Note The old Kalman filter and smoother scripts and the EM scripts now are marked with an
... e.g.,Kfilter1
is nowxKfilter1
etc. etc. etc. BUT, older scripts can be changed to the newer ones with only slight changes. The gain in speed is worth the effort!!
Warning Eventually, the old scripts with an
prefix will be removed.
The three levels of code Kfilter0/Ksmooth0
, Kfilter1/Ksmooth1
, and Kfilter2/Ksmooth2
have been superseded by the newer Kfilter
and Ksmooth
scripts. The new scripts are faster, easier to work with, and they remove the need for 3 different scripts.
This page contains a description of the old code and lists the older Chapter 6 code. What you see here does NOT apply anymore.
For various models, each script provides the Kalman filter/smoother, the innovations and the corresponding variance-covariance matrices, and the value of the innovations likelihood at the location of the parameter values passed to the script. MLE is then accomplished by calling the script that runs the filter. The model is specified by passing the model parameters.
Level 0 is for the case of a fixed measurement matrix and no inputs; i.e., if At = A for all t, and there are no inputs, then use the code at level 0.
If the measurement matrices are time varying or there are inputs, use the code at a higher level (1 or 2). Many of the examples in the text can be done at level 0.
Level 1 allows for time varying measurement matrices and inputs, and level 2 adds the possibility of correlated noise processes.
The models for each case are (x is state, y is observation, and t = 1, …, n):
♦ Level 0: xt = Φ xt-1 + wt, yt = A xt + vt, wt ~ iid Np(0, Q) ⊥ vt ~ iid Nq(0, R) ⊥ x0 ~ Np(μ0, Σ0)
♦ Level 1: xt = Φ xt-1 + Υ ut + wt, yt = At xt + Γ ut + vt, ut are r-dimensional inputs, etc.
♦ Level 2: xt = Φ xt-1 + Υ ut + Θ wt-1, yt = At xt + Γ ut + vt, cov(ws, vt) = S δst, Θ is p × m, and wt is m-dimensional, etc.
The call to Kfilter0 is, Kfilter0(n,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,cQ,cR)
in fairly obvious notation except that cQ
and cR
are the Cholesky-type decompositions of
and R
. In particular Q = t(cQ)%*%cQ
and R = t(cR)%*%cR
is all that is required provided Q
and R
are valid covariance matrices (Q can be singular and there is an example in the text). The call to Ksmooth0
is similar.
In all three cases, the smoother also returns the filter and the likelihood.
The call to the filter is Kfilter1(n,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,Ups,Gam,cQ,cR,input)
where A
is an array with dim=c(q,p,n)
, Ups
is Υ [p × r], Gam
is Γ [q × r], and input
is the matrix of inputs
that has the same row dimension as y (which is n × q), input
is n × r; the state dimension is p). The call to Ksmooth1
is similar. Set Ups
, Gam
, or input
to 0 (zero) if you don't use them.
The call to the filter is Kfilter2(n,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,Ups,Gam,Theta,cQ,cR,S,input)
, which is similar to Kfilter1
but that S
must be included. Kfilter2
runs the filter given in Property 6.5. The call to Ksmooth2
is similar. Set Ups
or Gam
or input
to 0 (zero) if you don't use them.
Example 6.1
tsplot(blood, type='o', col=c(6,4,2), lwd=2, pch=19, cex=1)
Example 6.2
tsplot(cbind(globtemp, globtempl), spag=TRUE, lwd=2, col=astsa.col(c(6,4),.5), ylab="Temperature Deviations")
# or the updated version (one is land only and the other ocean only)
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, pch=20, type="o",
col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.5), ylab="Temperature Deviations", main="Global Warming")
legend("topleft", legend=c("Land Surface", "Sea Surface"), lty=1, pch=20, col=c(4,2), bg="white")
Example 6.5
# generate data
num = 50
w = rnorm(num+1,0,1)
v = rnorm(num,0,1)
mu = cumsum(w) # states: mu[0], mu[1], . . ., mu[50]
y = mu[-1] + v # obs: y[1], . . ., y[50]
# filter and smooth (Ksmooth0 does both)
mu0 = 0; sigma0 = 1; phi = 1; cQ = 1; cR = 1
ks = Ksmooth0(num, y, 1, mu0, sigma0, phi, cQ, cR)
# pictures
Time = 1:num
tsplot(Time, mu[-1], type='p', main="Prediction", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$xp+2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty="dashed", col="blue")
lines(ks$xp-2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty="dashed", col="blue")
tsplot(Time, mu[-1], type='p', main="Filter", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$xf+2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty="dashed", col="blue")
lines(ks$xf-2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty="dashed", col="blue")
tsplot(Time, mu[-1], type='p', main="Smoother", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$xs+2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty="dashed", col="blue")
lines(ks$xs-2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty="dashed", col="blue")
mu[1]; ks$x0n; sqrt(ks$P0n) # initial value info
# In case you can't see the differences in the figures...
# ... either get new glasses or ...
# ... plot them on the same graph (not shown in text)
tsplot(Time, mu[-1], type='o', pch=19, cex=1)
lines(ks$xp, col=4, lwd=3)
lines(ks$xf, col=3, lwd=3)
lines(ks$xs, col=2, lwd=3)
names = c("predictor","filter","smoother")
legend("bottomright", names, col=4:2, lwd=3, lty=1, bg="white")
Example 6.6
# Generate Data
num = 100
N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(n=N, ar=.8)
# below used in text
# x = arima.sim(n=N, list(ar = .8))
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y, lag(y,-1), lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u)
coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
(init.par = c(phi, sqrt(q), sqrt(r)))
# Function to evaluate the likelihood
phi = para[1]; sigw = para[2]; sigv = para[3]
Sigma0 = (sigw^2)/(1-phi^2); Sigma0[Sigma0<0]=0
kf = Kfilter0(num,y,1,mu0=0,Sigma0,phi,sigw,sigv)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, gr=NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
cbind(estimate=c(phi=est$par[1],sigw=est$par[2],sigv=est$par[3]), SE)
Example 6.7
##- slight change from text, the data scaled -##
##- you can remove the scales to get to the original analysis -##
# Setup
y = cbind(globtemp/sd(globtemp), globtempl/sd(globtempl))
num = nrow(y)
input = rep(1,num)
A = array(rep(1,2), dim=c(2,1,num))
mu0 = -.35; Sigma0 = 1; Phi = 1
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
cQ = para[1] # sigma_w
cR1 = para[2] # 11 element of chol(R)
cR2 = para[3] # 22 element of chol(R)
cR12 = para[4] # 12 element of chol(R)
cR = matrix(c(cR1,0,cR12,cR2),2) # put the matrix together
drift = para[5]
kf = Kfilter1(num,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,drift,0,cQ,cR,input)
# Estimation
init.par = c(.1,.1,.1,0,.05) # initial values of parameters
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u)=c("sigw","cR11", "cR22", "cR12", "drift"); u
# Smooth (first set parameters to their final estimates)
cQ = est$par[1]
cR1 = est$par[2]
cR2 = est$par[3]
cR12 = est$par[4]
cR = matrix(c(cR1,0,cR12,cR2), 2)
(R = t(cR)%*%cR) # to view the estimated R matrix
drift = est$par[5]
ks = Ksmooth1(num,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,drift,0,cQ,cR,input)
# Plot
tsplot(y, spag=TRUE, margins=.5, type='o', pch=2:3, col=4:3, lty=6, ylab='Temperature Deviations')
xsm = ts(as.vector(ks$xs), start=1880)
rmse = ts(sqrt(as.vector(ks$Ps)), start=1880)
lines(xsm, lwd=2)
xx = c(time(xsm), rev(time(xsm)))
yy = c(xsm-2*rmse, rev(xsm+2*rmse))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25))
Example 6.8
library(nlme) # loads package nlme (comes with R)
# Generate data (same as Example 6.6)
set.seed(999); num = 100; N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(ar=.8, n=N)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y,lag(y,-1),lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u); coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
cr = sqrt(r); cq = sqrt(q); mu0 = 0; Sigma0 = 2.8
(em = EM0(num, y, 1, mu0, Sigma0, phi, cq, cr, 75, .00001))
# Standard Errors (this uses nlme)
phi = em$Phi; cq = chol(em$Q); cr = chol(em$R)
mu0 = em$mu0; Sigma0 = em$Sigma0
para = c(phi, cq, cr)
# Evaluate likelihood at estimates
kf = Kfilter0(num, y, 1, mu0, Sigma0, para[1], para[2], para[3])
emhess = fdHess(para, function(para) Linn(para))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(emhess$Hessian)))
# Display summary of estimation
estimate = c(para, em$mu0, em$Sigma0); SE = c(SE,NA,NA)
u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("phi","sigw","sigv","mu0","Sigma0")
Example 6.9
y = cbind(WBC, PLT, HCT)
num = nrow(y)
A = array(0, dim=c(3,3,num)) # creates num 3x3 zero matrices
for(k in 1:num) if (y[k,1] > 0) A[,,k]= diag(1,3)
# Initial values
mu0 = matrix(0,3,1)
Sigma0 = diag(c(.1,.1,1) ,3)
Phi = diag(1,3)
cQ = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)
cR = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)
(em = EM1(num, y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, cQ, cR, 100, .001))
# Graph smoother
ks = Ksmooth1(num, y, A, em$mu0, em$Sigma0, em$Phi, 0, 0, chol(em$Q), chol(em$R), 0)
y1s = ks$xs[1,,]
y2s = ks$xs[2,,]
