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gecs ('g' as in 'gecko,' not 'GIF') is an experimental¹, opinionated, generic-abusing entity-component-system framework-thing written in TypeScript.

Examples are available in the gecs-example repository.


npm i gecs

Context & Plugins

The top-level organizational unit is the Plugin. The game's Context consists of one or more Plugins, each of which provides specific functionality. Each Plugin exports a (static, readonly) type property which, like with entities/components, is used as the access key on the context's game property.

import { Context, Entity } from 'gecs';
import StatePlugin from './plugins/state';

const MyContext = Context.with(StatePlugin);
const myContext = new MyContext();

myContext.$.state instanceof StatePlugin; // true

The systems, entities, components and tags provided by a plugin are automatically registered when the Context's start method is invoked.

import { Plugin, type PluginData } from 'gecs';
import { Position, Velocity, Collision } from './components';
import { Collider } from './entities';
import { myPhysicsSystem, MyOtherSystem } from './systems'

// you can decompose functionality across multiple packages with declaration merging
declare global {
  namespace $ {
    interface Plugins {
      [PhysicsSystem.type]: PhysicsSystem;

export default class PhysicsSystem extends Plugin<$.Plugins> {
  public static readonly type = 'physics';

  // entities, components, tags and systems to register on start
  public $: PluginData<$.Plugins> = {
    components: [Position, Velocity, Collision],
    entities: [Collider],
    // arbitrary string tags
    tags: ['one', 'two', 'three'],
    // systems; either stateless function systems or stateful, class-based
    systems: [myPhysicsSystem, MyOtherSystem]

  // you can use the plugin to "host" commonly-used queries
  public readonly queries = {
    movers: this.ctx.query.components(Position, Velocity)

Entities & Components

An Entity is a loose wrapper around an arbitrary collection of Components.

Each component extends the Component class and must define a static type property. This property must resolve to a literal type or TypeScript will be basically useless for any entity/query using this component.

export class Position extends Component {
  public static readonly type = 'position';
  // instance properties...
  public x: number = 0;
  public y: number = 0;
  public z: number = 0;

By passing a series of component classes to the entity's static with() method, you can declaratively define the structure of your entity. The static type property of each component class serves as the key by which the component can be accessed from its containing entity.

import { Component, Entity } from 'gecs';

// this component is accessed via `entity.$.foobly`
export class Foo extends Component {
  public static readonly type = 'foobly';
  public value: string = '1';

// this component is accessed via `entity.$.woobly`
export class Bar extends Component {
  public static readonly type = 'woobly';
  public value: number = 1;

const MyEntity = Entity.with(Foo, Bar);
const entity = MyEntity.create({ foobly: { value: '123' } });

entity.$.foobly instanceof Foo;  // true
entity.$.foobly.value === '123'; // true

entity.$.woobly instanceof Bar;  // true
entity.$.woobly.value === 1;     // true

EntityRefs are a special type of component that allow you to link one entity to another.

import { Entity, EntityRef } from 'gecs';
import { Actor, Item } from './entities';

export class Ownership extends EntityRef<Actor, Item> {
  public static readonly type = 'owner';

const owner = Actor.create();
const item = Item.create();

item.$.owner === null;          // true; refs default to null
item.$.owner = owner;           // refs are assigned like properties
item.$.owner instanceof Actor;  // true

// you can pass an entity as the value of the corresponding key in `Entity.create()`
const item2 = Item.create({ owner });

Per the example above, you can extend the result of the with() call to create a custom entity class, or create new instances using the return value of with() value as-is.

// composition
const MyEntity1 = Entity.with(Position, Sprite);
type InstanceMyEntity1 = InstanceType<typeof MyEntity>;

// inheritance
class MyEntity2 extends Entity.with(Position, Sprite) {}
type InstanceMyEntity2 = MyEntity2;

This is a trade-off; while the first ("composition") is terser and discourages the addition of custom functionality to your entities, typing its instances is slightly more obnoxious.

You may need to hint an entity's type without a concrete instance on hand (e.g. in the case of function parameters)—you can use EntityType to do this.

import { SpritePosition } from '../entities';

export type SpritePositionEntity = EntityType<
  [typeof Position, typeof Sprite], // required
  [typeof Foo] // optional

function usingSpritePosition(entity: SpritePositionEntity): void {
  // a generic Component instance
  entity.$.position.x += 1;
  entity.$.position.y += 1;

  if (entity instanceof SpritePosition) {
    // using an `instanceof` type guard, we can use class-specific functionality

  if (entity.has(Foo)) {
    // `has()` asserts the presence a component and acts as a type guard/narrows the entity type
    // `entity.components.has()` is functionality identical but does _not_ narrow the type

  if ('BAR')) {
    // `is()` ensures the presence of the tag "BAR"

And if you need to type-cast a generic entity type to an instance of a specific class with a compatible component set, you can use instanceof to narrow the type accordingly.

