diff --git a/index.qmd b/index.qmd
index b2f7238..2160335 100644
--- a/index.qmd
+++ b/index.qmd
@@ -24,43 +24,39 @@ CRM defines abstract types of entities (CRM classes) such as events, measurement
The CRM classes [E61 Time Primitive], [E94 Space Primitive], and [E95 Spacetime Primitive] are both subclasses of [E59 Primitive Value] and of [E41 Appellation], so the latter can be used when a mapping to established RDF data types is not applicable.
-- instances of [E61 Time Primitive] and [E52 Time-Span] eare expressed as RDF literals of type `xsd:date`, `xsd:time`, `xsd:dateTime`, or `xsd:dateTimeStamp` if applicable. More complex time values should be expressed using the [Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF)](https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/) but there is no established method to calculate with EDTF in RDF yet.^[See for a draft.] CRM includes its own classes and properties to model more complex temporal values so this has not been decided yet.
- ~~~ttl
- @prefix edtf:
- @prefix unit: .
- a crm:E81_Transformation ;
- crm:P124_transformed ;
- crm:P123_resulted_in .
- crm:P4_has_time-span
- "1912-04-15"^^xsd:date , # or ^^edtf:EDTF (subsumes xsd:date)
- [
- a crm:E52_Time-Span ;
- crm:P82_at_some_time_within "1912-04-15"^^xsd:date
- ] ;
- # TODO: add exact time of sinking (02:38–05:18 GMT)
- crm:P191_had_duration [
- crm:P90_has_value 160 ;
- crm:P91_has_unit unit:MIN
- ]
- .
- ~~~
-- instances of [E94 Space Primitive] should be expressed using [GeoSPARQL] Ontology as instance of `geo:hasGeometry`, compatible with various geographic data formats (WKT, GeoJSON, GML...).^[See also CRM Geo draft at , defining superclasses of `geo:Geometry`.] CRM Property [P168 place is defined by] should be expressed with RDF property `geo:hasGeometry`. CRM Properties [P171 at some place within], and [P172 contains] can be used as RDF properties to link places ([E53 Place]) to outer and inner geometries but `geo:hasBoundingBox` and `geo:hasCentroid` should be preferred, if applicable.
- ~~~ttl
- a crm:E53_Place ;
- crm:P89_falls_within ;
- geo:hasGeometry [ a geo:Geometry ;
- geo:asGeoJSON '{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-49.946944,41.7325,-3803]}' ;
- geo:asWKT "POINT (-49.946944 41.7325 -3803)" ;
- ] .
- ~~~
- GeoSPARQL properties `geo:hasMetricSpatialResolution` and/or `geo:hasSpatialAccuracy` can be used to indicate level of detail.
-- instances of [E95 Spacetime Primitive] ... (TODO)
+Instances of **[E61 Time Primitive] and [E52 Time-Span]** are better expressed as RDF literals of type `xsd:date`, `xsd:time`, `xsd:dateTime`, or `xsd:dateTimeStamp` if applicable. More complex time values should be expressed using the [Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF)](https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/) but there is no established method to calculate with EDTF in RDF yet.^[See for a draft.] CRM includes its own classes and properties to model more complex temporal values so this has not been decided yet.
+@prefix edtf:
+@prefix unit: .
+ a crm:E81_Transformation ;
+ crm:P124_transformed ;
+ crm:P123_resulted_in .
+ crm:P4_has_time-span
+ "1912-04-15"^^xsd:date , # or ^^edtf:EDTF (subsumes xsd:date)
+ [
+ a crm:E52_Time-Span ;
+ crm:P82_at_some_time_within "1912-04-15"^^xsd:date
+ ] ;
+ # TODO: add exact time of sinking (02:38–05:18 GMT)
+Instances of **[E94 Space Primitive]** should be expressed using [GeoSPARQL] Ontology as instance of `geo:hasGeometry`, compatible with various geographic data formats (WKT, GeoJSON, GML...).^[See also CRM Geo draft at , defining superclasses of `geo:Geometry`.] CRM Property [P168 place is defined by] should be expressed with RDF property `geo:hasGeometry`. CRM Properties [P171 at some place within], and [P172 contains] can be used as RDF properties to link places ([E53 Place]) to outer and inner geometries but `geo:hasBoundingBox` and `geo:hasCentroid` should be preferred, if applicable.
+ a crm:E53_Place ;
+ crm:P89_falls_within ;
+ geo:hasGeometry [ a geo:Geometry ;
+ geo:asGeoJSON '{"type": "Point","coordinates": [-49.946944,41.7325,-3803]}' ;
+ geo:asWKT "POINT (-49.946944 41.7325 -3803)" ;
+ ] .
+GeoSPARQL properties `geo:hasMetricSpatialResolution` and/or `geo:hasSpatialAccuracy` can be used to indicate level of detail.
+Instances of [E95 Spacetime Primitive] ... (TODO)
[GeoSPARQL]: https://www.ogc.org/de/publications/standard/geosparql/
@@ -103,10 +99,10 @@ Defintion of instances of [E58 Measurement Unit] should be avoided but either ta
@prefix unit: .
@prefix cdt: .
- crm:P40 observed dimension [
- crm:P90_has_value 7 ; crm:P91_has_unit unit:M ; # QUDT unit URI
- rdf:value "7 m"^^cdt:ucum # UCUM value
+ crm:P191_had_duration [ a crm:E54_Dimension ;
+ crm:P90_has_value 160 ; crm:P91_has_unit unit:MIN ; # value and QUDT unit
+ rdf:value "7 min"^^cdt:ucum # UCUM string
] .