A simple game built with SDL2 as a demo for the programing language Eme. Check in releases for the latest version to install. All code for the game is mine, but the images are public-domain game assets I found online.
W, A, S, D to move. SPACE to shoot.
First, install Eme here. Then, make sure that you have the SDL2 and SDL_image .dll files in your PATH. The releases version of the game's zip file includes all necessary .dlls, although you could also use the official downloads.
Then, use the Eme compiler to compile the Eme source code:
eme.exe src/main.eme -o out.obj
Then you can use the generated object file with your installation of MSVC to generate an executable output file:
cl.exe "src/support.c" /nologo /Fe"game.exe" /link "out.obj" "lib/sdl/SDL2-2.0.20/lib/x64/SDL2.lib" "lib/sdl/SDL2-2.0.20/lib/x64/SDL2main.lib" "lib/sdl/SDL2_image-2.0.5/lib/x64/SDL2_image.lib"
will be the compiled game executable!