diff --git a/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.spec.ts b/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.spec.ts index 14b431f78cc9e..99ea1d23b8c06 100644 --- a/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.spec.ts +++ b/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.spec.ts @@ -126,6 +126,18 @@ describe('View in folder action enabled tests', () => { expect(action.enabled).toBeDefined() expect(action.enabled!([folder], view)).toBe(false) }) + + test('Disabled for files outside the user root folder', () => { + const file = new Folder({ + id: 1, + source: 'https://cloud.domain.com/remote.php/dav/trashbin/admin/trash/image.jpg.d1731053878', + owner: 'admin', + permissions: Permission.READ, + }) + + expect(action.enabled).toBeDefined() + expect(action.enabled!([file], view)).toBe(false) + }) }) describe('View in folder action execute tests', () => { diff --git a/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.ts b/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.ts index 6498e9aa7863c..c1ad02135b295 100644 --- a/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.ts +++ b/apps/files/src/actions/viewInFolderAction.ts @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ export const action = new FileAction({ return false } + // Can only view files that are in the user root folder + if (!node.root?.startsWith('/files')) { + return false + } + if (node.permissions === Permission.NONE) { return false } diff --git a/dist/files-init.js b/dist/files-init.js index e8d98769429c9..632d4c28c3dc0 100644 --- a/dist/files-init.js +++ b/dist/files-init.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ /*! For license information please see files-init.js.LICENSE.txt */ -(()=>{var e,s,t,n={9052:e=>{"use strict";var s=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,t="~";function n(){}function i(e,s,t){this.fn=e,this.context=s,this.once=t||!1}function a(e,s,n,a,o){if("function"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");var l=new i(n,a||e,o),r=t?t+s:s;return e._events[r]?e._events[r].fn?e._events[r]=[e._events[r],l]:e._events[r].push(l):(e._events[r]=l,e._eventsCount++),e}function o(e,s){0==--e._eventsCount?e._events=new n:delete e._events[s]}function l(){this._events=new n,this._eventsCount=0}Object.create&&(n.prototype=Object.create(null),(new n).__proto__||(t=!1)),l.prototype.eventNames=function(){var e,n,i=[];if(0===this._eventsCount)return i;for(n in e=this._events)s.call(e,n)&&i.push(t?n.slice(1):n);return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?i.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)):i},l.prototype.listeners=function(e){var s=t?t+e:e,n=this._events[s];if(!n)return[];if(n.fn)return[n.fn];for(var i=0,a=n.length,o=new Array(a);i{"use strict";t.d(s,{A:()=>n});const n=(0,t(35947).YK)().setApp("files").detectUser().build()},33001:(e,s,t)=>{"use strict";var n=t(31346),i=t(85168),a=t(53334),o=t(49264),l=t(76150),r=t(61338),m=t(87485),d=t(65043);const c=()=>{var e;return!0===(null===(e=(0,m.F)())||void 0===e||null===(e=e.files)||void 0===e?void 0:e.undelete)},g=e=>e.every((e=>!0===e.attributes["is-mount-root"]&&"shared"===e.attributes["mount-type"])),u=e=>e.every((e=>!0===e.attributes["is-mount-root"]&&"external"===e.attributes["mount-type"])),f=(e,s)=>"trashbin"!==s.id&&c()?(e=>{if(1===e.length)return!1;const s=e.some((e=>g([e]))),t=e.some((e=>!g([e])));return s&&t})(e)?(0,a.t)("files","Delete and unshare"):g(e)?1===e.length?(0,a.t)("files","Leave this share"):(0,a.t)("files","Leave these shares"):u(e)?1===e.length?(0,a.t)("files","Disconnect storage"):(0,a.t)("files","Disconnect storages"):(e=>!e.some((e=>e.type!==n.pt.File)))(e)?1===e.length?(0,a.t)("files","Delete file"):(0,a.t)("files","Delete files"):(e=>!e.some((e=>e.type!==n.pt.Folder)))(e)?1===e.length?(0,a.t)("files","Delete folder"):(0,a.t)("files","Delete folders"):(0,a.t)("files","Delete"):(0,a.t)("files","Delete permanently"),p=async(e,s)=>{const t="trashbin"!==s.id&&c()?(0,a.n)("files","You are about to delete {count} item","You are about to delete {count} items",e.length,{count:e.length}):(0,a.n)("files","You are about to permanently delete {count} item","You are about to permanently delete {count} items",e.length,{count:e.length});return new Promise((n=>{window.OC.dialogs.confirmDestructive(t,(0,a.t)("files","Confirm deletion"),{type:window.OC.dialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS,confirm:f(e,s),confirmClasses:"error",cancel:(0,a.t)("files","Cancel")},(e=>{n(e)}))}))},h=async e=>{await d.Ay.delete(e.encodedSource),(0,r.Ic)("files:node:deleted",e)},w=new o.A({concurrency:5}),v=new n.hY({id:"delete",displayName:f,iconSvgInline:e=>g(e)?'':u(e)?'':'',enabled:e=>e.length>0&&e.map((e=>e.permissions)).every((e=>Boolean(e&n.aX.DELETE))),async exec(e,s){try{let t=!0;return c()||(t=await p([e],s)),!1===t?((0,i.cf)((0,a.Tl)("files","Deletion cancelled")),null):(await h(e),!0)}catch(s){return l.A.error("Error while deleting a file",{error:s,source:e.source,node:e}),!1}},async execBatch(e,s){let t=!0;if(c()?e.length>=5&&!g(e)&&!u(e)&&(t=await p(e,s)):t=await p(e,s),!1===t)return(0,i.cf)((0,a.Tl)("files","Deletion cancelled")),Promise.all(e.map((()=>null)));const n=e.map((e=>new Promise((s=>{w.add((async()=>{try{await h(e),s(!0)}catch(t){l.A.error("Error while deleting a file",{error:t,source:e.source,node:e}),s(!1)}}))}))));return Promise.all(n)},order:100});var T=t(63814);const x=function(e){const s=document.createElement("a");s.download="",s.href=e,s.click()},y=function(e,s){const t=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2),n=(0,T.Jv)("/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir={dir}&files={files}&downloadStartSecret={secret}",{dir:e,secret:t,files:JSON.stringify(s.map((e=>e.basename)))});x(n)},C=function(e){if(0==(e.permissions&n.aX.READ))return!1;if("shared"===e.attributes["mount-type"]){var s,t;const n=JSON.parse(null!==(s=e.attributes["share-attributes"])&&void 0!==s?s:"null"),i=null==n||null===(t=n.find)||void 0===t?void 0:t.call(n,(e=>"permissions"===e.scope&&"download"===e.key));if(void 0!==i&&!1===i.enabled)return!1}return!0},k=new n.hY({id:"download",default:n.m9.DEFAULT,displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","Download"),iconSvgInline:()=>'',enabled:e=>0!==e.length&&(!e.some((e=>e.type===n.pt.Folder))||!e.some((e=>{var s;return!(null!==(s=e.root)&&void 0!==s&&s.startsWith("/files"))})))&&e.every(C),exec:async(e,s,t)=>e.type===n.pt.Folder?(y(t,[e]),null):(x(e.encodedSource),null),async execBatch(e,s,t){return 1===e.length?(this.exec(e[0],s,t),[null]):(y(t,e),new Array(e.length).fill(null))},order:30});var b=t(71225),L=t(21777);const S=async function(e){const s=(0,T.KT)("apps/files/api/v1")+"/openlocaleditor?format=json";try{var t;const n=await d.Ay.post(s,{path:e}),i=null===(t=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===t?void 0:t.uid;let a="nc://open/".concat(i,"@")+window.location.host+(0,b.O0)(e);a+="?token="+n.data.ocs.data.token,window.location.href=a}catch(e){(0,i.Qg)((0,a.Tl)("files","Failed to redirect to client"))}},U=new n.hY({id:"edit-locally",displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","Edit locally"),iconSvgInline:()=>'',enabled:e=>1===e.length&&0!=(e[0].permissions&n.aX.UPDATE),exec:async e=>((async e=>{S(e),function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:()=>{},s=!1;(new i.ik).setName((0,a.Tl)("files","Edit file locally")).setText((0,a.Tl)("files","The file should now open on your device. If it doesn't, please check that you have the desktop app installed.")).setButtons([{label:(0,a.Tl)("files","Retry and close"),type:"secondary",callback:()=>{s=!0,e(!0)}},{label:(0,a.Tl)("files","Edit online"),icon:'',type:"primary",callback:()=>{s=!0,e(!1)}}]).build().show().then((()=>{s||e(!1)}))}((s=>{s?S(e):window.OCA.Viewer.open({path:e})}))})(e.path),null),order:25});var A=t(85471);const _='',F=e=>e.some((e=>1!==e.attributes.favorite)),P=async(e,s,t)=>{try{const n=(0,T.Jv)("/apps/files/api/v1/files")+(0,b.O0)(e.path);return await d.Ay.post(n,{tags:t?[window.OC.TAG_FAVORITE]:[]}),"favorites"!==s.id||t||"/"!==e.dirname||(0,r.Ic)("files:node:deleted",e),A.Ay.set(e.attributes,"favorite",t?1:0),t?(0,r.Ic)("files:favorites:added",e):(0,r.Ic)("files:favorites:removed",e),!0}catch(s){const n=t?"adding a file to favourites":"removing a file from favourites";return l.A.error("Error while "+n,{error:s,source:e.source,node:e}),!1}},N=new n.hY({id:"favorite",displayName:e=>F(e)?(0,a.Tl)("files","Add to favorites"):(0,a.Tl)("files","Remove from favorites"),iconSvgInline:e=>F(e)?'':_,enabled:e=>!e.some((e=>{var s,t;return!(null!==(s=e.root)&&void 0!==s&&null!==(t=s.startsWith)&&void 0!==t&&t.call(s,"/files"))}))&&e.every((e=>e.permissions!==n.aX.NONE)),async exec(e,s){const t=F([e]);return await P(e,s,t)},async execBatch(e,s){const t=F(e);return Promise.all(e.map((async e=>await P(e,s,t))))},order:-50});t(18205);var E=t(53110),I=t(43627),B=t(86635),z=t(36882),R=t(39285);let j;var O;!function(e){e.MOVE="Move",e.COPY="Copy",e.MOVE_OR_COPY="move-or-copy"}(O||(O={}));const D=e=>0!=(e.reduce(((e,s)=>Math.min(e,s.permissions)),n.aX.ALL)&n.aX.UPDATE),M=e=>(e=>e.every((e=>{var s,t;return!JSON.parse(null!==(s=null===(t=e.attributes)||void 0===t?void 0:t["share-attributes"])&&void 0!==s?s:"[]").some((e=>"permissions"===e.scope&&!1===e.enabled&&"download"===e.key))})))(e)&&!e.some((e=>e.permissions===n.aX.NONE));var W=t(36117);const H=e=>(0,n.Al)(e),Y=(0,n.H4)(),V=function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"/";e="".concat(n.lJ).concat(e);const s=new AbortController,t=(0,n.VL)();return new W.CancelablePromise((async(n,i,a)=>{a((()=>s.abort()));try{const i=await Y.getDirectoryContents(e,{details:!0,data:t,includeSelf:!0,signal:s.signal}),a=i.data[0],o=i.data.slice(1);if(a.filename!==e&&"".concat(a.filename,"/")!==e)throw new Error("Root node does not match requested path");n({folder:H(a),contents:o.map((e=>{try{return H(e)}catch(s){return l.A.error("Invalid node detected '".concat(e.basename,"'"),{error:s}),null}})).filter(Boolean)})}catch(e){i(e)}}))},q=e=>D(e)?M(e)?O.MOVE_OR_COPY:O.MOVE:O.COPY,G=async function(e,s,t){let m=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]&&arguments[3];if(!s)return;if(s.type!==n.pt.Folder)throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","Destination is not a folder"));if(t===O.MOVE&&e.dirname===s.path)throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","This file/folder is already in that directory"));if("".concat(s.path,"/").startsWith("".concat(e.path,"/")))throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself"));A.Ay.set(e,"status",n.zI.LOADING);const d=function(e,s,t){const n=e===O.MOVE?(0,a.Tl)("files",'Moving "{source}" to "{destination}" …',{source:s,destination:t}):(0,a.Tl)("files",'Copying "{source}" to "{destination}" …',{source:s,destination:t});let o;return o=(0,i.cf)(' '.concat(n),{isHTML:!0,timeout:i.DH,onRemove:()=>{var e;null===(e=o)||void 0===e||e.hideToast(),o=void 0}}),()=>o&&o.hideToast()}(t,e.basename,s.path),c=(j||(j=new o.A({concurrency:5})),j);return await c.add((async()=>{const o=e=>1===e?(0,a.Tl)("files","(copy)"):(0,a.Tl)("files","(copy %n)",void 0,e);try{const l=(0,n.H4)(),d=(0,I.join)(n.lJ,e.path),c=(0,I.join)(n.lJ,s.path);if(t===O.COPY){let t=e.basename;if(!m){const s=await l.getDirectoryContents(c);t=(0,n.E6)(e.basename,s.map((e=>e.basename)),{suffix:o,ignoreFileExtension:e.type===n.pt.Folder})}if(await l.copyFile(d,(0,I.join)(c,t)),e.dirname===s.path){const{data:e}=await l.stat((0,I.join)(c,t),{details:!0,data:(0,n.VL)()});(0,r.Ic)("files:node:created",(0,n.Al)(e))}}else{if(!m){const t=await V(s.path);if((0,B.h)([e],t.contents))try{const{selected:n,renamed:i}=await(0,B.o)(s.path,[e],t.contents);if(!n.length&&!i.length)return}catch(e){return void(0,i.Qg)((0,a.Tl)("files","Move cancelled"))}}await l.moveFile(d,(0,I.join)(c,e.basename)),(0,r.Ic)("files:node:deleted",e)}}catch(e){if(e instanceof E.pe){var c,g,u;if(412===(null==e||null===(c=e.response)||void 0===c?void 0:c.status))throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder"));if(423===(null==e||null===(g=e.response)||void 0===g?void 0:g.status))throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","The files are locked"));if(404===(null==e||null===(u=e.response)||void 0===u?void 0:u.status))throw new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","The file does not exist anymore"));if(e.message)throw new Error(e.message)}throw l.A.debug(e),new Error}finally{A.Ay.set(e,"status",""),d()}}))};async function $(e){let s=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"/",t=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0;const{resolve:n,reject:o,promise:r}=Promise.withResolvers(),m=t.map((e=>e.fileid)).filter(Boolean);return(0,i.a1)((0,a.Tl)("files","Choose destination")).allowDirectories(!0).setFilter((e=>!m.includes(e.fileid))).setMimeTypeFilter([]).setMultiSelect(!1).startAt(s).setButtonFactory(((s,i)=>{const o=[],l=(0,I.basename)(i),r=t.map((e=>e.dirname)),m=t.map((e=>e.path));return e!==O.COPY&&e!==O.MOVE_OR_COPY||o.push({label:l?(0,a.Tl)("files","Copy to {target}",{target:l},void 0,{escape:!1,sanitize:!1}):(0,a.Tl)("files","Copy"),type:"primary",icon:z,async callback(e){n({destination:e[0],action:O.COPY})}}),r.includes(i)||m.includes(i)||e!==O.MOVE&&e!==O.MOVE_OR_COPY||o.push({label:l?(0,a.Tl)("files","Move to {target}",{target:l},void 0,{escape:!1,sanitize:!1}):(0,a.Tl)("files","Move"),type:e===O.MOVE?"primary":"secondary",icon:R,async callback(e){n({destination:e[0],action:O.MOVE})}}),o})).build().pick().catch((e=>{l.A.debug(e),e instanceof i.vT?n(!1):o(new Error((0,a.Tl)("files","Move or copy operation failed")))})),r}const K=new n.hY({id:"move-copy",displayName(e){switch(q(e)){case O.MOVE:return(0,a.Tl)("files","Move");case O.COPY:return(0,a.Tl)("files","Copy");case O.MOVE_OR_COPY:return(0,a.Tl)("files","Move or copy")}},iconSvgInline:()=>R,enabled:e=>!!e.every((e=>{var s;return null===(s=e.root)||void 0===s?void 0:s.startsWith("/files/")}))&&e.length>0&&(D(e)||M(e)),async exec(e,s,t){const n=q([e]);let o;try{o=await $(n,t,[e])}catch(e){return l.A.error(e),!1}if(!1===o)return(0,i.cf)((0,a.Tl)("files",'Cancelled move or copy of "{filename}".',{filename:e.displayname})),null;try{return await G(e,o.destination,o.action),!0}catch(e){return!!(e instanceof Error&&e.message)&&((0,i.Qg)(e.message),null)}},async execBatch(e,s,t){const n=q(e),o=await $(n,t,e);if(!1===o)return(0,i.cf)(1===e.length?(0,a.Tl)("files",'Cancelled move or copy of "{filename}".',{filename:e[0].displayname}):(0,a.Tl)("files","Cancelled move or copy operation")),e.map((()=>null));const r=e.map((async e=>{try{return await G(e,o.destination,o.action),!0}catch(s){return l.A.error("Failed to ".concat(o.action," node"),{node:e,error:s}),!1}}));return await Promise.all(r)},order:15}),J='',Q=new n.hY({id:"open-folder",displayName(e){const s=e[0].displayname;return(0,a.Tl)("files","Open folder {displayName}",{displayName:s})},iconSvgInline:()=>J,enabled(e){if(1!==e.length)return!1;const s=e[0];return!!s.isDavRessource&&s.type===n.pt.Folder&&0!=(s.permissions&n.aX.READ)},exec:async(e,s)=>!(!e||e.type!==n.pt.Folder)&&(window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:s.id,fileid:e.fileid},{dir:e.path}),null),default:n.m9.HIDDEN,order:-100}),Z=new n.hY({id:"open-in-files-recent",displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","Open in Files"),iconSvgInline:()=>"",enabled:(e,s)=>"recent"===s.id,async exec(e){let s=e.dirname;return e.type===n.pt.Folder&&(s=s+"/"+e.basename),window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:"files",fileid:e.fileid},{dir:s,openfile:"true"}),null},order:-1e3,default:n.m9.HIDDEN}),X=new n.hY({id:"rename",displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","Rename"),iconSvgInline:()=>'',enabled:e=>e.length>0&&e.map((e=>e.permissions)).every((e=>0!=(e&n.aX.UPDATE))),exec:async e=>((0,r.Ic)("files:node:rename",e),null),order:10});var ee=t(49981);const se=new n.hY({id:"details",displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","Open details"),iconSvgInline:()=>ee,enabled:e=>{var s,t,i;return 1===e.length&&!!e[0]&&!(null===(s=window)||void 0===s||null===(s=s.OCA)||void 0===s||null===(s=s.Files)||void 0===s||!s.Sidebar)&&null!==(t=(null===(i=e[0].root)||void 0===i?void 0:i.startsWith("/files/"))&&e[0].permissions!==n.aX.NONE)&&void 0!==t&&t},async exec(e,s,t){try{return await window.OCA.Files.Sidebar.open(e.path),window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:s.id,fileid:e.fileid},{...window.OCP.Files.Router.query,dir:t},!0),null}catch(e){return l.A.error("Error while opening sidebar",{error:e}),!1}},order:-50}),te=new n.hY({id:"view-in-folder",displayName:()=>(0,a.Tl)("files","View in folder"),iconSvgInline:()=>R,enabled(e,s){if("files"===s.id)return!1;if(1!==e.length)return!1;const t=e[0];return!!t.isDavRessource&&t.permissions!==n.aX.NONE&&t.type===n.pt.File},exec:async e=>!(!e||e.type!==n.pt.File)&&(window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:"files",fileid:e.fileid},{dir:e.dirname}),null),order:80});var ne=t(18740),ie=t(94219),ae=t(82182);const oe=(0,A.pM)({__name:"NewNodeDialog",props:{defaultName:{type:String,default:(0,a.t)("files","New folder")},otherNames:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},open:{type:Boolean,default:!0},name:{type:String,default:(0,a.t)("files","Create new folder")},label:{type:String,default:(0,a.t)("files","Folder name")}},emits:["close"],setup(e,s){let{emit:t}=s;const i=e,o=(0,A.KR)(i.defaultName),l=(0,A.KR)(),r=(0,A.KR)(),m=(0,A.KR)("");function d(){(0,A.dY)((()=>{var e;const s=null===(e=l.value)||void 0===e?void 0:e.$el.querySelector("input");if(!i.open||!s)return;const t=o.value.length-(0,I.extname)(o.value).length;s.focus(),s.setSelectionRange(0,t)}))}return(0,A.wB)((()=>i.defaultName),(()=>{o.value=(0,n.E6)(i.defaultName,i.otherNames).trim()})),(0,A.nT)((()=>{var e;i.otherNames.includes(o.value.trim())?m.value=(0,a.t)("files","This name is already in use."):m.value=function(e){let s=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]&&arguments[1];if(""===e.trim())return(0,a.t)("files","Filename must not be empty.");try{return(0,n.KT)(e),""}catch(e){if(!(e instanceof n.di))throw e;switch(e.reason){case n.nF.Character:return(0,a.t)("files",'"{char}" is not allowed inside a filename.',{char:e.segment},void 0,{escape:s});case n.nF.ReservedName:return(0,a.t)("files",'"{segment}" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames.',{segment:e.segment},void 0,{escape:!1});case n.nF.Extension:return e.segment.match(/\.[a-z]/i)?(0,a.t)("files",'"{extension}" is not an allowed filetype.',{extension:e.segment},void 0,{escape:!1}):(0,a.t)("files",'Filenames must not end with "{extension}".',{extension:e.segment},void 0,{escape:!1});default:return(0,a.t)("files","Invalid filename.")}}}(o.value.trim());const s=null===(e=l.value)||void 0===e?void 0:e.$el.querySelector("input");s&&(s.setCustomValidity(m.value),s.reportValidity())})),(0,A.wB)((()=>i.open),(()=>{(0,A.dY)((()=>{d()}))})),(0,A.sV)((()=>{o.value=(0,n.E6)(o.value,i.otherNames).trim(),(0,A.dY)((()=>d()))})),{__sfc:!0,props:i,emit:t,localDefaultName:o,nameInput:l,formElement:r,validity:m,focusInput:d,submit:function(){var e;null===(e=r.value)||void 0===e||e.requestSubmit()},t:a.t,NcButton:ne.A,NcDialog:ie.A,NcTextField:ae.A}}});var le=t(85072),re=t.n(le),me=t(97825),de=t.n(me),ce=t(77659),ge=t.n(ce),ue=t(55056),fe=t.n(ue),pe=t(10540),he=t.n(pe),we=t(41113),ve=t.n(we),Te=t(6058),xe={};xe.styleTagTransform=ve(),xe.setAttributes=fe(),xe.insert=ge().bind(null,"head"),xe.domAPI=de(),xe.insertStyleElement=he(),re()(Te.A,xe),Te.A&&Te.A.locals&&Te.A.locals;const ye=(0,t(14486).A)(oe,(function(){var e=this,s=e._self._c,t=e._self._setupProxy;return s(t.NcDialog,{attrs:{"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog":"",name:e.name,open:e.open,"close-on-click-outside":"","out-transition":""},on:{"update:open":function(e){return t.emit("close",null)}},scopedSlots:e._u([{key:"actions",fn:function(){return[s(t.NcButton,{attrs:{"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-submit":"",type:"primary",disabled:""!==t.validity},on:{click:t.submit}},[e._v("\n\t\t\t"+e._s(t.t("files","Create"))+"\n\t\t")])]},proxy:!0}])},[e._v(" "),s("form",{ref:"formElement",staticClass:"new-node-dialog__form",on:{submit:function(e){return e.preventDefault(),t.emit("close",t.localDefaultName)}}},[s(t.NcTextField,{ref:"nameInput",attrs:{"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-input":"",error:""!==t.validity,"helper-text":t.validity,label:e.label,value:t.localDefaultName},on:{"update:value":function(e){t.localDefaultName=e}}})],1)])}),[],!1,null,"242a2438",null).exports;function Ce(e,s){let t=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{};const n=s.map((e=>e.basename));return new Promise((s=>{(0,i.Ss)(ye,{...t,defaultName:e,otherNames:n},(e=>{s(e)}))}))}const ke={id:"newFolder",displayName:(0,a.Tl)("files","New folder"),enabled:e=>0!=(e.permissions&n.aX.CREATE),iconSvgInline:'',order:0,async handler(e,s){const t=await Ce((0,a.Tl)("files","New folder"),s);if(null!==t){var o,m,c,g,u;const{fileid:s,source:f}=await(async(e,s)=>{const t=e.source+"/"+s,n=e.encodedSource+"/"+encodeURIComponent(s),i=await(0,d.Ay)({method:"MKCOL",url:n,headers:{Overwrite:"F"}});return{fileid:parseInt(i.headers["oc-fileid"]),source:t}})(e,t.trim()),p=new n.vd({source:f,id:s,mtime:new Date,owner:(null===(o=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===o?void 0:o.uid)||null,permissions:n.aX.ALL,root:(null==e?void 0:e.root)||"/files/"+(null===(m=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===m?void 0:m.uid),attributes:{"mount-type":null===(c=e.attributes)||void 0===c?void 0:c["mount-type"],"owner-id":null===(g=e.attributes)||void 0===g?void 0:g["owner-id"],"owner-display-name":null===(u=e.attributes)||void 0===u?void 0:u["owner-display-name"]}});(0,r.Ic)("files:node:created",p),(0,i.Te)((0,a.Tl)("files",'Created new folder "{name}"',{name:(0,I.basename)(f)})),l.A.debug("Created new folder",{folder:p,source:f}),window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:"files",fileid:p.fileid},{dir:e.path})}}};var be=t(32981);let Le=(0,be.C)("files","templates_path",!1);l.A.debug("Initial templates folder",{templatesPath:Le});const Se={id:"template-picker",displayName:(0,a.Tl)("files","Create new templates folder"),iconSvgInline:'',order:10,enabled(e){var s;return!Le&&e.owner===(null===(s=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===s?void 0:s.uid)&&0!=(e.permissions&n.aX.CREATE)},async handler(e,s){const t=await Ce((0,a.Tl)("files","Templates"),s,{name:(0,a.Tl)("files","New template folder")});null!==t&&(async function(e,s){const t=(0,I.join)(e.path,s);try{l.A.debug("Initializing the templates directory",{templatePath:t});const{data:e}=await d.Ay.post((0,T.KT)("apps/files/api/v1/templates/path"),{templatePath:t,copySystemTemplates:!0});window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null,{view:"files",fileid:void 0},{dir:t}),l.A.info("Created new templates folder",{...e.ocs.data}),Le=e.ocs.data.templates_path}catch(e){l.A.error("Unable to initialize the templates directory"),(0,i.Qg)((0,a.Tl)("files","Unable to initialize the templates directory"))}}(e,t),(0,n.gj)("template-picker"))}},Ue=(0,A.$V)((()=>Promise.all([t.e(4208),t.e(5606)]).then(t.bind(t,15606))));let Ae=null;const _e=async e=>{if(null===Ae){const s=document.createElement("div");s.id="template-picker",document.body.appendChild(s),Ae=new A.Ay({render:s=>s(Ue,{ref:"picker",props:{parent:e}}),methods:{open(){this.$refs.picker.open(...arguments)}},el:s})}return Ae};var Fe;const Pe="/files/".concat(null===(Fe=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===Fe?void 0:Fe.uid),Ne=((0,T.dC)("dav"+Pe),(0,n.H4)()),Ee=function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"/";return"/"!==e?V(e):new W.CancelablePromise(((e,s,t)=>{const i=(0,n.Q$)(Ne).catch(s).then((t=>{var i;t?e({contents:t,folder:new n.vd({id:0,source:"".concat(n.PY).concat(n.lJ),root:n.lJ,owner:(null===(i=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===i?void 0:i.uid)||null,permissions:n.aX.READ})}):s()}));t((()=>i.cancel()))}))},Ie=function(e){let s=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0;return new n.Ss({id:Be(e.path),name:(0,I.basename)(e.path),icon:J,order:s,params:{dir:e.path,fileid:e.fileid.toString(),view:"favorites"},parent:"favorites",columns:[],getContents:Ee})},Be=function(e){return"favorite-".concat(function(e){let s=0;for(let t=0;t>>0}(e))};var ze=t(65899);const Re=(0,be.C)("files","config",{show_hidden:!1,crop_image_previews:!0,sort_favorites_first:!0,sort_folders_first:!0,grid_view:!1}),je=(0,ze.Ey)(),Oe=(0,n.H4)(),De=Math.round(Date.now()/1e3-1209600),Me=e=>(0,n.Al)(e,n.lJ,(0,T.$_)());var We;const He=null===(We=(0,L.HW)())||void 0===We?void 0:We.uid,Ye=function(e){const s=e.attributes["mount-type"];return!(He&&e.owner!==He||["group","shared"].includes(s))};(0,n.Gg)(v),(0,n.Gg)(k),(0,n.Gg)(U),(0,n.Gg)(N),(0,n.Gg)(K),(0,n.Gg)(Q),(0,n.Gg)(Z),(0,n.Gg)(X),(0,n.Gg)(se),(0,n.Gg)(te),(0,n.zj)(ke),(0,n.zj)(Se),(0,be.C)("files","templates",[]).forEach(((e,s)=>{(0,n.zj)({id:"template-new-".concat(e.app,"-").concat(s),displayName:e.label,iconClass:e.iconClass||"icon-file",iconSvgInline:e.iconSvgInline,enabled:e=>0!=(e.permissions&n.aX.CREATE),order:11,async handler(s,t){const n=_e(s),i=await Ce("".concat(e.label).concat(e.extension),t,{label:(0,a.Tl)("files","Filename"),name:e.label});null!==i&&(await n).open(i.trim(),e)}})})),(()=>{const e=(0,be.C)("files","favoriteFolders",[]),s=e.map(((e,s)=>Ie(e,s)));l.A.debug("Generating favorites view",{favoriteFolders:e});const t=(0,n.bh)();t.register(new n.Ss({id:"favorites",name:(0,a.Tl)("files","Favorites"),caption:(0,a.Tl)("files","List of favorites files and 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a={path:n.path,fileid:n.fileid},o=Ie(a);e.find((e=>e.path===n.path))||(e.push(a),s.push(o),i(),t.register(o))},m=function(n){const a=Be(n),o=e.findIndex((e=>e.path===n));-1!==o&&(e.splice(o,1),s.splice(o,1),t.remove(a),i())},d=function(s){const t=e.find((e=>e.fileid===s.fileid));void 0!==t&&(m(t.path),o(s))}})(),(0,n.bh)().register(new n.Ss({id:"files",name:(0,a.Tl)("files","All files"),caption:(0,a.Tl)("files","List of your files and folders."),icon:J,order:0,getContents:V})),(0,n.bh)().register(new n.Ss({id:"recent",name:(0,a.Tl)("files","Recent"),caption:(0,a.Tl)("files","List of recently modified files and folders."),emptyTitle:(0,a.Tl)("files","No recently modified files"),emptyCaption:(0,a.Tl)("files","Files and folders you recently modified will show up here."),icon:'',order:10,defaultSortKey:"mtime",getContents:async function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"/";const s=function(){const 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ellipsis;\n}\n.upload-picker--uploading .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n max-width: 200px;\n margin-right: 20px;\n margin-left: 8px;\n}\n.upload-picker--paused .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n animation: breathing-3e5a9212 3s ease-out infinite normal;\n}\n@keyframes breathing-3e5a9212 {\n0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n25% {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n60% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n}","",{version:3,sources:["webpack://./node_modules/@nextcloud/upload/dist/assets/index-Dg3Dlw7h.css"],names:[],mappings:";AACA;CACC,+DAA+D;CAC/D,8EAA8E;AAC/E;AACA;EACE,oBAAoB;EACpB,mBAAmB;EACnB,qCAAqC;AACvC;AACA;EACE,YAAY;EACZ,YAAY;EACZ,wDAAwD;EACxD,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;EAChB,mBAAmB;EACnB,uBAAuB;AACzB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;EAChB,kBAAkB;EAClB,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,yDAAyD;AAC3D;AACA;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA;IACI,UAAU;AACd;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA",sourcesContent:["\n.invalid-filename-dialog__input[data-v-3a479259] {\n\t/* Ensure the helper text can always be shown without jumping */\n\tmin-height: calc(var(--default-clickable-area) + 4 * var(--default-font-size));\n}\n.upload-picker[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n display: inline-flex;\n align-items: center;\n height: var(--default-clickable-area);\n}\n.upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n width: 200px;\n max-width: 0;\n transition: max-width var(--animation-quick) ease-in-out;\n margin-top: 8px;\n}\n.upload-picker__progress p[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n overflow: hidden;\n white-space: nowrap;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n.upload-picker--uploading .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n max-width: 200px;\n margin-right: 20px;\n margin-left: 8px;\n}\n.upload-picker--paused .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n animation: breathing-3e5a9212 3s ease-out infinite normal;\n}\n@keyframes breathing-3e5a9212 {\n0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n25% {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n60% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n}"],sourceRoot:""}]);const l=o},6058:(e,s,t)=>{"use strict";t.d(s,{A:()=>l});var n=t(71354),i=t.n(n),a=t(76314),o=t.n(a)()(i());o.push([e.id,"\n.new-node-dialog__form[data-v-242a2438] {\n\t/* Ensure the dialog does not jump when there is a validity error */\n\tmin-height: calc(3 * var(--default-clickable-area));\n}\n","",{version:3,sources:["webpack://./apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue"],names:[],mappings:";AAwJA;CACA,mEAAA;CACA,mDAAA;AACA",sourcesContent:["\x3c!--\n - SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors\n - SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later\n--\x3e\n\n\n\\n\\n\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst denyList = new Set([\n\t'ENOTFOUND',\n\t'ENETUNREACH',\n\n\t// SSL errors from https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/fc8e3e2cdc521978351de257030db0076d79e0ab/src/crypto/crypto_common.cc#L301-L328\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY',\n\t'CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE',\n\t'CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE',\n\t'CERT_NOT_YET_VALID',\n\t'CERT_HAS_EXPIRED',\n\t'CRL_NOT_YET_VALID',\n\t'CRL_HAS_EXPIRED',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD',\n\t'OUT_OF_MEM',\n\t'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT',\n\t'SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE',\n\t'CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG',\n\t'CERT_REVOKED',\n\t'INVALID_CA',\n\t'PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED',\n\t'INVALID_PURPOSE',\n\t'CERT_UNTRUSTED',\n\t'CERT_REJECTED',\n\t'HOSTNAME_MISMATCH'\n]);\n\n// TODO: Use `error?.code` when targeting Node.js 14\nmodule.exports = error => !denyList.has(error && error.code);\n","// @flow\n\n/*::\ntype Options = {\n max?: number,\n min?: number,\n historyTimeConstant?: number,\n autostart?: boolean,\n ignoreSameProgress?: boolean,\n}\n*/\n\nfunction makeLowPassFilter(RC/*: number*/) {\n return function (previousOutput, input, dt) {\n const alpha = dt / (dt + RC);\n return previousOutput + alpha * (input - previousOutput);\n }\n}\n\nfunction def/*:: */(x/*: ?T*/, d/*: T*/)/*: T*/ {\n return (x === undefined || x === null) ? d : x;\n}\n\nfunction makeEta(options/*::?: Options */) {\n options = options || {};\n var max = def(options.max, 1);\n var min = def(options.min, 0);\n var autostart = def(options.autostart, true);\n var ignoreSameProgress = def(options.ignoreSameProgress, false);\n\n var rate/*: number | null */ = null;\n var lastTimestamp/*: number | null */ = null;\n var lastProgress/*: number | null */ = null;\n\n var filter = makeLowPassFilter(def(options.historyTimeConstant, 2.5));\n\n function start() {\n report(min);\n }\n\n function reset() {\n rate = null;\n lastTimestamp = null;\n lastProgress = null;\n if (autostart) {\n start();\n }\n }\n\n function report(progress /*: number */, timestamp/*::?: number */) {\n if (typeof timestamp !== 'number') {\n timestamp = Date.now();\n }\n\n if (lastTimestamp === timestamp) { return; }\n if (ignoreSameProgress && lastProgress === progress) { return; }\n\n if (lastTimestamp === null || lastProgress === null) {\n lastProgress = progress;\n lastTimestamp = timestamp;\n return;\n }\n\n var deltaProgress = progress - lastProgress;\n var deltaTimestamp = 0.001 * (timestamp - lastTimestamp);\n var currentRate = deltaProgress / deltaTimestamp;\n\n rate = rate === null\n ? currentRate\n : filter(rate, currentRate, deltaTimestamp);\n lastProgress = progress;\n lastTimestamp = timestamp;\n }\n\n function estimate(timestamp/*::?: number*/) {\n if (lastProgress === null) { return Infinity; }\n if (lastProgress >= max) { return 0; }\n if (rate === null) { return Infinity; }\n\n var estimatedTime = (max - lastProgress) / rate;\n if (typeof timestamp === 'number' && typeof lastTimestamp === 'number') {\n estimatedTime -= (timestamp - lastTimestamp) * 0.001;\n }\n return Math.max(0, estimatedTime);\n }\n\n function getRate() {\n return rate === null ? 0 : rate;\n }\n\n return {\n start: start,\n reset: reset,\n report: report,\n estimate: estimate,\n rate: getRate,\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = makeEta;\n","\n import API from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import domAPI from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js\";\n import insertFn from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js\";\n import setAttributes from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js\";\n import insertStyleElement from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js\";\n import styleTagTransformFn from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js\";\n import content, * as namedExport from \"!!../../../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./index-Dg3Dlw7h.css\";\n \n \n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransformFn;\noptions.setAttributes = setAttributes;\n\n options.insert = insertFn.bind(null, \"head\");\n \noptions.domAPI = domAPI;\noptions.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement;\n\nvar update = API(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport * from \"!!../../../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./index-Dg3Dlw7h.css\";\n export default content && content.locals ? content.locals : undefined;\n","export class CancelError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(reason) {\n\t\tsuper(reason || 'Promise was canceled');\n\t\tthis.name = 'CancelError';\n\t}\n\n\tget isCanceled() {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n}\n\nconst promiseState = Object.freeze({\n\tpending: Symbol('pending'),\n\tcanceled: Symbol('canceled'),\n\tresolved: Symbol('resolved'),\n\trejected: Symbol('rejected'),\n});\n\nexport default class PCancelable {\n\tstatic fn(userFunction) {\n\t\treturn (...arguments_) => new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n\t\t\targuments_.push(onCancel);\n\t\t\tuserFunction(...arguments_).then(resolve, reject);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t#cancelHandlers = [];\n\t#rejectOnCancel = true;\n\t#state = promiseState.pending;\n\t#promise;\n\t#reject;\n\n\tconstructor(executor) {\n\t\tthis.#promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t\t\tthis.#reject = reject;\n\n\t\t\tconst onResolve = value => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.canceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresolve(value);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.resolved);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tconst onReject = error => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.canceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) {\n\t\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.rejected);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tconst onCancel = handler => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(`The \\`onCancel\\` handler was attached after the promise ${this.#state.description}.`);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tthis.#cancelHandlers.push(handler);\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperties(onCancel, {\n\t\t\t\tshouldReject: {\n\t\t\t\t\tget: () => this.#rejectOnCancel,\n\t\t\t\t\tset: boolean => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.#rejectOnCancel = boolean;\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\texecutor(onResolve, onReject, onCancel);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-thenable\n\tthen(onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);\n\t}\n\n\tcatch(onRejected) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.catch(onRejected);\n\t}\n\n\tfinally(onFinally) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.finally(onFinally);\n\t}\n\n\tcancel(reason) {\n\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.canceled);\n\n\t\tif (this.#cancelHandlers.length > 0) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tfor (const handler of this.#cancelHandlers) {\n\t\t\t\t\thandler();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.#reject(error);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.#rejectOnCancel) {\n\t\t\tthis.#reject(new CancelError(reason));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tget isCanceled() {\n\t\treturn this.#state === promiseState.canceled;\n\t}\n\n\t#setState(state) {\n\t\tif (this.#state === promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\tthis.#state = state;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nObject.setPrototypeOf(PCancelable.prototype, Promise.prototype);\n","export class TimeoutError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(message) {\n\t\tsuper(message);\n\t\tthis.name = 'TimeoutError';\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\nAn error to be thrown when the request is aborted by AbortController.\nDOMException is thrown instead of this Error when DOMException is available.\n*/\nexport class AbortError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(message) {\n\t\tsuper();\n\t\tthis.name = 'AbortError';\n\t\tthis.message = message;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\nTODO: Remove AbortError and just throw DOMException when targeting Node 18.\n*/\nconst getDOMException = errorMessage => globalThis.DOMException === undefined\n\t? new AbortError(errorMessage)\n\t: new DOMException(errorMessage);\n\n/**\nTODO: Remove below function and just 'reject(signal.reason)' when targeting Node 18.\n*/\nconst getAbortedReason = signal => {\n\tconst reason = signal.reason === undefined\n\t\t? getDOMException('This operation was aborted.')\n\t\t: signal.reason;\n\n\treturn reason instanceof Error ? reason : getDOMException(reason);\n};\n\nexport default function pTimeout(promise, options) {\n\tconst {\n\t\tmilliseconds,\n\t\tfallback,\n\t\tmessage,\n\t\tcustomTimers = {setTimeout, clearTimeout},\n\t} = options;\n\n\tlet timer;\n\n\tconst wrappedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t\tif (typeof milliseconds !== 'number' || Math.sign(milliseconds) !== 1) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError(`Expected \\`milliseconds\\` to be a positive number, got \\`${milliseconds}\\``);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (options.signal) {\n\t\t\tconst {signal} = options;\n\t\t\tif (signal.aborted) {\n\t\t\t\treject(getAbortedReason(signal));\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tsignal.addEventListener('abort', () => {\n\t\t\t\treject(getAbortedReason(signal));\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (milliseconds === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {\n\t\t\tpromise.then(resolve, reject);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// We create the error outside of `setTimeout` to preserve the stack trace.\n\t\tconst timeoutError = new TimeoutError();\n\n\t\ttimer = customTimers.setTimeout.call(undefined, () => {\n\t\t\tif (fallback) {\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\tresolve(fallback());\n\t\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (typeof promise.cancel === 'function') {\n\t\t\t\tpromise.cancel();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (message === false) {\n\t\t\t\tresolve();\n\t\t\t} else if (message instanceof Error) {\n\t\t\t\treject(message);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ttimeoutError.message = message ?? `Promise timed out after ${milliseconds} milliseconds`;\n\t\t\t\treject(timeoutError);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}, milliseconds);\n\n\t\t(async () => {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tresolve(await promise);\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})();\n\t});\n\n\tconst cancelablePromise = wrappedPromise.finally(() => {\n\t\tcancelablePromise.clear();\n\t});\n\n\tcancelablePromise.clear = () => {\n\t\tcustomTimers.clearTimeout.call(undefined, timer);\n\t\ttimer = undefined;\n\t};\n\n\treturn cancelablePromise;\n}\n","import lowerBound from './lower-bound.js';\nexport default class PriorityQueue {\n #queue = [];\n enqueue(run, options) {\n options = {\n priority: 0,\n ...options,\n };\n const element = {\n priority: options.priority,\n run,\n };\n if (this.size && this.#queue[this.size - 1].priority >= options.priority) {\n this.#queue.push(element);\n return;\n }\n const index = lowerBound(this.#queue, element, (a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);\n this.#queue.splice(index, 0, element);\n }\n dequeue() {\n const item = this.#queue.shift();\n return item?.run;\n }\n filter(options) {\n return this.#queue.filter((element) => element.priority === options.priority).map((element) => element.run);\n }\n get size() {\n return this.#queue.length;\n }\n}\n","// Port of lower_bound from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/lower_bound\n// Used to compute insertion index to keep queue sorted after insertion\nexport default function lowerBound(array, value, comparator) {\n let first = 0;\n let count = array.length;\n while (count > 0) {\n const step = Math.trunc(count / 2);\n let it = first + step;\n if (comparator(array[it], value) <= 0) {\n first = ++it;\n count -= step + 1;\n }\n else {\n count = step;\n }\n }\n return first;\n}\n","import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';\nimport pTimeout, { TimeoutError } from 'p-timeout';\nimport PriorityQueue from './priority-queue.js';\n/**\nPromise queue with concurrency control.\n*/\nexport default class PQueue extends EventEmitter {\n #carryoverConcurrencyCount;\n #isIntervalIgnored;\n #intervalCount = 0;\n #intervalCap;\n #interval;\n #intervalEnd = 0;\n #intervalId;\n #timeoutId;\n #queue;\n #queueClass;\n #pending = 0;\n // The `!` is needed because of https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32194\n #concurrency;\n #isPaused;\n #throwOnTimeout;\n /**\n Per-operation timeout in milliseconds. Operations fulfill once `timeout` elapses if they haven't already.\n\n Applies to each future operation.\n */\n timeout;\n // TODO: The `throwOnTimeout` option should affect the return types of `add()` and `addAll()`\n constructor(options) {\n super();\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions\n options = {\n carryoverConcurrencyCount: false,\n intervalCap: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n interval: 0,\n concurrency: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n autoStart: true,\n queueClass: PriorityQueue,\n ...options,\n };\n if (!(typeof options.intervalCap === 'number' && options.intervalCap >= 1)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`intervalCap\\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \\`${options.intervalCap?.toString() ?? ''}\\` (${typeof options.intervalCap})`);\n }\n if (options.interval === undefined || !(Number.isFinite(options.interval) && options.interval >= 0)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`interval\\` to be a finite number >= 0, got \\`${options.interval?.toString() ?? ''}\\` (${typeof options.interval})`);\n }\n this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount = options.carryoverConcurrencyCount;\n this.#isIntervalIgnored = options.intervalCap === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || options.interval === 0;\n this.#intervalCap = options.intervalCap;\n this.#interval = options.interval;\n this.#queue = new options.queueClass();\n this.#queueClass = options.queueClass;\n this.concurrency = options.concurrency;\n this.timeout = options.timeout;\n this.#throwOnTimeout = options.throwOnTimeout === true;\n this.#isPaused = options.autoStart === false;\n }\n get #doesIntervalAllowAnother() {\n return this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalCount < this.#intervalCap;\n }\n get #doesConcurrentAllowAnother() {\n return this.#pending < this.#concurrency;\n }\n #next() {\n this.#pending--;\n this.#tryToStartAnother();\n this.emit('next');\n }\n #onResumeInterval() {\n this.#onInterval();\n this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded();\n this.#timeoutId = undefined;\n }\n get #isIntervalPaused() {\n const now = Date.now();\n if (this.#intervalId === undefined) {\n const delay = this.#intervalEnd - now;\n if (delay < 0) {\n // Act as the interval was done\n // We don't need to resume it here because it will be resumed on line 160\n this.#intervalCount = (this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount) ? this.#pending : 0;\n }\n else {\n // Act as the interval is pending\n if (this.#timeoutId === undefined) {\n this.#timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n this.#onResumeInterval();\n }, delay);\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n #tryToStartAnother() {\n if (this.#queue.size === 0) {\n // We can clear the interval (\"pause\")\n // Because we can redo it later (\"resume\")\n if (this.#intervalId) {\n clearInterval(this.#intervalId);\n }\n this.#intervalId = undefined;\n this.emit('empty');\n if (this.#pending === 0) {\n this.emit('idle');\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (!this.#isPaused) {\n const canInitializeInterval = !this.#isIntervalPaused;\n if (this.#doesIntervalAllowAnother && this.#doesConcurrentAllowAnother) {\n const job = this.#queue.dequeue();\n if (!job) {\n return false;\n }\n this.emit('active');\n job();\n if (canInitializeInterval) {\n this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded();\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n #initializeIntervalIfNeeded() {\n if (this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalId !== undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.#intervalId = setInterval(() => {\n this.#onInterval();\n }, this.#interval);\n this.#intervalEnd = Date.now() + this.#interval;\n }\n #onInterval() {\n if (this.#intervalCount === 0 && this.#pending === 0 && this.#intervalId) {\n clearInterval(this.#intervalId);\n this.#intervalId = undefined;\n }\n this.#intervalCount = this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount ? this.#pending : 0;\n this.#processQueue();\n }\n /**\n Executes all queued functions until it reaches the limit.\n */\n #processQueue() {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\n while (this.#tryToStartAnother()) { }\n }\n get concurrency() {\n return this.#concurrency;\n }\n set concurrency(newConcurrency) {\n if (!(typeof newConcurrency === 'number' && newConcurrency >= 1)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`concurrency\\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \\`${newConcurrency}\\` (${typeof newConcurrency})`);\n }\n this.#concurrency = newConcurrency;\n this.#processQueue();\n }\n async #throwOnAbort(signal) {\n return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => {\n signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {\n reject(signal.reason);\n }, { once: true });\n });\n }\n async add(function_, options = {}) {\n options = {\n timeout: this.timeout,\n throwOnTimeout: this.#throwOnTimeout,\n ...options,\n };\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.#queue.enqueue(async () => {\n this.#pending++;\n this.#intervalCount++;\n try {\n options.signal?.throwIfAborted();\n let operation = function_({ signal: options.signal });\n if (options.timeout) {\n operation = pTimeout(Promise.resolve(operation), { milliseconds: options.timeout });\n }\n if (options.signal) {\n operation = Promise.race([operation, this.#throwOnAbort(options.signal)]);\n }\n const result = await operation;\n resolve(result);\n this.emit('completed', result);\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof TimeoutError && !options.throwOnTimeout) {\n resolve();\n return;\n }\n reject(error);\n this.emit('error', error);\n }\n finally {\n this.#next();\n }\n }, options);\n this.emit('add');\n this.#tryToStartAnother();\n });\n }\n async addAll(functions, options) {\n return Promise.all(functions.map(async (function_) => this.add(function_, options)));\n }\n /**\n Start (or resume) executing enqueued tasks within concurrency limit. No need to call this if queue is not paused (via `options.autoStart = false` or by `.pause()` method.)\n */\n start() {\n if (!this.#isPaused) {\n return this;\n }\n this.#isPaused = false;\n this.#processQueue();\n return this;\n }\n /**\n Put queue execution on hold.\n */\n pause() {\n this.#isPaused = true;\n }\n /**\n Clear the queue.\n */\n clear() {\n this.#queue = new this.#queueClass();\n }\n /**\n Can be called multiple times. Useful if you for example add additional items at a later time.\n\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty.\n */\n async onEmpty() {\n // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty\n if (this.#queue.size === 0) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('empty');\n }\n /**\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue size is less than the given limit: `queue.size < limit`.\n\n If you want to avoid having the queue grow beyond a certain size you can `await queue.onSizeLessThan()` before adding a new item.\n\n Note that this only limits the number of items waiting to start. There could still be up to `concurrency` jobs already running that this call does not include in its calculation.\n */\n async onSizeLessThan(limit) {\n // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty.\n if (this.#queue.size < limit) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('next', () => this.#queue.size < limit);\n }\n /**\n The difference with `.onEmpty` is that `.onIdle` guarantees that all work from the queue has finished. `.onEmpty` merely signals that the queue is empty, but it could mean that some promises haven't completed yet.\n\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty, and all promises have completed; `queue.size === 0 && queue.pending === 0`.\n */\n async onIdle() {\n // Instantly resolve if none pending and if nothing else is queued\n if (this.#pending === 0 && this.#queue.size === 0) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('idle');\n }\n async #onEvent(event, filter) {\n return new Promise(resolve => {\n const listener = () => {\n if (filter && !filter()) {\n return;\n }\n this.off(event, listener);\n resolve();\n };\n this.on(event, listener);\n });\n }\n /**\n Size of the queue, the number of queued items waiting to run.\n */\n get size() {\n return this.#queue.size;\n }\n /**\n Size of the queue, filtered by the given options.\n\n For example, this can be used to find the number of items remaining in the queue with a specific priority level.\n */\n sizeBy(options) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference\n return this.#queue.filter(options).length;\n }\n /**\n Number of running items (no longer in the queue).\n */\n get pending() {\n return this.#pending;\n }\n /**\n Whether the queue is currently paused.\n */\n get isPaused() {\n return this.#isPaused;\n }\n}\n","import isRetryAllowed from 'is-retry-allowed';\nexport const namespace = 'axios-retry';\nexport function isNetworkError(error) {\n const CODE_EXCLUDE_LIST = ['ERR_CANCELED', 'ECONNABORTED'];\n if (error.response) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!error.code) {\n return false;\n }\n // Prevents retrying timed out & cancelled requests\n if (CODE_EXCLUDE_LIST.includes(error.code)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Prevents retrying unsafe errors\n return isRetryAllowed(error);\n}\nconst SAFE_HTTP_METHODS = ['get', 'head', 'options'];\nconst IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS = SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.concat(['put', 'delete']);\nexport function isRetryableError(error) {\n return (error.code !== 'ECONNABORTED' &&\n (!error.response ||\n error.response.status === 429 ||\n (error.response.status >= 500 && error.response.status <= 599)));\n}\nexport function isSafeRequestError(error) {\n if (!error.config?.method) {\n // Cannot determine if the request can be retried\n return false;\n }\n return isRetryableError(error) && SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1;\n}\nexport function isIdempotentRequestError(error) {\n if (!error.config?.method) {\n // Cannot determine if the request can be retried\n return false;\n }\n return isRetryableError(error) && IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1;\n}\nexport function isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError(error) {\n return isNetworkError(error) || isIdempotentRequestError(error);\n}\nexport function retryAfter(error = undefined) {\n const retryAfterHeader = error?.response?.headers['retry-after'];\n if (!retryAfterHeader) {\n return 0;\n }\n // if the retry after header is a number, convert it to milliseconds\n let retryAfterMs = (Number(retryAfterHeader) || 0) * 1000;\n // If the retry after header is a date, get the number of milliseconds until that date\n if (retryAfterMs === 0) {\n retryAfterMs = (new Date(retryAfterHeader).valueOf() || 0) - Date.now();\n }\n return Math.max(0, retryAfterMs);\n}\nfunction noDelay(_retryNumber = 0, error = undefined) {\n return Math.max(0, retryAfter(error));\n}\nexport function exponentialDelay(retryNumber = 0, error = undefined, delayFactor = 100) {\n const calculatedDelay = 2 ** retryNumber * delayFactor;\n const delay = Math.max(calculatedDelay, retryAfter(error));\n const randomSum = delay * 0.2 * Math.random(); // 0-20% of the delay\n return delay + randomSum;\n}\n/**\n * Linear delay\n * @param {number | undefined} delayFactor - delay factor in milliseconds (default: 100)\n * @returns {function} (retryNumber: number, error: AxiosError | undefined) => number\n */\nexport function linearDelay(delayFactor = 100) {\n return (retryNumber = 0, error = undefined) => {\n const delay = retryNumber * delayFactor;\n return Math.max(delay, retryAfter(error));\n };\n}\nexport const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {\n retries: 3,\n retryCondition: isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError,\n retryDelay: noDelay,\n shouldResetTimeout: false,\n onRetry: () => { },\n onMaxRetryTimesExceeded: () => { },\n validateResponse: null\n};\nfunction getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions) {\n return { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...defaultOptions, ...config[namespace] };\n}\nfunction setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions, resetLastRequestTime = false) {\n const currentState = getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions || {});\n currentState.retryCount = currentState.retryCount || 0;\n if (!currentState.lastRequestTime || resetLastRequestTime) {\n currentState.lastRequestTime = Date.now();\n }\n config[namespace] = currentState;\n return currentState;\n}\nfunction fixConfig(axiosInstance, config) {\n // @ts-ignore\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.agent === config.agent) {\n // @ts-ignore\n delete config.agent;\n }\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.httpAgent === config.httpAgent) {\n delete config.httpAgent;\n }\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.httpsAgent === config.httpsAgent) {\n delete config.httpsAgent;\n }\n}\nasync function shouldRetry(currentState, error) {\n const { retries, retryCondition } = currentState;\n const shouldRetryOrPromise = (currentState.retryCount || 0) < retries && retryCondition(error);\n // This could be a promise\n if (typeof shouldRetryOrPromise === 'object') {\n try {\n const shouldRetryPromiseResult = await shouldRetryOrPromise;\n // keep return true unless shouldRetryPromiseResult return false for compatibility\n return shouldRetryPromiseResult !== false;\n }\n catch (_err) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return shouldRetryOrPromise;\n}\nasync function handleRetry(axiosInstance, currentState, error, config) {\n currentState.retryCount += 1;\n const { retryDelay, shouldResetTimeout, onRetry } = currentState;\n const delay = retryDelay(currentState.retryCount, error);\n // Axios fails merging this configuration to the default configuration because it has an issue\n // with circular structures: https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios/issues/370\n fixConfig(axiosInstance, config);\n if (!shouldResetTimeout && config.timeout && currentState.lastRequestTime) {\n const lastRequestDuration = Date.now() - currentState.lastRequestTime;\n const timeout = config.timeout - lastRequestDuration - delay;\n if (timeout <= 0) {\n return Promise.reject(error);\n }\n config.timeout = timeout;\n }\n config.transformRequest = [(data) => data];\n await onRetry(currentState.retryCount, error, config);\n if (config.signal?.aborted) {\n return Promise.resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n }\n return new Promise((resolve) => {\n const abortListener = () => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n };\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n if (config.signal?.removeEventListener) {\n config.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortListener);\n }\n }, delay);\n if (config.signal?.addEventListener) {\n config.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortListener, { once: true });\n }\n });\n}\nasync function handleMaxRetryTimesExceeded(currentState, error) {\n if (currentState.retryCount >= currentState.retries)\n await currentState.onMaxRetryTimesExceeded(error, currentState.retryCount);\n}\nconst axiosRetry = (axiosInstance, defaultOptions) => {\n const requestInterceptorId = axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use((config) => {\n setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions, true);\n if (config[namespace]?.validateResponse) {\n // by setting this, all HTTP responses will be go through the error interceptor first\n config.validateStatus = () => false;\n }\n return config;\n });\n const responseInterceptorId = axiosInstance.interceptors.response.use(null, async (error) => {\n const { config } = error;\n // If we have no information to retry the request\n if (!config) {\n return Promise.reject(error);\n }\n const currentState = setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions);\n if (error.response && currentState.validateResponse?.(error.response)) {\n // no issue with response\n return error.response;\n }\n if (await shouldRetry(currentState, error)) {\n return handleRetry(axiosInstance, currentState, error, config);\n }\n await handleMaxRetryTimesExceeded(currentState, error);\n return Promise.reject(error);\n });\n return { requestInterceptorId, responseInterceptorId };\n};\n// Compatibility with CommonJS\naxiosRetry.isNetworkError = isNetworkError;\naxiosRetry.isSafeRequestError = isSafeRequestError;\naxiosRetry.isIdempotentRequestError = isIdempotentRequestError;\naxiosRetry.isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError = isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError;\naxiosRetry.exponentialDelay = exponentialDelay;\naxiosRetry.linearDelay = linearDelay;\naxiosRetry.isRetryableError = isRetryableError;\nexport default axiosRetry;\n","import '../assets/index-Dg3Dlw7h.css';\nimport { isPublicShare } from \"@nextcloud/sharing/public\";\nimport Vue, { defineComponent, defineAsyncComponent } from \"vue\";\nimport { getCurrentUser } from \"@nextcloud/auth\";\nimport { Folder, Permission, davRootPath, davGetClient, davRemoteURL, InvalidFilenameError, InvalidFilenameErrorReason, NewMenuEntryCategory, validateFilename, getUniqueName, getNewFileMenuEntries } from \"@nextcloud/files\";\nimport { basename, encodePath } from \"@nextcloud/paths\";\nimport { normalize } from \"path\";\nimport axios, { isCancel } from \"@nextcloud/axios\";\nimport PCancelable from \"p-cancelable\";\nimport PQueue from \"p-queue\";\nimport { generateRemoteUrl } from \"@nextcloud/router\";\nimport axiosRetry from \"axios-retry\";\nimport { getGettextBuilder } from \"@nextcloud/l10n/gettext\";\nimport { getLoggerBuilder } from \"@nextcloud/logger\";\nimport { spawnDialog, showInfo, showWarning } from \"@nextcloud/dialogs\";\nimport makeEta from \"simple-eta\";\nimport NcActionButton from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionButton.js\";\nimport NcActionCaption from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionCaption.js\";\nimport NcActionSeparator from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionSeparator.js\";\nimport NcActions from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActions.js\";\nimport NcButton from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcButton.js\";\nimport NcIconSvgWrapper from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcIconSvgWrapper.js\";\nimport NcProgressBar from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcProgressBar.js\";\nimport NcDialog from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcDialog.js\";\nimport NcTextField from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcTextField.js\";\nimport NcNoteCard from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcNoteCard.js\";\naxiosRetry(axios, { retries: 0 });\nconst uploadData = async function(url, uploadData2, signal, onUploadProgress = () => {\n}, destinationFile = void 0, headers = {}, retries = 5) {\n let data;\n if (uploadData2 instanceof Blob) {\n data = uploadData2;\n } else {\n data = await uploadData2();\n }\n if (destinationFile) {\n headers.Destination = destinationFile;\n }\n if (!headers[\"Content-Type\"]) {\n headers[\"Content-Type\"] = \"application/octet-stream\";\n }\n return await axios.request({\n method: \"PUT\",\n url,\n data,\n signal,\n onUploadProgress,\n headers,\n \"axios-retry\": {\n retries,\n retryDelay: (retryCount, error) => axiosRetry.exponentialDelay(retryCount, error, 1e3)\n }\n });\n};\nconst getChunk = function(file, start, length) {\n if (start === 0 && file.size <= length) {\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([file], { type: file.type || \"application/octet-stream\" }));\n }\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([file.slice(start, start + length)], { type: \"application/octet-stream\" }));\n};\nconst initChunkWorkspace = async function(destinationFile = void 0, retries = 5) {\n const chunksWorkspace = generateRemoteUrl(`dav/uploads/${getCurrentUser()?.uid}`);\n const hash = [...Array(16)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join(\"\");\n const tempWorkspace = `web-file-upload-${hash}`;\n const url = `${chunksWorkspace}/${tempWorkspace}`;\n const headers = destinationFile ? { Destination: destinationFile } : void 0;\n await axios.request({\n method: \"MKCOL\",\n url,\n headers,\n \"axios-retry\": {\n retries,\n retryDelay: (retryCount, error) => axiosRetry.exponentialDelay(retryCount, error, 1e3)\n }\n });\n return url;\n};\nconst getMaxChunksSize = function(fileSize = void 0) {\n const maxChunkSize = window.OC?.appConfig?.files?.max_chunk_size;\n if (maxChunkSize <= 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (!Number(maxChunkSize)) {\n return 10 * 1024 * 1024;\n }\n const minimumChunkSize = Math.max(Number(maxChunkSize), 5 * 1024 * 1024);\n if (fileSize === void 0) {\n return minimumChunkSize;\n }\n return Math.max(minimumChunkSize, Math.ceil(fileSize / 1e4));\n};\nvar Status$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Status2) => {\n Status2[Status2[\"INITIALIZED\"] = 0] = \"INITIALIZED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"UPLOADING\"] = 1] = \"UPLOADING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"ASSEMBLING\"] = 2] = \"ASSEMBLING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"FINISHED\"] = 3] = \"FINISHED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"CANCELLED\"] = 4] = \"CANCELLED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"FAILED\"] = 5] = \"FAILED\";\n return Status2;\n})(Status$1 || {});\nclass Upload {\n _source;\n _file;\n _isChunked;\n _chunks;\n _size;\n _uploaded = 0;\n _startTime = 0;\n _status = 0;\n _controller;\n _response = null;\n constructor(source, chunked = false, size, file) {\n const chunks = Math.min(getMaxChunksSize() > 0 ? Math.ceil(size / getMaxChunksSize()) : 1, 1e4);\n this._source = source;\n this._isChunked = chunked && getMaxChunksSize() > 0 && chunks > 1;\n this._chunks = this._isChunked ? chunks : 1;\n this._size = size;\n this._file = file;\n this._controller = new AbortController();\n }\n get source() {\n return this._source;\n }\n get file() {\n return this._file;\n }\n get isChunked() {\n return this._isChunked;\n }\n get chunks() {\n return this._chunks;\n }\n get size() {\n return this._size;\n }\n get startTime() {\n return this._startTime;\n }\n set response(response) {\n this._response = response;\n }\n get response() {\n return this._response;\n }\n get uploaded() {\n return this._uploaded;\n }\n /**\n * Update the uploaded bytes of this upload\n */\n set uploaded(length) {\n if (length >= this._size) {\n this._status = this._isChunked ? 