+ + + +

+ + + + + + +

+ + + What is subtyping and variance? # + + +

+ +

+ +

Subtyping and variance are important concepts in Rust’s algebraic type system. They allow +us to express relationships between types, and equivalence without using inheritance. Rust +also includes lifetimes in the type definitions themselves! So they become an integral +part of the a type.


+ + + Subtyping # + + +

+ +

+ +

In Rust, subtyping refers to the relationship between two types where one type can be used +in place of the other.

+ +
  1. This means that if a type Sub is a subtype of type Super, then any code that +expects a Super can also accept an Sub. They are equivalent.
  2. +
  3. Just like inheritance, the opposite is not true. Any code expecting a Sub cannot +accept a Super. They are not equivalent.
  4. +
+ +

Consider the following code snippet:

+ +
use std::fmt::Display;
+struct Cat {
+    name: String,
+    breed: String,
+impl Display for Cat {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "Cat: {} ({})", self.name, self.breed)
+    }
+struct Dog {
+    name: String,
+    breed: String,
+impl Display for Dog {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "Dog: {} ({})", self.name, self.breed)
+    }
+fn print_animal<T: Display>(animal: &T) {
+    println!("{}", animal);
+fn main() {
+    let cat = Cat {
+        name: "Sparky".to_string(), breed: "Siamese".to_string() };
+    let dog = Dog {
+        name: "Buddy".to_string(), breed: "Golden Retriever".to_string() };
+    print_animal(&cat); // Prints "Cat: Sparky (Siamese)"
+    print_animal(&dog); // Prints "Dog: Buddy (Golden Retriever)"
+    let animals: Vec<&dyn Display> = vec![&cat, &dog];
+    for animal in animals {
+        println!("{}", animal);
+    }
+ +

In this example:

+ +
  • In the function print_animal<T>(animal: &T), the super type of T is Display. This +means that this function accepts any type that implements the Display trait.
  • +
  • So, we can pass both &Cat and &Dog to the print_animal() function. Since both +Cat and Dog implement the Display trait.
  • +
  • The animals vector can hold references to any type that implements the Display +trait, so we can store both Cat and Dog instances in it. +
    • We use &dyn Display as the type since we want to use trait +objects.
    • +
    • And we can’t use &impl Animal since this +syntax +expects only a single type.
    • +
  • +
+ +

A real world example of this is the Copy and Clone traits:

+ + +

+ + + Variance # + + +

+ +

+ +

In Rust, variance describes how subtyping relationships are preserved when dealing with +generic types. Lifetime annotations are part of the generics system. There are three +types of variance:

+ +
  • Covariance: A generic type T is covariant if, when Sub is a subtype of Super, +T<Sub> is also a subtype of T<Super>.
  • +
  • Invariance: A generic type T is invariant if there is no subtyping relationship + between T<Sub> and T<Super> when Sub is a subtype of Super.
  • +
  • Contravariance: A generic type T is contravariant if, when Sub is a subtype of Super, +T<Super> is a subtype of T<Sub>.
  • +
+ +

Here are some examples:

+ +
  • Covariance: The &T type is covariant. This means that if Sub is a subtype of +Super, then &Sub is a subtype of &Super. This is useful for references. In the +code, Cat and Dog both implement the Display trait. Since Display is a trait +bound in the print_animal function, both &Cat and &Dog can be used as arguments +because they are both subtypes of &dyn Display.
  • +
  • Invariance: The &mut T type is invariant. This means that if Sub is a subtype of +Super, there is no subtyping relationship between &mut Sub and &mut Super. Also, +the UnsafeCell<T> type is invariant. This means that there is no subtyping +relationship between UnsafeCell<Sub> and UnsafeCell<Super> when Sub is a subtype +of Super. This is because UnsafeCell is used to bypass Rust’s safety checks, so it +must be invariant. Both &mut T and UnsafeCell<T> are invariant in Rust because they +are related to unsafe operations or mutable references, which require stricter type +constraints to ensure safety.
  • +
  • Contravariance: The Fn(T) type is contravariant. This means that if Sub is a +subtype of Super, then Fn(Super) is a subtype of Fn(Sub). This is useful for +functions that take a callback as an argument.
  • +
+ +

Here is a table of some other generic types and their variances:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
&'a T covariantcovariant 
&'a mut Tcovariantinvariant 
Box<T> covariant 
Vec<T> covariant 
UnsafeCell<T> invariant 
Cell<T> invariant 
fn(T) -> U contravariantcovariant
*const T covariant 
*mut T invariant 
+ +

This table is from Rustonomicon - +Variance.


