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Gitlab Auto Approve

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Gitlab Auto Approve is a Gitlab bot for automatically approving merge requests. It's built based on FastAPI.


This bot is still in development. Version v0.1.0 will be out soon


This bot currently only supports automatic approval and disapproval of merge requests upon receiving configureable user comments within the gitlab merge request. If you are missing further features please open a new issue.


Due to limitations in the Gitlab API approval commands can only be used with a Premium or Ultimate Tier instance. This bot was primarily tested for Gitlab version v16.7.0. If you encounter issues with a different Gitlab version please open a new issue.


To setup a new instance of this bot you can either clone the repository and run the application on your own using the instructions below or use a prebuilt docker image that can be found here.

Setup using prebuilt image

If you want to use the prebuilt docker image from Docker Hub, please follow the steps below.

  1. Pull the image from docker hub with docker pull niklasstoffers/gitlab-auto-approve:latest
  2. Configure the bot via environment variables as described here
  3. Run the image with docker

Building the image yourself

If you don't want to use the prebuilt docker image from Docker Hub, but instead want to build the image yourself, please follow the steps below.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make sure that you have docker and docker-compose installed. If you want to use the Makefile thats shipped with this repository please also make sure that you have installed make.
  3. Configure the bot via environment variables as described here
  4. Build and run the image
    • Using make:
      make build
      make run
    • Without make:
      docker-compose --env-file .env.docker build
      docker-compose --env-file .env.docker up

Run without docker

You can also setup a new instance without using Docker. To do this you will need to have Python3 installed on your machine.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Configure the bot via the autoapprove/config.yaml file as described here
  3. Run the following commands in your terminal
    cd autoapprove
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Integrating with Gitlab

To integrate this bot with your gitlab repository you will need Maintainer access to your project.

  1. Head over to the projects Access Token settings and create a new access token with the api scope and necessary role to be able to approve the merge request. This role will depend on your project settings.

create access token

2. Open the projects *Webhooks* settings and add a new webhook. 1. Specify the url as the url your instance is running under. The endpoint will be `/approve-merge`. 2. Create a secret token that the bot will use to verify that the HTTP request comes from your webhook. 3. Add the `comment` trigger 4. Depending on whether you use SSL and whether your SSL certificate is self-signed, enable or disable the *Enable SSL verification* option.

create webhook


You can use the following configuration options to configure the bot to your specific needs. The bot accepts both configuration via the autoapprove/config.yaml file as well as environment variables. Environment variable configuration will override configuration in the autoapprove/config.yaml file.

Option Environment variable Description
gitlab - Section for Gitlab specific configuration GITLAB__HOST Configures the server url of the gitlab server
gitlab.access_token GITLAB__ACCESS_TOKEN Access token that needs to be setup for your gitlab repository. This is used in order to make calls to the Gitlab API
gitlab.webhook_token GITLAB__WEBHOOK_TOKEN Webhook token that was specified when creating the comment trigger webhook
trusted_hosts_only TRUSTED_HOSTS_ONLY If enabled will block HTTP requests that do not contain your gitlab_host in the HTTP Host header
environment ENVIRONMENT Sets the environment the bot will run under. Supports either DEVELOPMENT or PRODUCTION. Under the DEVELOPMENT environment certain features like the Open-API documentation will be available.
ssl - Section for SSL specific configuration options
ssl.enable SSL__ENABLE Enables HTTPS. You will need additional configuration for your SSL certificates. See HTTPS
ssl.key_file SSL__KEY_FILE Path to your SSL private key file
ssl.cert_file SSL__CERT_FILE Path to your SSL certificate file
commands - Section for command specific configuration
commands.<type> - Section for command type specific configuration. This configuration options are available to all commands.
commands.<type>.keyword COMMANDS__<TYPE>__KEYWORD Keyword that the bot will scan the user comment for.
commands.<type>.ignore_case COMMANDS__<TYPE>__IGNORE_CASE If set to true the bot won't treate keywords case-sensitive.
commands.<type>.strict_match COMMANDS__<TYPE>__STRICT_MATCH If set to true the bot will only invoke the command when the user comment only contains the keyword. If set to false the keyword only needs to be present within the entire comment.
commands.<type>.only_for_members COMMANDS__<TYPE>__ONLY_FOR_MEMBERS Comma-separated list of Gitlab usernames. If specified the bot will only invoke the command if the comment author is in the username list.
commands.<type>.requires_role COMMANDS__<TYPE>__REQUIRES_ROLE Required role for the command. If specified the bot will only invoke the command if the comment author has the specified role. Can be set to NO_ACCESS, MINIMAL_ACCESS, GUEST, REPORTER, DEVELOPER, MAINTAINER or OWNER.
commands.<type>.message COMMANDS__<TYPE>__MESSAGE Comment response that the bot will create after invoking the command. If left empty the bot won't send a message at all.
commands.approval - Section for configuration options regarding the approval of merge requests.
commands.disapproval - Section for configuration options regarding the disapproval of merge requests.
commands.merge - Section for configuration options regarding merge of merge requests.
uvicorn.reload UVICORN__RELOAD If set to true uvicorn will reload the server upon file change. This should be set to false in production environments but is a useful setting for development.
logging - Section for configuration options regarding logging
logging.enable LOGGING__ENABLE Enables logging within the application. Note that the bot also comes with startup logging which already logs before configuration is loaded. If you want to disable startup logging invoke the application with the --disable-startup-logs command line option.
logging.level LOGGING__LEVEL Sets the log level to be used. Can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL.
logging.handlers - Section for configuration options regarding logging handlers.
logging.handlers.console - Section for configuration options regarding console logging handler.
logging.handlers.console.enable LOGGING__HANDLERS__CONSOLE__ENABLE If set to true the application will log to the console.
logging.handlers.file - Section for configuration options regarding file logging handler.
logging.handlers.file.enable LOGGING__HANDLERS__FILE__ENABLE If set to true the application will log to a file.
logging.handlers.file.logfile LOGGING__HANDLERS__FILE__LOGFILE Path to the logfile. Must be set if file logging is enabled.


To use HTTPS with the bot you will need to enable SSL via the configuration options. Furthermore you will also need to supply the SSL certificate and private key to the bot. If you're running the bot with docker, we recommend mounting a volume into the container that contains your SSL certificate and specifying the path accordingly. If you run the bot without docker you can just specify a path on your local filesystem.


We strongly recommend enabling HTTPS as traffic will be unencrypted and publicly visible otherwise. This traffic will include confidential information such as usernames, project names, project/group access tokens and more!