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Google Cloud Functions Recipes

Cloud BigQuery


This recipe demonstrates using Cloud Functions to import data into BigQuery in response to a file upload event in Cloud Storage. Where applicable:

Replace [PROJECT-ID] with your Cloud Platform project ID

Notes on deployment

If you have a large number of dependencies in your package.json file and you run npm install locally, you may find deployments to be slow because you will be deploying your fully-materialized node_modules folder. If you don't have any private modules in your node_modules folder we recommend you rm -rf node_modules prior to invoking deploy

Cooking the Recipe

  1. Follow the Cloud Functions quickstart guide to setup Cloud Functions for your project

  2. Clone this repository

    cd ~/
    git clone
    cd gcf-recipes/bigquery
  3. Create a Cloud Storage Bucket to stage our deployment

    gsutil mb gs://[PROJECT-ID]-gcf-recipes-bucket
  4. Create a Cloud Storage Bucket to recieve files. This is the bucket we will watch for changes

    gsutil mb gs://[PROJECT-ID]-bq-in
  5. Create a Cloud Storage Bucket to house processed files. This is the bucket we will move files to when they are imported. This should match the bucket name in config.js

    gsutil mb gs://[PROJECT-ID]-bq-processed
  6. Deploy the "onFileArrived" function with a Cloud Storage trigger. We'll use the same name as step #4 above. This will cause our function to execute when files are written to this bucket

    gcloud alpha functions deploy onFileArrived --bucket [PROJECT-ID]-gcf-recipes-bucket --trigger-gs-uri [PROJECT-ID]-bq-in
  7. Upload a file to the bucket. We're going to use a sample CSV containing DC Comics superhero data

    gsutil cp dc-wikia-data.csv gs://[PROJECT-ID]-bq-in
  8. Check the logs for the "onFileArrived" function to make sure the function was triggered and the data was imported

    gcloud alpha functions get-logs onFileArrived --min-log-level INFO --limit 100

You should see something like this in your console

I ... onFileArrived triggered
I ... Sending file dc-wikia-data.csv to BigQuery...
I ... Importing data from dc-wikia-data.csv into gcf_bq_dataset/gcf_bq_table...
I ... Data import job created
I ... File imported successfully, marking as done...
I ... File marked as done.  Function complete.
  1. Now you can query the dataset using the bq command line utility. Just how many white-haired, green-eyed, living, evil superhero characters are there?

    bq query "SELECT NAME, YEAR FROM [gcf_bq_dataset.gcf_bq_table] WHERE EYE='Green Eyes' AND ALIGN='Bad Characters' AND HAIR='White Hair' AND ALIVE='Living Characters'"

You should see this result:

|           NAME            | YEAR |
| Joshua Walker (New Earth) | 2008 |
| Doomslayer (New Earth)    | 2011 |

Running Tests

This recipe comes with a suite of unit tests. To run the tests locally, just use npm test

npm install
npm test

The tests will also produce code coverage reports, written to the /coverage directory. After running the tests, you can view coverage with

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html