Modifying entities

An entity's components and tags can be added/removed using the .components and .tags properties.

entity.components.add(ComponentA, aData);
entity.components.has(A, B, C);
entity.components.remove(D, E, F);
[...entity.components]; // equivalent to .all()

for (const component of entity.components) {
  // do stuff

A potential footgun here is that the types of entities with removed components will not change during the current system's tick(). Unless you're paying close attention, you may find yourself accessing a non-existent component.

for (const entity of ctx.query.components(A, B)) {
  entity.components.remove(B); // 💣
  entity.$ = '???';      // 💥

entity.tags has an API broadly similar to JS's vanilla Sets. The primary difference is that methods that would ordinarily accept only a single argument can take spread arguments.

entity.tags.add('a', 'b');
entity.tags.has('c', 'd');
entity.tags.remove('e', 'f');

for (const tag of entity.tags) {
  // do stuff


At its core, a system is a function or object that performs one or more closely-related tasks.

gecs supports both stateful object-oriented systems and stateless functional systems.

The primary functionality of a System is executed within its start(), stop() and/or tick() methods. While both methods are technically optional, every system will have at least one. Some run once or twice—map generation, for example—while others might run on every tick and have no initialization code to speak of.

An example implementation of a simple, stateful PIXI.js renderer:

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { System } from 'gecs';

import { Sprite, Position, Player } from './components';

class Renderer extends System {
  protected sprites: Record<string, { path: string; sprite: PIXI.Sprite }> = {};

  protected $ = {
    sprites: this.ctx.query

  public tick(delta: number, time?: number): void {
    for (const entity of this.$.sprites) {
      const item = this.sprites[$];
      if (!item) continue;
      // update sprite and position
      if (item.path !== $.sprite.path) {
        item.sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from($.sprite.path);
      if (entity.has(Position)) {
        item.sprite.position.set($.position.x, position.y);

  // start() and stop() functions can be async
  public async start(): Promise<void> { = new PIXI.Application();
    // create all sprites and add to the stage
    for (const { $ } of this.$.sprites) {
      const sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from($.sprite.path);
      sprite.anchor = $.sprite.anchor;
      this.sprites[$] = sprite;;
    // bind the Context's "tick" method to PIXI's ticker;
    // mount stage to DOM

If you need to take advantage of object persistence or invoke system lifecycle methods, then a stateful system is your best option. If not, stateless systems can help simplify your codebase.

import type { Context } from 'gecs';
import { Position, Velocity } from './components';

export function movement(ctx: Context): void {
  for (const { $ } of ctx.$.physics.queries.movers) {
    $.position.x += $.velocity.dx;
    $.position.y += $.velocity.dy;

System composition

gecs offers a handful of system composition functions that allow you to structure your game's system flow without forcing you to wrap systems in complex branching logic.

The sequence() function accepts an array of systems and returns another system "wrapping" the ones passed in.

  • Systems passed to the sequence() helper are run consecutively. The systems passed to Context.with() are implicitly run in sequence.

The conditional(), phase() and throttle() helpers accept a single parameter, followed by an array of systems/system functions.

  • conditional() takes a function with the game context as its sole parameter, followed by an array of systems/system functions.

  • phase() takes a single value in the exported PHASE enum, followed by systems. There are three primary phases (LOAD, UPDATE, RENDER>), each with their own PRE and POST modifiers. Systems with assigned phases are executed in ascending order. Systems without an assigned phase are executed at the end of UPDATE.

  • throttle() takes a single number parameter, x, followed by systems. A throttled system executes once per x ms.

import { sequence, conditional, phase, throttle } from 'gecs';
import { SimA, SimB } from './sims';
import { setup, teardown } from './misc';

// only execute if the game mode is "SIMULATION"
const ifSimulating = conditional(
  ctx => ctx.$.myGame.mode === GameMode.SIMULATION,
  sequence(setup, SimA, SimB, teardown) // execute all systems in order

const atTheEnd = phase(
  () => console.log('It is the very end of the tick.')

const throttled = throttle(
  () => console.log('I will be logged once every 200ms.')


Queries return collections of entities based on the user's criteria. Query results are typed exactly like ordinary entities, so you'll have (typed) access to each of the components you've requested in your query—but nothing more.

const q = ctx.query
  .all.components(A, B, C)
  .some.components(D, E, F)
  .any.tags('1', '2', '3');


Queries consist of one or more "steps," each corresponding to a different type of query— components, tags or refs.

const q1 = ctx.query.components(A, B);
const q2 = ctx.query.tags('one', 'two', 'three');

// `.references()` returns all entities with an EntityRef pointing to the passed entity instance
const q3 = ctx.query

Steps are executed sequentially. The result of a query is the intersection of each step's results.