+ + + More resources on Rust lifetimes # + + +

+ +

+ + +

+ + + YouTube video for this article # + + +

+ +

+ +

This article has short examples on how to get to know Rust lifetimes deeply. If you like +to learn via video, please watch the companion video on the developerlife.com YouTube +channel.

+ + + + +


+ + + Learn Rust lifetimes by example # + + +

+ +

+ +

Let’s create some examples to illustrate how to use Rust lifetimes. You can run +cargo new --bin lifetimes to create a new binary crate.

+ +

The code in the video and this tutorial are all in this GitHub +repo.


+ + + Example 1: References # + + +

+ +

+ +

First add mod ex_1_references; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_1_references.rs file.

+ +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +
+fn ex_1_references() {
+    fn try_to_use_after_free(arg: usize) -> &'static str {
+        let s = format!("{} is a number", arg);
+        // return &s; /* 🧨 won't compile! */
+        unreachable!()
+    }
+    fn try_to_modify_referent() {
+        let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3]; /* referent */
+        let ref_to_first_item = &data[0]; /* reference */
+        // data.push(4); /* 🧨 won't compile */
+        println!("first_item: {}", ref_to_first_item);
+        /* ref_to_first_item reference still in scope */
+        // drop(ref_to_first_item);
+    }
+ +

The main things to note about this code:

+ +
  • Rust requires any references to freeze: +
    • the referent and its owners.
    • +
  • +
  • While a reference is in scope, Rust will not allow you to: +
    • change the referent and its owners.
    • +
  • +
  • More info.
  • +

+ + + Example 2: Aliasing # + + +

+ +

+ +

Let’s review some background info on references. There are two kinds of reference:

+ +
  1. Shared reference: &
  2. +
  3. Mutable reference: &mut
  4. +
+ +

Here are the rules of references:

+ +
  1. A reference cannot outlive its referent.
  2. +
  3. A mutable reference cannot be aliased.
  4. +
+ +


+ +
  1. Variables and pointers alias if they refer to overlapping regions of memory.
  2. +
  3. The definition of “alias” that Rust will use likely involves some notion of + liveness and mutation: we don’t actually care if aliasing occurs if there + aren’t any actual writes to memory happening.
  4. +
+ +

Here’s more info:

+ + +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

Add mod ex_2_aliasing; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_2_aliasing.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_2_aliasing() {
+    /// `input_ref` and `output_ref` can't overlap or alias, and thus
+    /// can't clobber each other.
+    fn compute(input_ref: &usize, output_ref: &mut usize) {
+        if *input_ref > 10 {
+            *output_ref = 1;
+        }
+        if *input_ref > 5 {
+            *output_ref *= 2;
+        }
+    }
+    // This is safe to do because `input` and `output` don't overlap.
+    {
+        let input = 10usize;
+        let mut output = 1usize;
+        let input_address = &input as *const usize;
+        let output_address = &output as *const usize;
+        compute(&input, &mut output);
+        assert_eq!(output, 2);
+        assert_ne!(input_address, output_address);
+    }
+    // Try and clobber `input` with `output`.
+    // - Rust won't allow `input` and `output` to overlap aka alias.
+    // - Rust won't allow the `&mut output` to be aliased!
+    {
+        let mut output = 1usize;
+        // compute(&output, &mut output); /* 🧨 won't compile! */
+    }

+ + + Example 3: Lifetimes # + + +

+ +

+ +

Rust enforces a set of rules that govern how references are used via lifetimes.

+ +

Lifetimes are named regions of code that a reference must be valid for.

  • For simple programs, lifetimes coincide with lexical scope.
  • +
  • Those regions may be fairly complex, as they correspond to paths of execution in the + program.
  • +
  • There may even be holes in these paths of execution, as it’s possible to invalidate + a reference as long as it’s reinitialized before it’s used again.
  • +
  • Types which contain references (or pretend to) may also be tagged with lifetimes so + that Rust can prevent them from being invalidated as well.
  • +
+ +

Inside a function, Rust doesn’t let you explicitly name lifetimes. And each let +statement implicitly introduces a scope. However, once you cross the function +boundary, you need to start talking about lifetimes.

