diff --git a/Leap/Hands.osb b/Leap/Hands.osb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ddf198
Binary files /dev/null and b/Leap/Hands.osb differ
diff --git a/Leap/Leap.py b/Leap/Leap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05daa8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Leap/Leap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Sample scripts in this file are not supported under any Autodesk standard support program or service.
+# The sample scripts are provided without warranty of any kind.
+# Autodesk disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.
+# The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you.
+from PySide2 import QtWidgets
+from PySide2 import QtCore
+from vrAEBase import vrAEBase
+import vrController, vrCamera, vrFileIO, vrScenegraph, vrNodeUtils, vrOptimize, vrConstraints
+import uiTools
+import os, sys, math
+from os.path import expanduser
+# Look for Leap Library in C:\Autodesk\ or ~\Autodesk\
+home = expanduser("~")
+arch = '/lib-leap/x64' if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 else '/lib-leap/x86'
+hlib_dir = home + '/Autodesk/lib-leap/'
+harch_dir = home + '/Autodesk' + arch
+glib_dir = 'C:/Autodesk/lib-leap/'
+garch_dir = 'C:/Autodesk' + arch
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(glib_dir))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(garch_dir))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(hlib_dir))
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(harch_dir))
+import Leap
+from Leap import Finger, Bone
+# Hide hands that are currently not visible, otherwise hands
+# stay at the last known location
+hide_invisible_hands = True
+# Adjust settings for head mounted mode
+# Desktop mode (not on a hmd) is not tested!
+hmd_mounted = True
+# Will add nodes to this camera
+# Leave empty to use the currently selected camera
+vr_cam_name = ""
+def vredMainWindow(id):
+ from shiboken2 import wrapInstance
+ return wrapInstance(id, QtWidgets.QMainWindow)
+def plugin_path():
+ version = vrController.getVredVersion()
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Documents", "Autodesk", "VRED-" + version, "ScriptPlugins", "LeapVRED")
+ return path
+def distance(a, b):
+ ''' Euclidean distance between 2 points, given as a list of floats '''
+ return math.sqrt((a[0]-b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1]-b[1]) ** 2 + (a[2]-b[2]) ** 2)
+# create missing keys in dict on the fly
+class Vividict(dict):
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ value = self[key] = type(self)()
+ return value
+# Use the ui file to populate the automatically generated Scripts->Leap menu button with some text
+leap_form, leap_base = uiTools.loadUiType(plugin_path() + '\\leapGUI.ui')
+class LeapControl(leap_form, leap_base):
+ def __init__(self, mw, parent = None):
+ super(LeapControl, self).__init__(parent)
+ parent.layout().addWidget(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ self.add_menu(mw)
+ self.paused = True
+ self.initialized = False
+ parent.layout().addWidget(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.setupUi(self)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.mw.menuBar().removeAction(self.menu.menuAction())
+ def add_menu(self, mw):
+ self.mw = mw
+ self.connect_leap_action = QtWidgets.QAction(mw.tr("Start Leap Motion"), mw)
+ self.connect_leap_action.triggered.connect(self.connect)
+ self.stop_leap_action = QtWidgets.QAction(mw.tr("Stop Leap Motion"), mw)
+ self.stop_leap_action.triggered.connect(self.stop)
+ self.menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(mw.tr("Leap Motion"), mw)
+ self.menu.addAction(self.connect_leap_action)
+ self.menu.addAction(self.stop_leap_action)
+ # insert Leap menu before Help.
