 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": "Ibis Czarnopi\u00f3ry", "Power text": "Potasuj odrzucone [card] i dobierz 2. Wybierz 1 z nich i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 albo dobierz na r\u0119k\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 pozosta\u0142\u0105 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce stos kart odrzuconych jest oddzielnym stosem. Nie \u0142\u0105cz go ze stosem dobierania, nawet je\u015bli potasujesz stos kart odrzuconych i dobierzesz z niego karty.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": "Dzierzbowron", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z ka\u017cdej karty ptaka (na kt\u00f3rej znajduje si\u0119 [egg]) w tym rz\u0119dzie i kolumnie, wy\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119. Za ka\u017cde odrzucone [egg] we\u017a 2 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": "Sownik Australijski", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny).", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": "Kruk Australijski", "Power text": "We\u017a do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": "Trzciniak Australijski", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": "Kazarka Obro\u017cna", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [cavity] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:
", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "272": {"English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", "Common name": "Zeberka Australijska", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [seed] w swoich zasobach, wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "273": {"English name": "Black Noddy", "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", "Common name": "Rybo\u0142\u00f3wka Atolowa", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [fish]. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "274": {"English name": "Black Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Czarny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 >100 cm, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Na potrzeby rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 karty nielot\u00f3w s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Oznacza to, \u017ce korzystaj\u0105c ze zdolno\u015bci takich kart, mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 na nie jaja, chocia\u017c w rzeczywisto\u015bci nie ma na nich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4. 7", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "275": {"English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", "Common name": "Kaniuk Australijski", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny). Mo\u017cesz odda\u0107 tego [rodent] innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c do 3 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "276": {"English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", "Common name": "Dzioboro\u017cec Karbodzioby", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] z karty swojego ptaka z gniazdem [cavity]. Za ka\u017cde odrzucone [egg] wsu\u0144 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "277": {"English name": "Brolga", "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", "Common name": "\u017buraw Australijski", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Ten gracz sk\u0142ada 1 [egg]. Dobierz 2 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobra\u0107 karty, nawet je\u015bli wybrany gracz nie jest w stanie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "278": {"English name": "Brown Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 Brunatny", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli w koszcie tej karty znajduje si\u0119 [invertebrate] albo [rodent], wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "279": {"English name": "Budgerigar", "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", "Common name": "Papu\u017cka Falista", "Power text": "We\u017a [card] o najmniejszej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 z tacki i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Sprawd\u017a, kt\u00f3ry z odkrytych ptak\u00f3w z tacki ma najmniejsz\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142. W przypadku kilku ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej najmniejszej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 wybierz dowolnego z tych ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "280": {"English name": "Cockatiel", "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", "Common name": "Nimfa", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby wsun\u0105\u0107 1 wybran\u0105 [card] z tacki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Wyb\u00f3r karty i jej wsuni\u0119cie pod kart\u0119 w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci stanowi 1 akcj\u0119. Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby dobra\u0107 kart\u0119 na r\u0119k\u0119.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "281": {"English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", "Common name": "Cudowronka Krasnopi\u00f3ra", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje dobierzcie po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "282": {"English name": "Crested Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek D\u0142ugoczuby", "Power text": "We\u017a do 8 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "283": {"English name": "Crimson Chat", "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", "Common name": "Podkasa\u0142ka Amarantowa", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby wsun\u0105\u0107 1 wybran\u0105 [card] z tacki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "284": {"English name": "Eastern Rosella", "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", "Common name": "Rozella Bia\u0142olica", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty otrzymujesz dodatkowo 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "285": {"English name": "Eastern Whipbird", "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", "Common name": "Trzaskacz Czarnoczuby", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "286": {"English name": "Emu", "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Emu Zwyczajne", "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Zatrzymaj po\u0142ow\u0119 (zaokr\u0105glaj\u0105c w g\u00f3r\u0119), a reszt\u0119 dowolnie rozdziel pomi\u0119dzy innych graczy.", "Note": "Nie odrzucaj \u017cadnych \u017ceton\u00f3w [seed] \u2013 musisz je przekaza\u0107 pozosta\u0142ym graczom.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "287": {"English name": "Galah", "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", "Common name": "Kakadu R\u00f3\u017cowa", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Ten gracz ponownie nape\u0142nia karmnik i po uzupe\u0142nieniu bierze 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Wsu\u0144 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "288": {"English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", "Common name": "Chwast\u00f3wka Z\u0142otog\u0142owa", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "289": {"English name": "Gould's Finch", "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", "Common name": "Amadyniec", "Power text": "Zagraj ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Standardowy koszt ptaka obejmuje jaja widniej\u0105ce w kolumnie, do kt\u00f3rej go zagrywasz.
Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "290": {"English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", "Common name": "Kaczuszka Australijska", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 oddaj innemu graczowi.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "291": {"English name": "Grey Butcherbird", "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", "Common name": "Srokacz Szary", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <40 cm, wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "292": {"English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", "Common name": "Fletnik Szary", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [rodent] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "293": {"English name": "Grey Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", "Common name": "Cyraneczka Australijska", "Power text": "Podejrzyj 3 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj 1 [card], kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland] (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pna). Dobierz j\u0105 na r\u0119k\u0119 albo wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 pozosta\u0142e karty.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "294": {"English name": "Grey Warbler", "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", "Common name": "Krzak\u00f3wka Popielata", "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "295": {"English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", "Common name": "Mniszka Szarog\u0142owa", "Power text": "Zagraj ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).
Gdy aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 graliny srokatej, mniszki szarog\u0142owej lub amady\u0144ca, jeste\u015b ju\u017c po odrzuceniu niewydanego nektaru na koniec rundy, wi\u0119c je\u015bli chcesz u\u017cy\u0107 jej do zagrania ptaka z nektarem w koszcie, musisz odrzuci\u0107 2 dowolne \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, aby zdoby\u0107 1 nektar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "296": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", "Common name": "Kuku\u0142eczka Br\u0105zowa", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "297": {"English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", "Common name": "Skowroniec \u015apiewny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "298": {"English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", "Common name": "Kakapo", "Power text": "Dobierz 4 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "299": {"English name": "Kea", "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", "Common name": "Kea", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton dobierz po 1 dodatkowej karcie bonusowej. Zatrzymaj 1 z dobranych kart, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Najpierw dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, a nast\u0119pnie zdecyduj, ile dodatkowych kart chcesz dobra\u0107, i odrzu\u0107 tyle samo \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia. Decyzj\u0119 podejmujesz tylko raz.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "300": {"English name": "Kelp Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", "Common name": "Mewa Po\u0142udniowa", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton dobierz 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "301": {"English name": "Kerer\u016b", "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "Garlica Maoryska", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [nectar] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "302": {"English name": "Korimako", "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", "Common name": "Szmaragdowiec Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [rodent] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton we\u017a po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "303": {"English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", "Common name": "Kukabura Chichotliwa", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [fish] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "304": {"English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", "Common name": "Fregata Ma\u0142a", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 1 [egg] z ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland]. Ka\u017cdy gracz, kt\u00f3ry odrzuci\u0142 [egg], mo\u017ce otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "305": {"English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", "Common name": "Miodojad Ciemny", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "306": {"English name": "Little Penguin", "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", "Common name": "Pingwin Ma\u0142y", "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu, a nast\u0119pnie je odrzu\u0107. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 [fish] w koszcie odrzuconych kart ptak\u00f3w we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "307": {"English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", "Common name": "Kormoran Bia\u0142olicy", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "308": {"English name": "Magpie-Lark", "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", "Common name": "Gralina Srokata", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 2 [egg] ze swojego [forest]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu, ale zignoruj koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).
Gdy aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 graliny srokatej, mniszki szarog\u0142owej lub amady\u0144ca, jeste\u015b ju\u017c po odrzuceniu niewydanego nektaru na koniec rundy, wi\u0119c je\u015bli chcesz u\u017cy\u0107 jej do zagrania ptaka z nektarem w koszcie, musisz odrzuci\u0107 2 dowolne \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, aby zdoby\u0107 1 nektar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "309": {"English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", "Common name": "Kakadu Ognistoczuba", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wszyscy gracze (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105) otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "310": {"English name": "Malleefowl", "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", "Common name": "Nogal Pr\u0105\u017ckowany", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "311": {"English name": "Maned Duck", "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", "Common name": "Grzywienka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "W ramach tej zdolno\u015bci mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 tylko 1 [seed] na tur\u0119 bez wzgl\u0119du na liczb\u0119 wsuni\u0119tych kart.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "312": {"English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", "Common name": "Owoco\u017cer T\u0119czowy", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty otrzymujesz 1 dodatkowy [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "313": {"English name": "Masked Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", "Common name": "Czajka P\u0142atkolica", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Za ka\u017cdy rodzaj po\u017cywienia w karmniku we\u017a po 1 \u017cetonie po\u017cywienia danego rodzaju.", "Note": "Je\u015bli ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 2 rodzaje po\u017cywienia, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 oba. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci wzi\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie po 1 \u017cetonie po\u017cywienia ka\u017cdego rodzaju. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje. Podczas rozpatrywania tej zdolno\u015bci rzu\u0107 ko\u015b\u0107mi tylko na pocz\u0105tku. Je\u015bli w trakcie pobierania po\u017cywienia z karmnika w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci wszystkie pozosta\u0142e ko\u015bci w karmniku b\u0119d\u0105 wskazywa\u0142y ten sam symbol, nie mo\u017cesz ich przerzuci\u0107 w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "314": {"English name": "Mistletoebird", "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", "Common name": "Kwiat\u00f3wka R\u00f3\u017cowa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w albo odrzu\u0107 1 [fruit] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "315": {"English name": "Musk Duck", "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", "Common name": "Bisiorka", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [ground] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "316": {"English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Miodaczek Bia\u0142ouchy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny).", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz je przerzuci\u0107 przed pobraniem wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "317": {"English name": "Noisy Miner", "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", "Common name": "Miodo\u017cer Maskowy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c do 2 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie. Wszyscy pozostali gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "318": {"English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", "Common name": "Kiwi P\u00f3\u0142nocny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 swoj\u0105 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 4 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 2 z nich.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "319": {"English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", "Common name": "Nogal Zmienny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "320": {"English name": "Pacific Black Duck", "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", "Common name": "Kaczka Pacyficzna", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 2 [egg] w swoim [wetland] z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Nadal obowi\u0105zuje limit jaj na karcie. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli masz 6 jaj na mokrad\u0142ach i miejsce na jeszcze 1 jajo, k\u0142adziesz na t\u0119 kart\u0119 tylko 1 jajo.
Liczb\u0119 jaj zaokr\u0105glaj w d\u00f3\u0142 (np. za 5 jaj na mokrad\u0142ach z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 jaja na tej karcie).
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "321": {"English name": "Peaceful Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek \u0141uskowany", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "322": {"English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", "Common name": "S\u0119pica", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [nectar] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "323": {"English name": "Pheasant Coucal", "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", "Common name": "Kukal Ba\u017canci", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "324": {"English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", "Common name": "\u0141opatonos", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 oddaj innemu graczowi.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "325": {"English name": "Plains-Wanderer", "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", "Common name": "Dropiatka", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [grassland] (w\u0142\u0105cznie z t\u0105 kart\u0105). Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "326": {"English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", "Common name": "Astrapia L\u015bni\u0105ca", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje sk\u0142adacie po 1 [egg].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "327": {"English name": "P\u016bkeko", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", "Common name": "Modrzyk Ciemny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na 1 s\u0105siedniej karcie ptaka.", "Note": "S\u0105siednie karty ptak\u00f3w to te, kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 bezpo\u015brednio nad, pod, po lewej i po prawej stronie danej karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "328": {"English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", "Common name": "Lorysa Niebieskobrzucha", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [nectar] na pole wydanego nektaru na swoim [forest]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 2 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "329": {"English name": "Red Wattlebird", "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", "Common name": "Koralicowiec Czerwony", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <49 cm w swoim [forest].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "330": {"English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", "Common name": "Chwostka Czarnogrzbieta", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [star], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Ten ptak sk\u0142ada jaja tylko na kartach z symbolem uniwersalnym [star].
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "331": {"English name": "Red-Capped Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", "Common name": "Skalinek Czerwonoczelny", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "332": {"English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Szablodzi\u00f3b Australijski", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "333": {"English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", "Common name": "Krasnopi\u00f3rka Czerwonoskrzyd\u0142a", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przeka\u017c innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie albo we\u017a 2 [die] z karmnika.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "334": {"English name": "Regent Bowerbird", "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", "Common name": "Altannik Kr\u00f3lewski", "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "335": {"English name": "Royal Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", "Common name": "Warz\u0119cha Kr\u00f3lewska", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [platform] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "336": {"English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", "Common name": "\u015alepowron Rdzawy", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w [wetland], wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "337": {"English name": "Rufous Owl", "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", "Common name": "Sowica Maskowa", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <75 cm (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pna) i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "338": {"English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", "Common name": "Py\u0142kojad Bia\u0142ogard\u0142y", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "339": {"English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", "Common name": "\u0141owczyk Czczony", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [fish] albo 1 [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz je przerzuci\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "340": {"English name": "Silvereye", "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", "Common name": "Szlarnik Rdzawoboczny", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "341": {"English name": "South Island Robin", "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", "Common name": "Skalinek Wielki", "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "342": {"English name": "Southern Cassowary", "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", "Common name": "Kazuar He\u0142miasty", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka ze swojego [forest] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na jej miejsce t\u0119 kart\u0119. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ale zignoruj koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 4 [egg] na tej karcie i we\u017a 2 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Aby zagra\u0107 t\u0119 kart\u0119 na miejsce innej, musisz op\u0142aci\u0107 koszt w po\u017cywieniu. Pomijasz tylko koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli zagrywasz j\u0105 na miejsce karty zagranej poziomo (zdolno\u015b\u0107 kart z dodatku Ptaki Europy), k\u0142adziesz j\u0105 r\u00f3wnie\u017c poziomo. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c zagra\u0107 kazuara he\u0142miastego wed\u0142ug standardowych zasad na puste pole, ale wtedy musisz tak\u017ce op\u0142aci\u0107 koszt w jajach. Ponadto w takiej sytuacji nie sk\u0142adasz jaj na tej karcie ani nie bierzesz [fruit].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "343": {"English name": "Spangled Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", "Common name": "Dziwogon W\u0142ochaty", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz otrzymuje [nectar], we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "344": {"English name": "Splendid Fairywren", "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", "Common name": "Chwostka Wspania\u0142a", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Na potrzeby rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 karty nielot\u00f3w s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Oznacza to, \u017ce korzystaj\u0105c ze zdolno\u015bci takich kart, mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 na nie jaja, chocia\u017c w rzeczywisto\u015bci nie ma na nich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4. 7", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "345": {"English name": "Spotless Crake", "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", "Common name": "Kureczka Pos\u0119pna", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w swoim [wetland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "346": {"English name": "Stubble Quail", "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3rka Rudogard\u0142a", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 6 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "347": {"English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", "Common name": "Kakadu \u017b\u00f3\u0142toczuba", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wszyscy gracze (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105) otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "348": {"English name": "Superb Lyrebird", "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Lirogon Wspania\u0142y", "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [forest] gracza po prawej.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d. Je\u015bli aktywacja kopiowanej zdolno\u015bci zale\u017cy od sytuacji na planszy gracza (liczba kart w siedlisku, typ gniazd itp.), skopiowana zdolno\u015b\u0107 odnosi si\u0119 do sytuacji na Twojej planszy, a nie planszy Twojego s\u0105siada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "349": {"English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", "Common name": "Paszczak Australijski", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "350": {"English name": "T\u016b\u012b", "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", "Common name": "K\u0119dziornik", "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [forest] gracza po lewej.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d. Je\u015bli aktywacja kopiowanej zdolno\u015bci zale\u017cy od sytuacji na planszy gracza (liczba kart w siedlisku, typ gniazd itp.), skopiowana zdolno\u015b\u0107 odnosi si\u0119 do sytuacji na Twojej planszy, a nie planszy Twojego s\u0105siada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "351": {"English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Australijski", "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli >65 cm, wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "W przeciwie\u0144stwie do wi\u0119kszo\u015bci drapie\u017cnik\u00f3w orze\u0142 australijski poluje na ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 POWY\u017bEJ 65 cm.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "352": {"English name": "Welcome Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", "Common name": "Jask\u00f3\u0142ka Australijska", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w tym siedlisku, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "353": {"English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", "Common name": "Bielik Bia\u0142obrzuchy", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. We\u017a 1 [fish] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "354": {"English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", "Common name": "Ostrolot \u017ba\u0142obny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w swoim [grassland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "355": {"English name": "White-Faced Heron", "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", "Common name": "Czapla Bia\u0142olica", "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [fish] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [fish] na tej karcie albo do\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 je do swoich zasob\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "356": {"English name": "Willie-Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", "Common name": "Wachlarz\u00f3wka Smolista", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [bowl] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "357": {"English name": "Wrybill", "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", "Common name": "Skr\u0119todzi\u00f3b", "Power text": "Podejrzyj wszystkie karty bonusowe ze stosu kart odrzuconych. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce stos odrzuconych kart bonusowych jest oddzielnym stosem. Nie \u0142\u0105cz go ze stosem dobierania.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "358": {"English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", "Common name": "Miedzianka Szmaragdowa", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 2 [egg] na ka\u017cdej z pozosta\u0142ych kart ptak\u00f3w w tej kolumnie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "359": {"English name": "Asian Koel", "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", "Common name": "Kukiel Wielki", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na innej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform]. Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 limit jaj na karcie tego ptaka o 3.", "Note": "Przekraczanie limitu jaj. Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na karcie ptaka, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 albo przekroczy\u0142 sw\u00f3j limi jaj (jednak nie mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 tego limitu o liczb\u0119 podan\u0105 w zdolno\u015bci). Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie wp\u0142ywa na \u017cadne inne akcje w grze. Limit jaj wci\u0105\u017c dotyczy tej karty ptaka. Karta ptaka, na kt\u00f3rej znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jaja przekraczaj\u0105ce limit, wci\u0105\u017c kwalifikuje si\u0119 do bonusu karty Ptasi rodzic. Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie widnieje symbol gniazda i kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, nie kwalifikuj\u0105 si\u0119, aby otrzyma\u0107 jaja z tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "360": {"English name": "Azure Tit", "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", "Common name": "Sikora Lazurowa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "361": {"English name": "Baya Weaver", "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", "Common name": "Wik\u0142acz Z\u0142otog\u0142owy", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "362": {"English name": "Bearded Reedling", "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", "Common name": "W\u0105satka", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cd\u0105 inn\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w tej kolumnie, na kt\u00f3rej le\u017cy [egg], \u017c\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "363": {"English name": "Black Drongo", "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", "Common name": "Dziwogon D\u0142ugosterny", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card] z tacki, a nast\u0119pnie uzupe\u0142nij j\u0105. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 z odrzuconych ptak\u00f3w potrafi \u017cy\u0107 w [grassland], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Odrzucana karta ptaka mo\u017ce mie\u0107 r\u00f3wnie\u017c inne symbole siedliska, ale musi mie\u0107 [grassland], aby kwalifikowa\u0107 si\u0119 do u\u017cycia tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "364": {"English name": "Black Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", "Common name": "Bocian Czarny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 1 [egg] na kartach ptak\u00f3w le\u017c\u0105cych bezpo\u015brednio po lewej i prawej stronie tej karty.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "365": {"English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", "Common name": "Wilga Maskowa", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, we\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka i dobierz 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": "Je\u015bli na koniec rundy masz kostk\u0119 we wszystkich 4 obszarach w lewej kolumnie swojej planszy, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 wszystkich 3 akcji dost\u0119pnych na tej karcie. Akcje nale\u017cy wykonywa\u0107 zgodnie z podan\u0105 kolejno\u015bci\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "366": {"English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", "Common name": "Modrak", "Power text": "Je\u015bli po prawej stronie tego ptaka nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne karty, mo\u017cesz go przenie\u015b\u0107 (tylko kart\u0119) na plansz\u0119 gracza po lewej (Ty wybierasz siedlisko). Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 3 [card].", "Note": "Gdy przenosisz t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka na plansz\u0119 innego gracza, umie\u015b\u0107 j\u0105 na wolnym polu znajduj\u0105cym si\u0119 najbardziej po lewej stronie w wybranym przez Ciebie siedlisku. Je\u015bli w danym siedlisku nie ma wolnego miejsca, taka karta ptaka nie mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 przeniesiona. Wszystkie przechowywane \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, jaja czy wsuni\u0119te karty s\u0105 odrzucane, gdy karta jest przenoszona. Gracz otrzymuj\u0105cy t\u0119 kart\u0119 nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 jej przyj\u0119cia. Nie umieszcza te\u017c swojego znacznika duetu na mapie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "367": {"English name": "Brahminy Kite", "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", "Common name": "Kania Brami\u0144ska", "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 3 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "368": {"English name": "Brambling", "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", "Common name": "Jer", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Nast\u0119pnie wsu\u0144 do 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Zdolno\u015b\u0107 tego ptaka umo\u017cliwia wsuni\u0119cie 0\u20132 kart.
Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "369": {"English name": "Brown Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", "Common name": "Dzierzba Br\u0105zowa", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 przechowa\u0107 po 1 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka w swoim [grassland].", "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "370": {"English name": "Common Green Magpie", "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", "Common name": "Kitta Szmaragdowa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 go na tej karcie.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.
Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy \u017ceton na karcie jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "371": {"English name": "Common Iora", "Scientific name": "Aegithina tiphia", "Common name": "Paskownik Zmienny", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie innego ptaka w tej kolumnie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "372": {"English name": "Common Myna", "Scientific name": "Acridotheres tristis", "Common name": "Majna Brunatna", "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [grassland] gracza po lewej.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107. Wykonaj akcj\u0119 tak, jakby to majna brunatna mia\u0142a t\u0119 zdolno\u015b\u0107.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "373": {"English name": "Common Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis hypoleucos", "Common name": "Brodziec Piskliwy", "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [wetland] z [egg] na karcie. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "374": {"English name": "Common Tailorbird", "Scientific name": "Orthotomus sutorius", "Common name": "Krawczyk Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Znajd\u017a w swoim rezerwacie s\u0105siaduj\u0105c\u0105 ze sob\u0105 grup\u0119 ptak\u00f3w o tym samym typie gniazda. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 1 [egg] na karcie ka\u017cdego z nich. Gniazda [star] zast\u0119puj\u0105 dowolny typ gniazda.", "Note": "Karty s\u0105siaduj\u0105 ze sob\u0105 w pionie albo poziomie (nie po przek\u0105tnej). Grupy mog\u0105 i\u015b\u0107 zygzakiem poprzez rz\u0119dy i kolumny. Ptak nale\u017cy do grupy, je\u015bli s\u0105siaduje w pionie albo poziomie z co najmniej 1 innym ptakiem w tej grupie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "375": {"English name": "Common Teal", "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", "Common name": "Cyraneczka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [wetland] dobierz 1 [card] ze stosu. Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 do 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "376": {"English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", "Common name": "Pstrog\u0142\u00f3w \u017b\u00f3\u0142togard\u0142y", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "377": {"English name": "Crested Ibis", "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", "Common name": "Ibis Czubaty", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 dowolne 2 zasoby ([wild], [egg] lub [card]), aby zrobi\u0107 to samo.", "Note": "Aby dobra\u0107 karty bonusowe, gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 2 zasoby tego samego typu (np. 2 [wild] albo 2 zasoby r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w (np. 1 [wild] i 1 [egg]). Gracz odrzuca [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, a [card] \u2013 ze swojej r\u0119ki.
Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Dodatek Ptaki Oceanii. Je\u015bli gracz odrzuca [nectar], aby zap\u0142aci\u0107 za dobranie kart bonusowych, nektar jest umieszczany na polu z napisem \u201ewydane\u201d w [wetland].", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "378": {"English name": "Crested Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", "Common name": "Dzierlatka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "[seed] musi pochodzi\u0107 z Twoich zasob\u00f3w, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 przechowywane na karcie ptaka.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "379": {"English name": "Desert Finch", "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", "Common name": "Czarnodziobek", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cd\u0105 inn\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [grassland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "380": {"English name": "Desert Wheatear", "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", "Common name": "Bia\u0142orzytka Pustynna", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [grassland] z [egg] na karcie rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wybierz 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wyrzuconych i we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Niezale\u017cnie od liczby rzucanych ko\u015bci we\u017a tylko 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "381": {"English name": "Eurasian Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", "Common name": "\u0141yska Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "382": {"English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", "Common name": "Puchacz Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Dobieraj po 1 [card] ze stosu (ale maks. 3). Gdy przestaniesz: je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 dobranych ptak\u00f3w jest <110 cm, wsu\u0144 je pod t\u0105 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie, odrzu\u0107 je.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 sprawdza szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] sprawd\u017a czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 karty ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych kart.
Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] policz sumaryczn\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wszystkich dotychczas dobranych ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi 110 cm albo wi\u0119cej, ponosisz pora\u017ck\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [card] dobrane podczas aktywacji tego ptaka w tej turze.
Je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wynosi mniej ni\u017c 110 cm, odnosisz sukces. Je\u015bli dobra\u0142e\u015b mniej ni\u017c 3 [card] podczas obecnej aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 si\u0119 na dobranie kolejnej [card] albo przerwij dobieranie i wsu\u0144 wszystkie dotychczas dobrane [card] pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka.
Je\u015bli dobierzesz [card] z ptakiem, kt\u00f3ry jest nielotem (np. niekt\u00f3re ptaki z dodatku Ptaki Oceanii), oznaczon\u0105 gwiazdk\u0105 (*) w miejscu informacji o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 o ich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci, wybieraj\u0105c dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 od 0.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "383": {"English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", "Common name": "Dudek", "Power text": "Zabierz po 1 [invertebrate] ka\u017cdemu ze swoich s\u0105siad\u00f3w. Ka\u017cdy z s\u0105siad\u00f3w, kt\u00f3remu zabra\u0142e\u015b [invertebrate], mo\u017ce otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci r\u00f3wnie\u017c wtedy, gdy tylko 1 z Twoich s\u0105siad\u00f3w posiada [invertebrate].
W grze 2-osobowej Tw\u00f3j przeciwnik znajduje si\u0119 zar\u00f3wno po Twojej lewej, jak i prawej stronie. Masz tylko 1 s\u0105siada, wi\u0119c zabierz mu tylko 1 [invertebrate].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "384": {"English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", "Common name": "Pustu\u0142ka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 3 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wyrzucisz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 [rodent], wci\u0105\u017c otrzymujesz tylko 1 \u017ceton.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "385": {"English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", "Common name": "B\u0142otniak Stawowy", "Power text": "Dobieraj po 1 [card] ze stosu (ale maks. 3). Gdy przestaniesz: je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 dobranych ptak\u00f3w jest <110 cm, wsu\u0144 je pod t\u0105 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie, odrzu\u0107 je.", "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 sprawdza szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] sprawd\u017a czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 karty ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych kart.
Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] policz sumaryczn\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wszystkich dotychczas dobranych ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi 110 cm albo wi\u0119cej, ponosisz pora\u017ck\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [card] dobrane podczas aktywacji tego ptaka w tej turze.
Je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wynosi mniej ni\u017c 110 cm, odnosisz sukces. Je\u015bli dobra\u0142e\u015b mniej ni\u017c 3 [card] podczas obecnej aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 si\u0119 na dobranie kolejnej [card] albo przerwij dobieranie i wsu\u0144 wszystkie dotychczas dobrane [card] pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka.
Je\u015bli dobierzesz [card] z ptakiem, kt\u00f3ry jest nielotem (np. niekt\u00f3re ptaki z dodatku Ptaki Oceanii), oznaczon\u0105 gwiazdk\u0105 (*) w miejscu informacji o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 o ich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci, wybieraj\u0105c dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 od 0.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "386": {"English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", "Common name": "Pe\u0142zacz Le\u015bny", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [forest] we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 do 2 z nich na tej karcie.", "Note": "Policz, ile jaj masz we wskazanym siedlisku, podziel t\u0119 liczb\u0119 przez 3 i zaokr\u0105glij w d\u00f3\u0142. We\u017a tyle \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia wskazanego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala wybra\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wymienionych na karcie. Je\u015bli bierzesz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017ceton, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cne.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "387": {"English name": "Fire-Fronted Serin", "Scientific name": "Serinus pusillus", "Common name": "Kulczyk Kr\u00f3lewski", "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka le\u017c\u0105c\u0105 na lewo od niej.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "388": {"English name": "Forest Owlet", "Scientific name": "Athene blewitti", "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Le\u015bna", "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 2 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "389": {"English name": "Golden Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Chrysolophus pictus", "Common name": "Ba\u017cant Z\u0142ocisty", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 2 [egg]. Ty sk\u0142adasz 2 dodatkowe [egg].", "Note": "Ka\u017cdy gracz mo\u017ce z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na dowolnej liczbie kart ptak\u00f3w.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "390": {"English name": "Graceful Prinia", "Scientific name": "Prinia gracilis", "Common name": "Prinia Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Jajo mo\u017ce pochodzi\u0107 z Twojej dowolnej karty ptaka.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "391": {"English name": "Grandala", "Scientific name": "Grandala coelicolor", "Common name": "Turnica", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej turze z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b na tej karcie co najmniej 1 [egg], wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Jajo musia\u0142o by\u0107 z\u0142o\u017cone przed aktywacj\u0105 zdolno\u015bci tej karty. Dobierasz tylko 1 kart\u0119 niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile jaj z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b. Je\u015bli u\u017cywasz innej karty do skopiowania zdolno\u015bci turnicy, sprawd\u017a, czy jajo zosta\u0142o z\u0142o\u017cone na tamtej karcie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "392": {"English name": "Gray Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla cinerea", "Common name": "Pliszka G\u00f3rska", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, we\u017a 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby podczas ca\u0142ej rundy pozostawia\u0107 kostki w lewej kolumnie w odpowiednich rz\u0119dach.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "393": {"English name": "Great Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax carbo", "Common name": "Kormoran Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przenie\u015b\u0107 1 [fish] z tej karty do swoich zasob\u00f3w. Nast\u0119pnie rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 2 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "394": {"English name": "Great Hornbill", "Scientific name": "Buceros bicornis", "Common name": "Dzioboro\u017cec Wielki", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 wsun\u0105\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki pod kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [forest] i/albo przechowa\u0107 po 1 [fruit] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka w swoim [forest].", "Note": "Ka\u017cdy gracz decyduje, czy chce wykona\u0107 obie te akcje, 1 z nich, czy nie chce wykona\u0107 \u017cadnej.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "395": {"English name": "Great Indian Bustard", "Scientific name": "Ardeotis nigriceps", "Common name": "Drop Indyjski", "Power text": "Policz punkty z 1 ze swoich kart bonusowych i przechowaj na tej karcie tyle samo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Na koniec gry normalnie zapunktuj t\u0119 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci wykorzystuj\u0105 przechowywane po\u017cywienie, aby zliczy\u0107, ile punkt\u00f3w jest warta karta bonusowa przy aktywacji. Dla wszelkich innych cel\u00f3w przechowywane po\u017cywienie dzia\u0142a w standardowy spos\u00f3b, np. dla karty bonusowej Wnikliwy analityk.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "396": {"English name": "Great Spotted Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos major", "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Du\u017cy", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "397": {"English name": "Greater Adjutant", "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", "Common name": "Marabut Indyjski", "Power text": "Skopiuj 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 gracza po lewej i policz punkty na podstawie zawarto\u015bci swojego rezerwatu, jakby by\u0142a Twoj\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli gracie z niejawnymi kartami bonusowymi, podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci gracz wymieniony na karcie musi pokaza\u0107 Ci swoje karty bonusowe.
W grze 2-osobowej zar\u00f3wno marabut indyjski, jak i s\u0119p indyjski mog\u0105 skopiowa\u0107 t\u0119 sam\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "398": {"English name": "Green Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", "Common name": "\u017bo\u0142na Wschodnia", "Power text": "Je\u015bli na tacce jest co najmniej 1 [card] z [invertebrate] w koszcie, wsu\u0144 1 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "399": {"English name": "Green Pheasant", "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", "Common name": "Ba\u017cant Pstry", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 1 [egg].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka.
Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci go\u0142\u0119bia skalnego, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 drugie jajo na tej samej karcie ptaka, co poprzednie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "400": {"English name": "Himalayan Monal", "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", "Common name": "Ol\u015bniak Himalajski", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty dodatkowo sk\u0142adasz 1 [egg].", "Note": "Jajo mo\u017ce by\u0107 z\u0142o\u017cone na dowolnym ptaku, u kt\u00f3rego nie przekroczono limitu jaj.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "401": {"English name": "House Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", "Common name": "Wrona Orientalna", "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 po 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie.", "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "402": {"English name": "Ibisbill", "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", "Common name": "Ibisodzi\u00f3b", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty dobierasz 1 dodatkow\u0105 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "403": {"English name": "Indian Peafowl", "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", "Common name": "Paw Indyjski", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 2 [card] ze stosu. Ty dobierasz 1 dodatkow\u0105 [card].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobra\u0107 dodatkow\u0105 kart\u0119 ze stosu albo z tacki.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "404": {"English name": "Indian Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", "Common name": "S\u0119p Indyjski", "Power text": "Skopiuj 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 gracza po prawej i policz punkty na podstawie zawarto\u015bci swojego rezerwatu, jakby by\u0142a Twoj\u0105 kart\u0105.", "Note": "Je\u015bli gracie z niejawnymi kartami bonusowymi, podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci gracz wymieniony na karcie musi pokaza\u0107 Ci swoje karty bonusowe.
