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MHS Adaptor - Developer Notes

The following sections are intended to provide the necessary info on how to configure and run the MHS adaptor.


You'll need to have a connection to Spine. For testing purposes, you can use Opentest. See Setup an OpenTest connection for details.

Finally, ensure you have Pipenv installed and on your path, then within each of the subfolders common, inbound and outbound in this directory, run:

pipenv install

Developer Setup

To prepare a development environment for this application, ensure you have Pipenv installed and on your path, then within each of the subfolders common, inbound and outbound in this directory, run:

pipenv install --dev

If the build fails due to dependency issues with proton, follow these instructions:

  1. Visit:
  2. Download the 'Community Edition'
  3. Run the installer once the download has completed
  4. Select the Desktop development with C++ workload option
  5. Once the installation has completed you may have to reboot.

Running the MHS Adaptor locally

The MHS Adaptor is made up of multiple components, and running them all separately can be tedious. Instead, follow the steps described in running an MHS Adaptor locally for how to run the required set of docker containers locally.

API docs

MHS outbound (which is the API that suppliers use to make requests to the MHS) is documented using OpenAPI. These docs can be generated by running pipenv run generate-openapi-docs in the mhs/outbound folder. The output of this command can be saved to a file, then transformed into another format (eg client SDK, HTML docs) using various OpenAPI tools available online. For example:

pipenv run generate-openapi-docs > test.json
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local  openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -g html -i /local/test.json -o /local/out/html

generates HTML docs. An invocation of this command can be seen here.

Environment Variables

MHS takes a number of environment variables when it is run. These are:

  • MHS_LOG_LEVEL This is required to be set to one of: INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL, where INFO displays the most logs and CRITICAL displays the least. Note: Setting this value to one of the more detailed 'standard' Python log levels (such as DEBUG or NOTSET) may result in the libraries used by this application logging details that contain sensitive information such as the content of messages being sent.
  • MHS_SECRET_PARTY_KEY (inbound & outbound only) The party key associated with your MHS.
  • MHS_SECRET_CLIENT_CERT Your endpoint certificate
  • MHS_SECRET_CLIENT_KEY Your endpoint private key
  • MHS_SECRET_CA_CERTS Should include the following in this order: endpoint issuing subCA certificate, root CA Certificate.
  • MHS_STATE_TABLE_NAME (inbound & outbound only) The name of the DB table used to store MHS state.
  • MHS_SYNC_ASYNC_STATE_TABLE_NAME (inbound & outbound only) The table name used to store sync async responses
  • MHS_STATE_STORE_MAX_RETRIES' (inbound & outbound only) The max number of retries when attempting to interact with either the work description or sync-async store. Defaults to 3
  • MHS_OUTBOUND_TRANSMISSION_MAX_RETRIES (outbound only) This is the maximum number of retries for outbound requests. If no value is given a default of 3 is used.
  • MHS_OUTBOUND_TRANSMISSION_RETRY_DELAY (outbound only) The delay between retries of outbound requests in milliseconds. If no value is given, a default of 100 is used.
  • MHS_OUTBOUND_HTTP_PROXY (outbound only) An optional http(s) proxy to route downstream requests via. Note that the proxy must passthrough https requests transparently.
  • MHS_OUTBOUND_HTTP_PROXY_PORT (outbound only) The http(s) proxy port to use. Ignored if MHS_OUTBOUND_HTTP_PROXY is not provided. Defaults to 3128.
  • MHS_OUTBOUND_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE (outbound only) Verification of the server certificate received when making a connection to the spine MHS.
  • MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_BROKERS (inbound only) The url(s) of the amqp inbound queue broker(s). e.g. amqps:// Note that if the amqp connection being used is a secured connection (which it should be in production), then the url should start with amqps:// and not amqp+ssl://. This URL should not include the queue name. Can be a coma-separated list or urls for HA
  • MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_NAME The name of the queue on the broker identified by MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_BROKERS to place inbound messages on. e.g queue-name
  • MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_MESSAGE_TTL_IN_SECONDS Defines Time-To-Live of inbound queue messages
  • MHS_SECRET_INBOUND_QUEUE_USERNAME (inbound only) The username to use when connecting to the amqp inbound queue.
  • MHS_SECRET_INBOUND_QUEUE_PASSWORD (inbound only) The password to use when connecting to the amqp inbound queue.
  • MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_MAX_RETRIES (inbound only) The max number of times to retry putting a message onto the amqp inbound queue. Defaults to 3.
  • MHS_INBOUND_QUEUE_RETRY_DELAY (inbound only) The delay in milliseconds between retrying putting a message onto the amqp inbound queue. Defaults to 100ms.
  • MHS_SYNC_ASYNC_STORE_MAX_RETRIES' (inbound only) The max number of retries when attempting to add a message to the sync-async store. Defaults to 3
  • MHS_SYNC_ASYNC_STORE_RETRY_DELAY (inbound only) The delay in milliseconds between retrying placing a message on the sysnc-async store. Defaults to 100ms
  • MHS_RESYNC_RETRIES (outbound only) The total number of attempts made to the sync-async store during resynchronisation, defaults to 20
  • MHS_RESYNC_INTERVAL (outbound only) The time in between polls of the sync-async store, the interval is in seconds and defaults to 1
  • MHS_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_URL (outbound only) The URL of the Spine route lookup service. E.g This URL should not contain path or query parameter parts.
  • MHS_SPINE_ORG_CODE (outbound only) The organisation code for the Spine instance that your MHS is communicating with. E.g YES
  • MHS_SECRET_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_CLIENT_CERT (outbound only) Optional. The client certificate to present when making HTTPS connections to the Spine Route Lookup service. If not specified, no client certificate will be presented.
  • MHS_SECRET_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_CLIENT_KEY (outbound only) Optional. The private key for the client certificate to present when making HTTPS connections to the Spine Route Lookup service. Must be specified if MHS_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_CLIENT_CERT is provided.
  • MHS_SECRET_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_CA_CERTS (outbound only) Optional. The CA certificates used to validate the certificate presented by the Spine Route Lookup service. Should include the following in this order: endpoint issuing subCA certificate, root CA Certificate. If not specified, the system defaults will be used.
  • MHS_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_HTTP_PROXY (outbound only) An optional http(s) proxy to route requests to the Spine Route Lookup service via. Note that the proxy must pass through https requests transparently.
  • MHS_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_HTTP_PROXY_PORT (outbound only) The http(s) proxy port to use for the Spine Route Lookup service proxy. Ignored if MHS_SPINE_ROUTE_LOOKUP_HTTP_PROXY is not provided. Defaults to 3128.
  • MHS_SDS_URL (Spine Route Lookup service only) The URL to communicate with SDS on. e.g. ldaps://
  • MHS_SDS_SEARCH_BASE (Spine Route Lookup service only) The LDAP location to use as the base of SDS searches, e.g. ou=services,o=nhs. This value is specific to the SDS instance you configure your MHS to communicate with and should not contain whitespace.
  • MHS_DISABLE_SDS_TLS (Spine Route Lookup service only) An optional flag that can be set to disable TLS for SDS connections. Must be set to exactly True for TLS to be disabled.
  • MHS_SDS_CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME (Spine Route Lookup service only). An optional value that specifies the time (in seconds) that a value should be held in the SDS cache. Defaults to 900 (fifteen minutes)
  • MHS_SDS_REDIS_CACHE_HOST (Spine Route Lookup service only). The Redis host to use when caching SDS information retrieved from SDS.
  • MHS_SDS_REDIS_CACHE_PORT (Spine Route Lookup service only). An optional value that specified the port to use when connecting to the Redis host specified by MHS_SDS_REDIS_CACHE_HOST. Defaults to 6379.
  • MHS_SDS_REDIS_DISABLE_TLS (Spine Route Lookup service only) An optional flag that can be set to disable TLS for connections to the Redis cache used by the Spine Route Lookup service. Must be set to exactly True for TLS to be disabled.
  • MHS_FORWARD_RELIABLE_ENDPOINT_URL (outbound only) The URL to communicate with Spine for Forward Reliable messaging
  • MHS_RESYNC_INITIAL_DELAY (Outbound service only) The initial delay (in seconds) before making the first poll to the sync-async store after the outbound service receives an acknowledgement from Spine
  • MHS_SPINE_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE (outbound service only) The maximum size (in bytes) that request bodies sent to Spine are allowed to be. This should be set minus any HTTP headers and other content in the HTTP packets sent to Spine. e.g. Setting this to ~400 bytes less than the maximum request body size should be roughly the correct value (calculating this value accurately is pretty much impossible as one of the HTTP headers is the Content-Length header which varies depending on the request body size).
  • MHS_LAZY_LDAP use lazy connection from spine route lookup component to SPINE LDAP service