+ actions = mw.menuBar().actions()
+ for action in actions:
+ if action.text() == mw.tr("&Help"):
+ mw.menuBar().insertAction(action, self.menu.menuAction())
+ break
+ def init_leap(self):
+ self.leap_fetcher = LeapDataFetcher(self)
+ self.leap_listener = LeapListener(self.leap_fetcher)
+ self.leap_controller = Leap.Controller(self.leap_listener)
+ self.leap_controller.set_policy(Leap.Controller.POLICY_ALLOW_PAUSE_RESUME)
+ if hmd_mounted: self.leap_controller.set_policy(Leap.Controller.POLICY_OPTIMIZE_HMD)
+ self.leap_controller.set_paused(self.paused)
+ self.initialized = True
+ def build_hand_structure(self):
+ # Build hand structure as a dictionary to match Leaps internal data structure
+ self.hand_dict = Vividict()
+ self.hands = ["Left", "Right"]
+ self.fingers = {Finger.TYPE_THUMB: "Thumb", Finger.TYPE_INDEX: "Index",
+ Finger.TYPE_MIDDLE: "Middle", Finger.TYPE_RING: "Ring", Finger.TYPE_PINKY: "Pinky"}
+ self.bones = {Bone.TYPE_PROXIMAL: "Proximal", Bone.TYPE_INTERMEDIATE: "Intermediate",
+ Bone.TYPE_DISTAL: "Distal", Bone.TYPE_METACARPAL: "Metacarpal"}
+ # Visualisation
+ self.connections = {"Intermediate": "Proximal", "Distal": "Intermediate", "Proximal": "Metacarpal"}
+ self.contour_connections = {"PinkyBase": "ThumbMetacarpal", "ThumbMetacarpal": "IndexMetacarpal", "IndexMetacarpal": "MiddleMetacarpal",
+ "MiddleMetacarpal": "RingMetacarpal", "RingMetacarpal": "PinkyMetacarpal", "PinkyMetacarpal": "PinkyBase"}
+ self.left_hand_root = vrScenegraph.findNode("LeftHand")
+ self.right_hand_root = vrScenegraph.findNode("RightHand")
+ self.left_hand_palm = vrScenegraph.findNode("LeftHandPalm")
+ self.right_hand_palm = vrScenegraph.findNode("RightHandPalm")
+ #self.wrist = vrScenegraph.findNode("leap_wrist")
+ # Big invisible collider
+ self.left_hand_collider = vrScenegraph.findNode("LeftHandCollider")
+ vrConstraints.createAimConstraint(["LeftIndexDistal"], ["leap_up"], "LeftHandCollider")
+ self.right_hand_collider = vrScenegraph.findNode("RightHandCollider")
+ vrConstraints.createAimConstraint(["RightIndexDistal"], ["leap_up"], "RightHandCollider")
+ for hand in self.hands:
+ for finger in self.fingers.values():
+ for bone in self.bones.values():
+ name = "{}{}{}".format(hand,finger,bone)
+ node = vrScenegraph.findNode(name)
+ bone_vis_dict = {}
+ if bone in self.connections.keys():
+ bone_vis_dict = self.build_bone_visual("{}{}{}".format(hand,finger,self.connections[bone]), name, hand)
+ bone_vis_dict['joint'] = node
+ self.hand_dict[hand][finger][bone] = bone_vis_dict
+ # Hand contours
+ self.contours = []
+ for hand in self.hands:
+ # Use pinky metacarpal base as hand contour anchor
+ self.hand_dict[hand]['pinky_base'] = vrScenegraph.findNode("{}PinkyBase".format(hand))
+ for joint in self.contour_connections.items():
+ # create contour
+ name = "{}{}{}{}".format(hand, joint[0], hand, joint[1])
+ node = vrScenegraph.findNode(name)
+ vrConstraints.createAimConstraint([hand + joint[1]], ["leap_up"], name)
+ self.contours.append({'bone': node, 'start': vrScenegraph.findNode(hand+joint[0]), 'end': vrScenegraph.findNode(hand+joint[1])})
+ def build_bone_visual(self, start, end, hand):
+ ''' Create visual bones '''
+ node = vrScenegraph.findNode("bonevis_" + end)
+ bone_ele = {'bone': node, 'start': vrScenegraph.findNode(start), 'end': vrScenegraph.findNode(end)}
+ vrConstraints.createAimConstraint([end], ["leap_up"], "bonevis_" + end)
+ return bone_ele
+ def connect(self):
+ if not self.paused:
+ print "Already connected"
+ return
+ if not self.initialized:
+ print "Init Leap"
+ self.init_leap()
+ print "Starting Leap"
+ # Check if there are actually hands in the scene, and add hands if not
+ # Only checks for hand root, not each bone
+ if vrScenegraph.findNode("Hands").isValid():
+ print "Hands found"
+ else:
+ print "Import hands structure"
+ if vr_cam_name:
+ cam_node = vrScenegraph.findNode(vr_cam_name)
+ else:
+ cam_node = vrCamera.getActiveCameraNode()
+ vrFileIO.load(filenames = [os.path.join(plugin_path(), "Hands.osb")], parent = cam_node, newFile = False, showImportOptions = False)
+ self.build_hand_structure()
+ self.paused = False
+ self.leap_controller.set_paused(self.paused)
+ def stop(self):
+ print "Stopping Leap"
+ self.paused = True
+ self.leap_controller.set_paused(self.paused)
+class LeapListener(Leap.Listener):
+ def __init__(self, fetcher=None):
+ super(LeapListener, self).__init__()
+ self.fetcher = fetcher
+ def on_init(self, controller):
+ print "Leap Listener initialized"
+ def on_connect(self, controller):
+ print "Leap connected"
