Welcome to the NetUtils image. Check the deployment options available and the list of available tools (in the end).
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'docker run --rm -ti nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
Host network:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'docker run --rm -ti --net host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
Container network:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'CONTAINER=some_other_container && docker run --rm -ti --net container:$CONTAINER --pid container:$CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volumes-from=$CONTAINER nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
With permissions for termshark:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'CONTAINER=some_other_container && docker run --rm -ti --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=NET_RAW -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volumes-from=$CONTAINER --net container:$CONTAINER --pid container:$CONTAINER nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'nerdctl run --rm -ti nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
Host network:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'nerdctl run --rm -ti --net host nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
Container network:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'nerdctl run --rm -ti --net container:some_other_container nmaguiar/netutils /bin/bash'}}}
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'kubectl run netutils --rm -it --image nmaguiar/netutils -- /bin/bash'}}}
Attach to a container to debug:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'kubectl debug pod-to-debug -it --image nmaguiar/netutils --target=container-to-debug --profile=netadmin -- /bin/bash'}}}
Profile | Description |
netadmin | Network Administrator privileges (NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW). |
sysadmin | System Administrator (root) privileges. |
general | A reasonable set of defaults tailored for each debuging journey (SYS_PTRACE). |
auto | Automatically choose between general, baseline, and restricted. |
Start in a specific node:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=node-server-0 NAME=netutils NS=kube-system /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n $NS $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/netutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/netutils","stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"]}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
Host network:
{{{$acolor 'FAINT,ITALIC' 'NODENAME=node-server-0 NAME=netutils NS=kube-system /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n $NS $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/netutils --overrides="{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"hostNetwork":true,"nodeName":"$NODENAME","containers":[{"name":"$NAME","image":"nmaguiar/netutils","stdin":true,"stdinOnce":true,"tty":true,"args":["/bin/bash"]}]}}" -- /bin/bash''}}}
Utility | Use for | Usage help |
arping | Sending ARP requests to discover hosts on a local network. | |
bridge | Managing Ethernet bridges in Linux. | |
cifsiostat | Tool used for monitoring CIFS (Common Internet File System) file system performance. | |
clockdiff | Calculating the time difference between two hosts. | |
conntrack-tools | Tools for managing and monitoring connection tracking in Linux. | |
ctop | Monitoring container metrics in real-time. | |
ctstat | Displaying statistics for container networking. | |
curl | Transferring data with URLs, supporting various protocols. | |
drill | DNS lookup and querying DNS servers. | |
fping | Sending ICMP echo requests to multiple hosts to check their availability. | |
genl | Interacting with generic netlink sockets. | |
htop | Interactive process viewer (similar to top) | |
ifstat | Monitoring network interface statistics in real-time. | |
iftop | Real-time bandwidth monitoring on network interfaces. | |
iostat | Utility used for monitoring system input/output device loading useful to understand how system resources are being used (disk usage, CPU load and network file system) | |
iperf | Measuring network bandwidth and performance. | |
iptraf-ng | Real-time console-based network monitoring utility. | |
lnstat | Displaying Linux network statistics. | |
lynx | Text-based web browser for browsing the internet. | |
mitmproxy | Proxy to intercept, inspect, modify and replay web traffic such as HTTP/1, HTTP/2, WebSockets, or any other SSL/TLS-protected protocols. | mitm-help |
mpstat | Tool used for monitoring CPU activity. Provides detailed statistic on CPU usage per processor or globally across all processors. | |
mtr | Combines the functionality of ping and traceroute to diagnose network issues. | |
nc | Network communication and debugging (also known as netcat). | |
ngrep | Network packet analyzer that matches regular expressions. | |
nmap | Network discovery and security auditing. | |
nsenter | Run a program in different namespaces. | |
nstat | Displaying network statistics and performance metrics. | |
EasyHTTPSd.yaml | Starts a very simple HTTPS server on the provided port with a simple file browser | |
EasyHTTPd.yaml | Starts a very simple HTTP server on the provided port with a simple file browser | |
EchoHTTPd.yaml | Creates a quick echo server for testing that will output the request received and send as plain text back to the sender. | |
MetricsHTTPd.yaml | Creates a quick echo server for testing, with /metrics, that will output the request received and send as plain text back to the sender. | |
doh.yaml | Tries to retrieve DNS over HTTPs information. | |
emailSend.yaml | Sends an email | |
javaGC.yaml | Shows basic Java GC information | |
jdbc.yaml | Tries to reach a database through a JDBC driver and measure the round-trip. | |
postman2posting.yaml | Tries to convert a Postman JSON into a Posting folder. | |
publicIP.yaml | Provides public IP information from the current internet connection or a provided ip address. | |
socksProxy.yaml | Provides a SOCKS proxy (equivalent to nmaguiar/socksd) | |
sslDates.yaml | Get a HTTPS host SSL certificate dates. | |
testHosts.yaml | Test one or more hosts through ICMP (ping) and/or socket test. | |
tunnel.yaml | Establishes a SSH tunnel to a remote server. | |
uploadHTTPSd.yaml | Starts a very simple HTTPS server on the provided port for file upload | |
uploadHTTPd.yaml | Starts a very simple HTTP server on the provided port for file upload | |
openaf | A 'swiss-army knife' devops tool & runtime. | |
pidstat | Provides detailed statistics about processes and threads. Particularly useful for monitoring system performance and identifying performance bottlenecks. | |
ping | Testing the reachability of a host on a network. | |
routel | Displaying and manipulating the routing table. | |
rtacct | Monitoring and accounting for network traffic. | |
rtmon | Monitoring routing events and changes. | |
rtstat | Displaying routing statistics. | |
sadf | System activity data formatter. Helps convert data collected by sar info formats like CSV, XML, JSON, etc. | |
sar | System activity reporter. Can monitor various system metrics such as CPU usage, memory, disk I/O, network activity and more | |
socat | Multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. | |
strace | Trace system calls and signals. | |
switch-fs-by-pid.sh | Switches to the filesystem of a provided pid. | |
switch-user-by-pid.sh | Switches to the user of a provided pid. | |
tcpdump | Capturing and analyzing network packets. | |
tcptraceroute | Tracing the path packets take to a network host using TCP. | |
telnet | Connecting to remote servers and testing network services. | |
termshark | Terminal-based network packet analyzer. | |
tinyproxy | A light-weight HTTP proxy daemon | |
tracepath | Tracing the path to a network host and measuring the path MTU. | |
posting | A powerful HTTP client that lives in your terminal. Posting is an HTTP client, not unlike Postman and Insomnia | posting-help |
websocat | WebSocket client and server for command-line. | |
whois | Querying information about domain names and IP addresses. |