An accumulator component is created as a simple example component using the datapath. This component uses the FIFO in the Input Mode and supports DMA.
The accumulation is a word meaning adding input values into a storage. The accumulator indicates a mechanism to calculate a sum of input value.
Following is the symbol of the accumulator component.
The "addend" values to be added are received by the FIFO. When a value is written to the FIFO of the datapath, an addition behavior begins.
The accumulated value is store into the A0 register of the datapath. An accumulated value is gotten from the A0 register after all data are written to the FIFO
The accumulator has two output signal dreq
and busy
The dreq
signal indicates that a new value can be written to the FIFO. (FIFO not full)
The busy
signal indicates that the accumulator has not processed all data written to the *FIFO. (FIFO not empty)
The Accumulator component is described in Verilog. The component consists of a statemachine with three states and a datapath. 累算器は、Verilogで記述されています。
module Accumulator8_v1_0 (
output dreq,
output busy,
input clock,
input reset
//`#start body` -- edit after this line, do not edit this line
// State code declaration
localparam ST_IDLE = 2'b00;
localparam ST_GET = 2'b01;
localparam ST_ADD = 2'b11;
// Datapath function declaration
localparam CS_IDLE = 3'b000;
localparam CS_ADD = 3'b001;
// Wire declaration
wire[1:0] state; // State code
wire f0_empty; // F0 is EMPTY
wire f0_not_full; // F0 is NOT FULL
// Pseudo register
reg[2:0] addr; // Datapath function
reg d0_load; // LOAD FIFO into D0
reg busy_reg; // BUSY output flag
In the first part, there are declarations of localparam
, wire
, and reg
The localparam
labels begins with ST_
indicates the state code of the statemachine.
And the labels begins with CS_
indicates the address given to the configuration RAM of the datapath.
// State machine behavior
reg [1:0] state_reg;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
state_reg <= ST_IDLE;
end else casez(state)
ST_IDLE: begin // Wait for FIFO not empty
if (~f0_empty) begin
state_reg <= ST_GET;
ST_GET: begin // Pull FIFO into D0
state_reg <= ST_ADD;
ST_ADD: begin // Add D0 into A0
if (~f0_empty) begin
state_reg <= ST_GET;
end else begin
state_reg <= ST_IDLE;
default: begin // Unidentified state
state_reg <= ST_IDLE;
assign state = state_reg;
The state code of the statemachine is described as 2-bit codes. Three states are declared and the rest state is undefined. The statemachine bhaves as follows.
- In the
state, wait for a data arrived at FIFO. When a data arrived, make a transition to theST_GET
state. - In the
state, store a data pulled from the FIFO into the D0 register and make a transition to theST_ADD
state. - In the
state, add the values in the A0 and the D0 registers and store the sum into the A0 register. Make a transition to theST_GET
state if the FIFO has data and make a transition to theST_IDLE
state if FIFO has no data.
// Internal control signals
always @(state) begin
casez (state)
ST_IDLE: begin
addr = CS_IDLE;
d0_load = 1'b0;
busy_reg = 1'b0;
ST_GET: begin
addr = CS_IDLE;
d0_load = 1'b1;
busy_reg = 1'b1;
ST_ADD: begin
addr = CS_ADD;
d0_load = 1'b0;
busy_reg = 1'b1;
default: begin
addr = CS_IDLE;
d0_load = 1'b0;
busy_reg = 1'b0;
// Data request output
assign dreq = f0_not_full;
// BUSY status flag
assign busy = busy_reg;
All internal signals are specified by the statemachine's state.
