Women's E-Commerce Clothing Reviews on Kaggle
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Welcome. This is a Women’s Clothing E-Commerce dataset revolving around the reviews written by customers. Its nine supportive features offer a great environment to parse out the text through its multiple dimensions. Because this is real commercial data, it has been anonymized, and references to the company in the review text and body have been replaced with “retailer”.
This dataset includes 23486 rows and 10 feature variables. Each row corresponds to a customer review, and includes the variables:
- Clothing ID: Integer Categorical variable that refers to the specific piece being reviewed.
- Age: Positive Integer variable of the reviewers age.
- Title: String variable for the title of the review.
- Review Text: String variable for the review body.
- Rating: Positive Ordinal Integer variable for the product score granted by the customer from 1 Worst, to 5 Best.
- Recommended IND: Binary variable stating where the customer recommends the product where 1 is recommended, 0 is not recommended.
- Positive Feedback Count: Positive Integer documenting the number of other customers who found this review positive.
- Division Name: Categorical name of the product high level division.
- Department Name: Categorical name of the product department name.
- Class Name: Categorical name of the product class name.
Anonymous but real source
Nicapotato, an owner of dataset Women's E-Commerce Clothing Reviews that looks forward to coming quality NLP! There are also some great opportunities for feature engineering and multivariate analysis.
Usage Information
- License CC0: Public Domain
- Visibility public
- Dataset owner nicapotato
Expected update frequency (Not specified)
Last updated 2018-02-04
Date created 2018-02-04
Current version Version 1
Problem Framing
- Find Exploratory Data Analysis from the dataset
Ideal Outcome
- A success metric is that sentences could find insight for analysis.
- Success means text data excellent for making analysis.
- Failure means text data used for sentiment predicted is no better than current heuristics.
- Consider the text data already for analysis. Assume that data used to exploratory graph and ext.
Formulation of the problem
Text classification : count words in a sentence
Tokenizes (breaks down words )
I have no read the novel 'i', 'have', 'no', 'read', 'the', 'novel'
Removes punctuation and non-word text
Finds word stems
“chocolates”, “chocolatey”
Rejoins meaningful stem words
Removes stop words
“the, a, …”
Sentiment Analysis is the process of ‘computationally’ determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral.
Exploratory Data Analysis for Natural Language Processing