Below are the software developed by news-r, all of which are freely available on Github.
Currently only includes one platform which will let you collect and analyse online news and blog coverage generated around topics of your choosing.
- auritus - Free, open source media monitoring platform (beta)
- Freedom of Press Index - Freedom of Press Index Visualisation
The packages below will you collect news articles and information on the latter.
- newsapi - Integration of
- guardian - The Guardian API
- papers - Information on world wide newspapers
- loc - Library of Congress API
- fopi - Freedom of Press Index API
- webhoser - API
- currents - Currents API
- nytimes - New York Times API
- stocknews - Stocknews API (financial news)
- ft - Financial Times API
- accunews - AccuNews API (local news)
- greatfire - Keywords and URLs Censored on the Chinese Internet
- hoaxy - Monitor fake news
The packages below ease the analysis of news articles though they remain rudiementary (for now).
- gensimr - Topic Modeling for Humans
- word2vec.r - Word2vec from Julia to R
- textanalysis - TextAnalysis.jl for R
- spotlight - Entity extraction with DBPedia Spotlight
- decipher - Easy natural language processing
- factcheck - Fact check queries or publishers
- phrasenets - Create phrase networks
- go-webhose - API
You can install most the above with.
# install.packages("remotes")
sudo su - -c "R -e \"remotes::install_github('news-r/newsr')\""