+ +

More info:

+ + +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

Add mod ex_3_lifetimes; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_3_lifetimes.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_3_lifetimes_1() {
+    /// 'fn is          <  'input.
+    /// 'fn needs to be >= 'input.
+    ///
+    /// - 'fn is the lifetime of the referent. It is short.
+    /// - 'input is the lifetime of the reference. It is long.
+    fn try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent<'input>(
+        param: &'input usize
+    ) -> &'input str {
+        // 'fn: {
+            let referent = format!("{}", param);
+            let reference = &/*'fn*/referent;
+            // return reference; /* 🧨 does not compile! */
+            unreachable!()
+        // }
+    }
+    fn fix_try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent<'input>(
+        param: &'input usize
+    ) -> &'input str {
+        match param {
+            0 => /* &'static */ "zero",
+            1 => /* &'static */ "one",
+            _ => /* &'static */ "many",
+        }
+    }
+    assert_eq!(
+        fix_try_to_make_reference_outlive_referent(&0), "zero");
+ +

Notes on the code above:

+ +
  • The string literals “zero”, “one”, and “many” are stored in a special section of memory +that is accessible throughout the entire program execution. This means that these string +literals are available for the entire duration of the program, hence they have the +'static lifetime.
  • +
+ +

Add the following code to the ex_3_lifetimes.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_3_lifetimes_2() {
+    fn try_to_modify_referent() {
+        let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3]; /* referent */
+        // 'first: {
+            /* reference */
+            let ref_to_first_item = &/*'first*/data[0];
+            //   'second: {
+            //        /* 🧨 won't compile */
+            //        Vec::push(&/*'second*/mut data, 4);
+            //    }
+            println!("first_item: {}", ref_to_first_item);
+            /* reference still in scope */
+        // }
+        // drop(ref_to_first_item);
+    }
+ +

Notes on the code above:

+ +
  • +

    Rust doesn’t understand that ref_to_first_item is a reference to a subpath of +data. It doesn’t understand [Vec] at all. 🤯

  • +
  • Here’s what it sees: +
    • ref_to_first_item which is &'first data has to live for 'first in order to +be printed.
    • +
    • When we try to call push, it then sees us try to make an &'second mut data.
    • +
    • It knows that 'second is contained within 'first, and rejects our program +because the &'first data must still be alive! And we can’t alias a mutable +reference.
    • +
  • +
  • The lifetime system is much more coarse than the reference semantics we’re +actually interested in preserving.
  • +

+ + + Example 4: Input slices # + + +

+ +

+ +

We can use lifetimes and slices to work with data without modifying it. This pattern shows +up a lot when working with parsers (eg: nom) and general string manipulation.

+ +

Real world examples:

+ + +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

First add mod ex_4_input_slices; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_4_input_slices.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_4_input_slices() {
+    // 'fn {
+        let data = String::from("foo bar baz");
+        let middle_word: & /*'fn*/ str = middle_word(&data);
+        assert_eq!(middle_word, "bar");
+    // }
+fn middle_word<'input>(input: &'input str) -> &'input str {
+    let iter = input.split_whitespace();
+    let (_, middle_word_index) = {
+        let iter_clone = iter.clone();
+        let word_count = iter_clone.count();
+        let middle_word_index = word_count / 2;
+        (word_count, middle_word_index)
+    };
+    let (middle_word_len, len_until_middle_word) = {
+        let mut middle_word_len = 0;
+        let len_until_middle_word = iter
+            .enumerate()
+            // Go as far as the middle word.
+            .take_while(|(index, _)| *index <= middle_word_index)
+            .map(|(index, word)| {
+                // At middle word.
+                if index == middle_word_index {
+                    middle_word_len = word.len();
+                    0
+                }
+                // Before middle word.
+                else {
+                    word.len()
+                }
+            })
+            .sum::<usize>();
+        (middle_word_len, len_until_middle_word)
+    };
+    let (start_index, end_index) = {
+        let start_index = len_until_middle_word + 1;
+        let end_index = len_until_middle_word + middle_word_len + 1;
+        (start_index, end_index)
+    };
+    &/*'input*/input[start_index..end_index]

+ + + Example 5: Splitting borrows on structs # + + +

+ +

+ +

The mutual exclusion property of mutable references can be very limiting when working with +a composite structure.