W grze 2-osobowej zar\u00f3wno marabut indyjski, jak i s\u0119p indyjski mog\u0105 skopiowa\u0107 t\u0119 sam\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "405": {"English name": "Large-Billed Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", "Common name": "Wrona Wielkodzioba", "Power text": "Przechowaj 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na dowolnej karcie ptaka. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "406": {"English name": "Little Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", "Common name": "Czapla Nadobna", "Power text": "Dobierz i zatrzymaj 1 [card] ze stosu. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i zatrzymuj\u0105 j\u0105, je\u015bli ptak potrafi \u017cy\u0107 w [wetland].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "407": {"English name": "Little Grebe", "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", "Common name": "Perkozek Zwyczajny", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w tej kolumnie z [egg] na karcie dobierz 1 [card]. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "408": {"English name": "Little Ringed Plover", "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", "Common name": "Sieweczka Rzeczna", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "409": {"English name": "Mandarin Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", "Common name": "Mandarynka", "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu. 1 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119, 1 wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, 1 daj innemu graczowi, a pozosta\u0142e odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tych zdolno\u015bci na koniec rundy, pami\u0119taj, \u017ce wszystkie etapy aktywacji s\u0105 obowi\u0105zkowe.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "410": {"English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", "Common name": "Nektarnik Ciemnogard\u0142y", "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy z graczy mo\u017ce rzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die] i wzi\u0105\u0107 wyrzucone po\u017cywienie z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Gracze mog\u0105 wybiera\u0107 inn\u0105 albo t\u0119 sam\u0105 ko\u015b\u0107, tak\u017ce t\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 gracz w\u0142a\u015bnie rzuca\u0142. We\u017a po\u017cywienie tylko z ko\u015bci, kt\u00f3ra zosta\u0142a przez Ciebie rzucona. Je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wskazuje 2 symbole ([seed]/[invertebrate]), wybierz tylko 1 z nich.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "411": {"English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", "Common name": "Puch\u00f3wka", "Power text": "Aktywuj br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci wszystkich swoich pozosta\u0142ych [predator].", "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz w dowolnej kolejno\u015bci aktywowa\u0107 br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci Twoich ptak\u00f3w [predator]. Symbol [predator] musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 po lewej stronie opisu zdolno\u015bci (a nie w samym opisie).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "412": {"English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", "Common name": "Sroczek Zmienny", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [grassland] we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 do 2 z nich na tej karcie.", "Note": "Policz, ile jaj masz we wskazanym siedlisku, podziel t\u0119 liczb\u0119 przez 3 i zaokr\u0105glij w d\u00f3\u0142. We\u017a tyle \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia wskazanego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala wybra\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wymienionych na karcie. Je\u015bli bierzesz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017ceton, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cne.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "413": {"English name": "Philippine Eagle", "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", "Common name": "Ma\u0142po\u017cer", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi 5 [die]. Mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [die] do 2 razy. Je\u015bli po zaprzestaniu rzut\u00f3w cho\u0107 3 ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [rodent], dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik.", "Note": "Po rzuceniu wszystkimi 5 ko\u015b\u0107mi, mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 z nich. Nast\u0119pnie mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 z nich po raz ostatni. W sumie masz mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 3 rzut\u00f3w. Je\u015bli po zaprzestaniu rzut\u00f3w cho\u0107 3 ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [rodent], dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile symboli [rodent] znajduje si\u0119 na ko\u015bciach.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "414": {"English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", "Common name": "Pleszka \u015aniada", "Power text": "Dobierz i zatrzymaj 1 [card] ze stosu. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i zatrzymuj\u0105 j\u0105, je\u015bli ptak ma [invertebrate] lub [seed] w swoim koszcie.", "Note": "Na karcie musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 symbol [invertebrate] lub [seed]. [wild] nie jest akceptowane.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "415": {"English name": "Purple Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", "Common name": "Czapla Purpurowa", "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 2 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate] albo [fish], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "416": {"English name": "Red Avadavat", "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", "Common name": "Bengalik Czerwony", "Power text": "Przeka\u017c 1 [card] z r\u0119ki innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 2 [card].", "Note": "Przeciwnik nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 przyj\u0119cia karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "417": {"English name": "Red Junglefowl", "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", "Common name": "Kur Banikwa", "Power text": "Policz [egg] na wszystkich swoich kartach ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi mniej ni\u017c 6 [egg], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "418": {"English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", "Common name": "\u017buraw Mand\u017curski", "Power text": "Policz punkty z 1 ze swoich kart bonusowych i przechowaj na tej karcie tyle samo [wild] z zasob\u00f3w. Odrzu\u0107 t\u0119 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 i w jej miejsce dobierz now\u0105.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci wykorzystuj\u0105 przechowywane po\u017cywienie, aby zliczy\u0107, ile punkt\u00f3w jest warta karta bonusowa przy aktywacji. Dla wszelkich innych cel\u00f3w przechowywane po\u017cywienie dzia\u0142a w standardowy spos\u00f3b, np. dla karty bonusowej Wnikliwy analityk.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "419": {"English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", "Common name": "Bilbil Czerwonoplamy", "Power text": "Je\u015bli masz co najmniej 1 [fruit] w swoich zasobach, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "[fruit] nie jest zu\u017cywany ani odrzucany.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "420": {"English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", "Common name": "Czajka Indyjska", "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card] z tacki, a nast\u0119pnie uzupe\u0142nij j\u0105. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 z odrzuconych ptak\u00f3w jest [predator], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "421": {"English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", "Common name": "Nurek", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 2 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "422": {"English name": "Rock Pigeon", "Scientific name": "Columba livia", "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105b Skalny", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 1 [egg]. Ty sk\u0142adasz 1 dodatkowe [egg].", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka.
Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci go\u0142\u0119bia skalnego, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 drugie jajo na tej samej karcie ptaka, co poprzednie.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "423": {"English name": "Rook", "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", "Common name": "Gawron", "Power text": "Przechowaj 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na tej karcie albo wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli zrobisz 1 z powy\u017cszych, wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "424": {"English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", "Common name": "Aleksandretta Obro\u017cna", "Power text": "Skopiuj bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 z 1 karty ptaka wybranego s\u0105siada.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107.
Ten ptak mo\u017ce skopiowa\u0107 bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra umo\u017cliwia Ci zagranie dodatkowej karty ptaka, nawet w innym siedlisku ni\u017c to, w w kt\u00f3rym zagra\u0142e\u015b t\u0119 kart\u0119. Dodatkowa karta ptaka musi by\u0107 zagrana w siedlisku okre\u015blonym przez kopiowan\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 (je\u015bli jest wymieniona).
Tego ptaka nie mo\u017cna zagra\u0107 w [wetland], wi\u0119c nie mo\u017ce r\u00f3wnie\u017c skopiowa\u0107 bia\u0142ej zdolno\u015bci, kt\u00f3ra wyznacza to siedlisko do jej zagrania (np. czapla siwa z dodatku Ptaki Europy).
Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tej karty do skopiowoania bia\u0142ej zdolno\u015bci ptaka o alternatywnym koszcie, mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 w\u0142a\u015bnie ten alternatywny koszt, aby zagra\u0107 kart\u0119 aleksandretty obro\u017cnej. W tym dodatku nie ma ptak\u00f3w o alternatywnym koszcie, ale mo\u017cna je znale\u017a\u0107 np. w dodatku Ptaki Europy. Jest on oznaczony gwiazdk\u0105 (*) obok symboli po\u017cywienia umieszczonych w koszcie karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "425": {"English name": "Rosy Starling", "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", "Common name": "Pasterz", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "426": {"English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", "Common name": "Kazarka Rdzawa", "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu. 1 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119, 1 wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", "Note": "Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tych zdolno\u015bci na koniec rundy, pami\u0119taj, \u017ce wszystkie etapy aktywacji s\u0105 obowi\u0105zkowe.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "427": {"English name": "Sarus Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", "Common name": "\u017buraw Indyjski", "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz mo\u017ce odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 1 [card] ze stosu.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "428": {"English name": "Satyr Tragopan", "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", "Common name": "Tragopan Czerwony", "Power text": "Przeka\u017c 1 [card] z r\u0119ki innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", "Note": "Przeciwnik nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 przyj\u0119cia karty.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "429": {"English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", "Common name": "Mniszka Muszkatowa", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w albo wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "430": {"English name": "Small Minivet", "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", "Common name": "Purpurek Z\u0142otobrzuchy", "Power text": "Zagraj dodatkowego ptaka na [forest]. Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [invertebrate] albo 1 [egg] w jego koszcie.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [wild] w koszcie zamiast ignorowania 1 [invertebrate].", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "431": {"English name": "Smew", "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", "Common name": "Bielaczek", "Power text": "Dobierz 4 [card]. Wsu\u0144 2 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, a pozosta\u0142e 2 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119.", "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz wsun\u0105\u0107 dok\u0142adnie 2 karty spo\u015br\u00f3d dobranych. Jest to cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 ca\u0142ej akcji.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "432": {"English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", "Common name": "Biegus \u0141y\u017ckodzioby", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 dowolne 2 zasoby ([wild], [egg] lub [card]), aby zrobi\u0107 to samo.", "Note": "Aby dobra\u0107 karty bonusowe, gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 2 zasoby tego samego typu (np. 2 [wild] albo 2 zasoby r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w (np. 1 [wild] i 1 [egg]). Gracz odrzuca [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, a [card] \u2013 ze swojej r\u0119ki.
Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Dodatek Ptaki Oceanii. Je\u015bli gracz odrzuca [nectar], aby zap\u0142aci\u0107 za dobranie kart bonusowych, nektar jest umieszczany na polu z napisem \u201ewydane\u201d w [wetland].", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "433": {"English name": "Spotted Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", "Common name": "Synogarlica Per\u0142oszyja", "Power text": "Je\u015bli po prawej stronie tego ptaka nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne karty, mo\u017cesz go przenie\u015b\u0107 (tylko kart\u0119) na plansz\u0119 gracza po prawej (Ty wybierasz siedlisko). Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 3 [card].", "Note": "Gdy przenosisz t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka na plansz\u0119 innego gracza, umie\u015b\u0107 j\u0105 na wolnym polu znajduj\u0105cym si\u0119 najbardziej po lewej stronie w wybranym przez Ciebie siedlisku. Je\u015bli w danym siedlisku nie ma wolnego miejsca, taka karta ptaka nie mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 przeniesiona. Wszystkie przechowywane \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, jaja czy wsuni\u0119te karty s\u0105 odrzucane, gdy karta jest przenoszona. Gracz otrzymuj\u0105cy t\u0119 kart\u0119 nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 jej przyj\u0119cia. Nie umieszcza te\u017c swojego znacznika duetu na mapie.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "434": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", "Common name": "Kitta Ozdobna", "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 po 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na ka\u017cdej z Twoich pozosta\u0142ych kart ptak\u00f3w.", "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "435": {"English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", "Common name": "G\u0119bal Cejlo\u0144ski", "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Wyrzucenie symbolu ([invertebrate]/[seed]) kwalifikuje si\u0119 jako wyrzucenie [invertebrate].
Podczas rzucania 2 ko\u015b\u0107mi przechowujesz tylko 1 [fish], nawet je\u015bli obie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [fish].
Druga cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 tych akcji jest niezale\u017cna od pierwszej. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card], aby zdoby\u0107 po\u017cywienie niezale\u017cnie od tego, czy dzi\u0119ki rzutowi dosta\u0142e\u015b po\u017cywienie. Ty tak\u017ce nale\u017cysz do \u201ewszystkich graczy\u201d.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "436": {"English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", "Common name": "\u0141owiec Niebieskoskrzyd\u0142y", "Power text": "Wybierz dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Rzu\u0107 ni\u0105 raz za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [wetland]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 wynik rzutu wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 j\u0105 na tej karcie.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wyrzucisz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 [fish], wci\u0105\u017c otrzymujesz tylko 1 \u017ceton.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "437": {"English name": "Trumpeter Finch", "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", "Common name": "Gilak Pustynny", "Power text": "Zagraj dodatkowego ptaka na [grassland]. Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [seed] albo 1 [egg] w jego koszcie.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [wild] w koszcie zamiast ignorowania 1 [seed].", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "438": {"English name": "Twite", "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", "Common name": "Rzepo\u0142uch", "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Nast\u0119pnie wsu\u0144 dowolne 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz wsun\u0105\u0107 dok\u0142adnie 2 karty. Jest to cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 ca\u0142ej akcji.
Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "439": {"English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", "Common name": "Modr\u00f3wka Seledynowa", "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej turze otrzyma\u0142e\u015b co najmniej 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika, we\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci do [invertebrate] otrzymanego przed albo po aktywacji modr\u00f3wki seledynowej. Mo\u017cesz jednak u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci tylko raz w turze. Zdobywasz tylko 1 [fruit] niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile [invertebrate] otrzyma\u0142e\u015b.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "440": {"English name": "Violet Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", "Common name": "Kuku\u0142eczka Ametystowa", "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na innej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm. Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 limit jaj na karcie tego ptaka o 2.", "Note": "Przekraczanie limitu jaj. Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na karcie ptaka, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 albo przekroczy\u0142 sw\u00f3j limi jaj (jednak nie mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 tego limitu o liczb\u0119 podan\u0105 w zdolno\u015bci). Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie wp\u0142ywa na \u017cadne inne akcje w grze. Limit jaj wci\u0105\u017c dotyczy tej karty ptaka. Karta ptaka, na kt\u00f3rej znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jaja przekraczaj\u0105ce limit, wci\u0105\u017c kwalifikuje si\u0119 do bonusu karty Ptasi rodzic. Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie widnieje symbol gniazda i kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, nie kwalifikuj\u0105 si\u0119, aby otrzyma\u0107 jaja z tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "441": {"English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", "Common name": "Sikorczak Tybeta\u0144ski", "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [forest] z [egg] na karcie rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wybierz 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wyrzuconych i we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.", "Note": "Niezale\u017cnie od liczby rzucanych ko\u015bci we\u017a tylko 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "442": {"English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", "Common name": "Sujkowiec Bia\u0142oczuby", "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "443": {"English name": "White-Headed Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", "Common name": "Sterniczka Zwyczajna", "Power text": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", "Note": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a pozosta\u0142e odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "444": {"English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", "Common name": "\u0141owiec Krasnodzioby", "Power text": "Wybierz dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wykonaj ni\u0105 do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate], [fish] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "445": {"English name": "Willow Tit", "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", "Common name": "Czarnog\u0142\u00f3wka", "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "446": {"English name": "Yellow Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", "Common name": "B\u0105czek \u017b\u00f3\u0142tawy", "Power text": "Dobierz [card] znajduj\u0105c\u0105 si\u0119 na \u015brodku tacki.", "Note": "Wa\u017cne! Gdy dobierane s\u0105 karty z tacki, pozosta\u0142e karty nigdy nie s\u0105 przesuwane w lewo ani prawo. Je\u015bli \u015brodkowe pole tacki jest puste, nic si\u0119 nie dzieje.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "447": {"English name": "Zebra Dove", "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek Zebrowany", "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 [egg].", "Note": "Je\u015bli odrzucisz [seed], mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka, nie musi to by\u0107 go\u0142\u0105bek zebrowany.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}}, "bonuses": {"1000": {"English name": "Anatomist", "Name": "Anatom", "Condition": "Ptaki z cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 cia\u0142a w nazwie.", "Explanatory text": "Cz\u0119\u015bci cia\u0142a obejmuj\u0105: brew, broda, brzuch, czo\u0142o, czub, dzi\u00f3b, gard\u0142o, g\u0119ba, g\u0142owa, grzbiet, lico, \u0142eb, nos, ogon, oko, r\u00f3g, rzy\u0107, skrzyd\u0142o, szyja, ucho, w\u0105sy.", "VP": "1[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144. Cz\u0119\u015bci cia\u0142a mog\u0105 by\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cnie odmienione lub stanowi\u0107 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 innego wyrazu, np. \u017c\u00f3\u0142toczelny, p\u0142askonos.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej."}, "1001": {"English name": "Backyard Birder", "Name": "Mi\u0142o\u015bnik ptaszk\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki warte mniej ni\u017c 4 punkty.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych nadrukowana warto\u015b\u0107 wynosi 0, 1, 2, albo 3 punkty."}, "1002": {"English name": "Behaviorist", "Name": "Behawiorysta", "Condition": "Kolumny, w kt\u00f3rych znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 karty ptak\u00f3w z 3 r\u00f3\u017cnymi kolorami zdolno\u015bci.", "Explanatory text": "Kolory zdolno\u015bci obejmuj\u0105: bez koloru, br\u0105zowy, r\u00f3\u017cowy, turkusowy. Ptaki bez zdolno\u015bci licz\u0105 si\u0119 tak, jakby mia\u0142y zdolno\u015b\u0107 bez koloru.", "VP": "3[point] za kolumn\u0119", "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Oceanii na potrzeby tej karty bonusowej \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty kolor zdolno\u015bci jest traktowany jako kolejny kolor."}, "1003": {"English name": "Bird Bander", "Name": "Koordynator obr\u0105czkowania", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 siedlisku.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1004": {"English name": "Bird Counter", "Name": "Przodownik stada", "Condition": "Ptaki ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 [flocking].", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 wskazany symbol po lewej stronie swojej br\u0105zowej zdolno\u015bci."}, "1005": {"English name": "Bird Feeder", "Name": "Karmiciel ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [seed].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [seed]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1006": {"English name": "Breeding Manager", "Name": "Hodowca miesi\u0105ca", "Condition": "Ptaki, na kt\u00f3rych karcie le\u017c\u0105 co najmniej 4 jaja.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "1[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Policz tylko te karty, na kt\u00f3rych na koniec gry le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo."}, "1007": {"English name": "Cartographer", "Name": "Kartograf", "Condition": "Ptaki z nazw\u0105 geograficzn\u0105 w nazwie.", "Explanatory text": "Nazwy geograficzne obejmuj\u0105: ameryka\u0144ski, bengalik, cejlo\u0144ski, delawarski, g\u00f3rski, himalajski, indyjski, jamajski, kalifornijski, kanadyjski, karoli\u0144ski, le\u015bny, mand\u017curski, meksyka\u0144ski, orientalny, p\u00f3\u0142nocny, pustynny, rzeczny, stawowy, tybeta\u0144ski, wschodni, wirginijski.", "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej."}, "1008": {"English name": "Citizen Scientist", "Name": "Miejski naukowiec", "Condition": "Karty ptak\u00f3w z wsuni\u0119tymi pod nie kartami.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1009": {"English name": "Diet Specialist", "Name": "Dietetyk", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re w koszcie maj\u0105 3 \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1010": {"English name": "Ecologist", "Name": "Ekolog", "Condition": "Ptaki w siedlisku, w kt\u00f3rym masz najmniej kart.", "Explanatory text": "W przypadku remisu, je\u015bli masz na przyk\u0142ad 3 ptaki w ka\u017cdym siedlisku, Twoje siedlisko z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 kart liczy 3 karty.", "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku (rz\u0119dzie), w kt\u00f3rym zagra\u0142e\u015b ich najmniej. Je\u015bli siedliska remisuj\u0105 pod wzgl\u0119dem najmniejszej liczy kart, nadal spe\u0142niasz wymogi bonusu. Je\u015bli masz na przyk\u0142ad 3 ptaki w ka\u017cdym siedlisku, Twoje siedlisko z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 kart liczy sobie 3 karty."}, "1011": {"English name": "Enclosure Builder", "Name": "Naziemny konstruktor", "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [ground].", "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [ground] albo [star].", "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami."}, "1012": {"English name": "Ethologist", "Name": "Etolog", "Condition": "Ptaki w 1 dowolnym siedlisku.", "Explanatory text": "Kolory zdolno\u015bci obejmuj\u0105: bez koloru, br\u0105zowy, r\u00f3\u017cowy, turkusowy. Ptaki bez zdolno\u015bci licz\u0105 si\u0119 tak, jakby mia\u0142y zdolno\u015b\u0107 bez koloru.", "VP": "2[point] za kolor zdolno\u015bci", "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Oceanii na potrzeby tej karty bonusowej \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty kolor zdolno\u015bci jest traktowany jako kolejny kolor."}, "1013": {"English name": "Falconer", "Name": "Sokolnik", "Condition": "Ptaki ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 [predator].", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 wskazany symbol po lewej stronie swojej br\u0105zowej zdolno\u015bci."}, "1014": {"English name": "Fishery Manager", "Name": "Hodowca ryb", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [fish].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [fish]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": null}, "1015": {"English name": "Food Web Expert", "Name": "Mi\u0142o\u015bnik robaczk\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105cznie [invertebrate].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak, kt\u00f3ry ma wy\u0142\u0105cznie symbol (symbole) [invertebrate].", "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": null}, "1016": {"English name": "Forester", "Name": "Le\u015bniczy", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [forest].", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3\u20134 ptaki: 4[point]; 5+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu."}, "1017": {"English name": "Historian", "Name": "Globtrotter", "Condition": "Ptaki wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce poza Ameryk\u0105 P\u00f3\u0142nocn\u0105 i \u015arodkow\u0105.", "Explanatory text": "Mapka w lewym dolnym rogu karty pokazuje obszar wyst\u0119powania danego gatunku.", "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej."}, "1018": {"English name": "Large Bird Specialist", "Name": "Specjalista od wielkich ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 >65 cm.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 powy\u017cej 65 cm. Rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 r\u00f3wna 65 cm nie spe\u0142nia wymog\u00f3w bonusu."}, "1019": {"English name": "Nest Box Builder", "Name": "Wytw\u00f3rca budek dla ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [cavity].", "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [cavity] albo [star].", "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami."}, "1020": {"English name": "Omnivore Specialist", "Name": "Ekspert od wszystko\u017cerc\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [wild].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [wild].", "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": null}, "1021": {"English name": "Oologist", "Name": "Owolog", "Condition": "Ptaki, na kt\u00f3rych karcie le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "7\u20138 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 9+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": null}, "1022": {"English name": "Passerine Specialist", "Name": "Znawca wr\u00f3blowatych", "Condition": "Ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 \u226430 cm.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 30 cm i mniejszej. Rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 r\u00f3wna 30 cm spe\u0142nia wymogi bonusu."}, "1023": {"English name": "Photographer", "Name": "Fotograf", "Condition": "Ptaki z kolorami w nazwie.", "Explanatory text": "Kolory obejmuj\u0105: ametystowy, bia\u0142y, b\u0142\u0119kitny, br\u0105zwoy, brunatny, bursztynowy, ciemny, czarny, czerwony, indygowy, krasny, krasy, lazurowy, miedziany, modry, mysi, niebieski, oliwkowy, per\u0142owy, p\u0142owy, popielaty, pstry, purpurowy, rdzawy, r\u00f3\u017cany, r\u00f3\u017cowy, rubinowy, rudy, seledynowy, siwy, szary, szkar\u0142atny, szmaragdowy, \u015bniady, \u015bnie\u017cny, zielony, z\u0142ocisty, z\u0142otawy, z\u0142oty, \u017c\u00f3\u0142tawy, \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty.", "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144. Kolory mog\u0105 by\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cnie odmienione lub stanowi\u0107 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 innego wyrazu, np. r\u00f3\u017cowog\u0142owy, bursztynka. Ka\u017cdy ptak liczy si\u0119 raz, nawet je\u015bli w swej nazwie ma wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 kolor.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej. Kolor pstry uznawany jest wy\u0142\u0105cznie w dodatku Ptaki Azji."}, "1024": {"English name": "Platform Builder", "Name": "Budowniczy platform", "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [platform].", "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [platform] albo [star].", "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami."}, "1025": {"English name": "Prairie Manager", "Name": "Amator \u0142\u0105k", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [grassland].", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu."}, "1026": {"English name": "Rodentologist", "Name": "Znawca gryzoni", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [rodent].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [rodent]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", "Note": null}, "1027": {"English name": "Visionary Leader", "Name": "Wizjoner", "Condition": "Karty ptak\u00f3w pozosta\u0142e na r\u0119ce na koniec gry.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz karty ptak\u00f3w, jakie pozosta\u0142y Ci na r\u0119ce na koniec gry."}, "1028": {"English name": "Viticulturalist", "Name": "Hodowca winoro\u015bli", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [fruit].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [fruit]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": null}, "1029": {"English name": "Wetland Scientist", "Name": "Badacz mokrade\u0142", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [wetland].", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3\u20134 ptaki: 3[point]; 5+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu."}, "1030": {"English name": "Wildlife Gardener", "Name": "Ogrodnik dzikiej natury", "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [bowl].", "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [bowl] albo [star].", "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami."}, "1032": {"English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", "Name": "[automa] Wied\u017amin", "Condition": "Ptaki warte 3 albo 4 punkty.", "Explanatory text": "(Zaczyna od kart z wy\u017csz\u0105 warto\u015bci\u0105).", "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje do 2 z nich", "Note": null}, "1033": {"English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", "Name": "[automa] Malinowy kr\u00f3l", "Condition": "Ptaki warte 5, 6 albo 7 punkt\u00f3w.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje kart\u0119 o najwy\u017cszej warto\u015bci.", "Note": null}, "1034": {"English name": "Forest Data Analyst", "Name": "Analityk danych z lasu", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [forest] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty."}, "1035": {"English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", "Name": "Analityk danych z \u0142\u0105k", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [grassland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty."}, "1036": {"English name": "Mechanical Engineer", "Name": "In\u017cynier mechanik", "Condition": "Zestawy 4 typ\u00f3w gniazd.", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0105pi\u0107 dowolny typ gniazda. \u017badna karta nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 zestawu.", "VP": "1 zestaw = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 zestaw: 3[point]; 2+ zestaw\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Ta karta punktuje zestawy sk\u0142adaj\u0105ce si\u0119 z 4 typ\u00f3w gniazd spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich Twoich ptak\u00f3w. Kolejno\u015b\u0107 ani po\u0142o\u017cenie gniazd na planszy nie maj\u0105 znaczenia. Liczy si\u0119 tylko to, aby w zestawie znajdowa\u0142y si\u0119 wszystkie 4 typy gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu w 1 zestawie. Na przyk\u0142ad:
"}, "1037": {"English name": "Site Selection Expert", "Name": "Specjalista od obserwacji", "Condition": "Kolumny z gniazdami tego samego typu.", "Explanatory text": "R\u00f3\u017cne kolumny mog\u0105 (ale nie musz\u0105) zapewni\u0107 punkty za r\u00f3\u017cne typy gniazd. Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym zast\u0119puj\u0105 dowolny typ gniazda, ale ka\u017cde liczy si\u0119 tylko raz.", "VP": "2 takie same gniazda w kolumnie: 1[point]; 3 takie same gniazda w kolumnie: 3[point]", "Note": "Ta karta zapewnia punkty za ka\u017cd\u0105 kolumn\u0119 zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 gniazdo tego samego typu. Kolumna jest warta odpowiednio 0, 1 albo 3 punkty w zale\u017cno\u015bci od tego, czy znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w niej 0, 2 albo 3 takie same typy gniazd. R\u00f3\u017cne kolumny mog\u0105 (ale nie musz\u0105) zapewni\u0107 punkty za r\u00f3\u017cne typy gniazd.
Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym liczy si\u0119 tylko raz. Nie mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd w tej samej kolumnie."}, "1038": {"English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", "Name": "Analityk danych z mokrade\u0142", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty."}, "1039": {"English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", "Name": "Ptasi rodzic", "Condition": "Ptaki z pe\u0142nymi gniazdami.", "Explanatory text": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 w\u0142asnych gniazd, nie spe\u0142niaj\u0105 wymogu bonusu.", "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz, ile kart ptak\u00f3w ma na sobie maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 jaj zgodnie z ich limitem jaj.
Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowywania jaj, nie spe\u0142niaj\u0105 warunk\u00f3w tego bonusu \u2013 nie maj\u0105 pe\u0142nych gniazd."}, "1040": {"English name": "Endangered Species Protector", "Name": "Obro\u0144ca zagro\u017conych gatunk\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105 dobieranie lub zapunktowanie kart bonusowych.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "3[point] za ptaka", "Note": "Policz, na ilu kartach ptak\u00f3w widnieje wskazany symbol. Oznacza on ptaki, kt\u00f3rych zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala na dobranie nowej karty bonusowej. W tej talii do tych ptak\u00f3w nale\u017c\u0105:
Biegus \u0142y\u017ckodzioby,
Ibis czubaty,
Marabut indyjski,
S\u0119p indyjski,
Sterniczka zwyczajna,
\u017buraw mand\u017curski.
Dodatkowo drop indyjski umo\u017cliwia zapunktowanie karty bonusowej i jej zatrzymanie. Ten ptak r\u00f3wnie\u017c liczy si\u0119 przy punktowaniu tej karty bonusowej."}, "1041": {"English name": "Forest Population Monitor", "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w w lesie", "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [forest].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda."}, "1042": {"English name": "Forest Ranger", "Name": "Stra\u017cnik le\u015bny", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [forest] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
"}, "1043": {"English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w na \u0142\u0105ce", "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [grassland].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda."}, "1044": {"English name": "Grassland Ranger", "Name": "Stra\u017cnik \u0142\u0105k", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [grassland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
"}, "1045": {"English name": "Pellet Dissector", "Name": "Wnikliwy analityk", "Condition": "\u017betony [fish] i [rodent] przechowane na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "2\u20133 przechowane \u017cetony: 3[point]; 4+ przechowanych \u017ceton\u00f3w: 6[point]", "Note": "Policz, ile \u017ceton\u00f3w ryb i gryzoni masz na swoich kartach ptak\u00f3w."}, "1046": {"English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", "Name": "Specjalista od ma\u0142ych wyl\u0119g\u00f3w", "Condition": "Ptaki z limitem jak do 2.", "Explanatory text": "Ptaki bez gniazd spe\u0142niaj\u0105 wym\u00f3g bonusu.", "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz, ile kart ptak\u00f3w ma limit jaj 2 albo mniej. Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, r\u00f3wnie\u017c spe\u0142niaj\u0105 warunki tego bonusu. Ich limit wynosi 0 (czyli mniej ni\u017c 2).
Przy punktowaniu tej karty bonusowej nie ma znaczenia, czy na karcie ptaka znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jakiekolwiek jaja."}, "1047": {"English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach", "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [wetland].", "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda."}, "1048": {"English name": "Wetland Ranger", "Name": "Stra\u017cnik mokrade\u0142", "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
"}, "1049": {"English name": "Winter Feeder", "Name": "Zimowy dokarmiacz", "Condition": "\u017betony po\u017cywienia pozosta\u0142e w Twoich zasobach na koniec gry.", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "4\u20136 \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia: 4[point]; 7+ \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia: 7[point]", "Note": "Policz, ile niewykorzystanych \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia masz na koniec gry w swoich zasobach. Po\u017cywienie przechowywane na kartach ptak\u00f3w nie liczy si\u0119 jako cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zasob\u00f3w."}, "1050": {"English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", "Name": "[automa] Zagorza\u0142y mi\u0142o\u015bnik ptak\u00f3w azjatyckich", "Condition": "
Poziom trudno\u015bciPtaki warte
Orl\u01192 albo 3 punkty
Orze\u01423 albo 4 punkty
Szybuj\u0105cy orze\u01424 albo 5 punkt\u00f3w
", "Explanatory text": "(Zaczyna od kart z ni\u017csz\u0105 warto\u015bci\u0105).", "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje do 2 z nich", "Note": null}, "1051": {"English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", "Name": "[automa] Znawca rzadkich gatunk\u00f3w", "Condition": "
Poziom trudno\u015bciPtaki warte
Orl\u01194, 5 albo 6 punkt\u00f3w
Orze\u01425, 6 albo 7 punkt\u00f3w
Szybuj\u0105cy orze\u01426, 7 albo 8 punkt\u00f3w
", "Explanatory text": null, "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje kart\u0119 o najni\u017cszej warto\u015bci.", "Note": null}}, "goals": {"2000": {"English name": "Bird in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bird] w [forest]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2001": {"English name": "Bird in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bird] w [grassland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2002": {"English name": "Bird in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bird] w [wetland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2013": {"English name": "Egg in Forest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [forest]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2014": {"English name": "Egg in Grassland", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [grassland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2017": {"English name": "Egg in Wetland", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [wetland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska."}, "2010": {"English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": "[cavity] [bird] z [egg]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2008": {"English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bowl] [bird] z [egg]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2021": {"English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": "[ground] [bird] z [egg]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2022": {"English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", "Name": null, "Condition": "[platform] [bird] z [egg]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2012": {"English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [cavity]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2011": {"English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [bowl]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2015": {"English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [ground]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2016": {"English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", "Name": null, "Condition": "[egg] w [platform]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda."}, "2023": {"English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", "Name": null, "Condition": "zestawy [egg][egg][egg] w [wetland][grassland][forest]", "Explanatory Text": "1 zestaw jaj sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z 1 jaja w lesie, 1 jaja na \u0142\u0105ce i 1 na mokrad\u0142ach. Policz liczb\u0119 takich zestaw\u00f3w."}, "2024": {"English name": "Total Bird", "Name": null, "Condition": "wszystkie [bird]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 wszystkich zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w."}, "2020": {"English name": "Food in Supply", "Name": "\u017bywno\u015b\u0107 w zasobach w\u0142asnych", "Condition": "[wild] w zasobach w\u0142asnych", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia w swoich zasobach."}, "2003": {"English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", "Name": "Karty ptak\u00f3w na r\u0119ce", "Condition": "[card] na r\u0119ce", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 wszystkich kart ptak\u00f3w na r\u0119ce."}, "2004": {"English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", "Name": "Ptaki warte >4 punkty", "Condition": "[bird] warte >4[point]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych nadrukowana warto\u015b\u0107 wynosi wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 4 punkty."}, "2006": {"English name": "Birds with No Eggs", "Name": "Ptaki bez jaj", "Condition": "[bird] bez [egg]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne jaja w momencie punktowania tego celu."}, "2005": {"English name": "Birds in 1 Row", "Name": "Ptaki w 1 rz\u0119dzie", "Condition": "[bird] w 1 rz\u0119dzie", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w w rz\u0119dzie, w kt\u00f3rym masz ich najwi\u0119cej."}, "2018": {"English name": "Filled Columns", "Name": "Zape\u0142nione kolumny", "Condition": "zape\u0142nione kolumny", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 kolumn, w kt\u00f3rych s\u0105 zape\u0142nione wszystkie 3 pola ptak\u00f3w."}, "2009": {"English name": "Brown Powers", "Name": "Br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci", "Condition": "br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w z br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d."}, "2025": {"English name": "White & No Powers", "Name": "Zdolno\u015bci bez koloru i brak zdolno\u015bci", "Condition": null, "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnej zdolno\u015bci."}, "2007": {"English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", "Name": "Ptaki z wsuni\u0119tymi kartami", "Condition": "[flocking] ptaki z wsuni\u0119tymi kartami", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, pod kt\u00f3rymi znajduje si\u0119 co najmniej 1 wsuni\u0119ta karta."}, "2019": {"English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", "Name": "Koszt w po\u017cywieniu zagranych ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "Koszt w po\u017cywieniu zagranych [bird]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz koszt w po\u017cywieniu na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w, pami\u0119taj\u0105c, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia (z uko\u015bnikiem)."}, "2031": {"English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Bezkr\u0119gowiec w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "[invertebrate] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]."}, "2030": {"English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Owoc + Ziarno w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "[fruit] + [seed] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]."}, "2033": {"English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", "Name": "Gryzo\u0144 + Ryba w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Condition": "[rodent] + [fish] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]."}, "2032": {"English name": "No Goal", "Name": "Brak celu", "Condition": "brak celu", "Explanatory Text": "Na koniec danej rundy nie punktujecie \u017cadnego celu. Nie odk\u0142adajcie w tej rundzie \u017cadnych kostek akcji na plansz\u0119 cel\u00f3w. We wszystkich kolejnych rundach rozgrywacie o 1 tur\u0119 wi\u0119cej."}, "2026": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Left", "Name": "Zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w lewo", "Condition": "[beak-left] zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w lewo", "Explanatory Text": "Te cele zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za ptaki zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w okre\u015blonym kierunku. Do tych cel\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 ptaki z dziobem skierowanym na wprost albo w g\u00f3r\u0119.
Cele zwi\u0105zane z kierunkiem dzioba zosta\u0142y stworzone po to, aby\u015bcie mieli kolejny pow\u00f3d do przyjrzenia si\u0119 pi\u0119knym ilustracjom. Po przejrzeniu wszystkich kart uznali\u015bmy, \u017ce okre\u015blenie, w kt\u00f3r\u0105 stron\u0119 skierowany jest dzi\u00f3b ptaka, nie powinno sprawia\u0107 trudno\u015bci. Je\u015bli jednak uznacie, \u017ce jest to kwestia dyskusyjna, usu\u0144cie ten \u017ceton celu z gry. Kilka ptak\u00f3w wymaga jednak dodatkowych wyja\u015bnie\u0144:

Poni\u017cej prezentujemy list\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie s\u0105 zwr\u00f3cone dziobem ani w prawo, ani w lewo.
Gra podstawowaPtaki EuropyPtaki OceaniiPtaki Azji"}, "2027": {"English name": "Beak Pointing Right", "Name": "Zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w prawo", "Condition": "[beak-right] zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w prawo", "Explanatory Text": "Te cele zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za ptaki zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w okre\u015blonym kierunku. Do tych cel\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 ptaki z dziobem skierowanym na wprost albo w g\u00f3r\u0119.
Cele zwi\u0105zane z kierunkiem dzioba zosta\u0142y stworzone po to, aby\u015bcie mieli kolejny pow\u00f3d do przyjrzenia si\u0119 pi\u0119knym ilustracjom. Po przejrzeniu wszystkich kart uznali\u015bmy, \u017ce okre\u015blenie, w kt\u00f3r\u0105 stron\u0119 skierowany jest dzi\u00f3b ptaka, nie powinno sprawia\u0107 trudno\u015bci. Je\u015bli jednak uznacie, \u017ce jest to kwestia dyskusyjna, usu\u0144cie ten \u017ceton celu z gry. Kilka ptak\u00f3w wymaga jednak dodatkowych wyja\u015bnie\u0144:

Poni\u017cej prezentujemy list\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie s\u0105 zwr\u00f3cone dziobem ani w prawo, ani w lewo.
