VN Provinces API is an open API that provides information about administrative units in Vietnam across four levels:
- Region
- Province
- District
- Ward
For more information about API usecases, documentation, please visit links below:
Server: Django, Rest Framework
Databases: MySQL
Client: Html, Vanilla CSS, VueJS, Vuetify
Documentation: OpenAPI, drf-spectacular
Contributions are always welcome!
Please fork the repo then start pull requests.
- Firstly clone this repository
git clone
cd vn-provinces-api
- This project uses pipenv to manage virtual environment. Let's install pipenv first, then install project dependencies.
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
To run API local on your machine, you need a SQL server. Download and install MySQL here
After installing MySQL server, you will have a root user with password. Let's enter these information in development settings file at this address:
province > settings >
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'province',
'HOST': 'localhost',
- The last step to setup our database is to create
database on the server which we've just installed. Open mysql shell and run create database command.
- Congratulation now everything set and we are ready to run API on our machine
pipenv shell
python migrate
python runserver
Checkout the homepage of API at default url:
At this point, everything should work, but if you visit the api endpoint like, the response results would be empty, since there is nothing on our database. So let's populate database with some demo data.
python seed_test_db
Repository already has all tests to test endpoint behaviours, there are total 9 tests for 9 endpoints. To run tests, please do following steps:
First install necessary development packages:
pipenv install --dev
Then run tests: