Waveform: 16/32-bit PCM or 32-bit float WAV that can be read by scipy.io.wavfile.read
Other data: binary, float-32bit, little endian (numpy dtype <f4). The data can be read in python by:
# for a data of shape [N, M]
f = open(filepath,'rb')
datatype = np.dtype(('<f4',(M,)))
data = np.fromfile(f,dtype=datatype)
I assume data should be stored in c_continuous format (row-major). There are helper functions in ./core_scripts/data_io/io_tools.py to read and write binary data:
# create a float32 data array
import numpy as np
data = np.asarray(np.random.randn(5, 3), dtype=np.float32)
# write to './temp.bin' and read it as data2
import core_scripts.data_io.io_tools as readwrite
readwrite.f_write_raw_mat(data, './temp.bin')
data2 = readwrite.f_read_raw_mat('./temp.bin', 3)
# result should 0
data - data2
More instructions can be found in this Jupyter notebook here.
Name | Function |
./core_scripts | scripts (Numpy or Pytorch code) to manage the training process, data io, etc. |
./core_modules | finalized pytorch modules |
./sandbox | new functions and modules to be test |
./project | project directories, and each folder correspond to one model for one dataset |
./project/*/*/main.py | script to load data and run training and inference |
./project/*/*/model.py | model definition based on Pytorch APIs |
./project/*/*/config.py | configurations for training/val/test set data |
The motivation is to separate the training and inference process, the model definition, and the data configuration. For example:
To define a new model, change model.py
To run on a new database, change config.py
The separation is not always strictly followed.
The script starts with main.py and calls different functions for model training and inference.
During training:
<main.py> Entry point and controller of training process
Argument parse core_scripts/config_parse/arg_parse.py
Initialization core_scripts/startup_config.py
Choose device
Initialize & load core_scripts/data_io/customize_dataset.py
training data set
. Load data set <config.py>
. configuration
. |
. Loop over core_scripts/data_io/customize_dataset.py
. data subset
. |
. |---------|
. . Load one subset core_scripts/data_io/default_data_io.py
. . |
. |---------|
. |
. Combine subsets
. into one set
. |
Initialize & load
development data set
Initialize Model <model.py>
Model(), Loss()
Initialize Optimizer core_scripts/op_manager/op_manager.py
Load checkpoint --trained-model option to main.py
Start training core_scripts/nn_manager/nn_manager.py f_train_wrapper()
. |
. Loop over training data
. for one epoch
. |
. |-------| core_scripts/nn_manager/nn_manager.py f_run_one_epoch()
. | |
. | Loop over
. | training data
. | |
. | |-------|
. | . get data_in, data_tar, data_info
. | . Call data_gen <- Model.forward(...) <mode.py>
. | . Call Loss.compute() <mode.py>
. | . loss.backward()
. | . optimizer.step()
. | . |
. | |-------|
. | |
. | Save checkpoint
. | |
. | Early stop?
. | | No \
. | | \ Yes
. |<------| |
. |
A detailed flowchart is APPENDIX_1.md.
That's all