Gra podstawowaPtaki EuropyPtaki OceaniiPtaki Azji"}, "2029": {"English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", "Name": "Kostki akcji w rz\u0119dzie \u201ezagraj kart\u0119\u201d", "Condition": "[cube] w rz\u0119dzie \u201ezagraj kart\u0119\u201d", "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 kostek, jakie w tej rundzie umie\u015bci\u0142e\u015b w rz\u0119dzie \u201eZagraj kart\u0119\u201d. Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce ten cel wymaga zachowania kostek akcji na planszy a\u017c do zako\u0144czenia rundy."}, "2028": {"English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", "Name": null, "Condition": "[bird] warte \u22643[point]", "Explanatory Text": null}, "2043": {"English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", "Name": "Pary pasuj\u0105cych symboli", "Condition": "[duet-token] na parach pasuj\u0105cych symboli", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu znajduje si\u0119 na parach p\u00f3l z identycznymi symbolami. Symbole musz\u0105 by\u0107 takie same, np. 2 gryzonie albo 2 pola rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <50 cm. Bonusy tych p\u00f3l nie musz\u0105 do siebie pasowa\u0107. Ka\u017cdy znacznik liczy si\u0119 tylko raz. Je\u015bli masz 4 znaczniki na polach z identycznymi symbolami, licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 2 pary."}, "2040": {"English name": "Nest Symbols", "Name": "Symbole gniazd", "Condition": "[duet-token] na [bowl][cavity][ground][platform]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz wszystkie swoje znaczniki duetu na polach z symbolem gniazda ([bowl], [cavity], [ground], [platform]). Symbole mog\u0105 si\u0119 powtarza\u0107 (np.. oba znaczniki na 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych polach [platform] si\u0119 licz\u0105)."}, "2035": {"English name": "Food Symbols", "Name": "Symbole po\u017cywienia", "Condition": "[duet-token] na [fish][fruit][rodent][seed][invertebrate]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz wszystkie swoje znaczniki duetu na polach z symbolem po\u017cywienia ([fruit], [seed], [invertebrate], [rodent], [fish]). Symbole mog\u0105 si\u0119 powtarza\u0107 (np.. oba znaczniki na 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych polach [fish] si\u0119 licz\u0105)."}, "2041": {"English name": "Not on Edge of Map", "Name": "Nie na skraju mapy", "Condition": "[duet-token] nie na skraju mapy", "Explanatory Text": "Ka\u017cda kraw\u0119d\u017a mapy ma 6 p\u00f3l. Na ka\u017cdej z bocznych kraw\u0119dzi znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 3 pola przesuni\u0119te do \u015brodka, kt\u00f3re wci\u0105\u017c s\u0105 na skraju. Na mapie jest w sumie 20 p\u00f3l zewn\u0119trznych i 16 p\u00f3l wewn\u0119trznych. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 na skraju mapy (pola zewn\u0119trzne) albo nie na skraju (pola wewn\u0119trzne)."}, "2042": {"English name": "On Edge of Map", "Name": "Na skraju mapy", "Condition": "[duet-token] na skraju mapy", "Explanatory Text": "Ka\u017cda kraw\u0119d\u017a mapy ma 6 p\u00f3l. Na ka\u017cdej z bocznych kraw\u0119dzi znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 3 pola przesuni\u0119te do \u015brodka, kt\u00f3re wci\u0105\u017c s\u0105 na skraju. Na mapie jest w sumie 20 p\u00f3l zewn\u0119trznych i 16 p\u00f3l wewn\u0119trznych. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 na skraju mapy (pola zewn\u0119trzne) albo nie na skraju (pola wewn\u0119trzne)."}, "2044": {"English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", "Name": "Znaczniki w 1 dowolnym poziomym rz\u0119dzie", "Condition": "[duet-token] w 1 dowolnym poziomym rz\u0119dzie", "Explanatory Text": "Wybierz najkorzystniejszy dla siebie poziomy rz\u0105d i policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu si\u0119 w nim znajduje. Znaczniki nie musz\u0105 le\u017ce\u0107 obok siebie."}, "2036": {"English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", "Name": "Poziome rz\u0119dy z przynajmniej 1 Twoim znacznikiem", "Condition": "poziome rz\u0119dy z przynajmniej 1 Twoim [duet-token]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, w ilu spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich 6 poziomych rz\u0119d\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 przynajmniej 1 Tw\u00f3j znacznik duetu."}, "2034": {"English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", "Name": "Najmniej znacznik\u00f3w na polach z bonusami", "Condition": "najmniej [duet-token] na polach z bonusami", "Explanatory Text": "Bonusy na polach mapy zapewniaj\u0105 [dice]/[egg]/[card], gdy umie\u015bci si\u0119 na nich znacznik. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w jest na tych 9 polach. Cel zostaje osi\u0105gni\u0119ty przez gracza z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 takich znacznik\u00f3w."}, "2037": {"English name": "In Forest", "Name": "W lesie", "Condition": "[duet-token] w [forest]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane."}, "2038": {"English name": "In Grassland", "Name": "Na \u0142\u0105ce", "Condition": "[duet-token] w [grassland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane."}, "2039": {"English name": "In Wetland", "Name": "Na mokrad\u0142ach", "Condition": "[duet-token] w [wetland]", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane."}, "2045": {"English name": "Total Duet Tokens", "Name": "Suma znacznik\u00f3w na mapie", "Condition": "suma [duet-token] na mapie", "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu znajduje si\u0119 na mapie. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane."}}, "other": {"WHEN ACTIVATED": {"Translated": "Gdy aktywujesz"}, "WHEN PLAYED": {"Translated": "Gdy zagrywasz"}, "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": {"Translated": "Raz mi\u0119dzy turami"}, "ROUND END": {"Translated": "Koniec rundy"}, "GAME END": {"Translated": "Koniec gry"}, "of cards": {"Translated": "kart"}}, "parameters": {"Show bonus cards match symbols": {"Value": false}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "birds": { + "2": { + "English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur \u017bo\u0142\u0119dziowy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "3": { + "English name": "American Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", + "Common name": "Szablodzi\u00f3b Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [ground] na karcie innego ptaka.", + "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "4": { + "English name": "American Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", + "Common name": "B\u0105k Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] dobiera(j\u0105) 1 [card].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli gracze remisuj\u0105 w najmniejszej liczbie ptak\u00f3w mokrad\u0142owych, wszyscy oni dobieraj\u0105 kart\u0119, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 dobra\u0107 karty ze stosu lub odkryte z tacki (je\u015bli jakie\u015b s\u0105).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "5": { + "English name": "American Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", + "Common name": "\u0141yska Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "6": { + "English name": "American Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Wrona Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "7": { + "English name": "American Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", + "Common name": "Czy\u017c Z\u0142otawy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 3 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "8": { + "English name": "American Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", + "Common name": "Pustu\u0142ka Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "9": { + "English name": "American Oystercatcher", + "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", + "Common name": "Ostrygojad Brunatny", + "Power text": "Dobierz [card] w liczbie r\u00f3wnej liczbie graczy +1. Nast\u0119pnie, pocz\u0105wszy od siebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, ka\u017cdy gracz bierze na r\u0119k\u0119 1 z tych kart. Otrzymujesz te\u017c ostatni\u0105 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Dobierz karty ze stosu tak, aby\u015b mia\u0142 zestaw kart licz\u0105cy o 1 sztuk\u0119 wi\u0119cej, ni\u017c wynosi liczba graczy. Ka\u017cdy gracz wybiera jedn\u0105 kart\u0119 z tego zestawu, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i kieruj\u0105c si\u0119 w lewo. Ty bierzesz tak\u017ce ostatni\u0105 kart\u0119, kt\u00f3ra zosta\u0142a.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "10": { + "English name": "American Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", + "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka szkar\u0142atna", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [wild] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "11": { + "English name": "American Robin", + "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", + "Common name": "Drozd W\u0119drowny", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "12": { + "English name": "American White Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Pelikan Dzioborogi", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [fish], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "13": { + "English name": "American Woodcock", + "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", + "Common name": "S\u0142onka Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "14": { + "English name": "Anhinga", + "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", + "Common name": "W\u0119\u017c\u00f3wka Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "15": { + "English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", + "Common name": "Koliberek \u017barog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz otrzymuje 1 [die] z karmnika, zaczynaj\u0105c od gracza wybranego przez Ciebie.", + "Note": "W\u0142a\u015bciciel kolibra decyduje, kto otrzymuje po\u017cywienie jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania. Gracze mog\u0105 nape\u0142nia\u0107 karmnik, gdy opustoszeje, a tak\u017ce gdy wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol (dotyczy tak\u017ce pojedynczej kostki).", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "16": { + "English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", + "Common name": "Mucho\u0142ap Mysi", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [cavity].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "17": { + "English name": "Atlantic Puffin", + "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", + "Common name": "Maskonur Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "18": { + "English name": "Audouin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", + "Common name": "Mewa \u015ar\u00f3dziemnomorska", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Wsu\u0144 1 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 i zatrzymaj drug\u0105.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "19": { + "English name": "Baird's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", + "Common name": "Bagiennik \u0141\u0105kowy", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "20": { + "English name": "Bald Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", + "Common name": "Bielik Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "21": { + "English name": "Baltimore Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", + "Common name": "Kacyk P\u00f3\u0142nocny", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "22": { + "English name": "Barn Owl", + "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", + "Common name": "P\u0142omyk\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "23": { + "English name": "Barn Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", + "Common name": "Dym\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "24": { + "English name": "Barred Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix varia", + "Common name": "Puszczyk Kreskowany", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "25": { + "English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", + "Common name": "Sierpiec", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [cavity] na karcie innego ptaka.", + "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "26": { + "English name": "Bell's Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", + "Common name": "Wireonek Skromny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "27": { + "English name": "Belted Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", + "Common name": "Rybaczek Popielaty", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [wetland], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Aktywujesz te zdolno\u015bci, gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZagraj kart\u0119 ptaka\u201d i zagrywa kart\u0119 w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie jest aktywowana, gdy ptak innego gracza przenosi si\u0119 do innego siedliska dzi\u0119ki swojej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "28": { + "English name": "Bewick's Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", + "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk Myszaty", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "29": { + "English name": "Black Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", + "Common name": "Kopciuszek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Wybierz siedlisko bez \u017cadnych [egg]. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie w tym siedlisku.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "30": { + "English name": "Black Skimmer", + "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", + "Common name": "Brzytwodzi\u00f3b Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "31": { + "English name": "Black Tern", + "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", + "Common name": "Rybitwa Czarna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "32": { + "English name": "Black Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", + "Common name": "S\u0119pnik Czarny", + "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "33": { + "English name": "Black Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Czarny", + "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107, a nast\u0119pnie wzi\u0105\u0107 wszystkie bezkr\u0119gowce.
Po zdobyciu po\u017cywienia dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci przestaje ona dzia\u0142a\u0107 w tej turze. To oznacza, \u017ce je\u015bli w wyniku dzia\u0142ania tej zdolno\u015bci karmnik opustoszeje i nape\u0142nisz go ponownie, nie otrzymujesz dodatkowego po\u017cywienia po jego nape\u0142nieniu. Je\u015bli po wzi\u0119ciu wszystkich bezkr\u0119gowc\u00f3w z karmnika wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, nie mo\u017cesz opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 karmnika i ponownie go nape\u0142ni\u0107, aby dobra\u0107 wi\u0119cej po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "34": { + "English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", + "Common name": "Drzewica Czarnobrzucha", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "35": { + "English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", + "Common name": "Sroka Czarnodzioba", + "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "36": { + "English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", + "Common name": "Koliberek czarnobrody", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "37": { + "English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", + "Common name": "\u015alepowron Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "38": { + "English name": "Black-Headed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", + "Common name": "Mewa \u015amieszka", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i dodaj do swoich zasob\u00f3w. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "39": { + "English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", + "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", + "Common name": "Szczud\u0142ak Bia\u0142obrewy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "40": { + "English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", + "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", + "Common name": "Rycyk", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 3 [card] i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "41": { + "English name": "Black-Throated Diver", + "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", + "Common name": "Nur Czarnoszyi", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "42": { + "English name": "Blue Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", + "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk B\u0142\u0119kitny", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "43": { + "English name": "Blue Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", + "Common name": "Modros\u00f3jka B\u0142\u0119kitna", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "44": { + "English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", + "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", + "Common name": "Siwuszka Ciemnobrewa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "45": { + "English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", + "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Niebieskoskrzyd\u0142a", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "46": { + "English name": "Bluethroat", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", + "Common name": "Podr\u00f3\u017cniczek", + "Power text": "Wybierz rodzaj po\u017cywienia. Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 \u017ceton tego po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "47": { + "English name": "Bobolink", + "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", + "Common name": "Ry\u017cojad", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "48": { + "English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", + "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Po\u0142udniowy", + "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "49": { + "English name": "Brant", + "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", + "Common name": "Bernikla Obro\u017cna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 3 odkryte [card] z tacki.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "50": { + "English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", + "Common name": "Kacykarzyk Purpurowy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "51": { + "English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Szerokoskrzyd\u0142y", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "52": { + "English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", + "Common name": "Starzyk Czarny", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", + "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "53": { + "English name": "Brown Pelican", + "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", + "Common name": "Pelikan Brunatny", + "Power text": "We\u017a 3 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "54": { + "English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", + "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", + "Common name": "Starzyk Brunatnog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", + "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "55": { + "English name": "Bullfinch", + "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", + "Common name": "Gil", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [seed] albo 1 [fruit] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "56": { + "English name": "Burrowing Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", + "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Ziemna", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "57": { + "English name": "Bushtit", + "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", + "Common name": "Raniuszek Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "58": { + "English name": "California Condor", + "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", + "Common name": "Kondor Kalifornijski", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "59": { + "English name": "California Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", + "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r Kalifornijski", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "60": { + "English name": "Canada Goose", + "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", + "Common name": "Bernikla Kanadyjska", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "61": { + "English name": "Canvasback", + "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", + "Common name": "G\u0142owienka D\u0142ugodzioba", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "62": { + "English name": "Carolina Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", + "Common name": "Sikora Karoli\u0144ska", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "63": { + "English name": "Carolina Wren", + "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk Karoli\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "64": { + "English name": "Carrion Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", + "Common name": "Czarnowron", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowolnego gracza (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105). Za ka\u017cdego [predator], kt\u00f3rego ma ten gracz, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "65": { + "English name": "Cassin's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", + "Common name": "Dziwuszka Czerwonoczelna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "66": { + "English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", + "Common name": "Polniczek Szary", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "67": { + "English name": "Cedar Waxwing", + "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", + "Common name": "Jemio\u0142uszka Cedrowa", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "68": { + "English name": "Cerulean Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", + "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Niebieska", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "69": { + "English name": "Cetti's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", + "Common name": "Wierzb\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", + "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "70": { + "English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", + "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", + "Common name": "Po\u015bwierka Czarnobrzucha", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "71": { + "English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", + "Common name": "Kruk Meksyka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "72": { + "English name": "Chimney Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", + "Common name": "Kominiarczyk Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "73": { + "English name": "Chipping Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", + "Common name": "Spizela Bia\u0142obrewa", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "74": { + "English name": "Clark's Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", + "Common name": "Perkoz \u017b\u00f3\u0142todzioby", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "75": { + "English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", + "Common name": "Orzech\u00f3wka Popielata", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "76": { + "English name": "Coal Tit", + "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", + "Common name": "Sosn\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. W dowolnym momencie mo\u017cesz wyda\u0107 [seed] przechowywane na tej karcie.", + "Note": "[seed] przechowywane na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 do Twoich zasob\u00f3w w kontek\u015bcie cel\u00f3w obowi\u0105zuj\u0105cych na koniec rundy, ale mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do zagrywania kolejnych ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "77": { + "English name": "Common Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", + "Common name": "Kos Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", + "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "78": { + "English name": "Common Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "79": { + "English name": "Common Chaffinch", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", + "Common name": "Zi\u0119ba Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "80": { + "English name": "Common Chiffchaff", + "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", + "Common name": "Pierwiosnek", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "81": { + "English name": "Common Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", + "Common name": "Kuku\u0142ka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] na karcie innego ptaka w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] albo [ground].", + "Note": "W przypadku zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka symbol [star] liczy si\u0119 jako [bowl] i [ground].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "82": { + "English name": "Common Goldeneye", + "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", + "Common name": "G\u0105go\u0142", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cdego innego ptaka z gniazdem [cavity], kt\u00f3rego posiadasz.", + "Note": "W przypadku zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka symbol [star] liczy si\u0119 jako [cavity].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "83": { + "English name": "Common Grackle", + "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", + "Common name": "Wilgowron Mniejszy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "84": { + "English name": "Common Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", + "Common name": "Zimorodek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "85": { + "English name": "Common Little Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", + "Common name": "B\u0105czek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [grassland].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli nie jest dost\u0119pna \u017cadna [card] z tym rodzajem siedliska, nie bierzesz karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "86": { + "English name": "Common Loon", + "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", + "Common name": "Nur Lodowiec", + "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] dobiera(j\u0105) 1 [card].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli gracze remisuj\u0105 w najmniejszej liczbie ptak\u00f3w mokrad\u0142owych, wszyscy oni dobieraj\u0105 kart\u0119, pocz\u0105wszy od Ciebie i dalej zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 dobra\u0107 karty ze stosu lub odkryte z tacki (je\u015bli jakie\u015b s\u0105).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "87": { + "English name": "Common Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", + "Common name": "Nurog\u0119\u015b", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "88": { + "English name": "Common Moorhen", + "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", + "Common name": "Kokoszka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "89": { + "English name": "Common Nighthawk", + "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", + "Common name": "Lelczyk Ma\u0142y", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "90": { + "English name": "Common Nightingale", + "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", + "Common name": "S\u0142owik Rdzawy", + "Power text": "Wybierz rodzaj po\u017cywienia. Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 \u017ceton tego po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "91": { + "English name": "Common Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", + "Common name": "Kruk Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "92": { + "English name": "Common Starling", + "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", + "Common name": "Szpak Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "93": { + "English name": "Common Swift", + "Scientific name": "Apus apus", + "Common name": "Jerzyk Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "94": { + "English name": "Common Yellowthroat", + "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", + "Common name": "Cytrynka Czarnolica", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "95": { + "English name": "Cooper's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", + "Common name": "Krogulec Czarno\u0142bisty", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "96": { + "English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", + "Common name": "Kowalik Korsyka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "97": { + "English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", + "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", + "Common name": "Junko Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "98": { + "English name": "Dickcissel", + "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", + "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Czarnogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "99": { + "English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", + "Common name": "Kormoran Rogaty", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [fish], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "100": { + "English name": "Downy Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Kosmaty", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "101": { + "English name": "Dunnock", + "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", + "Common name": "P\u0142ochacz Pokrzywnica", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "102": { + "English name": "Eastern Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", + "Common name": "B\u0142\u0119kitnik Rudogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "103": { + "English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", + "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Cesarski", + "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "104": { + "English name": "Eastern Kingbird", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", + "Common name": "Tyran P\u00f3\u0142nocny", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [forest], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Aktywujesz te zdolno\u015bci, gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZagraj kart\u0119 ptaka\u201d i zagrywa kart\u0119 w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie jest aktywowana, gdy ptak innego gracza przenosi si\u0119 do innego siedliska dzi\u0119ki swojej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "105": { + "English name": "Eastern Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", + "Common name": "Fibik Oliwkowy", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "106": { + "English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", + "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", + "Common name": "Syczo\u0144 Krzykliwy", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "107": { + "English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", + "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 Skalny", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "108": { + "English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", + "Common name": "Sierp\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "109": { + "English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", + "Common name": "Wilga Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo 1 [fruit] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "110": { + "English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Zielony", + "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", + "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "111": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hobby", + "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", + "Common name": "Kobuz", + "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "112": { + "English name": "Eurasian Jay", + "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", + "Common name": "S\u00f3jka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "113": { + "English name": "Eurasian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Pica pica", + "Common name": "Sroka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] we\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do przechowywania po\u017cywienia na ptakach, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "114": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", + "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", + "Common name": "Orzech\u00f3wka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20135 kart ptak\u00f3w w swoim [forest]. We\u017a tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj po 1 [seed] na karcie ka\u017cdego z nich.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do przechowywania po\u017cywienia na ptakach, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "115": { + "English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", + "Common name": "Kowalik Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. W dowolnym momencie mo\u017cesz wyda\u0107 [seed] przechowywane na tej karcie.", + "Note": "[seed] przechowywane na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 do Twoich zasob\u00f3w w kontek\u015bcie cel\u00f3w obowi\u0105zuj\u0105cych na koniec rundy, ale mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017cyte do zagrywania kolejnych ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "116": { + "English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", + "Common name": "Krogulec Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Zamiast [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3r\u0105 zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "117": { + "English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", + "Common name": "Mazurek", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "118": { + "English name": "European Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", + "Common name": "\u017bo\u0142na Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "119": { + "English name": "European Goldfinch", + "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", + "Common name": "Szczygie\u0142", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz z jakiegokolwiek powodu wsuwa [card], wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "120": { + "English name": "European Honey Buzzard", + "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", + "Common name": "Trzmielojad Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "121": { + "English name": "European Robin", + "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", + "Common name": "Rudzik", + "Power text": "We\u017a z zasob\u00f3w 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia rodzaju, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c w tej rundzie otrzyma\u0142e\u015b.", + "Note": "Mo\u017ce to by\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3ry pozyska\u0142e\u015b z karmnika w ramach akcji \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d albo aktywuj\u0105c zdolno\u015b\u0107 innego ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "122": { + "English name": "European Roller", + "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", + "Common name": "Kraska Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", + "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "123": { + "English name": "European Turtle Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", + "Common name": "Turkawka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka albo dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "124": { + "English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Kr\u00f3lewski", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "125": { + "English name": "Fish Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", + "Common name": "Wrona Rybo\u017cerna", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z karty Twojego dowolnego innego ptaka, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Te gatunki znane s\u0105 z podjadania jaj z gniazd innych ptak\u00f3w. Aby u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz mie\u0107 ju\u017c z\u0142o\u017cone wcze\u015bniej jajo na innym ptaku. Odrzu\u0107 jajo do zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "126": { + "English name": "Forster's Tern", + "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", + "Common name": "Rybitwa Czarnoucha", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "127": { + "English name": "Franklin's Gull", + "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", + "Common name": "Mewa Preriowa", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (zwr\u00f3cenie jaja do zasob\u00f3w). Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, je\u015bli jeszcze nie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b \u017cadnych jaj.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "128": { + "English name": "Goldcrest", + "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", + "Common name": "Mysikr\u00f3lik Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "129": { + "English name": "Golden Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", + "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Przedni", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "130": { + "English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", + "Common name": "Preri\u00f3wek Plamisty", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na swojej dowolnej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "131": { + "English name": "Gray Catbird", + "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", + "Common name": "Przedrze\u017aniacz Ciemny", + "Power text": "Aktywuj ponownie jedn\u0105 z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innego ptaka w tym siedlisku.", + "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "132": { + "English name": "Great Blue Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", + "Common name": "Czapla Modra", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "133": { + "English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", + "Common name": "Mucho\u0142ap Czubaty", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika, je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "134": { + "English name": "Great Crested Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", + "Common name": "Perkoz Dwuczuby", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cde puste pole w tym rz\u0119dzie. Na koniec swojej tury zachowaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby trzyma\u0107 te karty oddzielnie i nie \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 ich z innymi dobieranymi kartami ani z kartami na r\u0119ce. Nie mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 tych kart w bie\u017c\u0105cej turze. Aby nie hamowa\u0107 gry, mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty podczas tur kolejnych graczy.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "135": { + "English name": "Great Egret", + "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", + "Common name": "Czapla Bia\u0142a", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "136": { + "English name": "Great Horned Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", + "Common name": "Puchacz Wirginijski", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "137": { + "English name": "Great Tit", + "Scientific name": "Parus major", + "Common name": "Bogatka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "138": { + "English name": "Greater Flamingo", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", + "Common name": "Flaming R\u00f3\u017cowy", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [wetland] wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie tyle kart, ile wynosi liczba kostek akcji wybranego gracza w danym siedlisku.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "139": { + "English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", + "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", + "Common name": "Preriokur Dwuczuby", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "140": { + "English name": "Greater Roadrunner", + "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", + "Common name": "Kukawka Kalifornijska", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <50 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "141": { + "English name": "Green Heron", + "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", + "Common name": "Czapla Zielona", + "Power text": "Wymie\u0144 1 [wild] na dowolny inny [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "142": { + "English name": "Grey Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", + "Common name": "Czapla Siwa", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", + "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "143": { + "English name": "Greylag Goose", + "Scientific name": "Anser anser", + "Common name": "G\u0119gawa", + "Power text": "Ten ptak liczy si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji danego celu, je\u015bli spe\u0142nia jego warunki.", + "Note": "Te ptaki licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie tylko na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, ale ju\u017c nie w przypadku kart bonusowych czy punkt\u00f3w na koniec gry.
Jaja na kartach tych ptak\u00f3w nie licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w zliczaj\u0105cych jaja.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "144": { + "English name": "Griffon Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", + "Common name": "S\u0119p P\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowolnego gracza (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105). Za ka\u017cdego [predator], kt\u00f3rego ma ten gracz, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "145": { + "English name": "Hawfinch", + "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", + "Common name": "Grubodzi\u00f3b Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli po nape\u0142nieniu karmnika nie ma w nim okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "146": { + "English name": "Hermit Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", + "Common name": "Drozdek Samotny", + "Power text": "Gracz(e) z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 ptak\u00f3w w [forest] bierze/bior\u0105 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy remisuje w kategorii najmniejszej liczby le\u015bnych ptak\u00f3w, wszyscy u\u017cywaj\u0105 tej zdolno\u015bci. Ty wybierasz, kto u\u017cywa jej jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "147": { + "English name": "Hooded Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", + "Common name": "Wrona Siwa", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 kostk\u0119 akcji na jego [grassland] wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz tak\u0105 sam\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie tyle kart, ile wynosi liczba kostek akcji wybranego gracza w danym siedlisku.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "148": { + "English name": "Hooded Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", + "Common name": "Kapturnik", + "Power text": "Skorzystaj ponownie z 1 zdolno\u015bci [predator] w tym siedlisku.", + "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "149": { + "English name": "Hooded Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", + "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka \u017b\u00f3\u0142toczelna", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "150": { + "English name": "Horned Lark", + "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", + "Common name": "G\u00f3rniczek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz zagrywa ptaka na [grassland], wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "151": { + "English name": "House Finch", + "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", + "Common name": "Dziwuszka Ogrodowa", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "152": { + "English name": "House Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", + "Common name": "Wr\u00f3bel Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 5 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "153": { + "English name": "House Wren", + "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", + "Common name": "Strzy\u017cyk \u015apiewny", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland] albo [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "154": { + "English name": "Inca Dove", + "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", + "Common name": "\u0141uskowiak Aztecki", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "155": { + "English name": "Indigo Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", + "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Indygowy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "156": { + "English name": "Juniper Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", + "Common name": "Sikora Mysia", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "157": { + "English name": "Killdeer", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", + "Common name": "SIeweczka Krzykliwa", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 2 [card].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (zwr\u00f3cenie jaja do zasob\u00f3w). Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, je\u015bli jeszcze nie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b \u017cadnych jaj.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "158": { + "English name": "King Rail", + "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", + "Common name": "Wodnik Kr\u00f3lewski", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "159": { + "English name": "Lazuli Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", + "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Lazurowy", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [bowl]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [bowl].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "160": { + "English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", + "Common name": "Pieg\u017ca", + "Power text": "Wybierz siedlisko bez \u017cadnych [egg]. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie w tym siedlisku.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "161": { + "English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", + "Common name": "Pas\u00f3wka P\u0142owa", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "162": { + "English name": "Little Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", + "Common name": "Strepet", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] albo z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "163": { + "English name": "Little Owl", + "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", + "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "164": { + "English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", + "Common name": "Dzierzba Siwa", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d i pobiera jak\u0105kolwiek liczb\u0119 [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "165": { + "English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", + "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", + "Common name": "Raniuszek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c t\u0119 kart\u0119 poziomo tak, aby zakrywa\u0142a 2 pola na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 ni\u017cszy koszt w [egg].", + "Note": "Na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re zliczaj\u0105 ptaki, te karty licz\u0105 si\u0119 jak 1 ptak. Zajmuj\u0105 jednak 2 pola, wi\u0119c licz\u0105 si\u0119 podw\u00f3jnie na potrzeby realizacji celu \u201eZape\u0142nione kolumny\u201d.
Mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 te ptaki w pi\u0105tej kolumnie bez aktywacji ich zdolno\u015bci.
Kolejnego ptaka w tym siedlisku zagraj po prawej stronie tej karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "166": { + "English name": "Mallard", + "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", + "Common name": "Krzy\u017c\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w odpowiednio podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d albo gdy zagrasz dan\u0105 kart\u0119 z t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105. Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 karty ze stosu lub spo\u015br\u00f3d odkrytych kart na tacce. Odkryte karty uzupe\u0142nij dopiero na koniec swojej tury.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "167": { + "English name": "Mississippi Kite", + "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", + "Common name": "Cykadojad Jasnog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "168": { + "English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", + "Common name": "Gaj\u00f3wka Moltoniego", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "169": { + "English name": "Montagu's Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", + "Common name": "B\u0142otniak \u0141\u0105kowy", + "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "170": { + "English name": "Mountain Bluebird", + "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", + "Common name": "B\u0142\u0119kitnik G\u00f3rski", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "171": { + "English name": "Mountain Chickadee", + "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", + "Common name": "Sikora G\u00f3rska", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "172": { + "English name": "Mourning Dove", + "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", + "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0119biak D\u0142ugosterny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "173": { + "English name": "Mute Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", + "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Niemy", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1\u20133 kart ptak\u00f3w w swoim [wetland]. Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod ka\u017cd\u0105 z nich. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby wsuwa\u0107 karty pod karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 takiej zdolno\u015bci. Dobierasz tylko 1 [card] niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile kart wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "174": { + "English name": "Northern Bobwhite", + "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", + "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r Wirginijski", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "175": { + "English name": "Northern Cardinal", + "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", + "Common name": "Kardyna\u0142 Szkar\u0142atny", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "176": { + "English name": "Northern Flicker", + "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 R\u00f3\u017cowoszyi", + "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [invertebrate] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "177": { + "English name": "Northern Gannet", + "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", + "Common name": "G\u0142uptak Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. We\u017a z zasob\u00f3w tyle [fish], ile wyrzuci\u0142e\u015b [fish] na ko\u015bciach i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "178": { + "English name": "Northern Goshawk", + "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", + "Common name": "Jastrz\u0105b Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Zamiast ka\u017cdego [rodent] w koszcie tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wsu\u0144 [card], kt\u00f3rymi zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015b, pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, aby wsuwa\u0107 pod nie karty i nie p\u0142aci\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci lub ca\u0142o\u015bci kosztu w po\u017cywieniu, to dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "179": { + "English name": "Northern Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", + "Common name": "B\u0142otniak Zbo\u017cowy", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "180": { + "English name": "Northern Mockingbird", + "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", + "Common name": "Przedrze\u017aniacz P\u00f3\u0142nocny", + "Power text": "Aktywuj ponownie jedn\u0105 z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innego ptaka w tym siedlisku.", + "Note": "UWAGA: kilka ptak\u00f3w posiada zdolno\u015b\u0107 korzystania z br\u0105zowych zdolno\u015bci innych ptak\u00f3w. Ptak, kt\u00f3rego zdolno\u015b\u0107 jest imitowana, musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 w tym samym siedlisku.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "181": { + "English name": "Northern Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", + "Common name": "P\u0142askonos Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "182": { + "English name": "Osprey", + "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", + "Common name": "Rybo\u0142\u00f3w Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "183": { + "English name": "Painted Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", + "Common name": "\u0141uszczyk Wielobarwny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "184": { + "English name": "Painted Whitestart", + "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", + "Common name": "Plesz\u00f3wka Bia\u0142oskrzyd\u0142a", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "185": { + "English name": "Parrot Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", + "Common name": "Krzy\u017codzi\u00f3b Sosnowy", + "Power text": "Usu\u0144 1 dowoln\u0105 [die] z karmnika. Nast\u0119pnie we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Otrzymujesz [seed] bez wzgl\u0119du na to, jak\u0105 ko\u015b\u0107 po\u017cywienia usun\u0105\u0142e\u015b z karmnika.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "186": { + "English name": "Peregrine Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", + "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 W\u0119drowny", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <100 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "187": { + "English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", + "Common name": "Perkoz Grubodzioby", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "188": { + "English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Smugoszyi", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [cavity]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [cavity].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "189": { + "English name": "Pine Siskin", + "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", + "Common name": "Czy\u017c Sosnowy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "190": { + "English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", + "Common name": "Bursztynka", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "191": { + "English name": "Purple Gallinule", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", + "Common name": "Su\u0142tanka Ameryka\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "192": { + "English name": "Purple Martin", + "Scientific name": "Progne subis", + "Common name": "Jask\u00f3\u0142czak Modry", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "193": { + "English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", + "Common name": "Kowalik Ma\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "194": { + "English name": "Red Crossbill", + "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", + "Common name": "Krzy\u017codzi\u00f3b \u015awierkowy", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "195": { + "English name": "Red Kite", + "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", + "Common name": "Kania Ruda", + "Power text": "Zamiast p\u0142aci\u0107 koszt tego ptaka mo\u017cesz zagra\u0107 go na kart\u0119 innego ptaka na swojej planszy. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] i \u017cetony [wild] z karty ptaka, na kt\u00f3rego zagrywasz t\u0119 kart\u0119. Wsuni\u0119te pod niego karty pozostaj\u0105 na miejscu. Karta tamtego ptaka staje si\u0119 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 tych ptak\u00f3w, nie p\u0142acisz kosztu w po\u017cywieniu ani jajach. To dzia\u0142anie liczy si\u0119 jako a) wsuwanie karty pod inn\u0105 kart\u0119 i b) sukces drapie\u017cnika i aktywuje odpowiednie r\u00f3\u017cowe zdolno\u015bci ptak\u00f3w.
