diff --git a/l10n/ar.js b/l10n/ar.js index 2cfaf315e..4c6b84043 100644 --- a/l10n/ar.js +++ b/l10n/ar.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "تفويض صلاحيات مدير مجلد مجموعة", "They will have access to all group folders." : "سوف يمكنهم الوصول إلى جميع مجلدات المجموعة", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "سوف يمكنهم الوصول فقط إلى مجلدات المجموعة التي لديهم أذونات وصول متقدمة إليها.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "لايمكنك إزالة إذن القراءة الخاص بك.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "المجلدات التي يقوم المدير بتكوينها تتم مشاركتها مع جميع أعضاء المجموعة. يمكن تكوين المجلدات من *مجلدات المجموعة Group folders* في إعدادات المدير. بعد إنشاء المجلد، يمكن للمدير منح حق الوصول إليه لمجموعة واحدة أو أكثر، و كذلك التحكم في أذونات الكتابة و المشاركة الخاصة بهم وتعيين حصة تخزينية للمجلد.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "قام المسؤول بتكوين المجلدات المشتركة بين جميع أعضاء الفريق. يمكن تكوين المجلدات من *مجلدات الفريق\" Team Folders في إعدادات المُشرف. بعد إنشاء المجلد، يمكن للمسؤول منح حق الوصول إلى المجلد لفريق واحد أو أكثر، والتحكم في أذونات الكتابة أو المشاركة الخاصة بهم وتعيين حصة تخزينية للمُجلّد." }, diff --git a/l10n/ar.json b/l10n/ar.json index d477a3e49..fb65ed652 100644 --- a/l10n/ar.json +++ b/l10n/ar.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "تفويض صلاحيات مدير مجلد مجموعة", "They will have access to all group folders." : "سوف يمكنهم الوصول إلى جميع مجلدات المجموعة", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "سوف يمكنهم الوصول فقط إلى مجلدات المجموعة التي لديهم أذونات وصول متقدمة إليها.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "لايمكنك إزالة إذن القراءة الخاص بك.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "المجلدات التي يقوم المدير بتكوينها تتم مشاركتها مع جميع أعضاء المجموعة. يمكن تكوين المجلدات من *مجلدات المجموعة Group folders* في إعدادات المدير. بعد إنشاء المجلد، يمكن للمدير منح حق الوصول إليه لمجموعة واحدة أو أكثر، و كذلك التحكم في أذونات الكتابة و المشاركة الخاصة بهم وتعيين حصة تخزينية للمجلد.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "قام المسؤول بتكوين المجلدات المشتركة بين جميع أعضاء الفريق. يمكن تكوين المجلدات من *مجلدات الفريق\" Team Folders في إعدادات المُشرف. بعد إنشاء المجلد، يمكن للمسؤول منح حق الوصول إلى المجلد لفريق واحد أو أكثر، والتحكم في أذونات الكتابة أو المشاركة الخاصة بهم وتعيين حصة تخزينية للمُجلّد." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;" diff --git a/l10n/cs.js b/l10n/cs.js index 607d4015f..0d7c6a7e3 100644 --- a/l10n/cs.js +++ b/l10n/cs.js @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Pověření správou skupinových složek", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Budou mít přístup ke všem skupinovým složkám.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Budou mít přístup pouze k těm skupinovým složkám, ke kterým mají pokročilá přístupová oprávnění.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Není možné odebrat si sám sobě oprávnění pro čtení.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Správce nastavil složky sdílené s kýmkoli ve skupině.\n\nSložky je možné nastavovat ze *Skupinové složky* v nastavení správy.\n\nPo vytvoření složky, správce může udělit přístup do ní jedné či více skupinám, řídit jejich oprávnění k zápisu/sdílení a přiřazovat kvótu pro složku.\n\nPozn.: Šifrování obsahu skupinových složek není v tuto chvíli podporováno.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Správcem nastavované složky sdílené s kýmkoli v týmu.\n\nSložky je možné nastavovat z *Týmové složky* v nastavení správy.\n\nPo vytvoření složky, správce může udělit přístup do ní jednomu či vícero týmům, řídit jejich oprávnění k zápisu/sdílení a přiřazovat kvótu pro složku." }, diff --git a/l10n/cs.json b/l10n/cs.json index 617bcb99f..d97c7e265 100644 --- a/l10n/cs.json +++ b/l10n/cs.json @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Pověření správou skupinových složek", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Budou mít přístup ke všem skupinovým složkám.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Budou mít přístup pouze k těm skupinovým složkám, ke kterým mají pokročilá přístupová oprávnění.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Není možné odebrat si sám sobě oprávnění pro čtení.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Správce nastavil složky sdílené s kýmkoli ve skupině.\n\nSložky je možné nastavovat ze *Skupinové složky* v nastavení správy.\n\nPo vytvoření složky, správce může udělit přístup do ní jedné či více skupinám, řídit jejich oprávnění k zápisu/sdílení a přiřazovat kvótu pro složku.\n\nPozn.: Šifrování obsahu skupinových složek není v tuto chvíli podporováno.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Správcem nastavované složky sdílené s kýmkoli v týmu.\n\nSložky je možné nastavovat z *Týmové složky* v nastavení správy.\n\nPo vytvoření složky, správce může udělit přístup do ní jednomu či vícero týmům, řídit jejich oprávnění k zápisu/sdílení a přiřazovat kvótu pro složku." