On 1minute 1080p file
46.866s / 45.314s
34.834s 35.933s
6.099s 6.008s
Upscaling 1080p->4k
Bitrate 16->80mbit
15.469s 15.564s 15.484s
54.255s (29.196s of measured drawing time (runs on CPU))
- about 10s is overhead from passing memory to GPU and GPU applying the overlay
- about 29s is overhead from crude CPU drawing without caching that can be improved
Note the overlay is now generated after scaling - i.e. CPU measurements were in 1080p genration, GPU is in 4K
- Video length: 39m30s
- Resolution: 1080p
- Full GPU impl
- no overlays
Time: 8m45.467s (4x speedup!)