y3s = ks$xs[3,,]
p1 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,])
p2 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
p3 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[3,3,])
tsplot(WBC, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(1,5), col=6, lwd=2, cex=1)
xx = c(time(WBC), rev(time(WBC))) # same for all
yy = c(y1s-p1, rev(y1s+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
tsplot(PLT, type='p', ylim=c(3,6), pch=19, col=4, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y2s-p2, rev(y2s+p2))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
tsplot(HCT, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(20,40), col=2, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y3s-p3, rev(y3s+p3))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
Example 6.10
num = length(jj)
A = cbind(1,1,0,0)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = para[1]
Phi[2,]=c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
cQ1 = para[2]; cQ2 = para[3] # sqrt q11 and sqrt q22
cQ=diag(0,4); cQ[1,1]=cQ1; cQ[2,2]=cQ2
cR = para[4] # sqrt r11
kf = Kfilter0(num,jj,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,cQ,cR)
# Initial Parameters
mu0 = c(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04,4)
init.par = c(1.03, .1, .1, .5) # Phi[1,1], the 2 Qs and R
# Estimation
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par,SE)
rownames(u)=c("Phi11","sigw1","sigw2","sigv"); u
# Smooth
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = est$par[1]
Phi[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1)
Phi[3,] = c(0,1,0,0)
Phi[4,] = c(0,0,1,0)
cQ1 = est$par[2]
cQ2 = est$par[3]
cQ = diag(0,4)
cQ[1,1] = cQ1
cQ[2,2] = cQ2
cR = est$par[4]
ks = Ksmooth0(num, jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, cQ, cR)
# Plots
Tsm = ts(ks$xs[1,,], start=1960, freq=4)
Ssm = ts(ks$xs[2,,], start=1960, freq=4)
p1 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,]); p2 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
tsplot(Tsm, main='Trend Component', ylab='Trend')
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
yy = c(Tsm-p1, rev(Tsm+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
tsplot(jj, main='Data & Trend+Season', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(-.5,17))
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)) )
yy = c((Tsm+Ssm)-(p1+p2), rev((Tsm+Ssm)+(p1+p2)) )
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
# Forecast
n.ahead = 12
y = ts(append(jj, rep(0,n.ahead)), start=1960, freq=4)
rmspe = rep(0,n.ahead)
x00 = ks$xf[,,num]
P00 = ks$Pf[,,num]
Q = t(cQ)%*%cQ
R = t(cR)%*%(cR)
for (m in 1:n.ahead){
xp = Phi%*%x00
Pp = Phi%*%P00%*%t(Phi)+Q
sig = A%*%Pp%*%t(A)+R
K = Pp%*%t(A)%*%(1/sig)
x00 = xp
P00 = Pp-K%*%A%*%Pp
y[num+m] = A%*%xp
rmspe[m] = sqrt(sig)
tsplot(y, type='o', main='', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(5,30), xlim = c(1975,1984))
upp = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]+2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
low = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]-2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
xx = c(time(low), rev(time(upp)))
yy = c(low, rev(upp))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
abline(v=1981, lty=3)
Example 6.12
# Preliminary analysis
fit1 = sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=time(cmort))
acf(cbind(dmort <- resid(fit1$fit), tempr, part))
lag2.plot(tempr, dmort, 8)
lag2.plot(part, dmort, 8)
# quick and dirty fit (detrend then fit ARMAX)
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))
dcmort = resid(fit2 <- lm(cmort~trend, na.action=NULL)) # detrended mort
u = ts.intersect(dM=dcmort, dM1=lag(dcmort,-1), dM2=lag(dcmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4))
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:6]) # ARMAX fit with residual analysis
# all estimates at once
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort)) # center time
const = time(cmort)/time(cmort) # appropriate time series of 1s
ded = ts.intersect(M=cmort, T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4), trend, const)
y = ded[,1]
input = ded[,2:6]
num = length(y)
A = array(c(1,0), dim = c(1,2,num))
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
