- Figma - Collaborative interface design tool
- Adobe XD - UI/UX design and prototyping tool
- Sketch - Digital design platform for Mac
- Canva - Graphic design platform
- Visual Studio Code - Free, open-source code editor by Microsoft
- Sublime Text - Sophisticated text editor for code
- WebStorm - Powerful IDE for modern JavaScript development
- Atom - Hackable text editor for the 21st Century
- Git - Distributed version control system
- GitHub - Web-based hosting service for version control using Git
- GitLab - Web-based DevOps lifecycle tool
- Bitbucket - Git code management for teams
- React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Vue.js - Progressive JavaScript framework
- Angular - Platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
- Svelte - Cybernetically enhanced web apps
- Bootstrap - Popular CSS framework
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- Bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- Foundation - Responsive front-end framework
- Express.js - Web application framework for Node.js
- Django - High-level Python web framework
- Ruby on Rails - Server-side web application framework
- Laravel - PHP web application framework
- MongoDB - Document-oriented NoSQL database
- PostgreSQL - Open-source relational database
- MySQL - Open-source relational database management system
- Firebase - Google's mobile platform for developing apps
- Postman - API development environment
- Insomnia - Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client
- Swagger - API development tools for teams
- GraphQL - Query language for APIs
- Google Lighthouse - Automated tool for improving web page quality
- WebPageTest - Website performance testing tool
- GTmetrix - Website speed and performance optimization
- Chrome DevTools - Web developer tools built into Google Chrome
- Netlify - All-in-one platform for automating modern web projects
- Vercel - Cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions
- Heroku - Cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages
- DigitalOcean - Cloud infrastructure provider
- Trello - Web-based Kanban-style list-making application
- Asana - Web and mobile application designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work
- Slack - Business communication platform
- Notion - All-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases
Remember to explore these tools and find the ones that work best for your workflow and projects!