2 : 3;\n this._uploaded = this._size;\n return;\n }\n this._status = 1;\n this._uploaded = length;\n if (this._startTime === 0) {\n this._startTime = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();\n }\n }\n get status() {\n return this._status;\n }\n /**\n * Update this upload status\n */\n set status(status) {\n this._status = status;\n }\n /**\n * Returns the axios cancel token source\n */\n get signal() {\n return this._controller.signal;\n }\n /**\n * Cancel any ongoing requests linked to this upload\n */\n cancel() {\n this._controller.abort();\n this._status = 4;\n }\n}\nconst isFileSystemDirectoryEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemDirectoryEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemDirectoryEntry;\nconst isFileSystemFileEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemFileEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemFileEntry;\nconst isFileSystemEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemEntry;\nclass Directory extends File {\n _originalName;\n _path;\n _children;\n constructor(path, children) {\n super([], basename(path), { type: \"httpd/unix-directory\", lastModified: 0 });\n this._children = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n this._originalName = basename(path);\n this._path = path;\n if (children) {\n children.forEach((c) => this.addChild(c));\n }\n }\n get size() {\n return this.children.reduce((sum, file) => sum + file.size, 0);\n }\n get lastModified() {\n return this.children.reduce((latest, file) => Math.max(latest, file.lastModified), 0);\n }\n // We need this to keep track of renamed files\n get originalName() {\n return this._originalName;\n }\n get children() {\n return Array.from(this._children.values());\n }\n get webkitRelativePath() {\n return this._path;\n }\n getChild(name) {\n return this._children.get(name) ?? null;\n }\n async addChild(file) {\n const rootPath = this._path && `${this._path}/`;\n if (isFileSystemFileEntry(file)) {\n file = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => file.file(resolve, reject));\n } else if (isFileSystemDirectoryEntry(file)) {\n const reader = file.createReader();\n const entries = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => reader.readEntries(resolve, reject));\n this._children.set(file.name, new Directory(`${rootPath}${file.name}`, entries));\n return;\n }\n file = file;\n const filePath = file.webkitRelativePath ?? file.name;\n if (!filePath.includes(\"/\")) {\n this._children.set(file.name, file);\n } else {\n if (!filePath.startsWith(this._path)) {\n throw new Error(`File ${filePath} is not a child of ${this._path}`);\n }\n const relPath = filePath.slice(rootPath.length);\n const name = basename(relPath);\n if (name === relPath) {\n this._children.set(name, file);\n } else {\n const base = relPath.slice(0, relPath.indexOf(\"/\"));\n if (this._children.has(base)) {\n this._children.get(base).addChild(file);\n } else {\n this._children.set(base, new Directory(`${rootPath}${base}`, [file]));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nconst gtBuilder = getGettextBuilder().detectLocale();\n[{ \"locale\": \"af\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Afrikaans (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/af/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"af\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Afrikaans (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/af/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: af\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ar\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Ali , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ar/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ar\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAli , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Ali , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ar/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ar\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو اسم ممنوع لملف أو مجلد.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو نوع ممنوع أن يكون لملف.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو غير مسموح به في اسم ملف أو مجلد.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملفان متعارضان\", \"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفان متعارضان في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة في n {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} ثانية متبقية\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} متبقية\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"باقٍ بضعُ ثوانٍ\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغاء\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغِ العملية بالكامل\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغاء عمليات رفع الملفات\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"إستمر\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"إنشاء جديد\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"تقدير الوقت المتبقي\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"الإصدار الحالي\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['غير مسموح ان ينتهي اسم الملف بـ \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"إذا اخترت الاحتفاظ بالنسختين فسيتم إلحاق رقم عداد آخر اسم الملف الوارد.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"اسم ملف غير صحيح\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"تاريخ آخر تعديل غير معلوم\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"جديد\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"اسم ملف جديد\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"نسخة جديدة\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"مُجمَّد\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"معاينة الصورة\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"تغيير التسمية\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل صناديق الخيارات\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل الملفات الموجودة\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل الملفات الجديدة\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخطِّي\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"حجم غير معلوم\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"رفع ملفات\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"رفع مجلدات\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"الرفع من جهاز \"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"تمّ إلغاء عملية رفع الملفات\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"تمّ تجاوز الرفع\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['رفع \"{folder}\" تمّ تجاوزه'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"تقدُّم الرفع \"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"عند تحديد مجلد وارد، أي ملفات متعارضة بداخله ستتم الكتابة فوقها.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"عند تحديد مجلد وارد، ستتم كتابة المحتوى في المجلد الموجود و سيتم تنفيذ حل التعارض بشكل تعاوُدي.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"أيُّ الملفات ترغب في الإبقاء عليها؟\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"يمكنك إمّا تغيير اسم الملف، أو تجاوزه، أو إلغاء العملية برُمَّتها.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"يجب أن تختار نسخة واحدة على الأقل من كل ملف للاستمرار.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ast\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"enolp , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Asturian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ast/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ast\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nenolp , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: enolp , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Asturian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ast/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ast\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ficheru en coflictu\", \"{count} ficheros en coflictu\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ficheru en coflictu en {dirname}\", \"{count} ficheros en coflictu en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {seconds} segundos\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Tiempu que queda: {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"queden unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Encaboxar les xubes\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Siguir\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando'l tiempu que falta\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión esistente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si seleiciones dambes versiones, el ficheru copiáu va tener un númberu amestáu al so nome.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"La data de la última modificación ye desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevu\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión nueva\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"en posa\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Previsualizar la imaxe\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marcar toles caxelles\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleicionar tolos ficheros esistentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleicionar tolos ficheros nuevos\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar esti ficheru\", \"Saltar {count} ficheros\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamañu desconocíu\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Encaboxóse la xuba\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xubir ficheros\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xuba en cursu\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué ficheros quies caltener?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tienes de seleicionar polo menos una versión de cada ficheru pa siguir.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"az\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rashad Aliyev , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Azerbaijani (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/az/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"az\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nRashad Aliyev , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rashad Aliyev , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Azerbaijani (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/az/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: az\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] 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[\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"bg_BG\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/bg_BG/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"bg_BG\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex 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\"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"br\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Breton (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/br/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"br\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=5; plural=((n%10 == 1) && (n%100 != 11) && (n%100 !=71) && (n%100 !=91) ? 0 :(n%10 == 2) && (n%100 != 12) && (n%100 !=72) && (n%100 !=92) ? 1 :(n%10 ==3 || n%10==4 || n%10==9) && (n%100 < 10 || n% 100 > 19) && (n%100 < 70 || n%100 > 79) && (n%100 < 90 || n%100 > 99) ? 2 :(n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0) ? 3 : 4);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { 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\"Last-Translator\": \"Toni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ca/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ca\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nMarc Riera , 2022\\nToni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ca/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ca\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {seconds} segons\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden uns segons\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Afegeix\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel·la les pujades\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"S'està estimant el temps restant\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"En pausa\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Puja els fitxers\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"cs_CZ\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Pavel Borecki , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Czech (Czech Republic) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cs_CZ/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"cs_CZ\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMichal Šmahel , 2024\\nMartin Hankovec, 2024\\nAppukonrad , 2024\\nPavel Borecki , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Pavel Borecki , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cs_CZ/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: cs_CZ\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleno použít jako název souboru či složky.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleného typu souboru.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleno použít v rámci názvu souboru či složky.\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} kolize souborů\", \"{count} kolize souborů\", \"{count} kolizí souborů\", \"{count} kolize souborů\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolizí souborů v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá {seconds}\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá několik sekund\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit celou operaci\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit nahrávání\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pokračovat\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vytvořit nový\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"odhaduje se zbývající čas\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Existující verze\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Názvy souborů nemohou končit na „{segment}“.\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pokud vyberete obě verze, příchozí soubor bude mít ke jménu přidánu číslici.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neplatný název souboru\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neznámé datum poslední úpravy\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nové\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nový název souboru\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nová verze\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pozastaveno\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Náhled obrázku\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přejmenovat\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Označit všechny zaškrtávací kolonky\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vybrat veškeré stávající soubory\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vybrat veškeré nové soubory\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přeskočit\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přeskočit tento soubor\", \"Přeskočit {count} soubory\", \"Přeskočit {count} souborů\", \"Přeskočit {count} soubory\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neznámá velikost\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát soubory\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát složky\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát ze zařízení\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrávání bylo zrušeno\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrání bylo přeskočeno\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrání „{folder}“ bylo přeskočeno\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Postup v nahrávání\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po výběru příchozí složky budou rovněž přepsány všechny v ní obsažené konfliktní soubory\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Když je vybrána příchozí složka, obsah je zapsán do existující složky a je provedeno rekurzivní řešení kolizí.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Které soubory si přejete ponechat?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Soubor je možné buď přejmenovat, přeskočit nebo celou operaci zrušit.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aby bylo možné pokračovat, je třeba vybrat alespoň jednu verzi od každého souboru.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"cy_GB\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Welsh (United Kingdom) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cy_GB/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"cy_GB\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Welsh (United Kingdom) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cy_GB/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: cy_GB\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"da\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Danish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/da/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"da\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMartin Bonde , 2024\\nRasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Danish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/da/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: da\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" indeholder ugyldige karakterer, vil du stadig fortsætte?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fil konflikt\", \"{count} filer i konflikt\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fil konflikt i {dirname}\", \"{count} filer i konflikt i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{sekunder} sekunder tilbage\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{tid} tilbage\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"et par sekunder tilbage\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller hele handlingen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsæt\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opret ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimering af resterende tid\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Eksisterende version\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvis du vælger begge versioner, vil den indkommende fil have et nummer tilføjet til sit navn.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ugyldigt filnavn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sidste modifikationsdato ukendt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pauset\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forhåndsvisning af billede\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omdøb\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle felter\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle eksisterende filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle nye filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Spring over\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Spring denne fil over\", \"Spring {count} filer over\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukendt størrelse\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload mapper\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload fra enhed\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload er blevet annulleret\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload fremskridt\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en indgående mappe er valgt, vil alle modstridende filer i den også blive overskrevet.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en indkommende mappe er valgt, vil dens indhold blive skrevet ind i den eksisterende mappe og en rekursiv konfliktløsning udføres.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvilke filer ønsker du at beholde?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du skal vælge mindst én version af hver fil for at fortsætte.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"de\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Martin Wilichowski, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"German (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"de\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMario Siegmann , 2024\\nMartin Wilichowski, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Martin Wilichowski, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: de\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" enthält ungültige Zeichen. Wie möchten Sie fortfahren?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt in {dirname}\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} verbleibend\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ein paar Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hochladen abbrechen\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsetzen\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu erstellen\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorhandene Version\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn du beide Versionen auswählst, wird der eingehenden Datei eine Nummer zum Namen hinzugefügt.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ungültiger Dateiname\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Datum der letzten Änderung unbekannt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neue Version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pausiert\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorschaubild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Umbenennen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle Kontrollkästchen aktivieren\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle vorhandenen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle neuen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Überspringen\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Diese Datei überspringen\", \"{count} Dateien überspringen\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unbekannte Größe\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dateien hochladen\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ordner hochladen\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vom Gerät hochladen\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde abgebrochen\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortschritt beim Hochladen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn ein eingehender Ordner ausgewählt wird, werden alle darin enthaltenen Konfliktdateien ebenfalls überschrieben.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bei Auswahl eines eingehenden Ordners wird der Inhalt in den vorhandenen Ordner geschrieben und eine rekursive Konfliktlösung durchgeführt.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Welche Dateien möchtest du behalten?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du musst mindestens eine Version jeder Datei auswählen, um fortzufahren.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"de_DE\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Mario Siegmann , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"German (Germany) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de_DE/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"de_DE\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMario Siegmann , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Mario Siegmann , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: German (Germany) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de_DE/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: de_DE\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist ein verbotener Datei- oder Ordnername.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist ein verbotener Dateityp.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist in einem Datei- oder Ordnernamen nicht zulässig.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt in {dirname}\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} verbleibend\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ein paar Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hochladen abbrechen\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsetzen\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu erstellen\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorhandene Version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Dateinamen dürfen nicht mit \"{segment}\" enden.'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn Sie beide Versionen auswählen, wird der eingehenden Datei eine Nummer zum Namen hinzugefügt.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ungültiger Dateiname\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Datum der letzten Änderung unbekannt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neuer Dateiname\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neue Version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pausiert\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorschaubild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Umbenennen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle Kontrollkästchen aktivieren\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle vorhandenen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle neuen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Überspringen\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei überspringen\", \"{count} Dateien überspringen\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unbekannte Größe\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dateien hochladen\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ordner hochladen\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vom Gerät hochladen\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde abgebrochen\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde übersprungen\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Das Hochladen von \"{folder}\" wurde übersprungen'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortschritt beim Hochladen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn ein eingehender Ordner ausgewählt wird, werden alle darin enthaltenen Konfliktdateien ebenfalls überschrieben.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bei Auswahl eines eingehenden Ordners wird der Inhalt in den vorhandenen Ordner geschrieben und eine rekursive Konfliktlösung durchgeführt.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Welche Dateien möchten Sie behalten?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sie können die Datei entweder umbenennen, diese Datei überspringen oder den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sie müssen mindestens eine Version jeder Datei auswählen, um fortzufahren.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"el\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Nik Pap, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Greek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/el/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"el\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nNik Pap, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Nik Pap, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Greek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/el/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: el\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν {seconds} δευτερόλεπτα\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν λίγα δευτερόλεπτα\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Προσθήκη\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ακύρωση μεταφορτώσεων\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"εκτίμηση του χρόνου που απομένει\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"σε παύση\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Μεταφόρτωση αρχείων\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"en_GB\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Andi Chandler , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"English (United Kingdom) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/en_GB/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"en_GB\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAndi Chandler , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: English (United Kingdom) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/en_GB/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: en_GB\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict\", \"{count} files conflict\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} seconds left\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} left\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"a few seconds left\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel the entire operation\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continue\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Create new\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimating time left\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Existing version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Invalid filename\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last modified date unknown\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"New\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"New filename\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"New version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"paused\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Preview image\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Rename\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all checkboxes\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all existing files\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all new files\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip this file\", \"Skip {count} files\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unknown size\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload files\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload folders\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload from device\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload has been cancelled\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload has been skipped\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload progress\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Which files do you want to keep?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"eo\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Esperanto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eo/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"eo\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Esperanto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eo/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: eo\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Julio C. 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Ortega, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" contiene caracteres inválidos, ¿cómo desea continuar?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar toda la operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, el archivo entrante le será agregado un número a su nombre.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Última fecha de modificación desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nueva versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Previsualizar imagen\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renombrar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todas las casillas de verificación\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos nuevos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar este archivo\", \"Saltar {count} archivos\", \"Saltar {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"La subida ha sido cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la subida\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier de los archivos en conflictos también serán sobre-escritos.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido es escrito en la carpeta existente y se realizará una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_419\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"ALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Latin America) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_419/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_419\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: ALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Latin America) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_419/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_419\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{tiempo} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan pocos segundos\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"agregar\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_AR\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Matías Campo Hoet , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Argentina) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_AR/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_AR\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMatías Campo Hoet , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Matías Campo Hoet , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_AR/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_AR\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" contiene caracteres inválidos, ¿cómo desea continuar?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar toda la operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, se agregará un número al nombre del archivo entrante.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fecha de última modificación desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nueva versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vista previa de imagen\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renombrar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todas las casillas de verificación\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos nuevos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir este archivo\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Carga cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la carga\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier archivo en conflicto dentro de la misma también serán sobreescritos.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido se escribe en la carpeta existente y se realiza una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_CL\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Chile) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CL/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_CL\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Chile) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CL/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_CL\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} 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\"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_CR\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Costa Rica) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CR/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_CR\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Costa Rica) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CR/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_CR\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 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operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, se agregará un número al nombre del archivo entrante.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fecha de última modificación desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nueva versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"en pausa\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Previsualizar imagen\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renombrar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todas las casillas de verificación\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos nuevos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir este archivo\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"La subida ha sido cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la subida\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier archivo en conflicto dentro de la misma también será sobrescrito.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido se escribe en la carpeta existente y se realiza una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Cuáles archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_NI\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": 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} } } } }, { \"locale\": \"eu\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Unai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Basque (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eu/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"eu\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nUnai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Unai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Basque (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eu/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: eu\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundo geratzen dira\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} geratzen da\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"segundo batzuk geratzen dira\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gehitu\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ezeztatu igoerak\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"kalkulatutako geratzen den denbora\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"geldituta\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Igo fitxategiak\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fa\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Fatemeh Komeily, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Persian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fa/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fa\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nFatemeh Komeily, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Fatemeh Komeily, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Persian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fa/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fa\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ثانیه های باقی مانده\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"باقی مانده\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"چند ثانیه مانده\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"اضافه کردن\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"کنسل کردن فایل های اپلود شده\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخمین زمان باقی مانده\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"مکث کردن\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"بارگذاری فایل ها\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fi_FI\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"thingumy, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Finnish (Finland) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fi_FI/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fi_FI\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nJiri Grönroos , 2024\\nthingumy, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: thingumy, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Finnish (Finland) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fi_FI/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fi_FI\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" sisältää virheellisiä merkkejä, miten haluat jatkaa?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tiedoston ristiriita\", \"{count} tiedoston ristiriita\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tiedoston ristiriita kansiossa {dirname}\", \"{count} tiedoston ristiriita kansiossa {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekuntia jäljellä\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} jäljellä\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"muutama sekunti jäljellä\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta koko toimenpide\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta lähetykset\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jatka\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Luo uusi\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"arvioidaan jäljellä olevaa aikaa\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Olemassa oleva versio\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jos valitset molemmat versiot, saapuvan tiedoston nimeen lisätään numero.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Virheellinen tiedostonimi\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Viimeisin muokkauspäivä on tuntematon\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uusi\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uusi versio\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"keskeytetty\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Esikatsele kuva\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nimeä uudelleen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki valintaruudut\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki olemassa olevat tiedostot\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki uudet tiedostot\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ohita\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ohita tämä tiedosto\", \"Ohita {count} tiedostoa\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tuntematon koko\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä tiedostoja\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä kansioita\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä laitteelta\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetys on peruttu\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetyksen edistyminen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valittuasi saapuvien kansion, kaikki ristiriitaiset tiedostot kansiossa ylikirjoitetaan.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valittuasi saapuvien kansion, sisältö kirjoitetaan olemassaolevaan kansioon ja suoritetaan rekursiivinen ristiriitojen poisto.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Mitkä tiedostot haluat säilyttää?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sinun täytyy valita vähintään yksi versio jokaisesta tiedostosta jatkaaksesi.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fo\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Faroese (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fo/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fo\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Faroese (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fo/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fo\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"jed boulahya, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"French (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nBenoit Pruneau, 2024\\njed boulahya, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: jed boulahya, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: French (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fichier en conflit\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fichier en conflit dans {dirname}\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit dans {dirname}\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit dans {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secondes restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restant\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quelques secondes restantes\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler l'opération entière\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler les envois\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuer\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimation du temps restant\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Version existante\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si vous sélectionnez les deux versions, le fichier copié aura un numéro ajouté àname.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Date de la dernière modification est inconnue\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nouveau\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nouvelle version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"en pause\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aperçu de l'image\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner toutes les cases à cocher\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner tous les fichiers existants\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner tous les nouveaux fichiers\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ignorer ce fichier\", \"Ignorer {count} fichiers\", \"Ignorer {count} fichiers\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Taille inconnue\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\" annulé\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Téléchargement des fichiers\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progression du téléchargement\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lorsqu'un dossier entrant est sélectionné, tous les fichiers en conflit qu'il contient seront également écrasés.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quels fichiers souhaitez-vous conserver ?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vous devez sélectionner au moins une version de chaque fichier pour continuer.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ga\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Irish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ga/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ga\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nAindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Irish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ga/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ga\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['Is ainm toirmiscthe comhaid nó fillteáin é \"{segment}\".'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['Is cineál comhaid toirmiscthe é \"{segment}\".'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [`Ní cheadaítear \"{segment}\" taobh istigh d'ainm comhaid nó fillteáin.`] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} coimhlint comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} coimhlint comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} soicind fágtha\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} fágtha\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"cúpla soicind fágtha\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh an oibríocht iomlán\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh uaslódálacha\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leanúint ar aghaidh\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cruthaigh nua\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ag déanamh meastachán ar an am atá fágtha\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leagan láithreach \"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Níor cheart go gcríochnaíonn comhaid chomhad le \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Má roghnaíonn tú an dá leagan, cuirfear uimhir leis an ainm a thagann isteach.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ainm comhaid neamhbhailí\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dáta modhnaithe is déanaí anaithnid\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nua\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ainm comhaid nua\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leagan nua\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"sos\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Íomhá réamhamharc\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Athainmnigh\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach ticbhosca\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach comhad atá ann cheana féin\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach comhad nua\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Scipeáil\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Léim an comhad seo\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Méid anaithnid\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil comhaid\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil fillteáin\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Íosluchtaigh ó ghléas\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuireadh an t-uaslódáil ar ceal\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Léiríodh an uaslódáil\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Léiríodh an uaslódáil \"{folder}\".'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil dul chun cinn\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuair a roghnaítear fillteán isteach, déanfar aon chomhad contrártha laistigh de a fhorscríobh freisin.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuair a roghnaítear fillteán isteach, scríobhtar an t-ábhar isteach san fhillteán atá ann cheana agus déantar réiteach coinbhleachta athchúrsach.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cé na comhaid ar mhaith leat a choinneáil?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Is féidir leat an comhad a athainmniú, scipeáil an comhad seo nó an oibríocht iomlán a chealú.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ní mór duit leagan amháin ar a laghad de gach comhad a roghnú chun leanúint ar aghaidh.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"gd\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Gaelic, Scottish (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gd/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"gd\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gd/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: gd\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"gl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Miguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Galician (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"gl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMiguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Miguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Galician (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: gl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» é un nome vedado para un ficheiro ou cartafol.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» é un tipo de ficheiro vedado.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» non está permitido dentro dun nome de ficheiro ou cartafol.\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflito de ficheiros\", \"{count} conflitos de ficheiros\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflito de ficheiros en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de ficheiros en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltan {seconds} segundos\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"falta {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltan uns segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancela toda a operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar envíos\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear un novo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"calculando canto tempo falta\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Os nomes de ficheiros non deben rematar con «{segment}».\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se selecciona ambas as versións, o ficheiro entrante terá un número engadido ao seu nome.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"O nome de ficheiro non é válido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Data da última modificación descoñecida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Novo nome de ficheiro\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"detido\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vista previa da imaxe\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renomear\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marcar todas as caixas de selección\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos os ficheiros existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos os ficheiros novos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omita este ficheiro\", \"Omitir {count} ficheiros\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño descoñecido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar ficheiros\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar cartafoles\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar dende o dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"O envío foi cancelado\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"O envío foi omitido\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"O envío de «{folder}» foi omitido\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso do envío\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cando se selecciona un cartafol entrante, tamén se sobrescribirán os ficheiros en conflito dentro del.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cando se selecciona un cartafol entrante, o contido escríbese no cartafol existente e lévase a cabo unha resolución recursiva de conflitos.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Que ficheiros quere conservar?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pode cambiar o nome do ficheiro, omitir este ficheiro ou cancelar toda a operación.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar polo menos unha versión de cada ficheiro para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"he\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Hebrew (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/he/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"he\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Hebrew (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/he/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: he\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hi_IN\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Hindi (India) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hi_IN/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hi_IN\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { 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{ \"locale\": \"hr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Croatian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Croatian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: hr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hsb\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Upper Sorbian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hsb/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hsb\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { 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\"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} van hátra\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"pár másodperc van hátra\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hozzáadás\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Feltöltések megszakítása\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"hátralévő idő becslése\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"szüneteltetve\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fájlok feltöltése\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hy\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Armenian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hy/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hy\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": 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} } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ia\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Interlingua (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ia/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ia\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Interlingua (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ia/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ia\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": 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unggahan\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lanjutkan\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"memperkirakan waktu yang tersisa\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versi yang ada\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jika Anda memilih kedua versi, nama berkas yang disalin akan ditambahi angka.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tanggal perubahan terakhir tidak diketahui\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Baru\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versi baru\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"dijeda\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gambar pratinjau\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua kotak centang\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua berkas yang ada\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua berkas baru\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lewati {count} berkas\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukuran tidak diketahui\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unggahan dibatalkan\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unggah berkas\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Berkas mana yang Anda ingin tetap simpan?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anda harus memilih setidaknya satu versi dari masing-masing berkas untuk melanjutkan.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ig\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Igbo (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ig/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ig\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Igbo (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ig/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ig\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"is\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Sveinn í Felli , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Icelandic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/is/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"is\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nSveinn í Felli , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Icelandic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/is/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: is\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} árekstur skráa\", \"{count} árekstrar skráa\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} árekstur skráa í {dirname}\", \"{count} árekstrar skráa í {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekúndur eftir\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} eftir\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"nokkrar sekúndur eftir\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hætta við innsendingar\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Halda áfram\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"áætla tíma sem eftir er\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fyrirliggjandi útgáfa\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ef þú velur báðar útgáfur, þá mun verða bætt tölustaf aftan við heiti afrituðu skrárinnar.