+ self.fetcher.connected = True
+ def on_disconnect(self, controller):
+ print "Leap disconnected"
+ self.fetcher.connected = False
+class LeapDataFetcher(vrAEBase):
+ def __init__(self, lc, connected = False):
+ vrAEBase.__init__(self)
+ self.leap_control = lc
+ self.connected = connected
+ self.last_frame_id = 0
+ self.addLoop()
+ def recEvent(self, state):
+ vrAEBase.recEvent(self, state)
+ def loop(self):
+ if self.connected and not self.leap_control.paused:
+ frame = self.leap_control.leap_controller.frame()
+ if frame.id != self.last_frame_id:
+ self.apply_hand_transforms(frame)
+ self.last_frame_id = frame.id
+ def apply_hand_transforms(self, frame):
+ mount_factor = -1 if hmd_mounted else 1
+ if hide_invisible_hands:
+ self.leap_control.left_hand_root.setActive(False)
+ self.leap_control.right_hand_root.setActive(False)
+ for i in range(0, min(2, len(frame.hands))):
+ hand = frame.hands[i]
+ palm_pos = hand.palm_position
+ hand_side = ""
+ #wrist_pos = hand.arm.wrist_position
+ #self.leap_control.wrist.setTranslation(wrist_pos.x *mount_factor, -wrist_pos.z, wrist_pos.y *mount_factor)
+ # Palm rotation unstable at the moment in hmd mode
+ if hand.is_left:
+ self.leap_control.left_hand_root.setActive(True)
+ self.leap_control.left_hand_palm.setTranslation(palm_pos.x *mount_factor, -palm_pos.z, palm_pos.y *mount_factor)
+ #self.leap_control.left_hand_palm.setRotation(math.degrees(hand.direction.pitch), -math.degrees(hand.palm_normal.roll), -math.degrees(hand.direction.yaw) *mount_factor)
+ hand_side = "Left"
+ self.leap_control.left_hand_collider.setTranslation(palm_pos.x *mount_factor, -palm_pos.z, palm_pos.y *mount_factor)
+ target = self.leap_control.hand_dict[hand_side]["Index"]["Distal"]["joint"]
+ dist = distance(target.getTranslation(), self.leap_control.left_hand_collider.getTranslation())
+ self.leap_control.left_hand_collider.setScale(15, 15, dist + 5)
+ if hand.is_right:
+ self.leap_control.right_hand_root.setActive(True)
+ self.leap_control.right_hand_palm.setTranslation(palm_pos.x *mount_factor, -palm_pos.z, palm_pos.y *mount_factor)
+ #self.leap_control.right_hand_palm.setRotation(math.degrees(hand.direction.pitch), -math.degrees(hand.palm_normal.roll), -math.degrees(hand.direction.yaw) *mount_factor)
+ hand_side = "Right"
+ self.leap_control.right_hand_collider.setTranslation(palm_pos.x *mount_factor, -palm_pos.z, palm_pos.y *mount_factor)
+ target = self.leap_control.hand_dict[hand_side]["Index"]["Distal"]["joint"]
+ dist = distance(target.getTranslation(), self.leap_control.right_hand_collider.getTranslation())
+ self.leap_control.right_hand_collider.setScale(15, 15, dist + 5)
+ # contour stuff
+ leap_bone = hand.fingers.finger_type(Finger.TYPE_PINKY)[0].bone(Bone.TYPE_METACARPAL)
+ pos = leap_bone.prev_joint
+ bone_scale = leap_bone.width / 2
+ pinky = self.leap_control.hand_dict[hand_side]['pinky_base']
+ pinky.setTranslation(pos.x *mount_factor, -pos.z, pos.y *mount_factor)
+ pinky.setScale(bone_scale, bone_scale, bone_scale)
+ for c in self.leap_control.contours:
+ self.update_joint(c, bone_scale)
+ for finger in self.leap_control.fingers.items():
+ for bone in self.leap_control.bones.items():
+ leap_bone = hand.fingers.finger_type(finger[0])[0].bone(bone[0])
+ pos = leap_bone.next_joint
+ bone_scale = leap_bone.width / 2
+ bone_dict = self.leap_control.hand_dict[hand_side][finger[1]][bone[1]]
+ bone_dict['joint'].setTranslation(pos.x *mount_factor, -pos.z, pos.y *mount_factor)
+ bone_dict['joint'].setScale(bone_scale, bone_scale, bone_scale)
+ if 'start' in bone_dict:
+ self.update_joint(bone_dict, bone_scale)
+ # Could read and apply leap motion supplied orientation data here
+ def update_joint(self, bone_dict, bone_scale):
+ pos = bone_dict['start'].getTranslation()
+ dist = distance(pos, bone_dict['end'].getTranslation())
+ bone_dict['bone'].setScale(bone_scale * 0.95, bone_scale * 0.95, dist)
+ bone_dict['bone'].setTranslation(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
+leap_control = LeapControl(vredMainWindow(VREDMainWindowId), parent = VREDPluginWidget)
+# Script by Constantin Kleinbeck, supported by Simon Nagel
diff --git a/Leap/leapGUI.ui b/Leap/leapGUI.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0005fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Leap/leapGUI.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ leapGUI
+ -
+ Sample Leap Motion VRED integration
+ This integration is not feature complete, and should be used as an example of how such an implementation could look like.
