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executable file
127 lines (106 loc) · 5.94 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
127 lines (106 loc) · 5.94 KB


Major Components - extract the transformation matrix (used under the hood in other processes) - perform the whole bids conversion of the CTF folder - On biowulf create the swarm file for the freesurfer processing - perform all of the standard MRI processing for datasets - identify eyetracking position from UADC channels - make a csv file that lists all the contents of your bids tree


Set up MNE environment (conda can be substituted for mamba below if it doesn't work):
mamba create --override-channels --channel=conda-forge --name=mne15 'mne=1.5' 'numba<0.60' 'python<3.12'
mamba activate mne15
Install nih_to_mne
pip install git+

Adds,, and to the commandline

usage: [-h] [-subjects_dir SUBJECTS_DIR] [-anat_json ANAT_JSON] [-tagfile TAGFILE]
                        [-elec_txt ELEC_TXT] -subject SUBJECT [-afni_mri AFNI_MRI]
                        [-trans_output TRANS_OUTPUT] -dsname DSNAME [-view_coreg]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -subjects_dir SUBJECTS_DIR
                        Set SUBJECTS_DIR different from the environment variable. If not set this
                        defaults to os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR]
  -anat_json ANAT_JSON  Full path to the BIDS anatomy json file with the NAS,RPA,LPA locations
  -tagfile TAGFILE      Tagfile generated by
  -elec_txt ELEC_TXT    Electrode text file exported from brainsight
  -subject SUBJECT      The freesurfer subject id. This folder is expected to be in the freesurfer
  -afni_mri AFNI_MRI    Provide a BRIK or HEAD file as input. Data must have the tags assigned to
                        the header.
  -trans_output TRANS_OUTPUT
                        The output path for the mne trans.fif file
  -dsname DSNAME        CTF dataset to create the transform
  -view_coreg           Display the coregistration of MEG and head surface

usage: file.txt
          Where file.txt is the saved electrode location output from Brainsight.

        Convert MEG dataset to default Bids format using the MEG hash ID or 
        entered subject ID as the bids ID.        

WARNING: Must use the -anonymize flag to anonymize otherwise this does NOT anonymize the data!!!
       [-h] [-bids_dir BIDS_DIR] -meg_input_dir MEG_INPUT_DIR [-anonymize] [-mri_brik MRI_BRIK]
       [-mri_bsight MRI_BSIGHT] [-mri_bsight_elec MRI_BSIGHT_ELEC] [-bids_session BIDS_SESSION]
       [-subjid SUBJID] [-autocrop_zeros]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -bids_dir BIDS_DIR    Output bids_dir path
  -meg_input_dir MEG_INPUT_DIR
                        Acquisition directory - typically designated by the acquisition date
  -anonymize            Strip out subject ID information from the MEG data. Currently this does not
                        anonymize the MRI. Requires the CTF tools.
  -bids_session BIDS_SESSION
                        Data acquisition session. This is set to 1 by default. If the same subject had
                        multiple sessions this must be set manually
  -subjid_input SUBJID_INPUT
                        The default subject ID is given by the MEG hash. If more than one subject is
                        present in a folder, this option can be set to select a single subjects
  -bids_id BIDS_ID      The default subject ID is given by the MEG hash. To override the default
                        subject ID, use this flag. If -anonymize is used, you must set the subjid
  -autocrop_zeros       If files are terminated early, leaving zeros at the end of the file - this
                        will detect and remove the trailing zeros

Afni Coreg:
  -mri_brik MRI_BRIK    Afni coregistered MRI

Brainsight Coreg:
  -mri_bsight MRI_BSIGHT
                        Brainsight mri. This should be a .nii file. The exported electrodes text file
                        must be in the same folder and end in .txt. Otherwise, provide the
                        mri_sight_elec flag
  -mri_bsight_elec MRI_BSIGHT_ELEC
                        Exported electrodes file from brainsight. This has the locations of the

Additional Options:
  -freesurfer           Perform recon-all pipeline on the T1w. This is required for the mri_prep
                        portions below
  -project PROJECT      Output project name for the mri processing from mri_prep

From the bids folder - will create derivatives folder for freesurfer/subjects; write out the swarm file; and submit to swarm (with confirmation)    #Must be in the bids folder

Print out information on the created bids dataset, including the number of acq runs per subject with task column headers

usage: [-h] [-bids_dir BIDS_DIR] [-session SESSION]
                           [-output_fname OUTPUT_FNAME] [-print_task_counts]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -bids_dir BIDS_DIR    Location of the bids directory
  -session SESSION      Session of data acq
  -output_fname OUTPUT_FNAME
                        If set the value counts of all the tasks will be written to a csv
                        table. This has more information than the print_task_counts
  -print_task_counts    Print out the number of task runs and number of subjects in the
                        bids dataset