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Síðasta breytingadagsetning er óþekkt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nýtt\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ný útgáfa\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"í bið\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forskoðun myndar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja gátreiti\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja allar fyrirliggjandi skrár\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja allar nýjar skrár\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sleppa þessari skrá\", \"Sleppa {count} skrám\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Óþekkt stærð\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hætt við innsendingu\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Senda inn skrár\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvaða skrám vilt þú vilt halda eftir?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Þú verður að velja að minnsta kosti eina útgáfu af hverri skrá til að halda áfram.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"it\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Random_R, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Italian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/it/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"it\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nLep Lep, 2023\\nRandom_R, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Random_R, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Italian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/it/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: it\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file in conflitto\", \"{count} file in conflitto\", \"{count} file in conflitto\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\", \"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\", \"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secondi rimanenti \"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} rimanente\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"alcuni secondi rimanenti\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annulla i caricamenti\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continua\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"calcolo il tempo rimanente\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versione esistente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se selezioni entrambe le versioni, nel nome del file copiato verrà aggiunto un numero \"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ultima modifica sconosciuta\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuovo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuova versione\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausa\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anteprima immagine\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutte le caselle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutti i file esistenti\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutti i nuovi file\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Salta questo file\", \"Salta {count} file\", \"Salta {count} file\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dimensione sconosciuta\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Caricamento cancellato\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Carica i file\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quali file vuoi mantenere?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Devi selezionare almeno una versione di ogni file per continuare\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ja_JP\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"devi, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Japanese (Japan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ja_JP/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ja_JP\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nkojima.imamura, 2024\\nTakafumi AKAMATSU, 2024\\ndevi, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: devi, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Japanese (Japan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ja_JP/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ja_JP\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" は禁止されているファイルまたはフォルダ名です。'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" は禁止されているファイルタイプです。'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['ファイルまたはフォルダ名に \"{segment}\" を含めることはできません。'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ファイル数の競合\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} で {count} 個のファイルが競合しています\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"残り {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"残り {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"残り数秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"キャンセル\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての操作をキャンセルする\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードをキャンセル\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"続ける\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"新規作成\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"概算残り時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既存バージョン\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['ファイル名の末尾に \"{segment}\" を付けることはできません。'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"両方のバージョンを選択した場合、受信ファイルの名前に数字が追加されます。\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"無効なファイル名\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最終更新日不明\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新規作成\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"新しいファイル名\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新しいバージョン\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"一時停止中\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"プレビュー画像\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"名前を変更\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべて選択\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての既存ファイルを選択\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての新規ファイルを選択\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"スキップ\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個のファイルをスキップする\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"サイズ不明\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"ファイルをアップロード\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"フォルダのアップロード\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"デバイスからのアップロード\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードはキャンセルされました\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードがスキップされました\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['\"{folder}\" のアップロードがスキップされました'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロード進行状況\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"受信フォルダが選択されると、その中の競合するファイルもすべて上書きされます。\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"受信フォルダが選択されると、その内容は既存のフォルダに書き込まれ、再帰的な競合解決が行われます。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"どのファイルを保持しますか?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"ファイル名を変更するか、このファイルをスキップするか、操作全体をキャンセルすることができます。\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"続行するには、各ファイルの少なくとも1つのバージョンを選択する必要があります。\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ka\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Georgian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ka\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; 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[\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ka_GE\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Georgian (Georgia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka_GE/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ka_GE\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Georgian (Georgia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka_GE/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ka_GE\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and 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\"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"km\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Khmer (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/km/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"km\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Khmer (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/km/)\\nContent-Type: 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[\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ko\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"이상오, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Korean (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ko/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ko\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\n이상오, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: 이상오, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Korean (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ko/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ko\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\"에 유효하지 않은 문자가 있습니다, 계속하시겠습니까?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}개의 파일이 충돌함\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname}에서 {count}개의 파일이 충돌함\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds}초 남음\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} 남음\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"곧 완료\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"취소\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"전체 작업을 취소\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"업로드 취소\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"확인\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"새로 만들기\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"남은 시간 계산\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"현재 버전\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"두 파일을 모두 선택하면, 들어오는 파일의 이름에 번호가 추가됩니다.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"잘못된 파일 이름\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"최근 수정일 알 수 없음\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"새로 만들기\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"새 버전\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"일시정지됨\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"미리보기 이미지\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"이름 바꾸기\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"모든 체크박스 선택\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"기존 파일을 모두 선택\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"새로운 파일을 모두 선택\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"건너뛰기\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}개의 파일 넘기기\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"크기를 알 수 없음\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"파일 업로드\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"폴더 업로드\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"장치에서 업로드\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"업로드가 취소되었습니다.\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"업로드 진행도\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"들어오는 폴더를 선택했다면, 충돌하는 내부 파일들은 덮어쓰기 됩니다.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"들어오는 폴더를 선택했다면 내용물이 그 기존 폴더 안에 작성되고, 전체적으로 충돌 해결을 수행합니다.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"어떤 파일을 보존하시겠습니까?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"계속하기 위해서는 한 파일에 최소 하나의 버전을 선택해야 합니다.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"la\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Latin (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/la/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"la\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Latin (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/la/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: la\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"lb\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Luxembourgish (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/lb/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"lb\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": 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\"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"lv\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Latvian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/lv/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"lv\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Latvian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/lv/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: lv\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"mk\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Сашко Тодоров , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Macedonian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/mk/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"mk\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": 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\"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ms_MY\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Malay (Malaysia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ms_MY/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ms_MY\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ms_MY/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ms_MY\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"my\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Burmese (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/my/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"my\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 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'\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" er ikke tillatt i et fil- eller mappenavn.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict\", \"{count} filkonflikter\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"{count} filkonflikter i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekunder igjen\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} igjen\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"noen få sekunder igjen\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt hele operasjonen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt opplastninger\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsett\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opprett ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Estimerer tid igjen\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gjeldende versjon\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filnavn må ikke slutte med \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvis du velger begge versjonene, vil den innkommende filen ha et nummer lagt til navnet.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ugyldig filnavn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Siste gang redigert ukjent\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nytt filnavn\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny versjon\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pauset\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forhåndsvis bilde\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omdøp\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle eksisterende filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle nye filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hopp over\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip this file\", \"Hopp over {count} filer\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukjent størrelse\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp mapper\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp fra enhet\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opplastingen er kansellert\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opplastingen er hoppet over\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Opplasting av \"{folder}\" er hoppet over'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fremdrift, opplasting\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en innkommende mappe velges, blir eventuelle motstridende filer i den også overskrevet.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en innkommende mappe velges, skrives innholdet inn i den eksisterende mappen, og en rekursiv konfliktløsning utføres.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvilke filer vil du beholde?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du kan enten gi nytt navn til filen, hoppe over denne filen eller avbryte hele operasjonen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du må velge minst en versjon av hver fil for å fortsette.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ne\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Nepali (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ne/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ne\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { 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\"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"nl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rico , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"nl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nRico , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rico , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: nl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nog {seconds} seconden\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} over\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nog een paar seconden\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Voeg toe\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uploads annuleren\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Schatting van de resterende tijd\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gepauzeerd\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload bestanden\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"nn_NO\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nn_NO/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"nn_NO\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nn_NO/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: nn_NO\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"oc\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/oc/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"oc\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/oc/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: oc\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Piotr Strębski , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Polish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nPiotr Strębski , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Piotr Strębski , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Polish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"konflikt 1 pliku\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} konfliktowy plik w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało {seconds} sekund\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało kilka sekund\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj całą operację\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj wysyłanie\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Kontynuuj\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Szacowanie pozostałego czasu\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Istniejąca wersja\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jeśli wybierzesz obie wersje, do nazwy pliku przychodzącego zostanie dodany numer.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nieznana data ostatniej modyfikacji\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nowy\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nowa wersja\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wstrzymane\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Podgląd obrazu\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie boxy\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie istniejące pliki\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie nowe pliki\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pomiń 1 plik\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nieznany rozmiar\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anulowano wysyłanie\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wyślij pliki\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Postęp wysyłania\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po wybraniu folderu przychodzącego wszelkie znajdujące się w nim pliki powodujące konflikt również zostaną nadpisane.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po wybraniu folderu przychodzącego zawartość jest zapisywana w istniejącym folderze i przeprowadzane jest rekursywne rozwiązywanie konfliktów.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Które pliki chcesz zachować?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aby kontynuować, musisz wybrać co najmniej jedną wersję każdego pliku.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ps\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Pashto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ps/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ps\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Pashto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ps/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ps\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pt_BR\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Leonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Portuguese (Brazil) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_BR/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pt_BR\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nLeonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Leonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_BR/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pt_BR\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} arquivos em conflito\", \"{count} arquivos em conflito\", \"{count} arquivos em conflito\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"alguns segundos restantes\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar a operação inteira\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versão existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se você selecionar ambas as versões, o arquivo copiado terá um número adicionado ao seu nome.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Data da última modificação desconhecida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Novo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova versão\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Visualizar imagem\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marque todas as caixas de seleção\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Selecione todos os arquivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Selecione todos os novos arquivos\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ignorar {count} arquivos\", \"Ignorar {count} arquivos\", \"Ignorar {count} arquivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamanho desconhecido\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Envio cancelado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar arquivos\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Envio em progresso\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quando uma pasta é selecionada, quaisquer arquivos dentro dela também serão sobrescritos.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quais arquivos você deseja manter?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Você precisa selecionar pelo menos uma versão de cada arquivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pt_PT\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Manuela Silva , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Portuguese (Portugal) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_PT/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pt_PT\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nManuela Silva , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Manuela Silva , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_PT/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pt_PT\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltam {seconds} segundo(s)\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"faltam {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltam uns segundos\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Adicionar\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar envios\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"tempo em falta estimado\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar ficheiros\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ro\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Mădălin Vasiliu , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ro/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ro\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nMădălin Vasiliu , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Mădălin Vasiliu , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ro/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ro\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secunde rămase\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} rămas\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"câteva secunde rămase\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Adaugă\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anulați încărcările\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimarea timpului rămas\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pus pe pauză\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Încarcă fișiere\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ru\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Alex , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Russian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ru/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ru\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAlex , 2024\\nВлад, 2024\\nAlex , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Alex , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: 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[\"конфликт {count} файла\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"конфликт {count} файла в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"осталось {seconds} секунд\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"осталось {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"осталось несколько секунд\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отмена\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отменить всю операцию целиком\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отменить загрузки\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Продолжить\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Создать новое\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"оценка оставшегося времени\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Текущая версия\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Имена файлов не должны заканчиваться на {segment}\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Если вы выберете обе версии, к имени входящего файла будет добавлен номер.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Неверное имя файла\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Дата последнего изменения неизвестна\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новый\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новое имя файла\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новая версия\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"приостановлено\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Предварительный просмотр\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Переименовать\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Установить все флажки\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Выбрать все существующие файлы\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Выбрать все новые файлы\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропуск\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустить файл\", \"Пропустить {count} файла\", \"Пропустить {count} файлов\", \"Пропустить {count} файлов\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Неизвестный размер\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка файлов\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка папок\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка с устройства\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка была отменена\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка была пропущена\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка {folder}была пропущена\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Состояние передачи на сервер\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Когда выбрана входящая папка, все конфликтующие файлы в ней также будут перезаписаны.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Когда выбрана входящая папка, содержимое записывается в существующую папку и выполняется рекурсивное разрешение конфликтов.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Какие файлы вы хотите сохранить?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вы можете переименовать файл, пропустить этот файл или отменить всю операцию.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Для продолжения вам нужно выбрать по крайней мере одну версию каждого файла.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sc\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Sardinian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sc/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sc\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { 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\"locale\": \"si\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Sinhala (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/si/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"si\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Sinhala (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/si/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: si\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sk_SK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Slovak (Slovakia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sk_SK/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sk_SK\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 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\"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Иван Пешић, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Serbian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nИван Пешић, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Иван Пешић, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Serbian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} фајл конфликт\", \"{count} фајл конфликта\", \"{count} фајл конфликта\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} фајл конфликт у {dirname}\", \"{count} фајл конфликта у {dirname}\", \"{count} фајл конфликта у {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"преостало је {seconds} секунди\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} преостало\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"преостало је неколико секунди\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Обустави отпремања\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Настави\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"процена преосталог времена\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Постојећа верзија\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ако изаберете обе верзије, на име копираног фајла ће се додати број.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Није познат датум последње измене\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ново\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нова верзија\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"паузирано\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Слика прегледа\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Штиклирај сва поља за штиклирање\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Изабери све постојеће фајлове\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Изабери све нове фајлове\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Прескочи овај фајл\", \"Прескочи {count} фајла\", \"Прескочи {count} фајлова\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Непозната величина\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отпремање је отказано\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отпреми фајлове\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Напредак отпремања\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Које фајлове желите да задржите?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Морате да изаберете барем једну верзију сваког фајла да наставите.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sr@latin\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr@latin/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sr@latin\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr@latin/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sr@latin\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sv\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Magnus Höglund, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Swedish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sv/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sv\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMagnus Höglund, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Magnus Höglund, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Swedish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sv/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sv\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är ett förbjudet fil- eller mappnamn.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är en förbjuden filtyp.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är inte tillåtet i ett fil- eller mappnamn.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} filkonflikt\", \"{count} filkonflikter\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} filkonflikt i {dirname}\", \"{count} filkonflikter i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekunder kvarstår\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} kvarstår\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"några sekunder kvar\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt hela operationen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt uppladdningar\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsätt\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skapa ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"uppskattar kvarstående tid\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuvarande version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filnamn får inte sluta med \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Om du väljer båda versionerna kommer den inkommande filen att läggas till ett nummer i namnet.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ogiltigt filnamn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Senaste ändringsdatum okänt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nytt filnamn\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausad\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Förhandsgranska bild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Byt namn\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Markera alla kryssrutor\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Välj alla befintliga filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Välj alla nya filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hoppa över\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hoppa över denna fil\", \"Hoppa över {count} filer\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Okänd storlek\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp mappar\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp från enhet\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningen har avbrutits\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningen har hoppats över\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Uppladdningen av \"{folder}\" har hoppats över'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningsförlopp\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"När en inkommande mapp väljs skrivs även alla konfliktande filer i den över.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"När en inkommande mapp väljs skrivs innehållet in i den befintliga mappen och en rekursiv konfliktlösning utförs.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vilka filer vill du behålla?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du kan antingen byta namn på filen, hoppa över den här filen eller avbryta hela operationen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du måste välja minst en version av varje fil för att fortsätta.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sw\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Swahili (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sw/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sw\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 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\"Language-Team\": \"Tamil (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ta/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ta\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Tamil (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ta/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ta\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"th_TH\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Phongpanot Phairat , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Thai (Thailand) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/th_TH/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"th_TH\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nPhongpanot Phairat , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Phongpanot Phairat , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Thai (Thailand) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/th_TH/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: th_TH\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีก {seconds} วินาที\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีก {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีกไม่กี่วินาที\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"เพิ่ม\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"ยกเลิกการอัปโหลด\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"กำลังคำนวณเวลาที่เหลือ\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"หยุดชั่วคราว\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"อัปโหลดไฟล์\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"tk\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Turkmen 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[\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"tr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Kaya Zeren , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Turkish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/tr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"tr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nKaya Zeren , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Kaya Zeren , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Turkish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/tr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: tr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" dosya ya da klasör adına izin verilmiyor.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" dosya türüne izin verilmiyor.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['Bir dosya ya da klasör adında \"{segment}\" ifadesine izin verilmiyor.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} dosya çakışması var\", \"{count} dosya çakışması var\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} klasöründe {count} dosya çakışması var\", \"{dirname} klasöründe {count} dosya çakışması var\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} saniye kaldı\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} kaldı\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"bir kaç saniye kaldı\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"İptal\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm işlemi iptal et\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yüklemeleri iptal et\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"İlerle\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni ekle\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"öngörülen kalan süre\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Var olan sürüm\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Dosya adları \"{segment}\" ile bitmemeli.'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"İki sürümü de seçerseniz, gelen dosyanın adına bir sayı eklenir.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosya adı geçersiz\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Son değiştirilme tarihi bilinmiyor\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni dosya adı\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni sürüm\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"duraklatıldı\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Görsel ön izlemesi\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeniden adlandır\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm kutuları işaretle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm var olan dosyaları seç\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm yeni dosyaları seç\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Atla\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bu dosyayı atla\", \"{count} dosyayı atla\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Boyut bilinmiyor\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosyaları yükle\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Klasörleri yükle\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aygıttan yükle\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme iptal edildi\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme atlandı\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['\"{folder}\" klasörünün yüklenmesi atlandı'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme ilerlemesi\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bir gelen klasör seçildiğinde, içindeki çakışan dosyaların da üzerine yazılır.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bir gelen klasörü seçildiğinde içerik var olan klasöre yazılır ve yinelemeli bir çakışma çözümü uygulanır.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hangi dosyaları tutmak istiyorsunuz?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosya adını değiştirebilir, bu dosyayı atlayabilir ya da tüm işlemi iptal edebilirsiniz.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"İlerlemek için her dosyanın en az bir sürümünü seçmelisiniz.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ug\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Uyghur (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ug/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ug\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Uyghur (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ug/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ug\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"uk\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"O St , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Ukrainian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uk/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"uk\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nO St , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: O St , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Ukrainian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uk/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: uk\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [`\"{segment}\" не є дозволеним ім'ям файлу або каталогу.`] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" не є дозволеним типом файлу.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" не дозволене сполучення символів в назві файлу або каталогу.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} конфліктний файл\", \"{count} конфліктних файли\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} конфліктний файл у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файли у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів у каталозі {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Залишилося {seconds} секунд\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Залишилося {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"залишилося кілька секунд\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати операцію повністю\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати завантаження\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Продовжити\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Створити новий\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"оцінка часу, що залишився\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Присутня версія\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [`Ім'я файлів не можуть закінчуватися на \"{segment}\".`] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Якщо буде вибрано обидві версії, до імени вхідного файлу було додано цифру.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Недійсне ім'я файлу\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Дата останньої зміни невідома\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нове\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нове ім'я файлу\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нова версія\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"призупинено\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Попередній перегляд\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Перейменувати\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати все\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати усі присутні файли\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати усі нові файли\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустити\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустити файл\", \"Пропустити {count} файли\", \"Пропустити {count} файлів\", \"Пропустити {count} файлів\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Невідомий розмір\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити файли\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити каталоги\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити з пристрою\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантаження скасовано\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантаження пропущено\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Завантаження \"{folder}\" пропущено'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Поступ завантаження\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Усі конфліктні файли у вибраному каталозі призначення буде перезаписано поверх.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Якщо буде вибрано вхідний каталог, вміст буде записано до наявного каталогу та вирішено конфлікти у відповідних файлах каталогу та підкаталогів.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Які файли залишити?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ви можете або перейменувати цей файл, пропустити або скасувати дію з файлом.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Для продовження потрібно вибрати принаймні одну версію для кожного файлу.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ur_PK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", 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\"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"uz\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uz/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"uz\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uz/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: uz\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"vi\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Tung DangQuang, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/vi/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"vi\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nTung DangQuang, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Tung DangQuang, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/vi/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: vi\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Tập tin xung đột\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tập tin lỗi trong {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Còn {second} giây\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Còn lại {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Còn lại một vài giây\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Huỷ tải lên\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tiếp Tục\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Thời gian còn lại dự kiến\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Phiên Bản Hiện Tại\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nếu bạn chọn cả hai phiên bản, tệp được sao chép sẽ có thêm một số vào tên của nó.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ngày sửa dổi lần cuối không xác định\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tạo Mới\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Phiên Bản Mới\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"đã tạm dừng\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xem Trước Ảnh\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả hộp checkbox\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả các tập tin có sẵn\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả các tập tin mới\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bỏ Qua {count} tập tin\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Không rõ dung lượng\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dừng Tải Lên\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tập tin tải lên\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Đang Tải Lên\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bạn muốn giữ tập tin nào?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bạn cần chọn ít nhất một phiên bản tập tin mới có thể tiếp tục\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_CN\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Hongbo Chen, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_CN/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_CN\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nHongbo Chen, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Hongbo Chen, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_CN/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_CN\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}文件冲突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"在{dirname}目录下有{count}个文件冲突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩余 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩余 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"还剩几秒\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"添加\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上传\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"继续\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估计剩余时间\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"版本已存在\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"如果选择所有的版本,新增版本的文件名为原文件名加数字\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"文件最后修改日期未知\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暂停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"图片预览\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有的选择框\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有存在的文件\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有的新文件\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"跳过{count}个文件\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"文件大小未知\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上传\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上传文件\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"你要保留哪些文件?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"每个文件至少选择一个版本\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_HK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Café Tango, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (Hong Kong) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_HK/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_HK\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nCafé Tango, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Café Tango, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_HK/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_HK\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} 中有 {count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"還剩幾秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消整個操作\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上傳\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"繼續\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估計剩餘時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既有版本\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"若您選取兩個版本,傳入檔案的名稱將會新增編號。\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最後修改日期不詳\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新增\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本 \"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暫停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"預覽圖片\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有核取方塊\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有既有檔案\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有新檔案\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"略過 {count} 個檔案\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"大小不詳\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"已取消上傳\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳檔案\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳進度\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取傳入資料夾後,其中任何的衝突檔案都會被覆寫。\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選擇傳入資料夾後,內容將寫入現有資料夾並執行遞歸衝突解決。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"您想保留哪些檔案?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"您必須為每個檔案都至少選取一個版本以繼續。\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_TW\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"黃柏諺 , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_TW/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_TW\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\n黃柏諺 , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: 黃柏諺 , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_TW/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_TW\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} 中有 {count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"還剩幾秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消整個操作\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上傳\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"繼續\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估計剩餘時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既有版本\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"若您選取兩個版本,複製的檔案的名稱將會新增編號。\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最後修改日期未知\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新增\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暫停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"預覽圖片\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有核取方塊\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有既有檔案\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有新檔案\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"略過 {count} 檔案\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"未知大小\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"已取消上傳\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳檔案\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳進度\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取傳入資料夾後,其中任何的衝突檔案都會被覆寫。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"您想保留哪些檔案?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"您必須為每個檔案都至少選取一個版本以繼續。\"] } } } } }].map((data) => gtBuilder.addTranslation(data.locale, data.json));\nconst gt = gtBuilder.build();\nconst n = gt.ngettext.bind(gt);\nconst t = gt.gettext.bind(gt);\nconst logger = getLoggerBuilder().setApp(\"@nextcloud/upload\").detectUser().build();\nvar Status = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Status2) => {\n Status2[Status2[\"IDLE\"] = 0] = \"IDLE\";\n Status2[Status2[\"UPLOADING\"] = 1] = \"UPLOADING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"PAUSED\"] = 2] = \"PAUSED\";\n return Status2;\n})(Status || {});\nconst MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5;\nclass Uploader {\n // Initialized via setter in the constructor\n _destinationFolder;\n _isPublic;\n // Global upload queue\n _uploadQueue = [];\n _jobQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY });\n _queueSize = 0;\n _queueProgress = 0;\n _queueStatus = 0;\n _notifiers = [];\n /**\n * Initialize uploader\n *\n * @param {boolean} isPublic are we in public mode ?\n * @param {Folder} destinationFolder the context folder to operate, relative to the root folder\n */\n constructor(isPublic = false, destinationFolder) {\n this._isPublic = isPublic;\n if (!destinationFolder) {\n const source = `${davRemoteURL}${davRootPath}`;\n let owner;\n if (isPublic) {\n owner = \"anonymous\";\n } else {\n const user = getCurrentUser()?.uid;\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error(\"User is not logged in\");\n }\n owner = user;\n }\n destinationFolder = new Folder({\n id: 0,\n owner,\n permissions: Permission.ALL,\n root: davRootPath,\n source\n });\n }\n this.destination = destinationFolder;\n this._jobQueue.addListener(\"idle\", () => this.reset());\n logger.debug(\"Upload workspace initialized\", {\n destination: this.destination,\n root: this.root,\n isPublic,\n maxChunksSize: getMaxChunksSize()\n });\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload destination path relative to the root folder\n */\n get destination() {\n return this._destinationFolder;\n }\n /**\n * Set the upload destination path relative to the root folder\n */\n set destination(folder) {\n if (!folder) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid destination folder\");\n }\n logger.debug(\"Destination set\", { folder });\n this._destinationFolder = folder;\n }\n /**\n * Get the root folder\n */\n get root() {\n return this._destinationFolder.source;\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload queue\n */\n get queue() {\n return this._uploadQueue;\n }\n reset() {\n this._uploadQueue.splice(0, this._uploadQueue.length);\n this._jobQueue.clear();\n this._queueSize = 0;\n this._queueProgress = 0;\n this._queueStatus = 0;\n }\n /**\n * Pause any ongoing upload(s)\n */\n pause() {\n this._jobQueue.pause();\n this._queueStatus = 2;\n }\n /**\n * Resume any pending upload(s)\n */\n start() {\n this._jobQueue.start();\n this._queueStatus = 1;\n this.updateStats();\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload queue stats\n */\n get info() {\n return {\n size: this._queueSize,\n progress: this._queueProgress,\n status: this._queueStatus\n };\n }\n updateStats() {\n const size = this._uploadQueue.map((upload2) => upload2.size).reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);\n const uploaded = this._uploadQueue.map((upload2) => upload2.uploaded).reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);\n this._queueSize = size;\n this._queueProgress = uploaded;\n if (this._queueStatus === 2) {\n return;\n }\n this._queueStatus = this._jobQueue.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;\n }\n addNotifier(notifier) {\n this._notifiers.push(notifier);\n }\n /**\n * Notify listeners of the upload completion\n * @param upload The upload that finished\n */\n _notifyAll(upload2) {\n for (const notifier of this._notifiers) {\n try {\n notifier(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n logger.warn(\"Error in upload notifier\", { error, source: upload2.source });\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Uploads multiple files or folders while preserving the relative path (if available)\n * @param {string} destination The destination path relative to the root folder. e.g. /foo/bar (a file \"a.txt\" will be uploaded then to \"/foo/bar/a.txt\")\n * @param {Array} files The files and/or folders to upload\n * @param {Function} callback Callback that receives the nodes in the current folder and the current path to allow resolving conflicts, all nodes that are returned will be uploaded (if a folder does not exist it will be created)\n * @return Cancelable promise that resolves to an array of uploads\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * // For example this is from handling the onchange event of an input[type=file]\n * async handleFiles(files: File[]) {\n * this.uploads = await this.uploader.batchUpload('uploads', files, this.handleConflicts)\n * }\n *\n * async handleConflicts(nodes: File[], currentPath: string) {\n * const conflicts = getConflicts(nodes, this.fetchContent(currentPath))\n * if (conficts.length === 0) {\n * // No conflicts so upload all\n * return nodes\n * } else {\n * // Open the conflict picker to resolve conflicts\n * try {\n * const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(currentPath, conflicts, this.fetchContent(currentPath), { recursive: true })\n * return [...selected, ...renamed]\n * } catch (e) {\n * return false\n * }\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n */\n batchUpload(destination, files, callback) {\n const rootFolder = new Directory(\"\", files);\n if (!callback) {\n callback = async (files2) => files2;\n }\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const upload2 = new Upload(`${this.root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${destination.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`, false, 0, rootFolder);\n upload2.status = Status$1.UPLOADING;\n this._uploadQueue.push(upload2);\n try {\n const promise = this.uploadDirectory(destination, rootFolder, callback, davGetClient(this.root));\n onCancel(() => promise.cancel());\n const uploads = await promise;\n upload2.