Wszystkie karty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y wsuni\u0119te pod kart\u0119 przed uaktywnieniem tej zdolno\u015bci, pozostaj\u0105 wsuni\u0119te, ale musisz odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie jaja i \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "196": { + "English name": "Red Knot", + "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", + "Common name": "Biegus Rdzawy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 3 [card] i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "197": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", + "Common name": "G\u0105siorek", + "Power text": "Zabierz 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w innego gracza i przechowaj na tej karcie. Ten gracz bierze 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Po\u017cywienie, kt\u00f3re ten gracz bierze z karmnika, nie musi by\u0107 tego samego rodzaju co po\u017cywienie zabrane przez Ciebie z jego zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "198": { + "English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur Czerwonobrzuchy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "199": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", + "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", + "Common name": "Szlachar", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "200": { + "English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", + "Common name": "Kowalik Czarnog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "201": { + "English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Skromny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "202": { + "English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", + "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", + "Common name": "Wireonek Czerwonooki", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "203": { + "English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119ciur Krasnog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "204": { + "English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", + "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", + "Common name": "Kuropatwa Czerwona", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w tej kolumnie, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "205": { + "English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Rdzawoskrzyd\u0142y", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "206": { + "English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Rdzawosterny", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "207": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", + "Common name": "Epoletnik Krasnoskrzyd\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "208": { + "English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", + "Common name": "Mewa Delawarska", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "209": { + "English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", + "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", + "Common name": "\u0141uszcz Strojny", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "210": { + "English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", + "Common name": "Warz\u0119cha R\u00f3\u017cowa", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "211": { + "English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", + "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", + "Common name": "Ogniczek", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "212": { + "English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", + "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", + "Common name": "Koliberek Rubinobrody", + "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz otrzymuje 1 [die] z karmnika, zaczynaj\u0105c od gracza wybranego przez Ciebie.", + "Note": "W\u0142a\u015bciciel kolibra decyduje, kto otrzymuje po\u017cywienie jako pierwszy, a nast\u0119pnie obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 rozgrywania. Gracze mog\u0105 nape\u0142nia\u0107 karmnik, gdy opustoszeje, a tak\u017ce gdy wszystkie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol (dotyczy tak\u017ce pojedynczej kostki).", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "213": { + "English name": "Ruddy Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", + "Common name": "Sterniczka Jamajska", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "214": { + "English name": "Ruff", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", + "Common name": "Batalion", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "215": { + "English name": "Sandhill Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", + "Common name": "\u017buraw Kanadyjski", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed], aby wsun\u0105\u0107 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci pozwalaj\u0105 Ci na odrzucenie okre\u015blonego rodzaju po\u017cywienia, aby dobra\u0107 2 karty ze stosu i wsun\u0105\u0107 je pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Mo\u017cesz bra\u0107 po\u017cywienie tylko z w\u0142asnych zasob\u00f3w obok planszy, nie mo\u017cesz korzysta\u0107 z po\u017cywienia przechowywanego na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "216": { + "English name": "Savannah Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", + "Common name": "Bagiennik \u017b\u00f3\u0142tobrewy", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "217": { + "English name": "Savi's Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", + "Common name": "Brz\u0119czka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobiera\u0107 odkryte karty lub karty ze stosu. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 dobiera\u0107 karty tylko ze stosu.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "218": { + "English name": "Say's Phoebe", + "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", + "Common name": "Fibik P\u00f3\u0142nocny", + "Power text": "Po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [bowl].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci sk\u0142ada\u0107 jaja na wszystkich Twoich ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (w tym z symbolem [star]) \u0142\u0105cznie z nowo zagranym ptakiem.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "219": { + "English name": "Scaled Quail", + "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", + "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3r \u0141uskowany", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "220": { + "English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", + "Common name": "Tyran R\u00f3\u017cany", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "221": { + "English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", + "Common name": "Pe\u0142zacz Ogrodowy", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z dowolnego ptaka. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj kolejnego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "222": { + "English name": "Snow Bunting", + "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", + "Common name": "\u015aniegu\u0142a Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz z jakiegokolwiek powodu wsuwa [card], wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] na koniec jego tury.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "223": { + "English name": "Snowy Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", + "Common name": "Czapla \u015anie\u017cna", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "224": { + "English name": "Snowy Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", + "Common name": "Puchacz \u015anie\u017cny", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 now\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Nast\u0119pnie dobierz 1 [card] albo z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz podejrze\u0107 dobran\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, zanim rozpatrzysz dalsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "225": { + "English name": "Song Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", + "Common name": "Szarobrewka \u015apiewna", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "226": { + "English name": "Spotted Owl", + "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", + "Common name": "Puszczyk Plamisty", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "227": { + "English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", + "Common name": "Brodziec Plamisty", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "228": { + "English name": "Spotted Towhee", + "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", + "Common name": "Pipil Czarnogrzbiety", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "229": { + "English name": "Sprague's Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", + "Common name": "\u015awiergotek Preriowy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "230": { + "English name": "Squacco Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", + "Common name": "Czapla Modronosa", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli nie jest dost\u0119pna \u017cadna [card] z tym rodzajem siedliska, nie bierzesz karty.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "231": { + "English name": "Steller's Jay", + "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", + "Common name": "Modros\u00f3jka Czarnog\u0142owa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [seed] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "232": { + "English name": "Swainson's Hawk", + "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", + "Common name": "Myszo\u0142\u00f3w Preriowy", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <75 cm, wsu\u0144 kart\u0119 ofiary pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Te ptaki \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 innymi ptakami. Por\u00f3wnaj rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty ze stosu ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 drapie\u017cnika.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na wierzchniej karcie ze stosu jest mniejsza od limitu zdolno\u015bci drapie\u017cnika, wsu\u0144 t\u0119 kart\u0119 pod swoj\u0105 kart\u0119, aby zaznaczy\u0107, \u017ce Tw\u00f3j drapie\u017cnik skutecznie zapolowa\u0142. Na koniec gry ka\u017cda taka wsuni\u0119ta karta warta jest 1 punkt.
Je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wierzchniej karty jest r\u00f3wna lub wi\u0119ksza od zdolno\u015bci Twojego drapie\u017cnika, odrzu\u0107 j\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "233": { + "English name": "Thekla's Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", + "Common name": "Dzierlatka Iberyjska", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "234": { + "English name": "Tree Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", + "Common name": "Nadobniczka Drzewna", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "235": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", + "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Tr\u0105bi\u0105cy", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "236": { + "English name": "Tufted Titmouse", + "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", + "Common name": "Sikora Dwubarwna", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt.", + "Note": "Zagraj kolejnego ptaka w okre\u015blonym siedlisku. Musisz przy tym przestrzega\u0107 wszystkich innych zasad dotycz\u0105cych zagrywania kart ptak\u00f3w: zgodno\u015bci siedliska na planszy i karcie oraz op\u0142aty kosztu w po\u017cywieniu i jajach.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z budowania stad r\u00f3\u017cnych gatunkowo. Badania dowiod\u0142y, \u017ce mo\u017ce to by\u0107 bardzo korzystne z uwagi na wzajemn\u0105 pomoc w poszukiwaniu po\u017cywienia i ostrzegania si\u0119 przed drapie\u017cnikami.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "237": { + "English name": "Turkey Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", + "Common name": "S\u0119pnik R\u00f3\u017cowog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Gdy polowanie [predator] innego gracza si\u0119 powiedzie, we\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli kilku graczy korzysta z tej zdolno\u015bci w tym samym czasie, bior\u0105 po\u017cywienie w kolejno\u015bci rozgrywania, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza siedz\u0105cego po lewej stronie aktywnego gracza (kt\u00f3rego drapie\u017cnik odni\u00f3s\u0142 sukces w polowaniu).", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "238": { + "English name": "Vaux's Swift", + "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", + "Common name": "Kominiarczyk Szarobrzuchy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "239": { + "English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", + "Common name": "Nadobniczka Bia\u0142oskrzyd\u0142a", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "240": { + "English name": "Western Meadowlark", + "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", + "Common name": "Wojak \u017b\u00f3\u0142togard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 1 [egg] na 1 swoim ptaku z gniazdem [ground]. Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 dodatkowe [egg] na innym ptaku z gniazdem [ground].", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na 1 albo 2 ptakach z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda (tak\u017ce w [star]). Wszyscy inni gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jajo na 1 ptaku z tym typem gniazda (albo [star]), je\u015bli maj\u0105 takiego ptaka.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "241": { + "English name": "Western Tanager", + "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", + "Common name": "Piranga \u017b\u00f3\u0142torzytna", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "242": { + "English name": "White Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", + "Common name": "Bocian Bia\u0142y", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "243": { + "English name": "White Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", + "Common name": "Pliszka Siwa", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "244": { + "English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Bia\u0142ogrzbiety", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem [die].", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "245": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", + "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", + "Common name": "Kowalik Karoli\u0144ski", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 znane s\u0105 z przechowywania po\u017cywienia na p\u00f3\u017aniej. Zdolno\u015b\u0107 ta pozwala przechowa\u0107 (po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 na karcie ptaka) 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia podczas ka\u017cdej aktywacji tej karty. Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy z tych \u017ceton\u00f3w jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "246": { + "English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", + "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", + "Common name": "Pas\u00f3wka Bia\u0142obrewa", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "247": { + "English name": "White-Faced Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", + "Common name": "Ibis Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "248": { + "English name": "White-Throated Dipper", + "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", + "Common name": "Pluszcz Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie pozosta\u0142e odkryte [card] i uzupe\u0142nij tack\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card] z nowo odkrytych [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "249": { + "English name": "White-Throated Swift", + "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", + "Common name": "Aeronauta Bia\u0142ogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie dowolnego ptaka.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "250": { + "English name": "Whooping Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus americana", + "Common name": "\u017buraw Krzykliwy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "251": { + "English name": "Wild Turkey", + "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", + "Common name": "Indyk Zwyczajny", + "Power text": null, + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "252": { + "English name": "Willet", + "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", + "Common name": "B\u0142otowiec", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Ptaki \u017cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 gryzoniami lub rybami: rzucasz wszystkimi ko\u015b\u0107mi znajduj\u0105cymi si\u0119 poza karmnikiem. (Maksymalnie rzucisz 4 ko\u015b\u0107mi, gdy\u017c 5 ko\u015bci poza karmnikiem oznacza jego automatyczne ponowne nape\u0142nienie). Ko\u015bci nie wracaj\u0105 do karmnika, rzucasz nimi na stole.
Je\u015bli 1 lub wi\u0119cej ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 okre\u015blony rodzaj po\u017cywienia, we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie (zob. Przechowywanie w instrukcji). Na koniec gry ka\u017cdy \u017ceton po\u017cywienia na karcie ptaka jest wart 1 punkt.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "253": { + "English name": "Wilson's Snipe", + "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", + "Common name": "Bekas Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Obowi\u0105zuje kolejno\u015b\u0107 zgodna z kierunkiem ruchu wskaz\u00f3wek zegara, pocz\u0105wszy od gracza aktywnego.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "254": { + "English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", + "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", + "Common name": "Oceannik \u017b\u00f3\u0142top\u0142etwy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cde puste pole w tym rz\u0119dzie. Na koniec swojej tury zachowaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby trzyma\u0107 te karty oddzielnie i nie \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 ich z innymi dobieranymi kartami ani z kartami na r\u0119ce. Nie mo\u017cesz zagrywa\u0107 tych kart w bie\u017c\u0105cej turze. Aby nie hamowa\u0107 gry, mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty podczas tur kolejnych graczy.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "255": { + "English name": "Wood Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", + "Common name": "Karolinka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, na koniec tury odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala dobra\u0107 dodatkowe karty ptak\u00f3w podczas wykonywania akcji \u201eDobierz karty ptak\u00f3w\u201d, ale ma sw\u00f3j koszt (odrzucenie karty). Gdy zastanawiasz si\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 kart\u0119 odrzuci\u0107, kolejny gracz mo\u017ce zacz\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 tur\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "256": { + "English name": "Wood Stork", + "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", + "Common name": "D\u0142awigad Ameryka\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Ptaki obdarzone t\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 s\u0105 gatunkami zagro\u017conymi lub przewiduje si\u0119, \u017ce mog\u0105 si\u0119 wkr\u00f3tce takimi sta\u0107 wskutek znacznego zmniejszenia si\u0119 ich populacji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "257": { + "English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", + "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", + "Common name": "Oskomik Czerwonogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "258": { + "English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", + "Common name": "Kukawik \u017b\u00f3\u0142todzioby", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, ten ptak sk\u0142ada 1 [egg] w gnie\u017adzie [bowl] na karcie innego ptaka.", + "Note": "Wszystkie te ptaki s\u0105 na wolno\u015bci paso\u017cytami gniazd \u2013 sk\u0142adaj\u0105 jaja w gniazdach innych ptak\u00f3w. Starzyki nawet nie buduj\u0105 w\u0142asnych! Gdy inny gracz sk\u0142ada jaja w ramach swojej akcji, Ty mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 jajo. Mo\u017cesz to zrobi\u0107 tylko raz mi\u0119dzy swoimi turami bez wzgl\u0119du na to, ilu graczy wykonuje akcj\u0119 sk\u0142adania jaj.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "259": { + "English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", + "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", + "Common name": "S\u0142owik\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli ten ptak znajduje si\u0119 na prawo od wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku, przenie\u015b go do innego siedliska.", + "Note": "Ptaki z tej grupy mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w r\u00f3\u017cnych rodzajach siedlisk, wi\u0119c ich zdolno\u015b\u0107 polega na przechodzeniu z jednego siedliska do drugiego \u2013 ale tylko wtedy, gdy s\u0105 ostatnie w rz\u0119dzie. (Mog\u0105 si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 w dowolnej kolumnie).
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 mo\u017ce by\u0107 bardzo mocna, np. na potrzeby realizacji cel\u00f3w lub wykonania silniejszej akcji, wi\u0119c zastan\u00f3w si\u0119 przed zagraniem karty na prawo od tych ptak\u00f3w, bo utrac\u0105 wtedy mobilno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "260": { + "English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", + "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", + "Common name": "\u017b\u00f3\u0142tog\u0142owiec", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "261": { + "English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", + "Common name": "Las\u00f3wka Pstra", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": "Pod karty tych ptak\u00f3w mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki. Na koniec gry za ka\u017cd\u0105 wsuni\u0119t\u0105 kart\u0119 otrzymasz 1 punkt. Dodatkowo karty ptak\u00f3w z tej grupy oferuj\u0105 jeszcze jak\u0105\u015b korzy\u015b\u0107 (z\u0142o\u017cenie jaja, dobranie karty, zdobycie po\u017cywienia). Mo\u017cesz z niej skorzysta\u0107 tylko wtedy, gdy najpierw wsun\u0105\u0142e\u015b kart\u0119 z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": null, + "Photographer": null + }, + "262": { + "English name": "Yellowhammer", + "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", + "Common name": "Trznadel Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, zagraj kolejnego ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.
Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d, aktywuje si\u0119 ona w momencie zagrania.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "263": { + "English name": "Abbott's Booby", + "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", + "Common name": "G\u0142uptak Czarnoskrzyd\u0142y", + "Power text": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe, a nast\u0119pnie odrzu\u0107 2. Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 karty bonusowe, kt\u00f3rych nie dobra\u0142e\u015b w tej turze.", + "Note": "Przez chwil\u0119 masz na r\u0119ce 3 dodatkowe karty bonusowe. Odrzu\u0107 2 spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich swoich kart bonusowych.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "264": { + "English name": "Australasian Pipit", + "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "\u015awiergotek Nowozelandzki", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka na swoim [grassland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "265": { + "English name": "Australasian Shoveler", + "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", + "Common name": "P\u0142askonos Czarnolicy", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje dobierzcie po 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "266": { + "English name": "Australian Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", + "Common name": "Ibis Czarnopi\u00f3ry", + "Power text": "Potasuj odrzucone [card] i dobierz 2. Wybierz 1 z nich i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 albo dobierz na r\u0119k\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 pozosta\u0142\u0105 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce stos kart odrzuconych jest oddzielnym stosem. Nie \u0142\u0105cz go ze stosem dobierania, nawet je\u015bli potasujesz stos kart odrzuconych i dobierzesz z niego karty.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "267": { + "English name": "Australian Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", + "Common name": "Dzierzbowron", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg] z ka\u017cdej karty ptaka (na kt\u00f3rej znajduje si\u0119 [egg]) w tym rz\u0119dzie i kolumnie, wy\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119. Za ka\u017cde odrzucone [egg] we\u017a 2 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "268": { + "English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", + "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", + "Common name": "Sownik Australijski", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny).", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "269": { + "English name": "Australian Raven", + "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", + "Common name": "Kruk Australijski", + "Power text": "We\u017a do 5 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "270": { + "English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", + "Common name": "Trzciniak Australijski", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [wetland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "271": { + "English name": "Australian Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", + "Common name": "Kazarka Obro\u017cna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [cavity] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", + "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:
", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "272": { + "English name": "Australian Zebra Finch", + "Scientific name": "Taeniopygia castanotis", + "Common name": "Zeberka Australijska", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [seed] w swoich zasobach, wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "273": { + "English name": "Black Noddy", + "Scientific name": "Anous minutus", + "Common name": "Rybo\u0142\u00f3wka Atolowa", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [fish]. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "274": { + "English name": "Black Swan", + "Scientific name": "Cygnus atratus", + "Common name": "\u0141ab\u0119d\u017a Czarny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 >100 cm, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Na potrzeby rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 karty nielot\u00f3w s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Oznacza to, \u017ce korzystaj\u0105c ze zdolno\u015bci takich kart, mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 na nie jaja, chocia\u017c w rzeczywisto\u015bci nie ma na nich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4. 7", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "275": { + "English name": "Black-Shouldered Kite", + "Scientific name": "Elanus axillaris", + "Common name": "Kaniuk Australijski", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a 1 [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny). Mo\u017cesz odda\u0107 tego [rodent] innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c do 3 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "276": { + "English name": "Blyth's Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Rhyticeros plicatus", + "Common name": "Dzioboro\u017cec Karbodzioby", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [egg] z karty swojego ptaka z gniazdem [cavity]. Za ka\u017cde odrzucone [egg] wsu\u0144 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "277": { + "English name": "Brolga", + "Scientific name": "Antigone rubicunda", + "Common name": "\u017buraw Australijski", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Ten gracz sk\u0142ada 1 [egg]. Dobierz 2 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobra\u0107 karty, nawet je\u015bli wybrany gracz nie jest w stanie z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "278": { + "English name": "Brown Falcon", + "Scientific name": "Falco berigora", + "Common name": "Sok\u00f3\u0142 Brunatny", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli w koszcie tej karty znajduje si\u0119 [invertebrate] albo [rodent], wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "279": { + "English name": "Budgerigar", + "Scientific name": "Melopsittacus undulatus", + "Common name": "Papu\u017cka Falista", + "Power text": "We\u017a [card] o najmniejszej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 z tacki i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Sprawd\u017a, kt\u00f3ry z odkrytych ptak\u00f3w z tacki ma najmniejsz\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142. W przypadku kilku ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej najmniejszej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 wybierz dowolnego z tych ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "280": { + "English name": "Cockatiel", + "Scientific name": "Nymphicus hollandicus", + "Common name": "Nimfa", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby wsun\u0105\u0107 1 wybran\u0105 [card] z tacki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Wyb\u00f3r karty i jej wsuni\u0119cie pod kart\u0119 w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci stanowi 1 akcj\u0119. Nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci, aby dobra\u0107 kart\u0119 na r\u0119k\u0119.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "281": { + "English name": "Count Raggi's Bird-of-Paradise", + "Scientific name": "Paradisaea raggiana", + "Common name": "Cudowronka Krasnopi\u00f3ra", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje dobierzcie po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "282": { + "English name": "Crested Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Ocyphaps lophotes", + "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek D\u0142ugoczuby", + "Power text": "We\u017a do 8 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "283": { + "English name": "Crimson Chat", + "Scientific name": "Epthianura tricolor", + "Common name": "Podkasa\u0142ka Amarantowa", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby wsun\u0105\u0107 1 wybran\u0105 [card] z tacki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "284": { + "English name": "Eastern Rosella", + "Scientific name": "Platycercus eximius", + "Common name": "Rozella Bia\u0142olica", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty otrzymujesz dodatkowo 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "285": { + "English name": "Eastern Whipbird", + "Scientific name": "Psophodes olivaceus", + "Common name": "Trzaskacz Czarnoczuby", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "286": { + "English name": "Emu", + "Scientific name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Emu Zwyczajne", + "Power text": "We\u017a wszystkie [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Zatrzymaj po\u0142ow\u0119 (zaokr\u0105glaj\u0105c w g\u00f3r\u0119), a reszt\u0119 dowolnie rozdziel pomi\u0119dzy innych graczy.", + "Note": "Nie odrzucaj \u017cadnych \u017ceton\u00f3w [seed] \u2013 musisz je przekaza\u0107 pozosta\u0142ym graczom.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "287": { + "English name": "Galah", + "Scientific name": "Eolophus roseicapilla", + "Common name": "Kakadu R\u00f3\u017cowa", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Ten gracz ponownie nape\u0142nia karmnik i po uzupe\u0142nieniu bierze 1 [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pne). Wsu\u0144 2 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "288": { + "English name": "Golden-Headed Cisticola", + "Scientific name": "Cisticola exilis", + "Common name": "Chwast\u00f3wka Z\u0142otog\u0142owa", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "289": { + "English name": "Gould's Finch", + "Scientific name": "Erythrura gouldiae", + "Common name": "Amadyniec", + "Power text": "Zagraj ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Standardowy koszt ptaka obejmuje jaja widniej\u0105ce w kolumnie, do kt\u00f3rej go zagrywasz.
Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "290": { + "English name": "Green Pygmy-Goose", + "Scientific name": "Nettapus pulchellus", + "Common name": "Kaczuszka Australijska", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 oddaj innemu graczowi.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "291": { + "English name": "Grey Butcherbird", + "Scientific name": "Cracticus torquatus", + "Common name": "Srokacz Szary", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli <40 cm, wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "292": { + "English name": "Grey Shrikethrush", + "Scientific name": "Colluricincla harmonica", + "Common name": "Fletnik Szary", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [rodent] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "293": { + "English name": "Grey Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas gracilis", + "Common name": "Cyraneczka Australijska", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj 3 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj 1 [card], kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland] (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pna). Dobierz j\u0105 na r\u0119k\u0119 albo wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 pozosta\u0142e karty.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "294": { + "English name": "Grey Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Gerygone igata", + "Common name": "Krzak\u00f3wka Popielata", + "Power text": "Zagraj drugiego ptaka na [forest]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ignoruj\u0105c 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "295": { + "English name": "Grey-Headed Mannikin", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura caniceps", + "Common name": "Mniszka Szarog\u0142owa", + "Power text": "Zagraj ptaka. Zap\u0142a\u0107 standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu i jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).
Gdy aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 graliny srokatej, mniszki szarog\u0142owej lub amady\u0144ca, jeste\u015b ju\u017c po odrzuceniu niewydanego nektaru na koniec rundy, wi\u0119c je\u015bli chcesz u\u017cy\u0107 jej do zagrania ptaka z nektarem w koszcie, musisz odrzuci\u0107 2 dowolne \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, aby zdoby\u0107 1 nektar.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "296": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx basalis", + "Common name": "Kuku\u0142eczka Br\u0105zowa", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "297": { + "English name": "Horsfield's Bushlark", + "Scientific name": "Mirafra javanica", + "Common name": "Skowroniec \u015apiewny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "298": { + "English name": "K\u0101k\u0101p\u043e\u0304", + "Scientific name": "Strigops habroptila", + "Common name": "Kakapo", + "Power text": "Dobierz 4 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "299": { + "English name": "Kea", + "Scientific name": "Nestor notabilis", + "Common name": "Kea", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Mo\u017cesz odrzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton dobierz po 1 dodatkowej karcie bonusowej. Zatrzymaj 1 z dobranych kart, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Najpierw dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105, a nast\u0119pnie zdecyduj, ile dodatkowych kart chcesz dobra\u0107, i odrzu\u0107 tyle samo \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia. Decyzj\u0119 podejmujesz tylko raz.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "300": { + "English name": "Kelp Gull", + "Scientific name": "Larus dominicanus", + "Common name": "Mewa Po\u0142udniowa", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton dobierz 1 [card].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "301": { + "English name": "Kerer\u016b", + "Scientific name": "Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "Garlica Maoryska", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [nectar] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "302": { + "English name": "Korimako", + "Scientific name": "Anthornis melanura", + "Common name": "Szmaragdowiec Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [rodent] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton we\u017a po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "303": { + "English name": "Laughing Kookaburra", + "Scientific name": "Dacelo novaeguineae", + "Common name": "Kukabura Chichotliwa", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [fish] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "304": { + "English name": "Lesser Frigatebird", + "Scientific name": "Fregata ariel", + "Common name": "Fregata Ma\u0142a", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 1 [egg] z ptaka, kt\u00f3ry \u017cyje w [wetland]. Ka\u017cdy gracz, kt\u00f3ry odrzuci\u0142 [egg], mo\u017ce otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "305": { + "English name": "Lewin's Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Meliphaga lewinii", + "Common name": "Miodojad Ciemny", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "306": { + "English name": "Little Penguin", + "Scientific name": "Eudyptula minor", + "Common name": "Pingwin Ma\u0142y", + "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu, a nast\u0119pnie je odrzu\u0107. Za ka\u017cd\u0105 [fish] w koszcie odrzuconych kart ptak\u00f3w we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "307": { + "English name": "Little Pied Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Microcarbo melanoleucos", + "Common name": "Kormoran Bia\u0142olicy", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "308": { + "English name": "Magpie-Lark", + "Scientific name": "Grallina cyanoleuca", + "Common name": "Gralina Srokata", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 2 [egg] ze swojego [forest]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, zagraj ptaka na [grassland]. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt w po\u017cywieniu, ale zignoruj koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli zagrany ptak ma zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo \u201eKONIEC GRY\u201d, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Gdy zagrywasz ptaka w ramach tej akcji, nie mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 innych rodzaj\u00f3w zdolno\u015bci (np. zdolno\u015bci \u201eKONIEC RUNDY\u201d).
Gdy aktywujesz zdolno\u015b\u0107 graliny srokatej, mniszki szarog\u0142owej lub amady\u0144ca, jeste\u015b ju\u017c po odrzuceniu niewydanego nektaru na koniec rundy, wi\u0119c je\u015bli chcesz u\u017cy\u0107 jej do zagrania ptaka z nektarem w koszcie, musisz odrzuci\u0107 2 dowolne \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, aby zdoby\u0107 1 nektar.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "309": { + "English name": "Major Mitchell's Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Lophochroa leadbeateri", + "Common name": "Kakadu Ognistoczuba", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wszyscy gracze (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105) otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "310": { + "English name": "Malleefowl", + "Scientific name": "Leipoa ocellata", + "Common name": "Nogal Pr\u0105\u017ckowany", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "311": { + "English name": "Maned Duck", + "Scientific name": "Chenonetta jubata", + "Common name": "Grzywienka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], we\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "W ramach tej zdolno\u015bci mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 tylko 1 [seed] na tur\u0119 bez wzgl\u0119du na liczb\u0119 wsuni\u0119tych kart.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "312": { + "English name": "Many-Colored Fruit Dove", + "Scientific name": "Ptilinopus perousii", + "Common name": "Owoco\u017cer T\u0119czowy", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty otrzymujesz 1 dodatkowy [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "313": { + "English name": "Masked Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus miles", + "Common name": "Czajka P\u0142atkolica", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Za ka\u017cdy rodzaj po\u017cywienia w karmniku we\u017a po 1 \u017cetonie po\u017cywienia danego rodzaju.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 2 rodzaje po\u017cywienia, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 oba. Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala Ci wzi\u0105\u0107 maksymalnie po 1 \u017cetonie po\u017cywienia ka\u017cdego rodzaju. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje. Podczas rozpatrywania tej zdolno\u015bci rzu\u0107 ko\u015b\u0107mi tylko na pocz\u0105tku. Je\u015bli w trakcie pobierania po\u017cywienia z karmnika w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci wszystkie pozosta\u0142e ko\u015bci w karmniku b\u0119d\u0105 wskazywa\u0142y ten sam symbol, nie mo\u017cesz ich przerzuci\u0107 w ramach tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "314": { + "English name": "Mistletoebird", + "Scientific name": "Dicaeum hirundinaceum", + "Common name": "Kwiat\u00f3wka R\u00f3\u017cowa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w albo odrzu\u0107 1 [fruit] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "315": { + "English name": "Musk Duck", + "Scientific name": "Biziura lobata", + "Common name": "Bisiorka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [ground] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", + "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "316": { + "English name": "New Holland Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Miodaczek Bia\u0142ouchy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] z karmnika (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pny).", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz je przerzuci\u0107 przed pobraniem wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "317": { + "English name": "Noisy Miner", + "Scientific name": "Manorina melanocephala", + "Common name": "Miodo\u017cer Maskowy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c do 2 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie. Wszyscy pozostali gracze mog\u0105 z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "318": { + "English name": "North Island Brown Kiwi", + "Scientific name": "Apteryx mantelli", + "Common name": "Kiwi P\u00f3\u0142nocny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 swoj\u0105 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 4 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 2 z nich.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "319": { + "English name": "Orange-Footed Scrubfowl", + "Scientific name": "Megapodius reinwardt", + "Common name": "Nogal Zmienny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [ground], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami i na nich te\u017c mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 jaja.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "320": { + "English name": "Pacific Black Duck", + "Scientific name": "Anas superciliosa", + "Common name": "Kaczka Pacyficzna", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 2 [egg] w swoim [wetland] z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Nadal obowi\u0105zuje limit jaj na karcie. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli masz 6 jaj na mokrad\u0142ach i miejsce na jeszcze 1 jajo, k\u0142adziesz na t\u0119 kart\u0119 tylko 1 jajo.
Liczb\u0119 jaj zaokr\u0105glaj w d\u00f3\u0142 (np. za 5 jaj na mokrad\u0142ach z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 jaja na tej karcie).
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "321": { + "English name": "Peaceful Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia placida", + "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek \u0141uskowany", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "322": { + "English name": "Pesquet's Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Psittrichas fulgidus", + "Common name": "S\u0119pica", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [nectar] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "323": { + "English name": "Pheasant Coucal", + "Scientific name": "Centropus phasianinus", + "Common name": "Kukal Ba\u017canci", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "324": { + "English name": "Pink-Eared Duck", + "Scientific name": "Malacorhynchus membranaceus", + "Common name": "\u0141opatonos", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Zatrzymaj jedn\u0105 z nich, a drug\u0105 oddaj innemu graczowi.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "325": { + "English name": "Plains-Wanderer", + "Scientific name": "Pedionomus torquatus", + "Common name": "Dropiatka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [grassland] (w\u0142\u0105cznie z t\u0105 kart\u0105). Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "326": { + "English name": "Princess Stephanie's Astrapia", + "Scientific name": "Astrapia stephaniae", + "Common name": "Astrapia L\u015bni\u0105ca", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje sk\u0142adacie po 1 [egg].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "327": { + "English name": "P\u016bkeko", + "Scientific name": "Porphyrio melanotus", + "Common name": "Modrzyk Ciemny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na 1 s\u0105siedniej karcie ptaka.", + "Note": "S\u0105siednie karty ptak\u00f3w to te, kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 bezpo\u015brednio nad, pod, po lewej i po prawej stronie danej karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "328": { + "English name": "Rainbow Lorikeet", + "Scientific name": "Trichoglossus moluccanus", + "Common name": "Lorysa Niebieskobrzucha", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [nectar] na pole wydanego nektaru na swoim [forest]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 2 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "329": { + "English name": "Red Wattlebird", + "Scientific name": "Anthochaera carunculata", + "Common name": "Koralicowiec Czerwony", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <49 cm w swoim [forest].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "330": { + "English name": "Red-Backed Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus melanocephalus", + "Common name": "Chwostka Czarnogrzbieta", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [star], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Ten ptak sk\u0142ada jaja tylko na kartach z symbolem uniwersalnym [star].
