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File metadata and controls

133 lines (99 loc) · 4.94 KB

nf-core/configs: University of Ghent High Performance Computing Infrastructure (VSC)



You will need an account to use the HPC cluster to run the pipeline.

Regarding environment variables in ~/.bashrc, make sure you have a setup similar to the one below. If you're already part of a VO, ask for one or use VSC_DATA_USER instead of VSC_DATA_VO_USER.

# Needed for Tier1 accounts, not for Tier2
# Needed for running Nextflow jobs
export NXF_HOME=$VSC_DATA_VO_USER/.nextflow
# Needed for running Apptainer containers
export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR=$VSC_DATA_VO_USER/.apptainer/cache
export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=$VSC_DATA_VO_USER/.apptainer/tmp

First you should go to the cluster you want to run the pipeline on. You can check what clusters have the most free space on this link. Use the following commands to easily switch between clusters:

module purge
module swap cluster/<CLUSTER>

Before running the pipeline you will need to create a PBS script to submit as a job.


module load Nextflow

nextflow run <pipeline> -profile vsc_ugent <Add your other parameters>

All of the intermediate files required to run the pipeline will be stored in the work/ directory. It is recommended to delete this directory after the pipeline has finished successfully because it can get quite large, and all of the main output files will be saved in the results/ directory anyway. The config contains a cleanup command that removes the work/ directory automatically once the pipeline has completed successfully. If the run does not complete successfully then the work/ dir should be removed manually to save storage space.

You can also add several TORQUE options to the PBS script. More about this on this link.

To submit your job to the cluster by using the following command:

qsub <script name>.pbs


The profile only works for the clusters shinx, skitty, kirlia, doduo and all tier1 clusters.


The default directory where the work/ and singularity/ (cache directory for images) is located in $VSC_SCRATCH_VO_USER (when you are part of a VO) or $VSC_SCRATCH (when you are not part of a VO) for tier2 clusters and $VSC_SCRATCH_PROJECTS_BASE/<tier1_project_name> for tier1 clusters.

Use Apptainer containers

The VSC does not support Apptainer containers provided via a URL (e.g., shub://... or docker://...). One solution is to download all the containers beforehand, like in this pipeline.

First get the containers.json file from the pipeline you want to run:

nextflow inspect -profile vsc_ugent > containers.json

Then run a build script (script appended below) to build all the containers. This can take a long time and a lot of space, but it is a one-time cost. For many large images, consider running this as a job.

bash containers.json
#!/bin/env bash

# avoid that Apptainer uses $HOME/.cache
export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR=/tmp/$USER/apptainer/cache
# instruct Apptainer to use temp dir on local filessytem
export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=/tmp/$USER/apptainer/tmpdir
# specified temp dir must exist, so create it

# pull all containers from the given JSON file
# usage: containers.json [FORCE]

echo "Building containers from $JSON"
NAMES=$(sed -nE 's/.*"name": "([^"]*)".*/\1/p' $JSON)
CONTAINERS=$(sed -nE 's/.*"container": "([^"]*)".*/\1/p' $JSON)
# default FORCE to false
# paste name and containers together
paste <(echo "$NAMES") <(echo "$CONTAINERS") | while IFS=$'\t' read -r name container; do
    # is sif already present, continue unless FORCE is true
    if [ -f "$name.sif" ] && [ "$FORCE" != "true" ]; then

    # if container is null, skip
    if [ -z "$container" ]; then

    # if not docker://, add docker://
    if [[ $container != docker://* ]]; then
    echo "Building $container"
    # overwrite the existing container
    apptainer build --fakeroot /tmp/$USER/$name.sif $container
    mv /tmp/$USER/$name.sif $name.sif

Use GPUs for your pipelines

Overwrite the container in your nextflow.config. If you need GPU support, also apply the label 'use_gpu':

process {
    withName: DEEPCELL_MESMER {
        label = 'use_gpu'
        // container ""
        container = "./DEEPCELL_MESMER_GPU.sif"