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autoscale: true slidenumbers: true footer: HTTP Application and API with Akka HTTP

[fit] HTTP Application and API

with Akka HTTP

Akka HTTP and Akka

Modern, fast, asynchronous, streaming-first HTTP server and client. -- From

  • A set of libraries for building applications and APIs exposed through HTTP, not a framework
  • Very lightweight, runs standalone without any installation
  • Very good documentation
  • Composable with the rest of Akka toolkit
    • Akka Actors, Akka Stream
    • Akka Cluster / Sharding / Distributed Data / Persistence / gRPC / Management
    • Alpakka

Hello World!

object HelloApp {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("akka-http")
    implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
    implicit val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()

    val route = (get & path("hello") & parameter("name")) { name =>
      complete(s"Hello $name!")

    val http = Http()
    http.bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8080)

Routes and Directives


  • Approximately a function that takes an HttpRequest and produces an HttpResponse
  • More precisely (reasonably accurate) a function that takes an HttpRequest and produces a RouteResult.
  • A RouteResult consists of
    • either a Complete result containing an HttpResponse
    • or a Rejected result containing Rejections

Basic Routes

// Completion
val hello1: Route = complete("Hello World!")

// Rejection
val rejectedHello1: Route = reject(MissingCookieRejection("username"))


  • Matches an HttpRequest
  • And optionally extracts values (up to 22) from it
Directive Type Alias Extracts
Directive[Unit] Directive0 0 value
Directive[Tuple1[A]] Directive1[A] 1 value of type A
Directive[(A, B)] 2 values of type A and B
Directive[(A, B, C)] 3 values of type A, B and C

Basic Directives

val getMethod: Directive0 = get
val helloPath: Directive0 = path("hello")
val nameParameter: Directive1[String] = parameter("name")
val idParameterAsInt: Directive1[Int] = parameter("id".as[Int])

Generating a Route from a Directive

val nameParameter: Directive1[String] = parameter("name")

val route: Route = nameParameter { name =>
  complete(s"Hello $name!")
  • Combining a Directive and a function producing a Route results in a Route
  • Arity of Directive directly implies arity of function

Nesting Directives

val getMethod: Directive0 = get
val helloPath: Directive0 = path("hello")
val nameParameter: Directive1[String] = parameter("name")

val route: Route = getMethod {
  helloPath {
    nameParameter { name =>
      complete(s"Hello $name!")
  • Tries nested route only if nesting directive matches

Combining Directives with &

val getMethod: Directive0 = get
val helloPath: Directive0 = path("hello")
val nameParameter: Directive1[String] = parameter("name")

val directive: Directive1[String] = getMethod & helloPath & nameParameter
// arity 0 & arity 0 & arity 1 => 0 + 0 + 1 = 1
val route: Route = directive { name =>
  complete(s"Hello $name!")
  • All combined directives have to match
  • Resulting Arity is the sum of arities of combined directives

Inlining Preserves Semantics

val route: Route = (get & path("hello") & parameter("name")) { name =>
 complete(s"Hello $name!")
  • Everything consists of immutable values
  • Inlining (or extracting) expressions or methods does change the meaning
  • Applies to Route, Directive, PathMatcher (more later)...

Combining Directives with |

val operandsPath: Directive[(Int, Int)] = path(IntNumber / IntNumber)
val operandsParameters: Directive[(Int, Int)] = parameters("a".as[Int], "b".as[Int])

val extractOperands: Directive[(Int, Int)] = operandsPath | operandsParameters
val route: Route = (pathPrefix("sum") & extractOperands) { (a, b) =>
  complete(s"$a + $b = ${a + b}")
  • Any combined directive has to match
  • First match wins
  • Combined directives should have same arity
  • Resulting directive will preserve arity

Combining Routes with ~

val hello: Route = (get & path("hello") & parameter("name")) { name =>
  complete(s"Hello $name!")

val sum: Route = (pathPrefix("sum") & path(IntNumber / IntNumber)) { (a, b) =>
  complete(s"$a + $b = ${a + b}")

val route: Route =  sum ~ route
  • First match wins
  • No match means means a rejection