+ This plugin will apply transformations to hand bone nodes in the scenegraph.
+ See the Leap Motion documentation or Hands.osb form the Plugin folder for more information.
+ If no hands are present in the scene, example hands will be loaded on first start.
+ See Leap.py in the "ScriptPlugins" folder for implementation details.
+ Sample scripts are not supported under any Autodesk standard support program or service.
+ The sample scripts are provided without warranty of any kind.
+ Autodesk disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.
+ The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you.
+ Plugin made by Constantin Kleinbeck and Simon Nagel
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35cd03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Leap Motion support for Autodesk VRED
+Requires at least VRED 2018.4
+## Features
+- Left and right hand
+- Hand outlines
+- Finger size and diameter based on actual Leap data
+- Start and end of collision callbacks (can also be used without Leap)
+This plugin does not try to read joint rotation, only position. Might cause instabilities (not compiled with VS 2015 for VRED).
+## Installation
+- Install Leap Motion Orion drivers
+- Put the lib-leap folder (see releases) into either `~\Autodesk` or `C:\Autodesk\`
+- Copy the "plugin" folder in your VRED plugin directory
+ - This path depends on your VRED version. For 2018.4, it's `C:/Users//Documents/Autodesk/VRED-10.2/ScriptPlugins` (internal version 10.2).
+## Usage
+This plugin will add a "Leap Motion" item to your menu bar. Press "Start Leap Motion" under this menu item to connect to the Leap service and start receiving hand data. This will also automatically add hands to your scene if not already present (under your camera node).
+Also see the demo scene and the `Collider.py` script for examples on how to add hand interaction to your scene. The collider script extends the VRED build in collider with start and end of collision callbacks, which you can use to trigger interaction.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/animation.gif b/animation.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d972f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/animation.gif differ
diff --git a/collider.py b/collider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b147aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Mode detailled collision callbacks for VRED.
+3 events:
+- start = once called on collision start
+- touch = called while colliding
+- exit = once called after colliding
+You can attach multiple callbacks to each event.
+Nodes used while constructing the Collider will be passed to the method as a tuple in original order.
+Callback method singature is: method((a, b)).
+a = findNode("a")
+b = findNode("b")
+collider = Collider(a, b)
+collider.exit.append(lambda x: do_with_nodes(x))
+See also Leap example scene
+class Collider(vrAEBase):
+ """ More detailled collision callbacks for VRED """
+ def __init__(self, a, b):
+ vrAEBase.__init__(self)
+ self.a = a
+ self.b = b
+ self.timer = 0
+ self.timeout = 2
+ self.start = []
+ self.touch = []
+ self.exit = []
+ self.vrc = vrCollision([a], [b])
+ self.vrc.connect(self.collided)
+ self.first_col = not self.colliding()
+ def colliding(self):
+ return self.vrc.isColliding()
+ def enable(state):
+ self.vrc.setActive(state)
+ def collided(self):
+ if self.first_col:
+ for cbs in self.start:
+ if callable(cbs):
+ cbs((self.a, self.b))
+ self.addLoop()
+ else:
+ for cbt in self.touch:
+ if callable(cbt):
+ cbt((self.a, self.b))
+ self.first_col = False
+ self.timer = 0
+ def loop(self):
+ self.timer += 1
+ if self.timer > self.timeout:
+ for cbe in self.exit:
+ if callable(cbe):
+ cbe((self.a, self.b))
+ self.subLoop()
+ self.first_col = True
+ self.timer = 0