The basic installation guides: install-opencv in ubuntu and "how to install opencv in ubuntu"
Despite downolading from source or building the library a major issue can be the "Cmake" part
As the second article implies after executing the command "cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF .." one should see ant and JNI been configured
If thats not the case, you might need to set the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME inside /etc/profile (some articles imply to add them inside /etc/enviroment which also works). Article that helped building-native-libraries-not-working/ how to build opencv with java
Also in case that you have set these and still cmake does not find JAVA reinstalling both Ant and jdk helped
By using the mj command, the *jar and *so files are produced, which can be used for intelij
In order to be able to use the OpenCV library, the *so files should be moved in the java library path this is not related to Intelij been able to perform autocomplete actions (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37901505/java-opencv-from-maven?noredirect=1&lq=1)
After adding the *so file under /usr/lib the Classpathnotfound was solved
In order to change the opencv jar https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57160735/how-to-use-opencv-build-opencv-and-opencv-contrib-in-a-maven-project