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A Flutter plugin to get device region settings such as measurement system, temperature units, and date/number formats.

Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows


To use this plugin, add region_settings as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Call RegionSettings to access device region settings including temperature unit, measurement system, and date/number format preferences:

import 'package:region_settings/region_settings.dart';

final RegionSettings regionSettings = await RegionSettings.getSettings();

TemperatureUnit temperatureUnits = regionSettings.temperatureUnits;
// US default: TemperatureUnit.fahrenheit
// UK default: TemperatureUnit.celsius
// FR default: TemperatureUnit.celsius

bool usesMetricSystem = regionSettings.usesMetricSystem;
// US default: false
// UK default: true
// FR default: true

int firstDayOfWeek = regionSettings.firstDayOfWeek;
// US default: 7
// UK default: 1
// FR default: 1

String dateFormatShort = regionSettings.dateFormat.short;
// US default: M/d/yy
// UK default: dd/MM/y
// FR default: dd/MM/y

String dateFormatMedium = regionSettings.dateFormat.medium;
// US default: MMM d, y
// UK default: d MMM y
// FR default: d MMM y

String dateFormatLong = regionSettings.dateFormat.long;
// US default: MMMM d, y
// UK default: d MMMM y
// FR default: d MMMM y

String numberFormatInteger = regionSettings.dateFormat.integer;
// US default: #,###,###
// UK default: #,###,###
// FR default: # ### ###

String numberFormatDecimal = regionSettings.dateFormat.decimal;
// US default: #,###,###.##
// UK default: #,###,###.##
// FR default: # ### ###,##

temperatureUnits is set to an enum with the following possible values:

enum value
TemperatureUnit.celsius 'C'
TemperatureUnit.fahrenheit 'F'

firstDayOfWeek is an integer in the range 1..7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday. This value corresponds to the dart:core DateTime weekday property, and can be compared to constants such as DateTime.monday, as demonstrated in the example app.

The three dateFormat values are the date formatting patterns used by the device's locale and/or region settings. For example, the UK English short date format is typically 'dd/MM/y', while US English uses 'MM/dd/y'. Pass the date format pattern to a function like intl DateFormat to use this in a Flutter app.

The numberFormat values are the number formatting patterns used by the device's locale and/or region settings. This includes group separator characters. For example, US and UK English typically use decimal number format '#,###,###.##', while in France '# ### ###,##' is the default. Unfortunately, not all number format patterns work with intl NumberFormat, so it is not recommended to pass the pattern directly to NumberFormat. Instead, parse the pattern as needed; the example app includes a simplistic demonstration.

iOS Implementation

Measurement System and Temperature Units

This plugin accesses Language & Region settings on iOS. Users can specify a Temperature preference (degrees C or degrees F) and a Measurement System preference (US, UK, or Metric). For the purposes of this plugin, the UK Measurement System is considered equivalent to Metric.

Note that the Temperature preference is not always honored when running on iOS simulators; however, it is reported correctly on physical devices.

First Day of Week

iOS 16 and later add a First Day of Week preference to Language & Region. iOS allows selecting any of day of the week. To surface the user's first day of week preference, the First Day of Week setting is used by this plugin, if available. On older versions of iOS that lack this setting, the plugin falls back to assuming the first day of week based on the device's locale. See Table of First Day of Week by Country below.

Date and Number Formats

The plugin gets date and number format patterns from iOS. On older versions of iOS, the format patterns depend on the device's language setting. iOS 16 and later add Date Format and Number Format preferences to Language & Region, which allows the user to change the formats independently of the language's defaults, including the separator characters.

Android Implementation

Measurement System

Android does not have an OS-level measurement system setting. Instead, the plugin must guess the measurement system based on the device's locale. The plugin considers the following countries to be non-Metric:

  • American Samoa (US)
  • Bahamas
  • Belize
  • Cayman Islands
  • Guam (US)
  • Liberia
  • Marshall Islands
  • Micronesia
  • Northern Mariana Islands (US)
  • Palau
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • United States
  • US Minor Outlying Islands
  • US Virgin Islands

All other countries are considered to be Metric users.

If the above list of countries is found to be inaccurate, please submit an issue or PR.

Temperature Units

Android 14 and later include a separate Temperature preference in Regional Preferences. If available, the plugin will use this setting. If not available, the plugin will fall back to the locale, where Metric countries are assumed to use Celsius and non-Metric countries are assumed to use Fahrenheit.

First Day of Week

Android 14 and later add a First Day of Week preference to Regional Preferences. Android allows selecting any of day of the week. To surface the user's first day of week preference, the First Day of Week setting is used by this plugin, if available. On older versions of Android that lack this setting, the plugin falls back to assuming the first day of week based on the device's locale. See Table of First Day of Week by Country below.

Date Format

Android date formats are based on the device's locale. However, fetching the date format pattern is only possible in API 26 (Oreo) and later. The plugin will do this on supported versions of Android. On older versions of Android, the plugin falls back to standard patterns that should be recognizable worldwide, such as 'yyyy-MM-dd' for the short date.

Number Format

Android number formats are based on the device's locale using standard Java NumberFormat methods.

Table of First Day of Week by Country

In most countries, Monday or Sunday are considered the first day of the week, with Friday or Saturday also used in some places. The following table shows how this plugin determines which countries use which day. This list was sourced from

Monday Friday Saturday Sunday
All other countries Maldives American Samoa (US) Antigua and Barbuda
Afghanistan Australia
Algeria Bahamas
Bahrain Bangladesh
Djibouti Belize
Egypt Bhutan
Iran Botswana
Iraq Brazil
Jordan Cambodia
Kuwait Canada
Libya China
Oman Colombia
Qatar Dominica
Sudan Dominican Republic
Syria El Salvador
United Arab Emirates Ethiopia
Guam (US)
Hong Kong
Marshall Islands
Puerto Rico
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
US Minor Outlying Islands
US Virgin Islands

If the above list of countries is found to be inaccurate, please submit an issue or PR.


This plugin was written primarily to improve support for region defaults in Cuppa.

Author: Nathan Cosgray