This class implements a quasi-recurrent layer that can be applied to a set of vector sequences.
The output is a sequence of vectors, each of GetHiddenSize()
Unlike LSTM or GRU, this layer performs most of calculations before the recurrent part, which leads to significant performance improvement on GPU. It's achieved by using time convolution.
Based on this article.
// Different poolings used in QRNN
enum TPoolingType {
PT_FPooling, // f-pooling from article, uses 2 gates (Update, Forget)
PT_FoPooling, // fo-pooling from article, uses 3 gates (Update, Forget, Output)
PT_IfoPooling, // ifo pooling from article, uses 4 gates (Update, Forget, Output, Input)
void SetPoolingType(TPoolingType newPoolingType);
Sets the pooling type. Pooling is the recurrent part of the QRNN layer. The exact formulas are given in the article.
Hidden layer size
void SetHiddenSize(int hiddenSize);
Sets the hidden layer size. It affects the output size.
void SetWindowSize(int windowSize);
Sets the size of the window used in time convolution.
void SetStride(int stride);
Sets the stride of the window used in time convolution.
void SetPaddingFront(int padding);
Specifies how many zero elements should be added to the begginnings of the sequences before performing convolution. The default value is 0
, that is, no padding used.
void SetPaddingBack(int padding);
Specifies how many zero elements should be added to the ends of the sequences before performing convolution. The default value is 0
, that is, no padding used.
void SetActivation( TActivationFunction newActivation );
Sets the activation function that is used in update
gate. By default, AF_Tanh
is used.
void SetDropout(float rate);
Sets the dropout probability in forget
// Different approaches in sequence processing
enum TRecurrentMode {
// Bidirectional mode where two recurrent parts share the same time convolution
RM_BidirectionalConcat, // returns the concatenation of direct and reverse recurrents
RM_BidirectionalSum, // returns the sum of direct and reverse recurrents
// If you want to use bidirectional qrnn with two separate time convolutions create 2 CQrnnLayers
// and merge the results by CConcatChannelsLayer or CEltwiseSumLayer
void SetRecurrentMode( TRecurrentMode newMode );
Sets the way this layer processes input sequences.
CPtr<CDnnBlob> GetFilterData() cons;
The filters containing the weights for each gate. The filters are represented by a blob of the following dimensions:
is equal to1
is equal togates * GetHiddenSize()
, wheregates
is used,3
in case ofPT_FoPooling
in case ofPT_IfoPooling
is equal toGetWindowSize()
is equal to1
is equal to1
is equal to the inputsHeight * Width * Depth * Channels
The BatchWidth
axis corresponds to the gate weights, in the following order:
G_Update, // update gate (Z in the article)
G_Forget, // forget gate (F in the article)
G_Output, // output gate if used (O in the article)
G_Input, // input gate if used (I in the article)
CPtr<CDnnBlob> GetFreeTermData() const
The free terms are represented by a blob of the total size of BatchWidth
of filters above. The order in which they correspond to the gates is the same as above.
The layer may have 1 to 2 inputs:
- The set of vector sequences.
- [Optional] The initial state of the recurrent part before the first step. If this input is not specified, the initial state is all zeros.
- the length of one vector sequence.BatchWidth
- the number of vector sequences in the input set.Height * Width * Depth * Channels
- the size of each vector in the sequence.
should be1
must be equal to theBatchWidth
of the first input.Channels
must be equal toGetHiddenSize()
The only output contains a blob with the results. The output blob dimensions are:
can be calculated from the input as(BatchLength + GetPaddingFront() + GetPaddingBack() - (GetWindowSize() - 1)) / GetStride() + 1)
is equal to the inputs'BatchWidth
are equal to1
is equal to2 * GetHiddenSize()
. Otherwise it's equal toGetHiddenSize()