Here is a list of some frequently asked questions about #matrix.
You can use Stackoverflow or Slack for that. Please, do not open a support ticket in any Resultados Digitais channel.
If you come across something that looks like a bug, start by searching our Github issues to see if it has already been reported. If it has, please let us know you're experiencing the same issue by reacting with a thumbs up emoji or adding a comment providing additional information.
If the bug has not yet been reported, go ahead and open a bug report. We suggest collecting the following information to help us reproduce the issue:
- Server logs
- Javascript console logs
- Can it be reproduced on the sample dataset? (Rooms / Enviroments config)
- Your #matrix version
- Where #matrix is running (Docker image, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, Linux/Ubuntu, etc)
- What browser version
- Screenshots (if relevant)
Absolutely! New features can be added as issues in our Github repo. Before filing, take a minute to search and see if your feature has already been requested. If it has, it’s better to leave a thumbs up reaction on the existing issue than to file a new one. We use the thumbs up to measure how interested our community is in new features, so it’s better to have all of the thumbs ups captured on one issue.
Nowadays #matrix only support Google Auth, but we are working in provide other solutions (see #229 for more details)