phi1 = para[1]; phi2 = para[2]; cR = para[3]; b1 = para[4]
b2 = para[5]; b3 = para[6]; b4 = para[7]; alf = para[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
Theta = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5); cQ = cR; S = cR^2
kf = Kfilter2(num, y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, Ups, Gam, Theta, cQ, cR, S, input)
# Estimation - prelim analysis gives good starting values
init.par = c(phi1=.3, phi2=.3, cR=5, b1=-.2, b2=.1, b3=.05, b4=-1.6, alf=mean(cmort))
L = c( 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -2, 70) # lower bound on parameters
U = c(.5, .5, 10, 0, .5, .5, 0, 90) # upper bound - used in optim
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=L, upper=U,
hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, factr=10^8))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3) # results
# Residual Analysis (not shown)
phi1 = est$par[1]; phi2 = est$par[2]
cR = est$par[3]; b1 = est$par[4]
b2 = est$par[5]; b3 = est$par[6]
b4 = est$par[7]; alf = est$par[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
Theta = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5)
cQ = cR
S = cR^2
kf = Kfilter2(num, y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, Ups, Gam, Theta, cQ, cR, S, input)
res = ts(as.vector(kf$innov), start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort))
sarima(res, 0,0,0, no.constant=TRUE) # gives a full residual analysis
# Similar fit with but with trend in the X of ARMAX
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))
u = ts.intersect(M=cmort, M1=lag(cmort,-1), M2=lag(cmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1),
P=part, P4=lag(part -4), trend)
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:7])
Example 6.13
# NOTE: If this takes a long time to run on your machine, try
# tol = .0001 and if you need more speed
# nboot = 250
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) # determines convergence of optimizer
nboot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nboot, initial = 0, style=3) # progress bar
y = window(qinfl, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # inflation
z = window(qintr, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # interest
num = length(y)
A = array(z, dim=c(1,1,num))
input = matrix(1,num,1)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para,{ # pass data also
phi = para[1]; alpha = para[2]
b = para[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
cQ = para[4]; cR = para[5]
kf = Kfilter2(num,,A,mu0,Sigma0,phi,Ups,alpha,1,cQ,cR,0,input)
# Parameter Estimation
mu0 = 1
Sigma0 = .01
init.par = c(phi=.84, alpha=-.77, b=.85, cQ=.12, cR=1.1) # initial values
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL,, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE,
control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
phi = est$par[1]; alpha = est$par[2]
b = est$par[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
cQ = est$par[4]; cR = est$par[5]
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3)
# Run the filter at the estimates
kf = Kfilter2(num,y,A,mu0,Sigma0,phi,Ups,alpha,1,cQ,cR,0,input)
# Pull out necessary values from the filter and initialize
xp = kf$xp
innov = kf$innov
sig = kf$sig
e = innov/sqrt(sig) = e # initialize values = y = xp
k = 4:50 # hold first 3 observations fixed = matrix(0, nboot, 5) # to store estimates
init.par = c(.84, -.77, .85, .12, 1.1)
for (i in 1:nboot){
setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)[k] = sample(e[k], replace=TRUE)
for (j in k){
K = (phi*Pp[j]*z[j])/sig[j][j] = phi*[j-1] + Ups+K[j]*sqrt(sig[j])*[j] }[k] = z[k]*[k] + alpha + sqrt(sig[k])*[k] = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL,, method="BFGS", control=list(reltol=tol))[i,] = cbind($par[1],$par[2],$par[3],
abs($par[4]), abs($par[5]))
# Some summary statistics
rmse = rep(NA,5) # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:5){rmse[i]=sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/nboot)
cat(i, rmse[i],"\n")
# Plot phi and sigw (scatter.hist in astsa v1.13)
phi =[,1]
sigw = abs([,4])
phi = ifelse(phi<0, NA, phi) # any phi < 0 not plotted
scatter.hist(sigw, phi, ylab=expression(phi), xlab=expression(sigma[~w]),
hist.col=astsa.col(5,.4), pt.col=5, pt.size=1.5)
Example 6.14
