All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.3.0 (2017-11-09)
- api: products page size (#96) (f1f11c9)
- deploy: email update parallelism (a465d50)
- email: add git to dockerfile (93d0c58)
- email: mail-notifier dependencies bug (#84) (7e93d55)
- web: production build bug (f52c0bc)
- api: add order confirmation (#82) (68403d7)
- api: add product search endpoint (#94) (699b048)
- api: api orders history (#89) (605683e)
- api: api pagination (#91) (7f1e4fb)
- ci: cleanup docker images and containers (#104) (dfb20ac), closes #72
- email: add signature to emails (#100) (22138e2)
- email: order history (#95) (2275a91), closes #88
- queue: connection with arquitran and refactor (#86) (f00f53e)
- web: add product search (#101) (cb24c43)
- web: web orders history (#92) (2bd96ef)
0.2.0 (2017-10-18)
0.1.0 (2017-10-18)
- deploy: api env vars (#66) (109f1af)
- deploy: email deploy (#69) (d0a5f16)
- mailer: mailer init and config (#65) (2c92088), closes #55 #26
- web: products and error handling (#64) (b506e2a)
- api: missing parenthesis (#59) (404cd4a)
- api: parsing type error in params (#57) (cee3644)
- ci: circleci config (dd72306)
- ci: circleci config (1afdb51)
- ci: circleci config (94f6f11)
- ci: circleci config (39d6864)
- ci: circleci config (d551cd9)
- ci: circleci config (b16e125)
- docker: web dockerfile (cae0540)
- web: fix login validation (#40) (5ab9b99), closes #29
- api: authentication (#3) (8285068)
- api: cache improvements (#17) (390fd4a)
- api: cors (#5) (781859d)
- api: orders endpoint (#54) (1b2c364)
- api: products endpoints (#13) (b51533f)
- api: test mongo api (f935fa0)
- api: user validations (#4) (824c443)
- api: users endpoints (#15) (7a2ff52)
- ci: circleci integration (#1) (a0f4875)
- deploy: standar-version deploy (#62) (4606cc0)
- docker: api docker image (#6) (d008c53)
- docker: deploy config (#60) (edda59d), closes #52 #51 #55
- docker: deploy config to docker swarm (#33) (31fe9bc), closes #32 #18 #19 #20 #21 #24 #30 #34
- docker: deploy in one machine with docker-compose (#11) (1eec718)
- docker: deploy queue and queue visualizer (#45) (51e830e), closes #41 #44
- docker: mongodb replication (#49) (8f37387), closes #25 #46
- docker: swarm deploy api and mongo (#16) (4a6b131)
- queue: add sentAt to body request (#48) (8cbc7ee)
- queue: env variables, error handling, order api (#42) (ce4a2f0)
- queue: fix orders body parsing (#53) (11fe3f3)
- queue: init and purchase endpoint (#35) (356e04e), closes #27
- web: Cart (#22) (a6b91d3)
- web: authentication (#12) (325d377)
- web: orders (b48e4f3)
- web: products (#23) (84ac93e)
- web: products (#61) (18b5c43)
- web: project up and authentication (#2) (aca4624)
- web: use api env url (#10) (f9f4c42)