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;" diff --git a/l10n/da.js b/l10n/da.js index 0c6934d39..8f101114b 100644 --- a/l10n/da.js +++ b/l10n/da.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Gruppemapper administrator rettigheder ", "They will have access to all group folders." : "De vil have adgang til gruppemapper.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "De vil kun have adgang til gruppemapper til hvilke de har avancerede rettigheder.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kan ikke fjerne din egen læserettighed.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin konfigurede mapper der er delt med alle i en gruppe.\n\nMapper kan konfigureres fra *Gruppemapper* i adminindstillingerne.\n\nEfter at en mappe er oprettet, så kan admin give adgang til mappen for en eller flere grupper, kontrollere deres skrive-/delingsrettigheder og tildele en kvote til mappen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin konfigurede mapper der er delt med alle i et team.\n\nMapper kan konfigureres fra *Teammapper* i adminindstillingerne.\n\nEfter at en mappe er oprettet, så kan admin give adgang til mappen for et eller flere teams, kontrollere deres skrive-/delingsrettigheder og tildele en kvote til mappen." }, diff --git a/l10n/da.json b/l10n/da.json index b2a9ea06d..4ec6640b4 100644 --- a/l10n/da.json +++ b/l10n/da.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Gruppemapper administrator rettigheder ", "They will have access to all group folders." : "De vil have adgang til gruppemapper.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "De vil kun have adgang til gruppemapper til hvilke de har avancerede rettigheder.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kan ikke fjerne din egen læserettighed.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin konfigurede mapper der er delt med alle i en gruppe.\n\nMapper kan konfigureres fra *Gruppemapper* i adminindstillingerne.\n\nEfter at en mappe er oprettet, så kan admin give adgang til mappen for en eller flere grupper, kontrollere deres skrive-/delingsrettigheder og tildele en kvote til mappen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin konfigurede mapper der er delt med alle i et team.\n\nMapper kan konfigureres fra *Teammapper* i adminindstillingerne.\n\nEfter at en mappe er oprettet, så kan admin give adgang til mappen for et eller flere teams, kontrollere deres skrive-/delingsrettigheder og tildele en kvote til mappen." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/de.js b/l10n/de.js index 275ba7aa4..092c5ce7c 100644 --- a/l10n/de.js +++ b/l10n/de.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Gruppenordner Administrationsrechteübertragung", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Du wirst Zugriff auf alle Gruppenordner haben.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Sie haben nur Zugriff auf Gruppenordner, für die sie erweiterte Rechte haben.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kannst deine eigene Leseberechtigung nicht entfernen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern einer Gruppe geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Gruppenordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Gruppen Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern eines Teams geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Team-Ordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Teams Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen." }, diff --git a/l10n/de.json b/l10n/de.json index 11b4c2751..27755188f 100644 --- a/l10n/de.json +++ b/l10n/de.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Gruppenordner Administrationsrechteübertragung", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Du wirst Zugriff auf alle Gruppenordner haben.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Sie haben nur Zugriff auf Gruppenordner, für die sie erweiterte Rechte haben.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kannst deine eigene Leseberechtigung nicht entfernen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern einer Gruppe geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Gruppenordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Gruppen Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern eines Teams geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Team-Ordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Teams Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.js b/l10n/de_DE.js index 1ba4440d8..da797903c 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE.js +++ b/l10n/de_DE.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : " Administrationsrechte-Übertragung für Gruppenordner", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Sie werden Zugriff auf alle Gruppenordner haben.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Sie haben nur Zugriff auf Gruppenordner, für die sie erweiterte Rechte haben.