- packages/sui-hoc: Migrate to ESM (8b37873)
- packages/sui-hoc: remove component peer dependencies (775cc31)
- packages/sui-hoc: fix shouldLoadIntersectionObserver function for some old chrome versions with (e74ccda)
- sui-hoc: add safety check on unmount before disconnecting intersection observer (56023e5)
- sui-hoc: proptype undefined (ba4aa1a)
- sui-hoc: withIntersectionObserver - memory leak - cancel all subscriptions and asyncronous tas (9f9653a)
- sui-hoc: force new release (a57c800)
- sui-hoc: fix isOpen initial state to withOpenToggle HOC (c46ae37)
- sui-hoc: back to the previous behavior version (1786769)
- sui-hoc: add proptypes (95be67c)
- sui-hoc: apply PR suggestion (d83fbd5)
- sui-hoc: apply PR suggestions (7c48d52)
- sui-hoc: define default state with prop (057cfe5)
- sui-hoc: support react 17 as peer dependency (300195c)
- sui-hoc: update intersection observer version (3141f14)
- sui-hoc: more generic values to propagate (947ee59)
- sui-hoc: upgrade intersection-observer version (6d99c4b)
- sui-hoc: name to handleChange (f13e149)
- sui-hoc: cleaner code assuring boolean value (c99bd82)
- sui-hoc: move component dependencies to devDependencies (bd30aa1)
- sui-hoc: move sui-react-context to peerDep (63d144a)
- sui-hoc: install sui-react-context from peer dependencies (f942b0f)
- sui-hoc: add new hocs for using the new react context api (22201c4)
- sui-hoc: Release library with correct babel-preset-sui installed (39a0f9f)
- sui-hoc: Move to babel-preset-sui@3 (17db36e)
- sui-hoc: force release (754b156)
- sui-hoc: fix import export modules (f363402)
- sui-hoc: migrate to babel 7 (a4404e0)
- sui-hoc: use same version of the package as other libraries to avoid having twice the same (ea69031)
- sui-hoc: Use local babel-preset-sui for each project (9600ba9)
- sui-hoc: better name for hoc w/ options (8477c01)
- sui-hoc: exact version (84dd8e7)
- sui-hoc: intersection observer lazy loading (3256f94)
- sui-hoc: intersection-observer hoc (1ebc8a0)
- sui-hoc: options added (d82bb95)
- sui-hoc: options to intersection observer in hoc (9517c48)
- sui-hoc: withStateValueTags (2022657)
- sui-hoc: no default value (92cda0e)
- sui-hoc: displayName added (fdb9ab3)
- sui-hoc: index added (1865e67)
- sui-hoc: withStateValue hoc (840e095)
- sui-hoc: fix proptypes and prepare for react 16 using external prop types library (1f5baf7)
- sui-hoc: Move package from @schibstedspain scope to @s-ui org (a82560e)
- sui-hoc: avoid installing devDependencies (0ab4d77)
- sui-hoc: wrong way to construct childContextTypes (6e600c5)
- sui-hoc: add Readme (bff8988)