() indicates the task name in the lmms_eval. The task name is also used to specify the dataset in the configuration file. The following is manually updated documentation. You could use
lmms_eval task --list
to list all supported tasks and their task names.
- AI2D (ai2d)
- ChartQA (chartqa)
- CMMMU (cmmmu)
- CMMMU Validation (cmmmu_val)
- CMMMU Test (cmmmu_test)
- COCO Caption (coco_cap)
- COCO 2014 Caption (coco2014_cap)
- COCO 2014 Caption Validation (coco2014_cap_val)
- COCO 2014 Caption Test (coco2014_cap_test)
- COCO 2017 Caption (coco2017_cap)
- COCO 2017 Caption MiniVal (coco2017_cap_val)
- COCO 2017 Caption MiniTest (coco2017_cap_test)
- COCO 2014 Caption (coco2014_cap)
- ConBench (conbench)
- DOCVQA (docvqa)
- DOCVQA Validation (docvqa_val)
- DOCVQA Test (docvqa_test)
- Ferret (ferret)
- Flickr30K (flickr30k)
- Ferret Test (ferret_test)
- GQA (gqa)
- HallusionBenchmark (hallusion_bench_image)
- Infographic VQA (info_vqa)
- Infographic VQA Validation (info_vqa_val)
- Infographic VQA Test (info_vqa_test)
- LLaVA-Bench (llava_in_the_wild)
- LLaVA-Bench-COCO (llava_bench_coco)
- MathVerse (mathverse)
- MathVerse Text Dominant (mathverse_testmini_text_dominant)
- MathVerse Text Only (mathverse_testmini_text_only)
- MathVerse Text Lite (mathverse_testmini_text_lite)
- MathVerse Vision Dominant (mathverse_testmini_vision_dominant)
- MathVerse Vision Intensive (mathverse_testmini_vision_intensive)
- MathVerse Vision Only (mathverse_testmini_vision_only)
- MathVista (mathvista)
- MathVista Validation (mathvista_testmini)
- MathVista Test (mathvista_test)
- MMBench (mmbench)
- MMBench English (mmbench_en)
- MMBench English Dev (mmbench_en_dev)
- MMBench English Test (mmbench_en_test)
- MMBench Chinese (mmbench_cn)
- MMBench Chinese Dev (mmbench_cn_dev)
- MMBench Chinese Test (mmbench_cn_test)
- MMBench English (mmbench_en)
- MME (mme)
- MMMU (mmmu)
- MMMU Validation (mmmu_val)
- MMMU Test (mmmu_test)
- MMStar (mmstar)
- MMUPD (mmupd)
- MMUPD Base (mmupd_base)
- MMAAD Base (mmaad_base)
- MMIASD Base (mmiasd_base)
- MMIVQD Base (mmivqd_base)
- MMUPD Option (mmupd_option)
- MMAAD Option (mmaad_option)
- MMIASD Option (mmiasd_option)
- MMIVQD Option (mmivqd_option)
- MMUPD Instruction (mmupd_instruction)
- MMAAD Instruction (mmaad_instruction)
- MMIASD Instruction (mmiasd_instruction)
- MMIVQD Instruction (mmivqd_instruction)
- MMUPD Base (mmupd_base)
- MMVet (mmvet)
- Multi-DocVQA (multidocvqa)
- Multi-DocVQA Validation (multidocvqa_val)
- Multi-DocVQA Test (multidocvqa_test)
- NoCaps (nocaps)
- NoCaps Validation (nocaps_val)
- NoCaps Test (nocaps_test)
- OKVQA (ok_vqa)
- OKVQA Validation 2014 (ok_vqa_val2014)
- POPE (pope)
- RefCOCO (refcoco)
- refcoco_seg_test
- refcoco_seg_val
- refcoco_seg_testA
- refcoco_seg_testB
- refcoco_bbox_test
- refcoco_bbox_val
- refcoco_bbox_testA
- refcoco_bbox_testB
- RefCOCO+ (refcoco+)
- refcoco+_seg
- refcoco+_seg_val
- refcoco+_seg_testA
- refcoco+_seg_testB
- refcoco+_bbox
- refcoco+_bbox_val
- refcoco+_bbox_testA
- refcoco+_bbox_testB
- refcoco+_seg
- RefCOCOg (refcocog)
- refcocog_seg_test
- refcocog_seg_val
- refcocog_bbox_test
- refcocog_bbox_val
- ScienceQA (scienceqa_full)
- ScienceQA Full (scienceqa)
- ScienceQA IMG (scienceqa_img)
- ScreenSpot (screenspot)
- ScreenSpot REC / Grounding (screenspot_rec)
- ScreenSpot REG / Instruction Generation (screenspot_reg)
- SeedBench (seedbench)
- SeedBench 2 (seedbench_2)
- ST-VQA (stvqa)
- TextCaps (textcaps)
- TextCaps Validation (textcaps_val)
- TextCaps Test (textcaps_test)
- TextVQA (textvqa)
- TextVQA Validation (textvqa_val)
- TextVQA Test (textvqa_test)
- VizWizVQA (vizwiz_vqa)
- VizWizVQA Validation (vizwiz_vqa_val)
- VizWizVQA Test (vizwiz_vqa_test)
- VQAv2 (vqav2)
- VQAv2 Validation (vqav2_val)
- VQAv2 Test (vqav2_test)
- WebSRC (websrc)
- WebSRC Validation (websrc_val)
- WebSRC Test (websrc_test)