This tools allows to apply a standard color maps to the provided model based on the height of its vertex. The height is here understood simply as the last vertex coordinates value.
Considering a model contain in an uv3 file, the following command :
./dalai-color -i /path/to/file.uv3 -o /path/to/colored.uv3 -m 0.8 -x 0.9
allows to apply the color map on each vertex of the model based on their height values. The minimum (--minimum/-m) and maximum (--maximum/-x) height values are used to determine the starting and ending point of the color map. The values of height outside of this defined range are colored using a cyclic condition.
The following illustrations shows the result obtained using this tool :
Original model (left) and its colored counterpart (right)
One can see how the application of an height-based color mapping can improve the readability of the model. On this example, one can much better see the variation of the topography on such sparse model.