File tree
882 files changed
lines changed- cmake
- python
- examples
- src
- section
- 1
- 2
- 151
- 26
- 6
- test
- MF1
- MT455
- MT458
- MT460
- MF10
- MF12
- MF13
- MF14
- MF15
- MF2
- MT151
- MF23
- MF26
- LAW1
- LAW2
- MF27
- MF28
- MF3
- MF31
- MF32/MT151
- MF33
- MF34
- MF35
- MF4
- MF40
- MF5
- MF6
- LAW1
- LAW2
- LAW5
- LAW7
- MF7
- MT2
- MT4
- MT451
- MF8
- MF9
- tree
- src
- ENDFtk
- ControlRecord/test
- DirectoryRecord/test
- HeadRecord
- src
- test
- InterpolationRecord/test
- InterpolationSequenceRecord/test
- ListRecord/test
- Material/test
- StructureDivision/test
- TabulationRecord/test
- Tape/test
- TapeIdentification/test
- TextRecord/test
- file
- 1/test
- 2/test
- 7/test
- 8/test
- Type/test
- record
- Base/test
- InterpolationBase/test
- Sequence/test
- Tail/test
- Zipper/test
- test
- section
- 1
- 451
- src
- test
- 452
- src
- test
- 455
- DecayConstants/test
- EnergyDependentConstants/test
- EnergyIndependentConstants/test
- src
- test
- 456
- src
- test
- 458
- EnergyReleaseComponent/test
- PolynomialComponents/test
- TabulatedComponents/test
- ThermalPointComponents/test
- src
- test
- 460
- ContinuousPhotons/test
- DiscretePhotonMultiplicity/test
- DiscretePhotons/test
- src
- test
- PolynomialMultiplicity/test
- TabulatedMultiplicity/test
- 10
- ReactionProduct/test
- src
- test
- 12
- Multiplicities/test
- PartialMultiplicity/test
- TotalMultiplicity/test
- TransitionProbabilities
- Transition/test
- test
- src
- test
- 13
- PartialCrossSection/test
- TotalCrossSection/test
- src
- test
- 14
- IsotropicDiscretePhoton/test
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- LegendreDistributions/test
- TabulatedDistribution/test
- TabulatedDistributions/test
- src
- test
- 15
- PartialDistribution/test
- Probability/test
- TabulatedSpectrum
- OutgoingEnergyDistribution/test
- test
- src
- test
- 2
- 151
- BreitWignerLValue
- Resonance/test
- test
- Isotope
- src
- test
- MultiLevelBreitWigner/test
- RMatrixLimited
- BackgroundChannels/test
- FrohnerBackgroundRMatrix/test
- NoBackgroundRMatrix/test
- ParticlePairs/test
- ResonanceChannels/test
- ResonanceParameters/test
- SammyBackgroundRMatrix/test
- SpinGroup/test
- TabulatedBackgroundRMatrix/test
- test
- ReichMoore/test
- ReichMooreLValue
- Resonance/test
- test
- ScatteringRadius/test
- SingleLevelBreitWigner/test
- SpecialCase/test
- UnresolvedEnergyDependent
- JValue/test
- LValue/test
- test
- UnresolvedEnergyDependentFissionWidths
- JValue/test
- LValue/test
- test
- UnresolvedEnergyIndependent
- JValue/test
- LValue/test
- test
- src
- test
- 152
- src
- test
- 23
- src
- test
- 26
- ContinuumEnergyAngle
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- test
- DiscreteTwoBodyScattering
- TabulatedDistribution/test
- test
- EnergyTransfer/test
- Multiplicity
- src
- test
- ReactionProduct/test
- src
- test
- 27
- src
- test
- 28
- SubshellData
- Transition/test
- test
- src
- test
- 3
- src
- test
- 31
- src
- test
- 32
- 151
- CompactBreitWignerUncertainties
- Resonance/test
- test
- CompactCorrelationMatrix/test
- CompactMultiLevelBreitWigner/test
- CompactRMatrixLimited/test
- CompactRMatrixLimitedUncertainties