- The
signal is used to specify the Configurarion RAM address of the datapath. - The
signal provides a timing to store the value of FIFO into theD0
register. - The
signal is asserted when the accumulator is calculating the accumulation. This signal is also used as thebusy
output. - The datapath's "FIFO0 not FULL" signal is used as the
cy_psoc3_dp8 #(.cy_dpconfig_a(
`CS_CMP_SEL_CFGA, /*CFGRAM1: ADD: A0 <= A0 + D0*/
8'hFF, 8'h00, /*CFG9: */
8'hFF, 8'hFF, /*CFG11-10: */
`SC_SI_A_DEFSI, /*CFG13-12: */
`SC_CMP0_NOCHN, /*CFG15-14: */
`SC_WRK16CAT_DSBL /*CFG17-16: */
)) dp(
/* input */ .reset(reset),
/* input */ .clk(clock),
/* input [02:00] */ .cs_addr(addr),
/* input */ .route_si(1'b0),
/* input */ .route_ci(1'b0),
/* input */ .f0_load(1'b0),
/* input */ .f1_load(1'b0),
/* input */ .d0_load(d0_load),
/* input */ .d1_load(1'b0),
/* output */ .ce0(),
/* output */ .cl0(),
/* output */ .z0(),
/* output */ .ff0(),
/* output */ .ce1(),
/* output */ .cl1(),
/* output */ .z1(),
/* output */ .ff1(),
/* output */ .ov_msb(),
/* output */ .co_msb(),
/* output */ .cmsb(),
/* output */ .so(),
/* output */ .f0_bus_stat(f0_not_full),
/* output */ .f0_blk_stat(f0_empty),
/* output */ .f1_bus_stat(),
/* output */ .f1_blk_stat()
//`#end` -- edit above this line, do not edit this line
At the last part, the datapath is declared. One datapath block is used in this component.
The component API consists of a header file and a source file.
The API files of an instance ACC
is shown is this document.
#if !defined(ACCUMULATOR8_ACC_H)
#include "cyfitter.h"
#include "cytypes.h"
// Function Prototypes
void ACC_WriteValue(uint8 value);
uint8 ACC_ReadAccumulator(void);
void ACC_ClearAccumulator(void);
// Registers
#define ACC_INPUT_REG (* (reg8 *) ACC_dp_u0__F0_REG)
#define ACC_INPUT_PTR ( (reg8 *) ACC_dp_u0__F0_REG)
#define ACC_ACCUMULATOR_REG (* (reg8 *) ACC_dp_u0__A0_REG)
#define ACC_ACCUMULATOR_PTR ( (reg8 *) ACC_dp_u0__A0_REG)
In the header file, there are three API function declarations and the MACRO declaration to the register address. The detail of the API funtions are described later.
indicates the address of the FIFO to be used as WRITE operationACC_ACCUMULATOR_PTR
indicates the address of the A0 register.
#include "ACC.h"
void ACC_WriteValue(uint8 value) {
ACC_INPUT_REG = value;
uint8 ACC_ReadAccumulator(void) {
void ACC_ClearAccumulator(void) {
Three API functions are defined in the API source file.
function writes a value to the FIFO.ACC_ReadAccumulator()
function reads an accumulated value from the A0 register.ACC_ClearAccumulator()
function clears the A0 register to ZERO.
The "DMA Wizard" program refers this file to create a code snipet for the DMA control program.
<Category name=""
<Location name="`$INSTANCE_NAME`_INPUT_PTR" enabled="true" direction="destination"/>
The register address declared in the API header file is used here.
In the test schematic, a slow 4Hz clock is provided to the accumulator component to be able to observe its behavior with human eyes. An LED is connected to the Pin_Busy output terminal to be observed.
In the software, writes using DMA and writes using a software are attempted.
- When DMA is used to write, trigger the DMA with a software and wait for an interrupt caused by the falling edge of the
signal. Then, read the value of accumulator and show the value using the UART.
// Clear the accumulator
// Trigger DMA
CyDmaChEnable(DMA_Chan, 1);
// Wait for calculation completed.
while (!int_Ready_Flag) ;
int_Ready_Flag = 0;
// Get the calculation result
result = ACC_ReadAccumulator();
// Show the calculation result
sprintf(sbuf, "ACC=%ld\r\n", result);
- When a software is used to write, confirmes the
signal is asserted via the Status Register and write one byte to the component. Then, wait for an interrupt, read the value of accumulator, and show the value using the UART.
// Clear the accumulator
// Add ten values into accumulator
for (i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++) {
while (!(SR1_Read() & SR1_REQ)) ;
// Wait for calculation completed.
while (!int_Ready_Flag) ;
int_Ready_Flag = 0;
// Get the calculation result
result = ACC_ReadAccumulator();
// Show the calculation result
sprintf(sbuf, "ACC=%ld\r\n", result);