num = 50
w = rnorm(num,0,.1)
x = cumsum(cumsum(w))
y = x + rnorm(num,0,1)
## State Space ##
Phi = matrix(c(2,1,-1,0),2)
A = matrix(c(1,0),1)
mu0 = matrix(0,2); Sigma0 = diag(1,2)
Linn = function(para){
sigw = para[1]
sigv = para[2]
cQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
kf = Kfilter0(num, y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, cQ, sigv)
## Estimation ##
init.par = c(.1, 1)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("sigw","sigv"); u
# Smooth
sigw = est$par[1]
cQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
sigv = est$par[2]
ks = Ksmooth0(num, y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, cQ, sigv)
xsmoo = ts(ks$xs[1,1,]); psmoo = ts(ks$Ps[1,1,])
upp = xsmoo+2*sqrt(psmoo)
low = xsmoo-2*sqrt(psmoo)
tsplot(x, ylab="", ylim=c(-1,8), col=1)
lines(y, type='o', col=8)
lines(xsmoo, col=4, lty=2, lwd=3)
lines(upp, col=4, lty=2); lines(low, col=4, lty=2)
lines(smooth.spline(y), lty=1, col=2)
legend("topleft", c("Observations","State"), pch=c(1,-1), lty=1, lwd=c(1,2), col=c(8,1))
legend("bottomright", c("Smoother", "GCV Spline"), lty=c(2,1), lwd=c(3,1), col=c(4,2))
Example 6.16
model <- depmix(EQcount ~1, nstates=2, data=data.frame(EQcount), family=poisson('identity'), respstart=c(15,25))
summary(fm <- fit(model)) # estimation results
standardError(fm) # with standard errors
##-- A little nicer display of the parameters --##
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm))[3:8]
( mtrans = matrix(para.mle[1:4], byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) )
( lams = para.mle[5:6] )
( pi1 = mtrans[2,1]/(2 - mtrans[1,1] - mtrans[2,2]) )
( pi2 = 1 - pi1 )
#-- Graphics --##
# data and states
tsplot(EQcount, main="", ylab='EQcount', type='h', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(0,50))
text(EQcount, col=6*posterior(fm)[,1]-2, labels=posterior(fm)[,1])
# prob of state 2
tsplot(ts(posterior(fm)[,3], start=1900), ylab = expression(hat(pi)[~2]*'(t|n)')); abline(h=.5, lty=2)
# histogram
hist(EQcount, breaks=30, prob=TRUE, main="")
xvals = seq(1,45)
u1 = pi1*dpois(xvals, lams[1])
u2 = pi2*dpois(xvals, lams[2])
lines(xvals, u1, col=4)
lines(xvals, u2, col=2)
Example 6.17
y = ts(sp500w, start=2003, freq=52) # make data depmix friendly
mod3 <- depmix(y~1, nstates=3, data=data.frame(y))
summary(fm3 <- fit(mod3)) # estimation results
##-- a little nicer display --##
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm3)[-(1:3)])
permu = matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0), 3,3) # for the label switch
(mtrans.mle = permu%*%round(t(matrix(para.mle[1:9],3,3)),3)%*%permu)
(norms.mle = round(matrix(para.mle[10:15],2,3),3)%*%permu)
##-- Graphics --##
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), 2), heights=c(1,.75))
tsplot(y, main="", ylab='S&P500 Weekly Returns', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(-.11,.11))
culer = 4-posterior(fm3)[,1]; culer[culer==3]=4 # switch labels 1 and 3
text(y, col=culer, labels=4-posterior(fm3)[,1])
acf1(y^2, 25)
hist(y, 25, prob=TRUE, main='', col=astsa.col(8,.2))
pi.hat = colSums(posterior(fm3)[-1,2:4])/length(y)
culer = c(1,2,4)
for (i in 1:3) {
mu = norms.mle[1,i]; sig = norms.mle[2,i]
x = seq(-.2,.15, by=.001)
lines(x, pi.hat[4-i]*dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=sig), col=culer[i], lwd=2)
Example 6.18
dflu = diff(flu)
model = lm(dflu~ 1)
mod = msmFit(model, k=2, p=2, sw=rep(TRUE,4)) # 2 regimes, AR(2)s
plotProb(mod, which=3)
Example 6.22
y = flu
num = length(y)
nstate = 4 # state dimenstion
M1 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,0,1)) # obs matrix normal
M2 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,1,1)) # obs matrix flu epi
prob = matrix(0,num,1); yp = y # to store pi2(t|t-1) & y(t|t-1)
xfilter = array(0, dim=c(nstate,1,num)) # to store x(t|t)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
alpha1 = para[1]; alpha2 = para[2]; beta0 = para[3]
sQ1 = para[4]; sQ2 = para[5]; like=0
xf = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x filter
xp = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x pred
Pf = diag(.1, nstate) # filter cov
Pp = diag(.1, nstate) # pred cov
pi11 <- .75 -> pi22; pi12 <- .25 -> pi21; pif1 <- .5 -> pif2
phi = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
