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A repo to teach web scraping basics, supported by AWS resources and public data.

There's a lot you can do with court data. This repo contains materials for learning web scraping and creating a database.

Project Features:

  • Selenium Web Scraper
  • SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Boto3

How it Runs:

  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS ECR (Elasitc Container Registry) - a fully-managed Docker container registry for storing, managing, and deploying images. ECR hosts images in a highly available and scalable architecture
  • AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) - a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service. Allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. ECS Components look like this:
    • cluster: logical grouping used to isolate your application resources
    • service: runs and maintains desired number of tasks in the ECS cluster. scales in and out on needs basis
    • task definition
  • AWS RDS (Relational Database Service) - Postgres
  • Amazon RDS Proxy
  • AWS IAM roles

Learn to make this

There are a few components to this tool.

  1. The scraper Written in python, uses Selenium to navigate website. I used Chrome extensions [SelectorGadget and XPath Helper to help me find the XPATHs used in this scraper. While the Criminal Court docket website requires some navigation and clicks for our scraper to agree to the Terms of Service before gathering public data, these XPATHs make the scraper rather frail. Should the website change these tags over time, we would need to deploy a new version.

  2. The AWS Lambda function A lambda function spins up a new virtual computer for each request made to it. This is how the scraper runs in such a way that it will not get blocked by the website. In this case, we deploy the Lambda function as a container image hosted on AWS ECR.

  3. AWS Elastic Container Registry By containerizing our Lambda function with Docker, we are able to take advantage of Lambda's most generous default quota for code package size. This is needed because installing a browser to scrape with Selenium require time and space beyond what the other deployment options offer. (.zip Deployment package, code in the console)

  4. AWS Relational Database Service Under Amazon's free tier offering, we can house the entire Criminal Court Case docket. I used Postgres because it has a free-tier offering and I'm familiar with it. I would love to try Aurora.

  5. Github actions With each push to main, a new ECR image is created and the Lambda function is updated.

A consideration in running scrapers is we do not wish to crash the host website. As a result, we choose a friendly rate of about 3 cases per minute. Given there are about 70K cases total, it takes about 16 days to obtain all the data if it runs non-stop. Manual and programmatic data quality checks are performed and a case can be re-scraped to be updated or corrected. Each time a case is re-scraped, all its corresponding records (charges, cost, docket, attorney, bond, defendent) are deleted and re-written so that the database will not contain duplicate records.

Download this data from the Cuyacourts website

According to the Ohio Revised Code 149.43 all court records and dockets are public information. They've been made available by the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts

This scraper and the idea of making court data accessible in bulk is inspired by projects like Harvard Law School's Caselaw Access Project, The Marshall Project's Testify initiative, and many more.

Getting Started

I'm not sure who the audience of this github repo is, but once I find out, I'll update this.

  • Are you trying to deploy a scraper? - If so, where are your pain points?
  • Are you trying to research criminal court cases? - If so, I'd love to hear about your work.
  • Are you curious about what happens with this project? - Feel free to "Watch" this repository. While data analysis and the API will be housed in a different repositories, I'll do my best to keep this README abreast of any updates.

To scrape:

Import packages

import json
import random
import time

from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from db import models
from db.db_config import DBConfig

Make engine

db_config = DBConfig(password=os.getenv("DB_PASSWORD"),
engine = db_config.get_engine()

Get the cases that were already scraped

def get_cases(engine):
    with Session(engine) as db:
        cases = db.query(models.Progress.case_id).all()
    return [x[0] for x in cases]

case_numbers = (
    [str(x) for x in range(655656, 666532)]
    + [str(x) for x in range(647313, 655655)]
    + [str(x) for x in range(635863, 647312)]
    + [str(x) for x in range(624667, 635860)]
    + [str(x) for x in range(612912, 624666)]
    + [str(x) for x in range(602355, 612910)]

cases_to_scrape = sorted(list(set(case_numbers) - set(cases)), reverse=True)

Use boto to send payload to Lambda endpoint

client = boto3.client("lambda")

for case in cases_to_scrape:
    data = json.dumps({"event": str(case)})
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'SignatureHeader': 'XYZ'}
    response = client.invoke(FunctionName="criminal_case_scrape",
                             Payload = json.dumps({"case_number": case}))
    print(f"scraped case {case}")
    time.sleep(random.randrange(15, 25))

(C) 🪰