  .any.components(A, B)    // (A | B)
  .all.tags('one', 'two'); //  & ('one' & 'two')

Query steps can be modified with .all, .any and .none to perform basic boolean operations. .none has no effect on the query's type signature, but does have an effect on its results. .some expands the query result's type signature with additional optional (i.e., possibly undefined) components, but has no effect on the query's results.

// "all" is implicit if the modifier is omitted
ctx.query.components(A, B);       // A & B
ctx.query.all.components(A, B);   // A & B

ctx.query.any.components(A, B);   // (A | B) | (A & B)
ctx.query.some.components(A, B);  // A? | B?
ctx.query.none.components(A, B);  // !A & !B

Naturally, these can be chained:

  .all.components(A, B) // (A & B)
  .some.components(C);  // & C?
  .none.components(D);  // & !D


You can invoke a query's first() or get() methods to access its result set. Queries are lazily-executed: they won't attempt to fetch any results until an execution method is accessed query. Query instances have a [Symbol.iterator] method that invokes get() in turn; this allows you to execute and iterate over the result set in a single call, either using for-of or a generic iterable.

// query has not yet been executed
const query = ctx.query.components(A, B);

// instance methods - query executed
const all = query.get(); // (A & B)[]
const first = query.first(); // (A & B) | null

// will work with sets, etc.
const set = new Set(query); // Set<A & B>

// also as a generic iterable
for (const { $ } of query) {
  // A & B


After a query has been constructed for the first time, it's cached. Any query built with the same "signature" will return the same query instance—so the additional overhead you're introducing by creating a new query each tick isn't enormous. But by assigning the query to a property on the system or plugin instance, you can access and execute a query without being forced to rebuild it.

Saving & Loading

Being able to export the game state to a serializable format and reloading it later is important. And since that is the case, it's also intended to be pretty straightforward. The output is a bulky POJO — ~2000 entities runs me about 650 KB. There are a number of strategies you can use to reduce the size of this output: entity filtering, custom component serialization and output compression.

Entity filtering

Filter entities by passing an entityFilter option—a predicate passed the entity instance and expecting a boolean-ish return value. This allows you to immediately weed out irrelevant entities before moving forward, which will significantly reduce the size of your result set (and save time).


import { Context, Serializer } from 'gecs';
import { Tag } from './misc';

// create and start the context
const ctx = new Context();
await ctx.start();

// filter out unneeded entities and dump to POJO
const { state, entities, queries } ={
  entityFilter: entity => entity.tags.has(Tag.TO_SERIALIZE)

console.log(state === ctx.state);                                   // true
console.log(entities.some(e => e.tags.includes(Tag.TO_SERIALIZE))); // false


Serialization has one caveat: you must manually register all components types and entity constructors using extends before invoking ctx.load(). Composed entity classes don't need to be registered.

import { Context } from 'gecs';
import { Components, Entities, Tags } from './lib';

// instantiate new context
const ctx = new Context();

// you must register components and entity constructors using inheritance
// (composed entity constructors don't need to be registered)

// fetch and load state
await fetch('./save.json')
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(ecs => ctx.load(ecs));

// and restart
await ctx.start();

Running the benchmarks

First, with a fresh install and having already run build, run npm run bench:master to generate baseline results. Once you've made some changes, run bench:working to generate a "working" benchmark file and bench:compare to check the results against the baseline.

Questions/Statements & Answers/Responses

Q/S: How's the performance?
A/R: Fine-ish?

Q/S: This does not inspire comfort!
A/R: It's comparable to other "rich" ECS implementations (e.g., Ecsy, Miniplex). A comparison using the Ecsy intersecting circles demo with 250 circles:

Library Memory (MB) Tick (ms)
Gecs 8MB (8-12) 2ms (0-2)
Ecsy 12MB (7-13) 4ms (4-5)
Miniplex 9MB (6-12) 4ms (4-5)

It's poor relative to the lower-level ECS libraries (bitecs, wolfecs). It's not a performance-oriented implementation, but it's also not a totally naive one. So long as it remains capable of 60 FPS+, ergonomics are a higher priority than performance. (Besides, I'm sure there's plenty of low-hanging fruit remaining for performance gains.)

Q/S: Real-world performance example?
A/R: Using a crude culling implementation and PIXI for rendering, a 256×256 map from FLARE runs at 5ms/frame with ~40MB memory usage.

Q/S: After reading the code, I am shocked, shocked to find that this is less type-safe than I would have ever thought possible.
A/R: This is correct. Unfortunately, this library and its design are more about ergonomics and ✨ my feelings ✨ than bulletproof type-safety.

Q/S: Does it scale? A/R: It does, actually. You can use a monorepo to manage a project using separate packages for each plugin, then use TS declaration merging to confirm plugin dependencies are being included, &c. It's pretty slick.

¹ I've been using it for several years now, but I also haven't published anything. 🤷🏻‍♂️