The DPDHL Product Information API SDK package offers an interface to the following web services:
- ProdWS 1.1
- PHP 8.1+ with SOAP extension
: PSR-3 logger interfaces
: Testing framework
$ composer require deutschepost/sdk-api-prodws
$ composer remove deutschepost/sdk-api-prodws
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml
The DPDHL Product Information API SDK supports the following features:
- Get Product Versions List
Obtain the versioned lists of sales products and their components (basic products and additions).
The library's components suitable for consumption comprise
- services:
- service factory
- product information service
- data transfer objects:
- product list
$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();
$serviceFactory = new \DeutschePost\Sdk\ProdWS\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createProductInformationService('user', 'password', $logger);
$productLists = $service->getProductLists('MANDANT_ID');