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "331": { + "English name": "Red-Capped Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica goodenovii", + "Common name": "Skalinek Czerwonoczelny", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "332": { + "English name": "Red-Necked Avocet", + "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Szablodzi\u00f3b Australijski", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po lewej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "333": { + "English name": "Red-Winged Parrot", + "Scientific name": "Aprosmictus erythropterus", + "Common name": "Krasnopi\u00f3rka Czerwonoskrzyd\u0142a", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [nectar] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w i przeka\u017c innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie albo we\u017a 2 [die] z karmnika.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "334": { + "English name": "Regent Bowerbird", + "Scientific name": "Sericulus chrysocephalus", + "Common name": "Altannik Kr\u00f3lewski", + "Power text": "Wybierz 1 z pozosta\u0142ych graczy. Oboje we\u017acie po 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "335": { + "English name": "Royal Spoonbill", + "Scientific name": "Platalea regia", + "Common name": "Warz\u0119cha Kr\u00f3lewska", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [platform] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", + "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "336": { + "English name": "Rufous Night-Heron", + "Scientific name": "Nycticorax caledonicus", + "Common name": "\u015alepowron Rdzawy", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w [wetland], wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "337": { + "English name": "Rufous Owl", + "Scientific name": "Ninox rufa", + "Common name": "Sowica Maskowa", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <75 cm (je\u015bli jest dost\u0119pna) i wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "338": { + "English name": "Rufous-Banded Honeyeater", + "Scientific name": "Conopophila albogularis", + "Common name": "Py\u0142kojad Bia\u0142ogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "339": { + "English name": "Sacred Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Todiramphus sanctus", + "Common name": "\u0141owczyk Czczony", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZdob\u0105d\u017a po\u017cywienie\u201d, na koniec jego tury we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [fish] albo 1 [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz je przerzuci\u0107 przed pobraniem danego rodzaju po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "340": { + "English name": "Silvereye", + "Scientific name": "Zosterops lateralis", + "Common name": "Szlarnik Rdzawoboczny", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "341": { + "English name": "South Island Robin", + "Scientific name": "Petroica australis", + "Common name": "Skalinek Wielki", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli gracz po prawej ma [invertebrate] w swoich zasobach, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "342": { + "English name": "Southern Cassowary", + "Scientific name": "Casuarius casuarius", + "Common name": "Kazuar He\u0142miasty", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka ze swojego [forest] i po\u0142\u00f3\u017c na jej miejsce t\u0119 kart\u0119. Zap\u0142a\u0107 jego standardowy koszt, ale zignoruj koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 4 [egg] na tej karcie i we\u017a 2 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Aby zagra\u0107 t\u0119 kart\u0119 na miejsce innej, musisz op\u0142aci\u0107 koszt w po\u017cywieniu. Pomijasz tylko koszt w jajach. Je\u015bli zagrywasz j\u0105 na miejsce karty zagranej poziomo (zdolno\u015b\u0107 kart z dodatku Ptaki Europy), k\u0142adziesz j\u0105 r\u00f3wnie\u017c poziomo. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c zagra\u0107 kazuara he\u0142miastego wed\u0142ug standardowych zasad na puste pole, ale wtedy musisz tak\u017ce op\u0142aci\u0107 koszt w jajach. Ponadto w takiej sytuacji nie sk\u0142adasz jaj na tej karcie ani nie bierzesz [fruit].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "343": { + "English name": "Spangled Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus bracteatus", + "Common name": "Dziwogon W\u0142ochaty", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz otrzymuje [nectar], we\u017a 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "344": { + "English name": "Splendid Fairywren", + "Scientific name": "Malurus splendens", + "Common name": "Chwostka Wspania\u0142a", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej swojej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Na potrzeby rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 karty nielot\u00f3w s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Oznacza to, \u017ce korzystaj\u0105c ze zdolno\u015bci takich kart, mo\u017cesz k\u0142a\u015b\u0107 na nie jaja, chocia\u017c w rzeczywisto\u015bci nie ma na nich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4. 7", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "345": { + "English name": "Spotless Crake", + "Scientific name": "Zapornia tabuensis", + "Common name": "Kureczka Pos\u0119pna", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w swoim [wetland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Jaja nale\u017cy po\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 po punktowaniu celu z rundy 4.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "346": { + "English name": "Stubble Quail", + "Scientific name": "Coturnix pectoralis", + "Common name": "Przepi\u00f3rka Rudogard\u0142a", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 do 6 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdy odrzucony \u017ceton z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "347": { + "English name": "Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo", + "Scientific name": "Cacatua galerita", + "Common name": "Kakadu \u017b\u00f3\u0142toczuba", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, wszyscy gracze (\u0142\u0105cznie z Tob\u0105) otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [nectar] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "348": { + "English name": "Superb Lyrebird", + "Scientific name": "Menura novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Lirogon Wspania\u0142y", + "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [forest] gracza po prawej.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d. Je\u015bli aktywacja kopiowanej zdolno\u015bci zale\u017cy od sytuacji na planszy gracza (liczba kart w siedlisku, typ gniazd itp.), skopiowana zdolno\u015b\u0107 odnosi si\u0119 do sytuacji na Twojej planszy, a nie planszy Twojego s\u0105siada.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "349": { + "English name": "Tawny Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Podargus strigoides", + "Common name": "Paszczak Australijski", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "350": { + "English name": "T\u016b\u012b", + "Scientific name": "Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae", + "Common name": "K\u0119dziornik", + "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [forest] gracza po lewej.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d. Je\u015bli aktywacja kopiowanej zdolno\u015bci zale\u017cy od sytuacji na planszy gracza (liczba kart w siedlisku, typ gniazd itp.), skopiowana zdolno\u015b\u0107 odnosi si\u0119 do sytuacji na Twojej planszy, a nie planszy Twojego s\u0105siada.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "351": { + "English name": "Wedge-Tailed Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Aquila audax", + "Common name": "Orze\u0142 Australijski", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj [card] ze stosu. Je\u015bli >65 cm, wsu\u0144 j\u0105 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie spe\u0142nia warunku, odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "W przeciwie\u0144stwie do wi\u0119kszo\u015bci drapie\u017cnik\u00f3w orze\u0142 australijski poluje na ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 POWY\u017bEJ 65 cm.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "352": { + "English name": "Welcome Swallow", + "Scientific name": "Hirundo neoxena", + "Common name": "Jask\u00f3\u0142ka Australijska", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 po 1 [card] ze stosu pod ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w tym siedlisku, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "353": { + "English name": "White-Bellied Sea-Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucogaster", + "Common name": "Bielik Bia\u0142obrzuchy", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. We\u017a 1 [fish] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Otrzymujesz w sumie 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia. Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "354": { + "English name": "White-Breasted Woodswallow", + "Scientific name": "Artamus leucoryn", + "Common name": "Ostrolot \u017ba\u0142obny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w swoim [grassland], w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "355": { + "English name": "White-Faced Heron", + "Scientific name": "Egretta novaehollandiae", + "Common name": "Czapla Bia\u0142olica", + "Power text": "Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, po nape\u0142nieniu we\u017a wszystkie [fish] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 tych [fish] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Po wzi\u0119ciu po\u017cywienia usu\u0144 z karmnika ko\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra je wskazuje. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 [fish] na tej karcie albo do\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 je do swoich zasob\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "356": { + "English name": "Willie-Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Rhipidura leucophrys", + "Common name": "Wachlarz\u00f3wka Smolista", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 odkryt\u0105 [card] ptaka z gniazdem [bowl] albo [star]. Zanim to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz uzupe\u0142ni\u0107 tack\u0119 albo odrzuci\u0107 wszystkie karty z tacki i wy\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 nowe.", + "Note": "Przed dobraniem karty z tacki z okre\u015blonym typem gniazda mo\u017cesz:", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "357": { + "English name": "Wrybill", + "Scientific name": "Anarhynchus frontalis", + "Common name": "Skr\u0119todzi\u00f3b", + "Power text": "Podejrzyj wszystkie karty bonusowe ze stosu kart odrzuconych. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce stos odrzuconych kart bonusowych jest oddzielnym stosem. Nie \u0142\u0105cz go ze stosem dobierania.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "358": { + "English name": "Asian Emerald Dove", + "Scientific name": "Chalcophaps indica", + "Common name": "Miedzianka Szmaragdowa", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 2 [egg] na ka\u017cdej z pozosta\u0142ych kart ptak\u00f3w w tej kolumnie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "359": { + "English name": "Asian Koel", + "Scientific name": "Eudynamys scolopaceus", + "Common name": "Kukiel Wielki", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na innej karcie ptaka z gniazdem [platform]. Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 limit jaj na karcie tego ptaka o 3.", + "Note": "Przekraczanie limitu jaj. Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na karcie ptaka, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 albo przekroczy\u0142 sw\u00f3j limi jaj (jednak nie mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 tego limitu o liczb\u0119 podan\u0105 w zdolno\u015bci). Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie wp\u0142ywa na \u017cadne inne akcje w grze. Limit jaj wci\u0105\u017c dotyczy tej karty ptaka. Karta ptaka, na kt\u00f3rej znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jaja przekraczaj\u0105ce limit, wci\u0105\u017c kwalifikuje si\u0119 do bonusu karty Ptasi rodzic. Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie widnieje symbol gniazda i kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, nie kwalifikuj\u0105 si\u0119, aby otrzyma\u0107 jaja z tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "360": { + "English name": "Azure Tit", + "Scientific name": "Cyanistes cyanus", + "Common name": "Sikora Lazurowa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "361": { + "English name": "Baya Weaver", + "Scientific name": "Ploceus philippinus", + "Common name": "Wik\u0142acz Z\u0142otog\u0142owy", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c r\u00f3wnie\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "362": { + "English name": "Bearded Reedling", + "Scientific name": "Panurus biarmicus", + "Common name": "W\u0105satka", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cd\u0105 inn\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w tej kolumnie, na kt\u00f3rej le\u017cy [egg], \u017c\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "363": { + "English name": "Black Drongo", + "Scientific name": "Dicrurus macrocercus", + "Common name": "Dziwogon D\u0142ugosterny", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card] z tacki, a nast\u0119pnie uzupe\u0142nij j\u0105. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 z odrzuconych ptak\u00f3w potrafi \u017cy\u0107 w [grassland], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Odrzucana karta ptaka mo\u017ce mie\u0107 r\u00f3wnie\u017c inne symbole siedliska, ale musi mie\u0107 [grassland], aby kwalifikowa\u0107 si\u0119 do u\u017cycia tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "364": { + "English name": "Black Stork", + "Scientific name": "Ciconia nigra", + "Common name": "Bocian Czarny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 1 [egg] na kartach ptak\u00f3w le\u017c\u0105cych bezpo\u015brednio po lewej i prawej stronie tej karty.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "365": { + "English name": "Black-Naped Oriole", + "Scientific name": "Oriolus chinensis", + "Common name": "Wilga Maskowa", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, we\u017a 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka i dobierz 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli na koniec rundy masz kostk\u0119 we wszystkich 4 obszarach w lewej kolumnie swojej planszy, mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 wszystkich 3 akcji dost\u0119pnych na tej karcie. Akcje nale\u017cy wykonywa\u0107 zgodnie z podan\u0105 kolejno\u015bci\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "366": { + "English name": "Blue Rock-Thrush", + "Scientific name": "Monticola solitarius", + "Common name": "Modrak", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli po prawej stronie tego ptaka nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne karty, mo\u017cesz go przenie\u015b\u0107 (tylko kart\u0119) na plansz\u0119 gracza po lewej (Ty wybierasz siedlisko). Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 3 [card].", + "Note": "Gdy przenosisz t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka na plansz\u0119 innego gracza, umie\u015b\u0107 j\u0105 na wolnym polu znajduj\u0105cym si\u0119 najbardziej po lewej stronie w wybranym przez Ciebie siedlisku. Je\u015bli w danym siedlisku nie ma wolnego miejsca, taka karta ptaka nie mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 przeniesiona. Wszystkie przechowywane \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, jaja czy wsuni\u0119te karty s\u0105 odrzucane, gdy karta jest przenoszona. Gracz otrzymuj\u0105cy t\u0119 kart\u0119 nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 jej przyj\u0119cia. Nie umieszcza te\u017c swojego znacznika duetu na mapie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "367": { + "English name": "Brahminy Kite", + "Scientific name": "Haliastur indus", + "Common name": "Kania Brami\u0144ska", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 3 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "368": { + "English name": "Brambling", + "Scientific name": "Fringilla montifringilla", + "Common name": "Jer", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Nast\u0119pnie wsu\u0144 do 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Zdolno\u015b\u0107 tego ptaka umo\u017cliwia wsuni\u0119cie 0\u20132 kart.
Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "369": { + "English name": "Brown Shrike", + "Scientific name": "Lanius cristatus", + "Common name": "Dzierzba Br\u0105zowa", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 przechowa\u0107 po 1 [invertebrate] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka w swoim [grassland].", + "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "370": { + "English name": "Common Green Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Cissa chinensis", + "Common name": "Kitta Szmaragdowa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [rodent] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne). Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 go na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.
Przechowywane na karcie \u017cetony nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 wykorzystane w trakcie gry. Ka\u017cdy \u017ceton na karcie jest wart 1 punkt na koniec gry.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "371": { + "English name": "Common Iora", + "Scientific name": "Aegithina tiphia", + "Common name": "Paskownik Zmienny", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na karcie innego ptaka w tej kolumnie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "372": { + "English name": "Common Myna", + "Scientific name": "Acridotheres tristis", + "Common name": "Majna Brunatna", + "Power text": "Skopiuj br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 ptaka w siedlisku [grassland] gracza po lewej.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107. Wykonaj akcj\u0119 tak, jakby to majna brunatna mia\u0142a t\u0119 zdolno\u015b\u0107.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "373": { + "English name": "Common Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Actitis hypoleucos", + "Common name": "Brodziec Piskliwy", + "Power text": "Dobierz 1 [card] za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [wetland] z [egg] na karcie. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "374": { + "English name": "Common Tailorbird", + "Scientific name": "Orthotomus sutorius", + "Common name": "Krawczyk Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Znajd\u017a w swoim rezerwacie s\u0105siaduj\u0105c\u0105 ze sob\u0105 grup\u0119 ptak\u00f3w o tym samym typie gniazda. Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c po 1 [egg] na karcie ka\u017cdego z nich. Gniazda [star] zast\u0119puj\u0105 dowolny typ gniazda.", + "Note": "Karty s\u0105siaduj\u0105 ze sob\u0105 w pionie albo poziomie (nie po przek\u0105tnej). Grupy mog\u0105 i\u015b\u0107 zygzakiem poprzez rz\u0119dy i kolumny. Ptak nale\u017cy do grupy, je\u015bli s\u0105siaduje w pionie albo poziomie z co najmniej 1 innym ptakiem w tej grupie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "375": { + "English name": "Common Teal", + "Scientific name": "Anas crecca", + "Common name": "Cyraneczka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [wetland] dobierz 1 [card] ze stosu. Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 do 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "376": { + "English name": "Coppersmith Barbet", + "Scientific name": "Psilopogon haemacephalus", + "Common name": "Pstrog\u0142\u00f3w \u017b\u00f3\u0142togard\u0142y", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "377": { + "English name": "Crested Ibis", + "Scientific name": "Nipponia nippon", + "Common name": "Ibis Czubaty", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 dowolne 2 zasoby ([wild], [egg] lub [card]), aby zrobi\u0107 to samo.", + "Note": "Aby dobra\u0107 karty bonusowe, gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 2 zasoby tego samego typu (np. 2 [wild] albo 2 zasoby r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w (np. 1 [wild] i 1 [egg]). Gracz odrzuca [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, a [card] \u2013 ze swojej r\u0119ki.
Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Dodatek Ptaki Oceanii. Je\u015bli gracz odrzuca [nectar], aby zap\u0142aci\u0107 za dobranie kart bonusowych, nektar jest umieszczany na polu z napisem \u201ewydane\u201d w [wetland].", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "378": { + "English name": "Crested Lark", + "Scientific name": "Galerida cristata", + "Common name": "Dzierlatka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "[seed] musi pochodzi\u0107 z Twoich zasob\u00f3w, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 przechowywane na karcie ptaka.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "379": { + "English name": "Desert Finch", + "Scientific name": "Rhodospiza obsoleta", + "Common name": "Czarnodziobek", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cd\u0105 inn\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [grassland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "380": { + "English name": "Desert Wheatear", + "Scientific name": "Oenanthe deserti", + "Common name": "Bia\u0142orzytka Pustynna", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [grassland] z [egg] na karcie rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wybierz 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wyrzuconych i we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Niezale\u017cnie od liczby rzucanych ko\u015bci we\u017a tylko 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "381": { + "English name": "Eurasian Coot", + "Scientific name": "Fulica atra", + "Common name": "\u0141yska Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "382": { + "English name": "Eurasian Eagle-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Bubo bubo", + "Common name": "Puchacz Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Dobieraj po 1 [card] ze stosu (ale maks. 3). Gdy przestaniesz: je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 dobranych ptak\u00f3w jest <110 cm, wsu\u0144 je pod t\u0105 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie, odrzu\u0107 je.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 sprawdza szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] sprawd\u017a czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 karty ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych kart.
Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] policz sumaryczn\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wszystkich dotychczas dobranych ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi 110 cm albo wi\u0119cej, ponosisz pora\u017ck\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [card] dobrane podczas aktywacji tego ptaka w tej turze.
Je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wynosi mniej ni\u017c 110 cm, odnosisz sukces. Je\u015bli dobra\u0142e\u015b mniej ni\u017c 3 [card] podczas obecnej aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 si\u0119 na dobranie kolejnej [card] albo przerwij dobieranie i wsu\u0144 wszystkie dotychczas dobrane [card] pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka.
Je\u015bli dobierzesz [card] z ptakiem, kt\u00f3ry jest nielotem (np. niekt\u00f3re ptaki z dodatku Ptaki Oceanii), oznaczon\u0105 gwiazdk\u0105 (*) w miejscu informacji o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 o ich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci, wybieraj\u0105c dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 od 0.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "383": { + "English name": "Eurasian Hoopoe", + "Scientific name": "Upupa epops", + "Common name": "Dudek", + "Power text": "Zabierz po 1 [invertebrate] ka\u017cdemu ze swoich s\u0105siad\u00f3w. Ka\u017cdy z s\u0105siad\u00f3w, kt\u00f3remu zabra\u0142e\u015b [invertebrate], mo\u017ce otrzyma\u0107 1 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci r\u00f3wnie\u017c wtedy, gdy tylko 1 z Twoich s\u0105siad\u00f3w posiada [invertebrate].
W grze 2-osobowej Tw\u00f3j przeciwnik znajduje si\u0119 zar\u00f3wno po Twojej lewej, jak i prawej stronie. Masz tylko 1 s\u0105siada, wi\u0119c zabierz mu tylko 1 [invertebrate].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "384": { + "English name": "Eurasian Kestrel", + "Scientific name": "Falco tinnunculus", + "Common name": "Pustu\u0142ka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 3 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [rodent], we\u017a 1 [rodent] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wyrzucisz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 [rodent], wci\u0105\u017c otrzymujesz tylko 1 \u017ceton.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "385": { + "English name": "Eurasian Marsh-Harrier", + "Scientific name": "Circus aeruginosus", + "Common name": "B\u0142otniak Stawowy", + "Power text": "Dobieraj po 1 [card] ze stosu (ale maks. 3). Gdy przestaniesz: je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 dobranych ptak\u00f3w jest <110 cm, wsu\u0144 je pod t\u0105 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli nie, odrzu\u0107 je.", + "Note": "Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 sprawdza szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] sprawd\u017a czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 karty ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych kart.
Po ka\u017cdym dobraniu [card] policz sumaryczn\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wszystkich dotychczas dobranych ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi 110 cm albo wi\u0119cej, ponosisz pora\u017ck\u0119. Odrzu\u0107 wszystkie [card] dobrane podczas aktywacji tego ptaka w tej turze.
Je\u015bli sumaryczna rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 wynosi mniej ni\u017c 110 cm, odnosisz sukces. Je\u015bli dobra\u0142e\u015b mniej ni\u017c 3 [card] podczas obecnej aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 si\u0119 na dobranie kolejnej [card] albo przerwij dobieranie i wsu\u0144 wszystkie dotychczas dobrane [card] pod t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka.
Je\u015bli dobierzesz [card] z ptakiem, kt\u00f3ry jest nielotem (np. niekt\u00f3re ptaki z dodatku Ptaki Oceanii), oznaczon\u0105 gwiazdk\u0105 (*) w miejscu informacji o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142, mo\u017cesz zdecydowa\u0107 o ich rozpi\u0119to\u015bci, wybieraj\u0105c dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 od 0.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "386": { + "English name": "Eurasian Treecreeper", + "Scientific name": "Certhia familiaris", + "Common name": "Pe\u0142zacz Le\u015bny", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [forest] we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 do 2 z nich na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Policz, ile jaj masz we wskazanym siedlisku, podziel t\u0119 liczb\u0119 przez 3 i zaokr\u0105glij w d\u00f3\u0142. We\u017a tyle \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia wskazanego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala wybra\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wymienionych na karcie. Je\u015bli bierzesz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017ceton, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cne.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "387": { + "English name": "Fire-Fronted Serin", + "Scientific name": "Serinus pusillus", + "Common name": "Kulczyk Kr\u00f3lewski", + "Power text": "Z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka le\u017c\u0105c\u0105 na lewo od niej.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "388": { + "English name": "Forest Owlet", + "Scientific name": "Athene blewitti", + "Common name": "P\u00f3jd\u017aka Le\u015bna", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 2 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "389": { + "English name": "Golden Pheasant", + "Scientific name": "Chrysolophus pictus", + "Common name": "Ba\u017cant Z\u0142ocisty", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 2 [egg]. Ty sk\u0142adasz 2 dodatkowe [egg].", + "Note": "Ka\u017cdy gracz mo\u017ce z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na dowolnej liczbie kart ptak\u00f3w.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "390": { + "English name": "Graceful Prinia", + "Scientific name": "Prinia gracilis", + "Common name": "Prinia Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [egg]. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Jajo mo\u017ce pochodzi\u0107 z Twojej dowolnej karty ptaka.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "391": { + "English name": "Grandala", + "Scientific name": "Grandala coelicolor", + "Common name": "Turnica", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej turze z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b na tej karcie co najmniej 1 [egg], wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Jajo musia\u0142o by\u0107 z\u0142o\u017cone przed aktywacj\u0105 zdolno\u015bci tej karty. Dobierasz tylko 1 kart\u0119 niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile jaj z\u0142o\u017cy\u0142e\u015b. Je\u015bli u\u017cywasz innej karty do skopiowania zdolno\u015bci turnicy, sprawd\u017a, czy jajo zosta\u0142o z\u0142o\u017cone na tamtej karcie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "392": { + "English name": "Gray Wagtail", + "Scientific name": "Motacilla cinerea", + "Common name": "Pliszka G\u00f3rska", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej rundzie wykona\u0142e\u015b wszystkie 4 rodzaje akcji, we\u017a 2 [wild] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Pami\u0119taj, aby podczas ca\u0142ej rundy pozostawia\u0107 kostki w lewej kolumnie w odpowiednich rz\u0119dach.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "393": { + "English name": "Great Cormorant", + "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax carbo", + "Common name": "Kormoran Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przenie\u015b\u0107 1 [fish] z tej karty do swoich zasob\u00f3w. Nast\u0119pnie rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 2 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "394": { + "English name": "Great Hornbill", + "Scientific name": "Buceros bicornis", + "Common name": "Dzioboro\u017cec Wielki", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 wsun\u0105\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki pod kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [forest] i/albo przechowa\u0107 po 1 [fruit] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka w swoim [forest].", + "Note": "Ka\u017cdy gracz decyduje, czy chce wykona\u0107 obie te akcje, 1 z nich, czy nie chce wykona\u0107 \u017cadnej.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "395": { + "English name": "Great Indian Bustard", + "Scientific name": "Ardeotis nigriceps", + "Common name": "Drop Indyjski", + "Power text": "Policz punkty z 1 ze swoich kart bonusowych i przechowaj na tej karcie tyle samo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Na koniec gry normalnie zapunktuj t\u0119 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci wykorzystuj\u0105 przechowywane po\u017cywienie, aby zliczy\u0107, ile punkt\u00f3w jest warta karta bonusowa przy aktywacji. Dla wszelkich innych cel\u00f3w przechowywane po\u017cywienie dzia\u0142a w standardowy spos\u00f3b, np. dla karty bonusowej Wnikliwy analityk.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "396": { + "English name": "Great Spotted Woodpecker", + "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos major", + "Common name": "Dzi\u0119cio\u0142 Du\u017cy", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "397": { + "English name": "Greater Adjutant", + "Scientific name": "Leptoptilos dubius", + "Common name": "Marabut Indyjski", + "Power text": "Skopiuj 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 gracza po lewej i policz punkty na podstawie zawarto\u015bci swojego rezerwatu, jakby by\u0142a Twoj\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli gracie z niejawnymi kartami bonusowymi, podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci gracz wymieniony na karcie musi pokaza\u0107 Ci swoje karty bonusowe.
W grze 2-osobowej zar\u00f3wno marabut indyjski, jak i s\u0119p indyjski mog\u0105 skopiowa\u0107 t\u0119 sam\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "398": { + "English name": "Green Bee-Eater", + "Scientific name": "Merops orientalis", + "Common name": "\u017bo\u0142na Wschodnia", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli na tacce jest co najmniej 1 [card] z [invertebrate] w koszcie, wsu\u0144 1 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "399": { + "English name": "Green Pheasant", + "Scientific name": "Phasianus versicolor", + "Common name": "Ba\u017cant Pstry", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 1 [egg].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka.
Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci go\u0142\u0119bia skalnego, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 drugie jajo na tej samej karcie ptaka, co poprzednie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "400": { + "English name": "Himalayan Monal", + "Scientific name": "Lophophorus impejanus", + "Common name": "Ol\u015bniak Himalajski", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty dodatkowo sk\u0142adasz 1 [egg].", + "Note": "Jajo mo\u017ce by\u0107 z\u0142o\u017cone na dowolnym ptaku, u kt\u00f3rego nie przekroczono limitu jaj.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "401": { + "English name": "House Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus splendens", + "Common name": "Wrona Orientalna", + "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 po 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na ka\u017cdej karcie ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie.", + "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "402": { + "English name": "Ibisbill", + "Scientific name": "Ibidorhyncha struthersii", + "Common name": "Ibisodzi\u00f3b", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i otrzymuj\u0105 po 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w. Ty dobierasz 1 dodatkow\u0105 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "403": { + "English name": "Indian Peafowl", + "Scientific name": "Pavo cristatus", + "Common name": "Paw Indyjski", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 2 [card] ze stosu. Ty dobierasz 1 dodatkow\u0105 [card].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz dobra\u0107 dodatkow\u0105 kart\u0119 ze stosu albo z tacki.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "404": { + "English name": "Indian Vulture", + "Scientific name": "Gyps indicus", + "Common name": "S\u0119p Indyjski", + "Power text": "Skopiuj 1 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 gracza po prawej i policz punkty na podstawie zawarto\u015bci swojego rezerwatu, jakby by\u0142a Twoj\u0105 kart\u0105.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli gracie z niejawnymi kartami bonusowymi, podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci gracz wymieniony na karcie musi pokaza\u0107 Ci swoje karty bonusowe.
W grze 2-osobowej zar\u00f3wno marabut indyjski, jak i s\u0119p indyjski mog\u0105 skopiowa\u0107 t\u0119 sam\u0105 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "405": { + "English name": "Large-Billed Crow", + "Scientific name": "Corvus macrorhynchos", + "Common name": "Wrona Wielkodzioba", + "Power text": "Przechowaj 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na dowolnej karcie ptaka. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "406": { + "English name": "Little Egret", + "Scientific name": "Egretta garzetta", + "Common name": "Czapla Nadobna", + "Power text": "Dobierz i zatrzymaj 1 [card] ze stosu. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i zatrzymuj\u0105 j\u0105, je\u015bli ptak potrafi \u017cy\u0107 w [wetland].", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "407": { + "English name": "Little Grebe", + "Scientific name": "Tachybaptus ruficollis", + "Common name": "Perkozek Zwyczajny", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w tej kolumnie z [egg] na karcie dobierz 1 [card]. Zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "408": { + "English name": "Little Ringed Plover", + "Scientific name": "Charadrius dubius", + "Common name": "Sieweczka Rzeczna", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 1 [card] z r\u0119ki. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "409": { + "English name": "Mandarin Duck", + "Scientific name": "Aix galericulata", + "Common name": "Mandarynka", + "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu. 1 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119, 1 wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, 1 daj innemu graczowi, a pozosta\u0142e odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tych zdolno\u015bci na koniec rundy, pami\u0119taj, \u017ce wszystkie etapy aktywacji s\u0105 obowi\u0105zkowe.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "410": { + "English name": "Olive-Backed Sunbird", + "Scientific name": "Cinnyris jugularis", + "Common name": "Nektarnik Ciemnogard\u0142y", + "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy z graczy mo\u017ce rzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die] i wzi\u0105\u0107 wyrzucone po\u017cywienie z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Gracze mog\u0105 wybiera\u0107 inn\u0105 albo t\u0119 sam\u0105 ko\u015b\u0107, tak\u017ce t\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 gracz w\u0142a\u015bnie rzuca\u0142. We\u017a po\u017cywienie tylko z ko\u015bci, kt\u00f3ra zosta\u0142a przez Ciebie rzucona. Je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wskazuje 2 symbole ([seed]/[invertebrate]), wybierz tylko 1 z nich.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "411": { + "English name": "Oriental Bay-Owl", + "Scientific name": "Phodilus badius", + "Common name": "Puch\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "Aktywuj br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci wszystkich swoich pozosta\u0142ych [predator].", + "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz w dowolnej kolejno\u015bci aktywowa\u0107 br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci Twoich ptak\u00f3w [predator]. Symbol [predator] musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 po lewej stronie opisu zdolno\u015bci (a nie w samym opisie).", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "412": { + "English name": "Oriental Magpie-Robin", + "Scientific name": "Copsychus saularis", + "Common name": "Sroczek Zmienny", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cde 3 [egg] w swoim [grassland] we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] albo [seed] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 do 2 z nich na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Policz, ile jaj masz we wskazanym siedlisku, podziel t\u0119 liczb\u0119 przez 3 i zaokr\u0105glij w d\u00f3\u0142. We\u017a tyle \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia wskazanego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.
Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala wybra\u0107 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wymienionych na karcie. Je\u015bli bierzesz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017ceton, mo\u017cesz wzi\u0105\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cne.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "413": { + "English name": "Philippine Eagle", + "Scientific name": "Pithecophaga jefferyi", + "Common name": "Ma\u0142po\u017cer", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 wszystkimi 5 [die]. Mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [die] do 2 razy. Je\u015bli po zaprzestaniu rzut\u00f3w cho\u0107 3 ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [rodent], dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik.", + "Note": "Po rzuceniu wszystkimi 5 ko\u015b\u0107mi, mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 z nich. Nast\u0119pnie mo\u017cesz przerzuci\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 z nich po raz ostatni. W sumie masz mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 3 rzut\u00f3w. Je\u015bli po zaprzestaniu rzut\u00f3w cho\u0107 3 ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [rodent], dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Ponownie nape\u0142nij karmnik niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile symboli [rodent] znajduje si\u0119 na ko\u015bciach.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "414": { + "English name": "Plumbeous Redstart", + "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus fuliginosus", + "Common name": "Pleszka \u015aniada", + "Power text": "Dobierz i zatrzymaj 1 [card] ze stosu. Wszyscy pozostali gracze dobieraj\u0105 po 1 [card] ze stosu i zatrzymuj\u0105 j\u0105, je\u015bli ptak ma [invertebrate] lub [seed] w swoim koszcie.", + "Note": "Na karcie musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 symbol [invertebrate] lub [seed]. [wild] nie jest akceptowane.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "415": { + "English name": "Purple Heron", + "Scientific name": "Ardea purpurea", + "Common name": "Czapla Purpurowa", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowolne 2 [die]. Wykonaj nimi do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate] albo [fish], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "416": { + "English name": "Red Avadavat", + "Scientific name": "Amandava amandava", + "Common name": "Bengalik Czerwony", + "Power text": "Przeka\u017c 1 [card] z r\u0119ki innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 2 [card].", + "Note": "Przeciwnik nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 przyj\u0119cia karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "417": { + "English name": "Red Junglefowl", + "Scientific name": "Gallus gallus", + "Common name": "Kur Banikwa", + "Power text": "Policz [egg] na wszystkich swoich kartach ptak\u00f3w. Je\u015bli suma wynosi mniej ni\u017c 6 [egg], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "418": { + "English name": "Red-Crowned Crane", + "Scientific name": "Grus japonensis", + "Common name": "\u017buraw Mand\u017curski", + "Power text": "Policz punkty z 1 ze swoich kart bonusowych i przechowaj na tej karcie tyle samo [wild] z zasob\u00f3w. Odrzu\u0107 t\u0119 kart\u0119 bonusow\u0105 i w jej miejsce dobierz now\u0105.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci wykorzystuj\u0105 przechowywane po\u017cywienie, aby zliczy\u0107, ile punkt\u00f3w jest warta karta bonusowa przy aktywacji. Dla wszelkich innych cel\u00f3w przechowywane po\u017cywienie dzia\u0142a w standardowy spos\u00f3b, np. dla karty bonusowej Wnikliwy analityk.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "419": { + "English name": "Red-Vented Bulbul", + "Scientific name": "Pycnonotus cafer", + "Common name": "Bilbil Czerwonoplamy", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli masz co najmniej 1 [fruit] w swoich zasobach, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "[fruit] nie jest zu\u017cywany ani odrzucany.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "420": { + "English name": "Red-Wattled Lapwing", + "Scientific name": "Vanellus indicus", + "Common name": "Czajka Indyjska", + "Power text": "Odrzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 liczb\u0119 [card] z tacki, a nast\u0119pnie uzupe\u0142nij j\u0105. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 z odrzuconych ptak\u00f3w jest [predator], z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "421": { + "English name": "Rhinoceros Auklet", + "Scientific name": "Cerorhinca monocerata", + "Common name": "Nurek", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowolnymi 2 [die]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "422": { + "English name": "Rock Pigeon", + "Scientific name": "Columba livia", + "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105b Skalny", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze sk\u0142adaj\u0105 po 1 [egg]. Ty sk\u0142adasz 1 dodatkowe [egg].", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka.
Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci go\u0142\u0119bia skalnego, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 drugie jajo na tej samej karcie ptaka, co poprzednie.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "423": { + "English name": "Rook", + "Scientific name": "Corvus frugilegus", + "Common name": "Gawron", + "Power text": "Przechowaj 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na tej karcie albo wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli zrobisz 1 z powy\u017cszych, wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "424": { + "English name": "Rose-Ringed Parakeet", + "Scientific name": "Psittacula krameri", + "Common name": "Aleksandretta Obro\u017cna", + "Power text": "Skopiuj bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 z 1 karty ptaka wybranego s\u0105siada.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz skopiowa\u0107 tylko bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107.
Ten ptak mo\u017ce skopiowa\u0107 bia\u0142\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107, kt\u00f3ra umo\u017cliwia Ci zagranie dodatkowej karty ptaka, nawet w innym siedlisku ni\u017c to, w w kt\u00f3rym zagra\u0142e\u015b t\u0119 kart\u0119. Dodatkowa karta ptaka musi by\u0107 zagrana w siedlisku okre\u015blonym przez kopiowan\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 (je\u015bli jest wymieniona).
Tego ptaka nie mo\u017cna zagra\u0107 w [wetland], wi\u0119c nie mo\u017ce r\u00f3wnie\u017c skopiowa\u0107 bia\u0142ej zdolno\u015bci, kt\u00f3ra wyznacza to siedlisko do jej zagrania (np. czapla siwa z dodatku Ptaki Europy).
Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tej karty do skopiowoania bia\u0142ej zdolno\u015bci ptaka o alternatywnym koszcie, mo\u017cesz zap\u0142aci\u0107 w\u0142a\u015bnie ten alternatywny koszt, aby zagra\u0107 kart\u0119 aleksandretty obro\u017cnej. W tym dodatku nie ma ptak\u00f3w o alternatywnym koszcie, ale mo\u017cna je znale\u017a\u0107 np. w dodatku Ptaki Europy. Jest on oznaczony gwiazdk\u0105 (*) obok symboli po\u017cywienia umieszczonych w koszcie karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "425": { + "English name": "Rosy Starling", + "Scientific name": "Pastor roseus", + "Common name": "Pasterz", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 do 3 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli wsuniesz co najmniej 1 [card], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "426": { + "English name": "Ruddy Shelduck", + "Scientific name": "Tadorna ferruginea", + "Common name": "Kazarka Rdzawa", + "Power text": "Dobierz 5 [card] ze stosu. 1 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119, 1 wsu\u0144 pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, a reszt\u0119 odrzu\u0107.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli u\u017cyjesz tych zdolno\u015bci na koniec rundy, pami\u0119taj, \u017ce wszystkie etapy aktywacji s\u0105 obowi\u0105zkowe.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "427": { + "English name": "Sarus Crane", + "Scientific name": "Antigone antigone", + "Common name": "\u017buraw Indyjski", + "Power text": "Ka\u017cdy gracz mo\u017ce odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [egg], aby dobra\u0107 1 [card] ze stosu.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "428": { + "English name": "Satyr Tragopan", + "Scientific name": "Tragopan satyra", + "Common name": "Tragopan Czerwony", + "Power text": "Przeka\u017c 1 [card] z r\u0119ki innemu graczowi. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 2 [egg] na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Przeciwnik nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 przyj\u0119cia karty.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "429": { + "English name": "Scaly-Breasted Munia", + "Scientific name": "Lonchura punctulata", + "Common name": "Mniszka Muszkatowa", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [seed] z zasob\u00f3w albo wsu\u0144 1 [card] ze stosu pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": null, + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "430": { + "English name": "Small Minivet", + "Scientific name": "Pericrocotus cinnamomeus", + "Common name": "Purpurek Z\u0142otobrzuchy", + "Power text": "Zagraj dodatkowego ptaka na [forest]. Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [invertebrate] albo 1 [egg] w jego koszcie.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [wild] w koszcie zamiast ignorowania 1 [invertebrate].", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "431": { + "English name": "Smew", + "Scientific name": "Mergellus albellus", + "Common name": "Bielaczek", + "Power text": "Dobierz 4 [card]. Wsu\u0144 2 z nich pod t\u0119 kart\u0119, a pozosta\u0142e 2 we\u017a na r\u0119k\u0119.", + "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz wsun\u0105\u0107 dok\u0142adnie 2 karty spo\u015br\u00f3d dobranych. Jest to cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 ca\u0142ej akcji.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "432": { + "English name": "Spoon-Billed Sandpiper", + "Scientific name": "Calidris pygmaea", + "Common name": "Biegus \u0141y\u017ckodzioby", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich. Pozostali gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 dowolne 2 zasoby ([wild], [egg] lub [card]), aby zrobi\u0107 to samo.", + "Note": "Aby dobra\u0107 karty bonusowe, gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 2 zasoby tego samego typu (np. 2 [wild] albo 2 zasoby r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w (np. 1 [wild] i 1 [egg]). Gracz odrzuca [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, a [card] \u2013 ze swojej r\u0119ki.
Dobierz 2 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a drug\u0105 odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.
Dodatek Ptaki Oceanii. Je\u015bli gracz odrzuca [nectar], aby zap\u0142aci\u0107 za dobranie kart bonusowych, nektar jest umieszczany na polu z napisem \u201ewydane\u201d w [wetland].", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "433": { + "English name": "Spotted Dove", + "Scientific name": "Streptopelia chinensis", + "Common name": "Synogarlica Per\u0142oszyja", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli po prawej stronie tego ptaka nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne karty, mo\u017cesz go przenie\u015b\u0107 (tylko kart\u0119) na plansz\u0119 gracza po prawej (Ty wybierasz siedlisko). Je\u015bli to zrobisz, dobierz 3 [card].", + "Note": "Gdy przenosisz t\u0119 kart\u0119 ptaka na plansz\u0119 innego gracza, umie\u015b\u0107 j\u0105 na wolnym polu znajduj\u0105cym si\u0119 najbardziej po lewej stronie w wybranym przez Ciebie siedlisku. Je\u015bli w danym siedlisku nie ma wolnego miejsca, taka karta ptaka nie mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 przeniesiona. Wszystkie przechowywane \u017cetony po\u017cywienia, jaja czy wsuni\u0119te karty s\u0105 odrzucane, gdy karta jest przenoszona. Gracz otrzymuj\u0105cy t\u0119 kart\u0119 nie mo\u017ce odm\u00f3wi\u0107 jej przyj\u0119cia. Nie umieszcza te\u017c swojego znacznika duetu na mapie.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "434": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie", + "Scientific name": "Urocissa ornata", + "Common name": "Kitta Ozdobna", + "Power text": "Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 po 1 [wild] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w na ka\u017cdej z Twoich pozosta\u0142ych kart ptak\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych chcesz przechowa\u0107 po\u017cywienie, w tym przypadku nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 zdolno\u015bci przechowywania po\u017cywienia.
