This folder contains sub-projects implementing OTE SDK Task interfaces for different algorithms.
Every sub-project is fully indepedent from each other, and each of them has its own dependencies and
script to initialize virtual environment.
ID |
Name |
Complexity (GFlops) |
Model size (MB) |
Path |
ote_anomaly_classification_padim |
3.9 |
168.4 |
anomaly/anomaly_classification/configs/padim/template.yaml |
ote_anomaly_classification_stfpm |
5.6 |
21.1 |
anomaly/anomaly_classification/configs/stfpm/template.yaml |
ID |
Name |
Complexity (GFlops) |
Model size (MB) |
Path |
MobileNet-V3-large-0.75x |
MobileNet-V3-large-0.75x |
0.32 |
2.76 |
deep-object-reid/configs/ote_custom_classification/mobilenet_v3_large_075/template.yaml |
Custom_Image_Classification_EfficinetNet-B0 |
EfficientNet-B0 |
0.81 |
4.09 |
deep-object-reid/configs/ote_custom_classification/efficientnet_b0/template.yaml |
ID |
Name |
Complexity (GFlops) |
Model size (MB) |
Path |
Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_SSD |
9.4 |
7.6 |
mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_SSD/template.yaml |
Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_ATSS |
20.6 |
9.1 |
mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml |
Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_VFNet |
VFNet |
457.4 |
126.0 |
mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_resnet50_VFNet/template.yaml |
ID |
Name |
Complexity (GFlops) |
Model size (MB) |
Path |
Custom_Semantic_Segmentation_Lite-HRNet-18_OCR |
Lite-HRNet-18 OCR |
3.45 |
4.5 |
mmsegmentation/configs/ote/custom-sematic-segmentation/ocr-lite-hrnet-18/template.yaml |