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executable file
141 lines (98 loc) · 5.02 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
141 lines (98 loc) · 5.02 KB


  • Convert to and from ArcGIS JSON Geometries, WKT and GeoJSON
  • Manipulate GeoJSON with methods like addVertex
  • Find out if GeoJSON shapes intersect or contain each other
  • Get properties like bounding boxes, envelopes, and convex hull of GeoJSON objects
  • Respresent circles as GeoJSON Features
  • Convert to and from Geographic Coordinates and Esri Web Mercator spatial references

Gizipped and minified all Terraformer modules comes to about 9.6kb. The core library is 2.8kb and includes GeoJSON parsing, helper methods, bounding boxes and spatial reference conversions. Other features are available as add-in modules as needed.



Terraformer on Node.js is split into multiple small packages for easy consumption.

$ npm install terraformer
$ npm install terraformer-rtree
$ npm install terraformer-wkt-parser
$ npm install terraformer-arcgis-parser


Terraformer can be used in the browser with a simple browser include.

<!-- Load the main terraformer library -->
<script src="terraformer.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Load the wkt parser -->
<script src="wkt.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Load the arcgis parser -->
<script src="arcgis.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Load the rtree index -->
<script src="rtree.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

AMD (Require.js and Dojo)

Terraformer also works with AMD loaders like RequireJS and Dojo.


First you should register the Terraformer modules with RequireJS

  //In order for proper loading of depenencies in Terraformer modules set the path up in requirejs.config
  paths: {
    terraformer: "/the/path/to/terraformer"

Then you can load Terraformer modules in your require statements.

], function (Terraformer, TerraformerWKT, RTree) {
  // Do stuff with terraformer core, wkt parser, and rtree

Dojo includes a built in AMD loader. To use Terraformer with Dojo setup the path to Terraformer in your dojoConfig.

dojoConfig= {
  async: true,
  packages: [{
    name: "terraformer",
    location: "/the/path/to/terraformer"

You can then include Terraformer in your Dojo code

], function (Terraformer, TerraformerArcGIS, RTree) {
  // Do stuff with terraformer core, arcgis parser, and rtree


Sample code and examples coming soon...








Tests are written in Jasmine and can be run through $ grunt or $ npm install then $ npm test. To run the tests run the following commands to setup PhantomJS and Grunt...

  • $ npm install grunt -g
  • $ brew install phantomjs

Then run the tests with $ grunt which will buld all the files and then run the tests. You can also run $ grunt watch which will run the tests when source files change.


Running the $ grunt build command will build the libraries to dist/node and dist/browser. If you want to build with a different version number run $ grunt build-versioned.

Future Features

  • GeoJSON validation
  • Google Maps format support
  • Leaflet format support

Known Issues

The following are known issues that we have acknowledged but have not or will not fix. See individual issues for details.

  • Convert an array of ArcGIS Geometries/Graphics to a GeometryCollection/FeatureCollection. Esri#104

[](Esri Tags: Terraformer GeoJSON WKT Well-Known-Text) [](Esri Language: JavaScript)