All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Remove module_variable_optional_attrs.
- Add cpu_credits input for T class EC2 instances.
- Parse logfmt logs automatically (instead of json) in fluentbit. Increase default loki-ingester CPU and MEM requests and limits.
- Allow setting ingress-nginx custom configuration options.
- Add mixed instances policy.
- Add capacity across the Spot pools.
- Add percentage split between on-demand and Spot instances.
- Add number of Spot pools per availability zone to allocate capacity.
- Add variable to choose whether to activate detailed monitoring.
- Allow setting extra values to cluster-autoscaler Helm chart.
- Allow configuring NodeAffinity for ingress-nginx controller.
- Add dynamic root volume name depending on the AMI that is being used for the worker nodes.
- Attach worker nodes security groups directly to ENIs.
- Set spot instance type as "one-time".
- Add output for EKS cluster name.
- Add input to set if the worker nodes are public or private.
- Enable optional custom configurations for EKS addons.
- Minimum Replica count for ingress-nginx and ingress-additional-nginx
- AWS Managed nodegroups are not added to ELB Target groups. issue 36
- Cluster autoscaler permissions to describe managed nodegroups. issue 37.1
- OpenID Connect Provider for EKS to enable IRSA.
- IAM assumable role with oidc for EKS ebs-csi-controller.
- There was a variable typo. It was pointing to null instead of "".
- Update kubernetes registry from Image to, based on this announcement
- Typo on Tempo Helm chart version variable name.
- Typo on Tempo priority class name set value.
- Add additonal scrape configs for prometheus
- Typo in priority class name in some helm installations and metrics server
- Add priorityclass input to all helm installations
- add version selector for helm charts
- updated default version of the metrics server from 5.11.3 to 6.0.5
- add persistence to the grafana chart
- grafana helm chart
- Typo on additional ingressclass "nginx-additional". Before it was "nginx-private"
- Additional nginx controller instance
- Enable https traffic to nginx
- Request cpu and memory for ingress-nginx chart
- Typo on "helm_ingress_nginx_enabled". Before it was "helm_ingress_ngnix_enabled"
- Instance market options to use spot instances on custom node groups.
- Added a new variable under loki called "loki_max_query_length"
- AWS managed node groups
- multiple custom node groups
- NodeSelector input for loki and prometheus components
- Labels and taints for node groups
- k8s default api version updated to ""
- Terraform Launch configuration replaced by Terraform launch template
- Loki issue #5909 with image v2.5.0-with-pr-6123-a630ae3
- ASG's tags attribute (deprecated) replaced by tag
- Input to define k8s authentication api for tf providers
- Removed dependency between ingress-nginx serviceMonitor and Prometheus helm chart
- Input for SSH ingress rules to eks workers
- Ingress rule to allow communication between EC2 nodes and AWS managed nodes
- terraform required_providers added Issue #12
- Add Apache License Version 2.0 (January 2004)
- Add missing IAM policy for Cluster Autoscaler to EKS Worker Nodes IAM role
- ingress-nginx metrics expose to Prometheus
- fluent-bit service parsers config
- module source un README. Ssh url replaced for https instead
- EKS addons input.
- Prometheus-node-exporter tried to add pods in fargate nodes (fargate doesn't support daemonsets) Issue #3
- OTEL manifests failed because namespace didn't exist Issue #2
- cert-manager release failed because namespace didn't exist
- ignore_change option for asg desired_capacity, to be handled by the cluster-autoscaler
- aws-iam-authenticator is not needed anymore
- loki-stack has been replaced for loki-distributed, kube-stack-prometheus and fluent-bit helm charts
- tempo-distributed helm chart
- cert-manager helm chart
- opentelemetry manifests for auto-instrumentation
- ingress-nginx, metrics-server and cluster-autoscaler helm charts updated to latest version
- Add max_pods_per_node kubelet argument.
- README outputs.
- Add current aws region to cluster-autoscaler helm chart.
- CHANGELOG and README outputs.
- Eks endpoint and CA to outputs to be used for external helm release provider.
- Updating provider to allow EKS cluster create by Terragrunt role.
- Grafana datasources inputs.
- Prometheus server ingress values.
- The aws-auth configmap used to fail because the cluster wasn't ready yet.
- Users and roles can be added to the aws-auth configmap and managed by terraform
- Open ingress port to worker nodes if his Helm chart is enabled
- Bootstrapping: ingress-nginx, cluster-autoscaler, metrics-server and loki-stack helm charts
- First version of the eks module.