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Sie können Ihre eigene Leseberechtigung nicht entfernen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern einer Gruppe geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Gruppenordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Gruppen Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern eines Teams geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Team-Ordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Teams Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen." }, diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.json b/l10n/de_DE.json index a190f3727..a94c8c067 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE.json +++ b/l10n/de_DE.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : " Administrationsrechte-Übertragung für Gruppenordner", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Sie werden Zugriff auf alle Gruppenordner haben.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Sie haben nur Zugriff auf Gruppenordner, für die sie erweiterte Rechte haben.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Sie können Ihre eigene Leseberechtigung nicht entfernen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern einer Gruppe geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Gruppenordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Gruppen Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Von der Administration konfigurierte Ordner, die mit allen Mitgliedern eines Teams geteilt werden.\n\nOrdner können in den Administrationseinstellungen unter *Team-Ordner* konfiguriert werden.\n\nNachdem ein Ordner erstellt wurde, kann die Administration einer oder mehreren Teams Zugriff auf den Ordner gewähren, ihre Schreib-/Freigabeberechtigungen steuern und dem Ordner ein Kontingent zuweisen." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/en_GB.js b/l10n/en_GB.js index 441b5a6c2..c38b143e4 100644 --- a/l10n/en_GB.js +++ b/l10n/en_GB.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Group folder admin delegation", "They will have access to all group folders." : "They will have access to all group folders.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "You can not remove your own read permission.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." }, diff --git a/l10n/en_GB.json b/l10n/en_GB.json index bc58b554a..458b86f29 100644 --- a/l10n/en_GB.json +++ b/l10n/en_GB.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Group folder admin delegation", "They will have access to all group folders." : "They will have access to all group folders.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "You can not remove your own read permission.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/fr.js b/l10n/fr.js index 32873c5ce..a29d3f7f0 100644 --- a/l10n/fr.js +++ b/l10n/fr.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Délégation de l'administration des dossiers de groupe", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Ils auront accès à tous les dossiers de groupe.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Ils n'auront accès qu'aux dossiers de groupe pour lesquels ils disposent de permissions avancées.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Vous ne pouvez pas retirer votre propre autorisation de lecture.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Dossiers configurés par l'administrateur et partagés avec tous les membres d'un groupe.\n\nLes dossiers peuvent être configurés à partir de *Group folders* dans les paramètres d'administration.\n\nAprès la création d'un dossier, l'administrateur peut donner accès au dossier à un ou plusieurs groupes, contrôler leurs droits d'écriture et de partage et attribuer un quota pour le dossier.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Dossiers configurés par un administrateur et partagés avec tous les membres d'une équipe.\n\nLes dossiers peuvent être configurés à partir de *Dossiers d'équipe* dans les paramètres d'administration.\n\nAprès la création d'un dossier, l'administrateur peut donner accès au dossier à une ou plusieurs équipes, contrôler leurs droits d'écriture et de partage et attribuer un quota pour le dossier." }, diff --git a/l10n/fr.json b/l10n/fr.json index 150ac529b..9ed24915a 100644 --- a/l10n/fr.json +++ b/l10n/fr.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Délégation de l'administration des dossiers de groupe", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Ils auront accès à tous les dossiers de groupe.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Ils n'auront accès qu'aux dossiers de groupe pour lesquels ils disposent de permissions avancées.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Vous ne pouvez pas retirer votre propre autorisation de lecture.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Dossiers configurés par l'administrateur et partagés avec tous les membres d'un groupe.\n\nLes dossiers peuvent être configurés à partir de *Group folders* dans les paramètres d'administration.\n\nAprès la création d'un dossier, l'administrateur peut donner accès au dossier à un ou plusieurs groupes, contrôler leurs droits d'écriture et de partage et attribuer un quota pour le dossier.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Dossiers configurés par un administrateur et partagés avec tous les membres d'une équipe.