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n resolve(uploads);\n } catch (error) {\n logger.error(\"Error in batch upload\", { error });\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n } finally {\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * Helper to create a directory wrapped inside an Upload class\n * @param destination Destination where to create the directory\n * @param directory The directory to create\n * @param client The cached WebDAV client\n */\n createDirectory(destination, directory, client) {\n const folderPath = normalize(`${destination}/${directory.name}`).replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n const rootPath = `${this.root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${folderPath.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`;\n if (!directory.name) {\n throw new Error(\"Can not create empty directory\");\n }\n const currentUpload = new Upload(rootPath, false, 0, directory);\n this._uploadQueue.push(currentUpload);\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const abort = new AbortController();\n onCancel(() => abort.abort());\n currentUpload.signal.addEventListener(\"abort\", () => reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\")));\n await this._jobQueue.add(async () => {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.UPLOADING;\n try {\n await client.createDirectory(folderPath, { signal: abort.signal });\n resolve(currentUpload);\n } catch (error) {\n if (error && typeof error === \"object\" && \"status\" in error && error.status === 405) {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n logger.debug(\"Directory already exists, writing into it\", { directory: directory.name });\n } else {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(error);\n }\n } finally {\n this._notifyAll(currentUpload);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n });\n });\n }\n // Helper for uploading directories (recursively)\n uploadDirectory(destination, directory, callback, client) {\n const folderPath = normalize(`${destination}/${directory.name}`).replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const abort = new AbortController();\n onCancel(() => abort.abort());\n const selectedForUpload = await callback(directory.children, folderPath);\n if (selectedForUpload === false) {\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return;\n } else if (selectedForUpload.length === 0 && directory.children.length > 0) {\n resolve([]);\n return;\n }\n const directories = [];\n const uploads = [];\n abort.signal.addEventListener(\"abort\", () => {\n directories.forEach((upload2) => upload2.cancel());\n uploads.forEach((upload2) => upload2.cancel());\n });\n try {\n if (directory.name) {\n uploads.push(this.createDirectory(destination, directory, client));\n await uploads.at(-1);\n }\n for (const node of selectedForUpload) {\n if (node instanceof Directory) {\n directories.push(this.uploadDirectory(folderPath, node, callback, client));\n } else {\n uploads.push(this.upload(`${folderPath}/${node.name}`, node));\n }\n }\n const resolvedUploads = await Promise.all(uploads);\n const resolvedDirectoryUploads = await Promise.all(directories);\n resolve([resolvedUploads, ...resolvedDirectoryUploads].flat());\n } catch (e) {\n abort.abort(e);\n reject(e);\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * Upload a file to the given path\n * @param {string} destination the destination path relative to the root folder. e.g. /foo/bar.txt\n * @param {File|FileSystemFileEntry} fileHandle the file to upload\n * @param {string} root the root folder to upload to\n * @param retries number of retries\n */\n upload(destination, fileHandle, root, retries = 5) {\n root = root || this.root;\n const destinationPath = `${root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${destination.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`;\n const { origin } = new URL(destinationPath);\n const encodedDestinationFile = origin + encodePath(destinationPath.slice(origin.length));\n logger.debug(`Uploading ${fileHandle.name} to ${encodedDestinationFile}`);\n const promise = new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n if (isFileSystemFileEntry(fileHandle)) {\n fileHandle = await new Promise((resolve2) => fileHandle.file(resolve2, reject));\n }\n const file = fileHandle;\n const maxChunkSize = getMaxChunksSize(\"size\" in file ? file.size : void 0);\n const disabledChunkUpload = this._isPublic || maxChunkSize === 0 || \"size\" in file && file.size < maxChunkSize;\n const upload2 = new Upload(destinationPath, !disabledChunkUpload, file.size, file);\n this._uploadQueue.push(upload2);\n this.updateStats();\n onCancel(upload2.cancel);\n if (!disabledChunkUpload) {\n logger.debug(\"Initializing chunked upload\", { file, upload: upload2 });\n const tempUrl = await initChunkWorkspace(encodedDestinationFile, retries);\n const chunksQueue = [];\n for (let chunk = 0; chunk < upload2.chunks; chunk++) {\n const bufferStart = chunk * maxChunkSize;\n const bufferEnd = Math.min(bufferStart + maxChunkSize, upload2.size);\n const blob = () => getChunk(file, bufferStart, maxChunkSize);\n const request = () => {\n return uploadData(\n `${tempUrl}/${chunk + 1}`,\n blob,\n upload2.signal,\n () => this.updateStats(),\n encodedDestinationFile,\n {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"OC-Total-Length\": file.size,\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/octet-stream\"\n },\n retries\n ).then(() => {\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.uploaded + maxChunkSize;\n }).catch((error) => {\n if (error?.response?.status === 507) {\n logger.error(\"Upload failed, not enough space on the server or quota exceeded. Cancelling the remaining chunks\", { error, upload: upload2 });\n upload2.cancel();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n throw error;\n }\n if (!isCancel(error)) {\n logger.error(`Chunk ${chunk + 1} ${bufferStart} - ${bufferEnd} uploading failed`, { error, upload: upload2 });\n upload2.cancel();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n }\n throw error;\n });\n };\n chunksQueue.push(this._jobQueue.add(request));\n }\n try {\n await Promise.all(chunksQueue);\n this.updateStats();\n upload2.response = await axios.request({\n method: \"MOVE\",\n url: `${tempUrl}/.file`,\n headers: {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"OC-Total-Length\": file.size,\n Destination: encodedDestinationFile\n }\n });\n this.updateStats();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n logger.debug(`Successfully uploaded ${file.name}`, { file, upload: upload2 });\n resolve(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n if (!isCancel(error)) {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(\"Failed assembling the chunks together\");\n } else {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n }\n axios.request({\n method: \"DELETE\",\n url: `${tempUrl}`\n });\n }\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n } else {\n logger.debug(\"Initializing regular upload\", { file, upload: upload2 });\n const blob = await getChunk(file, 0, upload2.size);\n const request = async () => {\n try {\n upload2.response = await uploadData(\n encodedDestinationFile,\n blob,\n upload2.signal,\n (event) => {\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.uploaded + event.bytes;\n this.updateStats();\n },\n void 0,\n {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"Content-Type\": file.type\n }\n );\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.size;\n this.updateStats();\n logger.debug(`Successfully uploaded ${file.name}`, { file, upload: upload2 });\n resolve(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n if (isCancel(error)) {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return;\n }\n if (error?.response) {\n upload2.response = error.response;\n }\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n logger.error(`Failed uploading ${file.name}`, { error, file, upload: upload2 });\n reject(\"Failed uploading the file\");\n }\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n };\n this._jobQueue.add(request);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n return upload2;\n });\n return promise;\n }\n}\nfunction normalizeComponent(scriptExports, render7, staticRenderFns, functionalTemplate, injectStyles, scopeId, moduleIdentifier, shadowMode) {\n var options = typeof scriptExports === \"function\" ? scriptExports.options : scriptExports;\n if (render7) {\n options.render = render7;\n options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns;\n options._compiled = true;\n }\n if (functionalTemplate) {\n options.functional = true;\n }\n if (scopeId) {\n options._scopeId = \"data-v-\" + scopeId;\n }\n var hook;\n if (moduleIdentifier) {\n hook = function(context) {\n context = context || // cached call\n this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || // stateful\n this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext;\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== \"undefined\") {\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__;\n }\n if (injectStyles) {\n injectStyles.call(this, context);\n }\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier);\n }\n };\n options._ssrRegister = hook;\n } else if (injectStyles) {\n hook = shadowMode ? function() {\n injectStyles.call(\n this,\n (options.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot\n );\n } : injectStyles;\n }\n if (hook) {\n if (options.functional) {\n options._injectStyles = hook;\n var originalRender = options.render;\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection(h, context) {\n hook.call(context);\n return originalRender(h, context);\n };\n } else {\n var existing = options.beforeCreate;\n options.beforeCreate = existing ? [].concat(existing, hook) : [hook];\n }\n }\n return {\n exports: scriptExports,\n options\n };\n}\nconst _sfc_main$5 = {\n name: \"CancelIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$5 = function render() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon cancel-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C10.1 4 8.4 4.6 7.1 5.7L18.3 16.9C19.3 15.5 20 13.8 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4M16.9 18.3L5.7 7.1C4.6 8.4 4 10.1 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.9 20 15.6 19.4 16.9 18.3Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$5 = [];\nvar __component__$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$5,\n _sfc_render$5,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$5,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconCancel = __component__$5.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$4 = {\n name: \"FolderUploadIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$4 = function render2() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon folder-upload-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H10L12,6H20M10.75,13H14V17H16V13H19.25L15,8.75\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$4 = [];\nvar __component__$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$4,\n _sfc_render$4,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$4,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconFolderUpload = __component__$4.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$3 = {\n name: \"PlusIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$3 = function render3() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon plus-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$3 = [];\nvar __component__$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$3,\n _sfc_render$3,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$3,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconPlus = __component__$3.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$2 = {\n name: \"UploadIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$2 = function render4() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon upload-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M9,16V10H5L12,3L19,10H15V16H9M5,20V18H19V20H5Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$2 = [];\nvar __component__$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$2,\n _sfc_render$2,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$2,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconUpload = __component__$2.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$1 = defineComponent({\n components: {\n NcDialog,\n NcNoteCard,\n NcTextField\n },\n props: {\n error: {\n type: InvalidFilenameError,\n required: true\n },\n /**\n * @deprecated just for legacy reasons, replace with function from @nextcloud/files in future\n */\n validateFilename: {\n type: Function,\n required: true\n }\n },\n setup() {\n return {\n t\n };\n },\n data() {\n return {\n newName: \"\",\n validationError: \"\"\n };\n },\n computed: {\n isValidName() {\n return this.validationError === \"\";\n },\n isInvalidFileType() {\n return this.error.reason === InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Extension && this.error.segment.match(/^\\.\\w/) !== null;\n },\n canRename() {\n return !this.isInvalidFileType;\n },\n dialogButtons() {\n const buttons = [\n {\n label: t(\"Cancel\"),\n type: \"error\",\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { cancel: true });\n }\n },\n {\n label: t(\"Skip\"),\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { skip: true });\n }\n }\n ];\n if (this.canRename) {\n buttons.push({\n label: t(\"Rename\"),\n type: \"primary\",\n disabled: !this.isValidName,\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { rename: this.newName.trimEnd() });\n }\n });\n }\n return buttons;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n error: {\n handler() {\n this.validationError = this.getErrorText(this.error);\n this.newName = this.error.filename;\n },\n immediate: true\n },\n newName() {\n try {\n this.validateFilename(this.newName.trimEnd());\n this.validationError = \"\";\n } catch (error) {\n this.validationError = this.getErrorText(error);\n } finally {\n const textfield = this.$refs.textfield?.$el.querySelector(\"input\");\n if (textfield) {\n textfield.setCustomValidity(this.validationError);\n textfield.reportValidity();\n }\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n getErrorText(error) {\n switch (error.reason) {\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Character:\n return t('\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', { segment: error.segment });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.ReservedName:\n return t('\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', { segment: error.segment });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Extension:\n return error.segment.match(/\\.\\w/) ? t('\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', { segment: error.segment }) : t('Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', { segment: error.segment });\n }\n }\n }\n});\nvar _sfc_render$1 = function render5() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n _vm._self._setupProxy;\n return _c(\"NcDialog\", { attrs: { \"buttons\": _vm.dialogButtons, \"name\": _vm.t(\"Invalid filename\") }, on: { \"close\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"close\", { cancel: true });\n } } }, [_c(\"NcNoteCard\", { attrs: { \"severity\": \"error\" } }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.getErrorText(_vm.error)) + \" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\")) + \" \")]), _vm.canRename ? _c(\"NcTextField\", { ref: \"textfield\", staticClass: \"invalid-filename-dialog__input\", attrs: { \"error\": !_vm.isValidName, \"helper-text\": _vm.validationError, \"label\": _vm.t(\"New filename\"), \"value\": _vm.newName }, on: { \"update:value\": function($event) {\n _vm.newName = $event;\n } } }) : _vm._e()], 1);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$1 = [];\nvar __component__$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$1,\n _sfc_render$1,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$1,\n false,\n null,\n \"3a479259\",\n null,\n null\n);\nconst InvalidFilenameDialog = __component__$1.exports;\nconst _sfc_main = Vue.extend({\n name: \"UploadPicker\",\n components: {\n IconCancel,\n IconFolderUpload,\n IconPlus,\n IconUpload,\n NcActionButton,\n NcActionCaption,\n NcActionSeparator,\n NcActions,\n NcButton,\n NcIconSvgWrapper,\n NcProgressBar\n },\n props: {\n accept: {\n type: Array,\n default: null\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n multiple: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n destination: {\n type: Folder,\n default: void 0\n },\n allowFolders: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n /**\n * List of file present in the destination folder\n * It is also possible to provide a function that takes a relative path to the current directory and returns the content of it\n * Note: If a function is passed it should return the current base directory when no path or an empty is passed\n */\n content: {\n type: [Array, Function],\n default: () => []\n },\n /**\n * Overwrite forbidden characters (by default the capabilities of the server are used)\n * @deprecated Deprecated and will be removed in the next major version\n */\n forbiddenCharacters: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n }\n },\n setup() {\n return {\n t,\n // non reactive data / properties\n progressTimeId: `nc-uploader-progress-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(7)}`\n };\n },\n data() {\n return {\n eta: null,\n timeLeft: \"\",\n newFileMenuEntries: [],\n uploadManager: getUploader()\n };\n },\n computed: {\n menuEntriesUpload() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.UploadFromDevice);\n },\n menuEntriesNew() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.CreateNew);\n },\n menuEntriesOther() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.Other);\n },\n /**\n * Check whether the current browser supports uploading directories\n * Hint: This does not check if the current connection supports this, as some browsers require a secure context!\n */\n canUploadFolders() {\n return this.allowFolders && \"webkitdirectory\" in document.createElement(\"input\");\n },\n totalQueueSize() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.size || 0;\n },\n uploadedQueueSize() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.progress || 0;\n },\n progress() {\n return Math.round(this.uploadedQueueSize / this.totalQueueSize * 100) || 0;\n },\n queue() {\n return this.uploadManager.queue;\n },\n hasFailure() {\n return this.queue?.filter((upload2) => upload2.status === Status$1.FAILED).length !== 0;\n },\n isUploading() {\n return this.queue?.length > 0;\n },\n isAssembling() {\n return this.queue?.filter((upload2) => upload2.status === Status$1.ASSEMBLING).length !== 0;\n },\n isPaused() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.status === Status.PAUSED;\n },\n // Hide the button text if we're uploading\n buttonName() {\n if (this.isUploading) {\n return void 0;\n }\n return t(\"New\");\n }\n },\n watch: {\n allowFolders: {\n immediate: true,\n handler() {\n if (typeof this.content !== \"function\" && this.allowFolders) {\n logger.error(\"[UploadPicker] Setting `allowFolders` is only allowed if `content` is a function\");\n }\n }\n },\n destination(destination) {\n this.setDestination(destination);\n },\n totalQueueSize(size) {\n this.eta = makeEta({ min: 0, max: size });\n this.updateStatus();\n },\n uploadedQueueSize(size) {\n this.eta?.report?.(size);\n this.updateStatus();\n },\n isPaused(isPaused) {\n if (isPaused) {\n this.$emit(\"paused\", this.queue);\n } else {\n this.$emit(\"resumed\", this.queue);\n }\n }\n },\n beforeMount() {\n if (this.destination) {\n this.setDestination(this.destination);\n }\n this.uploadManager.addNotifier(this.onUploadCompletion);\n logger.debug(\"UploadPicker initialised\");\n },\n methods: {\n /**\n * Handle clicking a new-menu entry\n * @param entry The entry that was clicked\n */\n async onClick(entry) {\n entry.handler(\n this.destination,\n await this.getContent().catch(() => [])\n );\n },\n /**\n * Trigger file picker\n * @param uploadFolders Upload folders\n */\n onTriggerPick(uploadFolders = false) {\n const input = this.$refs.input;\n if (this.canUploadFolders) {\n input.webkitdirectory = uploadFolders;\n }\n this.$nextTick(() => input.click());\n },\n /**\n * Helper for backwards compatibility that queries the content of the current directory\n * @param path The current path\n */\n async getContent(path) {\n return Array.isArray(this.content) ? this.content : await this.content(path);\n },\n /**\n * Show a dialog to let the user decide how to proceed with invalid filenames.\n * The returned promise resolves to false if the file should be skipped, and resolves to a string if it should be renamed.\n * The promise rejects when the user want to abort the operation.\n *\n * @param error the validation error\n */\n showInvalidFileNameDialog(error) {\n const { promise, reject, resolve } = Promise.withResolvers();\n spawnDialog(\n InvalidFilenameDialog,\n {\n error,\n validateFilename: this.validateFilename.bind(this)\n },\n (...rest) => {\n const [{ skip, rename }] = rest;\n if (skip) {\n resolve(false);\n } else if (rename) {\n resolve(rename);\n } else {\n reject();\n }\n }\n );\n return promise;\n },\n /**\n * Wrapper to allow overwriting forbidden characters\n * Remove with next major\n * @param filename name to validate\n */\n validateFilename(filename) {\n if (this.forbiddenCharacters.length > 0) {\n for (const c of this.forbiddenCharacters) {\n if (filename.includes(c)) {\n throw new InvalidFilenameError({\n filename,\n reason: InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Character,\n segment: c\n });\n }\n }\n } else {\n validateFilename(filename);\n }\n },\n async handleConflicts(nodes, path) {\n try {\n const content = await this.getContent(path).catch(() => []);\n const conflicts = getConflicts(nodes, content);\n if (conflicts.length > 0) {\n const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(path, conflicts, content, { recursive: true });\n nodes = [...selected, ...renamed];\n }\n const filesToUpload = [];\n for (const file of nodes) {\n try {\n this.validateFilename(file.name);\n filesToUpload.push(file);\n } catch (error) {\n if (!(error instanceof InvalidFilenameError)) {\n logger.error(`Unexpected error while validating ${file.name}`, { error });\n throw error;\n }\n let newName = await this.showInvalidFileNameDialog(error);\n if (newName !== false) {\n newName = getUniqueName(newName, nodes.map((node) => node.name));\n Object.defineProperty(file, \"name\", { value: newName });\n filesToUpload.push(file);\n }\n }\n }\n if (filesToUpload.length === 0 && nodes.length > 0) {\n const folder = basename(path);\n showInfo(\n folder ? t('Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', { folder }) : t(\"Upload has been skipped\")\n );\n }\n return filesToUpload;\n } catch (error) {\n logger.debug(\"Upload has been cancelled\", { error });\n showWarning(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return false;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Start uploading\n */\n onPick() {\n const input = this.$refs.input;\n const files = input.files ? Array.from(input.files) : [];\n this.uploadManager.batchUpload(\"\", files, this.handleConflicts).catch((error) => logger.debug(\"Error while uploading\", { error })).finally(() => this.resetForm());\n },\n resetForm() {\n const form = this.$refs.form;\n form?.reset();\n },\n /**\n * Cancel ongoing queue\n */\n onCancel() {\n this.uploadManager.queue.forEach((upload2) => {\n upload2.cancel();\n });\n this.resetForm();\n },\n updateStatus() {\n if (this.isPaused) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"paused\");\n return;\n }\n const estimate = Math.round(this.eta.estimate());\n if (estimate === Infinity) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"estimating time left\");\n return;\n }\n if (estimate < 10) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"a few seconds left\");\n return;\n }\n if (estimate > 60) {\n const date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0);\n date.setSeconds(estimate);\n const time = date.toISOString().slice(11, 11 + 8);\n this.timeLeft = t(\"{time} left\", { time });\n return;\n }\n this.timeLeft = t(\"{seconds} seconds left\", { seconds: estimate });\n },\n setDestination(destination) {\n if (!this.destination) {\n logger.debug(\"Invalid destination\");\n return;\n }\n this.uploadManager.destination = destination;\n this.newFileMenuEntries = getNewFileMenuEntries(destination);\n },\n onUploadCompletion(upload2) {\n if (upload2.status === Status$1.FAILED) {\n this.$emit(\"failed\", upload2);\n } else {\n this.$emit(\"uploaded\", upload2);\n }\n }\n }\n});\nvar _sfc_render = function render6() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n _vm._self._setupProxy;\n return _vm.destination ? _c(\"form\", { ref: \"form\", staticClass: \"upload-picker\", class: { \"upload-picker--uploading\": _vm.isUploading, \"upload-picker--paused\": _vm.isPaused }, attrs: { \"data-cy-upload-picker\": \"\" } }, [_vm.newFileMenuEntries && _vm.newFileMenuEntries.length === 0 ? _c(\"NcButton\", { attrs: { \"disabled\": _vm.disabled, \"data-cy-upload-picker-add\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-file\", \"type\": \"secondary\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick();\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconPlus\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1991456921) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.buttonName) + \" \")]) : _c(\"NcActions\", { attrs: { \"menu-name\": _vm.buttonName, \"menu-title\": _vm.t(\"New\"), \"type\": \"secondary\" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconPlus\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1991456921) }, [_c(\"NcActionCaption\", { attrs: { \"name\": _vm.t(\"Upload from device\") } }), _c(\"NcActionButton\", { attrs: { \"data-cy-upload-picker-add\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-file\", \"close-after-click\": true }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick();\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconUpload\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 337456192) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"Upload files\")) + \" \")]), _vm.canUploadFolders ? _c(\"NcActionButton\", { attrs: { \"close-after-click\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-add-folders\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-folder\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick(true);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconFolderUpload\", { staticStyle: { \"color\": \"var(--color-primary-element)\" }, attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1037549157) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"Upload folders\")) + \" \")]) : _vm._e(), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesUpload, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n }), _vm.menuEntriesNew.length > 0 ? [_c(\"NcActionSeparator\"), _c(\"NcActionCaption\", { attrs: { \"name\": _vm.t(\"Create new\") } }), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesNew, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n })] : _vm._e(), _vm.menuEntriesOther.length > 0 ? [_c(\"NcActionSeparator\"), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesOther, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n })] : _vm._e()], 2), _c(\"div\", { directives: [{ name: \"show\", rawName: \"v-show\", value: _vm.isUploading, expression: \"isUploading\" }], staticClass: \"upload-picker__progress\" }, [_c(\"NcProgressBar\", { attrs: { \"aria-label\": _vm.t(\"Upload progress\"), \"aria-describedby\": _vm.progressTimeId, \"error\": _vm.hasFailure, \"value\": _vm.progress, \"size\": \"medium\" } }), _c(\"p\", { attrs: { \"id\": _vm.progressTimeId } }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.timeLeft) + \" \")])], 1), _vm.isUploading ? _c(\"NcButton\", { staticClass: \"upload-picker__cancel\", attrs: { \"type\": \"tertiary\", \"aria-label\": _vm.t(\"Cancel uploads\"), \"data-cy-upload-picker-cancel\": \"\" }, on: { \"click\": _vm.onCancel }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconCancel\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 3076329829) }) : _vm._e(), _c(\"input\", { ref: \"input\", staticClass: \"hidden-visually\", attrs: { \"accept\": _vm.accept?.join?.(\", \"), \"multiple\": _vm.multiple, \"data-cy-upload-picker-input\": \"\", \"type\": \"file\" }, on: { \"change\": _vm.onPick } })], 1) : _vm._e();\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns = [];\nvar __component__ = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main,\n _sfc_render,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"3e5a9212\",\n null,\n null\n);\nconst UploadPicker = __component__.exports;\nlet _uploader = null;\nfunction getUploader(isPublic = isPublicShare(), forceRecreate = false) {\n if (_uploader instanceof Uploader && !forceRecreate) {\n return _uploader;\n }\n _uploader = new Uploader(isPublic);\n return _uploader;\n}\nfunction upload(destinationPath, file) {\n const uploader = getUploader();\n uploader.upload(destinationPath, file);\n return uploader;\n}\nasync function openConflictPicker(dirname, conflicts, content, options) {\n const ConflictPicker = defineAsyncComponent(() => import(\"./ConflictPicker-CqsvbW_U.mjs\"));\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const picker = new Vue({\n name: \"ConflictPickerRoot\",\n render: (h) => h(ConflictPicker, {\n props: {\n dirname,\n conflicts,\n content,\n recursiveUpload: options?.recursive === true\n },\n on: {\n submit(results) {\n resolve(results);\n picker.$destroy();\n picker.$el?.parentNode?.removeChild(picker.$el);\n },\n cancel(error) {\n reject(error ?? new Error(\"Canceled\"));\n picker.$destroy();\n picker.$el?.parentNode?.removeChild(picker.$el);\n }\n }\n })\n });\n picker.$mount();\n document.body.appendChild(picker.$el);\n });\n}\nfunction hasConflict(files, content) {\n return getConflicts(files, content).length > 0;\n}\nfunction getConflicts(files, content) {\n const contentNames = content.map((node) => node.basename);\n const conflicts = files.filter((node) => {\n const name = \"basename\" in node ? node.basename : node.name;\n return contentNames.indexOf(name) !== -1;\n });\n return conflicts;\n}\nexport {\n Status as S,\n UploadPicker as U,\n n as a,\n getConflicts as b,\n Upload as c,\n Status$1 as d,\n getUploader as g,\n hasConflict as h,\n isFileSystemEntry as i,\n logger as l,\n normalizeComponent as n,\n openConflictPicker as o,\n t,\n upload as u\n};\n","import axios from './lib/axios.js';\n\n// This module is intended to unwrap Axios default export as named.\n// Keep top-level export same with static properties\n// so that it can keep same 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priority];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar notFulfilled = Infinity;\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < deferred.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar chunkIds = deferred[i][0];\n\t\tvar fn = deferred[i][1];\n\t\tvar priority = deferred[i][2];\n\t\tvar fulfilled = true;\n\t\tfor (var j = 0; j < chunkIds.length; j++) {\n\t\t\tif ((priority & 1 === 0 || notFulfilled >= priority) && Object.keys(__webpack_require__.O).every((key) => (__webpack_require__.O[key](chunkIds[j])))) {\n\t\t\t\tchunkIds.splice(j--, 1);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfulfilled = false;\n\t\t\t\tif(priority < notFulfilled) notFulfilled = priority;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(fulfilled) {\n\t\t\tdeferred.splice(i--, 1)\n\t\t\tvar r = fn();\n\t\t\tif (r !== undefined) result = r;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};","var inProgress = {};\nvar dataWebpackPrefix = \"nextcloud:\";\n// loadScript function to load a script via script tag\n__webpack_require__.l = (url, done, key, chunkId) => {\n\tif(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }\n\tvar script, needAttach;\n\tif(key !== undefined) {\n\t\tvar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar s = scripts[i];\n\t\t\tif(s.getAttribute(\"src\") == url || s.getAttribute(\"data-webpack\") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(!script) {\n\t\tneedAttach = true;\n\t\tscript = document.createElement('script');\n\n\t\tscript.charset = 'utf-8';\n\t\tscript.timeout = 120;\n\t\tif (__webpack_require__.nc) {\n\t\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"nonce\", __webpack_require__.nc);\n\t\t}\n\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"data-webpack\", dataWebpackPrefix + key);\n\n\t\tscript.src = url;\n\t}\n\tinProgress[url] = [done];\n\tvar onScriptComplete = (prev, event) => {\n\t\t// avoid mem leaks in IE.\n\t\tscript.onerror = script.onload = null;\n\t\tclearTimeout(timeout);\n\t\tvar doneFns = inProgress[url];\n\t\tdelete inProgress[url];\n\t\tscript.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);\n\t\tdoneFns && 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In some engines creating an\n// instance in this way is faster than calling `Object.create(null)` directly.\n// If `Object.create(null)` is not supported we prefix the event names with a\n// character to make sure that the built-in object properties are not\n// overridden or used as an attack vector.\n//\nif (Object.create) {\n Events.prototype = Object.create(null);\n\n //\n // This hack is needed because the `__proto__` property is still inherited in\n // some old browsers like Android 4, iPhone 5.1, Opera 11 and Safari 5.\n //\n if (!new Events().__proto__) prefix = false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Representation of a single event listener.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn The listener function.\n * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.\n * @param {Boolean} [once=false] Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.\n * @constructor\n * @private\n */\nfunction EE(fn, context, once) {\n this.fn = fn;\n this.context = context;\n this.once = once || false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Add a listener for a given event.\n *\n * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @param {Function} fn The listener function.\n * @param {*} context The context to invoke the listener with.\n * @param {Boolean} once Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.\n * @returns {EventEmitter}\n * @private\n */\nfunction addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once) {\n if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('The listener must be a function');\n }\n\n var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once)\n , evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;\n\n if (!emitter._events[evt]) emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++;\n else if (!emitter._events[evt].fn) emitter._events[evt].push(listener);\n else emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener];\n\n return emitter;\n}\n\n/**\n * Clear event by name.\n *\n * @param {EventEmitter} emitter Reference to the `EventEmitter` instance.\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} evt The Event name.\n * @private\n */\nfunction clearEvent(emitter, evt) {\n if (--emitter._eventsCount === 0) emitter._events = new Events();\n else delete emitter._events[evt];\n}\n\n/**\n * Minimal `EventEmitter` interface that is molded against the Node.js\n * `EventEmitter` interface.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @public\n */\nfunction EventEmitter() {\n this._events = new Events();\n this._eventsCount = 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered\n * listeners.\n *\n * @returns {Array}\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {\n var names = []\n , events\n , name;\n\n if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;\n\n for (name in (events = this._events)) {\n if (has.call(events, name)) names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);\n }\n\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n return names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events));\n }\n\n return names;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return the listeners registered for a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @returns {Array} The registered listeners.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {\n var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event\n , handlers = this._events[evt];\n\n if (!handlers) return [];\n if (handlers.fn) return [handlers.fn];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++) {\n ee[i] = handlers[i].fn;\n }\n\n return ee;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @returns {Number} The number of listeners.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function listenerCount(event) {\n var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event\n , listeners = this._events[evt];\n\n if (!listeners) return 0;\n if (listeners.fn) return 1;\n return listeners.length;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the event had listeners, else `false`.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {\n var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;\n\n if (!this._events[evt]) return false;\n\n var listeners = this._events[evt]\n , len = arguments.length\n , args\n , i;\n\n if (listeners.fn) {\n if (listeners.once) this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, undefined, true);\n\n switch (len) {\n case 1: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context), true;\n case 2: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1), true;\n case 3: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2), true;\n case 4: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3), true;\n case 5: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4), true;\n case 6: return listeners.fn.call(listeners.context, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), true;\n }\n\n for (i = 1, args = new Array(len -1); i < len; i++) {\n args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n }\n\n listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);\n } else {\n var length = listeners.length\n , j;\n\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n if (listeners[i].once) this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, undefined, true);\n\n switch (len) {\n case 1: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context); break;\n case 2: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1); break;\n case 3: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2); break;\n case 4: listeners[i].fn.call(listeners[i].context, a1, a2, a3); break;\n default:\n if (!args) for (j = 1, args = new Array(len -1); j < len; j++) {\n args[j - 1] = arguments[j];\n }\n\n listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n/**\n * Add a listener for a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @param {Function} fn The listener function.\n * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.\n * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {\n return addListener(this, event, fn, context, false);\n};\n\n/**\n * Add a one-time listener for a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @param {Function} fn The listener function.\n * @param {*} [context=this] The context to invoke the listener with.\n * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {\n return addListener(this, event, fn, context, true);\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove the listeners of a given event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} event The event name.\n * @param {Function} fn Only remove the listeners that match this function.\n * @param {*} context Only remove the listeners that have this context.\n * @param {Boolean} once Only remove one-time listeners.\n * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn, context, once) {\n var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;\n\n if (!this._events[evt]) return this;\n if (!fn) {\n clearEvent(this, evt);\n return this;\n }\n\n var listeners = this._events[evt];\n\n if (listeners.fn) {\n if (\n listeners.fn === fn &&\n (!once || listeners.once) &&\n (!context || listeners.context === context)\n ) {\n clearEvent(this, evt);\n }\n } else {\n for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (\n listeners[i].fn !== fn ||\n (once && !listeners[i].once) ||\n (context && listeners[i].context !== context)\n ) {\n events.push(listeners[i]);\n }\n }\n\n //\n // Reset the array, or remove it completely if we have no more listeners.\n //\n if (events.length) this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events;\n else clearEvent(this, evt);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.\n *\n * @param {(String|Symbol)} [event] The event name.\n * @returns {EventEmitter} `this`.\n * @public\n */\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {\n var evt;\n\n if (event) {\n evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;\n if (this._events[evt]) clearEvent(this, evt);\n } else {\n this._events = new Events();\n this._eventsCount = 0;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n//\n// Alias methods names because people roll like that.\n//\nEventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;\n\n//\n// Expose the prefix.\n//\nEventEmitter.prefixed = prefix;\n\n//\n// Allow `EventEmitter` to be imported as module namespace.\n//\nEventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;\n\n//\n// Expose the module.\n//\nif ('undefined' !== typeof module) {\n module.exports = EventEmitter;\n}\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { getLoggerBuilder } from '@nextcloud/logger'\n\nexport default getLoggerBuilder()\n\t.setApp('files')\n\t.detectUser()\n\t.build()\n","import { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { FileType } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { getCapabilities } from '@nextcloud/capabilities';\nimport { n, t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nexport const isTrashbinEnabled = () => getCapabilities()?.files?.undelete === true;\nexport const canUnshareOnly = (nodes) => {\n return nodes.every(node => node.attributes['is-mount-root'] === true\n && node.attributes['mount-type'] === 'shared');\n};\nexport const canDisconnectOnly = (nodes) => {\n return nodes.every(node => node.attributes['is-mount-root'] === true\n && node.attributes['mount-type'] === 'external');\n};\nexport const isMixedUnshareAndDelete = (nodes) => {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n return false;\n }\n const hasSharedItems = nodes.some(node => canUnshareOnly([node]));\n const hasDeleteItems = nodes.some(node => !canUnshareOnly([node]));\n return hasSharedItems && hasDeleteItems;\n};\nexport const isAllFiles = (nodes) => {\n return !nodes.some(node => node.type !== FileType.File);\n};\nexport const isAllFolders = (nodes) => {\n return !nodes.some(node => node.type !== FileType.Folder);\n};\nexport const displayName = (nodes, view) => {\n /**\n * If we're in the trashbin, we can only delete permanently\n */\n if (view.id === 'trashbin' || !isTrashbinEnabled()) {\n return t('files', 'Delete permanently');\n }\n /**\n * If we're in the sharing view, we can only unshare\n */\n if (isMixedUnshareAndDelete(nodes)) {\n return t('files', 'Delete and unshare');\n }\n /**\n * If those nodes are all the root node of a\n * share, we can only unshare them.\n */\n if (canUnshareOnly(nodes)) {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n return t('files', 'Leave this share');\n }\n return t('files', 'Leave these shares');\n }\n /**\n * If those nodes are all the root node of an\n * external storage, we can only disconnect it.\n */\n if (canDisconnectOnly(nodes)) {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n return t('files', 'Disconnect storage');\n }\n return t('files', 'Disconnect storages');\n }\n /**\n * If we're only selecting files, use proper wording\n */\n if (isAllFiles(nodes)) {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n return t('files', 'Delete file');\n }\n return t('files', 'Delete files');\n }\n /**\n * If we're only selecting folders, use proper wording\n */\n if (isAllFolders(nodes)) {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n return t('files', 'Delete folder');\n }\n return t('files', 'Delete folders');\n }\n return t('files', 'Delete');\n};\nexport const askConfirmation = async (nodes, view) => {\n const message = view.id === 'trashbin' || !isTrashbinEnabled()\n ? n('files', 'You are about to permanently delete {count} item', 'You are about to permanently delete {count} items', nodes.length, { count: nodes.length })\n : n('files', 'You are about to delete {count} item', 'You are about to delete {count} items', nodes.length, { count: nodes.length });\n return new Promise(resolve => {\n // TODO: Use the new dialog API\n window.OC.dialogs.confirmDestructive(message, t('files', 'Confirm deletion'), {\n type: window.OC.dialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS,\n confirm: displayName(nodes, view),\n confirmClasses: 'error',\n cancel: t('files', 'Cancel'),\n }, (decision) => {\n resolve(decision);\n });\n });\n};\nexport const deleteNode = async (node) => {\n await axios.delete(node.encodedSource);\n // Let's delete even if it's moved to the trashbin\n // since it has been removed from the current view\n // and changing the view will trigger a reload anyway.\n emit('files:node:deleted', node);\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Permission, Node, View, FileAction } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { showInfo } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport PQueue from 'p-queue';\nimport CloseSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/close.svg?raw';\nimport NetworkOffSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/network-off.svg?raw';\nimport TrashCanSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/trash-can.svg?raw';\nimport logger from '../logger.js';\nimport { askConfirmation, canDisconnectOnly, canUnshareOnly, deleteNode, displayName, isTrashbinEnabled } from './deleteUtils';\nconst queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 5 });\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'delete',\n displayName,\n iconSvgInline: (nodes) => {\n if (canUnshareOnly(nodes)) {\n return CloseSvg;\n }\n if (canDisconnectOnly(nodes)) {\n return NetworkOffSvg;\n }\n return TrashCanSvg;\n },\n enabled(nodes) {\n return nodes.length > 0 && nodes\n .map(node => node.permissions)\n .every(permission => Boolean(permission & Permission.DELETE));\n },\n async exec(node, view) {\n try {\n let confirm = true;\n // If trashbin is disabled, we need to ask for confirmation\n if (!isTrashbinEnabled()) {\n confirm = await askConfirmation([node], view);\n }\n // If the user cancels the deletion, we don't want to do anything\n if (confirm === false) {\n showInfo(t('files', 'Deletion cancelled'));\n return null;\n }\n await deleteNode(node);\n return true;\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error('Error while deleting a file', { error, source: node.source, node });\n return false;\n }\n },\n async execBatch(nodes, view) {\n let confirm = true;\n // If trashbin is disabled, we need to ask for confirmation\n if (!isTrashbinEnabled()) {\n confirm = await askConfirmation(nodes, view);\n }\n else if (nodes.length >= 5 && !canUnshareOnly(nodes) && !canDisconnectOnly(nodes)) {\n confirm = await askConfirmation(nodes, view);\n }\n // If the user cancels the deletion, we don't want to do anything\n if (confirm === false) {\n showInfo(t('files', 'Deletion cancelled'));\n return Promise.all(nodes.map(() => null));\n }\n // Map each node to a promise that resolves with the result of exec(node)\n const promises = nodes.map(node => {\n // Create a promise that resolves with the result of exec(node)\n const promise = new Promise(resolve => {\n queue.add(async () => {\n try {\n await deleteNode(node);\n resolve(true);\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error('Error while deleting a file', { error, source: node.source, node });\n resolve(false);\n }\n });\n });\n return promise;\n });\n return Promise.all(promises);\n },\n order: 100,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { FileAction, Permission, Node, FileType, View, DefaultType } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport ArrowDownSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/arrow-down.svg?raw';\nconst triggerDownload = function (url) {\n const hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');\n hiddenElement.download = '';\n hiddenElement.href = url;\n hiddenElement.click();\n};\nconst downloadNodes = function (dir, nodes) {\n const secret = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);\n const url = generateUrl('/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir={dir}&files={files}&downloadStartSecret={secret}', {\n dir,\n secret,\n files: JSON.stringify(nodes.map(node => node.basename)),\n });\n triggerDownload(url);\n};\nconst isDownloadable = function (node) {\n if ((node.permissions & Permission.READ) === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n // If the mount type is a share, ensure it got download permissions.\n if (node.attributes['mount-type'] === 'shared') {\n const shareAttributes = JSON.parse(node.attributes['share-attributes'] ?? 'null');\n const downloadAttribute = shareAttributes?.find?.((attribute) => attribute.scope === 'permissions' && attribute.key === 'download');\n if (downloadAttribute !== undefined && downloadAttribute.enabled === false) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n};\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'download',\n default: DefaultType.DEFAULT,\n displayName: () => t('files', 'Download'),\n iconSvgInline: () => ArrowDownSvg,\n enabled(nodes) {\n if (nodes.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n // We can download direct dav files. But if we have\n // some folders, we need to use the /apps/files/ajax/download.php\n // endpoint, which only supports user root folder.\n if (nodes.some(node => node.type === FileType.Folder)\n && nodes.some(node => !node.root?.startsWith('/files'))) {\n return false;\n }\n return nodes.every(isDownloadable);\n },\n async exec(node, view, dir) {\n if (node.type === FileType.Folder) {\n downloadNodes(dir, [node]);\n return null;\n }\n triggerDownload(node.encodedSource);\n return null;\n },\n async execBatch(nodes, view, dir) {\n if (nodes.length === 1) {\n this.exec(nodes[0], view, dir);\n return [null];\n }\n downloadNodes(dir, nodes);\n return new Array(nodes.length).fill(null);\n },\n order: 30,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { encodePath } from '@nextcloud/paths';\nimport { generateOcsUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { FileAction, Permission } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { showError, DialogBuilder } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nimport IconWeb from '@mdi/svg/svg/web.svg?raw';\nimport LaptopSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/laptop.svg?raw';\nconst confirmLocalEditDialog = (localEditCallback = () => { }) => {\n let callbackCalled = false;\n return (new DialogBuilder())\n .setName(t('files', 'Edit file locally'))\n .setText(t('files', 'The file should now open on your device. If it doesn\\'t, please check that you have the desktop app installed.'))\n .setButtons([\n {\n label: t('files', 'Retry and close'),\n type: 'secondary',\n callback: () => {\n callbackCalled = true;\n localEditCallback(true);\n },\n },\n {\n label: t('files', 'Edit online'),\n icon: IconWeb,\n type: 'primary',\n callback: () => {\n callbackCalled = true;\n localEditCallback(false);\n },\n },\n ])\n .build()\n .show()\n .then(() => {\n // Ensure the callback is called even if the dialog is dismissed in other ways\n if (!callbackCalled) {\n localEditCallback(false);\n }\n });\n};\nconst attemptOpenLocalClient = async (path) => {\n openLocalClient(path);\n confirmLocalEditDialog((openLocally) => {\n if (!openLocally) {\n window.OCA.Viewer.open({ path });\n return;\n }\n openLocalClient(path);\n });\n};\nconst openLocalClient = async function (path) {\n const link = generateOcsUrl('apps/files/api/v1') + '/openlocaleditor?format=json';\n try {\n const result = await axios.post(link, { path });\n const uid = getCurrentUser()?.uid;\n let url = `nc://open/${uid}@` + window.location.host + encodePath(path);\n url += '?token=' + result.data.ocs.data.token;\n window.location.href = url;\n }\n catch (error) {\n showError(t('files', 'Failed to redirect to client'));\n }\n};\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'edit-locally',\n displayName: () => t('files', 'Edit locally'),\n iconSvgInline: () => LaptopSvg,\n // Only works on single files\n enabled(nodes) {\n // Only works on single node\n if (nodes.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n return (nodes[0].permissions & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0;\n },\n async exec(node) {\n attemptOpenLocalClient(node.path);\n return null;\n },\n order: 25,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { Permission, View, FileAction } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nimport Vue from 'vue';\nimport StarOutlineSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/star-outline.svg?raw';\nimport StarSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/star.svg?raw';\nimport logger from '../logger.js';\nimport { encodePath } from '@nextcloud/paths';\n// If any of the nodes is not favorited, we display the favorite action.\nconst shouldFavorite = (nodes) => {\n return nodes.some(node => node.attributes.favorite !== 1);\n};\nexport const favoriteNode = async (node, view, willFavorite) => {\n try {\n // TODO: migrate to webdav tags plugin\n const url = generateUrl('/apps/files/api/v1/files') + encodePath(node.path);\n await axios.post(url, {\n tags: willFavorite\n ? [window.OC.TAG_FAVORITE]\n : [],\n });\n // Let's delete if we are in the favourites view\n // AND if it is removed from the user favorites\n // AND it's in the root of the favorites view\n if (view.id === 'favorites' && !willFavorite && node.dirname === '/') {\n emit('files:node:deleted', node);\n }\n // Update the node webdav attribute\n Vue.set(node.attributes, 'favorite', willFavorite ? 1 : 0);\n // Dispatch event to whoever is interested\n if (willFavorite) {\n emit('files:favorites:added', node);\n }\n else {\n emit('files:favorites:removed', node);\n }\n return true;\n }\n catch (error) {\n const action = willFavorite ? 'adding a file to favourites' : 'removing a file from favourites';\n logger.error('Error while ' + action, { error, source: node.source, node });\n return false;\n }\n};\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'favorite',\n displayName(nodes) {\n return shouldFavorite(nodes)\n ? t('files', 'Add to favorites')\n : t('files', 'Remove from favorites');\n },\n iconSvgInline: (nodes) => {\n return shouldFavorite(nodes)\n ? StarOutlineSvg\n : StarSvg;\n },\n enabled(nodes) {\n // We can only favorite nodes within files and with permissions\n return !nodes.some(node => !node.root?.startsWith?.('/files'))\n && nodes.every(node => node.permissions !== Permission.NONE);\n },\n async exec(node, view) {\n const willFavorite = shouldFavorite([node]);\n return await favoriteNode(node, view, willFavorite);\n },\n async execBatch(nodes, view) {\n const willFavorite = shouldFavorite(nodes);\n return Promise.all(nodes.map(async (node) => await favoriteNode(node, view, willFavorite)));\n },\n order: -50,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport '@nextcloud/dialogs/style.css';\nimport { Permission } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport PQueue from 'p-queue';\n// This is the processing queue. We only want to allow 3 concurrent requests\nlet queue;\n// Maximum number of concurrent operations\nconst MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5;\n/**\n * Get the processing queue\n */\nexport const getQueue = () => {\n if (!queue) {\n queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY });\n }\n return queue;\n};\nexport var MoveCopyAction;\n(function (MoveCopyAction) {\n MoveCopyAction[\"MOVE\"] = \"Move\";\n MoveCopyAction[\"COPY\"] = \"Copy\";\n MoveCopyAction[\"MOVE_OR_COPY\"] = \"move-or-copy\";\n})(MoveCopyAction || (MoveCopyAction = {}));\nexport const canMove = (nodes) => {\n const minPermission = nodes.reduce((min, node) => Math.min(min, node.permissions), Permission.ALL);\n return (minPermission & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0;\n};\nexport const canDownload = (nodes) => {\n return nodes.every(node => {\n const shareAttributes = JSON.parse(node.attributes?.['share-attributes'] ?? '[]');\n return !shareAttributes.some(attribute => attribute.scope === 'permissions' && attribute.enabled === false && attribute.key === 'download');\n });\n};\nexport const canCopy = (nodes) => {\n // a shared file cannot be copied if the download is disabled\n // it can be copied if the user has at least read permissions\n return canDownload(nodes)\n && !nodes.some(node => node.permissions === Permission.NONE);\n};\n","import { CancelablePromise } from 'cancelable-promise';\nimport { File, Folder, davGetClient, davGetDefaultPropfind, davResultToNode, davRootPath } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport logger from '../logger';\n/**\n * Slim wrapper over `@nextcloud/files` `davResultToNode` to allow using the function with `Array.map`\n * @param node The node returned by the webdav library\n */\nexport const resultToNode = (node) => {\n return davResultToNode(node);\n};\nconst client = davGetClient();\nexport const getContents = (path = '/') => {\n path = `${davRootPath}${path}`;\n const controller = new AbortController();\n const propfindPayload = davGetDefaultPropfind();\n return new CancelablePromise(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n onCancel(() => controller.abort());\n try {\n const contentsResponse = await client.getDirectoryContents(path, {\n details: true,\n data: propfindPayload,\n includeSelf: true,\n signal: controller.signal,\n });\n const root = contentsResponse.data[0];\n const contents = contentsResponse.data.slice(1);\n if (root.filename !== path && `${root.filename}/` !== path) {\n throw new Error('Root node does not match requested path');\n }\n resolve({\n folder: resultToNode(root),\n contents: contents.map(result => {\n try {\n return resultToNode(result);\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error(`Invalid node detected '${result.basename}'`, { error });\n return null;\n }\n }).filter(Boolean),\n });\n }\n catch (error) {\n reject(error);\n }\n });\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport '@nextcloud/dialogs/style.css';\n// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-extraneous-import\nimport { AxiosError } from 'axios';\nimport { basename, join } from 'path';\nimport { FilePickerClosed, getFilePickerBuilder, showError, showInfo, TOAST_PERMANENT_TIMEOUT } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { FileAction, FileType, NodeStatus, davGetClient, davRootPath, davResultToNode, davGetDefaultPropfind, getUniqueName } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport { openConflictPicker, hasConflict } from '@nextcloud/upload';\nimport Vue from 'vue';\nimport CopyIconSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-multiple.svg?raw';\nimport FolderMoveSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-move.svg?raw';\nimport { MoveCopyAction, canCopy, canMove, getQueue } from './moveOrCopyActionUtils';\nimport { getContents } from '../services/Files';\nimport logger from '../logger';\n/**\n * Return the action that is possible for the given nodes\n * @param {Node[]} nodes The nodes to check against\n * @return {MoveCopyAction} The action that is possible for the given nodes\n */\nconst getActionForNodes = (nodes) => {\n if (canMove(nodes)) {\n if (canCopy(nodes)) {\n return MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY;\n }\n return MoveCopyAction.MOVE;\n }\n // Assuming we can copy as the enabled checks for copy permissions\n return MoveCopyAction.COPY;\n};\n/**\n * Create a loading notification toast\n * @param mode The move or copy mode\n * @param source Name of the node that is copied / moved\n * @param destination Destination path\n * @return {() => void} Function to hide the notification\n */\nfunction createLoadingNotification(mode, source, destination) {\n const text = mode === MoveCopyAction.MOVE ? t('files', 'Moving \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …', { source, destination }) : t('files', 'Copying \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …', { source, destination });\n let toast;\n toast = showInfo(` ${text}`, {\n isHTML: true,\n timeout: TOAST_PERMANENT_TIMEOUT,\n onRemove: () => { toast?.hideToast(); toast = undefined; },\n });\n return () => toast && toast.hideToast();\n}\n/**\n * Handle the copy/move of a node to a destination\n * This can be imported and used by other scripts/components on server\n * @param {Node} node The node to copy/move\n * @param {Folder} destination The destination to copy/move the node to\n * @param {MoveCopyAction} method The method to use for the copy/move\n * @param {boolean} overwrite Whether to overwrite the destination if it exists\n * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the copy/move is done\n */\nexport const handleCopyMoveNodeTo = async (node, destination, method, overwrite = false) => {\n if (!destination) {\n return;\n }\n if (destination.type !