An interpreter for the Monkey programming language, written in C++.
Based on the book Writing An Interpreter In Go by Thorsten Ball.
How to build and run the Monkey REPL.
cmake -B build -S .
make -C build
To end interactive mode, execute exit
or press Ctrl+D.
Hello, nicdgonzalez! This is the Monkey programming language!
Feel free to type in commands.
>>> let five = 5;
Token(LET, "let")
Token(IDENTIFIER, "five")
Token(ASSIGN, "=")
Token(INTEGER, "5")
Token(SEMICOLON, ";")
>>> exit
If you find a bug (program failed to run and/or gave undesired results) or you just want to request a feature, kindly open a new issue here.
This project is primarily focused on learning, so I will likely not integrate pull requests containing substantial code changes. However, feel free to fork the project if you wish to implement significant changes!