\n\nLes dossiers peuvent être configurés à partir de *Dossiers d'équipe* dans les paramètres d'administration.\n\nAprès la création d'un dossier, l'administrateur peut donner accès au dossier à une ou plusieurs équipes, contrôler leurs droits d'écriture et de partage et attribuer un quota pour le dossier." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;" diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js index ae72d37b8..ff8810cf8 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.js +++ b/l10n/gl.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Delegación administrativa do cartafol de grupo", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Terán acceso a todos os cartafoles de grupo.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Só terán acceso aos cartafoles de grupo para os que teñan permisos avanzados.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Vde. non pode retirar o seu propio permiso de lectura.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Os cartafoles configurados pola administración da instancia son compartidos con todos os participantes nun grupo.\n\nOs cartafoles pódense configurar desde *Cartafoles de grupo* nos axustes de administración.\n\nApós crear un cartafol, a administración da instancia pode dar acceso ao cartafol a un ou máis grupos, controlar os seus permisos de escritura/compartición e asignar unha cota para o cartafol.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Os cartafoles configurados pola administración da instancia son compartidos con todos os participantes nun equipo.\n\nOs cartafoles pódense configurar desde *Cartafoles de equipo* nos axustes de administración.\n\nApós crear un cartafol, a administración da instancia pode dar acceso ao cartafol a un ou máis equipos, controlar os seus permisos de escritura/compartición e asignar unha cota para o cartafol." }, diff --git a/l10n/gl.json b/l10n/gl.json index dca276ac9..1112d9164 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.json +++ b/l10n/gl.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Delegación administrativa do cartafol de grupo", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Terán acceso a todos os cartafoles de grupo.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Só terán acceso aos cartafoles de grupo para os que teñan permisos avanzados.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Vde. non pode retirar o seu propio permiso de lectura.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Os cartafoles configurados pola administración da instancia son compartidos con todos os participantes nun grupo.\n\nOs cartafoles pódense configurar desde *Cartafoles de grupo* nos axustes de administración.\n\nApós crear un cartafol, a administración da instancia pode dar acceso ao cartafol a un ou máis grupos, controlar os seus permisos de escritura/compartición e asignar unha cota para o cartafol.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Os cartafoles configurados pola administración da instancia son compartidos con todos os participantes nun equipo.\n\nOs cartafoles pódense configurar desde *Cartafoles de equipo* nos axustes de administración.\n\nApós crear un cartafol, a administración da instancia pode dar acceso ao cartafol a un ou máis equipos, controlar os seus permisos de escritura/compartición e asignar unha cota para o cartafol." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/it.js b/l10n/it.js index 4eed2df6c..7ec04187b 100644 --- a/l10n/it.js +++ b/l10n/it.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Delega amministratore cartella di gruppo", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Avranno accesso a tutte le cartelle del gruppo.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Avranno accesso solo alle cartelle di gruppo per le quali dispongono di autorizzazioni avanzate.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Non puoi rimuovere la tua autorizzazione di lettura.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Cartelle configurate dall'amministratore e condivise con tutti i membri di un gruppo. \n\nLe cartelle possono essere configurate da *Cartelle di gruppo* in impostazioni di amministratore. \n\nDopo aver creato una cartella, l'amministratore può concedere l'accesso alla cartella a uno o più gruppi, controllare i loro permessi di scrittura/condivisione e assegnare una quota per la cartella.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Cartelle configurate dall'amministratore condivise con tutti in un team.\n\nLe cartelle possono essere configurate da *Cartelle del team* nelle impostazioni dell'amministratore.\n\nDopo aver creato una cartella, l'amministratore può concedere l'accesso alla cartella a uno o più team, controllare i loro permessi di scrittura/condivisione e assegnare una quota per la cartella." }, diff --git a/l10n/it.json b/l10n/it.json index 5982b6f19..7374a91c0 100644 --- a/l10n/it.json +++ b/l10n/it.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Delega amministratore cartella di gruppo", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Avranno accesso a tutte le cartelle del gruppo.