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File metadata and controls

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A bunch of classes build with JEE technologies under the hood for making easier the development of microservices.

For the showcase please click here


mvn clean install

Defining the entity

// imports
import ro.brage.dodo.jpa.Model;

@Table(name = "CAR")
public class Car extends Model {
    @Column(name = "MAKE")
    private String make;
    @Column(name = "MODEL")
    private String model;

    @Column(name = "LICENSE_PLATE")
    private String licensePlate;
    private Set<Accessory> accesories;

    // Getters and Setters


Define a DTO

// imports

public class CarDto extends DtoModel {
     private String make;
     private String model;
     private String licensePlate;
     private Set<AccessoryDto> accesories;

     // Getters and Setters

Defining a mapper

Comlex entity? or just an easy class you would like to map? THen you can choose between AdvancedMapper and SimpleMapper

Advanced Mapper

Let's say you want to map the Car to CarDto

// imports

@Mapper(componentModel = "cdi")
public abstract class CarMapper extends AdvancedMapper<Car, CarDTO> {

     // override methods if needed



You need to map something less complex? Great!


@Mapper(componentModel = "cdi")
public abstract class AccessoryDto extends SimpleMapper<Accessory, AccessoryDto> {


And for the sake of the explanation our Accessory's entity and it's DTO will have the same fields and it's the following:

public class Accessory {

	private String name;
	private double price;
	private int quantity;

By default the generated mappers will be under /target/generated-sources/java. If you're using Eclipse make sure to add this folder as a Source Folder (Right click -> Built Path -> Use as Source Folder), for Netbeans this is done automatically.

Defining the service

Pretty much straight forward, there are a few ways how to fetch the data and it's as follows:

// imports
import ro.brage.dodo.jpa.EntityService;
import ro.brage.dodo.jpa.Finder;

public class CarService extends EntityService<Car> {

  public Car getByLicensePlate(String licensePlate) throws Exception {
    return new Finder<>(this)
        .equalTo(Car_.licensePlate, licensePlate)
  public List<Car> filterByYears(Date from, Date to) throws Exception {
    return new Finder<>(this)
        .between(Car_.year, from, to)
        .orderBy(Car_.year, OrderBy.ASC)
  // Using the generated class for Entities annotated with @Finder
  public List<Car> getByMakeAndModel(String make, String model) throws Exception {
    return new CarFinder(this)

  // Static queries
  public void disableCarByGuid(String guid) {
    String updateQuery = "UPDATE Car c SET c.enabled=0 where c.guid: guid";
    getEntityManager().createQuery(updateQuery).setParameter("guid", guid).executeUpdate();

  // Static queries with inherited methods and the QueryParams class
  public List<Car> findEnabledCarsByGuid() {
	    return getService().getResults("SELECT c FROM Car c WHERE c.enabled=1",
	            new QueryParams()
	            	.addParameter(Todo_.enabled, true));

  public Long getTotalEntities() {
    return getCount();

Are you looking for the PersistentManager? Then call it's getter getEntityManager() , for more details feel free to check the abstract class EntityService


Remember to define the @ApplicationPath

// imports

public interface CarRestApi extends RestApi<CarDTO> {

    public CarDTO getByLicensePlate(@PathParam("licensePlate") String licensePlate);

For more information regarding Jax-RS please check the Oracle's documentation

The Rest Service

So let's implement the CarRestApi

// imports

public class CarRestService extends RestApiService<Car, CarDTO, CarService, CarMapper> implements CarRestApi {

    public CarDTO getByLicensePlate(String licensePlate) {
         getLogger().info("getByLicensePlate({})", licensePlate);

         Car car = getService().getByLicensePlate(licensePlate);
         return getMapper().map(car);


Also a logger is provided from the abstract layer 😉


SemVer will be used for versioning because it provides a clear documentation. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


In case you would like to contribute updating the documentation, improving the functionalities, reporting issues or fixing them please, you're more than welcome 😄 . However, please have a look to the already defined contribute's guide


MIT © Dorin Brage