== FileType.Folder) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'Destination is not a folder'));\n }\n // Do not allow to MOVE a node to the same folder it is already located\n if (method === MoveCopyAction.MOVE && node.dirname === destination.path) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'This file/folder is already in that directory'));\n }\n /**\n * Example:\n * - node: /foo/bar/file.txt -> path = /foo/bar/file.txt, destination: /foo\n * Allow move of /foo does not start with /foo/bar/file.txt so allow\n * - node: /foo , destination: /foo/bar\n * Do not allow as it would copy foo within itself\n * - node: /foo/bar.txt, destination: /foo\n * Allow copy a file to the same directory\n * - node: \"/foo/bar\", destination: \"/foo/bar 1\"\n * Allow to move or copy but we need to check with trailing / otherwise it would report false positive\n */\n if (`${destination.path}/`.startsWith(`${node.path}/`)) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself'));\n }\n // Set loading state\n Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING);\n const actionFinished = createLoadingNotification(method, node.basename, destination.path);\n const queue = getQueue();\n return await queue.add(async () => {\n const copySuffix = (index) => {\n if (index === 1) {\n return t('files', '(copy)'); // TRANSLATORS: Mark a file as a copy of another file\n }\n return t('files', '(copy %n)', undefined, index); // TRANSLATORS: Meaning it is the n'th copy of a file\n };\n try {\n const client = davGetClient();\n const currentPath = join(davRootPath, node.path);\n const destinationPath = join(davRootPath, destination.path);\n if (method === MoveCopyAction.COPY) {\n let target = node.basename;\n // If we do not allow overwriting then find an unique name\n if (!overwrite) {\n const otherNodes = await client.getDirectoryContents(destinationPath);\n target = getUniqueName(node.basename, otherNodes.map((n) => n.basename), {\n suffix: copySuffix,\n ignoreFileExtension: node.type === FileType.Folder,\n });\n }\n await client.copyFile(currentPath, join(destinationPath, target));\n // If the node is copied into current directory the view needs to be updated\n if (node.dirname === destination.path) {\n const { data } = await client.stat(join(destinationPath, target), {\n details: true,\n data: davGetDefaultPropfind(),\n });\n emit('files:node:created', davResultToNode(data));\n }\n }\n else {\n // show conflict file popup if we do not allow overwriting\n if (!overwrite) {\n const otherNodes = await getContents(destination.path);\n if (hasConflict([node], otherNodes.contents)) {\n try {\n // Let the user choose what to do with the conflicting files\n const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(destination.path, [node], otherNodes.contents);\n // two empty arrays: either only old files or conflict skipped -> no action required\n if (!selected.length && !renamed.length) {\n return;\n }\n }\n catch (error) {\n // User cancelled\n showError(t('files', 'Move cancelled'));\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n // getting here means either no conflict, file was renamed to keep both files\n // in a conflict, or the selected file was chosen to be kept during the conflict\n await client.moveFile(currentPath, join(destinationPath, node.basename));\n // Delete the node as it will be fetched again\n // when navigating to the destination folder\n emit('files:node:deleted', node);\n }\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof AxiosError) {\n if (error?.response?.status === 412) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder'));\n }\n else if (error?.response?.status === 423) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'The files are locked'));\n }\n else if (error?.response?.status === 404) {\n throw new Error(t('files', 'The file does not exist anymore'));\n }\n else if (error.message) {\n throw new Error(error.message);\n }\n }\n logger.debug(error);\n throw new Error();\n }\n finally {\n Vue.set(node, 'status', '');\n actionFinished();\n }\n });\n};\n/**\n * Open a file picker for the given action\n * @param action The action to open the file picker for\n * @param dir The directory to start the file picker in\n * @param nodes The nodes to move/copy\n * @return The picked destination or false if cancelled by user\n */\nasync function openFilePickerForAction(action, dir = '/', nodes) {\n const { resolve, reject, promise } = Promise.withResolvers();\n const fileIDs = nodes.map(node => node.fileid).filter(Boolean);\n const filePicker = getFilePickerBuilder(t('files', 'Choose destination'))\n .allowDirectories(true)\n .setFilter((n) => {\n // We don't want to show the current nodes in the file picker\n return !fileIDs.includes(n.fileid);\n })\n .setMimeTypeFilter([])\n .setMultiSelect(false)\n .startAt(dir)\n .setButtonFactory((selection, path) => {\n const buttons = [];\n const target = basename(path);\n const dirnames = nodes.map(node => node.dirname);\n const paths = nodes.map(node => node.path);\n if (action === MoveCopyAction.COPY || action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY) {\n buttons.push({\n label: target ? t('files', 'Copy to {target}', { target }, undefined, { escape: false, sanitize: false }) : t('files', 'Copy'),\n type: 'primary',\n icon: CopyIconSvg,\n async callback(destination) {\n resolve({\n destination: destination[0],\n action: MoveCopyAction.COPY,\n });\n },\n });\n }\n // Invalid MOVE targets (but valid copy targets)\n if (dirnames.includes(path)) {\n // This file/folder is already in that directory\n return buttons;\n }\n if (paths.includes(path)) {\n // You cannot move a file/folder onto itself\n return buttons;\n }\n if (action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE || action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY) {\n buttons.push({\n label: target ? t('files', 'Move to {target}', { target }, undefined, { escape: false, sanitize: false }) : t('files', 'Move'),\n type: action === MoveCopyAction.MOVE ? 'primary' : 'secondary',\n icon: FolderMoveSvg,\n async callback(destination) {\n resolve({\n destination: destination[0],\n action: MoveCopyAction.MOVE,\n });\n },\n });\n }\n return buttons;\n })\n .build();\n filePicker.pick()\n .catch((error) => {\n logger.debug(error);\n if (error instanceof FilePickerClosed) {\n resolve(false);\n }\n else {\n reject(new Error(t('files', 'Move or copy operation failed')));\n }\n });\n return promise;\n}\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'move-copy',\n displayName(nodes) {\n switch (getActionForNodes(nodes)) {\n case MoveCopyAction.MOVE:\n return t('files', 'Move');\n case MoveCopyAction.COPY:\n return t('files', 'Copy');\n case MoveCopyAction.MOVE_OR_COPY:\n return t('files', 'Move or copy');\n }\n },\n iconSvgInline: () => FolderMoveSvg,\n enabled(nodes) {\n // We only support moving/copying files within the user folder\n if (!nodes.every(node => node.root?.startsWith('/files/'))) {\n return false;\n }\n return nodes.length > 0 && (canMove(nodes) || canCopy(nodes));\n },\n async exec(node, view, dir) {\n const action = getActionForNodes([node]);\n let result;\n try {\n result = await openFilePickerForAction(action, dir, [node]);\n }\n catch (e) {\n logger.error(e);\n return false;\n }\n if (result === false) {\n showInfo(t('files', 'Cancelled move or copy of \"{filename}\".', { filename: node.displayname }));\n return null;\n }\n try {\n await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, result.destination, result.action);\n return true;\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof Error && !!error.message) {\n showError(error.message);\n // Silent action as we handle the toast\n return null;\n }\n return false;\n }\n },\n async execBatch(nodes, view, dir) {\n const action = getActionForNodes(nodes);\n const result = await openFilePickerForAction(action, dir, nodes);\n // Handle cancellation silently\n if (result === false) {\n showInfo(nodes.length === 1\n ? t('files', 'Cancelled move or copy of \"{filename}\".', { filename: nodes[0].displayname })\n : t('files', 'Cancelled move or copy operation'));\n return nodes.map(() => null);\n }\n const promises = nodes.map(async (node) => {\n try {\n await handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, result.destination, result.action);\n return true;\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error(`Failed to ${result.action} node`, { node, error });\n return false;\n }\n });\n // We need to keep the selection on error!\n // So we do not return null, and for batch action\n // we let the front handle the error.\n return await Promise.all(promises);\n },\n order: 15,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Permission, Node, FileType, View, FileAction, DefaultType } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport FolderSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder.svg?raw';\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'open-folder',\n displayName(files) {\n // Only works on single node\n const displayName = files[0].displayname;\n return t('files', 'Open folder {displayName}', { displayName });\n },\n iconSvgInline: () => FolderSvg,\n enabled(nodes) {\n // Only works on single node\n if (nodes.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n const node = nodes[0];\n if (!node.isDavRessource) {\n return false;\n }\n return node.type === FileType.Folder\n && (node.permissions & Permission.READ) !== 0;\n },\n async exec(node, view) {\n if (!node || node.type !== FileType.Folder) {\n return false;\n }\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, { view: view.id, fileid: node.fileid }, { dir: node.path });\n return null;\n },\n // Main action if enabled, meaning folders only\n default: DefaultType.HIDDEN,\n order: -100,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport { FileType, FileAction, DefaultType } from '@nextcloud/files';\n/**\n * TODO: Move away from a redirect and handle\n * navigation straight out of the recent view\n */\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'open-in-files-recent',\n displayName: () => t('files', 'Open in Files'),\n iconSvgInline: () => '',\n enabled: (nodes, view) => view.id === 'recent',\n async exec(node) {\n let dir = node.dirname;\n if (node.type === FileType.Folder) {\n dir = dir + '/' + node.basename;\n }\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, // use default route\n { view: 'files', fileid: node.fileid }, { dir, openfile: 'true' });\n return null;\n },\n // Before openFolderAction\n order: -1000,\n default: DefaultType.HIDDEN,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { Permission, FileAction } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport PencilSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/pencil.svg?raw';\nexport const ACTION_DETAILS = 'details';\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'rename',\n displayName: () => t('files', 'Rename'),\n iconSvgInline: () => PencilSvg,\n enabled: (nodes) => {\n return nodes.length > 0 && nodes\n .map(node => node.permissions)\n .every(permission => (permission & Permission.UPDATE) !== 0);\n },\n async exec(node) {\n // Renaming is a built-in feature of the files app\n emit('files:node:rename', node);\n return null;\n },\n order: 10,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Permission, View, FileAction, FileType } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport InformationSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/information-variant.svg?raw';\nimport logger from '../logger.js';\nexport const ACTION_DETAILS = 'details';\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: ACTION_DETAILS,\n displayName: () => t('files', 'Open details'),\n iconSvgInline: () => InformationSvg,\n // Sidebar currently supports user folder only, /files/USER\n enabled: (nodes) => {\n // Only works on single node\n if (nodes.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!nodes[0]) {\n return false;\n }\n // Only work if the sidebar is available\n if (!window?.OCA?.Files?.Sidebar) {\n return false;\n }\n return (nodes[0].root?.startsWith('/files/') && nodes[0].permissions !== Permission.NONE) ?? false;\n },\n async exec(node, view, dir) {\n try {\n // TODO: migrate Sidebar to use a Node instead\n await window.OCA.Files.Sidebar.open(node.path);\n // Silently update current fileid\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, { view: view.id, fileid: node.fileid }, { ...window.OCP.Files.Router.query, dir }, true);\n return null;\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error('Error while opening sidebar', { error });\n return false;\n }\n },\n order: -50,\n});\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Node, FileType, Permission, View, FileAction } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport FolderMoveSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-move.svg?raw';\nexport const action = new FileAction({\n id: 'view-in-folder',\n displayName() {\n return t('files', 'View in folder');\n },\n iconSvgInline: () => FolderMoveSvg,\n enabled(nodes, view) {\n // Only works outside of the main files view\n if (view.id === 'files') {\n return false;\n }\n // Only works on single node\n if (nodes.length !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n const node = nodes[0];\n if (!node.isDavRessource) {\n return false;\n }\n // Can only view files that are in the user root folder\n if (!node.root?.startsWith('/files')) {\n return false;\n }\n if (node.permissions === Permission.NONE) {\n return false;\n }\n return node.type === FileType.File;\n },\n async exec(node) {\n if (!node || node.type !== FileType.File) {\n return false;\n }\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, { view: 'files', fileid: node.fileid }, { dir: node.dirname });\n return null;\n },\n order: 80,\n});\n","var render = function render(){var _vm=this,_c=_vm._self._c,_setup=_vm._self._setupProxy;return _c(_setup.NcDialog,{attrs:{\"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog\":\"\",\"name\":_vm.name,\"open\":_vm.open,\"close-on-click-outside\":\"\",\"out-transition\":\"\"},on:{\"update:open\":function($event){return _setup.emit('close', null)}},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:\"actions\",fn:function(){return [_c(_setup.NcButton,{attrs:{\"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-submit\":\"\",\"type\":\"primary\",\"disabled\":_setup.validity !== ''},on:{\"click\":_setup.submit}},[_vm._v(\"\\n\\t\\t\\t\"+_vm._s(_setup.t('files', 'Create'))+\"\\n\\t\\t\")])]},proxy:true}])},[_vm._v(\" \"),_c('form',{ref:\"formElement\",staticClass:\"new-node-dialog__form\",on:{\"submit\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();return _setup.emit('close', _setup.localDefaultName)}}},[_c(_setup.NcTextField,{ref:\"nameInput\",attrs:{\"data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-input\":\"\",\"error\":_setup.validity !== '',\"helper-text\":_setup.validity,\"label\":_vm.label,\"value\":_setup.localDefaultName},on:{\"update:value\":function($event){_setup.localDefaultName=$event}}})],1)])\n}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","import mod from \"-!../../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-4.use[1]!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=ts\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-4.use[1]!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=ts\"","/*!\n * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later\n */\nimport { InvalidFilenameError, InvalidFilenameErrorReason, validateFilename } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\n/**\n * Get the validity of a filename (empty if valid).\n * This can be used for `setCustomValidity` on input elements\n * @param name The filename\n * @param escape Escape the matched string in the error (only set when used in HTML)\n */\nexport function getFilenameValidity(name, escape = false) {\n if (name.trim() === '') {\n return t('files', 'Filename must not be empty.');\n }\n try {\n validateFilename(name);\n return '';\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (!(error instanceof InvalidFilenameError)) {\n throw error;\n }\n switch (error.reason) {\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Character:\n return t('files', '\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename.', { char: error.segment }, undefined, { escape });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.ReservedName:\n return t('files', '\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames.', { segment: error.segment }, undefined, { escape: false });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Extension:\n if (error.segment.match(/\\.[a-z]/i)) {\n return t('files', '\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype.', { extension: error.segment }, undefined, { escape: false });\n }\n return t('files', 'Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\".', { extension: error.segment }, undefined, { escape: false });\n default:\n return t('files', 'Invalid filename.');\n }\n }\n}\n","\n import API from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import domAPI from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js\";\n import insertFn from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js\";\n import setAttributes from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js\";\n import insertStyleElement from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js\";\n import styleTagTransformFn from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js\";\n import content, * as namedExport from \"!!../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=242a2438&prod&scoped=true&lang=css\";\n \n \n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransformFn;\noptions.setAttributes = setAttributes;\n\n options.insert = insertFn.bind(null, \"head\");\n \noptions.domAPI = domAPI;\noptions.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement;\n\nvar update = API(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport * from \"!!../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=242a2438&prod&scoped=true&lang=css\";\n export default content && content.locals ? content.locals : undefined;\n","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=template&id=242a2438&scoped=true\"\nimport script from \"./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=ts\"\nexport * from \"./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=ts\"\nimport style0 from \"./NewNodeDialog.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=242a2438&prod&scoped=true&lang=css\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"242a2438\",\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Ferdinand Thiessen \n *\n * @author Ferdinand Thiessen \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { spawnDialog } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport NewNodeDialog from '../components/NewNodeDialog.vue';\n/**\n * Ask user for file or folder name\n * @param defaultName Default name to use\n * @param folderContent Nodes with in the current folder to check for unique name\n * @param labels Labels to set on the dialog\n * @return string if successfull otherwise null if aborted\n */\nexport function newNodeName(defaultName, folderContent, labels = {}) {\n const contentNames = folderContent.map((node) => node.basename);\n return new Promise((resolve) => {\n spawnDialog(NewNodeDialog, {\n ...labels,\n defaultName,\n otherNames: contentNames,\n }, (folderName) => {\n resolve(folderName);\n });\n });\n}\n","import { basename } from 'path';\nimport { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { Permission, Folder } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { showSuccess } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nimport FolderPlusSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder-plus.svg?raw';\nimport { newNodeName } from '../utils/newNodeDialog';\nimport logger from '../logger';\nconst createNewFolder = async (root, name) => {\n const source = root.source + '/' + name;\n const encodedSource = root.encodedSource + '/' + encodeURIComponent(name);\n const response = await axios({\n method: 'MKCOL',\n url: encodedSource,\n headers: {\n Overwrite: 'F',\n },\n });\n return {\n fileid: parseInt(response.headers['oc-fileid']),\n source,\n };\n};\nexport const entry = {\n id: 'newFolder',\n displayName: t('files', 'New folder'),\n enabled: (context) => (context.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0,\n iconSvgInline: FolderPlusSvg,\n order: 0,\n async handler(context, content) {\n const name = await newNodeName(t('files', 'New folder'), content);\n if (name !== null) {\n const { fileid, source } = await createNewFolder(context, name.trim());\n // Create the folder in the store\n const folder = new Folder({\n source,\n id: fileid,\n mtime: new Date(),\n owner: getCurrentUser()?.uid || null,\n permissions: Permission.ALL,\n root: context?.root || '/files/' + getCurrentUser()?.uid,\n // Include mount-type from parent folder as this is inherited\n attributes: {\n 'mount-type': context.attributes?.['mount-type'],\n 'owner-id': context.attributes?.['owner-id'],\n 'owner-display-name': context.attributes?.['owner-display-name'],\n },\n });\n // Show success\n emit('files:node:created', folder);\n showSuccess(t('files', 'Created new folder \"{name}\"', { name: basename(source) }));\n logger.debug('Created new folder', { folder, source });\n // Navigate to the new folder\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, // use default route\n { view: 'files', fileid: folder.fileid }, { dir: context.path });\n }\n },\n};\n","import { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs';\nimport { Permission, removeNewFileMenuEntry } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport { generateOcsUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { join } from 'path';\nimport { newNodeName } from '../utils/newNodeDialog';\nimport PlusSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/plus.svg?raw';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nimport logger from '../logger.js';\nlet templatesPath = loadState('files', 'templates_path', false);\nlogger.debug('Initial templates folder', { templatesPath });\n/**\n * Init template folder\n * @param directory Folder where to create the templates folder\n * @param name Name to use or the templates folder\n */\nconst initTemplatesFolder = async function (directory, name) {\n const templatePath = join(directory.path, name);\n try {\n logger.debug('Initializing the templates directory', { templatePath });\n const { data } = await axios.post(generateOcsUrl('apps/files/api/v1/templates/path'), {\n templatePath,\n copySystemTemplates: true,\n });\n // Go to template directory\n window.OCP.Files.Router.goToRoute(null, // use default route\n { view: 'files', fileid: undefined }, { dir: templatePath });\n logger.info('Created new templates folder', {\n ...data.ocs.data,\n });\n templatesPath = data.ocs.data.templates_path;\n }\n catch (error) {\n logger.error('Unable to initialize the templates directory');\n showError(t('files', 'Unable to initialize the templates directory'));\n }\n};\nexport const entry = {\n id: 'template-picker',\n displayName: t('files', 'Create new templates folder'),\n iconSvgInline: PlusSvg,\n order: 10,\n enabled(context) {\n // Templates folder already initialized\n if (templatesPath) {\n return false;\n }\n // Allow creation on your own folders only\n if (context.owner !== getCurrentUser()?.uid) {\n return false;\n }\n return (context.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0;\n },\n async handler(context, content) {\n const name = await newNodeName(t('files', 'Templates'), content, { name: t('files', 'New template folder') });\n if (name !== null) {\n // Create the template folder\n initTemplatesFolder(context, name);\n // Remove the menu entry\n removeNewFileMenuEntry('template-picker');\n }\n },\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n * @author Julius Härtl \n * @author Ferdinand Thiessen \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Folder, Node, Permission, addNewFileMenuEntry } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state';\nimport { newNodeName } from '../utils/newNodeDialog';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport Vue, { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue';\n// async to reduce bundle size\nconst TemplatePickerVue = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('../views/TemplatePicker.vue'));\nlet TemplatePicker = null;\nconst getTemplatePicker = async (context) => {\n if (TemplatePicker === null) {\n // Create document root\n const mountingPoint = document.createElement('div');\n mountingPoint.id = 'template-picker';\n document.body.appendChild(mountingPoint);\n // Init vue app\n TemplatePicker = new Vue({\n render: (h) => h(TemplatePickerVue, {\n ref: 'picker',\n props: {\n parent: context,\n },\n }),\n methods: { open(...args) { this.$refs.picker.open(...args); } },\n el: mountingPoint,\n });\n }\n return TemplatePicker;\n};\n/**\n * Register all new-file-menu entries for all template providers\n */\nexport function registerTemplateEntries() {\n const templates = loadState('files', 'templates', []);\n // Init template files menu\n templates.forEach((provider, index) => {\n addNewFileMenuEntry({\n id: `template-new-${provider.app}-${index}`,\n displayName: provider.label,\n iconClass: provider.iconClass || 'icon-file',\n iconSvgInline: provider.iconSvgInline,\n enabled(context) {\n return (context.permissions & Permission.CREATE) !== 0;\n },\n order: 11,\n async handler(context, content) {\n const templatePicker = getTemplatePicker(context);\n const name = await newNodeName(`${provider.label}${provider.extension}`, content, {\n label: t('files', 'Filename'),\n name: provider.label,\n });\n if (name !== null) {\n // Create the file\n const picker = await templatePicker;\n picker.open(name.trim(), provider);\n }\n },\n });\n });\n}\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { generateRemoteUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { getCurrentUser, getRequestToken, onRequestTokenUpdate } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { davGetClient } from '@nextcloud/files';\nexport const rootPath = `/files/${getCurrentUser()?.uid}`;\nexport const defaultRootUrl = generateRemoteUrl('dav' + rootPath);\n/**\n * @deprecated use `davGetClient` from `@nextcloud/files`\n */\nexport const getClient = (rootUrl = defaultRootUrl) => davGetClient(rootUrl);\nexport const client = davGetClient();\n","import { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { Folder, Permission, davRemoteURL, davRootPath, getFavoriteNodes } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { CancelablePromise } from 'cancelable-promise';\nimport { getContents as filesContents } from './Files.ts';\nimport { client } from './WebdavClient.ts';\nexport const getContents = (path = '/') => {\n // We only filter root files for favorites, for subfolders we can simply reuse the files contents\n if (path !== '/') {\n return filesContents(path);\n }\n return new CancelablePromise((resolve, reject, cancel) => {\n const promise = getFavoriteNodes(client)\n .catch(reject)\n .then((contents) => {\n if (!contents) {\n reject();\n return;\n }\n resolve({\n contents,\n folder: new Folder({\n id: 0,\n source: `${davRemoteURL}${davRootPath}`,\n root: davRootPath,\n owner: getCurrentUser()?.uid || null,\n permissions: Permission.READ,\n }),\n });\n });\n cancel(() => promise.cancel());\n });\n};\n","import { subscribe } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { FileType, View, getNavigation } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state';\nimport { getLanguage, translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport { basename } from 'path';\nimport FolderSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder.svg?raw';\nimport StarSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/star.svg?raw';\nimport { getContents } from '../services/Favorites';\nimport { hashCode } from '../utils/hashUtils';\nimport logger from '../logger';\nexport const generateFavoriteFolderView = function (folder, index = 0) {\n return new View({\n id: generateIdFromPath(folder.path),\n name: basename(folder.path),\n icon: FolderSvg,\n order: index,\n params: {\n dir: folder.path,\n fileid: folder.fileid.toString(),\n view: 'favorites',\n },\n parent: 'favorites',\n columns: [],\n getContents,\n });\n};\nexport const generateIdFromPath = function (path) {\n return `favorite-${hashCode(path)}`;\n};\nexport default () => {\n // Load state in function for mock testing purposes\n const favoriteFolders = loadState('files', 'favoriteFolders', []);\n const favoriteFoldersViews = favoriteFolders.map((folder, index) => generateFavoriteFolderView(folder, index));\n logger.debug('Generating favorites view', { favoriteFolders });\n const Navigation = getNavigation();\n Navigation.register(new View({\n id: 'favorites',\n name: t('files', 'Favorites'),\n caption: t('files', 'List of favorites files and folders.'),\n emptyTitle: t('files', 'No favorites yet'),\n emptyCaption: t('files', 'Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here'),\n icon: StarSvg,\n order: 15,\n columns: [],\n getContents,\n }));\n favoriteFoldersViews.forEach(view => Navigation.register(view));\n /**\n * Update favourites navigation when a new folder is added\n */\n subscribe('files:favorites:added', (node) => {\n if (node.type !== FileType.Folder) {\n return;\n }\n // Sanity check\n if (node.path === null || !node.root?.startsWith('/files')) {\n logger.error('Favorite folder is not within user files root', { node });\n return;\n }\n addToFavorites(node);\n });\n /**\n * Remove favourites navigation when a folder is removed\n */\n subscribe('files:favorites:removed', (node) => {\n if (node.type !== FileType.Folder) {\n return;\n }\n // Sanity check\n if (node.path === null || !node.root?.startsWith('/files')) {\n logger.error('Favorite folder is not within user files root', { node });\n return;\n }\n removePathFromFavorites(node.path);\n });\n /**\n * Update favourites navigation when a folder is renamed\n */\n subscribe('files:node:renamed', (node) => {\n if (node.type !== FileType.Folder) {\n return;\n }\n if (node.attributes.favorite !== 1) {\n return;\n }\n updateNodeFromFavorites(node);\n });\n /**\n * Sort the favorites paths array and\n * update the order property of the existing views\n */\n const updateAndSortViews = function () {\n favoriteFolders.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path, getLanguage(), { ignorePunctuation: true }));\n favoriteFolders.forEach((folder, index) => {\n const view = favoriteFoldersViews.find((view) => view.id === generateIdFromPath(folder.path));\n if (view) {\n view.order = index;\n }\n });\n };\n // Add a folder to the favorites paths array and update the views\n const addToFavorites = function (node) {\n const newFavoriteFolder = { path: node.path, fileid: node.fileid };\n const view = generateFavoriteFolderView(newFavoriteFolder);\n // Skip if already exists\n if (favoriteFolders.find((folder) => folder.path === node.path)) {\n return;\n }\n // Update arrays\n favoriteFolders.push(newFavoriteFolder);\n favoriteFoldersViews.push(view);\n // Update and sort views\n updateAndSortViews();\n Navigation.register(view);\n };\n // Remove a folder from the favorites paths array and update the views\n const removePathFromFavorites = function (path) {\n const id = generateIdFromPath(path);\n const index = favoriteFolders.findIndex((folder) => folder.path === path);\n // Skip if not exists\n if (index === -1) {\n return;\n }\n // Update arrays\n favoriteFolders.splice(index, 1);\n favoriteFoldersViews.splice(index, 1);\n // Update and sort views\n Navigation.remove(id);\n updateAndSortViews();\n };\n // Update a folder from the favorites paths array and update the views\n const updateNodeFromFavorites = function (node) {\n const favoriteFolder = favoriteFolders.find((folder) => folder.fileid === node.fileid);\n // Skip if it does not exists\n if (favoriteFolder === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n removePathFromFavorites(favoriteFolder.path);\n addToFavorites(node);\n };\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nexport const hashCode = function (str) {\n let hash = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\n hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + str.charCodeAt(i)) | 0;\n }\n return (hash >>> 0);\n};\n","import { defineStore } from 'pinia';\nimport { emit, subscribe } from '@nextcloud/event-bus';\nimport { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state';\nimport axios from '@nextcloud/axios';\nimport Vue from 'vue';\nconst userConfig = loadState('files', 'config', {\n show_hidden: false,\n crop_image_previews: true,\n sort_favorites_first: true,\n sort_folders_first: true,\n grid_view: false,\n});\nexport const useUserConfigStore = function (...args) {\n const store = defineStore('userconfig', {\n state: () => ({\n userConfig,\n }),\n actions: {\n /**\n * Update the user config local store\n */\n onUpdate(key, value) {\n Vue.set(this.userConfig, key, value);\n },\n /**\n * Update the user config local store AND on server side\n */\n async update(key, value) {\n await axios.put(generateUrl('/apps/files/api/v1/config/' + key), {\n value,\n });\n emit('files:config:updated', { key, value });\n },\n },\n });\n const userConfigStore = store(...args);\n // Make sure we only register the listeners once\n if (!userConfigStore._initialized) {\n subscribe('files:config:updated', function ({ key, value }) {\n userConfigStore.onUpdate(key, value);\n });\n userConfigStore._initialized = true;\n }\n return userConfigStore;\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Ferdinand Thiessen \n *\n * @author Ferdinand Thiessen \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { createPinia } from 'pinia';\nexport const pinia = createPinia();\n","import { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { Folder, Permission, davGetRecentSearch, davGetClient, davResultToNode, davRootPath, davRemoteURL } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { getBaseUrl } from '@nextcloud/router';\nimport { CancelablePromise } from 'cancelable-promise';\nimport { useUserConfigStore } from '../store/userconfig.ts';\nimport { pinia } from '../store/index.ts';\nconst client = davGetClient();\nconst lastTwoWeeksTimestamp = Math.round((Date.now() / 1000) - (60 * 60 * 24 * 14));\n/**\n * Helper to map a WebDAV result to a Nextcloud node\n * The search endpoint already includes the dav remote URL so we must not include it in the source\n *\n * @param stat the WebDAV result\n */\nconst resultToNode = (stat) => davResultToNode(stat, davRootPath, getBaseUrl());\n/**\n * Get recently changed nodes\n *\n * This takes the users preference about hidden files into account.\n * If hidden files are not shown, then also recently changed files *in* hidden directories are filtered.\n *\n * @param path Path to search for recent changes\n */\nexport const getContents = async (path = '/') => {\n const store = useUserConfigStore(pinia);\n /**\n * Filter function that returns only the visible nodes - or hidden if explicitly configured\n * @param node The node to check\n */\n const filterHidden = (node) => path !== '/' // We need to hide files from hidden directories in the root if not configured to show\n || store.userConfig.show_hidden // If configured to show hidden files we can early return\n || !node.dirname.split('/').some((dir) => dir.startsWith('.')); // otherwise only include the file if non of the parent directories is hidden\n const abort = new AbortController();\n return new CancelablePromise(async (resolve, reject, cancel) => {\n cancel(() => abort.abort());\n let contentsResponse;\n try {\n contentsResponse = await client.search('/', {\n details: true,\n data: davGetRecentSearch(lastTwoWeeksTimestamp),\n signal: abort.signal,\n });\n }\n catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n return;\n }\n if (abort.signal.aborted) {\n reject();\n return;\n }\n const contents = contentsResponse.data.results\n .map(resultToNode)\n .filter(filterHidden);\n resolve({\n contents,\n folder: new Folder({\n id: 0,\n source: `${davRemoteURL}${davRootPath}`,\n root: davRootPath,\n owner: getCurrentUser()?.uid || null,\n permissions: Permission.READ,\n }),\n });\n });\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Morales \n *\n * @author Eduardo Morales \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { File } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth';\nimport { getContents as getFiles } from './Files';\nconst currUserID = getCurrentUser()?.uid;\n/**\n * NOTE MOVE TO @nextcloud/files\n * @brief filters each file/folder on its shared status\n * \tA personal file is considered a file that has all of the following properties:\n * \t\ta.) the current user owns\n * \t\tb.) the file is not shared with anyone\n * \t\tc.) the file is not a group folder\n * @param {FileStat} node that contains\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nexport const isPersonalFile = function (node) {\n // the type of mounts that determine whether the file is shared\n const sharedMountTypes = [\"group\", \"shared\"];\n const mountType = node.attributes['mount-type'];\n // the check to determine whether the current logged in user is the owner / creator of the node\n const currUserCreated = currUserID ? node.owner === currUserID : true;\n return currUserCreated && !sharedMountTypes.includes(mountType);\n};\nexport const getContents = (path = \"/\") => {\n // get all the files from the current path as a cancellable promise\n // then filter the files that the user does not own, or has shared / is a group folder\n return getFiles(path)\n .then(c => {\n c.contents = c.contents.filter(isPersonalFile);\n return c;\n });\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { addNewFileMenuEntry, registerDavProperty, registerFileAction } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { action as deleteAction } from './actions/deleteAction';\nimport { action as downloadAction } from './actions/downloadAction';\nimport { action as editLocallyAction } from './actions/editLocallyAction';\nimport { action as favoriteAction } from './actions/favoriteAction';\nimport { action as moveOrCopyAction } from './actions/moveOrCopyAction';\nimport { action as openFolderAction } from './actions/openFolderAction';\nimport { action as openInFilesAction } from './actions/openInFilesAction';\nimport { action as renameAction } from './actions/renameAction';\nimport { action as sidebarAction } from './actions/sidebarAction';\nimport { action as viewInFolderAction } from './actions/viewInFolderAction';\nimport { entry as newFolderEntry } from './newMenu/newFolder.ts';\nimport { entry as newTemplatesFolder } from './newMenu/newTemplatesFolder.ts';\nimport { registerTemplateEntries } from './newMenu/newFromTemplate.ts';\nimport registerFavoritesView from './views/favorites';\nimport registerRecentView from './views/recent';\nimport registerPersonalFilesView from './views/personal-files';\nimport registerFilesView from './views/files';\nimport registerPreviewServiceWorker from './services/ServiceWorker.js';\nimport { initLivePhotos } from './services/LivePhotos';\n// Register file actions\nregisterFileAction(deleteAction);\nregisterFileAction(downloadAction);\nregisterFileAction(editLocallyAction);\nregisterFileAction(favoriteAction);\nregisterFileAction(moveOrCopyAction);\nregisterFileAction(openFolderAction);\nregisterFileAction(openInFilesAction);\nregisterFileAction(renameAction);\nregisterFileAction(sidebarAction);\nregisterFileAction(viewInFolderAction);\n// Register new menu entry\naddNewFileMenuEntry(newFolderEntry);\naddNewFileMenuEntry(newTemplatesFolder);\nregisterTemplateEntries();\n// Register files views\nregisterFavoritesView();\nregisterFilesView();\nregisterRecentView();\nregisterPersonalFilesView();\n// Register preview service worker\nregisterPreviewServiceWorker();\nregisterDavProperty('nc:hidden', { nc: 'http://nextcloud.org/ns' });\nregisterDavProperty('nc:is-mount-root', { nc: 'http://nextcloud.org/ns' });\nregisterDavProperty('nc:is-federated', { nc: 'http://nextcloud.org/ns' });\ninitLivePhotos();\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport FolderSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/folder.svg?raw';\nimport { getContents } from '../services/Files';\nimport { View, getNavigation } from '@nextcloud/files';\nexport default () => {\n const Navigation = getNavigation();\n Navigation.register(new View({\n id: 'files',\n name: t('files', 'All files'),\n caption: t('files', 'List of your files and folders.'),\n icon: FolderSvg,\n order: 0,\n getContents,\n }));\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { View, getNavigation } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport HistorySvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/history.svg?raw';\nimport { getContents } from '../services/Recent';\nexport default () => {\n const Navigation = getNavigation();\n Navigation.register(new View({\n id: 'recent',\n name: t('files', 'Recent'),\n caption: t('files', 'List of recently modified files and folders.'),\n emptyTitle: t('files', 'No recently modified files'),\n emptyCaption: t('files', 'Files and folders you recently modified will show up here.'),\n icon: HistorySvg,\n order: 10,\n defaultSortKey: 'mtime',\n getContents,\n }));\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Morales \n *\n * @author Eduardo Morales \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n';\nimport { View, getNavigation } from '@nextcloud/files';\nimport { getContents } from '../services/PersonalFiles';\nimport AccountIcon from '@mdi/svg/svg/account.svg?raw';\nexport default () => {\n const Navigation = getNavigation();\n Navigation.register(new View({\n id: 'personal',\n name: t('files', 'Personal Files'),\n caption: t('files', 'List of your files and folders that are not shared.'),\n emptyTitle: t('files', 'No personal files found'),\n emptyCaption: t('files', 'Files that are not shared will show up here.'),\n icon: AccountIcon,\n order: 5,\n getContents,\n }));\n};\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019 Gary Kim \n *\n * @author John Molakvoæ \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'\nimport logger from '../logger.js'\n\nexport default () => {\n\tif ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n\t\t// Use the window load event to keep the page load performant\n\t\twindow.addEventListener('load', async () => {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tconst url = generateUrl('/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js', {}, { noRewrite: true })\n\t\t\t\tconst registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register(url, { scope: '/' })\n\t\t\t\tlogger.debug('SW registered: ', { registration })\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\tlogger.error('SW registration failed: ', { error })\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\t} else {\n\t\tlogger.debug('Service Worker is not enabled on this browser.')\n\t}\n}\n","/**\n * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 Louis Chmn \n *\n * @author Louis Chmn \n *\n * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the\n * License, or (at your option) any later version.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see .\n *\n */\nimport { Node, registerDavProperty } from '@nextcloud/files';\nexport function initLivePhotos() {\n registerDavProperty('nc:metadata-files-live-photo', { nc: 'http://nextcloud.org/ns' });\n}\n/**\n * @param {Node} node - The node\n */\nexport function isLivePhoto(node) {\n return node.attributes['metadata-files-live-photo'] !== undefined;\n}\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../css-loader/dist/runtime/sourceMaps.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, `\n.invalid-filename-dialog__input[data-v-3a479259] {\n\t/* Ensure the helper text can always be shown without jumping */\n\tmin-height: calc(var(--default-clickable-area) + 4 * var(--default-font-size));\n}\n.upload-picker[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n display: inline-flex;\n align-items: center;\n height: var(--default-clickable-area);\n}\n.upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n width: 200px;\n max-width: 0;\n transition: max-width var(--animation-quick) ease-in-out;\n margin-top: 8px;\n}\n.upload-picker__progress p[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n overflow: hidden;\n white-space: nowrap;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n.upload-picker--uploading .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n max-width: 200px;\n margin-right: 20px;\n margin-left: 8px;\n}\n.upload-picker--paused .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\n animation: breathing-3e5a9212 3s ease-out infinite normal;\n}\n@keyframes breathing-3e5a9212 {\n0% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n25% {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n60% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n100% {\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n}`, \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./node_modules/@nextcloud/upload/dist/assets/index-Dg3Dlw7h.css\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\";AACA;CACC,+DAA+D;CAC/D,8EAA8E;AAC/E;AACA;EACE,oBAAoB;EACpB,mBAAmB;EACnB,qCAAqC;AACvC;AACA;EACE,YAAY;EACZ,YAAY;EACZ,wDAAwD;EACxD,eAAe;AACjB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;EAChB,mBAAmB;EACnB,uBAAuB;AACzB;AACA;EACE,gBAAgB;EAChB,kBAAkB;EAClB,gBAAgB;AAClB;AACA;EACE,yDAAyD;AAC3D;AACA;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA;IACI,UAAU;AACd;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA;IACI,YAAY;AAChB;AACA\",\"sourcesContent\":[\"\\n.invalid-filename-dialog__input[data-v-3a479259] {\\n\\t/* Ensure the helper text can always be shown without jumping */\\n\\tmin-height: calc(var(--default-clickable-area) + 4 * var(--default-font-size));\\n}\\n.upload-picker[data-v-3e5a9212] {\\n display: inline-flex;\\n align-items: center;\\n height: var(--default-clickable-area);\\n}\\n.upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\\n width: 200px;\\n max-width: 0;\\n transition: max-width var(--animation-quick) ease-in-out;\\n margin-top: 8px;\\n}\\n.upload-picker__progress p[data-v-3e5a9212] {\\n overflow: hidden;\\n white-space: nowrap;\\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\\n}\\n.upload-picker--uploading .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\\n max-width: 200px;\\n margin-right: 20px;\\n margin-left: 8px;\\n}\\n.upload-picker--paused .upload-picker__progress[data-v-3e5a9212] {\\n animation: breathing-3e5a9212 3s ease-out infinite normal;\\n}\\n@keyframes breathing-3e5a9212 {\\n0% {\\n opacity: 0.5;\\n}\\n25% {\\n opacity: 1;\\n}\\n60% {\\n opacity: 0.5;\\n}\\n100% {\\n opacity: 0.5;\\n}\\n}\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/sourceMaps.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([module.id, `\n.new-node-dialog__form[data-v-242a2438] {\n\t/* Ensure the dialog does not jump when there is a validity error */\n\tmin-height: calc(3 * var(--default-clickable-area));\n}\n`, \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\";AAwJA;CACA,mEAAA;CACA,mDAAA;AACA\",\"sourcesContent\":[\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst denyList = new Set([\n\t'ENOTFOUND',\n\t'ENETUNREACH',\n\n\t// SSL errors from https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/fc8e3e2cdc521978351de257030db0076d79e0ab/src/crypto/crypto_common.cc#L301-L328\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY',\n\t'CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE',\n\t'CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE',\n\t'CERT_NOT_YET_VALID',\n\t'CERT_HAS_EXPIRED',\n\t'CRL_NOT_YET_VALID',\n\t'CRL_HAS_EXPIRED',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD',\n\t'ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD',\n\t'OUT_OF_MEM',\n\t'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT',\n\t'SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY',\n\t'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE',\n\t'CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG',\n\t'CERT_REVOKED',\n\t'INVALID_CA',\n\t'PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED',\n\t'INVALID_PURPOSE',\n\t'CERT_UNTRUSTED',\n\t'CERT_REJECTED',\n\t'HOSTNAME_MISMATCH'\n]);\n\n// TODO: Use `error?.code` when targeting Node.js 14\nmodule.exports = error => !denyList.has(error && error.code);\n","// @flow\n\n/*::\ntype Options = {\n max?: number,\n min?: number,\n historyTimeConstant?: number,\n autostart?: boolean,\n ignoreSameProgress?: boolean,\n}\n*/\n\nfunction makeLowPassFilter(RC/*: number*/) {\n return function (previousOutput, input, dt) {\n const alpha = dt / (dt + RC);\n return previousOutput + alpha * (input - previousOutput);\n }\n}\n\nfunction def/*:: */(x/*: ?T*/, d/*: T*/)/*: T*/ {\n return (x === undefined || x === null) ? d : x;\n}\n\nfunction makeEta(options/*::?: Options */) {\n options = options || {};\n var max = def(options.max, 1);\n var min = def(options.min, 0);\n var autostart = def(options.autostart, true);\n var ignoreSameProgress = def(options.ignoreSameProgress, false);\n\n var rate/*: number | null */ = null;\n var lastTimestamp/*: number | null */ = null;\n var lastProgress/*: number | null */ = null;\n\n var filter = makeLowPassFilter(def(options.historyTimeConstant, 2.5));\n\n function start() {\n report(min);\n }\n\n function reset() {\n rate = null;\n lastTimestamp = null;\n lastProgress = null;\n if (autostart) {\n start();\n }\n }\n\n function report(progress /*: number */, timestamp/*::?: number */) {\n if (typeof timestamp !== 'number') {\n timestamp = Date.now();\n }\n\n if (lastTimestamp === timestamp) { return; }\n if (ignoreSameProgress && lastProgress === progress) { return; }\n\n if (lastTimestamp === null || lastProgress === null) {\n lastProgress = progress;\n lastTimestamp = timestamp;\n return;\n }\n\n var deltaProgress = progress - lastProgress;\n var deltaTimestamp = 0.001 * (timestamp - lastTimestamp);\n var currentRate = deltaProgress / deltaTimestamp;\n\n rate = rate === null\n ? currentRate\n : filter(rate, currentRate, deltaTimestamp);\n lastProgress = progress;\n lastTimestamp = timestamp;\n }\n\n function estimate(timestamp/*::?: number*/) {\n if (lastProgress === null) { return Infinity; }\n if (lastProgress >= max) { return 0; }\n if (rate === null) { return Infinity; }\n\n var estimatedTime = (max - lastProgress) / rate;\n if (typeof timestamp === 'number' && typeof lastTimestamp === 'number') {\n estimatedTime -= (timestamp - lastTimestamp) * 0.001;\n }\n return Math.max(0, estimatedTime);\n }\n\n function getRate() {\n return rate === null ? 0 : rate;\n }\n\n return {\n start: start,\n reset: reset,\n report: report,\n estimate: estimate,\n rate: getRate,\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = makeEta;\n","\n import API from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import domAPI from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleDomAPI.js\";\n import insertFn from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertBySelector.js\";\n import setAttributes from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/setAttributesWithoutAttributes.js\";\n import insertStyleElement from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/insertStyleElement.js\";\n import styleTagTransformFn from \"!../../../../style-loader/dist/runtime/styleTagTransform.js\";\n import content, * as namedExport from \"!!../../../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./index-Dg3Dlw7h.css\";\n \n \n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransformFn;\noptions.setAttributes = setAttributes;\n\n options.insert = insertFn.bind(null, \"head\");\n \noptions.domAPI = domAPI;\noptions.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement;\n\nvar update = API(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport * from \"!!../../../../css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./index-Dg3Dlw7h.css\";\n export default content && content.locals ? content.locals : undefined;\n","export class CancelError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(reason) {\n\t\tsuper(reason || 'Promise was canceled');\n\t\tthis.name = 'CancelError';\n\t}\n\n\tget isCanceled() {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n}\n\nconst promiseState = Object.freeze({\n\tpending: Symbol('pending'),\n\tcanceled: Symbol('canceled'),\n\tresolved: Symbol('resolved'),\n\trejected: Symbol('rejected'),\n});\n\nexport default class PCancelable {\n\tstatic fn(userFunction) {\n\t\treturn (...arguments_) => new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n\t\t\targuments_.push(onCancel);\n\t\t\tuserFunction(...arguments_).then(resolve, reject);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t#cancelHandlers = [];\n\t#rejectOnCancel = true;\n\t#state = promiseState.pending;\n\t#promise;\n\t#reject;\n\n\tconstructor(executor) {\n\t\tthis.#promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t\t\tthis.#reject = reject;\n\n\t\t\tconst onResolve = value => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.canceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresolve(value);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.resolved);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tconst onReject = error => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.canceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) {\n\t\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.rejected);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tconst onCancel = handler => {\n\t\t\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(`The \\`onCancel\\` handler was attached after the promise ${this.#state.description}.`);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tthis.#cancelHandlers.push(handler);\n\t\t\t};\n\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperties(onCancel, {\n\t\t\t\tshouldReject: {\n\t\t\t\t\tget: () => this.#rejectOnCancel,\n\t\t\t\t\tset: boolean => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.#rejectOnCancel = boolean;\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\texecutor(onResolve, onReject, onCancel);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-thenable\n\tthen(onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);\n\t}\n\n\tcatch(onRejected) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.catch(onRejected);\n\t}\n\n\tfinally(onFinally) {\n\t\treturn this.#promise.finally(onFinally);\n\t}\n\n\tcancel(reason) {\n\t\tif (this.#state !== promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis.#setState(promiseState.canceled);\n\n\t\tif (this.#cancelHandlers.length > 0) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tfor (const handler of this.#cancelHandlers) {\n\t\t\t\t\thandler();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.#reject(error);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this.#rejectOnCancel) {\n\t\t\tthis.#reject(new CancelError(reason));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tget isCanceled() {\n\t\treturn this.#state === promiseState.canceled;\n\t}\n\n\t#setState(state) {\n\t\tif (this.#state === promiseState.pending) {\n\t\t\tthis.#state = state;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nObject.setPrototypeOf(PCancelable.prototype, Promise.prototype);\n","export class TimeoutError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(message) {\n\t\tsuper(message);\n\t\tthis.name = 'TimeoutError';\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\nAn error to be thrown when the request is aborted by AbortController.\nDOMException is thrown instead of this Error when DOMException is available.\n*/\nexport class AbortError extends Error {\n\tconstructor(message) {\n\t\tsuper();\n\t\tthis.name = 'AbortError';\n\t\tthis.message = message;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\nTODO: Remove AbortError and just throw DOMException when targeting Node 18.\n*/\nconst getDOMException = errorMessage => globalThis.DOMException === undefined\n\t? new AbortError(errorMessage)\n\t: new DOMException(errorMessage);\n\n/**\nTODO: Remove below function and just 'reject(signal.reason)' when targeting Node 18.\n*/\nconst getAbortedReason = signal => {\n\tconst reason = signal.reason === undefined\n\t\t? getDOMException('This operation was aborted.')\n\t\t: signal.reason;\n\n\treturn reason instanceof Error ? reason : getDOMException(reason);\n};\n\nexport default function pTimeout(promise, options) {\n\tconst {\n\t\tmilliseconds,\n\t\tfallback,\n\t\tmessage,\n\t\tcustomTimers = {setTimeout, clearTimeout},\n\t} = options;\n\n\tlet timer;\n\n\tconst wrappedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n\t\tif (typeof milliseconds !== 'number' || Math.sign(milliseconds) !== 1) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError(`Expected \\`milliseconds\\` to be a positive number, got \\`${milliseconds}\\``);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (options.signal) {\n\t\t\tconst {signal} = options;\n\t\t\tif (signal.aborted) {\n\t\t\t\treject(getAbortedReason(signal));\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tsignal.addEventListener('abort', () => {\n\t\t\t\treject(getAbortedReason(signal));\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (milliseconds === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {\n\t\t\tpromise.then(resolve, reject);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// We create the error outside of `setTimeout` to preserve the stack trace.\n\t\tconst timeoutError = new TimeoutError();\n\n\t\ttimer = customTimers.setTimeout.call(undefined, () => {\n\t\t\tif (fallback) {\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\tresolve(fallback());\n\t\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (typeof promise.cancel === 'function') {\n\t\t\t\tpromise.cancel();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (message === false) {\n\t\t\t\tresolve();\n\t\t\t} else if (message instanceof Error) {\n\t\t\t\treject(message);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ttimeoutError.message = message ?? `Promise timed out after ${milliseconds} milliseconds`;\n\t\t\t\treject(timeoutError);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}, milliseconds);\n\n\t\t(async () => {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tresolve(await promise);\n\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\treject(error);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})();\n\t});\n\n\tconst cancelablePromise = wrappedPromise.finally(() => {\n\t\tcancelablePromise.clear();\n\t});\n\n\tcancelablePromise.clear = () => {\n\t\tcustomTimers.clearTimeout.call(undefined, timer);\n\t\ttimer = undefined;\n\t};\n\n\treturn cancelablePromise;\n}\n","import lowerBound from './lower-bound.js';\nexport default class PriorityQueue {\n #queue = [];\n enqueue(run, options) {\n options = {\n priority: 0,\n ...options,\n };\n const element = {\n priority: options.priority,\n run,\n };\n if (this.size && this.#queue[this.size - 1].priority >= options.priority) {\n this.#queue.push(element);\n return;\n }\n const index = lowerBound(this.#queue, element, (a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);\n this.#queue.splice(index, 0, element);\n }\n dequeue() {\n const item = this.#queue.shift();\n return item?.run;\n }\n filter(options) {\n return this.#queue.filter((element) => element.priority === options.priority).map((element) => element.run);\n }\n get size() {\n return this.#queue.length;\n }\n}\n","// Port of lower_bound from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/lower_bound\n// Used to compute insertion index to keep queue sorted after insertion\nexport default function lowerBound(array, value, comparator) {\n let first = 0;\n let count = array.length;\n while (count > 0) {\n const step = Math.trunc(count / 2);\n let it = first + step;\n if (comparator(array[it], value) <= 0) {\n first = ++it;\n count -= step + 1;\n }\n else {\n count = step;\n }\n }\n return first;\n}\n","import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';\nimport pTimeout, { TimeoutError } from 'p-timeout';\nimport PriorityQueue from './priority-queue.js';\n/**\nPromise queue with concurrency control.\n*/\nexport default class PQueue extends EventEmitter {\n #carryoverConcurrencyCount;\n #isIntervalIgnored;\n #intervalCount = 0;\n #intervalCap;\n #interval;\n #intervalEnd = 0;\n #intervalId;\n #timeoutId;\n #queue;\n #queueClass;\n #pending = 0;\n // The `!` is needed because of https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32194\n #concurrency;\n #isPaused;\n #throwOnTimeout;\n /**\n Per-operation timeout in milliseconds. Operations fulfill once `timeout` elapses if they haven't already.\n\n Applies to each future operation.\n */\n timeout;\n // TODO: The `throwOnTimeout` option should affect the return types of `add()` and `addAll()`\n constructor(options) {\n super();\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions\n options = {\n carryoverConcurrencyCount: false,\n intervalCap: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n interval: 0,\n concurrency: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n autoStart: true,\n queueClass: PriorityQueue,\n ...options,\n };\n if (!(typeof options.intervalCap === 'number' && options.intervalCap >= 1)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`intervalCap\\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \\`${options.intervalCap?.toString() ?? ''}\\` (${typeof options.intervalCap})`);\n }\n if (options.interval === undefined || !(Number.isFinite(options.interval) && options.interval >= 0)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`interval\\` to be a finite number >= 0, got \\`${options.interval?.toString() ?? ''}\\` (${typeof options.interval})`);\n }\n this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount = options.carryoverConcurrencyCount;\n this.#isIntervalIgnored = options.intervalCap === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || options.interval === 0;\n this.#intervalCap = options.intervalCap;\n this.#interval = options.interval;\n this.#queue = new options.queueClass();\n this.#queueClass = options.queueClass;\n this.concurrency = options.concurrency;\n this.timeout = options.timeout;\n this.#throwOnTimeout = options.throwOnTimeout === true;\n this.#isPaused = options.autoStart === false;\n }\n get #doesIntervalAllowAnother() {\n return this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalCount < this.#intervalCap;\n }\n get #doesConcurrentAllowAnother() {\n return this.#pending < this.#concurrency;\n }\n #next() {\n this.#pending--;\n this.#tryToStartAnother();\n this.emit('next');\n }\n #onResumeInterval() {\n this.#onInterval();\n this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded();\n this.#timeoutId = undefined;\n }\n get #isIntervalPaused() {\n const now = Date.now();\n if (this.#intervalId === undefined) {\n const delay = this.#intervalEnd - now;\n if (delay < 0) {\n // Act as the interval was done\n // We don't need to resume it here because it will be resumed on line 160\n this.#intervalCount = (this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount) ? this.#pending : 0;\n }\n else {\n // Act as the interval is pending\n if (this.#timeoutId === undefined) {\n this.#timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n this.#onResumeInterval();\n }, delay);\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n #tryToStartAnother() {\n if (this.#queue.size === 0) {\n // We can clear the interval (\"pause\")\n // Because we can redo it later (\"resume\")\n if (this.#intervalId) {\n clearInterval(this.#intervalId);\n }\n this.#intervalId = undefined;\n this.emit('empty');\n if (this.#pending === 0) {\n this.emit('idle');\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (!this.#isPaused) {\n const canInitializeInterval = !this.#isIntervalPaused;\n if (this.#doesIntervalAllowAnother && this.#doesConcurrentAllowAnother) {\n const job = this.#queue.dequeue();\n if (!job) {\n return false;\n }\n this.emit('active');\n job();\n if (canInitializeInterval) {\n this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded();\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n #initializeIntervalIfNeeded() {\n if (this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalId !== undefined) {\n return;\n }\n this.#intervalId = setInterval(() => {\n this.#onInterval();\n }, this.#interval);\n this.#intervalEnd = Date.now() + this.#interval;\n }\n #onInterval() {\n if (this.#intervalCount === 0 && this.#pending === 0 && this.#intervalId) {\n clearInterval(this.#intervalId);\n this.#intervalId = undefined;\n }\n this.#intervalCount = this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount ? this.#pending : 0;\n this.#processQueue();\n }\n /**\n Executes all queued functions until it reaches the limit.\n */\n #processQueue() {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\n while (this.#tryToStartAnother()) { }\n }\n get concurrency() {\n return this.#concurrency;\n }\n set concurrency(newConcurrency) {\n if (!(typeof newConcurrency === 'number' && newConcurrency >= 1)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Expected \\`concurrency\\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \\`${newConcurrency}\\` (${typeof newConcurrency})`);\n }\n this.#concurrency = newConcurrency;\n this.#processQueue();\n }\n async #throwOnAbort(signal) {\n return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => {\n signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {\n reject(signal.reason);\n }, { once: true });\n });\n }\n async add(function_, options = {}) {\n options = {\n timeout: this.timeout,\n throwOnTimeout: this.#throwOnTimeout,\n ...options,\n };\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.#queue.enqueue(async () => {\n this.#pending++;\n this.#intervalCount++;\n try {\n options.signal?.throwIfAborted();\n let operation = function_({ signal: options.signal });\n if (options.timeout) {\n operation = pTimeout(Promise.resolve(operation), { milliseconds: options.timeout });\n }\n if (options.signal) {\n operation = Promise.race([operation, this.#throwOnAbort(options.signal)]);\n }\n const result = await operation;\n resolve(result);\n this.emit('completed', result);\n }\n catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof TimeoutError && !options.throwOnTimeout) {\n resolve();\n return;\n }\n reject(error);\n this.emit('error', error);\n }\n finally {\n this.#next();\n }\n }, options);\n this.emit('add');\n this.#tryToStartAnother();\n });\n }\n async addAll(functions, options) {\n return Promise.all(functions.map(async (function_) => this.add(function_, options)));\n }\n /**\n Start (or resume) executing enqueued tasks within concurrency limit. No need to call this if queue is not paused (via `options.autoStart = false` or by `.pause()` method.)\n */\n start() {\n if (!this.#isPaused) {\n return this;\n }\n this.#isPaused = false;\n this.#processQueue();\n return this;\n }\n /**\n Put queue execution on hold.\n */\n pause() {\n this.#isPaused = true;\n }\n /**\n Clear the queue.\n */\n clear() {\n this.#queue = new this.#queueClass();\n }\n /**\n Can be called multiple times. Useful if you for example add additional items at a later time.\n\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty.\n */\n async onEmpty() {\n // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty\n if (this.#queue.size === 0) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('empty');\n }\n /**\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue size is less than the given limit: `queue.size < limit`.\n\n If you want to avoid having the queue grow beyond a certain size you can `await queue.onSizeLessThan()` before adding a new item.\n\n Note that this only limits the number of items waiting to start. There could still be up to `concurrency` jobs already running that this call does not include in its calculation.\n */\n async onSizeLessThan(limit) {\n // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty.\n if (this.#queue.size < limit) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('next', () => this.#queue.size < limit);\n }\n /**\n The difference with `.onEmpty` is that `.onIdle` guarantees that all work from the queue has finished. `.onEmpty` merely signals that the queue is empty, but it could mean that some promises haven't completed yet.\n\n @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty, and all promises have completed; `queue.size === 0 && queue.pending === 0`.\n */\n async onIdle() {\n // Instantly resolve if none pending and if nothing else is queued\n if (this.#pending === 0 && this.#queue.size === 0) {\n return;\n }\n await this.#onEvent('idle');\n }\n async #onEvent(event, filter) {\n return new Promise(resolve => {\n const listener = () => {\n if (filter && !filter()) {\n return;\n }\n this.off(event, listener);\n resolve();\n };\n this.on(event, listener);\n });\n }\n /**\n Size of the queue, the number of queued items waiting to run.\n */\n get size() {\n return this.#queue.size;\n }\n /**\n Size of the queue, filtered by the given options.\n\n For example, this can be used to find the number of items remaining in the queue with a specific priority level.\n */\n sizeBy(options) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference\n return this.#queue.filter(options).length;\n }\n /**\n Number of running items (no longer in the queue).\n */\n get pending() {\n return this.#pending;\n }\n /**\n Whether the queue is currently paused.\n */\n get isPaused() {\n return this.#isPaused;\n }\n}\n","import isRetryAllowed from 'is-retry-allowed';\nexport const namespace = 'axios-retry';\nexport function isNetworkError(error) {\n const CODE_EXCLUDE_LIST = ['ERR_CANCELED', 'ECONNABORTED'];\n if (error.response) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!error.code) {\n return false;\n }\n // Prevents retrying timed out & cancelled requests\n if (CODE_EXCLUDE_LIST.includes(error.code)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Prevents retrying unsafe errors\n return isRetryAllowed(error);\n}\nconst SAFE_HTTP_METHODS = ['get', 'head', 'options'];\nconst IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS = SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.concat(['put', 'delete']);\nexport function isRetryableError(error) {\n return (error.code !== 'ECONNABORTED' &&\n (!error.response ||\n error.response.status === 429 ||\n (error.response.status >= 500 && error.response.status <= 599)));\n}\nexport function isSafeRequestError(error) {\n if (!error.config?.method) {\n // Cannot determine if the request can be retried\n return false;\n }\n return isRetryableError(error) && SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1;\n}\nexport function isIdempotentRequestError(error) {\n if (!error.config?.method) {\n // Cannot determine if the request can be retried\n return false;\n }\n return isRetryableError(error) && IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1;\n}\nexport function isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError(error) {\n return isNetworkError(error) || isIdempotentRequestError(error);\n}\nexport function retryAfter(error = undefined) {\n const retryAfterHeader = error?.response?.headers['retry-after'];\n if (!retryAfterHeader) {\n return 0;\n }\n // if the retry after header is a number, convert it to milliseconds\n let retryAfterMs = (Number(retryAfterHeader) || 0) * 1000;\n // If the retry after header is a date, get the number of milliseconds until that date\n if (retryAfterMs === 0) {\n retryAfterMs = (new Date(retryAfterHeader).valueOf() || 0) - Date.now();\n }\n return Math.max(0, retryAfterMs);\n}\nfunction noDelay(_retryNumber = 0, error = undefined) {\n return Math.max(0, retryAfter(error));\n}\nexport function exponentialDelay(retryNumber = 0, error = undefined, delayFactor = 100) {\n const calculatedDelay = 2 ** retryNumber * delayFactor;\n const delay = Math.max(calculatedDelay, retryAfter(error));\n const randomSum = delay * 0.2 * Math.random(); // 0-20% of the delay\n return delay + randomSum;\n}\n/**\n * Linear delay\n * @param {number | undefined} delayFactor - delay factor in milliseconds (default: 100)\n * @returns {function} (retryNumber: number, error: AxiosError | undefined) => number\n */\nexport function linearDelay(delayFactor = 100) {\n return (retryNumber = 0, error = undefined) => {\n const delay = retryNumber * delayFactor;\n return Math.max(delay, retryAfter(error));\n };\n}\nexport const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {\n retries: 3,\n retryCondition: isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError,\n retryDelay: noDelay,\n shouldResetTimeout: false,\n onRetry: () => { },\n onMaxRetryTimesExceeded: () => { },\n validateResponse: null\n};\nfunction getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions) {\n return { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...defaultOptions, ...config[namespace] };\n}\nfunction setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions, resetLastRequestTime = false) {\n const currentState = getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions || {});\n currentState.retryCount = currentState.retryCount || 0;\n if (!currentState.lastRequestTime || resetLastRequestTime) {\n currentState.lastRequestTime = Date.now();\n }\n config[namespace] = currentState;\n return currentState;\n}\nfunction fixConfig(axiosInstance, config) {\n // @ts-ignore\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.agent === config.agent) {\n // @ts-ignore\n delete config.agent;\n }\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.httpAgent === config.httpAgent) {\n delete config.httpAgent;\n }\n if (axiosInstance.defaults.httpsAgent === config.httpsAgent) {\n delete config.httpsAgent;\n }\n}\nasync function shouldRetry(currentState, error) {\n const { retries, retryCondition } = currentState;\n const shouldRetryOrPromise = (currentState.retryCount || 0) < retries && retryCondition(error);\n // This could be a promise\n if (typeof shouldRetryOrPromise === 'object') {\n try {\n const shouldRetryPromiseResult = await shouldRetryOrPromise;\n // keep return true unless shouldRetryPromiseResult return false for compatibility\n return shouldRetryPromiseResult !== false;\n }\n catch (_err) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return shouldRetryOrPromise;\n}\nasync function handleRetry(axiosInstance, currentState, error, config) {\n currentState.retryCount += 1;\n const { retryDelay, shouldResetTimeout, onRetry } = currentState;\n const delay = retryDelay(currentState.retryCount, error);\n // Axios fails merging this configuration to the default configuration because it has an issue\n // with circular structures: https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios/issues/370\n fixConfig(axiosInstance, config);\n if (!shouldResetTimeout && config.timeout && currentState.lastRequestTime) {\n const lastRequestDuration = Date.now() - currentState.lastRequestTime;\n const timeout = config.timeout - lastRequestDuration - delay;\n if (timeout <= 0) {\n return Promise.reject(error);\n }\n config.timeout = timeout;\n }\n config.transformRequest = [(data) => data];\n await onRetry(currentState.retryCount, error, config);\n if (config.signal?.aborted) {\n return Promise.resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n }\n return new Promise((resolve) => {\n const abortListener = () => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n };\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n resolve(axiosInstance(config));\n if (config.signal?.removeEventListener) {\n config.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortListener);\n }\n }, delay);\n if (config.signal?.addEventListener) {\n config.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortListener, { once: true });\n }\n });\n}\nasync function handleMaxRetryTimesExceeded(currentState, error) {\n if (currentState.retryCount >= currentState.retries)\n await currentState.onMaxRetryTimesExceeded(error, currentState.retryCount);\n}\nconst axiosRetry = (axiosInstance, defaultOptions) => {\n const requestInterceptorId = axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use((config) => {\n setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions, true);\n if (config[namespace]?.validateResponse) {\n // by setting this, all HTTP responses will be go through the error interceptor first\n config.validateStatus = () => false;\n }\n return config;\n });\n const responseInterceptorId = axiosInstance.interceptors.response.use(null, async (error) => {\n const { config } = error;\n // If we have no information to retry the request\n if (!config) {\n return Promise.reject(error);\n }\n const currentState = setCurrentState(config, defaultOptions);\n if (error.response && currentState.validateResponse?.(error.response)) {\n // no issue with response\n return error.response;\n }\n if (await shouldRetry(currentState, error)) {\n return handleRetry(axiosInstance, currentState, error, config);\n }\n await handleMaxRetryTimesExceeded(currentState, error);\n return Promise.reject(error);\n });\n return { requestInterceptorId, responseInterceptorId };\n};\n// Compatibility with CommonJS\naxiosRetry.isNetworkError = isNetworkError;\naxiosRetry.isSafeRequestError = isSafeRequestError;\naxiosRetry.isIdempotentRequestError = isIdempotentRequestError;\naxiosRetry.isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError = isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError;\naxiosRetry.exponentialDelay = exponentialDelay;\naxiosRetry.linearDelay = linearDelay;\naxiosRetry.isRetryableError = isRetryableError;\nexport default axiosRetry;\n","import '../assets/index-Dg3Dlw7h.css';\nimport { isPublicShare } from \"@nextcloud/sharing/public\";\nimport Vue, { defineComponent, defineAsyncComponent } from \"vue\";\nimport { getCurrentUser } from \"@nextcloud/auth\";\nimport { Folder, Permission, davRootPath, davGetClient, davRemoteURL, InvalidFilenameError, InvalidFilenameErrorReason, NewMenuEntryCategory, validateFilename, getUniqueName, getNewFileMenuEntries } from \"@nextcloud/files\";\nimport { basename, encodePath } from \"@nextcloud/paths\";\nimport { normalize } from \"path\";\nimport axios, { isCancel } from \"@nextcloud/axios\";\nimport PCancelable from \"p-cancelable\";\nimport PQueue from \"p-queue\";\nimport { generateRemoteUrl } from \"@nextcloud/router\";\nimport axiosRetry from \"axios-retry\";\nimport { getGettextBuilder } from \"@nextcloud/l10n/gettext\";\nimport { getLoggerBuilder } from \"@nextcloud/logger\";\nimport { spawnDialog, showInfo, showWarning } from \"@nextcloud/dialogs\";\nimport makeEta from \"simple-eta\";\nimport NcActionButton from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionButton.js\";\nimport NcActionCaption from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionCaption.js\";\nimport NcActionSeparator from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActionSeparator.js\";\nimport NcActions from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcActions.js\";\nimport NcButton from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcButton.js\";\nimport NcIconSvgWrapper from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcIconSvgWrapper.js\";\nimport NcProgressBar from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcProgressBar.js\";\nimport NcDialog from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcDialog.js\";\nimport NcTextField from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcTextField.js\";\nimport NcNoteCard from \"@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcNoteCard.js\";\naxiosRetry(axios, { retries: 0 });\nconst uploadData = async function(url, uploadData2, signal, onUploadProgress = () => {\n}, destinationFile = void 0, headers = {}, retries = 5) {\n let data;\n if (uploadData2 instanceof Blob) {\n data = uploadData2;\n } else {\n data = await uploadData2();\n }\n if (destinationFile) {\n headers.Destination = destinationFile;\n }\n if (!headers[\"Content-Type\"]) {\n headers[\"Content-Type\"] = \"application/octet-stream\";\n }\n return await axios.request({\n method: \"PUT\",\n url,\n data,\n signal,\n onUploadProgress,\n headers,\n \"axios-retry\": {\n retries,\n retryDelay: (retryCount, error) => axiosRetry.exponentialDelay(retryCount, error, 1e3)\n }\n });\n};\nconst getChunk = function(file, start, length) {\n if (start === 0 && file.size <= length) {\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([file], { type: file.type || \"application/octet-stream\" }));\n }\n return Promise.resolve(new Blob([file.slice(start, start + length)], { type: \"application/octet-stream\" }));\n};\nconst initChunkWorkspace = async function(destinationFile = void 0, retries = 5) {\n const chunksWorkspace = generateRemoteUrl(`dav/uploads/${getCurrentUser()?.uid}`);\n const hash = [...Array(16)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join(\"\");\n const tempWorkspace = `web-file-upload-${hash}`;\n const url = `${chunksWorkspace}/${tempWorkspace}`;\n const headers = destinationFile ? { Destination: destinationFile } : void 0;\n await axios.request({\n method: \"MKCOL\",\n url,\n headers,\n \"axios-retry\": {\n retries,\n retryDelay: (retryCount, error) => axiosRetry.exponentialDelay(retryCount, error, 1e3)\n }\n });\n return url;\n};\nconst getMaxChunksSize = function(fileSize = void 0) {\n const maxChunkSize = window.OC?.appConfig?.files?.max_chunk_size;\n if (maxChunkSize <= 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (!Number(maxChunkSize)) {\n return 10 * 1024 * 1024;\n }\n const minimumChunkSize = Math.max(Number(maxChunkSize), 5 * 1024 * 1024);\n if (fileSize === void 0) {\n return minimumChunkSize;\n }\n return Math.max(minimumChunkSize, Math.ceil(fileSize / 1e4));\n};\nvar Status$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Status2) => {\n Status2[Status2[\"INITIALIZED\"] = 0] = \"INITIALIZED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"UPLOADING\"] = 1] = \"UPLOADING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"ASSEMBLING\"] = 2] = \"ASSEMBLING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"FINISHED\"] = 3] = \"FINISHED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"CANCELLED\"] = 4] = \"CANCELLED\";\n Status2[Status2[\"FAILED\"] = 5] = \"FAILED\";\n return Status2;\n})(Status$1 || {});\nclass Upload {\n _source;\n _file;\n _isChunked;\n _chunks;\n _size;\n _uploaded = 0;\n _startTime = 0;\n _status = 0;\n _controller;\n _response = null;\n constructor(source, chunked = false, size, file) {\n const chunks = Math.min(getMaxChunksSize() > 0 ? Math.ceil(size / getMaxChunksSize()) : 1, 1e4);\n this._source = source;\n this._isChunked = chunked && getMaxChunksSize() > 0 && chunks > 1;\n this._chunks = this._isChunked ? chunks : 1;\n this._size = size;\n this._file = file;\n this._controller = new AbortController();\n }\n get source() {\n return this._source;\n }\n get file() {\n return this._file;\n }\n get isChunked() {\n return this._isChunked;\n }\n get chunks() {\n return this._chunks;\n }\n get size() {\n return this._size;\n }\n get startTime() {\n return this._startTime;\n }\n set response(response) {\n this._response = response;\n }\n get response() {\n return this._response;\n }\n get uploaded() {\n return this._uploaded;\n }\n /**\n * Update the uploaded bytes of this upload\n */\n set uploaded(length) {\n if (length >= this._size) {\n this._status = this._isChunked ? 2 : 3;\n this._uploaded = this._size;\n return;\n }\n this._status = 1;\n this._uploaded = length;\n if (this._startTime === 0) {\n this._startTime = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();\n }\n }\n get status() {\n return this._status;\n }\n /**\n * Update this upload status\n */\n set status(status) {\n this._status = status;\n }\n /**\n * Returns the axios cancel token source\n */\n get signal() {\n return this._controller.signal;\n }\n /**\n * Cancel any ongoing requests linked to this upload\n */\n cancel() {\n this._controller.abort();\n this._status = 4;\n }\n}\nconst isFileSystemDirectoryEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemDirectoryEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemDirectoryEntry;\nconst isFileSystemFileEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemFileEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemFileEntry;\nconst isFileSystemEntry = (o) => \"FileSystemEntry\" in window && o instanceof FileSystemEntry;\nclass Directory extends File {\n _originalName;\n _path;\n _children;\n constructor(path, children) {\n super([], basename(path), { type: \"httpd/unix-directory\", lastModified: 0 });\n this._children = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n this._originalName = basename(path);\n this._path = path;\n if (children) {\n children.forEach((c) => this.addChild(c));\n }\n }\n get size() {\n return this.children.reduce((sum, file) => sum + file.size, 0);\n }\n get lastModified() {\n return this.children.reduce((latest, file) => Math.max(latest, file.lastModified), 0);\n }\n // We need this to keep track of renamed files\n get originalName() {\n return this._originalName;\n }\n get children() {\n return Array.from(this._children.values());\n }\n get webkitRelativePath() {\n return this._path;\n }\n getChild(name) {\n return this._children.get(name) ?? null;\n }\n async addChild(file) {\n const rootPath = this._path && `${this._path}/`;\n if (isFileSystemFileEntry(file)) {\n file = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => file.file(resolve, reject));\n } else if (isFileSystemDirectoryEntry(file)) {\n const reader = file.createReader();\n const entries = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => reader.readEntries(resolve, reject));\n this._children.set(file.name, new Directory(`${rootPath}${file.name}`, entries));\n return;\n }\n file = file;\n const filePath = file.webkitRelativePath ?? file.name;\n if (!filePath.includes(\"/\")) {\n this._children.set(file.name, file);\n } else {\n if (!filePath.startsWith(this._path)) {\n throw new Error(`File ${filePath} is not a child of ${this._path}`);\n }\n const relPath = filePath.slice(rootPath.length);\n const name = basename(relPath);\n if (name === relPath) {\n this._children.set(name, file);\n } else {\n const base = relPath.slice(0, relPath.indexOf(\"/\"));\n if (this._children.has(base)) {\n this._children.get(base).addChild(file);\n } else {\n this._children.set(base, new Directory(`${rootPath}${base}`, [file]));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nconst gtBuilder = getGettextBuilder().detectLocale();\n[{ \"locale\": \"af\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Afrikaans (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/af/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"af\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Afrikaans (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/af/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: af\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ar\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Ali , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ar/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ar\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAli , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Ali , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Arabic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ar/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ar\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو اسم ممنوع لملف أو مجلد.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو نوع ممنوع أن يكون لملف.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" هو غير مسموح به في اسم ملف أو مجلد.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملفان متعارضان\", \"{count} ملف متعارض\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفان متعارضان في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملف متعارض في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة في n {dirname}\", \"{count} ملفات متعارضة في n {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} ثانية متبقية\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} متبقية\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"باقٍ بضعُ ثوانٍ\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغاء\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغِ العملية بالكامل\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"إلغاء عمليات رفع الملفات\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"إستمر\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"إنشاء جديد\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"تقدير الوقت المتبقي\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"الإصدار الحالي\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['غير مسموح ان ينتهي اسم الملف بـ \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"إذا اخترت الاحتفاظ بالنسختين فسيتم إلحاق رقم عداد آخر اسم الملف الوارد.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"اسم ملف غير صحيح\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"تاريخ آخر تعديل غير معلوم\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"جديد\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"اسم ملف جديد\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"نسخة جديدة\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"مُجمَّد\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"معاينة الصورة\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"تغيير التسمية\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل صناديق الخيارات\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل الملفات الموجودة\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"حدِّد كل الملفات الجديدة\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخطِّي\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\", \"تخطَّ {count} ملف\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"حجم غير معلوم\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"رفع ملفات\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"رفع مجلدات\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"الرفع من جهاز \"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"تمّ إلغاء عملية رفع الملفات\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"تمّ تجاوز الرفع\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['رفع \"{folder}\" تمّ تجاوزه'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"تقدُّم الرفع \"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"عند تحديد مجلد وارد، أي ملفات متعارضة بداخله ستتم الكتابة فوقها.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"عند تحديد مجلد وارد، ستتم كتابة المحتوى في المجلد الموجود و سيتم تنفيذ حل التعارض بشكل تعاوُدي.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"أيُّ الملفات ترغب في الإبقاء عليها؟\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"يمكنك إمّا تغيير اسم الملف، أو تجاوزه، أو إلغاء العملية برُمَّتها.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"يجب أن تختار نسخة واحدة على الأقل من كل ملف للاستمرار.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ast\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"enolp , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Asturian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ast/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ast\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nenolp , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: enolp , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Asturian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ast/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ast\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ficheru en coflictu\", \"{count} ficheros en coflictu\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ficheru en coflictu en {dirname}\", \"{count} ficheros en coflictu en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {seconds} segundos\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Tiempu que queda: {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"queden unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Encaboxar les xubes\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Siguir\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando'l tiempu que falta\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión esistente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si seleiciones dambes versiones, el ficheru copiáu va tener un númberu amestáu al so nome.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"La data de la última modificación ye desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevu\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión nueva\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"en posa\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Previsualizar la imaxe\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marcar toles caxelles\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleicionar tolos ficheros esistentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleicionar tolos ficheros nuevos\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar esti ficheru\", \"Saltar {count} ficheros\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamañu desconocíu\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Encaboxóse la xuba\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xubir ficheros\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xuba en cursu\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué ficheros quies caltener?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tienes de seleicionar polo menos una versión de cada ficheru pa siguir.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"az\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rashad Aliyev , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Azerbaijani (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/az/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"az\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nRashad Aliyev , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rashad Aliyev , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Azerbaijani (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/az/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: az\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] 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\"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"be\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Belarusian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/be/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: be\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"bg_BG\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/bg_BG/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"bg_BG\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex 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\"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"br\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Breton (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/br/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"br\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=5; plural=((n%10 == 1) && (n%100 != 11) && (n%100 !=71) && (n%100 !=91) ? 0 :(n%10 == 2) && (n%100 != 12) && (n%100 !=72) && (n%100 !=92) ? 1 :(n%10 ==3 || n%10==4 || n%10==9) && (n%100 < 10 || n% 100 > 19) && (n%100 < 70 || n%100 > 79) && (n%100 < 90 || n%100 > 99) ? 2 :(n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0) ? 3 : 4);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { 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\"Last-Translator\": \"Toni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ca/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ca\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nMarc Riera , 2022\\nToni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Catalan (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ca/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ca\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {seconds} segons\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Queden {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Queden uns segons\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Afegeix\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel·la les pujades\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"S'està estimant el temps restant\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"En pausa\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Puja els fitxers\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"cs_CZ\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Pavel Borecki , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Czech (Czech Republic) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cs_CZ/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"cs_CZ\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMichal Šmahel , 2024\\nMartin Hankovec, 2024\\nAppukonrad , 2024\\nPavel Borecki , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Pavel Borecki , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cs_CZ/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: cs_CZ\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleno použít jako název souboru či složky.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleného typu souboru.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"„{segment}“ není povoleno použít v rámci názvu souboru či složky.\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} kolize souborů\", \"{count} kolize souborů\", \"{count} kolizí souborů\", \"{count} kolize souborů\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolizí souborů v {dirname}\", \"{count} kolize souboru v {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá {seconds}\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"zbývá několik sekund\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit celou operaci\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zrušit nahrávání\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pokračovat\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vytvořit nový\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"odhaduje se zbývající čas\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Existující verze\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Názvy souborů nemohou končit na „{segment}“.\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pokud vyberete obě verze, příchozí soubor bude mít ke jménu přidánu číslici.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neplatný název souboru\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neznámé datum poslední úpravy\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nové\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nový název souboru\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nová verze\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pozastaveno\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Náhled obrázku\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přejmenovat\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Označit všechny zaškrtávací kolonky\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vybrat veškeré stávající soubory\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vybrat veškeré nové soubory\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přeskočit\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Přeskočit tento soubor\", \"Přeskočit {count} soubory\", \"Přeskočit {count} souborů\", \"Přeskočit {count} soubory\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neznámá velikost\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát soubory\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát složky\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrát ze zařízení\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrávání bylo zrušeno\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrání bylo přeskočeno\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"Nahrání „{folder}“ bylo přeskočeno\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Postup v nahrávání\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po výběru příchozí složky budou rovněž přepsány všechny v ní obsažené konfliktní soubory\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Když je vybrána příchozí složka, obsah je zapsán do existující složky a je provedeno rekurzivní řešení kolizí.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Které soubory si přejete ponechat?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Soubor je možné buď přejmenovat, přeskočit nebo celou operaci zrušit.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aby bylo možné pokračovat, je třeba vybrat alespoň jednu verzi od každého souboru.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"cy_GB\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Welsh (United Kingdom) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cy_GB/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"cy_GB\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Welsh (United Kingdom) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/cy_GB/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: cy_GB\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"da\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Danish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/da/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"da\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMartin Bonde , 2024\\nRasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rasmus Rosendahl-Kaa, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Danish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/da/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: da\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" indeholder ugyldige karakterer, vil du stadig fortsætte?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fil konflikt\", \"{count} filer i konflikt\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fil konflikt i {dirname}\", \"{count} filer i konflikt i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{sekunder} sekunder tilbage\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{tid} tilbage\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"et par sekunder tilbage\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller hele handlingen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuller uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsæt\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opret ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimering af resterende tid\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Eksisterende version\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvis du vælger begge versioner, vil den indkommende fil have et nummer tilføjet til sit navn.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ugyldigt filnavn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sidste modifikationsdato ukendt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pauset\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forhåndsvisning af billede\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omdøb\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle felter\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle eksisterende filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vælg alle nye filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Spring over\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Spring denne fil over\", \"Spring {count} filer over\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukendt størrelse\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload mapper\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload fra enhed\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload er blevet annulleret\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload fremskridt\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en indgående mappe er valgt, vil alle modstridende filer i den også blive overskrevet.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en indkommende mappe er valgt, vil dens indhold blive skrevet ind i den eksisterende mappe og en rekursiv konfliktløsning udføres.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvilke filer ønsker du at beholde?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du skal vælge mindst én version af hver fil for at fortsætte.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"de\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Martin Wilichowski, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"German (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"de\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMario Siegmann , 2024\\nMartin Wilichowski, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Martin Wilichowski, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: de\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" enthält ungültige Zeichen. Wie möchten Sie fortfahren?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt in {dirname}\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} verbleibend\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ein paar Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hochladen abbrechen\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsetzen\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu erstellen\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorhandene Version\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn du beide Versionen auswählst, wird der eingehenden Datei eine Nummer zum Namen hinzugefügt.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ungültiger Dateiname\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Datum der letzten Änderung unbekannt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neue Version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pausiert\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorschaubild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Umbenennen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle Kontrollkästchen aktivieren\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle vorhandenen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle neuen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Überspringen\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Diese Datei überspringen\", \"{count} Dateien überspringen\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unbekannte Größe\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dateien hochladen\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ordner hochladen\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vom Gerät hochladen\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde abgebrochen\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortschritt beim Hochladen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn ein eingehender Ordner ausgewählt wird, werden alle darin enthaltenen Konfliktdateien ebenfalls überschrieben.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bei Auswahl eines eingehenden Ordners wird der Inhalt in den vorhandenen Ordner geschrieben und eine rekursive Konfliktlösung durchgeführt.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Welche Dateien möchtest du behalten?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du musst mindestens eine Version jeder Datei auswählen, um fortzufahren.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"de_DE\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Mario Siegmann , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"German (Germany) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de_DE/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"de_DE\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMario Siegmann , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Mario Siegmann , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: German (Germany) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/de_DE/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: de_DE\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist ein verbotener Datei- oder Ordnername.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist ein verbotener Dateityp.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" ist in einem Datei- oder Ordnernamen nicht zulässig.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei-Konflikt in {dirname}\", \"{count} Datei-Konflikte in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} verbleibend\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ein paar Sekunden verbleiben\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hochladen abbrechen\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsetzen\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu erstellen\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorhandene Version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Dateinamen dürfen nicht mit \"{segment}\" enden.'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn Sie beide Versionen auswählen, wird der eingehenden Datei eine Nummer zum Namen hinzugefügt.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ungültiger Dateiname\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Datum der letzten Änderung unbekannt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neu\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neuer Dateiname\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Neue Version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pausiert\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vorschaubild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Umbenennen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle Kontrollkästchen aktivieren\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle vorhandenen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Alle neuen Dateien auswählen\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Überspringen\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Datei überspringen\", \"{count} Dateien überspringen\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unbekannte Größe\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dateien hochladen\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ordner hochladen\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vom Gerät hochladen\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde abgebrochen\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Das Hochladen wurde übersprungen\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Das Hochladen von \"{folder}\" wurde übersprungen'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortschritt beim Hochladen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wenn ein eingehender Ordner ausgewählt wird, werden alle darin enthaltenen Konfliktdateien ebenfalls überschrieben.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bei Auswahl eines eingehenden Ordners wird der Inhalt in den vorhandenen Ordner geschrieben und eine rekursive Konfliktlösung durchgeführt.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Welche Dateien möchten Sie behalten?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sie können die Datei entweder umbenennen, diese Datei überspringen oder den gesamten Vorgang abbrechen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sie müssen mindestens eine Version jeder Datei auswählen, um fortzufahren.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"el\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Nik Pap, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Greek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/el/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"el\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nNik Pap, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Nik Pap, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Greek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/el/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: el\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν {seconds} δευτερόλεπτα\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"απομένουν λίγα δευτερόλεπτα\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Προσθήκη\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ακύρωση μεταφορτώσεων\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"εκτίμηση του χρόνου που απομένει\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"σε παύση\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Μεταφόρτωση αρχείων\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"en_GB\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Andi Chandler , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"English (United Kingdom) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/en_GB/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"en_GB\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAndi Chandler , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: English (United Kingdom) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/en_GB/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: en_GB\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict\", \"{count} files conflict\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} seconds left\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} left\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"a few seconds left\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel the entire operation\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancel uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continue\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Create new\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimating time left\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Existing version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Invalid filename\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last modified date unknown\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"New\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"New filename\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"New version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"paused\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Preview image\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Rename\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all checkboxes\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all existing files\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Select all new files\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip this file\", \"Skip {count} files\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unknown size\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload files\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload folders\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload from device\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload has been cancelled\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload has been skipped\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload progress\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Which files do you want to keep?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"eo\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Esperanto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eo/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"eo\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Esperanto (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eo/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: eo\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Julio C. Ortega, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nFranciscoFJ , 2024\\nJulio C. Ortega, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Julio C. Ortega, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" contiene caracteres inválidos, ¿cómo desea continuar?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar toda la operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, el archivo entrante le será agregado un número a su nombre.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Última fecha de modificación desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nueva versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Previsualizar imagen\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renombrar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todas las casillas de verificación\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos nuevos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Saltar este archivo\", \"Saltar {count} archivos\", \"Saltar {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"La subida ha sido cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la subida\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier de los archivos en conflictos también serán sobre-escritos.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido es escrito en la carpeta existente y se realizará una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_419\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"ALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Latin America) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_419/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_419\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: ALEJANDRO CASTRO, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Latin America) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_419/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_419\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{tiempo} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan pocos segundos\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"agregar\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_AR\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Matías Campo Hoet , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Argentina) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_AR/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_AR\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMatías Campo Hoet , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Matías Campo Hoet , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_AR/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_AR\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" contiene caracteres inválidos, ¿cómo desea continuar?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflicto de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflictos de archivo en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quedan unos segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar toda la operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, se agregará un número al nombre del archivo entrante.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fecha de última modificación desconocida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuevo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nueva versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vista previa de imagen\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renombrar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todas las casillas de verificación\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos los archivos nuevos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir este archivo\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cargar desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Carga cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la carga\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier archivo en conflicto dentro de la misma también serán sobreescritos.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido se escribe en la carpeta existente y se realiza una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Qué archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_CL\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Spanish (Chile) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CL/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"es_CL\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Spanish (Chile) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/es_CL/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: es_CL\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} 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operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar subidas\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear nuevo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tiempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si selecciona ambas versionas, se agregará un número al nombre del archivo entrante.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nombre de archivo inválido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fecha de última modificación 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archivos\", \"Omitir {count} archivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño desconocido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir archivos\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir carpetas\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Subir desde dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"La subida ha sido cancelada\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso de la subida\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, cualquier archivo en conflicto dentro de la misma también será sobrescrito.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuando una carpeta entrante es seleccionada, el contenido se escribe en la carpeta existente y se realiza una resolución de conflictos recursiva.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"¿Cuáles archivos desea conservar?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar al menos una versión de cada archivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"es_NI\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": 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} } } } }, { \"locale\": \"eu\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Unai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Basque (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eu/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"eu\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nUnai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Unai Tolosa Pontesta , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Basque (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/eu/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: eu\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundo geratzen dira\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} geratzen da\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"segundo batzuk geratzen dira\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gehitu\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ezeztatu igoerak\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"kalkulatutako geratzen den denbora\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"geldituta\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Igo fitxategiak\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fa\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Fatemeh Komeily, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Persian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fa/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fa\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nFatemeh Komeily, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Fatemeh Komeily, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Persian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fa/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fa\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ثانیه های باقی مانده\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"باقی مانده\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"چند ثانیه مانده\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"اضافه کردن\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"کنسل کردن فایل های اپلود شده\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"تخمین زمان باقی مانده\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"مکث کردن\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"بارگذاری فایل ها\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fi_FI\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"thingumy, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Finnish (Finland) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fi_FI/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fi_FI\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nJiri Grönroos , 2024\\nthingumy, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: thingumy, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Finnish (Finland) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fi_FI/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fi_FI\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?': { \"msgid\": '\"{filename}\" contains invalid characters, how do you want to continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\" sisältää virheellisiä merkkejä, miten haluat jatkaa?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tiedoston ristiriita\", \"{count} tiedoston ristiriita\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tiedoston ristiriita kansiossa {dirname}\", \"{count} tiedoston ristiriita kansiossa {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekuntia jäljellä\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} jäljellä\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"muutama sekunti jäljellä\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta koko toimenpide\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Peruuta lähetykset\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jatka\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Luo uusi\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"arvioidaan jäljellä olevaa aikaa\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Olemassa oleva versio\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jos valitset molemmat versiot, saapuvan tiedoston nimeen lisätään numero.\"] }, \"Invalid file name\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid file name\", \"msgstr\": [\"Virheellinen tiedostonimi\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Viimeisin muokkauspäivä on tuntematon\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uusi\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uusi versio\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"keskeytetty\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Esikatsele kuva\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nimeä uudelleen\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki valintaruudut\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki olemassa olevat tiedostot\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valitse kaikki uudet tiedostot\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ohita\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ohita tämä tiedosto\", \"Ohita {count} tiedostoa\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tuntematon koko\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä tiedostoja\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä kansioita\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetä laitteelta\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetys on peruttu\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lähetyksen edistyminen\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valittuasi saapuvien kansion, kaikki ristiriitaiset tiedostot kansiossa ylikirjoitetaan.