Download bwa:
cd sudo apt-get install bwa samtools
Now, go to a new directory and grab the data:
mkdir ~/mapping cd ~/mapping curl -O curl -O
And extract the files:
for file in *fq.gz do gunzip $file done
We will also need the assembly; rather than rebuilding it, you can download a copy that we saved for you:
curl -O gunzip subset_assembly.fa
First, we will need to to index the megahit assembly:
bwa index subset_assembly.fa
to The reads are in paired-end/interleaved format, so you'll need to add the -p flag to indicate to bwa that these are paired end data:
Map the reads:
for i in *fq do bwa mem -p subset_assembly.fa $i > ${i}.aln.sam done
First, index the assembly for samtools:
samtools faidx subset_assembly.fa
Then, convert both SAM files to BAM files:
for i in *.sam do samtools import subset_assembly.fa $i $i.bam samtools sort $i.bam -o $i.bam.sorted.bam samtools index $i.bam.sorted.bam done
Find a contig name to visualize:
grep -v ^@ | cut -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
Pick one e.g. k99_13588.
Now execute:
samtools tview subset_assembly.fa -p k99_13588:400
(use arrow keys to scroll, 'q' to quit; a key for what you are looking at: `pileup format<>`__.)
Look at it in both mappings:
samtools tview subset_assembly.fa -p k99_13588:400
Why is the mapping so good??
We can now use the mapped data to estimate mean coverage of contigs in our assembly.
To do this we will be using bedtools. to estimate coverage.
First, install bedtools:
sudo apt-get install bedtools
Now, use the genomeCoverageBed to quantify coverage from the bam files:
for i in *sorted.bam do genomeCoverageBed -ibam $i > ${i/.pe*/} done
Take a look at the output.
- Contig name
- Depth of coverage
- Number of bases on contig depth equal to column 2
- Size of contig (or entire genome) in base pairs
- Fraction of bases on contig (or entire genome) with depth equal to column 2
To get an esimate of mean coverage for a contig we sum (Depth of coverage) * (Number of bases on contig) / (Length of the contig). We have a quick script that will do this calculation.
Download it:
Install pandas:
sudo pip install pandas
And then run it!:
for hist in * do python $hist done
This will produce a new set of files that have the coverage information.
As a comparison, let's look at some untrimmed data.
Grab untrimmed data:
curl -O curl -O
Now align this untrimmed data:
gunzip -c SRR1976948_1.fastq.gz | head -800000 > SRR1976948.1 gunzip -c SRR1976948_2.fastq.gz | head -800000 > SRR1976948.2 bwa aln subset_assembly.fa SRR1976948.1 > SRR1976948_1.untrimmed.sai bwa aln subset_assembly.fa SRR1976948.2 > SRR1976948_2.untrimmed.sai bwa sampe subset_assembly.fa SRR1976948_1.untrimmed.sai SRR1976948_2.untrimmed.sai SRR1976948.1 SRR1976948.2 > SRR1976948.untrimmed.sam i=SRR1976948.untrimmed.sam samtools import subset_assembly.fa $i $i.bam samtools sort $i.bam -o $i.bam.sorted.bam samtools index $i.bam.sorted.bam
And now look:
samtools tview SRR1976948.untrimmed.sam.bam.sorted.bam subset_assembly.fa -p k99_13588:500
You can also use 'Tablet' to view the downloaded BAM file - see the Tablet paper.
How is this different from the trimmed data? Look at a few different contigs.