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Matrix Example Widget (Material UI)

This is an example that shows how you can write a Matrix/Element widget. You can use this package as a starting point for writing new widgets.

The widget demonstrates:


Click here and follow the instructions to see it in action.

Running the examples locally

You should have a local Node.js LTS development environment setup with yarn available. Then execute the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
cd matrix-widget-toolkit && yarn install

After this, you can run the example widget locally with the following commands:

  • yarn dev:example: Start the example app.
  • yarn dev:example:https: Start the example app with a self-signed HTTPS certificate.

The example widget is embedded into the widget host as an iframe. This can cause mixed-content errors if your local widget is served without HTTPS but the Element hosting it is running with HTTPS. You have multiple options to solve them:

  • Run an own copy of element-web locally (e.g. via Docker or by building element-web from source), without HTTPS and start the widget via yarn dev.
  • Run your Chrome instance with --allow-insecure-localhost --disable-site-isolation-trials --disable-web-security to disable mixed-content errors, use any Element, and start the widget via yarn start (with HTTPS).

    Warning Do not use this Chrome instance to browse the web!

  • Use a tunneling service such as localtunnel or ngrok to run the widget with a valid HTTPS certificate, use any Element, and start the widget via yarn dev. This way Chrome behaves closest to how it would behave in production.

Then visit the printed URL and follow the instructions on the page to setup the widget.