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File metadata and controls

268 lines (224 loc) · 9.52 KB


Pontella is a lightweight command line parser.


Within a Git repository, run the commands:

mkdir -p third_party
cd third_party
git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive

user guide

Assuming the command line ./program /path/to/file --help --verbose 1, Pontella can be called as follows:

#include "../third_party/pontella/source/pontella.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const auto command = pontella::parse(argc, argv, 1, {{"verbose", {"v"}}}, {{"help", {"h"}}});
    return 0;

The function pontella::parse has the signature:

namespace pontella {
    /// parse turns argc and argv into parsed arguments and options.
    /// If numberOfArguments is negative, the number of arguments is unlimited.
    command parse(
        int argc,
        char* argv[],
        int64_t number_of_arguments,
        std::initializer_list<label> options,
        std::initializer_list<label> flags);
  • argc is the program's argc passed to the main function.
  • argv is the program's argv passed to the main function.
  • number_of_arguments is the expected number of positional arguments. If the incorrect number of arguments is passed to the program, pontella::parse will throw an exception. To allow any number of arguments, set number_of_arguments to -1.
  • options lists the available options (named arguments with a parameter) and their aliases (each option can have any number of aliases).
  • flags lists the available flags (named arguments without parameter) and their aliases (each flag can have any number of aliases).

The type pontella::label represents an option or a flag, and is defined as:

namespace pontella {
    /// label represents an option or flag name, and its aliases.
    struct label {
        std::string name;
        std::unordered_set<std::string> aliases;

The returned pontella::command is defined by:

namespace pontella {
    /// command contains parsed arguments, options and flags.
    struct command {

        /// arguments contains the positional arguments given to the program.
        std::vector<std::string> arguments;

        /// options contains the named options and the associated parameter given to the program.
        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> options;

        /// flags contains the named flags given to the program.
        std::unordered_set<std::string> flags;

An an example, to check wether help is requested, one can write:

#include "../third_party/pontella/source/pontella.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const auto command = pontella::parse(argc, argv, 1, {{"verbose", {"v"}}}, {{"help", {"h"}}});

    if (command.flags.find("help") != command.flags.end()) {
        // display help here

    return 0;

pontella::parse may throw two kinds of exceptions: std::logic_error are thrown when the options and flags chosen by the programer are not valid, whereas std::runtime_error are thrown when the arguments given by the user do not match the options and flags.

Pontella authorizes the following syntaxes for options:

  • ./program /path/to/file --help --verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help --verbose=1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help -verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help -verbose=1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help --v 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help --v=1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help -v 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --help -v=1

Pontella authorizes the following syntaxes for flags:

  • ./program /path/to/file --help --verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file -help --verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --h --verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file -h --verbose 1

All the positions for options and flags are possible:

  • ./program /path/to/file --help --verbose 1
  • ./program /path/to/file --verbose 1 --help
  • ./program --help /path/to/file --verbose 1
  • ./program --help --verbose 1 /path/to/file
  • ./program --verbose 1 /path/to/file --help
  • ./program --verbose 1 --help /path/to/file

The function pontella::main automatically adds an help flag (with alias h), and shows the specified message when exceptions are thrown (either by pontella::parse or the handler function):

#include "../third_party/pontella/source/pontella.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    return pontella::main(
        {"This program does not do much",
         "Syntax: ./program [options]",
         "Available options:",
         "    -h, --help    shows this help message"},
        [](pontella::command command) {
            // your application goes there

The pontella::main function has the signature:

namespace pontella {
    /// main wraps error handling and message display.
    template <typename HandleCommand>
    inline int main(
        std::initializer_list<std::string> lines,
        int argc,
        char* argv[],
        int64_t number_of_arguments,
        std::initializer_list<label> options,
        std::initializer_list<label> flags,
        HandleCommand handle_command);
  • lines is a list of strings joined with the line break character to generate the help message.
  • argc is the program's argc passed to the main function.
  • argv is the program's argv passed to the main function.
  • number_of_arguments is the expected number of positional arguments. If the incorrect number of arguments is passed to the program, pontella::parse will throw an exception. To allow any number of arguments, set number_of_arguments to -1.
  • options lists the available options (named arguments with a parameter) and their aliases (each option can have any number of aliases).
  • flags lists the available flags (named arguments without parameter) and their aliases (each flag can have any number of aliases). The flag help (with alias h) is added internally before calling pontella::parse.
  • handle_command must be compatible with the expression handle_command(pontella::command).

More control can be achieved with manual error handling:

#include "../third_party/pontella/source/pontella.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    pontella::label help{"help", {"h"}};
    auto show_help = false;
    try {
        const auto command = pontella::parse(argc, argv, 1, {{"verbose", {"v"}}}, {help});
        if (command.flags.find("help") != command.flags.end()) {
            show_help = true;
        } else {
            const auto name_and_argument = command.options.find("verbose");
            if (name_and_argument != command.options.end()){
                const auto verbose = std::stoull(name_and_argument->second);
                if (verbose > 3) {
                    throw std::runtime_error("'verbose' must be in the range [0, 2]");
    } catch (const std::runtime_error& exception) {
        show_help = true;
        if (!pontella::test(argc, argv, help)) {
            std::cerr << exception.what() << std::endl;
    if (show_help) {
        std::cerr << "Syntax: ./program [options]\n"
                     "Available options:\n"
                     "    -v [level], --verbose [level]   defines the verbose level (defaults to 0)\n"
                     "    -h, --help                      shows this help message\n"
                  << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;

This example uses the function pontella::test, with the signature:

namespace pontella {
    /// test determines wether the given flag was used.
    /// It is meant to be used to hide the error message when a specific flag (such as help) is given.
    /// This method does not work with options.
    bool test(int argc, char* argv[], const label& flag);


development dependencies

Debian / Ubuntu

Open a terminal and run:

sudo apt install premake4 # cross-platform build configuration
sudo apt install clang-format # formatting tool


Open a terminal and run:

brew install premake # cross-platform build configuration
brew install clang-format # formatting tool

If the command is not found, you need to install Homebrew first with the command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


Download and install:

  • Visual Studio Community. Select at least Desktop development with C++ when asked.
  • git
  • premake 4.x. In order to use it from the command line, the premake4.exe executable must be copied to a directory in your path. After downloading and decompressing, run from the command line:
copy "%userprofile%\Downloads\premake-4.4-beta5-windows\premake4.exe" "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps"


To test the library, run from the pontella directory:

premake4 gmake
cd build
cd release

Windows users must run premake4 vs2010 instead, and open the generated solution with Visual Studio.

After changing the code, format the source files by running from the pontella directory:

clang-format -i source/pontella.hpp
clang-format -i test/pontella.cpp

Windows users must run Edit > Advanced > Format Document from the Visual Studio menu instead.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU GPLv3).