Theme Name: the_minimum
Description: A minimumlist theme for jekyll.Theming is done on Jekyll-Bootstrap.
Author: Yuya Saito @ _layout
Version: 1.0
- Love minimalism? So do I. I've put some effort on typography(not the type face) so your reader won't need Readability to read your content.
- Design is simple so is the code behind it. You can easily customize it.
- Built with mobile first.
- Written with LESS so if you need to edit it, you should get Codekit. I did use this app to develop this theme.
I'm Yuya Saito who is a web designer/front-end developer from Tokyo, Japan.
This is a Jekyll Bootstrap port of my theme studiomohawk/jekyll-theme-the_minimum. If you watch or fork from it, you should do those here instead.
There are 2 places you should go look.
- Jekyll / Jekyll repo page on Github
- Jekyll-Bootstrap / (Almost) complete how-to and bootstrap for Jekyll created by Jade Dominguez
- Jekyll-Bootstrap / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
- Modernizr / MIT/BSD license
- Frameless / CC0
- HTML5 Boilerplate: The Unlicense (aka: Public Domain)