phi[1,1] = alpha1; phi[1,2] = alpha2; phi[2,1]=1; phi[4,4]=1
Ups = as.matrix(rbind(0,0,beta0,0))
Q = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
Q[1,1] = sQ1^2; Q[3,3] = sQ2^2; R=0 # R=0 in final model
# begin filtering #
for(i in 1:num){
xp = phi%*%xf + Ups; Pp = phi%*%Pf%*%t(phi) + Q
sig1 = as.numeric(M1%*%Pp%*%t(M1) + R)
sig2 = as.numeric(M2%*%Pp%*%t(M2) + R)
k1 = Pp%*%t(M1)/sig1; k2 = Pp%*%t(M2)/sig2
e1 = y[i]-M1%*%xp; e2 = y[i]-M2%*%xp
pip1 = pif1*pi11 + pif2*pi21; pip2 = pif1*pi12 + pif2*pi22
den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*e1^2/sig1)
den2 = (1/sqrt(sig2))*exp(-.5*e2^2/sig2)
denm = pip1*den1 + pip2*den2
pif1 = pip1*den1/denm; pif2 = pip2*den2/denm
pif1 = as.numeric(pif1); pif2 = as.numeric(pif2)
e1 = as.numeric(e1); e2=as.numeric(e2)
xf = xp + pif1*k1*e1 + pif2*k2*e2
eye = diag(1, nstate)
Pf = pif1*(eye-k1%*%M1)%*%Pp + pif2*(eye-k2%*%M2)%*%Pp
like = like - log(pip1*den1 + pip2*den2)
prob[i]<<-pip2; xfilter[,,i]<<-xf; innov.sig<<-c(sig1,sig2)
yp[i]<<-ifelse(pip1 > pip2, M1%*%xp, M2%*%xp)
# Estimation
alpha1 = 1.4; alpha2 = -.5; beta0 = .3; sQ1 = .1; sQ2 = .1
init.par = c(alpha1, alpha2, beta0, sQ1, sQ2)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='BFGS', hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c('alpha1','alpha2','beta0','sQ1','sQ2'); u
# Graphics
predepi = ifelse(prob<.5,0,1)
FLU = window(flu, start=1968.4)
Time = window(time(flu), start=1968.4)
k = 6:num
tsplot(FLU, col=8, ylab='flu')
text(FLU, col= predepi[k]+1, labels=predepi[k]+1, cex=1.1)
legend('topright', '(a)', bty='n')
filters = ts(t(xfilter[c(1,3,4),,]), start=tsp(flu)[1], frequency=tsp(flu)[3])
tsplot(window(filters, start=1968.4), spag=TRUE, col=2:4, ylab='filter')
legend('topright', '(b)', bty='n')
tsplot(FLU, type='p', pch=19, ylab='flu', cex=1.2)
prde1 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[1]); prde2 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[2])
prde = ifelse(predepi[k]<.5, prde1, prde2)
xx = c(Time, rev(Time))
yy = c(yp[k]-prde, rev(yp[k]+prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.3))
legend('topright', '(c)', bty='n')
Example 6.23
y = log(nyse^2)
num = length(y)
# Initial Parameters
phi0=0; phi1=.95; sQ=.2; alpha=mean(y); sR0=1; mu1=-3; sR1=2
init.par = c(phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# Innovations Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
phi0=para[1]; phi1=para[2]; sQ=para[3]; alpha=para[4]
sR0=para[5]; mu1=para[6]; sR1=para[7]
sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c("phi0","phi1","sQ","alpha","sigv0","mu1","sigv1"); u
# Graphics (need filters at the estimated parameters)
phi0=est$par[1]; phi1=est$par[2]; sQ=est$par[3]; alpha=est$par[4]
sR0=est$par[5]; mu1=est$par[6]; sR1=est$par[7]
sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# densities plot (f is chi-sq, fm is fitted mixture)
x = seq(-15,6,by=.01)
f = exp(-.5*(exp(x)-x))/(sqrt(2*pi))
f0 = exp(-.5*(x^2)/sR0^2)/(sR0*sqrt(2*pi))
f1 = exp(-.5*(x-mu1)^2/sR1^2)/(sR1*sqrt(2*pi))
fm = (f0+f1)/2
tsplot(x, f, xlab='x')
lines(x, fm, lty=2, lwd=2)
legend('topleft', legend=c('log chi-square', 'normal mixture'), lty=1:2)
Time = 701:1100
tsplot(Time, nyse[Time], type='l', col=4, lwd=2, ylab='', xlab='', ylim=c(-.18,.12))
lines(Time, sv$xp[Time]/10, lwd=2, col=6)
Example 6.24
n.boot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) # convergence limit
gnpgr = diff(log(gnp))
fit = arima(gnpgr, order=c(1,0,0))
y = as.matrix(log(resid(fit)^2))
num = length(y)
tsplot(y, ylab="")
# Initial Parameters
phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(y); sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
# Innovations Likelihood
phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c("phi1","sQ","alpha","sig0","mu1","sig1"); u
# Bootstrap = matrix(0, n.boot, 6) # to store parameter estimates
Linn2 = function(para){
phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
sv = SVfilter(num,, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
for (jb in 1:n.boot){ cat("iteration:", jb, "\n")
phi1 = est$par[1]; sQ = est$par[2]; alpha = est$par[3]
sR0 = est$par[4]; mu1 = est$par[5]; sR1 = est$par[6]
Q = sQ^2; R0 = sR0^2; R1 = sR1^2
sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
sig0 = sv$Pp+R0
sig1 = sv$Pp+R1