Note that if you are using Opentest, you should use the credentials you were given when you got access to set MHS_SECRET_PARTY_KEY, MHS_SECRET_CLIENT_CERT, MHS_SECRET_CLIENT_KEY and MHS_SECRET_CA_CERTS.

Running Unit Tests

  • pipenv run unittests will run all unit tests.
  • pipenv run unittests-cov will run all unit tests, generating a Coverage report in the test-reports directory.
  • pipenv run coverage-report will print the coverage report generated by unittests-cov
  • pipenv run coverage-report-xml will produce an XML version of the coverage report generated by unittests-cov, in a Cobertura compatible format
  • pipenv run coverage-report-html will produce an HTML version of the coverage report generated by unittests-cov


pipenv run unittests-cov will run all unit tests with coverage enabled.
pipenv run coverage-report-xml will generate an xml file which can then be submitted for coverage analysis.


To use sonarqube analysis you will need to have installed sonar-scanner.
Ensure sonar-scanner is on your path, and configured for the sonarqube host with appropriate token. (See: SonarQube)
sonar-scanner will use to submit source to sonarqube for analysis.
NOTE: Coverage will not show in the analysis unless you have already generated the xml report (as per above.)

Running Integration Tests

See the integration tests README.

Timeouts received whilst waiting for a response from Spine on a Windows machine could be due to the machine rejecting incoming connections on port 443. In order to open the port, follow these instructions:

Any content POSTed to / on port 80 will result in the request configuration for the Interaction-Id header in data/interactions.json being loaded and the content sent as the body of the request to Spine. Adding entries to interactions.json will allow you to define new supported interactions.