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Valittuasi saapuvien kansion, sisältö kirjoitetaan olemassaolevaan kansioon ja suoritetaan rekursiivinen ristiriitojen poisto.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Mitkä tiedostot haluat säilyttää?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sinun täytyy valita vähintään yksi versio jokaisesta tiedostosta jatkaaksesi.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fo\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", 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\"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"fr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"jed boulahya, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"French (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"fr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nBenoit Pruneau, 2024\\njed boulahya, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: jed boulahya, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: French (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/fr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: fr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fichier en conflit\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} fichier en conflit dans {dirname}\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit dans {dirname}\", \"{count} fichiers en conflit dans {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secondes restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restant\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"quelques secondes restantes\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler l'opération entière\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annuler les envois\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuer\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimation du temps restant\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Version existante\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Si vous sélectionnez les deux versions, le fichier copié aura un numéro ajouté àname.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Date de la dernière modification est inconnue\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nouveau\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nouvelle version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"en pause\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aperçu de l'image\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner toutes les cases à cocher\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner tous les fichiers existants\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sélectionner tous les nouveaux fichiers\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ignorer ce fichier\", \"Ignorer {count} fichiers\", \"Ignorer {count} fichiers\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Taille inconnue\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\" annulé\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Téléchargement des fichiers\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progression du téléchargement\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lorsqu'un dossier entrant est sélectionné, tous les fichiers en conflit qu'il contient seront également écrasés.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quels fichiers souhaitez-vous conserver ?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vous devez sélectionner au moins une version de chaque fichier pour continuer.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ga\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Irish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ga/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ga\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nAindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Irish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ga/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ga\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['Is ainm toirmiscthe comhaid nó fillteáin é \"{segment}\".'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['Is cineál comhaid toirmiscthe é \"{segment}\".'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [`Ní cheadaítear \"{segment}\" taobh istigh d'ainm comhaid nó fillteáin.`] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} coimhlint comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} coimhlint comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\", \"{count} coimhlintí comhaid i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} soicind fágtha\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} fágtha\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"cúpla soicind fágtha\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh an oibríocht iomlán\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cealaigh uaslódálacha\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leanúint ar aghaidh\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cruthaigh nua\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ag déanamh meastachán ar an am atá fágtha\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leagan láithreach \"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Níor cheart go gcríochnaíonn comhaid chomhad le \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Má roghnaíonn tú an dá leagan, cuirfear uimhir leis an ainm a thagann isteach.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ainm comhaid neamhbhailí\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dáta modhnaithe is déanaí anaithnid\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nua\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ainm comhaid nua\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Leagan nua\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"sos\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Íomhá réamhamharc\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Athainmnigh\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach ticbhosca\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach comhad atá ann cheana féin\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Roghnaigh gach comhad nua\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Scipeáil\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Léim an comhad seo\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\", \"Léim ar {count} comhad\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Méid anaithnid\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil comhaid\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil fillteáin\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Íosluchtaigh ó ghléas\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cuireadh an t-uaslódáil ar ceal\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Léiríodh an uaslódáil\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Léiríodh an uaslódáil \"{folder}\".'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uaslódáil dul chun cinn\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuair a roghnaítear fillteán isteach, déanfar aon chomhad contrártha laistigh de a fhorscríobh freisin.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuair a roghnaítear fillteán isteach, scríobhtar an t-ábhar isteach san fhillteán atá ann cheana agus déantar réiteach coinbhleachta athchúrsach.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cé na comhaid ar mhaith leat a choinneáil?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Is féidir leat an comhad a athainmniú, scipeáil an comhad seo nó an oibríocht iomlán a chealú.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ní mór duit leagan amháin ar a laghad de gach comhad a roghnú chun leanúint ar aghaidh.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"gd\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Gaelic, Scottish (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gd/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"gd\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex 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} } } } }, { \"locale\": \"gl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Miguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Galician (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"gl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMiguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Miguel Anxo Bouzada , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Galician (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/gl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: gl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» é un nome vedado para un ficheiro ou cartafol.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» é un tipo de ficheiro vedado.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"«{segment}» non está permitido dentro dun nome de ficheiro ou cartafol.\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflito de ficheiros\", \"{count} conflitos de ficheiros\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflito de ficheiros en {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de ficheiros en {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltan {seconds} segundos\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"falta {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltan uns segundos\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancela toda a operación\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar envíos\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Crear un novo\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"calculando canto tempo falta\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versión existente\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Os nomes de ficheiros non deben rematar con «{segment}».\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se selecciona ambas as versións, o ficheiro entrante terá un número engadido ao seu nome.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"O nome de ficheiro non é válido\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Data da última modificación descoñecida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Novo nome de ficheiro\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova versión\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"detido\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vista previa da imaxe\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Renomear\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marcar todas as caixas de selección\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos os ficheiros existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleccionar todos os ficheiros novos\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omitir\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omita este ficheiro\", \"Omitir {count} ficheiros\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamaño descoñecido\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar ficheiros\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar cartafoles\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar dende o dispositivo\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"O envío foi cancelado\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"O envío foi omitido\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"O envío de «{folder}» foi omitido\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Progreso do envío\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cando se selecciona un cartafol entrante, tamén se sobrescribirán os ficheiros en conflito dentro del.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cando se selecciona un cartafol entrante, o contido escríbese no cartafol existente e lévase a cabo unha resolución recursiva de conflitos.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Que ficheiros quere conservar?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pode cambiar o nome do ficheiro, omitir este ficheiro ou cancelar toda a operación.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Debe seleccionar polo menos unha versión de cada ficheiro para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"he\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Hebrew (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/he/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"he\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Hebrew (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/he/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: he\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hi_IN\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Hindi (India) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hi_IN/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hi_IN\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Hindi (India) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hi_IN/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: hi_IN\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Croatian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Croatian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: hr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hsb\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Upper Sorbian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hsb/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hsb\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Upper Sorbian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hsb/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: hsb\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hu_HU\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Balázs Úr, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Hungarian (Hungary) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hu_HU/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hu_HU\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nBalázs Meskó , 2022\\nBalázs Úr, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Balázs Úr, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hu_HU/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: hu_HU\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{} másodperc van hátra\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} van hátra\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"pár másodperc van hátra\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hozzáadás\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Feltöltések megszakítása\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"hátralévő idő becslése\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"szüneteltetve\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fájlok feltöltése\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"hy\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Armenian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/hy/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"hy\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": 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} } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ia\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Interlingua (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ia/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ia\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Interlingua (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ia/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ia\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"id\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Linerly , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Indonesian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/id/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"id\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nEmpty Slot Filler, 2023\\nLinerly , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Linerly , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Indonesian 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unggahan\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lanjutkan\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"memperkirakan waktu yang tersisa\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versi yang ada\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jika Anda memilih kedua versi, nama berkas yang disalin akan ditambahi angka.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tanggal perubahan terakhir tidak diketahui\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Baru\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versi baru\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"dijeda\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gambar pratinjau\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua kotak centang\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua berkas yang ada\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pilih semua berkas baru\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Lewati {count} berkas\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukuran tidak diketahui\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unggahan dibatalkan\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Unggah berkas\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Berkas mana yang Anda ingin tetap simpan?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anda harus memilih setidaknya satu versi dari masing-masing berkas untuk melanjutkan.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ig\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Igbo (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ig/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ig\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Igbo (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ig/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ig\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"is\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Sveinn í Felli , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Icelandic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/is/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"is\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nSveinn í Felli , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Icelandic (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/is/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: is\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} árekstur skráa\", \"{count} árekstrar skráa\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} árekstur skráa í {dirname}\", \"{count} árekstrar skráa í {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekúndur eftir\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} eftir\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"nokkrar sekúndur eftir\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hætta við innsendingar\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Halda áfram\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"áætla tíma sem eftir er\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fyrirliggjandi útgáfa\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ef þú velur báðar útgáfur, þá mun verða bætt tölustaf aftan við heiti afrituðu skrárinnar.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Síðasta breytingadagsetning er óþekkt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nýtt\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ný útgáfa\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"í bið\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forskoðun myndar\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja gátreiti\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja allar fyrirliggjandi skrár\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velja allar nýjar skrár\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Sleppa þessari skrá\", \"Sleppa {count} skrám\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Óþekkt stærð\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hætt við innsendingu\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Senda inn skrár\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvaða skrám vilt þú vilt halda eftir?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Þú verður að velja að minnsta kosti eina útgáfu af hverri skrá til að halda áfram.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"it\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Random_R, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Italian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/it/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"it\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nLep Lep, 2023\\nRandom_R, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Random_R, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Italian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/it/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: it\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file in conflitto\", \"{count} file in conflitto\", \"{count} file in conflitto\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\", \"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\", \"{count} file in conflitto in {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secondi rimanenti \"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} rimanente\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"alcuni secondi rimanenti\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Annulla i caricamenti\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continua\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"calcolo il tempo rimanente\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versione esistente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se selezioni entrambe le versioni, nel nome del file copiato verrà aggiunto un numero \"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ultima modifica sconosciuta\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuovo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuova versione\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausa\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anteprima immagine\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutte le caselle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutti i file esistenti\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Seleziona tutti i nuovi file\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Salta questo file\", \"Salta {count} file\", \"Salta {count} file\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dimensione sconosciuta\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Caricamento cancellato\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Carica i file\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quali file vuoi mantenere?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Devi selezionare almeno una versione di ogni file per continuare\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ja_JP\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"devi, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Japanese (Japan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ja_JP/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ja_JP\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nkojima.imamura, 2024\\nTakafumi AKAMATSU, 2024\\ndevi, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: devi, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Japanese (Japan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ja_JP/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ja_JP\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" は禁止されているファイルまたはフォルダ名です。'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" は禁止されているファイルタイプです。'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['ファイルまたはフォルダ名に \"{segment}\" を含めることはできません。'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} ファイル数の競合\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} で {count} 個のファイルが競合しています\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"残り {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"残り {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"残り数秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"キャンセル\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての操作をキャンセルする\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードをキャンセル\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"続ける\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"新規作成\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"概算残り時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既存バージョン\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['ファイル名の末尾に \"{segment}\" を付けることはできません。'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"両方のバージョンを選択した場合、受信ファイルの名前に数字が追加されます。\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"無効なファイル名\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最終更新日不明\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新規作成\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"新しいファイル名\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新しいバージョン\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"一時停止中\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"プレビュー画像\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"名前を変更\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべて選択\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての既存ファイルを選択\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"すべての新規ファイルを選択\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"スキップ\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個のファイルをスキップする\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"サイズ不明\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"ファイルをアップロード\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"フォルダのアップロード\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"デバイスからのアップロード\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードはキャンセルされました\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロードがスキップされました\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['\"{folder}\" のアップロードがスキップされました'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"アップロード進行状況\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"受信フォルダが選択されると、その中の競合するファイルもすべて上書きされます。\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"受信フォルダが選択されると、その内容は既存のフォルダに書き込まれ、再帰的な競合解決が行われます。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"どのファイルを保持しますか?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"ファイル名を変更するか、このファイルをスキップするか、操作全体をキャンセルすることができます。\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"続行するには、各ファイルの少なくとも1つのバージョンを選択する必要があります。\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ka\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Georgian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ka\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; 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[\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ka_GE\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Georgian (Georgia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka_GE/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ka_GE\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Georgian (Georgia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ka_GE/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ka_GE\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"kab\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"ZiriSut, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Kabyle (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/kab/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"kab\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nZiriSut, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: ZiriSut, 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\"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"km\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Khmer (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/km/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"km\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Khmer (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/km/)\\nContent-Type: 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continue?', \"msgstr\": ['\"{filename}\"에 유효하지 않은 문자가 있습니다, 계속하시겠습니까?'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}개의 파일이 충돌함\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname}에서 {count}개의 파일이 충돌함\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds}초 남음\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} 남음\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"곧 완료\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"취소\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"전체 작업을 취소\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel 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[\"일시정지됨\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"미리보기 이미지\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"이름 바꾸기\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"모든 체크박스 선택\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"기존 파일을 모두 선택\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"새로운 파일을 모두 선택\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"건너뛰기\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}개의 파일 넘기기\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"크기를 알 수 없음\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"파일 업로드\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"폴더 업로드\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"장치에서 업로드\"] }, \"Upload 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each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"계속하기 위해서는 한 파일에 최소 하나의 버전을 선택해야 합니다.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"la\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Latin (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/la/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"la\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Latin (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/la/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: la\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and 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\"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ms_MY\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Malay (Malaysia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ms_MY/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ms_MY\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ms_MY/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ms_MY\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"my\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Burmese (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/my/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"my\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Burmese (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/my/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: my\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"nb_NO\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Roger Knutsen, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nb_NO/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"nb_NO\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nRoger Knutsen, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Roger Knutsen, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nb_NO/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: nb_NO\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" er et forbudt fil- eller mappenavn.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" er en forbudt filtype.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" er ikke tillatt i et fil- eller mappenavn.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict\", \"{count} filkonflikter\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"{count} filkonflikter i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekunder igjen\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} igjen\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"noen få sekunder igjen\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt hele operasjonen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt opplastninger\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsett\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opprett ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Estimerer tid igjen\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gjeldende versjon\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filnavn må ikke slutte med \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvis du velger begge versjonene, vil den innkommende filen ha et nummer lagt til navnet.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ugyldig filnavn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Siste gang redigert ukjent\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nytt filnavn\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny versjon\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pauset\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Forhåndsvis bilde\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Omdøp\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle eksisterende filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Velg alle nye filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hopp over\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skip this file\", \"Hopp over {count} filer\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ukjent størrelse\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp mapper\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Last opp fra enhet\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opplastingen er kansellert\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Opplastingen er hoppet over\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Opplasting av \"{folder}\" er hoppet over'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fremdrift, opplasting\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en innkommende mappe velges, blir eventuelle motstridende filer i den også overskrevet.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Når en innkommende mappe velges, skrives innholdet inn i den eksisterende mappen, og en rekursiv konfliktløsning utføres.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hvilke filer vil du beholde?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du kan enten gi nytt navn til filen, hoppe over denne filen eller avbryte hele operasjonen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du må velge minst en versjon av hver fil for å fortsette.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ne\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Nepali (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ne/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ne\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { 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\"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"nl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Rico , 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"nl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nRico , 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Rico , 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: nl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nog {seconds} seconden\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} over\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nog een paar seconden\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Voeg toe\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uploads annuleren\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Schatting van de resterende tijd\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Gepauzeerd\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Upload bestanden\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"nn_NO\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/nn_NO/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"nn_NO\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex 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\"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/oc/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"oc\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/oc/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: oc\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pl\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Piotr Strębski , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Polish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pl/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pl\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nPiotr Strębski , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Piotr Strębski , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Polish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pl/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pl\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"konflikt 1 pliku\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\", \"{count} konfliktów plików\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} konfliktowy plik w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\", \"{count} konfliktowych plików w {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało {seconds} sekund\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pozostało kilka sekund\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj całą operację\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anuluj wysyłanie\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Kontynuuj\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Szacowanie pozostałego czasu\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Istniejąca wersja\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Jeśli wybierzesz obie wersje, do nazwy pliku przychodzącego zostanie dodany numer.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nieznana data ostatniej modyfikacji\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nowy\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nowa wersja\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wstrzymane\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Podgląd obrazu\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie boxy\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie istniejące pliki\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Zaznacz wszystkie nowe pliki\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pomiń 1 plik\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\", \"Pomiń {count} plików\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nieznany rozmiar\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anulowano wysyłanie\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Wyślij pliki\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Postęp wysyłania\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po wybraniu folderu przychodzącego wszelkie znajdujące się w nim pliki powodujące konflikt również zostaną nadpisane.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Po wybraniu folderu przychodzącego zawartość jest zapisywana w istniejącym folderze i przeprowadzane jest rekursywne rozwiązywanie konfliktów.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Które pliki chcesz zachować?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aby kontynuować, musisz wybrać co najmniej jedną wersję każdego pliku.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ps\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Pashto 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[\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pt_BR\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Leonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Portuguese (Brazil) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_BR/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pt_BR\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nLeonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Leonardo Colman Lopes , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_BR/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pt_BR\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} arquivos em conflito\", \"{count} arquivos em conflito\", \"{count} arquivos em conflito\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\", \"{count} conflitos de arquivo em {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} segundos restantes\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} restante\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"alguns segundos restantes\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar a operação inteira\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar uploads\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Continuar\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimando tempo restante\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Versão existente\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Se você selecionar ambas as versões, o arquivo copiado terá um número adicionado ao seu nome.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Data da última modificação desconhecida\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Novo\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nova versão\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Visualizar imagem\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Marque todas as caixas de seleção\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Selecione todos os arquivos existentes\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Selecione todos os novos arquivos\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ignorar {count} arquivos\", \"Ignorar {count} arquivos\", \"Ignorar {count} arquivos\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tamanho desconhecido\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Envio cancelado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar arquivos\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Envio em progresso\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quando uma pasta é selecionada, quaisquer arquivos dentro dela também serão sobrescritos.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Quais arquivos você deseja manter?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Você precisa selecionar pelo menos uma versão de cada arquivo para continuar.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"pt_PT\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Manuela Silva , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Portuguese (Portugal) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_PT/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"pt_PT\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nManuela Silva , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Manuela Silva , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/pt_PT/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: pt_PT\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltam {seconds} segundo(s)\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"faltam {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"faltam uns segundos\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Adicionar\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Cancelar envios\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"tempo em falta estimado\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausado\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Enviar ficheiros\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ro\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Mădălin Vasiliu , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ro/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ro\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nMădălin Vasiliu , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Mădălin Vasiliu , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Romanian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ro/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ro\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} secunde rămase\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} rămas\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"câteva secunde rămase\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Adaugă\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Anulați încărcările\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"estimarea timpului rămas\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pus pe pauză\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Încarcă fișiere\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ru\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Alex , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Russian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ru/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ru\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nAlex , 2024\\nВлад, 2024\\nAlex , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Alex , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Russian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ru/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ru\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"{segment} — это запрещенное имя файла или папки.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": [\"{segment}— это запрещенный тип файла.\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [\"{segment}не допускается в имени файла или папки.\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"конфликт {count} файла\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\", \"конфликт {count} файлов\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"конфликт {count} файла в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\", \"конфликт {count} файлов в {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"осталось {seconds} секунд\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"осталось {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"осталось несколько секунд\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отмена\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отменить всю операцию целиком\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отменить загрузки\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Продолжить\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Создать новое\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"оценка оставшегося времени\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Текущая версия\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [\"Имена файлов не должны заканчиваться на {segment}\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Если вы выберете обе версии, к имени входящего файла будет добавлен номер.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Неверное имя файла\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Дата последнего изменения неизвестна\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новый\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новое имя файла\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Новая версия\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"приостановлено\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Предварительный просмотр\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Переименовать\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Установить все флажки\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Выбрать все существующие файлы\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Выбрать все новые файлы\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропуск\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустить файл\", \"Пропустить {count} файла\", \"Пропустить {count} файлов\", \"Пропустить {count} файлов\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Неизвестный размер\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка файлов\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка папок\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка с устройства\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка была отменена\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка была пропущена\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": [\"Загрузка {folder}была пропущена\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Состояние передачи на сервер\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Когда выбрана входящая папка, все конфликтующие файлы в ней также будут перезаписаны.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Когда выбрана входящая папка, содержимое записывается в существующую папку и выполняется рекурсивное разрешение конфликтов.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Какие файлы вы хотите сохранить?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вы можете переименовать файл, пропустить этот файл или отменить всю операцию.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Для продолжения вам нужно выбрать по крайней мере одну версию каждого файла.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sc\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Sardinian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sc/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sc\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { 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\"locale\": \"si\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Sinhala (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/si/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"si\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Sinhala (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/si/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: si\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sk_SK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Slovak (Slovakia) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sk_SK/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sk_SK\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 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00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"še {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"še nekaj sekund\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dodaj\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Prekliči pošiljanje\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"ocenjen čas do konca\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"v premoru\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Pošlji datoteke\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sq\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Albanian (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sq/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sq\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": 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\"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Иван Пешић, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Serbian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nИван Пешић, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Иван Пешић, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Serbian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} фајл конфликт\", \"{count} фајл конфликта\", \"{count} фајл конфликта\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} фајл конфликт у {dirname}\", \"{count} фајл конфликта у {dirname}\", \"{count} фајл конфликта у {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"преостало је {seconds} секунди\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} преостало\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"преостало је неколико секунди\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Обустави отпремања\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Настави\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"процена преосталог времена\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Постојећа верзија\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ако изаберете обе верзије, на име копираног фајла ће се додати број.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Није познат датум последње измене\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ново\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нова верзија\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"паузирано\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Слика прегледа\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Штиклирај сва поља за штиклирање\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Изабери све постојеће фајлове\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Изабери све нове фајлове\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Прескочи овај фајл\", \"Прескочи {count} фајла\", \"Прескочи {count} фајлова\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Непозната величина\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отпремање је отказано\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Отпреми фајлове\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Напредак отпремања\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Које фајлове желите да задржите?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Морате да изаберете барем једну верзију сваког фајла да наставите.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sr@latin\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr@latin/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sr@latin\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Serbian (Latin) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sr@latin/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sr@latin\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sv\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Magnus Höglund, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Swedish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sv/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sv\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nMagnus Höglund, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Magnus Höglund, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Swedish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sv/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: sv\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är ett förbjudet fil- eller mappnamn.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är en förbjuden filtyp.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" är inte tillåtet i ett fil- eller mappnamn.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} filkonflikt\", \"{count} filkonflikter\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} filkonflikt i {dirname}\", \"{count} filkonflikter i {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} sekunder kvarstår\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} kvarstår\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"några sekunder kvar\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt hela operationen\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Avbryt uppladdningar\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Fortsätt\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Skapa ny\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"uppskattar kvarstående tid\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nuvarande version\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Filnamn får inte sluta med \"{segment}\".'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Om du väljer båda versionerna kommer den inkommande filen att läggas till ett nummer i namnet.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ogiltigt filnamn\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Senaste ändringsdatum okänt\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nytt filnamn\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ny version\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"pausad\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Förhandsgranska bild\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Byt namn\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Markera alla kryssrutor\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Välj alla befintliga filer\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Välj alla nya filer\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hoppa över\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hoppa över denna fil\", \"Hoppa över {count} filer\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Okänd storlek\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp filer\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp mappar\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ladda upp från enhet\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningen har avbrutits\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningen har hoppats över\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Uppladdningen av \"{folder}\" har hoppats över'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Uppladdningsförlopp\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"När en inkommande mapp väljs skrivs även alla konfliktande filer i den över.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"När en inkommande mapp väljs skrivs innehållet in i den befintliga mappen och en rekursiv konfliktlösning utförs.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Vilka filer vill du behålla?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du kan antingen byta namn på filen, hoppa över den här filen eller avbryta hela operationen.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Du måste välja minst en version av varje fil för att fortsätta.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"sw\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Swahili (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/sw/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"sw\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 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\"Language-Team\": \"Tamil (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ta/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ta\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Tamil (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ta/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ta\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"th_TH\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Phongpanot Phairat , 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Thai (Thailand) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/th_TH/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"th_TH\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nPhongpanot Phairat , 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Phongpanot Phairat , 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Thai (Thailand) (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/th_TH/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: th_TH\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีก {seconds} วินาที\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีก {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"เหลืออีกไม่กี่วินาที\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"เพิ่ม\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"ยกเลิกการอัปโหลด\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"กำลังคำนวณเวลาที่เหลือ\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"หยุดชั่วคราว\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"อัปโหลดไฟล์\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"tk\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Turkmen 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[\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"tr\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Kaya Zeren , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Turkish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/tr/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"tr\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nKaya Zeren , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Kaya Zeren , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Turkish (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/tr/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: tr\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" dosya ya da klasör adına izin verilmiyor.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" dosya türüne izin verilmiyor.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['Bir dosya ya da klasör adında \"{segment}\" ifadesine izin verilmiyor.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} dosya çakışması var\", \"{count} dosya çakışması var\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} klasöründe {count} dosya çakışması var\", \"{dirname} klasöründe {count} dosya çakışması var\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"{seconds} saniye kaldı\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"{time} kaldı\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"bir kaç saniye kaldı\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"İptal\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm işlemi iptal et\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yüklemeleri iptal et\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"İlerle\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni ekle\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"öngörülen kalan süre\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Var olan sürüm\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": ['Dosya adları \"{segment}\" ile bitmemeli.'] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"İki sürümü de seçerseniz, gelen dosyanın adına bir sayı eklenir.