- ParticlePairs/test
- ResonanceChannels/test
- ResonanceParameters/test
- SpinGroup/test
- test
- CompactReichMoore/test
- CompactReichMooreUncertainties
- Resonance/test
- test
- CompactSingleLevelBreitWigner/test
- GeneralMultiLevelBreitWigner/test
- GeneralRMatrixLimited/test
- GeneralReichMoore/test
- GeneralSingleLevelBreitWigner/test
- LimitedBreitWignerLValue
- Resonance/test
- test
- LimitedMultiLevelBreitWigner/test
- LimitedSingleLevelBreitWigner/test
- ReichMooreScatteringRadiusUncertainties/test
- ScatteringRadiusCovariances/test
- ShortRangeBreitWignerBlock/test
- ShortRangeRMatrixLimitedBlock
- CovarianceMatrix/test
- ResonanceParameters/test
- test
- ShortRangeReichMooreBlock/test
- UnresolvedRelativeCovariances
- CovarianceMatrix/test
- JValue/test
- LValue/test
- test
- src
- 33
- src
- test
- 34
- LegendreBlock/test
- ReactionBlock/test
- src
- test
- 35
- SquareMatrix/test
- src
- test
- 4
- Isotropic/test
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- LegendreDistributions/test
- MixedDistributions/test
- TabulatedDistribution/test
- TabulatedDistributions/test
- src
- test
- 40
- LevelBlock/test
- src
- test
- 5
- DistributionFunction/test
- EffectiveTemperature/test
- EvaporationSpectrum/test
- GeneralEvaporationSpectrum/test
- MadlandNixSpectrum/test
- MaxwellianFissionSpectrum/test
- Parameter/test
- PartialDistribution/test
- Probability/test
- TabulatedSpectrum
- OutgoingEnergyDistribution/test
- test
- WattSpectrum/test
- src
- test
- 6
- ChargedParticleElasticScattering
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- NuclearAmplitudeExpansion/test
- NuclearPlusInterference/test
- test
- ContinuumEnergyAngle
- Base/test
- KalbachMann/test
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- TabulatedDistribution/test
- ThermalScatteringData/test
- test
- DefinedElsewhere/test
- DiscreteTwoBodyRecoils/test
- DiscreteTwoBodyScattering
- LegendreCoefficients/test
- TabulatedDistribution/test
- test
- IsotropicDiscreteEmission/test
- LaboratoryAngleEnergy
- AngularDistribution/test
- EnergyDistribution/test
- test
- Multiplicity
- src
- test
- NBodyPhaseSpace/test
- NoLawDataGiven/test
- ReactionProduct/test
- Unknown/test
- src
- test
- 7
- 2
- CoherentElastic/test
- IncoherentElastic/test
- MixedElastic/test
- src
- test
- 4
- AnalyticalFunctions/test
- EffectiveTemperature/test
- ScatteringLawConstants/test
- TabulatedFunctions
- ScatteringFunction/test
- test
- src
- test
- 451
- ElementInformation/test
- src
- test
- 8
- 454
- src
- test
- 457
- AverageDecayEnergies/test
- ContinuousSpectrum/test
- DecayMode/test
- DecayModes/test
- DecaySpectrum/test
- DiscreteSpectrum/test
- src
- test
- 459
- src
- test
- FissionYieldData
- FissionProduct/test
- test
- 9
- ReactionProduct/test
- src
- test
- Base
- src
- test
- BaseWithoutMT
- src
- test
- CovariancePairs/test
- DerivedRatioToStandard/test
- DerivedRedundant/test
- ReactionBlock
- src
- test
- RectangularMatrix/test
- SquareMatrix/test
- test
- tree
- File/test
- Material/test
- Section/test
- Tape/test
- test
- utility
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
882 files changed
lines changed+42-25