+ +

The borrow checker understand structs sufficiently to know that it’s possible to borrow +disjoint fields of a struct simultaneously.

+ +

ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs.rs will demonstrate this.

+ +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

First add mod ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs; to lib.rs. Then you can add the +following code to the src/ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs() {
+    struct Data {
+        a: usize,
+        b: usize,
+    }
+    fn change_field_by_ref(field: &mut usize) {
+        *field += 1;
+    }
+    let mut data = Data { a: 1, b: 2 };
+    let a_ref = &mut data.a;
+    let b_ref = &mut data.b;
+    change_field_by_ref(a_ref);
+    change_field_by_ref(b_ref);
+    assert_eq!(data.a, 2);
+    assert_eq!(data.b, 3);
+ +

The next example shows a struct that only contains references. As long as the owned struct +and the references live for the same lifetime, it all works. Add the following code to the +same file:

+ +
+fn ex_5_splitting_borrows_on_structs_2() {
+    struct Data<'a> {
+        field_usize: &'a mut usize,
+        field_str: &'a str,
+    }
+    impl Data<'_> {
+        fn new<'a>(
+            str_param: &'a str, usize_param: &'a mut usize
+        ) -> Data<'a>
+        {
+            Data {
+                field_usize: usize_param,
+                field_str: str_param,
+            }
+        }
+        fn change_field_usize(&mut self) {
+            *self.field_usize += 1;
+        }
+        fn change_field_str(&mut self) {
+            self.field_str = "new value";
+        }
+    }
+    let str_arg = "old value";
+    let usize_arg = &mut 1;
+    let mut data = Data::new(str_arg, usize_arg);
+    data.change_field_usize();
+    data.change_field_str();
+    assert_eq!(*data.field_usize, 2);
+    assert_eq!(data.field_str, "new value");

+ + + Example 6: Clone on write (Cow) # + + +

+ +

+ +

The Cow type is a smart pointer +that can be used to work with both owned and borrowed data.

  • It is useful when you want to avoid unnecessary allocations and copying.
  • +
  • You can also use it in functions where you might need to mutate the argument; in which +case the data will be lazily cloned when mutation or ownership is required.
  • +
+ +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

First add mod ex_6_cow; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_6_cow.rs file.

+ +
+fn ex_6_cow() {
+    use std::borrow::Cow;
+    fn capitalize<'a>(input: Cow<'a, str>) -> Cow<'a, str> {
+        if input.is_empty() {
+            return input;
+        }
+        if input.chars().all(char::is_uppercase) {
+            return input;
+        }
+        let mut cloned = String::with_capacity(input.len());
+        cloned.push_str(&input[..1].to_uppercase());
+        cloned.push_str(&input[1..]);
+        Cow::Owned(cloned)
+    }
+    let borrowed_data = Cow::Borrowed("hello");
+    let owned_data = Cow::Owned(String::from("world"));
+    let capitalized_borrowed_data = capitalize(borrowed_data);
+    let capitalized_owned_data = capitalize(owned_data);
+    assert_eq!(capitalized_borrowed_data, "Hello");
+    assert_eq!(capitalized_owned_data, "World");
+ +

Notes on the code:

+ +
  • The capitalize function takes a Cow as an argument. It also returns a Cow.
  • +
  • The Cow type is an enum that can hold either a borrowed reference or an owned value.
  • +
  • The capitalize function will return the input unchanged if it is already capitalized. +Otherwise it allocates a new capitalized string, moves into into a Cow and returns it +as an owned value.
  • +
+ +

Next, add the following code to the same file:

+ +
+fn ex_6_cow_2() {
+    use std::borrow::Cow;
+    fn capitalize_mut<'a>(input: &mut Cow<'a, str>) {
+        if input.is_empty() {
+            return;
+        }
+        if input.chars().all(char::is_uppercase) {
+            return;
+        }
+        let mut cloned = String::with_capacity(input.len());
+        cloned.push_str(&input[..1].to_uppercase());
+        cloned.push_str(&input[1..]);
+        *input = Cow::Owned(cloned);
+    }
+    let mut borrowed_data = Cow::Borrowed("hello");
+    let mut owned_data = Cow::Owned(String::from("world"));
+    capitalize_mut(&mut borrowed_data);
+    capitalize_mut(&mut owned_data);
+    assert_eq!(borrowed_data, "Hello");
+    assert_eq!(owned_data, "World");
+ +

Notes on the code:

+ +
  • The capitalize_mut function takes a mutable reference to a Cow as an argument.
  • +
  • It will mutate the input in place if it is not already capitalized. This requires +cloning the input string.
  • +

+ + + Example 7: Subtyping and variance # + + +

+ +

+ +

Please refer to the Subtyping and variance section for +more information, before following this example.

