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NooBaa Operator /

Noobaa Admission Controller

Noobaa admission server utilize k8s admission webhook feature to validate various Noobaa custom resource definitions. using admission-webhook.yaml we define which resources we want to be validated by the admission server and also on which operations. this configuration will specify to the api-server which request to forward to the admission server. the admission server is implemented as a sub-routine inside noobaa-operator pod.


Admission server

Architecture Diagram


noobaa install --admission

Validation Process

Any request that falls under the rules described in the admission-webhook.yaml is being forwarded to the admission server (assuming it is being deployed), then the admission server will validate the resource, if the validation fails, the user will get an error, explaining why the validation failed, without the system knowing there was any request.

For example, let's try to apply this yaml file with an invalid Backingstore spec, notice we're not providing a secret name

kind: BackingStore
    app: noobaa
  name: backingstore-name
  namespace: default
      namespace: default
    targetBucket: target-bucket
  type: aws-s3

when we'll apply the yaml to the cluster, we'll get this error message

kubectl apply -f bs-test.yaml

Error from server: error when creating "bs-test.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: Failed creating the Backingstore, please provide a valid ARN or secret name

Disabling Feature

There is an environment variable inside noobaa-operator that indicates to the server to be enabled or disabled. The environment variable name is ENABLE_NOOBAA_ADMISSION, by setting this env var to false in the operator deployment and restarting the pod the feature will be disabled.

kubectl set env deployment/noobaa-operator ENABLE_NOOBAA_ADMISSION=false


Unit tests

The admission unit tests are written using Ginkgo framework, the test cases are divided based on the resource types, each validation function is tested twice, first on a resource that should fail the validation and then on a resource that should pass the validation.

In order to run the tests

ginkgo -v pkg/admission/test/unit


make test-go

and it will run all the test files of the project.

Integration tests

The admission integration tests are written using Ginkgo framework and should be run only inside an integration environment as part of a Pull Request. to run the integration tests locally, a Noobaa system should be deployed in test namespace with the admission feature turned on.

For example:

noobaa install -n test --mini --admission 

Comment out this part from admission_suite_integ_test.go

func TestAdmission(t *testing.T) {
	// this variable is defined in .github/workflows/run_admission_test.yml
	// indication of running in integration test environment
	// _, ok := os.LookupEnv("OPERATOR_IMAGE")
	// if !ok {
	// 	t.Skip() // Not an integration test, skip
	// }
	RunSpecs(t, "Admission Suite")

and then run

make test-admission


When the tests are done, make sure to delete the resources that didn't get deleted, as well as the test.bucket bucket. pay attention the test flow is very dependent on one another, meaning one test fail can cause a failure in all of the tests.