Liczba \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia, kt\u00f3re mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 (np. \u201eka\u017cda karta ptaka w tym rz\u0119dzie\u201d), wskazuje maksimum, ale mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 mniej.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "435": { + "English name": "Sri Lanka Frogmouth", + "Scientific name": "Batrachostomus moniliger", + "Common name": "G\u0119bal Cejlo\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate], we\u017a 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card] ze swojej r\u0119ki, aby otrzyma\u0107 1 [invertebrate] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Wyrzucenie symbolu ([invertebrate]/[seed]) kwalifikuje si\u0119 jako wyrzucenie [invertebrate].
Podczas rzucania 2 ko\u015b\u0107mi przechowujesz tylko 1 [fish], nawet je\u015bli obie ko\u015bci wskazuj\u0105 [fish].
Druga cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 tych akcji jest niezale\u017cna od pierwszej. Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [card], aby zdoby\u0107 po\u017cywienie niezale\u017cnie od tego, czy dzi\u0119ki rzutowi dosta\u0142e\u015b po\u017cywienie. Ty tak\u017ce nale\u017cysz do \u201ewszystkich graczy\u201d.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "436": { + "English name": "Stork-Billed Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Pelargopsis capensis", + "Common name": "\u0141owiec Niebieskoskrzyd\u0142y", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Rzu\u0107 ni\u0105 raz za ka\u017cd\u0105 kart\u0119 ptaka w swoim [wetland]. Je\u015bli cho\u0107 1 wynik rzutu wska\u017ce [fish], we\u017a 1 [fish] z zasob\u00f3w. Mo\u017cesz przechowa\u0107 j\u0105 na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wyrzucisz wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 [fish], wci\u0105\u017c otrzymujesz tylko 1 \u017ceton.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "437": { + "English name": "Trumpeter Finch", + "Scientific name": "Bucanetes githagineus", + "Common name": "Gilak Pustynny", + "Power text": "Zagraj dodatkowego ptaka na [grassland]. Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [seed] albo 1 [egg] w jego koszcie.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz zignorowa\u0107 1 [wild] w koszcie zamiast ignorowania 1 [seed].", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "438": { + "English name": "Twite", + "Scientific name": "Linaria flavirostris", + "Common name": "Rzepo\u0142uch", + "Power text": "Dobierz 2 [card] ze stosu. Nast\u0119pnie wsu\u0144 dowolne 2 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119.", + "Note": "Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, musisz wsun\u0105\u0107 dok\u0142adnie 2 karty. Jest to cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 ca\u0142ej akcji.
Mo\u017cesz wsun\u0105\u0107 karty, kt\u00f3re nie by\u0142y przez Ciebie dobrane podczas aktywacji tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "439": { + "English name": "Verditer Flycatcher", + "Scientific name": "Eumyias thalassinus", + "Common name": "Modr\u00f3wka Seledynowa", + "Power text": "Je\u015bli w tej turze otrzyma\u0142e\u015b co najmniej 1 [invertebrate] z karmnika, we\u017a 1 [fruit] z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Mo\u017cesz u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci do [invertebrate] otrzymanego przed albo po aktywacji modr\u00f3wki seledynowej. Mo\u017cesz jednak u\u017cy\u0107 tej zdolno\u015bci tylko raz w turze. Zdobywasz tylko 1 [fruit] niezale\u017cnie od tego, ile [invertebrate] otrzyma\u0142e\u015b.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "440": { + "English name": "Violet Cuckoo", + "Scientific name": "Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus", + "Common name": "Kuku\u0142eczka Ametystowa", + "Power text": "Gdy inny gracz wykonuje akcj\u0119 \u201eZ\u0142\u00f3\u017c jaja\u201d, z\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 [egg] na innej karcie ptaka o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <30 cm. Gdy u\u017cywasz tej zdolno\u015bci, mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 limit jaj na karcie tego ptaka o 2.", + "Note": "Przekraczanie limitu jaj. Gdy u\u017cywasz zdolno\u015bci tego ptaka, mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 jaja na karcie ptaka, kt\u00f3ry ju\u017c osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 albo przekroczy\u0142 sw\u00f3j limi jaj (jednak nie mo\u017cesz przekroczy\u0107 tego limitu o liczb\u0119 podan\u0105 w zdolno\u015bci). Ta zdolno\u015b\u0107 nie wp\u0142ywa na \u017cadne inne akcje w grze. Limit jaj wci\u0105\u017c dotyczy tej karty ptaka. Karta ptaka, na kt\u00f3rej znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jaja przekraczaj\u0105ce limit, wci\u0105\u017c kwalifikuje si\u0119 do bonusu karty Ptasi rodzic. Karty ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie widnieje symbol gniazda i kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, nie kwalifikuj\u0105 si\u0119, aby otrzyma\u0107 jaja z tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "441": { + "English name": "White-Browed Tit-Warbler", + "Scientific name": "Leptopoecile sophiae", + "Common name": "Sikorczak Tybeta\u0144ski", + "Power text": "Za ka\u017cdego ptaka w swoim [forest] z [egg] na karcie rzu\u0107 dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wybierz 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia spo\u015br\u00f3d wyrzuconych i we\u017a 1 \u017ceton tego rodzaju z zasob\u00f3w.", + "Note": "Niezale\u017cnie od liczby rzucanych ko\u015bci we\u017a tylko 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": "X", + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "442": { + "English name": "White-Crested Laughingthrush", + "Scientific name": "Garrulax leucolophus", + "Common name": "Sujkowiec Bia\u0142oczuby", + "Power text": "Wsu\u0144 1 [card] z r\u0119ki pod t\u0119 kart\u0119. Je\u015bli to zrobisz, we\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne).", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed pobraniem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "443": { + "English name": "White-Headed Duck", + "Scientific name": "Oxyura leucocephala", + "Common name": "Sterniczka Zwyczajna", + "Power text": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe i zatrzymaj 1 z nich.", + "Note": "Dobierz 3 karty bonusowe, wybierz i zatrzymaj 1 z nich, a pozosta\u0142e odrzu\u0107. Je\u015bli stos kart bonusowych si\u0119 wyczerpie, potasujcie odrzucone karty i uformujcie nowy zakryty stos.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + }, + "444": { + "English name": "White-Throated Kingfisher", + "Scientific name": "Halcyon smyrnensis", + "Common name": "\u0141owiec Krasnodzioby", + "Power text": "Wybierz dowoln\u0105 1 [die]. Wykonaj ni\u0105 do 3 rzut\u00f3w. Za ka\u017cdym razem, je\u015bli ko\u015b\u0107 wska\u017ce [invertebrate], [fish] albo [rodent], we\u017a 1 taki \u017ceton z zasob\u00f3w i przechowaj na tej karcie. Je\u015bli nie, przerwij rzucanie i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Note": "Te zdolno\u015bci sprawdzaj\u0105 szcz\u0119\u015bcie. Po ka\u017cdym rzucie sprawd\u017a, czy odnios\u0142e\u015b sukces czy ponios\u0142e\u015b pora\u017ck\u0119. W razie pora\u017cki, aktywacja karty ptaka dobiega ko\u0144ca. Mo\u017cesz te\u017c w dowolnej chwili zako\u0144czy\u0107 aktywacj\u0119 katy ptaka, aby zapobiec ryzyku pora\u017cki i utraceniu zdobytych \u017ceton\u00f3w.
Je\u015bli odniesiesz sukces (na chocia\u017c 1 ko\u015bci wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), po\u0142\u00f3\u017c 1 \u017ceton po\u017cywienia z zasob\u00f3w na karcie ptaka. Nie ma mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowania wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 \u017cetonu po\u017cywienia po ka\u017cdym rzucie. Nast\u0119pnie je\u015bli ko\u015bci by\u0142y rzucane mniej ni\u017c 3 razy podczas aktualnej aktywacji zdolno\u015bci, zdecyduj, czy chcesz ponownie rzuca\u0107.
Je\u015bli poniesiesz pora\u017ck\u0119 (na \u017cadnej z rzuconych ko\u015bci nie wypad\u0142 wymagany symbol), przerwij akcj\u0119 i odrzu\u0107 ca\u0142e po\u017cywienie zdobyte przez tego ptaka w tej turze dzi\u0119ki tej zdolno\u015bci.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "445": { + "English name": "Willow Tit", + "Scientific name": "Poecile montanus", + "Common name": "Czarnog\u0142\u00f3wka", + "Power text": "We\u017a 1 [invertebrate], [seed] albo [fruit] z karmnika (je\u015bli s\u0105 dost\u0119pne) i przechowaj na tej karcie.", + "Note": "Je\u015bli wszystkie ko\u015bci w karmniku wskazuj\u0105 ten sam symbol, mo\u017cesz go opr\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 i ponownie nape\u0142ni\u0107 przed wzi\u0119ciem [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia]. Je\u015bli w karmniku nie ma wskazanego [konkretnego rodzaju po\u017cywienia], nie otrzymujesz po\u017cywienia.", + "Anatomist": "X", + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "446": { + "English name": "Yellow Bittern", + "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus sinensis", + "Common name": "B\u0105czek \u017b\u00f3\u0142tawy", + "Power text": "Dobierz [card] znajduj\u0105c\u0105 si\u0119 na \u015brodku tacki.", + "Note": "Wa\u017cne! Gdy dobierane s\u0105 karty z tacki, pozosta\u0142e karty nigdy nie s\u0105 przesuwane w lewo ani prawo. Je\u015bli \u015brodkowe pole tacki jest puste, nic si\u0119 nie dzieje.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": "X" + }, + "447": { + "English name": "Zebra Dove", + "Scientific name": "Geopelia striata", + "Common name": "Go\u0142\u0105bek Zebrowany", + "Power text": "Wszyscy gracze mog\u0105 odrzuci\u0107 po 1 [seed] ze swoich zasob\u00f3w, aby z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 1 [egg].", + "Note": "Je\u015bli odrzucisz [seed], mo\u017cesz z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 [egg] na dowolnej karcie ptaka, nie musi to by\u0107 go\u0142\u0105bek zebrowany.", + "Anatomist": null, + "Cartographer": null, + "Historian": "X", + "Photographer": null + } + }, + "bonuses": { + "1000": { + "English name": "Anatomist", + "Name": "Anatom", + "Condition": "Ptaki z cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 cia\u0142a w nazwie.", + "Explanatory text": "Cz\u0119\u015bci cia\u0142a obejmuj\u0105: brew, broda, brzuch, czo\u0142o, czub, dzi\u00f3b, gard\u0142o, g\u0119ba, g\u0142owa, grzbiet, lico, \u0142eb, nos, ogon, oko, r\u00f3g, rzy\u0107, skrzyd\u0142o, szyja, ucho, w\u0105sy.", + "VP": "1[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144. Cz\u0119\u015bci cia\u0142a mog\u0105 by\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cnie odmienione lub stanowi\u0107 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 innego wyrazu, np. \u017c\u00f3\u0142toczelny, p\u0142askonos.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej." + }, + "1001": { + "English name": "Backyard Birder", + "Name": "Mi\u0142o\u015bnik ptaszk\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki warte mniej ni\u017c 4 punkty.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych nadrukowana warto\u015b\u0107 wynosi 0, 1, 2, albo 3 punkty." + }, + "1002": { + "English name": "Behaviorist", + "Name": "Behawiorysta", + "Condition": "Kolumny, w kt\u00f3rych znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 karty ptak\u00f3w z 3 r\u00f3\u017cnymi kolorami zdolno\u015bci.", + "Explanatory text": "Kolory zdolno\u015bci obejmuj\u0105: bez koloru, br\u0105zowy, r\u00f3\u017cowy, turkusowy. Ptaki bez zdolno\u015bci licz\u0105 si\u0119 tak, jakby mia\u0142y zdolno\u015b\u0107 bez koloru.", + "VP": "3[point] za kolumn\u0119", + "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Oceanii na potrzeby tej karty bonusowej \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty kolor zdolno\u015bci jest traktowany jako kolejny kolor." + }, + "1003": { + "English name": "Bird Bander", + "Name": "Koordynator obr\u0105czkowania", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re mog\u0105 \u017cy\u0107 w wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 siedlisku.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1004": { + "English name": "Bird Counter", + "Name": "Przodownik stada", + "Condition": "Ptaki ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 [flocking].", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 wskazany symbol po lewej stronie swojej br\u0105zowej zdolno\u015bci." + }, + "1005": { + "English name": "Bird Feeder", + "Name": "Karmiciel ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [seed].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [seed]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", + "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1006": { + "English name": "Breeding Manager", + "Name": "Hodowca miesi\u0105ca", + "Condition": "Ptaki, na kt\u00f3rych karcie le\u017c\u0105 co najmniej 4 jaja.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "1[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Policz tylko te karty, na kt\u00f3rych na koniec gry le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo." + }, + "1007": { + "English name": "Cartographer", + "Name": "Kartograf", + "Condition": "Ptaki z nazw\u0105 geograficzn\u0105 w nazwie.", + "Explanatory text": "Nazwy geograficzne obejmuj\u0105: ameryka\u0144ski, bengalik, cejlo\u0144ski, delawarski, g\u00f3rski, himalajski, indyjski, jamajski, kalifornijski, kanadyjski, karoli\u0144ski, le\u015bny, mand\u017curski, meksyka\u0144ski, orientalny, p\u00f3\u0142nocny, pustynny, rzeczny, stawowy, tybeta\u0144ski, wschodni, wirginijski.", + "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej." + }, + "1008": { + "English name": "Citizen Scientist", + "Name": "Miejski naukowiec", + "Condition": "Karty ptak\u00f3w z wsuni\u0119tymi pod nie kartami.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1009": { + "English name": "Diet Specialist", + "Name": "Dietetyk", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re w koszcie maj\u0105 3 \u017cetony po\u017cywienia.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1010": { + "English name": "Ecologist", + "Name": "Ekolog", + "Condition": "Ptaki w siedlisku, w kt\u00f3rym masz najmniej kart.", + "Explanatory text": "W przypadku remisu, je\u015bli masz na przyk\u0142ad 3 ptaki w ka\u017cdym siedlisku, Twoje siedlisko z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 kart liczy 3 karty.", + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku (rz\u0119dzie), w kt\u00f3rym zagra\u0142e\u015b ich najmniej. Je\u015bli siedliska remisuj\u0105 pod wzgl\u0119dem najmniejszej liczy kart, nadal spe\u0142niasz wymogi bonusu. Je\u015bli masz na przyk\u0142ad 3 ptaki w ka\u017cdym siedlisku, Twoje siedlisko z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 kart liczy sobie 3 karty." + }, + "1011": { + "English name": "Enclosure Builder", + "Name": "Naziemny konstruktor", + "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [ground].", + "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [ground] albo [star].", + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami." + }, + "1012": { + "English name": "Ethologist", + "Name": "Etolog", + "Condition": "Ptaki w 1 dowolnym siedlisku.", + "Explanatory text": "Kolory zdolno\u015bci obejmuj\u0105: bez koloru, br\u0105zowy, r\u00f3\u017cowy, turkusowy. Ptaki bez zdolno\u015bci licz\u0105 si\u0119 tak, jakby mia\u0142y zdolno\u015b\u0107 bez koloru.", + "VP": "2[point] za kolor zdolno\u015bci", + "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Oceanii na potrzeby tej karty bonusowej \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty kolor zdolno\u015bci jest traktowany jako kolejny kolor." + }, + "1013": { + "English name": "Falconer", + "Name": "Sokolnik", + "Condition": "Ptaki ze zdolno\u015bci\u0105 [predator].", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 wskazany symbol po lewej stronie swojej br\u0105zowej zdolno\u015bci." + }, + "1014": { + "English name": "Fishery Manager", + "Name": "Hodowca ryb", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [fish].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [fish]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", + "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1015": { + "English name": "Food Web Expert", + "Name": "Mi\u0142o\u015bnik robaczk\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105cznie [invertebrate].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak, kt\u00f3ry ma wy\u0142\u0105cznie symbol (symbole) [invertebrate].", + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": null + }, + "1016": { + "English name": "Forester", + "Name": "Le\u015bniczy", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [forest].", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3\u20134 ptaki: 4[point]; 5+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu." + }, + "1017": { + "English name": "Historian", + "Name": "Globtrotter", + "Condition": "Ptaki wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce poza Ameryk\u0105 P\u00f3\u0142nocn\u0105 i \u015arodkow\u0105.", + "Explanatory text": "Mapka w lewym dolnym rogu karty pokazuje obszar wyst\u0119powania danego gatunku.", + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej." + }, + "1018": { + "English name": "Large Bird Specialist", + "Name": "Specjalista od wielkich ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 >65 cm.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 powy\u017cej 65 cm. Rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 r\u00f3wna 65 cm nie spe\u0142nia wymog\u00f3w bonusu." + }, + "1019": { + "English name": "Nest Box Builder", + "Name": "Wytw\u00f3rca budek dla ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [cavity].", + "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [cavity] albo [star].", + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami." + }, + "1020": { + "English name": "Omnivore Specialist", + "Name": "Ekspert od wszystko\u017cerc\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [wild].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [wild].", + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": null + }, + "1021": { + "English name": "Oologist", + "Name": "Owolog", + "Condition": "Ptaki, na kt\u00f3rych karcie le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "7\u20138 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 9+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1022": { + "English name": "Passerine Specialist", + "Name": "Znawca wr\u00f3blowatych", + "Condition": "Ptaki o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 \u226430 cm.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w o rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 30 cm i mniejszej. Rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 r\u00f3wna 30 cm spe\u0142nia wymogi bonusu." + }, + "1023": { + "English name": "Photographer", + "Name": "Fotograf", + "Condition": "Ptaki z kolorami w nazwie.", + "Explanatory text": "Kolory obejmuj\u0105: ametystowy, bia\u0142y, b\u0142\u0119kitny, br\u0105zwoy, brunatny, bursztynowy, ciemny, czarny, czerwony, indygowy, krasny, krasy, lazurowy, miedziany, modry, mysi, niebieski, oliwkowy, per\u0142owy, p\u0142owy, popielaty, pstry, purpurowy, rdzawy, r\u00f3\u017cany, r\u00f3\u017cowy, rubinowy, rudy, seledynowy, siwy, szary, szkar\u0142atny, szmaragdowy, \u015bniady, \u015bnie\u017cny, zielony, z\u0142ocisty, z\u0142otawy, z\u0142oty, \u017c\u00f3\u0142tawy, \u017c\u00f3\u0142ty.", + "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Za zgod\u0105 wydawcy wersji angielskiej zadania w tej kategorii zosta\u0142y zmodyfikowane.
Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re w swojej nazwie maj\u0105 jedno z poni\u017cszych okre\u015ble\u0144. Kolory mog\u0105 by\u0107 r\u00f3\u017cnie odmienione lub stanowi\u0107 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 innego wyrazu, np. r\u00f3\u017cowog\u0142owy, bursztynka. Ka\u017cdy ptak liczy si\u0119 raz, nawet je\u015bli w swej nazwie ma wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 kolor.
Podczas gry z dodatkiem Ptaki Europy, Ptaki Oceanii lub Ptaki Azji ze wzgl\u0119du na zmienion\u0105 warto\u015b\u0107 procentow\u0105 nie zaleca si\u0119 korzystania z tej karty bonusowej. Kolor pstry uznawany jest wy\u0142\u0105cznie w dodatku Ptaki Azji." + }, + "1024": { + "English name": "Platform Builder", + "Name": "Budowniczy platform", + "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [platform].", + "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [platform] albo [star].", + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami." + }, + "1025": { + "English name": "Prairie Manager", + "Name": "Amator \u0142\u0105k", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [grassland].", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu." + }, + "1026": { + "English name": "Rodentologist", + "Name": "Znawca gryzoni", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [rodent].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [rodent]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", + "VP": "2[point] za ptaka", + "Note": null + }, + "1027": { + "English name": "Visionary Leader", + "Name": "Wizjoner", + "Condition": "Karty ptak\u00f3w pozosta\u0142e na r\u0119ce na koniec gry.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz karty ptak\u00f3w, jakie pozosta\u0142y Ci na r\u0119ce na koniec gry." + }, + "1028": { + "English name": "Viticulturalist", + "Name": "Hodowca winoro\u015bli", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cywi\u0105 si\u0119 [fruit].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cdy ptak z symbolem [fruit]. Mo\u017ce \u017cywi\u0107 si\u0119 tak\u017ce innym rodzajem po\u017cywienia.", + "VP": "2\u20133 ptaki: 3[point]; 4+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": null + }, + "1029": { + "English name": "Wetland Scientist", + "Name": "Badacz mokrade\u0142", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re \u017cyj\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105cznie w [wetland].", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3\u20134 ptaki: 3[point]; 5+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz zagrane karty ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re posiadaj\u0105 tylko 1 pasuj\u0105cy do bonusu symbol siedliska. Je\u015bli ptak mo\u017ce \u017cy\u0107 w kilku rodzajach siedlisk, nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 liczony do tego bonusu." + }, + "1030": { + "English name": "Wildlife Gardener", + "Name": "Ogrodnik dzikiej natury", + "Condition": "Ptaki z gniazdem typu [bowl].", + "Explanatory text": "Na kartach musi widnie\u0107 symbol [bowl] albo [star].", + "VP": "4\u20135 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 6+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w z okre\u015blonym symbolem typu gniazda.
Symbol [star] oznacza gniazdo pasuj\u0105ce do wszystkich 4 bonus\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z gniazdami." + }, + "1032": { + "English name": "[automa] Autwitcher", + "Name": "[automa] Wied\u017amin", + "Condition": "Ptaki warte 3 albo 4 punkty.", + "Explanatory text": "(Zaczyna od kart z wy\u017csz\u0105 warto\u015bci\u0105).", + "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje do 2 z nich", + "Note": null + }, + "1033": { + "English name": "[automa] RASPB Life Fellow", + "Name": "[automa] Malinowy kr\u00f3l", + "Condition": "Ptaki warte 5, 6 albo 7 punkt\u00f3w.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje kart\u0119 o najwy\u017cszej warto\u015bci.", + "Note": null + }, + "1034": { + "English name": "Forest Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analityk danych z lasu", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [forest] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty." + }, + "1035": { + "English name": "Grassland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analityk danych z \u0142\u0105k", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [grassland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty." + }, + "1036": { + "English name": "Mechanical Engineer", + "Name": "In\u017cynier mechanik", + "Condition": "Zestawy 4 typ\u00f3w gniazd.", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0105pi\u0107 dowolny typ gniazda. \u017badna karta nie mo\u017ce by\u0107 cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 zestawu.", + "VP": "1 zestaw = [bowl] [cavity] [ground] [platform]; 1 zestaw: 3[point]; 2+ zestaw\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Ta karta punktuje zestawy sk\u0142adaj\u0105ce si\u0119 z 4 typ\u00f3w gniazd spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich Twoich ptak\u00f3w. Kolejno\u015b\u0107 ani po\u0142o\u017cenie gniazd na planszy nie maj\u0105 znaczenia. Liczy si\u0119 tylko to, aby w zestawie znajdowa\u0142y si\u0119 wszystkie 4 typy gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu w 1 zestawie. Na przyk\u0142ad:
" + }, + "1037": { + "English name": "Site Selection Expert", + "Name": "Specjalista od obserwacji", + "Condition": "Kolumny z gniazdami tego samego typu.", + "Explanatory text": "R\u00f3\u017cne kolumny mog\u0105 (ale nie musz\u0105) zapewni\u0107 punkty za r\u00f3\u017cne typy gniazd. Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym zast\u0119puj\u0105 dowolny typ gniazda, ale ka\u017cde liczy si\u0119 tylko raz.", + "VP": "2 takie same gniazda w kolumnie: 1[point]; 3 takie same gniazda w kolumnie: 3[point]", + "Note": "Ta karta zapewnia punkty za ka\u017cd\u0105 kolumn\u0119 zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 1 gniazdo tego samego typu. Kolumna jest warta odpowiednio 0, 1 albo 3 punkty w zale\u017cno\u015bci od tego, czy znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w niej 0, 2 albo 3 takie same typy gniazd. R\u00f3\u017cne kolumny mog\u0105 (ale nie musz\u0105) zapewni\u0107 punkty za r\u00f3\u017cne typy gniazd.
Gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] s\u0105 d\u017cokerami. Gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym liczy si\u0119 tylko raz. Nie mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd w tej samej kolumnie." + }, + "1038": { + "English name": "Wetland Data Analyst", + "Name": "Analityk danych z mokrade\u0142", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Ka\u017cda z tych kart zapewnia punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w u\u0142o\u017conych obok siebie w danym siedlisku w rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej kolejno\u015bci wed\u0142ug rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142. Szereg nie musi obejmowa\u0107 wszystkich ptak\u00f3w w siedlisku i nie musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 ani ko\u0144czy\u0107 na pierwszym lub ostatnim ptaku w rz\u0119dzie. Ponadto w szeregu obok siebie mo\u017ce si\u0119 znajdowa\u0107 kilka ptak\u00f3w o takiej samej rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142.
Karty nielot\u00f3w (z gwiazdk\u0105 zamiast rozpi\u0119to\u015bci) s\u0105 d\u017cokerami, co oznacza, \u017ce mo\u017cna przypisa\u0107 im dowoln\u0105 rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 spe\u0142niaj\u0105c\u0105 warunek karty bonusowej.
Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 skrzyde\u0142 na pierwszych 3 kartach ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach wzrasta, ale czwarty ptak ma rozpi\u0119to\u015b\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 od trzeciego, to d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 szeregu wynosi 3 ptaki. W tym przypadku karta Analityka danych z mokrade\u0142 zapewnia 3 punkty." + }, + "1039": { + "English name": "Avian Theriogenologist", + "Name": "Ptasi rodzic", + "Condition": "Ptaki z pe\u0142nymi gniazdami.", + "Explanatory text": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 w\u0142asnych gniazd, nie spe\u0142niaj\u0105 wymogu bonusu.", + "VP": "5\u20136 ptak\u00f3w: 4[point]; 7+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz, ile kart ptak\u00f3w ma na sobie maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 jaj zgodnie z ich limitem jaj.
Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015bci przechowywania jaj, nie spe\u0142niaj\u0105 warunk\u00f3w tego bonusu \u2013 nie maj\u0105 pe\u0142nych gniazd." + }, + "1040": { + "English name": "Endangered Species Protector", + "Name": "Obro\u0144ca zagro\u017conych gatunk\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki, kt\u00f3re umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105 dobieranie lub zapunktowanie kart bonusowych.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "3[point] za ptaka", + "Note": "Policz, na ilu kartach ptak\u00f3w widnieje wskazany symbol. Oznacza on ptaki, kt\u00f3rych zdolno\u015b\u0107 pozwala na dobranie nowej karty bonusowej. W tej talii do tych ptak\u00f3w nale\u017c\u0105:
Biegus \u0142y\u017ckodzioby,
Ibis czubaty,
Marabut indyjski,
S\u0119p indyjski,
Sterniczka zwyczajna,
\u017buraw mand\u017curski.
Dodatkowo drop indyjski umo\u017cliwia zapunktowanie karty bonusowej i jej zatrzymanie. Ten ptak r\u00f3wnie\u017c liczy si\u0119 przy punktowaniu tej karty bonusowej." + }, + "1041": { + "English name": "Forest Population Monitor", + "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w w lesie", + "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [forest].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", + "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda." + }, + "1042": { + "English name": "Forest Ranger", + "Name": "Stra\u017cnik le\u015bny", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [forest] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
" + }, + "1043": { + "English name": "Grassland Population Monitor", + "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w na \u0142\u0105ce", + "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [grassland].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", + "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda." + }, + "1044": { + "English name": "Grassland Ranger", + "Name": "Stra\u017cnik \u0142\u0105k", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [grassland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
" + }, + "1045": { + "English name": "Pellet Dissector", + "Name": "Wnikliwy analityk", + "Condition": "\u017betony [fish] i [rodent] przechowane na kartach ptak\u00f3w.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "2\u20133 przechowane \u017cetony: 3[point]; 4+ przechowanych \u017ceton\u00f3w: 6[point]", + "Note": "Policz, ile \u017ceton\u00f3w ryb i gryzoni masz na swoich kartach ptak\u00f3w." + }, + "1046": { + "English name": "Small Clutch Specialist", + "Name": "Specjalista od ma\u0142ych wyl\u0119g\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Ptaki z limitem jak do 2.", + "Explanatory text": "Ptaki bez gniazd spe\u0142niaj\u0105 wym\u00f3g bonusu.", + "VP": "5\u20137 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; 8+ ptak\u00f3w: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz, ile kart ptak\u00f3w ma limit jaj 2 albo mniej. Ptaki, kt\u00f3re nie maj\u0105 limitu jaj, r\u00f3wnie\u017c spe\u0142niaj\u0105 warunki tego bonusu. Ich limit wynosi 0 (czyli mniej ni\u017c 2).
Przy punktowaniu tej karty bonusowej nie ma znaczenia, czy na karcie ptaka znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 jakiekolwiek jaja." + }, + "1047": { + "English name": "Wetland Population Monitor", + "Name": "Obserwator populacji ptak\u00f3w na mokrad\u0142ach", + "Condition": "R\u00f3\u017cne typu gniazd w [wetland].", + "Explanatory text": "Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym [star] mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane za 5. typ.", + "VP": "2\u20133 typy: 3[point]; 4 typy: 5[point]; 5 typ\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Zgodnie z siedliskiem na kracie policz, ile masz kart ptak\u00f3w z r\u00f3\u017cnymi typami gniazd.
Ka\u017cde gniazdo z symbolem uniwersalnym mo\u017ce zast\u0119powa\u0107 1 gniazdo dowolnego typu albo by\u0107 uznane jako 5. typ. Na przyk\u0142ad czara, platforma, i 3 gniazda z symbolem uniwersalnym licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 5 r\u00f3\u017cnych typ\u00f3w gniazd.
Ptaki bez symbolu gniazd nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnego typu gniazda." + }, + "1048": { + "English name": "Wetland Ranger", + "Name": "Stra\u017cnik mokrade\u0142", + "Condition": "Szereg ptak\u00f3w w [wetland] o rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej licznie punkt\u00f3w.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Szereg 3 ptak\u00f3w: 3[point]; Szereg 4 ptak\u00f3w: 5[point]; Szereg 5 ptak\u00f3w: 8[point]", + "Note": "Te karty bonusowe zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za odpowiednio d\u0142ugi szereg ptak\u00f3w o nadrukowanej rosn\u0105cej albo malej\u0105cej liczbie punkt\u00f3w we wskazanym siedlisku.
" + }, + "1049": { + "English name": "Winter Feeder", + "Name": "Zimowy dokarmiacz", + "Condition": "\u017betony po\u017cywienia pozosta\u0142e w Twoich zasobach na koniec gry.", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "4\u20136 \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia: 4[point]; 7+ \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia: 7[point]", + "Note": "Policz, ile niewykorzystanych \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia masz na koniec gry w swoich zasobach. Po\u017cywienie przechowywane na kartach ptak\u00f3w nie liczy si\u0119 jako cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zasob\u00f3w." + }, + "1050": { + "English name": "[automa] Avid Asian Avian Admirer", + "Name": "[automa] Zagorza\u0142y mi\u0142o\u015bnik ptak\u00f3w azjatyckich", + "Condition": "
Poziom trudno\u015bciPtaki warte
Orl\u01192 albo 3 punkty
Orze\u01423 albo 4 punkty
Szybuj\u0105cy orze\u01424 albo 5 punkt\u00f3w
", + "Explanatory text": "(Zaczyna od kart z ni\u017csz\u0105 warto\u015bci\u0105).", + "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje do 2 z nich", + "Note": null + }, + "1051": { + "English name": "[automa] Rare Species Lister", + "Name": "[automa] Znawca rzadkich gatunk\u00f3w", + "Condition": "
Poziom trudno\u015bciPtaki warte
Orl\u01194, 5 albo 6 punkt\u00f3w
Orze\u01425, 6 albo 7 punkt\u00f3w
Szybuj\u0105cy orze\u01426, 7 albo 8 punkt\u00f3w
", + "Explanatory text": null, + "VP": "Automa zatrzymuje kart\u0119 o najni\u017cszej warto\u015bci.", + "Note": null + } + }, + "goals": { + "2000": { + "English name": "Bird in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bird] w [forest]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2001": { + "English name": "Bird in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bird] w [grassland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2002": { + "English name": "Bird in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bird] w [wetland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, jakie aktualnie masz w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2013": { + "English name": "Egg in Forest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [forest]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2014": { + "English name": "Egg in Grassland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [grassland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2017": { + "English name": "Egg in Wetland", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [wetland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach w tym konkretnym rz\u0119dzie. Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego siedliska." + }, + "2010": { + "English name": "Cavity Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[cavity] [bird] z [egg]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2008": { + "English name": "Bowl Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bowl] [bird] z [egg]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2021": { + "English name": "Ground Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[ground] [bird] z [egg]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2022": { + "English name": "Platform Nest Bird with Egg", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[platform] [bird] z [egg]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 ptak\u00f3w wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy), na kt\u00f3rych le\u017cy co najmniej 1 jajo. Licz ptaki, a nie jaja.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2012": { + "English name": "Egg in Cavity Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [cavity]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2011": { + "English name": "Egg in Bowl Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [bowl]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2015": { + "English name": "Egg in Ground Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [ground]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2016": { + "English name": "Egg in Platform Nest", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[egg] w [platform]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 jaj le\u017c\u0105cych na ptakach wij\u0105cych dany typ gniazda (licz\u0105 si\u0119 te\u017c gniazda z symbolem gwiazdy). Licz wszystkie sztuki, nawet le\u017c\u0105ce na 1 karcie.