+ +

Let’s define that Sub is a subtype of Super (ie Sub : Super).

  • What this is suggesting to us is that the set of requirements that Super defines +are completely satisfied by Sub.
  • +
  • Sub may then have more requirements.
  • +
  • That is, Sub > Super.
  • +
+ +

Replacing this with lifetimes, 'long : 'short if and only if

  • 'long defines a region of code that completely contains 'short.
  • +
  • 'long may define a region larger than 'short, but that still fits our +definition.
  • +
  • That is, 'long > 'short.
  • +
+ +

More info:

+ + +

The code for this example is +here.

+ +

First add mod ex_7_subtyping_and_variance; to lib.rs. Then you can add the following code to the +src/ex_7_subtyping_and_variance.rs file.

+ +
+fn subtyping() {
+    fn debug<'a, T: std::fmt::Display + ?Sized>(a: &'a T, b: &'a T) {
+        println!("a: {}, b: {}", a, b);
+    }
+    let hello: &'static str = "hello";
+    // 'short {
+    {
+        let world = "world".to_string();
+        debug(
+            /*&'static*/ hello,
+            &/*'short*/  world
+        );
+        // Why does this work?
+        // 1) `&'static str` : `&'short str`
+        //       ↑                ↑
+        //     Subtype          Super type
+        // 2) `hello` silently downgrades from `&'static str`
+        //    into `&'short str`
+    }
+    // }
+ +

Notes on the code above:

+ +
  • fn debug(a, b): +
    • Since: &'a T is covariant over 'a, we are allowed to perform subtyping.
    • +
    • And: &'static str is a subtype of &'short str.
    • +
    • And since: +
      'static : 'short
      +  ↑       ↑
      + Sub     Super
    • +
  • +
  • +

    Here’s a short table with the rules:

    + +
    |                 | `'a`     | `T` |
    +| `&'a T`         | C        | C   |
    +| `&'a mut T`     | C        | I   |
  • +
+ +

Now, add the following code to the same file:

+ +
/// More info:
+/// - <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/subtyping.html>
+fn variance() {
+    fn assign<'a, T>(reference: &'a mut T, value: T) {
+        *reference = value;
+    }
+    let mut hello: &'static str = "hello";
+    // 'short {
+    {
+        let world = "world".to_string();
+        /* 🧨 does not compile! Due to invariance, the 2 args are
+           different types!
+        */
+        // assign(
+        //     &mut/*&'static*/ hello,
+        //     &/*'short*/      world
+        // );
+        // `&mut T` is invariant over `T`, meaning, these are
+        // incompatible:
+        //
+        // 1. 1st arg: `&mut &'static str`, which is `&mut T`
+        //    where `T = &'static str`.
+        // 2. 2nd arg: `&'short str`, and it is expecting
+        //    `T = &'static str`. This `T` does not match!
+        //
+        // This means that:
+        // - `&mut &'static str` cannot be a subtype of `&'short str`
+        // - even if `'static` **is** a subtype of `'short`
+    }
+    // }
+ +

Notes on the code:

+ +
  1. Take a mutable reference and a value and overwrite the referent with it.
  2. +
  3. It clearly says in its signature the referent and the value must be the + exact same type. +
    • &mut T is invariant over T, meaning,
    • +
    • &mut &'long T is NOT a subtype of &'short T,
    • +
    • Even when: +
      'long : 'short
      +↑       ↑
      +Sub     Super
    • +
  4. +
  5. Here’s a short table with the rules: +
    |                 | `'a`     | `T` |
    +| `&'a T`         | C        | C   |
    +| `&'a mut T`     | C        | I   |
  6. +

+ + + Build with Naz video series on developerlife.com YouTube channel # + + +

+ +

+ +

If you have comments and feedback on this content, or would like to request new content +(articles & videos) on developerlife.com, please join our discord +server.

+ +

You can watch a video series on building this crate with Naz on the +developerlife.com YouTube channel.

+ + + + +
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