Releases: nicehash/NiceHashMiner-Archived
NiceHashMiner v1.4.0.2
This is a bugfix release, the flowing issues have been resolved in this release:
- Added the ability to minimize to tray
- Added a warning message if user is running without benchmarking first
- Improved benchmark status
- Fixed sgminer kernel file not found error on new driver
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace files in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with files from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.4.0.1
This is a bugfix release, the flowing issues have been resolved in this release:
- More information during benchmarking for Submit result
- Fixed Bitcoin address not saving
- Fixed Ethereum benchmarking
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace files in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with files from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.4.0.0
This release brings new features, minor mining performance improvements and several bugfixes:
- Added the ability to submit per-device benchmark results to NiceHash's profitability calculator
- Fixed bug regarding infinite amount of error messages when an invalid Bitcoin address is used
- Removed default Bitcoin address, users are encouraged to use it's own Bitcoin address upon starting NiceHash Miner
- Automatically removes old Ethereum DAG files
- Ethereum benchmark speed is more accurate now by using up-to-date DAG file
- Fixed benchmark DAG file location for Ethereum
- Added trim to remove extra spaces in some of the CPU names
- Added the ability to mine Ethereum on NVIDIA_3.X GPUs
- Removed NeoScrypt from the algo list for NVIDIA_3.X as it is not supported anymore
- Added the ability to mine only with certain device(s) for AMD Ethereum mining
It is recommended that all existing users upgrade to this release. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.3.0.3
This is a bugfix release, the flowing issues have been resolved in this release:
- [General] Update to use the new NiceHash API v1.2.5 (show correct BTC balance in GUI)
- [General] Fixed Ethereum balance calculations (thanks to @SiegHeil )
- [Ethereum] Fixed ethminer.exe crashing problem when there is no CUDA platform available
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace files in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with files from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.3.0.2
This is a bugfix release, the flowing issues have been resolved in this release:
- Ethereum: Fix for 2GB GPUs (still might not work on all kinds of 2GB GPUs)
- AMD_OpenCL: Fix Lyra2REv2 bug
- bundled with new build of sgminer-5.3.0 which reduces CPU usage while running sgminer
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace files in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with files from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
IMPORTANT: If you are using AMD GPUs we suggest you to delete the config.json file re-run the benchmarks (but you can keep the full previous version as backup if you prefer so).
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.3.0.1
This is a bugfix release, the flowing issues have been resolved in this release:
- Ethereum does not use the set ExtraLaunchParameters
- Ethereum crashes if HideMiningWindows is set to true
- "Check my stats online!" link for Ethereum is incorrect
- Ethereum balance is not added correctly
- Fix no internet dialog
- Dialogs won't be on top of other windows
- AMD_OpenCL benchmark does not properly trim the bitcoin address and worker
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace NiceHashMiner.exe in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with .exe from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.3.0.0
Version brings several new features:
- support for Ethereum mining for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
- support for Blake256r8, Blake256r14 and Blake256r8vnl algorithms for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
- ability to auto-scale BTC values in the NiceHash Miner GUI
- ability to disable AMD temperature/fan/gpu control
Please take a look at for the new additional/advanced configuration options. A full re-run of benchmark is needed when upgrading to this new version.
WARNING! When you first start up the miner for Ethereum mining it will generate DAG file, be patient!
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.2.3.2
This is a bugfix release only. No performance improvements or new features. AMD GPU users are recommended to upgrade.
- AMD_OpenCL: Fix default parameters
IMPORTANT: After upgrade you have to remove config.json (make a backup copy) and re-run the benchmark.
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace NiceHashMiner.exe in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with .exe from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.2.3.1
This is a bugfix release only. No performance improvements or new features. All users are recommended to upgrade.
- NVidia2.1: Fix list of algos
- AMD_OpenCL: Fix benchmarking (stratum+tcp:// URL)
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace NiceHashMiner.exe in your existing folder of NiceHashMiner with .exe from the upgrade package. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.
Keep on mining! ;)
NiceHashMiner v1.2.3.0
In this release we add new features, performance increase and bugfixes:
- Added support for X15 algorithm on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs
- Added highly optimized ccminer for NeoScrypt algorithm on NVIDIA 5.x devices (+25% speedup)
- AMD_OpenCL: Improved detection of GPUs
If you already have a working NiceHash Miner from previous release just download the upgrade package and simply replace NiceHashMiner.exe in your existing folder with .exe from the upgrade package and add bin\ccminer_neoscrypt.exe from the upgrade package into your existing folder. However you must also delete config.json file and re-run all benchmarks. If your are a new user, download the full package and follow How to get&run it? instructions.