Istnieje 1 kopia tego celu dla ka\u017cdego typu gniazda." + }, + "2023": { + "English name": "Sets of Eggs in 3 Habitats", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "zestawy [egg][egg][egg] w [wetland][grassland][forest]", + "Explanatory Text": "1 zestaw jaj sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z 1 jaja w lesie, 1 jaja na \u0142\u0105ce i 1 na mokrad\u0142ach. Policz liczb\u0119 takich zestaw\u00f3w." + }, + "2024": { + "English name": "Total Bird", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "wszystkie [bird]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 wszystkich zagranych kart ptak\u00f3w." + }, + "2020": { + "English name": "Food in Supply", + "Name": "\u017bywno\u015b\u0107 w zasobach w\u0142asnych", + "Condition": "[wild] w zasobach w\u0142asnych", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 \u017ceton\u00f3w po\u017cywienia w swoich zasobach." + }, + "2003": { + "English name": "Birds Cards in Hand", + "Name": "Karty ptak\u00f3w na r\u0119ce", + "Condition": "[card] na r\u0119ce", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 wszystkich kart ptak\u00f3w na r\u0119ce." + }, + "2004": { + "English name": "Birds Worth over 4 Points", + "Name": "Ptaki warte >4 punkty", + "Condition": "[bird] warte >4[point]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych nadrukowana warto\u015b\u0107 wynosi wi\u0119cej ni\u017c 4 punkty." + }, + "2006": { + "English name": "Birds with No Eggs", + "Name": "Ptaki bez jaj", + "Condition": "[bird] bez [egg]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, na kt\u00f3rych nie le\u017c\u0105 \u017cadne jaja w momencie punktowania tego celu." + }, + "2005": { + "English name": "Birds in 1 Row", + "Name": "Ptaki w 1 rz\u0119dzie", + "Condition": "[bird] w 1 rz\u0119dzie", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w w rz\u0119dzie, w kt\u00f3rym masz ich najwi\u0119cej." + }, + "2018": { + "English name": "Filled Columns", + "Name": "Zape\u0142nione kolumny", + "Condition": "zape\u0142nione kolumny", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 kolumn, w kt\u00f3rych s\u0105 zape\u0142nione wszystkie 3 pola ptak\u00f3w." + }, + "2009": { + "English name": "Brown Powers", + "Name": "Br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci", + "Condition": "br\u0105zowe zdolno\u015bci", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w z br\u0105zow\u0105 zdolno\u015bci\u0105 \u201eGDY AKTYWUJESZ\u201d." + }, + "2025": { + "English name": "White & No Powers", + "Name": "Zdolno\u015bci bez koloru i brak zdolno\u015bci", + "Condition": null, + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 zdolno\u015b\u0107 \u201eGDY ZAGRYWASZ\u201d albo nie maj\u0105 \u017cadnej zdolno\u015bci." + }, + "2007": { + "English name": "Birds with Tucked Cards", + "Name": "Ptaki z wsuni\u0119tymi kartami", + "Condition": "[flocking] ptaki z wsuni\u0119tymi kartami", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 zagranych przez siebie kart ptak\u00f3w, pod kt\u00f3rymi znajduje si\u0119 co najmniej 1 wsuni\u0119ta karta." + }, + "2019": { + "English name": "Food Cost of Played Birds", + "Name": "Koszt w po\u017cywieniu zagranych ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "Koszt w po\u017cywieniu zagranych [bird]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz koszt w po\u017cywieniu na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w, pami\u0119taj\u0105c, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia (z uko\u015bnikiem)." + }, + "2031": { + "English name": "Invertebrate in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Bezkr\u0119gowiec w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "[invertebrate] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]." + }, + "2030": { + "English name": "Fruit + Seed in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Owoc + Ziarno w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "[fruit] + [seed] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]." + }, + "2033": { + "English name": "Rodent + Fish in Food Cost of Your Birds", + "Name": "Gryzo\u0144 + Ryba w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Condition": "[rodent] + [fish] w koszcie twoich ptak\u00f3w", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 symboli wskazanego rodzaju po\u017cywienia na zagranych przez siebie kartach ptak\u00f3w. Na przyk\u0142ad, je\u015bli cel brzmi \u201e[fruit]+[seed] w koszcie Twoich ptak\u00f3w\u201d, policz wszystkie [fruit] i [seed], kt\u00f3re znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w lewym g\u00f3rnym rogu wszystkich zagranych przez Ciebie kart na Twojej planszy. Pami\u0119taj, aby policzy\u0107 tylko 1 rodzaj po\u017cywienia z kart ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re maj\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru rodzaju po\u017cywienia np. \u201e[fruit]/[seed]\u201d (te ptaki kosztowa\u0142y Ci\u0119 [fruit] ALBO [seed]). Nie licz [wild] ani [nectar]." + }, + "2032": { + "English name": "No Goal", + "Name": "Brak celu", + "Condition": "brak celu", + "Explanatory Text": "Na koniec danej rundy nie punktujecie \u017cadnego celu. Nie odk\u0142adajcie w tej rundzie \u017cadnych kostek akcji na plansz\u0119 cel\u00f3w. We wszystkich kolejnych rundach rozgrywacie o 1 tur\u0119 wi\u0119cej." + }, + "2026": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Left", + "Name": "Zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w lewo", + "Condition": "[beak-left] zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w lewo", + "Explanatory Text": "Te cele zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za ptaki zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w okre\u015blonym kierunku. Do tych cel\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 ptaki z dziobem skierowanym na wprost albo w g\u00f3r\u0119.
Cele zwi\u0105zane z kierunkiem dzioba zosta\u0142y stworzone po to, aby\u015bcie mieli kolejny pow\u00f3d do przyjrzenia si\u0119 pi\u0119knym ilustracjom. Po przejrzeniu wszystkich kart uznali\u015bmy, \u017ce okre\u015blenie, w kt\u00f3r\u0105 stron\u0119 skierowany jest dzi\u00f3b ptaka, nie powinno sprawia\u0107 trudno\u015bci. Je\u015bli jednak uznacie, \u017ce jest to kwestia dyskusyjna, usu\u0144cie ten \u017ceton celu z gry. Kilka ptak\u00f3w wymaga jednak dodatkowych wyja\u015bnie\u0144:

Poni\u017cej prezentujemy list\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie s\u0105 zwr\u00f3cone dziobem ani w prawo, ani w lewo.
Gra podstawowaPtaki EuropyPtaki OceaniiPtaki Azji" + }, + "2027": { + "English name": "Beak Pointing Right", + "Name": "Zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w prawo", + "Condition": "[beak-right] zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w prawo", + "Explanatory Text": "Te cele zapewniaj\u0105 punkty za ptaki zwr\u00f3cone dziobem w okre\u015blonym kierunku. Do tych cel\u00f3w nie wliczaj\u0105 si\u0119 ptaki z dziobem skierowanym na wprost albo w g\u00f3r\u0119.
Cele zwi\u0105zane z kierunkiem dzioba zosta\u0142y stworzone po to, aby\u015bcie mieli kolejny pow\u00f3d do przyjrzenia si\u0119 pi\u0119knym ilustracjom. Po przejrzeniu wszystkich kart uznali\u015bmy, \u017ce okre\u015blenie, w kt\u00f3r\u0105 stron\u0119 skierowany jest dzi\u00f3b ptaka, nie powinno sprawia\u0107 trudno\u015bci. Je\u015bli jednak uznacie, \u017ce jest to kwestia dyskusyjna, usu\u0144cie ten \u017ceton celu z gry. Kilka ptak\u00f3w wymaga jednak dodatkowych wyja\u015bnie\u0144:

Poni\u017cej prezentujemy list\u0119 ptak\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re nie s\u0105 zwr\u00f3cone dziobem ani w prawo, ani w lewo.
Gra podstawowaPtaki EuropyPtaki OceaniiPtaki Azji" + }, + "2029": { + "English name": "Cubes on \"Play a Bird\"", + "Name": "Kostki akcji w rz\u0119dzie \u201ezagraj kart\u0119\u201d", + "Condition": "[cube] w rz\u0119dzie \u201ezagraj kart\u0119\u201d", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz liczb\u0119 kostek, jakie w tej rundzie umie\u015bci\u0142e\u015b w rz\u0119dzie \u201eZagraj kart\u0119\u201d. Pami\u0119taj, \u017ce ten cel wymaga zachowania kostek akcji na planszy a\u017c do zako\u0144czenia rundy." + }, + "2028": { + "English name": "Birds Worth Less than or Equal to 3 Points", + "Name": null, + "Condition": "[bird] warte \u22643[point]", + "Explanatory Text": null + }, + "2043": { + "English name": "Pairs of Matching Symbols", + "Name": "Pary pasuj\u0105cych symboli", + "Condition": "[duet-token] na parach pasuj\u0105cych symboli", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu znajduje si\u0119 na parach p\u00f3l z identycznymi symbolami. Symbole musz\u0105 by\u0107 takie same, np. 2 gryzonie albo 2 pola rozpi\u0119to\u015bci skrzyde\u0142 <50 cm. Bonusy tych p\u00f3l nie musz\u0105 do siebie pasowa\u0107. Ka\u017cdy znacznik liczy si\u0119 tylko raz. Je\u015bli masz 4 znaczniki na polach z identycznymi symbolami, licz\u0105 si\u0119 jako 2 pary." + }, + "2040": { + "English name": "Nest Symbols", + "Name": "Symbole gniazd", + "Condition": "[duet-token] na [bowl][cavity][ground][platform]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz wszystkie swoje znaczniki duetu na polach z symbolem gniazda ([bowl], [cavity], [ground], [platform]). Symbole mog\u0105 si\u0119 powtarza\u0107 (np.. oba znaczniki na 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych polach [platform] si\u0119 licz\u0105)." + }, + "2035": { + "English name": "Food Symbols", + "Name": "Symbole po\u017cywienia", + "Condition": "[duet-token] na [fish][fruit][rodent][seed][invertebrate]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz wszystkie swoje znaczniki duetu na polach z symbolem po\u017cywienia ([fruit], [seed], [invertebrate], [rodent], [fish]). Symbole mog\u0105 si\u0119 powtarza\u0107 (np.. oba znaczniki na 2 r\u00f3\u017cnych polach [fish] si\u0119 licz\u0105)." + }, + "2041": { + "English name": "Not on Edge of Map", + "Name": "Nie na skraju mapy", + "Condition": "[duet-token] nie na skraju mapy", + "Explanatory Text": "Ka\u017cda kraw\u0119d\u017a mapy ma 6 p\u00f3l. Na ka\u017cdej z bocznych kraw\u0119dzi znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 3 pola przesuni\u0119te do \u015brodka, kt\u00f3re wci\u0105\u017c s\u0105 na skraju. Na mapie jest w sumie 20 p\u00f3l zewn\u0119trznych i 16 p\u00f3l wewn\u0119trznych. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 na skraju mapy (pola zewn\u0119trzne) albo nie na skraju (pola wewn\u0119trzne)." + }, + "2042": { + "English name": "On Edge of Map", + "Name": "Na skraju mapy", + "Condition": "[duet-token] na skraju mapy", + "Explanatory Text": "Ka\u017cda kraw\u0119d\u017a mapy ma 6 p\u00f3l. Na ka\u017cdej z bocznych kraw\u0119dzi znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 3 pola przesuni\u0119te do \u015brodka, kt\u00f3re wci\u0105\u017c s\u0105 na skraju. Na mapie jest w sumie 20 p\u00f3l zewn\u0119trznych i 16 p\u00f3l wewn\u0119trznych. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 na skraju mapy (pola zewn\u0119trzne) albo nie na skraju (pola wewn\u0119trzne)." + }, + "2044": { + "English name": "Tokens in Any One Horizontal Row", + "Name": "Znaczniki w 1 dowolnym poziomym rz\u0119dzie", + "Condition": "[duet-token] w 1 dowolnym poziomym rz\u0119dzie", + "Explanatory Text": "Wybierz najkorzystniejszy dla siebie poziomy rz\u0105d i policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu si\u0119 w nim znajduje. Znaczniki nie musz\u0105 le\u017ce\u0107 obok siebie." + }, + "2036": { + "English name": "Horizontal Rows with at Least One of Your Tokens", + "Name": "Poziome rz\u0119dy z przynajmniej 1 Twoim znacznikiem", + "Condition": "poziome rz\u0119dy z przynajmniej 1 Twoim [duet-token]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, w ilu spo\u015br\u00f3d wszystkich 6 poziomych rz\u0119d\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 przynajmniej 1 Tw\u00f3j znacznik duetu." + }, + "2034": { + "English name": "Fewest Tokens on Bonus Spaces", + "Name": "Najmniej znacznik\u00f3w na polach z bonusami", + "Condition": "najmniej [duet-token] na polach z bonusami", + "Explanatory Text": "Bonusy na polach mapy zapewniaj\u0105 [dice]/[egg]/[card], gdy umie\u015bci si\u0119 na nich znacznik. Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w jest na tych 9 polach. Cel zostaje osi\u0105gni\u0119ty przez gracza z najmniejsz\u0105 liczb\u0105 takich znacznik\u00f3w." + }, + "2037": { + "English name": "In Forest", + "Name": "W lesie", + "Condition": "[duet-token] w [forest]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane." + }, + "2038": { + "English name": "In Grassland", + "Name": "Na \u0142\u0105ce", + "Condition": "[duet-token] w [grassland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane." + }, + "2039": { + "English name": "In Wetland", + "Name": "Na mokrad\u0142ach", + "Condition": "[duet-token] w [wetland]", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w na mapie znajduje si\u0119 we wskazanym siedlisku. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w w tym siedlisku na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane." + }, + "2045": { + "English name": "Total Duet Tokens", + "Name": "Suma znacznik\u00f3w na mapie", + "Condition": "suma [duet-token] na mapie", + "Explanatory Text": "Policz, ile Twoich znacznik\u00f3w duetu znajduje si\u0119 na mapie. Ich liczba na mapie mo\u017ce si\u0119 r\u00f3\u017cni\u0107 od liczby ptak\u00f3w na Twojej planszy, je\u015bli w trakcie gry karty ptak\u00f3w by\u0142y przemieszczane." + } + }, + "other": { + "WHEN ACTIVATED": { + "Translated": "Gdy aktywujesz" + }, + "WHEN PLAYED": { + "Translated": "Gdy zagrywasz" + }, + "ONCE BETWEEN TURNS": { + "Translated": "Raz mi\u0119dzy turami" + }, + "ROUND END": { + "Translated": "Koniec rundy" + }, + "GAME END": { + "Translated": "Koniec gry" + }, + "of cards": { + "Translated": "kart" + } + }, + "parameters": { + "Show bonus cards match symbols": { + "Value": false + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/data/i18n/pt.json b/src/assets/data/i18n/pt.json index 5bd0184..b0c54f0 100644 --- a/src/assets/data/i18n/pt.json +++ b/src/assets/data/i18n/pt.json @@ -1 +1,5623 @@ -{"birds": {"2": {"English name": "Acorn Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes formicivorus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "3": {"English name": "American Avocet", "Scientific name": "Recurvirostra americana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cbotar ovos\u201d, esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [ground].", "Note": "Essas aves s\u00e3o parasitas de ninhos na natureza: elas botam seus ovos nos ninhos de outras aves. Cowbirds nem ao menos constroem seus pr\u00f3prios ninhos
Quando outro jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o [grassland] para botar ovos, voc\u00ea pode botar 1 ovo. Voc\u00ea pode fazer isso apenas uma vez entre cada um de seus turnos, n\u00e3o importa quantos outros jogadores realizem a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \u201cBotar Ovos\u201d. \u00c9 permitido botar ovos nos ninhos [star]", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "4": {"English name": "American Bittern", "Scientific name": "Botaurus lentiginosus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogador(es) com menos aves [wetland] compra 1 [card].", "Note": "Se houver empate por menos aves nos p\u00e2ntanos, todos os jogadores empatados compram uma carta, come\u00e7ando por voc\u00ea e seguindo em sentido hor\u00e1rio. Todos podem comprar do baralho ou das cartas viradas para cima.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "5": {"English name": "American Coot", "Scientific name": "Fulica americana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "6": {"English name": "American Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus brachyrhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de qualquer outra ave sua para ganhar 1 [wild] do estoque.", "Note": "Estas aves s\u00e3o conhecidas por comerem ovos dos ninhos de outras aves. Voc\u00ea precisa ter botado um ovo em outra ave antes de poder utilizar este poder. Descarte o ovo para o estoque.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "7": {"English name": "American Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Spinus tristis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 3 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "8": {"English name": "American Kestrel", "Scientific name": "Falco sparverius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "9": {"English name": "American Oystercatcher", "Scientific name": "Haematopus palliatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre [card] igual ao n\u00famero de jogadores +1. Come\u00e7ando por voc\u00ea e seguindo em sentido hor\u00e1rio, cada um escolhe 1 dessas cartas e a coloca em suas m\u00e3os. Voc\u00ea mant\u00e9m a carta extra.", "Note": "Compre as cartas do baralho de forma que voc\u00ea tenha um conjunto com uma carta a mais do que o n\u00famero de jogadores. Cada jogador escolhe uma carta desse conjunto, come\u00e7ando por voc\u00ea e passando para a esquerda. Quando todos tiverem escolhido uma carta, voc\u00ea fica com a carta restante.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "10": {"English name": "American Redstart", "Scientific name": "Setophaga ruticilla", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "11": {"English name": "American Robin", "Scientific name": "Turdus migratorius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "12": {"English name": "American White Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [fish] para enfiar 2 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Estes poderes permitem que voc\u00ea descarte um tipo espec\u00edfico de comida para pegar 2 cartas do baralho e enfi\u00e1-las embaixo da ave. Voc\u00ea deve ter a comida em seu estoque pessoal; voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode peg\u00e1-la de uma carta de ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "13": {"English name": "American Woodcock", "Scientific name": "Scolopax minor", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "14": {"English name": "Anhinga", "Scientific name": "Anhinga anhinga", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "15": {"English name": "Anna's Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Calypte anna", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Cada jogador ganha 1 [die] do comedouro, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador a sua escolha.", "Note": "O propriet\u00e1rio do Hummingbird decide quem ir\u00e1 ganhar a primeira comida, e a partir da\u00ed os jogadores ganham comida na ordem de turno. Os jogadores podem reiniciar o comedouro se ele estiver vazio ou se todos os dados mostrarem a mesma face.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "16": {"English name": "Ash-Throated Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus cinerascens", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em cada uma de suas aves com um ninho [cavity].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote ovos em todos as suas aves que tenham o s\u00edmbolo de ninho especificado (e todas as aves com um s\u00edmbolo de ninho estrela), incluindo a ave qua acabou de ser jogada.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "17": {"English name": "Atlantic Puffin", "Scientific name": "Fratercula arctica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "18": {"English name": "Audouin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Ichthyaetus audouinii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card] do baralho. Enfie 1 embaixo desta ave e fique com a outra.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "19": {"English name": "Baird's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus bairdii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "20": {"English name": "Bald Eagle", "Scientific name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe todo [fish] que houver no comedouro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "21": {"English name": "Baltimore Oriole", "Scientific name": "Icterus galbula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores ganham 1 [fruit] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "22": {"English name": "Barn Owl", "Scientific name": "Tyto alba", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "23": {"English name": "Barn Swallow", "Scientific name": "Hirundo rustica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "24": {"English name": "Barred Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix varia", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "25": {"English name": "Barrow's Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala islandica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cbotar ovos\u201d, esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [cavity].", "Note": "Essas aves s\u00e3o parasitas de ninhos na natureza: elas botam seus ovos nos ninhos de outras aves. Cowbirds nem ao menos constroem seus pr\u00f3prios ninhos
Quando outro jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o [grassland] para botar ovos, voc\u00ea pode botar 1 ovo. Voc\u00ea pode fazer isso apenas uma vez entre cada um de seus turnos, n\u00e3o importa quantos outros jogadores realizem a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \u201cBotar Ovos\u201d. \u00c9 permitido botar ovos nos ninhos [star]", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "26": {"English name": "Bell's Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo bellii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "27": {"English name": "Belted Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Megaceryle alcyon", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador jogar uma ave em [wetland], ganhe 1 [fish] do estoque.", "Note": "Activate these powers when a player uses the \u201cPlay a bird\u201d action to play a bird into the specific habitat. A bird that uses its power to move into the habitat does not trigger this power.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "28": {"English name": "Bewick's Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryomanes bewickii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "29": {"English name": "Black Redstart", "Scientific name": "Phoenicurus ochruros", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha um habitat sem [egg]. Bote 1 [egg] em cada ave nesse habitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "30": {"English name": "Black Skimmer", "Scientific name": "Rynchops niger", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "31": {"English name": "Black Tern", "Scientific name": "Chlidonias niger", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "32": {"English name": "Black Vulture", "Scientific name": "Coragyps atratus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando [predator] de outro jogador for bem sucedido, ganhe 1 [die] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se mais de um jogador ativar esse poder ao mesmo tempo, eles ganham comida na ordem de turno, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador a esquerda do jogador ativo (aquele que provocou a habilidade do predador).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "33": {"English name": "Black Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus martius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe todo [invertebrate] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se todos os dados mostrarem a mesma face no come\u00e7o desta a\u00e7\u00e3o, voc\u00ea pode reiniciar o comedouro e ent\u00e3o pegar todos os invertebrados.
Esta a\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 conclu\u00edda assim que voc\u00ea ganhar todas as comidas mostradas desse tipo. Se o comedouro ficar vazio e for reiniciado como resultado desta a\u00e7\u00e3o, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha comidas adicionais ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado. Se todos os dados do comedouro mostrarem a mesma face ap\u00f3s voc\u00ea pegar todos os invertebrados, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode reiniciar o comedouro para buscar por mais.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "34": {"English name": "Black-Bellied Whistling Duck", "Scientific name": "Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [seed] para enfiar 2 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Estes poderes permitem que voc\u00ea descarte um tipo espec\u00edfico de comida para pegar 2 cartas do baralho e enfi\u00e1-las embaixo da ave. Voc\u00ea deve ter a comida em seu estoque pessoal; voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode peg\u00e1-la de uma carta de ave.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "35": {"English name": "Black-Billed Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica hudsonia", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando [predator] de outro jogador for bem sucedido, ganhe 1 [die] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se mais de um jogador ativar esse poder ao mesmo tempo, eles ganham comida na ordem de turno, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador a esquerda do jogador ativo (aquele que provocou a habilidade do predador).", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "36": {"English name": "Black-Chinned Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus alexandri", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "37": {"English name": "Black-Crowned Night-Heron", "Scientific name": "Nycticorax nycticorax", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de qualquer outra ave sua para ganhar 1 [wild] do estoque.", "Note": "Estas aves s\u00e3o conhecidas por comerem ovos dos ninhos de outras aves. Voc\u00ea precisa ter botado um ovo em outra ave antes de poder utilizar este poder. Descarte o ovo para o estoque.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "38": {"English name": "Black-Headed Gull", "Scientific name": "Chroicocephalus ridibundus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Roube 1 [wild] do estoque de outro jogador e coloque-o em seu estoque pessoal. Esse jogador ganha 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "A comida que o outro jogador ganhar n\u00e3o precisa ser do mesmo tipo que foi roubado.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "39": {"English name": "Black-Necked Stilt", "Scientific name": "Himantopus mexicanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card].", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano. Voc\u00ea pode comprar cartas do baralho ou das cartas viradas para cima. Cartas viradas para cima s\u00e3o repostas apenas ao final do turno.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "40": {"English name": "Black-Tailed Godwit", "Scientific name": "Limosa limosa", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o compre 3 [card] e fique com 1 delas.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "41": {"English name": "Black-Throated Diver", "Scientific name": "Gavia arctica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte todas as [card] viradas para cima restantes e reabaste\u00e7a a bandeja. Se o fizer, compre 1 das novas [card] viradas para cima.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "42": {"English name": "Blue Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Passerina caerulea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "43": {"English name": "Blue Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta cristata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "44": {"English name": "Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher", "Scientific name": "Polioptila caerulea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [invertebrate] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "45": {"English name": "Blue-Winged Warbler", "Scientific name": "Vermivora cyanoptera", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "46": {"English name": "Bluethroat", "Scientific name": "Luscinia svecica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha um tipo de comida. Todos os jogadores ganham 1 comida desse tipo do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "47": {"English name": "Bobolink", "Scientific name": "Dolichonyx oryzivorus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha um tipo de comida. Todos os jogadores ganham 1 comida desse tipo do estoque. ", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote ovos em todos as suas aves que tenham o s\u00edmbolo de ninho especificado (e todas as aves com um s\u00edmbolo de ninho estrela), incluindo a ave qua acabou de ser jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "48": {"English name": "Bonelli's Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila fasciata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "No lugar de cada [rodent] do custo desta ave, voc\u00ea pode pagar 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o. Se o fizer, enfie as [card] pagas embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Se essas aves usarem seus poderes para enfiar cartas ao inv\u00e9s de pagar parte ou a totalidade do custo em comida da ave, isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "49": {"English name": "Brant", "Scientific name": "Branta bernicla", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "50": {"English name": "Brewer's Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Euphagus cyanocephalus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "51": {"English name": "Broad-Winged Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo platypterus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "52": {"English name": "Bronzed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus aeneus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cbotar ovos\u201d, esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [bowl].", "Note": "Essas aves s\u00e3o parasitas de ninhos na natureza: elas botam seus ovos nos ninhos de outras aves. Cowbirds nem ao menos constroem seus pr\u00f3prios ninhos
Quando outro jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o [grassland] para botar ovos, voc\u00ea pode botar 1 ovo. Voc\u00ea pode fazer isso apenas uma vez entre cada um de seus turnos, n\u00e3o importa quantos outros jogadores realizem a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \u201cBotar Ovos\u201d. \u00c9 permitido botar ovos nos ninhos [star]", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "53": {"English name": "Brown Pelican", "Scientific name": "Pelecanus occidentalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 3 [fish] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "54": {"English name": "Brown-Headed Cowbird", "Scientific name": "Molothrus ater", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cbotar ovos\u201d, esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [bowl].", "Note": "Essas aves s\u00e3o parasitas de ninhos na natureza: elas botam seus ovos nos ninhos de outras aves. Cowbirds nem ao menos constroem seus pr\u00f3prios ninhos
Quando outro jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o [grassland] para botar ovos, voc\u00ea pode botar 1 ovo. Voc\u00ea pode fazer isso apenas uma vez entre cada um de seus turnos, n\u00e3o importa quantos outros jogadores realizem a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \u201cBotar Ovos\u201d. \u00c9 permitido botar ovos nos ninhos [star]", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "55": {"English name": "Bullfinch", "Scientific name": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Reinicie o comedouro. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [wild] do comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado.", "Note": "Se n\u00e3o houver o tipo de comida espec\u00edfico no comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "56": {"English name": "Burrowing Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene cunicularia", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "57": {"English name": "Bushtit", "Scientific name": "Psaltriparus minimus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "58": {"English name": "California Condor", "Scientific name": "Gymnogyps californianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "59": {"English name": "California Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla californica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "60": {"English name": "Canada Goose", "Scientific name": "Branta canadensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [seed] para enfiar 2 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Estes poderes permitem que voc\u00ea descarte um tipo espec\u00edfico de comida para pegar 2 cartas do baralho e enfi\u00e1-las embaixo da ave. Voc\u00ea deve ter a comida em seu estoque pessoal; voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode peg\u00e1-la de uma carta de ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "61": {"English name": "Canvasback", "Scientific name": "Aythya valisineria", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "62": {"English name": "Carolina Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile carolinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "63": {"English name": "Carolina Wren", "Scientific name": "Thryothorus ludovicianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card].", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano. Voc\u00ea pode comprar cartas do baralho ou das cartas viradas para cima. Cartas viradas para cima s\u00e3o repostas apenas ao final do turno.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "64": {"English name": "Carrion Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus corone", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 jogador qualquer (incluindo voc\u00ea mesmo). Para cada [predator] que esse jogador tiver, ganhe 1 [rodent] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "65": {"English name": "Cassin's Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous cassinii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "66": {"English name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Peucaea cassinii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "67": {"English name": "Cedar Waxwing", "Scientific name": "Bombycilla cedrorum", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [fruit] do estoque.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "68": {"English name": "Cerulean Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga cerulea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "69": {"English name": "Cetti's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Cettia cetti", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Esta ave conta dobrado para objetivos de final de rodada, caso ela se qualifique para o objetivo.", "Note": "Essas aves valem dobrado apenas para objetivos de final de rodada, e n\u00e3o para cartas b\u00f4nus ou pontos no final de jogo.
Ovos nessas cartas n\u00e3o s\u00e3o dobrados, se o objetivo avaliar quantidade de ovos.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "70": {"English name": "Chestnut-Collared Longspur", "Scientific name": "Calcarius ornatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "71": {"English name": "Chihuahuan Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus cryptoleucus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de qualquer outra ave sua para ganhar 2 [wild] do estoque.", "Note": "Estas aves s\u00e3o conhecidas por comerem ovos dos ninhos de outras aves. Voc\u00ea precisa ter botado um ovo em outra ave antes de poder utilizar este poder. Descarte o ovo para o estoque.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "72": {"English name": "Chimney Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura pelagica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "73": {"English name": "Chipping Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Spizella passerina", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "74": {"English name": "Clark's Grebe", "Scientific name": "Aechmophorus clarkii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "75": {"English name": "Clark's Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga columbiana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "76": {"English name": "Coal Tit", "Scientific name": "Periparus ater", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta. A qualquer momento, voc\u00ea pode gastar [seed] estocado nesta carta.", "Note": "[seed] estocado nessas aves n\u00e3o contam como estando no estoque do jogador para prop\u00f3sitos de objetivos de final de rodada, mesmo eles podendo ser usados para jogar mais aves.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "77": {"English name": "Common Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Turdus merula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Coloque esta ave de lado, de modo que ela cubra 2 espa\u00e7os do [forest]. Pague o menor custo em ovos.", "Note": "Essas aves contam como apenas 1 ave para objetivos de final de rodada que avaliam quantidades de aves. Mas ambos os espa\u00e7os est\u00e3o preenchidos, assim eles podem contar dobrado no objetivo de final de rodada \"colunas preenchidas\".
Essas aves ainda podem ser jogadas normalmente na 5\u00aa coluna, abdicando de seu poder.
A pr\u00f3xima ave que voc\u00ea jogar nesse habitat \u00e9 colocada \u00e0 direita desta ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "78": {"English name": "Common Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Buteo buteo", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ao inv\u00e9s de pagar os custos desta ave, voc\u00ea pode jog\u00e1-la sobre outra ave em seu tabuleiro individual. Descarte quaisquer ovos e comidas dessa ave. Ela se torna uma carta embaixo.", "Note": "Se voc\u00ea usar esse poder, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o paga o custo em ovos e nem o custo em comida da ave. Isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.
Todas as cartas enfiadas embaixo da ave original permanecem embaixo, mas voc\u00ea deve descartar todos os ovos dela.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "79": {"English name": "Common Chaffinch", "Scientific name": "Fringilla coelebs", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1-5 aves neste habitat. Enfie 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o embaixo de cada uma delas.", "Note": "Este poder pode ser usado para enfiar cartas embaixo de aves que normalmente n\u00e3o poderiam fazer isso.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "80": {"English name": "Common Chiffchaff", "Scientific name": "Phylloscopus collybita", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1-5 aves neste habitat. Enfie 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o embaixo de cada uma delas.", "Note": "Este poder pode ser usado para enfiar cartas embaixo de aves que normalmente n\u00e3o poderiam fazer isso.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "81": {"English name": "Common Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Cuculus canorus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \"botar ovos\", esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [bowl] ou [ground].", "Note": "Ninhos [star] contam [bowl] e [ground] como para esta ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "82": {"English name": "Common Goldeneye", "Scientific name": "Bucephala clangula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] nesta ave para cada outra ave com ninho [cavity] que voc\u00ea tiver.", "Note": "Ninhos [star] contam [cavity] como para esta ave.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "83": {"English name": "Common Grackle", "Scientific name": "Quiscalus quiscula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "84": {"English name": "Common Kingfisher", "Scientific name": "Alcedo atthis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Roube 1 [wild] do estoque de outro jogador e estoque-o nesta carta. Esse jogador ganha 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "A comida que o outro jogador ganhar n\u00e3o precisa ser do mesmo tipo que foi roubado.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "85": {"English name": "Common Little Bittern", "Scientific name": "Ixobrychus minutus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card] virada para cima que possa viver em [grassland].", "Note": "Se nenhuma com esse habitat estiver dispon\u00edvel, n\u00e3o ganhe nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "86": {"English name": "Common Loon", "Scientific name": "Gavia immer", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogador(es) com menos aves [wetland] compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Se houver empate por menos aves nos p\u00e2ntanos, todos os jogadores empatados compram uma carta, come\u00e7ando por voc\u00ea e seguindo em sentido hor\u00e1rio. Todos podem comprar do baralho ou das cartas viradas para cima.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "87": {"English name": "Common Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus merganser", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "88": {"English name": "Common Moorhen", "Scientific name": "Gallinula chloropus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [[egg]/[card]/[wild]]. Se o fizer, jogue outra ave em seu [wetland]. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "89": {"English name": "Common Nighthawk", "Scientific name": "Chordeiles minor", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "90": {"English name": "Common Nightingale", "Scientific name": "Luscinia megarhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha um tipo de comida. Todos os jogadores ganham 1 comida desse tipo do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "91": {"English name": "Common Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus corax", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de qualquer outra ave sua para ganhar 2 [wild] do estoque.", "Note": "Estas aves s\u00e3o conhecidas por comerem ovos dos ninhos de outras aves. Voc\u00ea precisa ter botado um ovo em outra ave antes de poder utilizar este poder. Descarte o ovo para o estoque.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "92": {"English name": "Common Starling", "Scientific name": "Sturnus vulgaris", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte at\u00e9 5 [wild]. Para cada um, enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "93": {"English name": "Common Swift", "Scientific name": "Apus apus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte at\u00e9 5 [invertebrate]. Para cada um, enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "94": {"English name": "Common Yellowthroat", "Scientific name": "Geothlypis trichas", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "95": {"English name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter cooperii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "96": {"English name": "Corsican Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta whiteheadi", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o ganhe 1 [card] do comedouro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "97": {"English name": "Dark-Eyed Junco", "Scientific name": "Junco hyemalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "98": {"English name": "Dickcissel", "Scientific name": "Spiza americana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "99": {"English name": "Double-Crested Cormorant", "Scientific name": "Phalacrocorax auritus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [fish] para enfiar 2 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Estes poderes permitem que voc\u00ea descarte um tipo espec\u00edfico de comida para pegar 2 cartas do baralho e enfi\u00e1-las embaixo da ave. Voc\u00ea deve ter a comida em seu estoque pessoal; voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode peg\u00e1-la de uma carta de ave.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "100": {"English name": "Downy Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides pubescens", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "101": {"English name": "Dunnock", "Scientific name": "Prunella modularis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 outro jogador. Para cada cubo no [seed] dele, bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "102": {"English name": "Eastern Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia sialis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [grassland]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "103": {"English name": "Eastern Imperial Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila heliaca", "Common name": null, "Power text": "No lugar de cada [rodent] do custo desta ave, voc\u00ea pode pagar 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o. Se o fizer, enfie as [card] pagas embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Se essas aves usarem seus poderes para enfiar cartas ao inv\u00e9s de pagar parte ou a totalidade do custo em comida da ave, isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "104": {"English name": "Eastern Kingbird", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus tyrannus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador jogar uma ave em [forest], ganhe 1 [invertebrate] do estoque.", "Note": "Ative esse poder quando um jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cJogar Ave\u201dem um habitat espec\u00edfico. Uma ave movida para o habitat atrav\u00e9s de um poder n\u00e3o ativa este poder.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "105": {"English name": "Eastern Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis phoebe", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores ganham 1 [invertebrate] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "106": {"English name": "Eastern Screech Owl", "Scientific name": "Megascops asio", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "107": {"English name": "Eleonora's Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco eleonorae", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodnet], bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "108": {"English name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia decaocto", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte at\u00e9 5 [wild]. Para cada um, enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "109": {"English name": "Eurasian Golden Oriole", "Scientific name": "Oriolus oriolus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \"ganhar comida\", ganhe 1 [wild] do comedouro no final do turno dele.", "Note": "Se todos os dados do comedouro mostrarem a mesma face, voc\u00ea pode reinici\u00e1-lo antes de ganhar o [tipo de comida espec\u00edfico]. Se o comedouro n\u00e3o tiver nenhuma comida do [tipo de comida espec\u00edfico], voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "110": {"English name": "Eurasian Green Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picus viridis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Esta ave conta dobrado para objetivos de final de rodada, caso ela se qualifique para o objetivo.", "Note": "Essas aves valem dobrado apenas para objetivos de final de rodada, e n\u00e3o para cartas b\u00f4nus ou pontos no final de jogo.
Ovos nessas cartas n\u00e3o s\u00e3o dobrados, se o objetivo avaliar quantidade de ovos.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "111": {"English name": "Eurasian Hobby", "Scientific name": "Falco subbuteo", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ao inv\u00e9s de pagar os custos desta ave, voc\u00ea pode jog\u00e1-la sobre outra ave em seu tabuleiro individual. Descarte quaisquer ovos e comidas dessa ave. Ela se torna uma carta embaixo.", "Note": "Se voc\u00ea usar esse poder, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o paga o custo em ovos e nem o custo em comida da ave. Isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.