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosya adı geçersiz\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Son değiştirilme tarihi bilinmiyor\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni dosya adı\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeni sürüm\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"duraklatıldı\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Görsel ön izlemesi\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yeniden adlandır\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm kutuları işaretle\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm var olan dosyaları seç\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tüm yeni dosyaları seç\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Atla\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bu dosyayı atla\", \"{count} dosyayı atla\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Boyut bilinmiyor\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosyaları yükle\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Klasörleri yükle\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Aygıttan yükle\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme iptal edildi\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme atlandı\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['\"{folder}\" klasörünün yüklenmesi atlandı'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Yükleme ilerlemesi\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bir gelen klasör seçildiğinde, içindeki çakışan dosyaların da üzerine yazılır.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bir gelen klasörü seçildiğinde içerik var olan klasöre yazılır ve yinelemeli bir çakışma çözümü uygulanır.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Hangi dosyaları tutmak istiyorsunuz?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dosya adını değiştirebilir, bu dosyayı atlayabilir ya da tüm işlemi iptal edebilirsiniz.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"İlerlemek için her dosyanın en az bir sürümünü seçmelisiniz.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ug\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Uyghur (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ug/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"ug\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Uyghur (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/ug/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: ug\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"uk\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"O St , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Ukrainian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uk/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"uk\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nO St , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: O St , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Ukrainian (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uk/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: uk\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\\n\"] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": [`\"{segment}\" не є дозволеним ім'ям файлу або каталогу.`] }, '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" не є дозволеним типом файлу.'] }, '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.': { \"msgid\": '\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', \"msgstr\": ['\"{segment}\" не дозволене сполучення символів в назві файлу або каталогу.'] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} конфліктний файл\", \"{count} конфліктних файли\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} конфліктний файл у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файли у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів у каталозі {dirname}\", \"{count} конфліктних файлів у каталозі {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Залишилося {seconds} секунд\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Залишилося {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"залишилося кілька секунд\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати операцію повністю\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Скасувати завантаження\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Продовжити\"] }, \"Create new\": { \"msgid\": \"Create new\", \"msgstr\": [\"Створити новий\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"оцінка часу, що залишився\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Присутня версія\"] }, 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".': { \"msgid\": 'Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', \"msgstr\": [`Ім'я файлів не можуть закінчуватися на \"{segment}\".`] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Якщо буде вибрано обидві версії, до імени вхідного файлу було додано цифру.\"] }, \"Invalid filename\": { \"msgid\": \"Invalid filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Недійсне ім'я файлу\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Дата останньої зміни невідома\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нове\"] }, \"New filename\": { \"msgid\": \"New filename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нове ім'я файлу\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Нова версія\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"призупинено\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Попередній перегляд\"] }, \"Rename\": { \"msgid\": \"Rename\", \"msgstr\": [\"Перейменувати\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати все\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати усі присутні файли\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Вибрати усі нові файли\"] }, \"Skip\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустити\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Пропустити файл\", \"Пропустити {count} файли\", \"Пропустити {count} файлів\", \"Пропустити {count} файлів\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Невідомий розмір\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити файли\"] }, \"Upload folders\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload folders\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити каталоги\"] }, \"Upload from device\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload from device\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантажити з пристрою\"] }, \"Upload has been cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантаження скасовано\"] }, \"Upload has been skipped\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload has been skipped\", \"msgstr\": [\"Завантаження пропущено\"] }, 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped': { \"msgid\": 'Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', \"msgstr\": ['Завантаження \"{folder}\" пропущено'] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Поступ завантаження\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Усі конфліктні файли у вибраному каталозі призначення буде перезаписано поверх.\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Якщо буде вибрано вхідний каталог, вміст буде записано до наявного каталогу та вирішено конфлікти у відповідних файлах каталогу та підкаталогів.\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Які файли залишити?\"] }, \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\": { \"msgid\": \"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ви можете або перейменувати цей файл, пропустити або скасувати дію з файлом.\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Для продовження потрібно вибрати принаймні одну версію для кожного файлу.\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"ur_PK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", 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\"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"uz\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Transifex Bot <>, 2022\", \"Language-Team\": \"Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uz/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"uz\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nTransifex Bot <>, 2022\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>, 2022\\nLanguage-Team: Uzbek (https://www.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/uz/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: uz\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{estimate} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{estimate} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{hours} hours and {minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"{minutes} minutes left\": { \"msgid\": \"{minutes} minutes left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"vi\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Tung DangQuang, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/vi/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"vi\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nTung DangQuang, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Tung DangQuang, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/vi/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: vi\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} Tập tin xung đột\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} tập tin lỗi trong {dirname}\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Còn {second} giây\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Còn lại {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Còn lại một vài giây\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"Huỷ tải lên\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tiếp Tục\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"Thời gian còn lại dự kiến\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Phiên Bản Hiện Tại\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Nếu bạn chọn cả hai phiên bản, tệp được sao chép sẽ có thêm một số vào tên của nó.\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"Ngày sửa dổi lần cuối không xác định\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tạo Mới\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"Phiên Bản Mới\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"đã tạm dừng\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"Xem Trước Ảnh\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả hộp checkbox\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả các tập tin có sẵn\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Chọn tất cả các tập tin mới\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bỏ Qua {count} tập tin\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"Không rõ dung lượng\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"Dừng Tải Lên\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"Tập tin tải lên\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"Đang Tải Lên\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bạn muốn giữ tập tin nào?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"Bạn cần chọn ít nhất một phiên bản tập tin mới có thể tiếp tục\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_CN\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Hongbo Chen, 2023\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_CN/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_CN\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJohn Molakvoæ , 2023\\nHongbo Chen, 2023\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Hongbo Chen, 2023\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_CN/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_CN\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count}文件冲突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"在{dirname}目录下有{count}个文件冲突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩余 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩余 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"还剩几秒\"] }, \"Add\": { \"msgid\": \"Add\", \"msgstr\": [\"添加\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上传\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"继续\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估计剩余时间\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"版本已存在\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"如果选择所有的版本,新增版本的文件名为原文件名加数字\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"文件最后修改日期未知\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暂停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"图片预览\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有的选择框\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有存在的文件\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"选择所有的新文件\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"跳过{count}个文件\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"文件大小未知\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上传\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上传文件\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"你要保留哪些文件?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"每个文件至少选择一个版本\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_HK\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"Café Tango, 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (Hong Kong) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_HK/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_HK\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\nCafé Tango, 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: Café Tango, 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_HK/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_HK\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} 中有 {count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"還剩幾秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消整個操作\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上傳\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"繼續\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估計剩餘時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既有版本\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the incoming file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"若您選取兩個版本,傳入檔案的名稱將會新增編號。\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最後修改日期不詳\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新增\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本 \"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暫停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"預覽圖片\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有核取方塊\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有既有檔案\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有新檔案\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"略過 {count} 個檔案\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"大小不詳\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"已取消上傳\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳檔案\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳進度\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取傳入資料夾後,其中任何的衝突檔案都會被覆寫。\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, the content is written into the existing folder and a recursive conflict resolution is performed.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選擇傳入資料夾後,內容將寫入現有資料夾並執行遞歸衝突解決。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"您想保留哪些檔案?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"您必須為每個檔案都至少選取一個版本以繼續。\"] } } } } }, { \"locale\": \"zh_TW\", \"json\": { \"charset\": \"utf-8\", \"headers\": { \"Last-Translator\": \"黃柏諺 , 2024\", \"Language-Team\": \"Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_TW/)\", \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain; charset=UTF-8\", \"Language\": \"zh_TW\", \"Plural-Forms\": \"nplurals=1; plural=0;\" }, \"translations\": { \"\": { \"\": { \"msgid\": \"\", \"comments\": { \"translator\": \"\\nTranslators:\\nJoas Schilling, 2024\\n黃柏諺 , 2024\\n\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"Last-Translator: 黃柏諺 , 2024\\nLanguage-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/nextcloud/teams/64236/zh_TW/)\\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\nLanguage: zh_TW\\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\\n\"] }, \"{count} file conflict\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} files conflict\", \"msgstr\": [\"{count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\": { \"msgid\": \"{count} file conflict in {dirname}\", \"msgid_plural\": \"{count} file conflicts in {dirname}\", \"msgstr\": [\"{dirname} 中有 {count} 個檔案衝突\"] }, \"{seconds} seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"{seconds} seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {seconds} 秒\"] }, \"{time} left\": { \"msgid\": \"{time} left\", \"comments\": { \"extracted\": \"TRANSLATORS time has the format 00:00:00\" }, \"msgstr\": [\"剩餘 {time}\"] }, \"a few seconds left\": { \"msgid\": \"a few seconds left\", \"msgstr\": [\"還剩幾秒\"] }, \"Cancel\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消\"] }, \"Cancel the entire operation\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel the entire operation\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消整個操作\"] }, \"Cancel uploads\": { \"msgid\": \"Cancel uploads\", \"msgstr\": [\"取消上傳\"] }, \"Continue\": { \"msgid\": \"Continue\", \"msgstr\": [\"繼續\"] }, \"estimating time left\": { \"msgid\": \"estimating time left\", \"msgstr\": [\"估計剩餘時間\"] }, \"Existing version\": { \"msgid\": \"Existing version\", \"msgstr\": [\"既有版本\"] }, \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\": { \"msgid\": \"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.\", \"msgstr\": [\"若您選取兩個版本,複製的檔案的名稱將會新增編號。\"] }, \"Last modified date unknown\": { \"msgid\": \"Last modified date unknown\", \"msgstr\": [\"最後修改日期未知\"] }, \"New\": { \"msgid\": \"New\", \"msgstr\": [\"新增\"] }, \"New version\": { \"msgid\": \"New version\", \"msgstr\": [\"新版本\"] }, \"paused\": { \"msgid\": \"paused\", \"msgstr\": [\"已暫停\"] }, \"Preview image\": { \"msgid\": \"Preview image\", \"msgstr\": [\"預覽圖片\"] }, \"Select all checkboxes\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all checkboxes\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有核取方塊\"] }, \"Select all existing files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all existing files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有既有檔案\"] }, \"Select all new files\": { \"msgid\": \"Select all new files\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取所有新檔案\"] }, \"Skip this file\": { \"msgid\": \"Skip this file\", \"msgid_plural\": \"Skip {count} files\", \"msgstr\": [\"略過 {count} 檔案\"] }, \"Unknown size\": { \"msgid\": \"Unknown size\", \"msgstr\": [\"未知大小\"] }, \"Upload cancelled\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload cancelled\", \"msgstr\": [\"已取消上傳\"] }, \"Upload files\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload files\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳檔案\"] }, \"Upload progress\": { \"msgid\": \"Upload progress\", \"msgstr\": [\"上傳進度\"] }, \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\": { \"msgid\": \"When an incoming folder is selected, any conflicting files within it will also be overwritten.\", \"msgstr\": [\"選取傳入資料夾後,其中任何的衝突檔案都會被覆寫。\"] }, \"Which files do you want to keep?\": { \"msgid\": \"Which files do you want to keep?\", \"msgstr\": [\"您想保留哪些檔案?\"] }, \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\": { \"msgid\": \"You need to select at least one version of each file to continue.\", \"msgstr\": [\"您必須為每個檔案都至少選取一個版本以繼續。\"] } } } } }].map((data) => gtBuilder.addTranslation(data.locale, data.json));\nconst gt = gtBuilder.build();\nconst n = gt.ngettext.bind(gt);\nconst t = gt.gettext.bind(gt);\nconst logger = getLoggerBuilder().setApp(\"@nextcloud/upload\").detectUser().build();\nvar Status = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Status2) => {\n Status2[Status2[\"IDLE\"] = 0] = \"IDLE\";\n Status2[Status2[\"UPLOADING\"] = 1] = \"UPLOADING\";\n Status2[Status2[\"PAUSED\"] = 2] = \"PAUSED\";\n return Status2;\n})(Status || {});\nconst MAX_CONCURRENCY = 5;\nclass Uploader {\n // Initialized via setter in the constructor\n _destinationFolder;\n _isPublic;\n // Global upload queue\n _uploadQueue = [];\n _jobQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENCY });\n _queueSize = 0;\n _queueProgress = 0;\n _queueStatus = 0;\n _notifiers = [];\n /**\n * Initialize uploader\n *\n * @param {boolean} isPublic are we in public mode ?\n * @param {Folder} destinationFolder the context folder to operate, relative to the root folder\n */\n constructor(isPublic = false, destinationFolder) {\n this._isPublic = isPublic;\n if (!destinationFolder) {\n const source = `${davRemoteURL}${davRootPath}`;\n let owner;\n if (isPublic) {\n owner = \"anonymous\";\n } else {\n const user = getCurrentUser()?.uid;\n if (!user) {\n throw new Error(\"User is not logged in\");\n }\n owner = user;\n }\n destinationFolder = new Folder({\n id: 0,\n owner,\n permissions: Permission.ALL,\n root: davRootPath,\n source\n });\n }\n this.destination = destinationFolder;\n this._jobQueue.addListener(\"idle\", () => this.reset());\n logger.debug(\"Upload workspace initialized\", {\n destination: this.destination,\n root: this.root,\n isPublic,\n maxChunksSize: getMaxChunksSize()\n });\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload destination path relative to the root folder\n */\n get destination() {\n return this._destinationFolder;\n }\n /**\n * Set the upload destination path relative to the root folder\n */\n set destination(folder) {\n if (!folder) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid destination folder\");\n }\n logger.debug(\"Destination set\", { folder });\n this._destinationFolder = folder;\n }\n /**\n * Get the root folder\n */\n get root() {\n return this._destinationFolder.source;\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload queue\n */\n get queue() {\n return this._uploadQueue;\n }\n reset() {\n this._uploadQueue.splice(0, this._uploadQueue.length);\n this._jobQueue.clear();\n this._queueSize = 0;\n this._queueProgress = 0;\n this._queueStatus = 0;\n }\n /**\n * Pause any ongoing upload(s)\n */\n pause() {\n this._jobQueue.pause();\n this._queueStatus = 2;\n }\n /**\n * Resume any pending upload(s)\n */\n start() {\n this._jobQueue.start();\n this._queueStatus = 1;\n this.updateStats();\n }\n /**\n * Get the upload queue stats\n */\n get info() {\n return {\n size: this._queueSize,\n progress: this._queueProgress,\n status: this._queueStatus\n };\n }\n updateStats() {\n const size = this._uploadQueue.map((upload2) => upload2.size).reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);\n const uploaded = this._uploadQueue.map((upload2) => upload2.uploaded).reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);\n this._queueSize = size;\n this._queueProgress = uploaded;\n if (this._queueStatus === 2) {\n return;\n }\n this._queueStatus = this._jobQueue.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;\n }\n addNotifier(notifier) {\n this._notifiers.push(notifier);\n }\n /**\n * Notify listeners of the upload completion\n * @param upload The upload that finished\n */\n _notifyAll(upload2) {\n for (const notifier of this._notifiers) {\n try {\n notifier(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n logger.warn(\"Error in upload notifier\", { error, source: upload2.source });\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Uploads multiple files or folders while preserving the relative path (if available)\n * @param {string} destination The destination path relative to the root folder. e.g. /foo/bar (a file \"a.txt\" will be uploaded then to \"/foo/bar/a.txt\")\n * @param {Array} files The files and/or folders to upload\n * @param {Function} callback Callback that receives the nodes in the current folder and the current path to allow resolving conflicts, all nodes that are returned will be uploaded (if a folder does not exist it will be created)\n * @return Cancelable promise that resolves to an array of uploads\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * // For example this is from handling the onchange event of an input[type=file]\n * async handleFiles(files: File[]) {\n * this.uploads = await this.uploader.batchUpload('uploads', files, this.handleConflicts)\n * }\n *\n * async handleConflicts(nodes: File[], currentPath: string) {\n * const conflicts = getConflicts(nodes, this.fetchContent(currentPath))\n * if (conficts.length === 0) {\n * // No conflicts so upload all\n * return nodes\n * } else {\n * // Open the conflict picker to resolve conflicts\n * try {\n * const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(currentPath, conflicts, this.fetchContent(currentPath), { recursive: true })\n * return [...selected, ...renamed]\n * } catch (e) {\n * return false\n * }\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n */\n batchUpload(destination, files, callback) {\n const rootFolder = new Directory(\"\", files);\n if (!callback) {\n callback = async (files2) => files2;\n }\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const upload2 = new Upload(`${this.root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${destination.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`, false, 0, rootFolder);\n upload2.status = Status$1.UPLOADING;\n this._uploadQueue.push(upload2);\n try {\n const promise = this.uploadDirectory(destination, rootFolder, callback, davGetClient(this.root));\n onCancel(() => promise.cancel());\n const uploads = await promise;\n upload2.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n resolve(uploads);\n } catch (error) {\n logger.error(\"Error in batch upload\", { error });\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n } finally {\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * Helper to create a directory wrapped inside an Upload class\n * @param destination Destination where to create the directory\n * @param directory The directory to create\n * @param client The cached WebDAV client\n */\n createDirectory(destination, directory, client) {\n const folderPath = normalize(`${destination}/${directory.name}`).replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n const rootPath = `${this.root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${folderPath.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`;\n if (!directory.name) {\n throw new Error(\"Can not create empty directory\");\n }\n const currentUpload = new Upload(rootPath, false, 0, directory);\n this._uploadQueue.push(currentUpload);\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const abort = new AbortController();\n onCancel(() => abort.abort());\n currentUpload.signal.addEventListener(\"abort\", () => reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\")));\n await this._jobQueue.add(async () => {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.UPLOADING;\n try {\n await client.createDirectory(folderPath, { signal: abort.signal });\n resolve(currentUpload);\n } catch (error) {\n if (error && typeof error === \"object\" && \"status\" in error && error.status === 405) {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n logger.debug(\"Directory already exists, writing into it\", { directory: directory.name });\n } else {\n currentUpload.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(error);\n }\n } finally {\n this._notifyAll(currentUpload);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n });\n });\n }\n // Helper for uploading directories (recursively)\n uploadDirectory(destination, directory, callback, client) {\n const folderPath = normalize(`${destination}/${directory.name}`).replace(/\\/$/, \"\");\n return new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n const abort = new AbortController();\n onCancel(() => abort.abort());\n const selectedForUpload = await callback(directory.children, folderPath);\n if (selectedForUpload === false) {\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return;\n } else if (selectedForUpload.length === 0 && directory.children.length > 0) {\n resolve([]);\n return;\n }\n const directories = [];\n const uploads = [];\n abort.signal.addEventListener(\"abort\", () => {\n directories.forEach((upload2) => upload2.cancel());\n uploads.forEach((upload2) => upload2.cancel());\n });\n try {\n if (directory.name) {\n uploads.push(this.createDirectory(destination, directory, client));\n await uploads.at(-1);\n }\n for (const node of selectedForUpload) {\n if (node instanceof Directory) {\n directories.push(this.uploadDirectory(folderPath, node, callback, client));\n } else {\n uploads.push(this.upload(`${folderPath}/${node.name}`, node));\n }\n }\n const resolvedUploads = await Promise.all(uploads);\n const resolvedDirectoryUploads = await Promise.all(directories);\n resolve([resolvedUploads, ...resolvedDirectoryUploads].flat());\n } catch (e) {\n abort.abort(e);\n reject(e);\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * Upload a file to the given path\n * @param {string} destination the destination path relative to the root folder. e.g. /foo/bar.txt\n * @param {File|FileSystemFileEntry} fileHandle the file to upload\n * @param {string} root the root folder to upload to\n * @param retries number of retries\n */\n upload(destination, fileHandle, root, retries = 5) {\n root = root || this.root;\n const destinationPath = `${root.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")}/${destination.replace(/^\\//, \"\")}`;\n const { origin } = new URL(destinationPath);\n const encodedDestinationFile = origin + encodePath(destinationPath.slice(origin.length));\n logger.debug(`Uploading ${fileHandle.name} to ${encodedDestinationFile}`);\n const promise = new PCancelable(async (resolve, reject, onCancel) => {\n if (isFileSystemFileEntry(fileHandle)) {\n fileHandle = await new Promise((resolve2) => fileHandle.file(resolve2, reject));\n }\n const file = fileHandle;\n const maxChunkSize = getMaxChunksSize(\"size\" in file ? file.size : void 0);\n const disabledChunkUpload = this._isPublic || maxChunkSize === 0 || \"size\" in file && file.size < maxChunkSize;\n const upload2 = new Upload(destinationPath, !disabledChunkUpload, file.size, file);\n this._uploadQueue.push(upload2);\n this.updateStats();\n onCancel(upload2.cancel);\n if (!disabledChunkUpload) {\n logger.debug(\"Initializing chunked upload\", { file, upload: upload2 });\n const tempUrl = await initChunkWorkspace(encodedDestinationFile, retries);\n const chunksQueue = [];\n for (let chunk = 0; chunk < upload2.chunks; chunk++) {\n const bufferStart = chunk * maxChunkSize;\n const bufferEnd = Math.min(bufferStart + maxChunkSize, upload2.size);\n const blob = () => getChunk(file, bufferStart, maxChunkSize);\n const request = () => {\n return uploadData(\n `${tempUrl}/${chunk + 1}`,\n blob,\n upload2.signal,\n () => this.updateStats(),\n encodedDestinationFile,\n {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"OC-Total-Length\": file.size,\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/octet-stream\"\n },\n retries\n ).then(() => {\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.uploaded + maxChunkSize;\n }).catch((error) => {\n if (error?.response?.status === 507) {\n logger.error(\"Upload failed, not enough space on the server or quota exceeded. Cancelling the remaining chunks\", { error, upload: upload2 });\n upload2.cancel();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n throw error;\n }\n if (!isCancel(error)) {\n logger.error(`Chunk ${chunk + 1} ${bufferStart} - ${bufferEnd} uploading failed`, { error, upload: upload2 });\n upload2.cancel();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n }\n throw error;\n });\n };\n chunksQueue.push(this._jobQueue.add(request));\n }\n try {\n await Promise.all(chunksQueue);\n this.updateStats();\n upload2.response = await axios.request({\n method: \"MOVE\",\n url: `${tempUrl}/.file`,\n headers: {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"OC-Total-Length\": file.size,\n Destination: encodedDestinationFile\n }\n });\n this.updateStats();\n upload2.status = Status$1.FINISHED;\n logger.debug(`Successfully uploaded ${file.name}`, { file, upload: upload2 });\n resolve(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n if (!isCancel(error)) {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(\"Failed assembling the chunks together\");\n } else {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n }\n axios.request({\n method: \"DELETE\",\n url: `${tempUrl}`\n });\n }\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n } else {\n logger.debug(\"Initializing regular upload\", { file, upload: upload2 });\n const blob = await getChunk(file, 0, upload2.size);\n const request = async () => {\n try {\n upload2.response = await uploadData(\n encodedDestinationFile,\n blob,\n upload2.signal,\n (event) => {\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.uploaded + event.bytes;\n this.updateStats();\n },\n void 0,\n {\n \"X-OC-Mtime\": file.lastModified / 1e3,\n \"Content-Type\": file.type\n }\n );\n upload2.uploaded = upload2.size;\n this.updateStats();\n logger.debug(`Successfully uploaded ${file.name}`, { file, upload: upload2 });\n resolve(upload2);\n } catch (error) {\n if (isCancel(error)) {\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n reject(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return;\n }\n if (error?.response) {\n upload2.response = error.response;\n }\n upload2.status = Status$1.FAILED;\n logger.error(`Failed uploading ${file.name}`, { error, file, upload: upload2 });\n reject(\"Failed uploading the file\");\n }\n this._notifyAll(upload2);\n };\n this._jobQueue.add(request);\n this.updateStats();\n }\n return upload2;\n });\n return promise;\n }\n}\nfunction normalizeComponent(scriptExports, render7, staticRenderFns, functionalTemplate, injectStyles, scopeId, moduleIdentifier, shadowMode) {\n var options = typeof scriptExports === \"function\" ? scriptExports.options : scriptExports;\n if (render7) {\n options.render = render7;\n options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns;\n options._compiled = true;\n }\n if (functionalTemplate) {\n options.functional = true;\n }\n if (scopeId) {\n options._scopeId = \"data-v-\" + scopeId;\n }\n var hook;\n if (moduleIdentifier) {\n hook = function(context) {\n context = context || // cached call\n this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || // stateful\n this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext;\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== \"undefined\") {\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__;\n }\n if (injectStyles) {\n injectStyles.call(this, context);\n }\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier);\n }\n };\n options._ssrRegister = hook;\n } else if (injectStyles) {\n hook = shadowMode ? function() {\n injectStyles.call(\n this,\n (options.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot\n );\n } : injectStyles;\n }\n if (hook) {\n if (options.functional) {\n options._injectStyles = hook;\n var originalRender = options.render;\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection(h, context) {\n hook.call(context);\n return originalRender(h, context);\n };\n } else {\n var existing = options.beforeCreate;\n options.beforeCreate = existing ? [].concat(existing, hook) : [hook];\n }\n }\n return {\n exports: scriptExports,\n options\n };\n}\nconst _sfc_main$5 = {\n name: \"CancelIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$5 = function render() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon cancel-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C10.1 4 8.4 4.6 7.1 5.7L18.3 16.9C19.3 15.5 20 13.8 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4M16.9 18.3L5.7 7.1C4.6 8.4 4 10.1 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.9 20 15.6 19.4 16.9 18.3Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$5 = [];\nvar __component__$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$5,\n _sfc_render$5,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$5,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconCancel = __component__$5.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$4 = {\n name: \"FolderUploadIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$4 = function render2() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon folder-upload-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H10L12,6H20M10.75,13H14V17H16V13H19.25L15,8.75\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$4 = [];\nvar __component__$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$4,\n _sfc_render$4,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$4,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconFolderUpload = __component__$4.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$3 = {\n name: \"PlusIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$3 = function render3() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon plus-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$3 = [];\nvar __component__$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$3,\n _sfc_render$3,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$3,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconPlus = __component__$3.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$2 = {\n name: \"UploadIcon\",\n emits: [\"click\"],\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String\n },\n fillColor: {\n type: String,\n default: \"currentColor\"\n },\n size: {\n type: Number,\n default: 24\n }\n }\n};\nvar _sfc_render$2 = function render4() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n return _c(\"span\", _vm._b({ staticClass: \"material-design-icon upload-icon\", attrs: { \"aria-hidden\": _vm.title ? null : true, \"aria-label\": _vm.title, \"role\": \"img\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"click\", $event);\n } } }, \"span\", _vm.$attrs, false), [_c(\"svg\", { staticClass: \"material-design-icon__svg\", attrs: { \"fill\": _vm.fillColor, \"width\": _vm.size, \"height\": _vm.size, \"viewBox\": \"0 0 24 24\" } }, [_c(\"path\", { attrs: { \"d\": \"M9,16V10H5L12,3L19,10H15V16H9M5,20V18H19V20H5Z\" } }, [_vm.title ? _c(\"title\", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.title))]) : _vm._e()])])]);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$2 = [];\nvar __component__$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$2,\n _sfc_render$2,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$2,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null,\n null\n);\nconst IconUpload = __component__$2.exports;\nconst _sfc_main$1 = defineComponent({\n components: {\n NcDialog,\n NcNoteCard,\n NcTextField\n },\n props: {\n error: {\n type: InvalidFilenameError,\n required: true\n },\n /**\n * @deprecated just for legacy reasons, replace with function from @nextcloud/files in future\n */\n validateFilename: {\n type: Function,\n required: true\n }\n },\n setup() {\n return {\n t\n };\n },\n data() {\n return {\n newName: \"\",\n validationError: \"\"\n };\n },\n computed: {\n isValidName() {\n return this.validationError === \"\";\n },\n isInvalidFileType() {\n return this.error.reason === InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Extension && this.error.segment.match(/^\\.\\w/) !== null;\n },\n canRename() {\n return !this.isInvalidFileType;\n },\n dialogButtons() {\n const buttons = [\n {\n label: t(\"Cancel\"),\n type: \"error\",\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { cancel: true });\n }\n },\n {\n label: t(\"Skip\"),\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { skip: true });\n }\n }\n ];\n if (this.canRename) {\n buttons.push({\n label: t(\"Rename\"),\n type: \"primary\",\n disabled: !this.isValidName,\n callback: () => {\n this.$emit(\"close\", { rename: this.newName.trimEnd() });\n }\n });\n }\n return buttons;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n error: {\n handler() {\n this.validationError = this.getErrorText(this.error);\n this.newName = this.error.filename;\n },\n immediate: true\n },\n newName() {\n try {\n this.validateFilename(this.newName.trimEnd());\n this.validationError = \"\";\n } catch (error) {\n this.validationError = this.getErrorText(error);\n } finally {\n const textfield = this.$refs.textfield?.$el.querySelector(\"input\");\n if (textfield) {\n textfield.setCustomValidity(this.validationError);\n textfield.reportValidity();\n }\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n getErrorText(error) {\n switch (error.reason) {\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Character:\n return t('\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a file or folder name.', { segment: error.segment });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.ReservedName:\n return t('\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name.', { segment: error.segment });\n case InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Extension:\n return error.segment.match(/\\.\\w/) ? t('\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file type.', { segment: error.segment }) : t('Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\".', { segment: error.segment });\n }\n }\n }\n});\nvar _sfc_render$1 = function render5() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n _vm._self._setupProxy;\n return _c(\"NcDialog\", { attrs: { \"buttons\": _vm.dialogButtons, \"name\": _vm.t(\"Invalid filename\") }, on: { \"close\": function($event) {\n return _vm.$emit(\"close\", { cancel: true });\n } } }, [_c(\"NcNoteCard\", { attrs: { \"severity\": \"error\" } }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.getErrorText(_vm.error)) + \" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"You can either rename the file, skip this file or cancel the whole operation.\")) + \" \")]), _vm.canRename ? _c(\"NcTextField\", { ref: \"textfield\", staticClass: \"invalid-filename-dialog__input\", attrs: { \"error\": !_vm.isValidName, \"helper-text\": _vm.validationError, \"label\": _vm.t(\"New filename\"), \"value\": _vm.newName }, on: { \"update:value\": function($event) {\n _vm.newName = $event;\n } } }) : _vm._e()], 1);\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns$1 = [];\nvar __component__$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main$1,\n _sfc_render$1,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns$1,\n false,\n null,\n \"3a479259\",\n null,\n null\n);\nconst InvalidFilenameDialog = __component__$1.exports;\nconst _sfc_main = Vue.extend({\n name: \"UploadPicker\",\n components: {\n IconCancel,\n IconFolderUpload,\n IconPlus,\n IconUpload,\n NcActionButton,\n NcActionCaption,\n NcActionSeparator,\n NcActions,\n NcButton,\n NcIconSvgWrapper,\n NcProgressBar\n },\n props: {\n accept: {\n type: Array,\n default: null\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n multiple: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n destination: {\n type: Folder,\n default: void 0\n },\n allowFolders: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n /**\n * List of file present in the destination folder\n * It is also possible to provide a function that takes a relative path to the current directory and returns the content of it\n * Note: If a function is passed it should return the current base directory when no path or an empty is passed\n */\n content: {\n type: [Array, Function],\n default: () => []\n },\n /**\n * Overwrite forbidden characters (by default the capabilities of the server are used)\n * @deprecated Deprecated and will be removed in the next major version\n */\n forbiddenCharacters: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n }\n },\n setup() {\n return {\n t,\n // non reactive data / properties\n progressTimeId: `nc-uploader-progress-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(7)}`\n };\n },\n data() {\n return {\n eta: null,\n timeLeft: \"\",\n newFileMenuEntries: [],\n uploadManager: getUploader()\n };\n },\n computed: {\n menuEntriesUpload() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.UploadFromDevice);\n },\n menuEntriesNew() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.CreateNew);\n },\n menuEntriesOther() {\n return this.newFileMenuEntries.filter((entry) => entry.category === NewMenuEntryCategory.Other);\n },\n /**\n * Check whether the current browser supports uploading directories\n * Hint: This does not check if the current connection supports this, as some browsers require a secure context!\n */\n canUploadFolders() {\n return this.allowFolders && \"webkitdirectory\" in document.createElement(\"input\");\n },\n totalQueueSize() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.size || 0;\n },\n uploadedQueueSize() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.progress || 0;\n },\n progress() {\n return Math.round(this.uploadedQueueSize / this.totalQueueSize * 100) || 0;\n },\n queue() {\n return this.uploadManager.queue;\n },\n hasFailure() {\n return this.queue?.filter((upload2) => upload2.status === Status$1.FAILED).length !== 0;\n },\n isUploading() {\n return this.queue?.length > 0;\n },\n isAssembling() {\n return this.queue?.filter((upload2) => upload2.status === Status$1.ASSEMBLING).length !== 0;\n },\n isPaused() {\n return this.uploadManager.info?.status === Status.PAUSED;\n },\n // Hide the button text if we're uploading\n buttonName() {\n if (this.isUploading) {\n return void 0;\n }\n return t(\"New\");\n }\n },\n watch: {\n allowFolders: {\n immediate: true,\n handler() {\n if (typeof this.content !== \"function\" && this.allowFolders) {\n logger.error(\"[UploadPicker] Setting `allowFolders` is only allowed if `content` is a function\");\n }\n }\n },\n destination(destination) {\n this.setDestination(destination);\n },\n totalQueueSize(size) {\n this.eta = makeEta({ min: 0, max: size });\n this.updateStatus();\n },\n uploadedQueueSize(size) {\n this.eta?.report?.(size);\n this.updateStatus();\n },\n isPaused(isPaused) {\n if (isPaused) {\n this.$emit(\"paused\", this.queue);\n } else {\n this.$emit(\"resumed\", this.queue);\n }\n }\n },\n beforeMount() {\n if (this.destination) {\n this.setDestination(this.destination);\n }\n this.uploadManager.addNotifier(this.onUploadCompletion);\n logger.debug(\"UploadPicker initialised\");\n },\n methods: {\n /**\n * Handle clicking a new-menu entry\n * @param entry The entry that was clicked\n */\n async onClick(entry) {\n entry.handler(\n this.destination,\n await this.getContent().catch(() => [])\n );\n },\n /**\n * Trigger file picker\n * @param uploadFolders Upload folders\n */\n onTriggerPick(uploadFolders = false) {\n const input = this.$refs.input;\n if (this.canUploadFolders) {\n input.webkitdirectory = uploadFolders;\n }\n this.$nextTick(() => input.click());\n },\n /**\n * Helper for backwards compatibility that queries the content of the current directory\n * @param path The current path\n */\n async getContent(path) {\n return Array.isArray(this.content) ? this.content : await this.content(path);\n },\n /**\n * Show a dialog to let the user decide how to proceed with invalid filenames.\n * The returned promise resolves to false if the file should be skipped, and resolves to a string if it should be renamed.\n * The promise rejects when the user want to abort the operation.\n *\n * @param error the validation error\n */\n showInvalidFileNameDialog(error) {\n const { promise, reject, resolve } = Promise.withResolvers();\n spawnDialog(\n InvalidFilenameDialog,\n {\n error,\n validateFilename: this.validateFilename.bind(this)\n },\n (...rest) => {\n const [{ skip, rename }] = rest;\n if (skip) {\n resolve(false);\n } else if (rename) {\n resolve(rename);\n } else {\n reject();\n }\n }\n );\n return promise;\n },\n /**\n * Wrapper to allow overwriting forbidden characters\n * Remove with next major\n * @param filename name to validate\n */\n validateFilename(filename) {\n if (this.forbiddenCharacters.length > 0) {\n for (const c of this.forbiddenCharacters) {\n if (filename.includes(c)) {\n throw new InvalidFilenameError({\n filename,\n reason: InvalidFilenameErrorReason.Character,\n segment: c\n });\n }\n }\n } else {\n validateFilename(filename);\n }\n },\n async handleConflicts(nodes, path) {\n try {\n const content = await this.getContent(path).catch(() => []);\n const conflicts = getConflicts(nodes, content);\n if (conflicts.length > 0) {\n const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(path, conflicts, content, { recursive: true });\n nodes = [...selected, ...renamed];\n }\n const filesToUpload = [];\n for (const file of nodes) {\n try {\n this.validateFilename(file.name);\n filesToUpload.push(file);\n } catch (error) {\n if (!(error instanceof InvalidFilenameError)) {\n logger.error(`Unexpected error while validating ${file.name}`, { error });\n throw error;\n }\n let newName = await this.showInvalidFileNameDialog(error);\n if (newName !== false) {\n newName = getUniqueName(newName, nodes.map((node) => node.name));\n Object.defineProperty(file, \"name\", { value: newName });\n filesToUpload.push(file);\n }\n }\n }\n if (filesToUpload.length === 0 && nodes.length > 0) {\n const folder = basename(path);\n showInfo(\n folder ? t('Upload of \"{folder}\" has been skipped', { folder }) : t(\"Upload has been skipped\")\n );\n }\n return filesToUpload;\n } catch (error) {\n logger.debug(\"Upload has been cancelled\", { error });\n showWarning(t(\"Upload has been cancelled\"));\n return false;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Start uploading\n */\n onPick() {\n const input = this.$refs.input;\n const files = input.files ? Array.from(input.files) : [];\n this.uploadManager.batchUpload(\"\", files, this.handleConflicts).catch((error) => logger.debug(\"Error while uploading\", { error })).finally(() => this.resetForm());\n },\n resetForm() {\n const form = this.$refs.form;\n form?.reset();\n },\n /**\n * Cancel ongoing queue\n */\n onCancel() {\n this.uploadManager.queue.forEach((upload2) => {\n upload2.cancel();\n });\n this.resetForm();\n },\n updateStatus() {\n if (this.isPaused) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"paused\");\n return;\n }\n const estimate = Math.round(this.eta.estimate());\n if (estimate === Infinity) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"estimating time left\");\n return;\n }\n if (estimate < 10) {\n this.timeLeft = t(\"a few seconds left\");\n return;\n }\n if (estimate > 60) {\n const date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0);\n date.setSeconds(estimate);\n const time = date.toISOString().slice(11, 11 + 8);\n this.timeLeft = t(\"{time} left\", { time });\n return;\n }\n this.timeLeft = t(\"{seconds} seconds left\", { seconds: estimate });\n },\n setDestination(destination) {\n if (!this.destination) {\n logger.debug(\"Invalid destination\");\n return;\n }\n this.uploadManager.destination = destination;\n this.newFileMenuEntries = getNewFileMenuEntries(destination);\n },\n onUploadCompletion(upload2) {\n if (upload2.status === Status$1.FAILED) {\n this.$emit(\"failed\", upload2);\n } else {\n this.$emit(\"uploaded\", upload2);\n }\n }\n }\n});\nvar _sfc_render = function render6() {\n var _vm = this, _c = _vm._self._c;\n _vm._self._setupProxy;\n return _vm.destination ? _c(\"form\", { ref: \"form\", staticClass: \"upload-picker\", class: { \"upload-picker--uploading\": _vm.isUploading, \"upload-picker--paused\": _vm.isPaused }, attrs: { \"data-cy-upload-picker\": \"\" } }, [_vm.newFileMenuEntries && _vm.newFileMenuEntries.length === 0 ? _c(\"NcButton\", { attrs: { \"disabled\": _vm.disabled, \"data-cy-upload-picker-add\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-file\", \"type\": \"secondary\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick();\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconPlus\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1991456921) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.buttonName) + \" \")]) : _c(\"NcActions\", { attrs: { \"menu-name\": _vm.buttonName, \"menu-title\": _vm.t(\"New\"), \"type\": \"secondary\" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconPlus\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1991456921) }, [_c(\"NcActionCaption\", { attrs: { \"name\": _vm.t(\"Upload from device\") } }), _c(\"NcActionButton\", { attrs: { \"data-cy-upload-picker-add\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-file\", \"close-after-click\": true }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick();\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconUpload\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 337456192) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"Upload files\")) + \" \")]), _vm.canUploadFolders ? _c(\"NcActionButton\", { attrs: { \"close-after-click\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-add-folders\": \"\", \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": \"upload-folder\" }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onTriggerPick(true);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconFolderUpload\", { staticStyle: { \"color\": \"var(--color-primary-element)\" }, attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 1037549157) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.t(\"Upload folders\")) + \" \")]) : _vm._e(), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesUpload, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n }), _vm.menuEntriesNew.length > 0 ? [_c(\"NcActionSeparator\"), _c(\"NcActionCaption\", { attrs: { \"name\": _vm.t(\"Create new\") } }), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesNew, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n })] : _vm._e(), _vm.menuEntriesOther.length > 0 ? [_c(\"NcActionSeparator\"), _vm._l(_vm.menuEntriesOther, function(entry) {\n return _c(\"NcActionButton\", { key: entry.id, staticClass: \"upload-picker__menu-entry\", attrs: { \"icon\": entry.iconClass, \"close-after-click\": true, \"data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry\": entry.id }, on: { \"click\": function($event) {\n return _vm.onClick(entry);\n } }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([entry.iconSvgInline ? { key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"NcIconSvgWrapper\", { attrs: { \"svg\": entry.iconSvgInline } })];\n }, proxy: true } : null], null, true) }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(entry.displayName) + \" \")]);\n })] : _vm._e()], 2), _c(\"div\", { directives: [{ name: \"show\", rawName: \"v-show\", value: _vm.isUploading, expression: \"isUploading\" }], staticClass: \"upload-picker__progress\" }, [_c(\"NcProgressBar\", { attrs: { \"aria-label\": _vm.t(\"Upload progress\"), \"aria-describedby\": _vm.progressTimeId, \"error\": _vm.hasFailure, \"value\": _vm.progress, \"size\": \"medium\" } }), _c(\"p\", { attrs: { \"id\": _vm.progressTimeId } }, [_vm._v(\" \" + _vm._s(_vm.timeLeft) + \" \")])], 1), _vm.isUploading ? _c(\"NcButton\", { staticClass: \"upload-picker__cancel\", attrs: { \"type\": \"tertiary\", \"aria-label\": _vm.t(\"Cancel uploads\"), \"data-cy-upload-picker-cancel\": \"\" }, on: { \"click\": _vm.onCancel }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: \"icon\", fn: function() {\n return [_c(\"IconCancel\", { attrs: { \"size\": 20 } })];\n }, proxy: true }], null, false, 3076329829) }) : _vm._e(), _c(\"input\", { ref: \"input\", staticClass: \"hidden-visually\", attrs: { \"accept\": _vm.accept?.join?.(\", \"), \"multiple\": _vm.multiple, \"data-cy-upload-picker-input\": \"\", \"type\": \"file\" }, on: { \"change\": _vm.onPick } })], 1) : _vm._e();\n};\nvar _sfc_staticRenderFns = [];\nvar __component__ = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(\n _sfc_main,\n _sfc_render,\n _sfc_staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"3e5a9212\",\n null,\n null\n);\nconst UploadPicker = __component__.exports;\nlet _uploader = null;\nfunction getUploader(isPublic = isPublicShare(), forceRecreate = false) {\n if (_uploader instanceof Uploader && !forceRecreate) {\n return _uploader;\n }\n _uploader = new Uploader(isPublic);\n return _uploader;\n}\nfunction upload(destinationPath, file) {\n const uploader = getUploader();\n uploader.upload(destinationPath, file);\n return uploader;\n}\nasync function openConflictPicker(dirname, conflicts, content, options) {\n const ConflictPicker = defineAsyncComponent(() => import(\"./ConflictPicker-CqsvbW_U.mjs\"));\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const picker = new Vue({\n name: \"ConflictPickerRoot\",\n render: (h) => h(ConflictPicker, {\n props: {\n dirname,\n conflicts,\n content,\n recursiveUpload: options?.recursive === true\n },\n on: {\n submit(results) {\n resolve(results);\n picker.$destroy();\n picker.$el?.parentNode?.removeChild(picker.$el);\n },\n cancel(error) {\n reject(error ?? new Error(\"Canceled\"));\n picker.$destroy();\n picker.$el?.parentNode?.removeChild(picker.$el);\n }\n }\n })\n });\n picker.$mount();\n document.body.appendChild(picker.$el);\n });\n}\nfunction hasConflict(files, content) {\n return getConflicts(files, content).length > 0;\n}\nfunction getConflicts(files, content) {\n const contentNames = content.map((node) => node.basename);\n const conflicts = files.filter((node) => {\n const name = \"basename\" in node ? node.basename : node.name;\n return contentNames.indexOf(name) !== -1;\n });\n return conflicts;\n}\nexport {\n Status as S,\n UploadPicker as U,\n n as a,\n getConflicts as b,\n Upload as c,\n Status$1 as d,\n getUploader as g,\n hasConflict as h,\n isFileSystemEntry as i,\n logger as l,\n normalizeComponent as n,\n openConflictPicker as o,\n t,\n upload as u\n};\n","import axios from './lib/axios.js';\n\n// This module is intended to unwrap Axios default export as named.\n// Keep top-level export same with static properties\n// so that it can keep same with es module or cjs\nconst {\n Axios,\n AxiosError,\n CanceledError,\n isCancel,\n CancelToken,\n VERSION,\n all,\n Cancel,\n isAxiosError,\n spread,\n toFormData,\n AxiosHeaders,\n HttpStatusCode,\n formToJSON,\n getAdapter,\n mergeConfig\n} = axios;\n\nexport {\n axios as default,\n Axios,\n AxiosError,\n CanceledError,\n isCancel,\n CancelToken,\n VERSION,\n all,\n Cancel,\n isAxiosError,\n spread,\n toFormData,\n AxiosHeaders,\n HttpStatusCode,\n formToJSON,\n getAdapter,\n mergeConfig\n}\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\tid: moduleId,\n\t\tloaded: false,\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Flag the module as loaded\n\tmodule.loaded = true;\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n__webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;\n\n","// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {\n\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n\t\t() => (module['default']) :\n\t\t() => (module);\n\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });\n\treturn getter;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.f = {};\n// This file contains only the entry chunk.\n// The chunk loading function for additional chunks\n__webpack_require__.e = (chunkId) => {\n\treturn Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce((promises, key) => {\n\t\t__webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);\n\t\treturn promises;\n\t}, []));\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.u = (chunkId) => {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn \"\" + chunkId + \"-\" + chunkId + \".js?v=\" + {\"1902\":\"bce1c3eccddae835c52e\",\"5606\":\"a12df73c65bb12f16218\",\"6652\":\"4286ceaf84f9853441f8\",\"8066\":\"f1f0a3884f0b92377e6a\"}[chunkId] + \"\";\n};","__webpack_require__.g = (function() {\n\tif (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn this || new Function('return this')();\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tif (typeof window === 'object') return window;\n\t}\n})();","__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","__webpack_require__.nmd = (module) => {\n\tmodule.paths = [];\n\tif (!module.children) module.children = [];\n\treturn module;\n};","__webpack_require__.j = 1171;","var scriptUrl;\nif (__webpack_require__.g.importScripts) scriptUrl = __webpack_require__.g.location + \"\";\nvar document = __webpack_require__.g.document;\nif (!scriptUrl && document) {\n\tif (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT')\n\t\tscriptUrl = document.currentScript.src;\n\tif (!scriptUrl) {\n\t\tvar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\t\tif(scripts.length) {\n\t\t\tvar i = scripts.length - 1;\n\t\t\twhile (i > -1 && (!scriptUrl || !/^http(s?):/.test(scriptUrl))) scriptUrl = scripts[i--].src;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n// When supporting browsers where an automatic publicPath is not supported you must specify an output.publicPath manually via configuration\n// or pass an empty string (\"\") and set the __webpack_public_path__ variable from your code to use your own logic.\nif (!scriptUrl) throw new Error(\"Automatic publicPath is not supported in this browser\");\nscriptUrl = scriptUrl.replace(/#.*$/, \"\").replace(/\\?.*$/, \"\").replace(/\\/[^\\/]+$/, \"/\");\n__webpack_require__.p = scriptUrl;","__webpack_require__.b = document.baseURI || self.location.href;\n\n// object to store loaded and loading chunks\n// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched\n// [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded\nvar installedChunks = {\n\t1171: 0\n};\n\n__webpack_require__.f.j = (chunkId, promises) => {\n\t\t// JSONP chunk loading for javascript\n\t\tvar installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? 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undefined;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.name = 'ChunkLoadError';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.type = errorType;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.request = realSrc;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData[1](error);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, \"chunk-\" + chunkId, chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n};\n\n// no prefetching\n\n// no preloaded\n\n// no HMR\n\n// no HMR manifest\n\n__webpack_require__.O.j = (chunkId) => (installedChunks[chunkId] === 0);\n\n// install a JSONP callback for chunk loading\nvar webpackJsonpCallback = (parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) => {\n\tvar chunkIds = data[0];\n\tvar moreModules = data[1];\n\tvar runtime = data[2];\n\t// add \"moreModules\" to the modules object,\n\t// then flag all \"chunkIds\" as loaded and fire callback\n\tvar moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;\n\tif(chunkIds.some((id) => (installedChunks[id] !== 0))) {\n\t\tfor(moduleId in moreModules) {\n\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {\n\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);\n\t}\n\tif(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);\n\tfor(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {\n\t\tchunkId = chunkIds[i];\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {\n\t\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId][0]();\n\t\t}\n\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t}\n\treturn __webpack_require__.O(result);\n}\n\nvar chunkLoadingGlobal = self[\"webpackChunknextcloud\"] = self[\"webpackChunknextcloud\"] || [];\nchunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));\nchunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));","__webpack_require__.nc = 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