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Avranno accesso solo alle cartelle di gruppo per le quali dispongono di autorizzazioni avanzate.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Non puoi rimuovere la tua autorizzazione di lettura.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Cartelle configurate dall'amministratore e condivise con tutti i membri di un gruppo. \n\nLe cartelle possono essere configurate da *Cartelle di gruppo* in impostazioni di amministratore. \n\nDopo aver creato una cartella, l'amministratore può concedere l'accesso alla cartella a uno o più gruppi, controllare i loro permessi di scrittura/condivisione e assegnare una quota per la cartella.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Cartelle configurate dall'amministratore condivise con tutti in un team.\n\nLe cartelle possono essere configurate da *Cartelle del team* nelle impostazioni dell'amministratore.\n\nDopo aver creato una cartella, l'amministratore può concedere l'accesso alla cartella a uno o più team, controllare i loro permessi di scrittura/condivisione e assegnare una quota per la cartella." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;" diff --git a/l10n/sr.js b/l10n/sr.js index 68adae9c9..558dc92ae 100644 --- a/l10n/sr.js +++ b/l10n/sr.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Делегација админа фолдера групе", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Имаће приступ свим фолдерима група.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Имаће приступ само фолдерима група за које имају напредне дозволе.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Не можете да уклоните сопствено право читања.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Фолдери које конфигурише админ и који се деле са свима у групи.\n\nФолдери могу да се конфигуришу у *Фолдери групе* у админ подешавањима.\n\nКад се креира фолдер, админ може једној или више група да омогући приступ том фолдеру, контролише њихова права за упис/дељење и додели квоту фолдеру.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Фолдери које конфигурише админ и који се деле са свима у тиму.\n\nФолдери могу да се конфигуришу у *Фолдери групе* у админ подешавањима.\n\nКад се креира фолдер, админ може једном или више тимова да омогући приступ том фолдеру, контролише њихова права за упис/дељење и додели квоту фолдеру." }, diff --git a/l10n/sr.json b/l10n/sr.json index a289f53c9..2c9c43322 100644 --- a/l10n/sr.json +++ b/l10n/sr.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Делегација админа фолдера групе", "They will have access to all group folders." : "Имаће приступ свим фолдерима група.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "Имаће приступ само фолдерима група за које имају напредне дозволе.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Не можете да уклоните сопствено право читања.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Фолдери које конфигурише админ и који се деле са свима у групи.\n\nФолдери могу да се конфигуришу у *Фолдери групе* у админ подешавањима.\n\nКад се креира фолдер, админ може једној или више група да омогући приступ том фолдеру, контролише њихова права за упис/дељење и додели квоту фолдеру.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Фолдери које конфигурише админ и који се деле са свима у тиму.\n\nФолдери могу да се конфигуришу у *Фолдери групе* у админ подешавањима.\n\nКад се креира фолдер, админ може једном или више тимова да омогући приступ том фолдеру, контролише њихова права за упис/дељење и додели квоту фолдеру." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);" diff --git a/l10n/sv.js b/l10n/sv.js index 1907f71d7..438546229 100644 --- a/l10n/sv.js +++ b/l10n/sv.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "Administratörsdelegering för gruppmapp", "They will have access to all group folders." : "De kommer att ha tillgång till alla gruppmappar.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "De kommer bara att ha tillgång till gruppmappar som de har avancerade behörigheter för.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kan inte ta bort din egen läsbehörighet.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin-konfigurerade mappar som delas med alla i en grupp.\n\nMappar kan konfigureras från *Gruppmappar* i admininställningarna.\n\nNär en mapp har skapats kan administratören ge åtkomst till mappen till en eller flera grupper, kontrollera deras skriv/delnings-behörigheter och tilldela en kvot för mappen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin-konfigurerade mappar som delas med alla i ett team.\n\nMappar kan konfigureras från *Teammappar* i admininställningarna.\n\nNär en mapp har skapats kan administratören ge åtkomst till mappen till ett eller flera team, kontrollera deras skriv/delnings-behörigheter och tilldela en kvot för mappen." }, diff --git a/l10n/sv.json b/l10n/sv.json index cd4f71fb5..3a7a8aaa0 100644 --- a/l10n/sv.json +++ b/l10n/sv.