Automate the boring stuff
- - merge multiple .nessus files into one. must be run in the same folder as .nessus files to be merged. stores resulting file in nss_report/report.nessus (Source: unknown)
- - dump nessus information based on vulnerabilities (severity, vulnerability name, ports affected, description, solution, references, hosts affected, cve id's) into an html table format. can be redirected to .html / .xls files using > redirection operator. (Based on:
- - dump nessus information based on vulnerabilities (severity, vulnerability name, ports affected, hosts affected) into an html table format. can be redirected to .html / .xls files using > redirection operator. (Based on:
Nessus2HostIpMapper - dump ip address and host name from .nessus files into an html table format. can be redirected to .html / .xls files using > redirection operator.