Source of the Amazon
is a haskell library built on top of
amazonka that is designed as
a robust, higher level of abstraction to AWS interfaces. Sub-packages
within mismi are built individually per AWS service to aid with
haskell modularity.
This library has been used extensively in a production setting at
since early 2015.
The goal of the initial hackage release 0.0.1
was to provide mismi
as is, with minimal change. Future work will look at removing a lot of
the technical debt that has accumlated over the years will most like
result in a major version change.
Permissions required for testing:
- tba
Optional environment variables that can be used to disable testing on AWS resources, all variables default to 'true'.
Resources that are used when running test are configurable via:
`AWS_TEST_SECURITY_GROUP` - defaults to ""
`AWS_TEST_IMAGE_ID` - defaults to "ami-a1abbfc2"
`AWS_TEST_IAM_ROLE` - defaults to ""
`AWS_TEST_BUCKET` - defaults to "ambiata-dev-view"
to true
to enable amazonka debugging
See Mismi.Control
to add a logger to the runner
runAWS :: Region -> AWS a -> EitherT AWSError IO a
runAWS r a = do
lgr <- newLogger Trace stdout
e <- liftIO $ AWS.getEnv r Discover <&> envLogger .~ lgr
runAWSWithEnv e a