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "Administratörsdelegering för gruppmapp", "They will have access to all group folders." : "De kommer att ha tillgång till alla gruppmappar.", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "De kommer bara att ha tillgång till gruppmappar som de har avancerade behörigheter för.", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "Du kan inte ta bort din egen läsbehörighet.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin-konfigurerade mappar som delas med alla i en grupp.\n\nMappar kan konfigureras från *Gruppmappar* i admininställningarna.\n\nNär en mapp har skapats kan administratören ge åtkomst till mappen till en eller flera grupper, kontrollera deras skriv/delnings-behörigheter och tilldela en kvot för mappen.", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "Admin-konfigurerade mappar som delas med alla i ett team.\n\nMappar kan konfigureras från *Teammappar* i admininställningarna.\n\nNär en mapp har skapats kan administratören ge åtkomst till mappen till ett eller flera team, kontrollera deras skriv/delnings-behörigheter och tilldela en kvot för mappen." },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.js b/l10n/zh_HK.js index 258ce7970..dc13afbd1 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_HK.js +++ b/l10n/zh_HK.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "群組資料夾委派管理員", "They will have access to all group folders." : "他們可以存取所有的群組資料夾。", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "他們僅能存取他們擁有進階權限的群組資料夾。", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "您不能移除自己的閱讀權限。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定資料夾與群組中的每個人共用。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「群組資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個群組存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定,與團隊中所有人共用的資料夾。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「團隊資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個團隊存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。" }, diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.json b/l10n/zh_HK.json index dfd762dc5..02bce5833 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_HK.json +++ b/l10n/zh_HK.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "群組資料夾委派管理員", "They will have access to all group folders." : "他們可以存取所有的群組資料夾。", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "他們僅能存取他們擁有進階權限的群組資料夾。", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "您不能移除自己的閱讀權限。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定資料夾與群組中的每個人共用。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「群組資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個群組存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定,與團隊中所有人共用的資料夾。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「團隊資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個團隊存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js index c2fece6f8..c773fa4d6 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.js +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Group folder admin delegation" : "群組資料夾委派管理員", "They will have access to all group folders." : "他們可以存取所有的群組資料夾。", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "他們僅能存取他們擁有進階權限的群組資料夾。", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "您無法移除自己的讀取權限。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定資料夾與群組中的每個人共用。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「群組資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個群組存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定,與團隊中所有人共用的資料夾。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「團隊資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個團隊存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。" }, diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.json b/l10n/zh_TW.json index 9df56a58a..39f8daf89 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.json +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.json @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ "Group folder admin delegation" : "群組資料夾委派管理員", "They will have access to all group folders." : "他們可以存取所有的群組資料夾。", "They will only have access to group folders for which they have advanced permissions." : "他們僅能存取他們擁有進階權限的群組資料夾。", + "You can not remove your own read permission." : "您無法移除自己的讀取權限。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a group.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Group folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more groups, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定資料夾與群組中的每個人共用。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「群組資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個群組存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。", "Admin configured folders shared with everyone in a team.\n\nFolders can be configured from *Team folders* in the admin settings.\n\nAfter a folder is created, the admin can give access to the folder to one or more teams, control their write/sharing permissions and assign a quota for the folder." : "管理員設定,與團隊中所有人共用的資料夾。\n\n可以在管理設定中的「團隊資料夾」設定。\n\n建立資料夾之後,管理員可以設定讓一或多個團隊存取。控制其寫入/分享權限並指定該資料夾的限額。" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"