Todas as cartas enfiadas embaixo da ave original permanecem embaixo, mas voc\u00ea deve descartar todos os ovos dela.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "112": {"English name": "Eurasian Jay", "Scientific name": "Garrulus glandarius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Roube 1 [wild] do estoque de outro jogador e estoque-o nesta carta. Esse jogador ganha 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "A comida que o outro jogador ganhar n\u00e3o precisa ser do mesmo tipo que foi roubado.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "113": {"English name": "Eurasian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Pica pica", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 outro jogador. Para cada cubo no [grassland] dele, ganhe 1 [wild] do estoque e estoque-o em qualquer uma de suas cartas.", "Note": "Esses poderes podem ser usados para estocar comida em aves que n\u00e3o t\u00eam poderes de estocagem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "114": {"English name": "Eurasian Nutcracker", "Scientific name": "Nucifraga caryocatactes", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1-5 aves em seu [forest]. Estoque 1 [seed] de seu estoque pessoal em cada uma delas.", "Note": "Esses poderes podem ser usados para estocar comida em aves que n\u00e3o t\u00eam poderes de estocagem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "115": {"English name": "Eurasian Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta europaea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta. A qualquer momento, voc\u00ea pode gastar [seed] estocado nesta carta.", "Note": "[seed] estocado nessas aves n\u00e3o contam como estando no estoque do jogador para prop\u00f3sitos de objetivos de final de rodada, mesmo eles podendo ser usados para jogar mais aves.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "116": {"English name": "Eurasian Sparrowhawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter nisus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "No lugar de cada [rodent] do custo desta ave, voc\u00ea pode pagar 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o. Se o fizer, enfie as [card] pagas embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Se essas aves usarem seus poderes para enfiar cartas ao inv\u00e9s de pagar parte ou a totalidade do custo em comida da ave, isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "117": {"English name": "Eurasian Tree Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer montanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \"ganhar comida\", ganhe 1 [wild] do comedouro no final do turno dele.", "Note": "Se todos os dados do comedouro mostrarem a mesma face, voc\u00ea pode reinici\u00e1-lo antes de ganhar o [tipo de comida espec\u00edfico]. Se o comedouro n\u00e3o tiver nenhuma comida do [tipo de comida espec\u00edfico], voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "118": {"English name": "European Bee-Eater", "Scientific name": "Merops apiaster", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Reinicie o comedouro. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [wild] do comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado.", "Note": "Se n\u00e3o houver o tipo de comida espec\u00edfico no comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "119": {"English name": "European Goldfinch", "Scientific name": "Carduelis carduelis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador enfiar uma [card] por qualquer raz\u00e3o, enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "120": {"English name": "European Honey Buzzard", "Scientific name": "Pernis apivorus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Reinicie o comedouro. Se o fizer, ganhe todo [invertebrate] do comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado.", "Note": "Se n\u00e3o houver o tipo de comida espec\u00edfico no comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "121": {"English name": "European Robin", "Scientific name": "Erithacus rubecula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 comida do estoque de um tipo que voc\u00ea j\u00e1 tenha ganho neste turno.", "Note": "Essa pode ser uma comida que foi ganha do comedouro como resultado da a\u00e7\u00e3o b\u00e1sica \"ganhar comida\", ou uma comida que foi ganha ativando outra ave nesta linha.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "122": {"English name": "European Roller", "Scientific name": "Coracias garrulus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Coloque esta ave de lado, de modo que ela cubra 2 espa\u00e7os do [grassland]. Pague o menor custo em ovos.", "Note": "Essas aves contam como apenas 1 ave para objetivos de final de rodada que avaliam quantidades de aves. Mas ambos os espa\u00e7os est\u00e3o preenchidos, assim eles podem contar dobrado no objetivo de final de rodada \"colunas preenchidas\".
Essas aves ainda podem ser jogadas normalmente na 5\u00aa coluna, abdicando de seu poder.
A pr\u00f3xima ave que voc\u00ea jogar nesse habitat \u00e9 colocada \u00e0 direita desta ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "123": {"English name": "European Turtle Dove", "Scientific name": "Streptopelia turtur", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o ganhe 1 [dice] do comedouro, bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave, ou compre 1 [card].", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "124": {"English name": "Ferruginous Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo regalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "125": {"English name": "Fish Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus ossifragus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de qualquer outra ave sua para ganhar 1 [wild] do estoque.", "Note": "Estas aves s\u00e3o conhecidas por comerem ovos dos ninhos de outras aves. Voc\u00ea precisa ter botado um ovo em outra ave antes de poder utilizar este poder. Descarte o ovo para o estoque.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "126": {"English name": "Forster's Tern", "Scientific name": "Sterna forsteri", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "127": {"English name": "Franklin's Gull", "Scientific name": "Leucophaeus pipixcan", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] para comprar 2 [card].", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. Descarte um ovo para o estoque. Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode utilizar este poder se voc\u00ea n\u00e3o possuir nenhum ovo em suas aves.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "128": {"English name": "Goldcrest", "Scientific name": "Regulus regulus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [[egg]/[card]/[wild]]. Se o fizer, jogue outra ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "129": {"English name": "Golden Eagle", "Scientific name": "Aquila chrysaetos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 100cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "130": {"English name": "Grasshopper Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Ammodramus savannarum", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "131": {"English name": "Gray Catbird", "Scientific name": "Dumetella carolinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Repita um poder marrom de uma outra ave neste habitat.", "Note": "Algumas poucas aves possuem o poder de repetir um poder marrom de outras aves. A ave cujo poder ser\u00e1 repetido deve estar no mesmo habitat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "132": {"English name": "Great Blue Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea herodias", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [wetland]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "133": {"English name": "Great Crested Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Myiarchus crinitus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [invertebrate] do comedouro, se houver um.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "134": {"English name": "Great Crested Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podiceps cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card] para cada espa\u00e7o de carta vazio nesta linha. No final do seu turno, fique com 1 e descarte o resto.", "Note": "Essas cartas devem ser mantidas separadas das outras cartas que voc\u00ea comprar e das cartas de ave na sua m\u00e3o. Elas n\u00e3o podem ser gastas neste turno. Mas para manter o ritmo do jogo, voc\u00ea pode escolher entre elas depois que seu turno terminar e permitir que o pr\u00f3ximo jogador comece seu turno.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "135": {"English name": "Great Egret", "Scientific name": "Ardea alba", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [wetland]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "136": {"English name": "Great Horned Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo virginianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 100cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "137": {"English name": "Great Tit", "Scientific name": "Parus major", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Reinicie o comedouro. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [dice] do comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "138": {"English name": "Greater Flamingo", "Scientific name": "Phoenicopterus roseus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 outro jogador. Para cada cubo no [wetland] dele, enfie 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave, ent\u00e3o compre uma quantidade igual de [card].", "Note": "Voc\u00ea pode enfiar cartas at\u00e9 a quantidade de cubos de a\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "139": {"English name": "Greater Prairie Chicken", "Scientific name": "Tympanuchus cupido", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "140": {"English name": "Greater Roadrunner", "Scientific name": "Geococcyx californianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 50cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "141": {"English name": "Green Heron", "Scientific name": "Butorides virescens", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Troque 1 [wild] por outra comida qualquer do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "142": {"English name": "Grey Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardea cinerea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Coloque esta ave de lado, de modo que ela cubra 2 espa\u00e7os do [wetland]. Pague o menor custo em ovos.", "Note": "Essas aves contam como apenas 1 ave para objetivos de final de rodada que avaliam quantidades de aves. Mas ambos os espa\u00e7os est\u00e3o preenchidos, assim eles podem contar dobrado no objetivo de final de rodada \"colunas preenchidas\".
Essas aves ainda podem ser jogadas normalmente na 5\u00aa coluna, abdicando de seu poder.
A pr\u00f3xima ave que voc\u00ea jogar nesse habitat \u00e9 colocada \u00e0 direita desta ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "143": {"English name": "Greylag Goose", "Scientific name": "Anser anser", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Esta ave conta dobrado para objetivos de final de rodada, caso ela se qualifique para o objetivo.", "Note": "Essas aves valem dobrado apenas para objetivos de final de rodada, e n\u00e3o para cartas b\u00f4nus ou pontos no final de jogo.
Ovos nessas cartas n\u00e3o s\u00e3o dobrados, se o objetivo avaliar quantidade de ovos.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "144": {"English name": "Griffon Vulture", "Scientific name": "Gyps fulvus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 jogador qualquer (incluindo voc\u00ea mesmo). Para cada [predator] que esse jogador tiver, ganhe 1 [rodent] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "145": {"English name": "Hawfinch", "Scientific name": "Coccothraustes coccothraustes", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Reinicie o comedouro. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [wild] do comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado.", "Note": "Se n\u00e3o houver o tipo de comida espec\u00edfico no comedouro ap\u00f3s ele ser reiniciado, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o ganha nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "146": {"English name": "Hermit Thrush", "Scientific name": "Catharus guttatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogador(es) com menos aves [forest] ganha 1 [die] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se houver empate por menos aves nas florestas, todos os jogadores empatados se beneficiam deste poder. Voc\u00ea escolhe quem ganha a comida primeiro, e segue em sentido hor\u00e1rio.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "147": {"English name": "Hooded Crow", "Scientific name": "Corvus cornix", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 outro jogador. Para cada cubo no [grassland] dele, enfie 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave, ent\u00e3o compre uma quantidade igual de [card].", "Note": "Voc\u00ea pode enfiar cartas at\u00e9 a quantidade de cubos de a\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "148": {"English name": "Hooded Merganser", "Scientific name": "Lophodytes cucullatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Repita 1 poder [predator] neste habitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "149": {"English name": "Hooded Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga citrina", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "150": {"English name": "Horned Lark", "Scientific name": "Eremophila alpestris", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador jogar uma ave em [grassland], enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Isto se refere especificamente \u00e0s aves jogadas no habitat do P\u00e2ntano.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "151": {"English name": "House Finch", "Scientific name": "Haemorhous mexicanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "152": {"English name": "House Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passer domesticus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte at\u00e9 5 [seed]. Para cada um, enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "153": {"English name": "House Wren", "Scientific name": "Troglodytes aedon", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave neste mesmo habitat. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "154": {"English name": "Inca Dove", "Scientific name": "Columbina inca", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em cada uma de suas aves com um ninho [platform].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote ovos em todos as suas aves que tenham o s\u00edmbolo de ninho especificado (e todas as aves com um s\u00edmbolo de ninho estrela), incluindo a ave qua acabou de ser jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "155": {"English name": "Indigo Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina cyanea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] do comedouro, se houver um.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "156": {"English name": "Juniper Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus ridgwayi", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "157": {"English name": "Killdeer", "Scientific name": "Charadrius vociferus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] para comprar 2 [card].", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. Descarte um ovo para o estoque. Voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode utilizar este poder se voc\u00ea n\u00e3o possuir nenhum ovo em suas aves.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "158": {"English name": "King Rail", "Scientific name": "Rallus elegans", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "159": {"English name": "Lazuli Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina amoena", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores botam 1 [egg] em uma ave com ninho [bowl]. Voc\u00ea pode botar 1 [egg] em 1 ave adicional [bowl].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote um ovo em 1 ou 2 aves com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela). Todos os outros jogadores podem botar um ovo em 1 ave com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela), se eles possu\u00edrem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "160": {"English name": "Lesser Whitethroat", "Scientific name": "Sylvia curruca", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha um habitat sem [egg]. Bote 1 [egg] em cada ave nesse habitat.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": "X"}, "161": {"English name": "Lincoln's Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza lincolnii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "162": {"English name": "Little Bustard", "Scientific name": "Tetrax tetrax", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o compre 1 [card] ou bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "163": {"English name": "Little Owl", "Scientific name": "Athene noctua", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Roube 1 [wild] do estoque de outro jogador e estoque-o nesta carta. Esse jogador ganha 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "A comida que o outro jogador ganhar n\u00e3o precisa ser do mesmo tipo que foi roubado.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "164": {"English name": "Loggerhead Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius ludovicianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cGanhar Comida\u201d, se ele ganhar qualquer quantidade de [rodent], tamb\u00e9m ganhe 1 [rodent] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "165": {"English name": "Long-Tailed Tit", "Scientific name": "Aegithalos caudatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Coloque esta ave de lado, de modo que ela cubra 2 espa\u00e7os do [forest]. Pague o menor custo em ovos.", "Note": "Essas aves contam como apenas 1 ave para objetivos de final de rodada que avaliam quantidades de aves. Mas ambos os espa\u00e7os est\u00e3o preenchidos, assim eles podem contar dobrado no objetivo de final de rodada \"colunas preenchidas\".
Essas aves ainda podem ser jogadas normalmente na 5\u00aa coluna, abdicando de seu poder.
A pr\u00f3xima ave que voc\u00ea jogar nesse habitat \u00e9 colocada \u00e0 direita desta ave.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "166": {"English name": "Mallard", "Scientific name": "Anas platyrhynchos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano. Voc\u00ea pode comprar cartas do baralho ou das cartas viradas para cima. Cartas viradas para cima s\u00e3o repostas apenas ao final do turno.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "167": {"English name": "Mississippi Kite", "Scientific name": "Ictinia mississippiensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [rodent], ganhe 1 [rodent] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "168": {"English name": "Moltoni's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Sylvia subalpina", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se voc\u00ea usou todas as 4 a\u00e7\u00f5es nesta rodada, jogue outra ave. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.
Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"FIM DA RODADA\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "169": {"English name": "Montagu's Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus pygargus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ao inv\u00e9s de pagar os custos desta ave, voc\u00ea pode jog\u00e1-la sobre outra ave em seu tabuleiro individual. Descarte quaisquer ovos e comidas dessa ave. Ela se torna uma carta embaixo.", "Note": "Se voc\u00ea usar esse poder, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o paga o custo em ovos e nem o custo em comida da ave. Isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.
Todas as cartas enfiadas embaixo da ave original permanecem embaixo, mas voc\u00ea deve descartar todos os ovos dela.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "170": {"English name": "Mountain Bluebird", "Scientific name": "Sialia currucoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [grassland]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "171": {"English name": "Mountain Chickadee", "Scientific name": "Poecile gambeli", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "172": {"English name": "Mourning Dove", "Scientific name": "Zenaida macroura", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "173": {"English name": "Mute Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus olor", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1-3 aves em seu [wetland]. Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo de cada uma delas. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Este poder pode ser usado para enfiar cartas embaixo de aves que normalmente n\u00e3o poderiam fazer isso. Voc\u00ea s\u00f3 compra 1 [card] independente de quantas cartas voc\u00ea enfiou.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "174": {"English name": "Northern Bobwhite", "Scientific name": "Colinus virginianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "175": {"English name": "Northern Cardinal", "Scientific name": "Cardinalis cardinalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [fruit] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "176": {"English name": "Northern Flicker", "Scientific name": "Colaptes auratus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe todo [invertebrate] que houver no comedouro.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "177": {"English name": "Northern Gannet", "Scientific name": "Morus bassanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os [cube] que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Para cada um que for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "178": {"English name": "Northern Goshawk", "Scientific name": "Accipiter gentilis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "No lugar de cada [rodent] do custo desta ave, voc\u00ea pode pagar 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o. Se o fizer, enfie as [card] pagas embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Se essas aves usarem seus poderes para enfiar cartas ao inv\u00e9s de pagar parte ou a totalidade do custo em comida da ave, isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "179": {"English name": "Northern Harrier", "Scientific name": "Circus cyaneus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "180": {"English name": "Northern Mockingbird", "Scientific name": "Mimus polyglottos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Repita um poder marrom de uma outra ave neste habitat.", "Note": "Algumas poucas aves possuem o poder de repetir um poder marrom de outras aves. A ave cujo poder ser\u00e1 repetido deve estar no mesmo habitat.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "181": {"English name": "Northern Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula clypeata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": "Comprem em sentido hor\u00e1rio, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador ativo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "182": {"English name": "Osprey", "Scientific name": "Pandion haliaetus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores ganham 1 [fish] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "183": {"English name": "Painted Bunting", "Scientific name": "Passerina ciris", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "184": {"English name": "Painted Whitestart", "Scientific name": "Myioborus pictus", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "185": {"English name": "Parrot Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia pytyopsittacus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Remova 1 [dice] qualquer do comedouro, ent\u00e3o ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": "Voc\u00ea ganha [seed] um independente da face do dado de voc\u00ea remover do comedouro.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "186": {"English name": "Peregrine Falcon", "Scientific name": "Falco peregrinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 100cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "187": {"English name": "Pied-Billed Grebe", "Scientific name": "Podilymbus podiceps", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "188": {"English name": "Pileated Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dryocopus pileatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores botam 1 [egg] em uma ave com ninho [cavity]. Voc\u00ea pode botar 1 [egg] em 1 ave adicional [cavity].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote um ovo em 1 ou 2 aves com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela). Todos os outros jogadores podem botar um ovo em 1 ave com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela), se eles possu\u00edrem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "189": {"English name": "Pine Siskin", "Scientific name": "Spinus pinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "190": {"English name": "Prothonotary Warbler", "Scientific name": "Protonotaria citrea", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "191": {"English name": "Purple Gallinule", "Scientific name": "Porphyrio martinicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": "Comprem em sentido hor\u00e1rio, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador ativo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "192": {"English name": "Purple Martin", "Scientific name": "Progne subis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "193": {"English name": "Pygmy Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta pygmaea", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, ganhe 1 [invertebrate] ou [seed] do estoque.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "194": {"English name": "Red Crossbill", "Scientific name": "Loxia curvirostra", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores ganham 1 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "195": {"English name": "Red Kite", "Scientific name": "Milvus milvus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ao inv\u00e9s de pagar os custos desta ave, voc\u00ea pode jog\u00e1-la sobre outra ave em seu tabuleiro individual. Descarte quaisquer ovos e comidas dessa ave. Ela se torna uma carta embaixo.", "Note": "Se voc\u00ea usar esse poder, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o paga o custo em ovos e nem o custo em comida da ave. Isso conta como a) enfiar uma carta e b) um predador bem sucedido, e aciona aves com poderes rosas correspondentes.
Todas as cartas enfiadas embaixo da ave original permanecem embaixo, mas voc\u00ea deve descartar todos os ovos dela.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "196": {"English name": "Red Knot", "Scientific name": "Calidris canutus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o compre 3 [card] e fique com 1 delas.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "197": {"English name": "Red-Backed Shrike", "Scientific name": "Lanius collurio", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Roube 1 [wild] do estoque de outro jogador e estoque-o nesta carta. Esse jogador ganha 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "A comida que o outro jogador ganhar n\u00e3o precisa ser do mesmo tipo que foi roubado.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "198": {"English name": "Red-Bellied Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes carolinus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "199": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Merganser", "Scientific name": "Mergus serrator", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "200": {"English name": "Red-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta canadensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "201": {"English name": "Red-Cockaded Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Picoides borealis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "202": {"English name": "Red-Eyed Vireo", "Scientific name": "Vireo olivaceus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "203": {"English name": "Red-Headed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Melanerpes erythrocephalus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "204": {"English name": "Red-Legged Partridge", "Scientific name": "Alectoris rufa", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em cada ave nesta coluna, incluindo esta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "205": {"English name": "Red-Shouldered Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo lineatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "206": {"English name": "Red-Tailed Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo jamaicensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "207": {"English name": "Red-Winged Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Agelaius phoeniceus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "208": {"English name": "Ring-Billed Gull", "Scientific name": "Larus delawarensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "209": {"English name": "Rose-Breasted Grosbeak", "Scientific name": "Pheucticus ludovicianus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] ou [fruit] do comedouro, se houver um.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "210": {"English name": "Roseate Spoonbill", "Scientific name": "Platalea ajaja", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "211": {"English name": "Ruby-Crowned Kinglet", "Scientific name": "Regulus calendula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "212": {"English name": "Ruby-Throated Hummingbird", "Scientific name": "Archilochus colubris", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Cada jogador ganha 1 [die] do comedouro, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador a sua escolha.", "Note": "O propriet\u00e1rio do Hummingbird decide quem ir\u00e1 ganhar a primeira comida, e a partir da\u00ed os jogadores ganham comida na ordem de turno. Os jogadores podem reiniciar o comedouro se ele estiver vazio ou se todos os dados mostrarem a mesma face.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "213": {"English name": "Ruddy Duck", "Scientific name": "Oxyura jamaicensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "214": {"English name": "Ruff", "Scientific name": "Calidris pugnax", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie at\u00e9 3 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Compre 1 [card] para cada carta que voc\u00ea enfiou.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "215": {"English name": "Sandhill Crane", "Scientific name": "Antigone canadensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [seed] para enfiar 2 [card] do baralho embaixo desta ave.", "Note": "Estes poderes permitem que voc\u00ea descarte um tipo espec\u00edfico de comida para pegar 2 cartas do baralho e enfi\u00e1-las embaixo da ave. Voc\u00ea deve ter a comida em seu estoque pessoal; voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode peg\u00e1-la de uma carta de ave.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "216": {"English name": "Savannah Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Passerculus sandwichensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [grassland]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "217": {"English name": "Savi's Warbler", "Scientific name": "Locustella luscinioides", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card]. Todos os outros jogadores compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": "Voc\u00ea pode escolher comprar cartas viradas para cima ou do baralho normalmente, mas os outros jogadores s\u00f3 podem comprar suas cartas do baralho.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "218": {"English name": "Say's Phoebe", "Scientific name": "Sayornis saya", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Bote 1 [egg] em cada uma de suas aves com um ninho [bowl].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote ovos em todos as suas aves que tenham o s\u00edmbolo de ninho especificado (e todas as aves com um s\u00edmbolo de ninho estrela), incluindo a ave qua acabou de ser jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "219": {"English name": "Scaled Quail", "Scientific name": "Callipepla squamata", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "220": {"English name": "Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher", "Scientific name": "Tyrannus forficatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores ganham 1 [invertebrate] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "221": {"English name": "Short-Toed Treecreeper", "Scientific name": "Certhia brachydactyla", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [[egg]/[card]/[wild]]. Se o fizer, jogue outra ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "222": {"English name": "Snow Bunting", "Scientific name": "Plectrophenax nivalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador enfiar uma [card] por qualquer raz\u00e3o, enfie 1 [card] da sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave, ent\u00e3o compre 1 [card] no final do turno dele.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "223": {"English name": "Snowy Egret", "Scientific name": "Egretta thula", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "224": {"English name": "Snowy Owl", "Scientific name": "Bubo scandiacus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 nova carta b\u00f4nus. Ent\u00e3o compre 1 [card] ou bote 1 [egg] em qualquer ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "225": {"English name": "Song Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Melospiza melodia", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "226": {"English name": "Spotted Owl", "Scientific name": "Strix occidentalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "227": {"English name": "Spotted Sandpiper", "Scientific name": "Actitis macularius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": "Comprem em sentido hor\u00e1rio, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador ativo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "228": {"English name": "Spotted Towhee", "Scientific name": "Pipilo maculatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "229": {"English name": "Sprague's Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus spragueii", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "230": {"English name": "Squacco Heron", "Scientific name": "Ardeola ralloides", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card] virada para cima que possa viver em [wetland].", "Note": "Se nenhuma com esse habitat estiver dispon\u00edvel, n\u00e3o ganhe nada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "231": {"English name": "Steller's Jay", "Scientific name": "Cyanocitta stelleri", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel). Voc\u00ea pode estoc\u00e1-lo nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "232": {"English name": "Swainson's Hawk", "Scientific name": "Buteo swainsoni", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Olhe uma [card] do baralho. Se for < 75cm, enfie-a embaixo desta carta. Caso contr\u00e1rio, descarte-a.", "Note": "Essas aves comem outras aves. Olhe a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho e compare com o poder de ca\u00e7a desta ave.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for menor do que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, enfie a carta para indicar que a ca\u00e7a foi bem sucedida.Cada carta embaixo garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.
Se a envergadura da carta do topo do baralho for igual ou maior que o poder de ca\u00e7a deste predador, descarte a carta.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "233": {"English name": "Thekla's Lark", "Scientific name": "Galerida theklae", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [seed]. Se o fizer, bote 2 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "234": {"English name": "Tree Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta bicolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "235": {"English name": "Trumpeter Swan", "Scientific name": "Cygnus buccinator", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "236": {"English name": "Tufted Titmouse", "Scientific name": "Baeolophus bicolor", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue uma segunda ave em seu [forest]. Pague o custo normal.", "Note": "Jogue outra ave no mesmo habitat. Voc\u00ea deve seguir todas as outras regras sobre como jogar aves: deve ser uma ave que possa viver nesse habitat, e voc\u00ea deve descartar a comida e os ovos necess\u00e1rios.
As aves com esse poder s\u00e3o conhecidas por viverem em bandos mistos com m\u00faltiplas esp\u00e9cies de aves. Pesquisadores mostram que isso ocorre devido a benef\u00edcios como ajudar a encontrar comida e a identificar mais facilmente a presen\u00e7a de predadores.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "237": {"English name": "Turkey Vulture", "Scientific name": "Cathartes aura", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando [predator] de outro jogador for bem sucedido, ganhe 1 [die] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se mais de um jogador ativar esse poder ao mesmo tempo, eles ganham comida na ordem de turno, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador a esquerda do jogador ativo (aquele que provocou a habilidade do predador).", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "238": {"English name": "Vaux's Swift", "Scientific name": "Chaetura vauxi", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "239": {"English name": "Violet-Green Swallow", "Scientific name": "Tachycineta thalassina", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "240": {"English name": "Western Meadowlark", "Scientific name": "Sturnella neglecta", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores botam 1 [egg] em uma ave com ninho [ground]. Voc\u00ea pode botar 1 [egg] em 1 ave adicional [ground].", "Note": "Este poder permite que voc\u00ea bote um ovo em 1 ou 2 aves com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela). Todos os outros jogadores podem botar um ovo em 1 ave com o s\u00edmbolo especificado de ninho (ou ninho estrela), se eles possu\u00edrem.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "241": {"English name": "Western Tanager", "Scientific name": "Piranga ludoviciana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [invertebrate] ou [fruit] do comedouro, se houver um.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "242": {"English name": "White Stork", "Scientific name": "Ciconia ciconia", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte todas as [card] viradas para cima restantes e reabaste\u00e7a a bandeja. Se o fizer, compre 1 das novas [card] viradas para cima.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "243": {"English name": "White Wagtail", "Scientific name": "Motacilla alba", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se voc\u00ea usou todas as 4 a\u00e7\u00f5es nesta rodada, jogue outra ave. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.
Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"FIM DA RODADA\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "244": {"English name": "White-Backed Woodpecker", "Scientific name": "Dendrocopos leucotos", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [dice] do comedouro.", "Note": "Se todos os dados do comedouro mostrarem a mesma face, voc\u00ea pode reinici\u00e1-lo antes de ganhar o [dice].", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "245": {"English name": "White-Breasted Nuthatch", "Scientific name": "Sitta carolinensis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [seed] do estoque e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "As aves com estes poderes s\u00e3o conhecidas por estocar comida reservando-a para depois. Como pode ser notado nas cartas, voc\u00ea pode estocar exatamente 1 ficha de comida quando seus poderes s\u00e3o ativados, colocando-a sobre a carta de ave. Quando uma ficha de comida \u00e9 estocada em uma carta de ave, voc\u00ea n\u00e3o pode mais gast\u00e1-la. Cada ficha de comida sobre a carta ao final do jogo garante 1 ponto. Se todos os dados do comedouro s\u00e3o iguais, \u00e9 permitido rolar de novo para ver se cumpre a condi\u00e7\u00e3o da ave. Se acabarem as fichas de comida, pode-se usar cartas no lugar.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "246": {"English name": "White-Crowned Sparrow", "Scientific name": "Zonotrichia leucophrys", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "247": {"English name": "White-Faced Ibis", "Scientific name": "Plegadis chihi", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "248": {"English name": "White-Throated Dipper", "Scientific name": "Cinclus cinclus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte todas as [card] viradas para cima restantes e reabaste\u00e7a a bandeja. Se o fizer, compre 1 das novas [card] viradas para cima.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "249": {"English name": "White-Throated Swift", "Scientific name": "Aeronautes saxatalis", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "250": {"English name": "Whooping Crane", "Scientific name": "Grus americana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "251": {"English name": "Wild Turkey", "Scientific name": "Meleagris gallopavo", "Common name": null, "Power text": null, "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "252": {"English name": "Willet", "Scientific name": "Tringa semipalmata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Role todos os dados que n\u00e3o estejam no comedouro. Se algum for [fish], ganhe 1 [fish] e estoque-o nesta carta.", "Note": "Aves que comem roedores ou peixes rolam todos os dados que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o no comedouro. (Note que voc\u00ea nunca ir\u00e1 rolar mais do que 4 dados, pois quando todos os 5 dados estiverem fora do comedouro eles devem ser rerrolados dentro dele imediatamente.) Role-os na mesa; eles n\u00e3o voltam para o comedouro. Se um ou mais dados mostrarem o tipo especificado, pegue apenas 1 ficha de comida desse tipo do estoque e estoque-a nesta carta (veja \u201cEstocando Comida\u201d). Cada ficha em uma carta de ave garante 1 ponto ao final do jogo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "253": {"English name": "Wilson's Snipe", "Scientific name": "Gallinago delicata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Todos os jogadores compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": "Comprem em sentido hor\u00e1rio, come\u00e7ando pelo jogador ativo.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "254": {"English name": "Wilson's Storm Petrel", "Scientific name": "Oceanites oceanicus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card] para cada espa\u00e7o de carta vazio nesta linha. No final do seu turno, fique com 1 e descarte o resto.", "Note": "Essas cartas devem ser mantidas separadas das outras cartas que voc\u00ea comprar e das cartas de ave na sua m\u00e3o. Elas n\u00e3o podem ser gastas neste turno. Mas para manter o ritmo do jogo, voc\u00ea pode escolher entre elas depois que seu turno terminar e permitir que o pr\u00f3ximo jogador comece seu turno.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "255": {"English name": "Wood Duck", "Scientific name": "Aix sponsa", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 [card]. Se o fizer, descarte 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o ao final de seu turno.", "Note": "Este poder adiciona cartas para a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cComprar Cartas\u201ddo P\u00e2ntano, mas isso possui um custo. O pr\u00f3ximo jogador pode iniciar o turno dele enquanto voc\u00ea decide quais cartas ir\u00e1 descartar.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "256": {"English name": "Wood Stork", "Scientific name": "Mycteria americana", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 2 novas cartas b\u00f4nus e mantenha 1.", "Note": "Compre duas cartas b\u00f4nus, escolha uma delas para manter e descarte a outra. Se o baralho de cartas b\u00f4nus se esgotar, embaralhe as cartas do descarte para formar um novo baralho.
As aves com este poder est\u00e3o em perigo de extin\u00e7\u00e3o, ou ent\u00e3o os especialistas em conserva\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o certos de que logo estar\u00e3o devido \u00e0 taxa de decl\u00ednio na sua popula\u00e7\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "257": {"English name": "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker", "Scientific name": "Sphyrapicus varius", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Ganhe 1 [invertebrate] do estoque.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "258": {"English name": "Yellow-Billed Cuckoo", "Scientific name": "Coccyzus americanus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cbotar ovos\u201d, esta ave bota 1 [egg] em outra ave com um ninho [bowl].", "Note": "Essas aves s\u00e3o parasitas de ninhos na natureza: elas botam seus ovos nos ninhos de outras aves. Cowbirds nem ao menos constroem seus pr\u00f3prios ninhos
Quando outro jogador utilizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o [grassland] para botar ovos, voc\u00ea pode botar 1 ovo. Voc\u00ea pode fazer isso apenas uma vez entre cada um de seus turnos, n\u00e3o importa quantos outros jogadores realizem a a\u00e7\u00e3o de \u201cBotar Ovos\u201d. \u00c9 permitido botar ovos nos ninhos [star]", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "259": {"English name": "Yellow-Breasted Chat", "Scientific name": "Icteria virens", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se esta ave estiver \u00e0 direita de todas as outras aves neste habitat, mova-a para outro habitat.", "Note": "Essas aves conseguem viver em uma variedade de habitats, e seus poderes envolvem mov\u00ea-las entre os habitats\u2014mas apenas se elas forem a \u00faltima ave em sua linha. (Elas podem estar em qualquer coluna.) Isso pode ser algo poderoso para ampliar suas habilidades em m\u00faltiplos habitats, e para pontuar nos objetivos de final de rodada. Esteja atento para n\u00e3o jogar nenhuma outra ave a direita de uma dessas cartas, ou n\u00e3o ser\u00e1 mais poss\u00edvel utilizar esse poder!", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "260": {"English name": "Yellow-Headed Blackbird", "Scientific name": "Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, tamb\u00e9m bote 1 [egg] nesta ave.", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "261": {"English name": "Yellow-Rumped Warbler", "Scientific name": "Setophaga coronata", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] de sua m\u00e3o embaixo desta ave. Se o fizer, compre 1 [card].", "Note": "Essas aves permitem que voc\u00ea enfie cartas da sua m\u00e3o embaixo delas para ganhar pontos ao final do jogo, e ent\u00e3o ganhar algum benef\u00edcio adicional (botar um ovo, comprar uma carta, ou ganhar comida). Voc\u00ea pode ganhar o benef\u00edcio apenas se voc\u00ea primeiro enfiar uma carta da sua m\u00e3o.", "Anatomist": "X", "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "262": {"English name": "Yellowhammer", "Scientific name": "Emberiza citrinella", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Se voc\u00ea usou todas as 4 a\u00e7\u00f5es nesta rodada, jogue outra ave. Pague o custo normal em comida e ovos.", "Note": "Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"QUANDO JOGADO\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.
Se a ave adicional tiver um poder \"FIM DA RODADA\", ele \u00e9 acionado quando a ave for jogada.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": null, "Photographer": "X"}, "263": {"English name": "Abbott's Booby", "Scientific name": "Papasula abbotti", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 3 cartas b\u00f4nus, ent\u00e3o descarte 2. As cartas b\u00f4nus descartadas n\u00e3o precisam ter sido compradas neste turno.", "Note": "Isso adiciona temporariamente 3 cartas b\u00f4nus a sua m\u00e3o de cartas b\u00f4nus, ent\u00e3o, dessa m\u00e3o, voc\u00ea deve descartar quaisquer 2 cartas b\u00f4nus.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": null, "Historian": "X", "Photographer": null}, "264": {"English name": "Australasian Pipit", "Scientific name": "Anthus novaeseelandiae", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Enfie 1 [card] do baralho embaixo de cada ave em seu [grassland], incluindo esta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "265": {"English name": "Australasian Shoveler", "Scientific name": "Spatula rhynchotis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Escolha 1 outro jogador. Voc\u00eas dois compram 1 [card] do baralho.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "266": {"English name": "Australian Ibis", "Scientific name": "Threskiornis moluccus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Embaralhe a pilha de descarte, ent\u00e3o compre 2 [card] dela. Escolha 1 e enfie-a embaixo desta ave ou adicione-a a sua m\u00e3o. Descarte a outra.", "Note": "A pilha de descarte permanece separada do baralho de aves, mesmo depois de voc\u00ea embaralh\u00e1-la e comprar dela.", "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "267": {"English name": "Australian Magpie", "Scientific name": "Gymnorhina tibicen", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Descarte 1 [egg] de cada ave nesta linha e coluna que tenha [egg] sobre ela, exceto esta ave. Para cada descartado, ganhe 2 [seed] do estoque geral e estoque-os nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "268": {"English name": "Australian Owlet-Nightjar", "Scientific name": "Aegotheles cristatus", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Quando outro jogador realizar a a\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cganhar comida\u201d, ganhe 1 [invertebrate] do comedouro (se dispon\u00edvel) ao final do turno dele.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "269": {"English name": "Australian Raven", "Scientific name": "Corvus coronoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Estoque at\u00e9 5 [wild] do seu estoque pessoal nesta carta.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "270": {"English name": "Australian Reed Warbler", "Scientific name": "Acrocephalus australis", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Jogue outra ave em seu [wetland]. Pague o custo normal com 1 [egg] de desconto.", "Note": null, "Anatomist": null, "Cartographer": "X", "Historian": null, "Photographer": null}, "271": {"English name": "Australian Shelduck", "Scientific name": "Tadorna tadornoides", "Common name": null, "Power text": "Compre 1 [card] virada para cima com ninho [cavity] ou [star]. Voc\u00ea pode preencher ou reiniciar a bandeja antes de fazer isso.", "Note": "Antes de comprar a carta virada para cima com o tipo de ninho mostrado, voc\u00ea pode: