Runs the functional tests.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
Run the Scala functional tests.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
Runs the Scala instrumentation tests.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
Runs the instrumentation tests.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
Runs the AITs.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
- ait-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for running the AITs.
- cache-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use on the cache repos.
Runs the verify instrumentation.
- Test Suite workflow call;
- manual.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
Runs Verify Instrumentation on a single module.
- Manual.
- module - the instrumentation module to be verified.
- ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
This workflow runs all the test workflows except for Verify Instrumentation.
- PRs opened to main;
- push to main;
- manually.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
- ait-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for running the AITs.
- cache-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use on the cache repos.
This workflow runs all the test workflows.
- release creation;
- manually.
- agent-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
- ait-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for running the AITs.
- cache-ref - the branch/tag/sha to use on the cache repos.
This command creates custom jars that we can share with customers.
- ref - the branch/tag/hash that should be checked out to generate the jar;
- description - a description that will show on the summary, so we know the contents of that custom jar.
This workflow checks that the repository conforms to New Relic standards. It will create issues for non conformities.
Retrieves the release artifacts from the Sonatype staging repo and sends to the Java agent team's S3 bucket for inspection.
- repo_name - the sonatype repo to get the artifact from, eg. comnewrelic-1234
- version_number - The version being released, eg. 7.11.0
Retrieves the release artifacts from Maven central and uploads to the downloads website.
- version_number - The version being released, eg. 7.11.0
This workflow sends a snapshot to Maven Central every time a commit is pushed to main.
- Push to main.
This workflow sends release artifacts to Maven Central's staging repo. With this artifact the release process starts.
- Version created in Github.
This workflow will build the agent and add it to the cache (using the run id as the key). Other jobs in the same workflow can then retrieve the agent from the cache, using the same key.
- ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.
uses: ./.github/workflows/X-Reusable-BuildAgent.yml
ref: ${{ inputs.agent-ref || github.sha }}
secrets: inherit
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: build-agent
- name: Retrieve agent from cache
id: retrieve-agent
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: /home/runner/work/newrelic-java-agent/newrelic-java-agent/newrelic-agent/build/newrelicJar/newrelic.jar
key: ${{ github.run_id }}
- name: Do something with the agent
# ...
This workflow is part of VerifyInstrumentation.yml and not meant to be used elsewhere. It was created because the matrix strategy can run at most 255 items. Since we have around 300 instrumentation modules, they had to be processed in batches. This workflow runs one page (batch), so it is called once for each page in the Verify Instrumentation workflow.
- page - the page of modules to be processed. Eg. '1/2', '2/3'
- ref - the branch/tag/sha to use for compiling the agent.