‘Quantum’ is a physics term widely used and mostly misunderstood. It is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of exteremly small things, which exposed gaps in the preceding theory of ‘classical’ physics. Quantum theory explains this behavior and gives us a more complete picture of our universe. We have realized we can use this previously unexplained behavior to perform certain computations that we previously did not believe possible. We call this quantum computing. Quantum computing is the perfect way to dip your toes into quantum physics. It distills the core concepts from quantum physics into their simplest forms, stripping away the complications of the physical world.
1] Ground State = 0 2] Excited State = 1 3] Superposition = Any value including and between O to 1
Its most intresting aspect of quantum world and supercomputing is power of Entanglement, this is what make quantum computing so powerful