The relationshiptypes subfolder contains CSV configuration files that help modify and create Relationship types. It should be possible in most cases to configure them via a single CSV configuration file, however there can be as many CSV files as desired.
This is a possible example of how the configuration subfolder may look like:
└── relationshiptypes.csv
The CSV configuration allows to either modify existing relationship types or to create new relationship types. Here is a sample CSV:
Uuid | Void/Retire | Name | Description | A is to B | B is to A | Weight | Preferred | _order:2000 |
c86d9979-b8ac-4d8c-85cf-cc04e7f16315 | Grandparent/Grandchild | The child of one's child, or parent of one's parent | Grandparent | Grandchild | 3 | true |
Please see the RelationshipType documentation for information about how relationship types should be used in OpenMRS.
The relationship type name.
The relationship type description.
The relationship that one person has to the other.
The corresponding relationship to A is to B
An integer. Probably not used for anything.
A boolean. Probably not used for anything.
Please look at the test configuration folder for sample import files for all domains, see here.