Path Matchers

Matching Paths

// matches path similar to /sum/123/456
val sum: Route = (pathPrefix("sum") & path(IntNumber / IntNumber)) { (a, b) =>
  complete(s"$a + $b = ${a + b}")
  • pathPrefix directive matches a prefix of the path,
  • path directive matches a path until the end of path
  • path and pathPrefix directives takes a PathMatcher

pathPrefix and path Directives

  • pathPrefix directive
    • matches a prefix of the path,
    • after consuming a leading /,
    • and identifies the rest of the path
  • path directive
    • matches a path until the end of path,
    • after consuming a leading /,
    • considering the rest of the path when pathPrefix was applied before


  • Matches a prefix of a Path
  • And optionally extracts values (up to 22) from it
  • And is also able to identify the rest of the Path (what remains after the matching prefix)
Path Matcher Type Alias Extraction
PathMatcher[Unit] PathMatcher0 0 value
PathMatcher[Tuple1[A]] PathMatcher1[A] 1 value of type A
PathMatcher[(A, B)] 2 values of type A and B
PathMatcher[(A, B, C)] 3 values of type A, B and C

Basic PathMatchers

val string: PathMatcher0 = "CLI"
val regex: PathMatcher1[String] = """[A-Z]\d{3}""".r
val segment: PathMatcher1[String] = Segment
val intNumber: PathMatcher1[Int] = IntNumber

Combining PathMatchers with /

val intNumber: PathMatcher1[Int] = IntNumber
val intNumberSlashIntNumber: PathMatcher[(Int, Int)] = intNumber / intNumber
  • Combined path matchers match in succession
  • Identified portions are contiguous and separated by a /
  • Resulting Arity is the sum of arities of combined directives

Combining PathMatchers with |

val cli: PathMatcher0 = PathMatcher("CLI")
val cust: PathMatcher0 = "CUST"
val cliOrCust: PathMatcher0 = cli | cust
  • Any combined path matcher has to match
  • First match wins
  • Combined path matcher should have same arity
  • Resulting path matcher will preserve arity

Combining PathMatchers with ~

val cliOrCust: PathMatcher0 = "CLI" | "CUST"
val idNumberPathMatcher: PathMatcher1[Int] = IntNumber
val customerId: PathMatcher1[Int] = cliOrCust ~ idNumberPathMatcher
  • Combined path matchers match in succession
  • Identified portions are contiguous
  • Resulting Arity is the sum of arities of combined path matchers

Handling JSON

Spray JSON

a lightweight, clean and efficient JSON implementation in Scala -- From

  • Simple but very flexible
  • Integrates seamlessly with Akka HTTP
  • Heavily relies on implicits
  • But no need to understand the gory details

Mapping to and from JSON

  • Model
case class Cart(orderLines: Seq[OrderLine])
case class OrderLine(item: Item, quantity: Int)
case class Item(id: Int, name: String)
  • Mapping aka. Protocol
object EcommerceProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit lazy val cartFormat: RootJsonFormat[Cart] = jsonFormat1(Cart.apply)
  implicit lazy val orderFormat: RootJsonFormat[OrderLine] = jsonFormat2(OrderLine.apply)
  implicit lazy val itemFormat: RootJsonFormat[Item] = jsonFormat2(Item.apply)

Mapping Sample

val cart = Cart(
  orderLines = Seq(
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 1, name = "Ball"), quantity = 2),
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 2, name = "Pen"), quantity = 1),
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 3, name = "Fork"), quantity = 3)
    "orderLines": [
        { "item": { "id": 1, "name": "Ball" }, "quantity": 2 },
        { "item": { "id": 2, "name": "Pen" }, "quantity": 1 },
        { "item": { "id": 3, "name": "Fork" }, "quantity": 3 }

Responding with JSON Object

val cart = Cart(
  orderLines = Seq(
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 1, name = "Ball"), quantity = 2),
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 2, name = "Pen"), quantity = 1),
    OrderLine(item = Item(id = 3, name = "Fork"), quantity = 3)

import EcommerceProtocol._

val getCart = (get & path("cart")) {

Responding with JSON Array

val items = Seq(
  Item(id = 1, name = "Ball"),
  Item(id = 2, name = "Pen"),
  Item(id = 3, name = "Fork")

import EcommerceProtocol._

val getItems = (get & path("items")) {

Posting JSON Object (and Array)

val postItem = (post & path("items")) {
  entity(as[Item]) { item =>

Could also post a Seq[Item] using entity(as[Seq[Item]])

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