K0 = sv$Pp/sig0
K1 = sv$Pp/sig1
inn0 = y-sv$xp-alpha; inn1 = y-sv$xp-mu1-alpha
den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*inn1^2/sig1)
den0 = (1/sqrt(sig0))*exp(-.5*inn0^2/sig0)
fpi1 = den1/(den0+den1)
# (start resampling at t=4)
e0 = inn0/sqrt(sig0)
e1 = inn1/sqrt(sig1)
indx = sample(4:num, replace=TRUE)
sinn = cbind(c(e0[1:3], e0[indx]), c(e1[1:3], e1[indx]))
eF = matrix(c(phi1, 1, 0, 0), 2, 2)
xi = cbind(sv$xp,y) # initialize
for (i in 4:num){ # generate boot sample
G = matrix(c(0, alpha+fpi1[i]*mu1), 2, 1)
h21 = (1-fpi1[i])*sqrt(sig0[i]); h11 = h21*K0[i]
h22 = fpi1[i]*sqrt(sig1[i]); h12 = h22*K1[i]
H = matrix(c(h11,h21,h12,h22),2,2)
xi[i,] = t(eF%*%as.matrix(xi[i-1,],2) + G + H%*%as.matrix(sinn[i,],2))
# Estimates from boot data = xi[,2]
phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(; sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1) # same as for data = optim(init.par, Linn2, NULL, method="BFGS", control=list(reltol=tol))[jb,] = cbind($par[1], abs($par[2]),$par[3], abs($par[4]),$par[5], abs($par[6]))
# Some summary statistics and graphics
rmse = rep(NA, 6) # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:6){rmse[i] = sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/n.boot)
cat(i, rmse[i],"\n")
phi =[,1]
hist(phi, 15, prob=TRUE, main="", xlim=c(0,2), xlab="", col=astsa.col(4,.3))
abline(v=mean(phi), col=4)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=u[1,1], sd=u[2,1]), 0, 2, add=TRUE)
Example 6.26
Adapted from code by: Hedibert Freitas Lopes
##-- Notation --##
# y(t) = x(t) + v(t); v(t) ~ iid N(0,V)
# x(t) = x(t-1) + w(t); w(t) ~ iid N(0,W)
# priors: x(0) ~ N(m0,C0); V ~ IG(a,b); W ~ IG(c,d)
# FFBS: x(t|t) ~ N(m,C); x(t|n) ~ N(mm,CC); x(t|t+1) ~ N(a,R)
ffbs = function(y,V,W,m0,C0){
n = length(y); a = rep(0,n); R = rep(0,n)
m = rep(0,n); C = rep(0,n); B = rep(0,n-1)
H = rep(0,n-1); mm = rep(0,n); CC = rep(0,n)
x = rep(0,n); llike = 0.0
for (t in 1:n){
if(t==1){a[1] = m0; R[1] = C0 + W
}else{ a[t] = m[t-1]; R[t] = C[t-1] + W }
f = a[t]
Q = R[t] + V
A = R[t]/Q
m[t] = a[t]+A*(y[t]-f)
C[t] = R[t]-Q*A**2
B[t-1] = C[t-1]/R[t]
H[t-1] = C[t-1]-R[t]*B[t-1]**2
llike = llike + dnorm(y[t],f,sqrt(Q),log=TRUE) }
mm[n] = m[n]; CC[n] = C[n]
x[n] = rnorm(1,m[n],sqrt(C[n]))
for (t in (n-1):1){
mm[t] = m[t] + C[t]/R[t+1]*(mm[t+1]-a[t+1])
CC[t] = C[t] - (C[t]^2)/(R[t+1]^2)*(R[t+1]-CC[t+1])
x[t] = rnorm(1,m[t]+B[t]*(x[t+1]-a[t+1]),sqrt(H[t])) }
return(list(x=x,m=m,C=C,mm=mm,CC=CC,llike=llike)) }
# Simulate states and data
set.seed(1); W = 0.5; V = 1.0
n = 100; m0 = 0.0; C0 = 10.0; x0 = 0
w = rnorm(n,0,sqrt(W))
v = rnorm(n,0,sqrt(V))
x = y = rep(0,n)
x[1] = x0 + w[1]
y[1] = x[1] + v[1]
for (t in 2:n){
x[t] = x[t-1] + w[t]
y[t] = x[t] + v[t] }
# actual smoother (for plotting)
ks = Ksmooth0(num=n, y, A=1, m0, C0, Phi=1, cQ=sqrt(W), cR=sqrt(V))
xsmooth = as.vector(ks$xs)
# run it
run = ffbs(y,V,W,m0,C0)
m = run$m; C = run$C; mm = run$mm
CC = run$CC; L1 = m-2*C; U1 = m+2*C
L2 = mm-2*CC; U2 = mm+2*CC
N = 50
Vs = seq(0.1,2,length=N)
Ws = seq(0.1,2,length=N)
likes = matrix(0,N,N)
for (i in 1:N){
for (j in 1:N){
V = Vs[i]
W = Ws[j]
run = ffbs(y,V,W,m0,C0)
likes[i,j] = run$llike } }
# Hyperparameters
a = 0.01; b = 0.01; c = 0.01; d = 0.01
# MCMC step
burn = 10; M = 1000
niter = burn + M
V1 = V; W1 = W
draws = NULL
all_draws = NULL
for (iter in 1:niter){
run = ffbs(y,V1,W1,m0,C0)
x = run$x
V1 = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((y-x)^2)/2)
W1 = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+sum(diff(x)^2)/2)
draws = rbind(draws,c(V1,W1,x)) }
all_draws = draws[,1:2]
q025 = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
q975 = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}
draws = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
xs = draws[,3:(n+2)]
lx = apply(xs,2,q025)
mx = apply(xs,2,mean)
ux = apply(xs,2,q975)
## plot data
tsplot(cbind(x,y), spag=TRUE, ylab='', col=c(1,8), lwd=2)
legend(0, 11, legend=c("x(t)","y(t)"), lty=1, col=c(1,8), lwd=2, bty="n", pch=c(-1,1))
contour(Vs, Ws, exp(likes), xlab=expression(sigma[v]^2), ylab=expression(sigma[w]^2),
drawlabels=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1.2))
points(draws[,1:2], pch=16, col=rgb(.9,0,0,0.3), cex=.7)
hist(draws[,1], ylab="Density",main="", xlab=expression(sigma[v]^2))