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
| 4 | + | |
4 | 5 |
| |
5 |
| - | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
6 | 20 |
| |
7 | 21 |
| |
8 | 22 |
| |
| |||
11 | 25 |
| |
12 | 26 |
| |
13 | 27 |
| |
14 |
| - | |
15 |
| - | |
16 |
| - | |
17 |
| - | |
18 |
| - | |
19 |
| - | |
20 |
| - | |
21 |
| - | |
22 |
| - | |
23 |
| - | |
24 |
| - | |
25 |
| - | |
| 28 | + | |
| 29 | + | |
| 30 | + | |
| 31 | + | |
| 32 | + | |
| 33 | + | |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
26 | 38 |
| |
27 | 39 |
| |
28 | 40 |
| |
| |||
55 | 67 |
| |
56 | 68 |
| |
57 | 69 |
| |
58 |
| - | |
59 |
| - | |
60 | 70 |
| |
61 |
| - | |
| 71 | + | |
| 72 | + | |
| 73 | + | |
| 74 | + | |
| 75 | + | |
| 76 | + | |
62 | 77 |
| |
63 |
| - | |
64 |
| - | |
65 |
| - | |
66 |
| - | |
67 |
| - | |
68 |
| - | |
| 78 | + | |
| 79 | + | |
| 80 | + | |
| 81 | + | |
| 82 | + | |
69 | 83 |
| |
70 | 84 |
| |
71 | 85 |
| |
72 | 86 |
| |
73 | 87 |
| |
74 | 88 |
| |
| 89 | + | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
75 | 92 |
| |
76 | 93 |
| |
77 | 94 |
| |
| |||
309 | 326 |
| |
310 | 327 |
| |
311 | 328 |
| |
312 |
| - | |
| 329 | + | |
313 | 330 |
| |
314 | 331 |
| |
315 |
| - | |
| 332 | + | |
316 | 333 |
| |
317 | 334 |
| |
318 | 335 |
| |
319 |
| - | |
| 336 | + | |
320 | 337 |
| |
321 | 338 |
| |
322 | 339 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
32 | 32 |
| |
33 | 33 |
| |
34 | 34 |
| |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
| 38 | + | |
35 | 39 |
| |
36 | 40 |
| |
37 | 41 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 |
| - | |
9 |
| - | |
10 |
| - | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
11 | 11 |
| |
12 | 12 |
| |
13 | 13 |
| |
14 |
| - | |
15 |
| - | |
16 |
| - | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
17 | 17 |
| |
18 | 18 |
| |
19 | 19 |
| |
| |||
23 | 23 |
| |
24 | 24 |
| |
25 | 25 |
| |
26 |
| - | |
27 |
| - | |
28 |
| - | |
29 |
| - | |
30 |
| - | |
31 |
| - | |
32 | 26 |
| |
33 | 27 |
| |
34 | 28 |
| |
35 | 29 |
| |
36 | 30 |
| |
37 | 31 |
| |
38 | 32 |
| |
39 |
| - | |
| 33 | + | |
40 | 34 |
| |
41 | 35 |
| |
42 | 36 |
| |
43 | 37 |
| |
44 | 38 |
| |
45 | 39 |
| |
46 | 40 |
| |
47 |
| - | |
48 |
| - | |
| 41 | + | |
49 | 42 |
| |
50 |
| - | |
51 | 43 |
| |
52 |
| - | |
53 | 44 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
10 | 10 |
| |
11 | 11 |
| |
12 | 12 |
| |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
13 | 18 |
| |
14 | 19 |
| |
15 | 20 |
| |
16 | 21 |
| |
17 | 22 |
| |
18 |
| - | |
19 |
| - | |
20 |
| - | |
21 |
| - | |
22 |
| - | |
23 |
| - | |
24 |
| - | |
25 |
| - | |
26 |
| - | |
27 |
| - | |
28 | 23 |
| |
29 | 24 |
| |
30 |
| - | |
| 25 | + | |
31 | 26 |
| |
32 | 27 |
| |
33 | 28 |
| |
| |||
37 | 32 |
| |
38 | 33 |
| |
39 | 34 |
| |
40 |
| - | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
| 38 | + | |
| 39 | + | |
| 40 | + | |
| 41 | + | |
41 | 42 |
| |
42 |
| - | |
43 | 43 |
| |
44 | 44 |
| |
45 | 45 |
| |
46 | 46 |
| |
47 | 47 |
| |
48 | 48 |
| |
49 |
| - | |
50 | 49 |
| |
51 |
| - | |
52 |
| - | |
53 |
| - | |
54 | 50 |
| |
55 | 51 |
| |
| 52 | + | |
56 | 53 |
0 commit comments