abline(v=mean(draws[,1]), col=3, lwd=3)
hist(draws[,2],main="", ylab="Density", xlab=expression(sigma[w]^2))
abline(v=mean(draws[,2]), col=3, lwd=3)
## plot states
tsplot(y, ylab='', type='o', col=8)
lines(xsmooth, lwd=4, col=rgb(1,0,1,alpha=.4))
lines(mx, col= 4)
xx=c(1:100, 100:1)
yy=c(lx, rev(ux))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col= gray(.6,alpha=.2))
legend('topleft', c('true smoother', 'data', 'posterior mean', '95% of draws'), lty=1,
lwd=c(3,1,1,10), pch=c(-1,1,-1,-1), col=c(6, gray(.4), 4, gray(.6, alpha=.5)),
bg='white' )
Example 6.27
y = jj
### setup - model and initial parameters
n = length(y)
F = c(1,1,0,0) # this is A
G = diag(0,4) # G is Phi
G[1,1] = 1.03
G[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1); G[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); G[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
a1 = rbind(.7,0,0,0) # this is mu0
R1 = diag(.04,4) # this is Sigma0
V = .1
W11 = .1
W22 = .1
##-- FFBS --##
ffbs = function(y,F,G,V,W11,W22,a1,R1){
n = length(y)
Ws = diag(c(W11,W22,1,1)) # this is Q with 1s as a device only
iW = diag(1/diag(Ws),4)
a = matrix(0,n,4) # this is m_t
R = array(0,c(n,4,4)) # this is V_t
m = matrix(0,n,4)
C = array(0,c(n,4,4))
a[1,] = a1[,1]
R[1,,] = R1
f = t(F)%*%a[1,]
Q = t(F)%*%R[1,,]%*%F + V
A = R[1,,]%*%F/Q[1,1]
m[1,] = a[1,]+A%*%(y[1]-f)
C[1,,] = R[1,,]-A%*%t(A)*Q[1,1]
for (t in 2:n){
a[t,] = G%*%m[t-1,]
R[t,,] = G%*%C[t-1,,]%*%t(G) + Ws
f = t(F)%*%a[t,]
Q = t(F)%*%R[t,,]%*%F + V
A = R[t,,]%*%F/Q[1,1]
m[t,] = a[t,] + A%*%(y[t]-f)
C[t,,] = R[t,,] - A%*%t(A)*Q[1,1] }
xb = matrix(0,n,4)
xb[n,] = m[n,] + t(chol(C[n,,]))%*%rnorm(4)
for (t in (n-1):1){
iC = solve(C[t,,])
CCC = solve(t(G)%*%iW%*%G + iC)
mmm = CCC%*%(t(G)%*%iW%*%xb[t+1,] + iC%*%m[t,])
xb[t,] = mmm + t(chol(CCC))%*%rnorm(4) }
##-- Prior hyperparameters --##
# b0 = 0 # mean for beta = phi -1
# B0 = Inf # var for beta (non-informative => use OLS for sampling beta)
n0 = 10 # use same for all- the prior is 1/Gamma(n0/2, n0*s20_/2)
s20v = .001 # for V
s20w =.05 # for Ws
##-- MCMC scheme --##
burnin = 100
step = 10
M = 1000
niter = burnin+step*M
pars = matrix(0,niter,4)
xbs = array(0,c(niter,n,4))
pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=niter, initial=0, style=3) # progress bar
for (iter in 1:niter){
xb = ffbs(y,F,G,V,W11,W22,a1,R1)
u = xb[,1]
yu = diff(u); xu = u[-n] # for phihat and se(phihat)
regu = lm(yu~0+xu) # est of beta = phi-1
phies = as.vector(coef(summary(regu)))[1:2] + c(1,0) # phi estimate and SE
dft = df.residual(regu)
G[1,1] = phies[1] + rt(1,dft)*phies[2] # use a t
V = 1/rgamma(1, (n0+n)/2, (n0*s20v/2) + sum((y-xb[,1]-xb[,2])^2)/2)
W11 = 1/rgamma(1, (n0+n-1)/2, (n0*s20w/2) + sum((xb[-1,1]-phies[1]*xb[-n,1])^2)/2)
W22 = 1/rgamma(1, (n0+ n-3)/2, (n0*s20w/2) + sum((xb[4:n,2] + xb[3:(n-1),2] +
xb[2:(n-2),2] +xb[1:(n-3),2])^2)/2)
xbs[iter,,] = xb
pars[iter,] = c(G[1,1], sqrt(V), sqrt(W11), sqrt(W22))
# Plot results
ind = seq(burnin+1, niter, by=step)
names= c(expression(phi), expression(sigma[v]), expression(sigma[w~11]), expression(sigma[w~22]))
for (i in 1:4){
tsplot(pars[ind,i],xlab="iterations", ylab="trace", main="")
mtext(names[i], side=3, line=.5, cex=1)
acf(pars[ind,i],main="", lag.max=25, xlim=c(1,25), ylim=c(-.4,.4))
abline(v=mean(pars[ind,i]), lwd=2, col=3)
mxb = cbind(apply(xbs[ind,,1],2,mean), apply(xbs[,,2],2,mean))
lxb = cbind(apply(xbs[ind,,1],2,quantile,0.005), apply(xbs[ind,,2],2,quantile,0.005))
uxb = cbind(apply(xbs[ind,,1],2,quantile,0.995), apply(xbs[ind,,2],2,quantile,0.995))
mxb = ts(cbind(mxb,rowSums(mxb)), start = tsp(jj)[1], freq=4)
lxb = ts(cbind(lxb,rowSums(lxb)), start = tsp(jj)[1], freq=4)
uxb = ts(cbind(uxb,rowSums(uxb)), start = tsp(jj)[1], freq=4)
names=c('Trend', 'Season', 'Trend + Season')
L = min(lxb[,1])-.01; U = max(uxb[,1]) +.01
tsplot(mxb[,1], ylab=names[1], ylim=c(L,U))
xx=c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
yy=c(lxb[,1], rev(uxb[,1]))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.4, alpha = .2))
L = min(lxb[,3])-.01; U = max(uxb[,3]) +.01
tsplot(mxb[,3], ylab=names[3], ylim=c(L,U))
xx=c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
yy=c(lxb[,3], rev(uxb[,3]))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.4, alpha = .2))